Local Government Jurisdiction of Conway City


Conway city, originally referred to as Kingston, is one of the oldest towns in South Carolina. The town developed as part and parcel of Royal Governor’s Township scheme, after having been founded by Mckevlin. A river bluff in the middle of the present Horry County formed the basis of Conway city (Conway city council). Most residents of the city participated in the war during the American Revolution and also in those which were encountered at Black Lake and bear bluff near Kingston. Immediately after the fight, Patriotic citizens sought to abandon the name which honored King George the Second, the then King of Great Britain. The name of the county was altered to Horry in respect to Peter Horry the Army General in 1801 and these events were followed by the establishment of a courthouse in Kingston.’ Kingston’ was given a new name ‘Conwayborough’ in respect to General Robert Conway and later changed to Conway in 1883 by the General Assembly (Commonwealth of Massachusetts).

Main body

The current structure of government of Conway city follows a mayor-council system of government. In this form of governance, all matters pertaining to policy as well as all powers invested in the city are issues of the council and every member of the council wields only one vote. The council is run by mayor with other six members of the council who are elected by the public.They are allowed to serve in a staggered term of four years (Lefler). The current council members comprise of Vivian E. Chestnut, Irby L. Koon, Thomas J. Anderson the second ‘Tom’, Larry A White, Jean M. Timbes who is the Mayor Pro Termpore and Alys C. Lawson who is the Mayor. Alys has served in the city of Conway as a member of the council since 1999. She served in 2002 as a Mayor Pro Tem as well as between 14th January, 2008 and 13th September 2008.Mrs.Lawson took up her current post as a Mayor on 14th September after the death of Gregory K. Martin who was the then mayor (Lefler). A special election was conducted in which she was elected to complete an unexpired term of Martin and was sworn in on 22nd December 2008. Later, she was elected to serve a three-year term for the MASC (Municipal association of south Carolina).Alys has worked as a chairman for the city election committee and she has also been a member of the Collins park committee (Cityofconway.com).

The city of Conway holds its Council meetings on regular basis. The meetings are always scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Mondays in every month at five thirty in the evening in chambers of the city council. All the special and regular meetings are open to every one including the public. A typical meeting of the council consists of greater number of council members who constitutes a quorum for the proceeding of any council business. The Mayor usually presides over the meetings of the council, in his or her absence, the Mayor pro Temp takes over, in the event that the two are absent the council members present are called upon to elect a council member who chairs the meeting (Lefler).

Conway city operates on an annual budget which is recommended by the budget committee, for instance, the recommendation for the operating budget appropriations stands at US $ 8,923,038 while the articles for special warrant was allocated US $ 2,015,503 for the year 2010. The total recommended appropriations yielded US $ 10,938,541 (Conway City Warrant State of New Hampshire). The principal source of revenue is the distribution from local aid. For the financial year 2010 local aid supplement, Conway city received has an allocation of the Chapter 70 aid which amounted to US $ 638, 732, the city also qualified for unrestricted general government aid which is US $ 146, 455, and it is a beneficiary of revenues resulting from the tax increase hence given an allocation of US $ 21,167 while benefiting from the revenues tax increase on room which is 4,106 as per the budgetary allocation of the fiscal year 2010 (Conway City Warrant State of New Hampshire).

Political jurisdiction in Conway has been affected by various issues for instance the political scandals associated with politics. Many a time political issues are stone walling; they often tend to blur the main issues affecting the political jurisdiction. These issues sometimes have resulted to official criminal charges similar to perjury or impediment to justice. In most cases the deceptions involved in the struggle to shadow the scandals have resulted to major issues which are more dangerous to people’s political career. Campaign attacks have also had a great effect on the political jurisdiction (Commonwealth of Massachusetts).


This has encouraged blackmailing the efforts of those in jurisdiction thus hindering them from executing their duties effectively. Issues of finance have also been very critical in political jurisdiction of the Conway city. For instance requests for supplement funding have been made to be used in transport sector, as noted in the minutes of the 8th of February 2010.It can be seen from the minutes that most of the issues revolve around finances for example in bidding for the youth softball, base ball, as well as soccer supplies and equipments, grant awards, and also proposal for gate installation at entrance of Rose hill cemetery as noted in the minutes of the 8th of February 2010.

Works Cited

Cityofconway.com. Conway city minutes. Web.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Local Aid Distribution-section 3. 2010. Web.

Conway City Warrant State of New Hampshire. Budget summary, 2010. Web.

Lefler, Vicky. Conway city council, meetings of council. 2010. Web.

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