Learning Styles and Leadership in a Bachelor’s Self-Reflection


A certain group of people demonstrates similar but uniquely distinct learning styles. This report characterizes the learning styles of the writer who is a Bachelors Degree student under the subject of Business communication. The report explores learning style for purposes used of evaluating the effectiveness of its lack in case of which there exists the possibility of implementing some changes to the existing approach in order to make some improvements. There are practical difficulties in attempting to exactly fit in any of the styles, owing to overlapping and convergence of some attributes.

However, I tend to show attributes that refer more to rather being a Reflector than a representative of other styles. I am more predisposed to and often have an inclination of detaching myself from some situations and socializing within my inner space. It is important to note that by detachment, I do not mean withdrawal from the situation, but merely reverting to my inner wisdom to help me find a solution to some challenges. The report is based on research conducted about my interactions and the nature of relationships between me and other people. This shows if my style represents an ideal scenario, and I have been able to put into practice what I have learned through the module and lectures for reasons of improving the quality of my life and of those around me (Belbin, 1993).


The research was conducted using the Belbin questionnaire technique and Honey and Mumford learning styles questionnaire. Based on these tools, I was able to collect the relevant data, compare, refine, and use the information to come up with this Self Reflection Report. It is important to note that I also used the information from modules and lectures; pertinent to the research exercise, in identifying my frame of mind, hence reflecting more accurate deduction (Belbin, 2004).


Observations made actually project me as the one who acts only after observing, listening, and gaining some information. This conforms to Reflector personality which means that a person takes time to have a look at the situation in order to evaluate it, before making a decision. Generally, I am more thoughtful of every situation and have a tendency of procrastination in making decisions as well as I am very analytical when it comes to case study situations.

I am used to having a laid-back manner, giving others time and space to act. I am anchored to what is real, secure in myself, and open-hearted; often waiting for the fruits of my actions to ripen in their own time. I usually get information about people by carefully listening to them and retain knowledge in order to make future decisions based on it. In a group or a team, I am open-minded and take my time and talent to create positive outcomes only after other participants have had their chance.

On the other hand, at times, I am practical, that is to say, I have never been hijacked by impossible goals as I am always willing to find solutions through the process is painstakingly and slowly done, owing to my nature of not rushing into any undertaking. Although based on the observations, I have a strong bias towards being a Reflector, I exhibit some characteristics of pragmatism as sometimes I want to establish the connection between theory and practice.

The research analysis has also revealed my ability to create dreams and ideas, giving life to projects and tasks. Due to modules, groups, and lectures, I have been able to use the transactional analysis technique for the purposes of participating in discussions as well as debates with people of different ages, beliefs, and creed, giving well-grounded arguments to support my opinion. I take into consideration the fact that, in order to effectively communicate, one should be able to categorize people as adults, parents, and children to avoid chances of misunderstanding and conflicts (Belbin, 2004).

A classical case occurred in the process of sharing with some potential investors certain tips on how to invest in futures programs and options. At times, I consider myself impatient in a group, especially when group members seem unable to grasp an idea that I consider easy to understand, or maybe when a participant takes a lot of time asking simple questions. I also find it hard to exercise tolerance when things do not go my way, which proves that I have not reached the maturity level at which I would take things easier than I do now.

Comparison of the results

Results from both the Belbin and the Honey and Mumford learning styles questionnaires reflect more or less the same results in my case, except for a few variations which I attribute to inherent personal bias. There is also the possibility of variation to occur as a result of design, time, and space that govern the situation to be experimental. As far as my personal attributes influence my attitude, and consequently my frame of mind, other concerns automatically reflect traits to near perfection.

Strengths and Weaknesses

As reflected by the research experiment, I have discovered to be carefree, yet mindful, joyful, calm; strong, and supple. There is also evidence that I am able to care for other people. I strongly rely on my in-built solution to any challenge, as opposed to looking for solutions from outside. My weakness lies in being unable to arrive at a quick solution when facing a critical situation.

I am inclined towards spending time with friends and listening to their talks about daily encounters. I am active when surrounded by my friends, and always want to avoid sheer, through inertia because ineffectiveness is not within my vocabulary. It is always easier for me to make new friends even in foreign environments. I am a pretty “high achiever” and always like keeping alert when it comes to financial and entrepreneurial matters. This contributes to the generation of creative ideas as well as a robust mentality. Challenging situations encourage and motivate me to move on showing that I am capable of driving others towards achieving higher goals. However, in some cases, I am inclined to feel disconnected from the others, owing to personal issues, such as lack of self-esteem (Belbin, 2004).

My degree course is business communication which involves contacts with clients both physically and at times through media technology. There is a lot of interaction with other people, which ultimately leads to the acquisition and sharing of new ideas as well as coming up with a discussion on issues based on responses to critical conditions. I like taking risks, which is a prime part of my personality, but at the same time, I understand that people are incapable of choosing whether to venture into riskier lifestyles or not. Before making any major decision, I usually consider comparisons on all points raised in the past and at present. There is fear within me concerning unknown outcomes, possible failure, and financial uncertainty based on economic trends (Belbin, 2004).

My leadership capability, especially in leading teamwork and intellectual property, makes it possible for me to adapt to any foreign environment. My patient personality is not driven by quick-fix solutions. However, there is a need for extensive training based on skills required in the marketplace for entrepreneurship. My passion for personal commitments and endeavors in life is high, enabling the utilization of great opportunities within the marketplace. I am always inclined towards enjoying competition since it gives chances for improvement from previous accomplishments. Very creative and innovative personalities form a greater percentage of my team.


The self-esteem portrays some level of maturity and responsiveness, which allows individuals to move out of stagnation, while at the same time attracting resourceful personalities. Such highly motivated individuals are considered models of effective leadership by many people. Leadership requires some high level of maturity at which an individual is capable of making tough decisions in case of crises. The capability of seeing oneself worthy of achieving great outcomes leads to making one easily served with much optimism. These are traits found mostly in extroverts who are always ready to engage in risky situations for the purposes of obtaining results (Osborne, 2010, pp. 353-383).

Experience of teamwork within a work environment can be analyzed from individual contributions to developing ideas and the nature of work done. Working within teamwork explains management tactics based on the consensus of belief and effective communication network taking into account individual skills (Osborne, 2010, pp 353-383). At the same time, the spirit of collaboration existing among individuals determines its effectiveness based on structure.

My excellent marketing technique as well as communication skills can be utilized in facilitating management issues. Working with small teams often proves easier since there is a proper interaction between team members, and at the same time, the discovery of individual talent is easily made. Team cooperation requires the establishment of organized structures capable of reducing opposition against major changes while focusing on commitments (Kirkman et al, 2000).

Individuals within organizations can work well based on the nature of communication utilized in presenting the company’s vision and objective statements. This is since a shared responsibility enhances the harmonization of individual skills. For the purposes of achieving productivity within teams, motivation is an essential component of leadership. Cohesiveness presents one of the most challenging aspects of teamwork (Hayes, 1997).

Basically, extroverts and introverts have different modes of operation. Introverts are less likely to risk-takers than extraverts due to the fear of the unknown. At the same time, they avoid becoming too exposed. Introverts are easily offended and discouraged by a crude attitude, which makes them incapable of developing their professional skills and making careers. They portray less strength when it comes to team leadership since the trait of being subordinate dominates other quality traits, hence making a person unable to lead people and motivate others to attain success. There are no chances for such individuals to reach the heights since their focus is limited to individual needs.


The experiment has acted as an insight into me since I have had the chance of discovering my personality. Through this exercise, I have gained focus concerning roles that define my purpose in life and virtues, which basically form my value system, which is a wellspring, providing principles upon which my choices and decisions are founded and established.

Reference List

Belbin, R, M 1993, Team Roles at Work, Butterworth, Heinemann publishers.

Belbin, R, M 2004, Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, 2nd ed, Butterworth, Heinemann publishers.

Hayes, N 1997, Successful Team Management, London, International Thomson Business Press.

Kirkman, B, Jones, R & Shapiro, D 2000, ‘Why do employees resist teams? Examining the “Resistance barrier” to work team effectiveness,’ The International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 11, No.1, pp.74–92.

Osborne, S, R 2010, ‘Strategic Leadership by Executives,’ Leadership theory Journal, Vol.1, pp. 353-381.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Learning Styles and Leadership in a Bachelor’s Self-Reflection." April 1, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/learning-styles-and-leadership-in-self-reflection/.


StudyCorgi. "Learning Styles and Leadership in a Bachelor’s Self-Reflection." April 1, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/learning-styles-and-leadership-in-self-reflection/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Learning Styles and Leadership in a Bachelor’s Self-Reflection." April 1, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/learning-styles-and-leadership-in-self-reflection/.

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