The Role of Managers in Enhancing Organizational Activities

Case study summary

In the article, it is highly illustrated that managers, in an organization should have a responsibility towards their stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who contributes positively towards the running operations of an organization. He or she should affect the development activities in an organization. The activities towards the development are because of intermingling between the shareholders hence making them rely on each other. A stakeholder is also a collection of people who are important within the prosperity of an organization. Each stakeholder should have the mandate to raise issues to be considered for the betterment of an organization. The objective should depend on the cooperation between the stakeholders. This brings about a misunderstanding between the stakeholders because each may have a different thought. Eventually, they should collaborate and maintain cooperation. Being a part of a stakeholder is vital in that it helps in the sharing of ideas from a different perspective. For the development function, there should be an understanding between the stakeholders who may belong to different stakeholders’ groups.

The study of the stakeholders is mainly under two locations. The first one is how the stakeholders unite and the challenges encountered within the development function. Some of these challenges may be supportive while others may bring about hindrances. The challenges come because of different opinions from the stakeholders. The second one is the result of all the challenges encountered by the stakeholders, this helps to maintain balance within the stakeholder’s forces. Performing to come up with strategies brings in a state of stability in human resource development. The combination of the two studies comes up with a vital conclusion.

From the case study, there are two models concerning how experts in human resource development cooperate, these are;” A single sovereign model of HRD management” and “a steerer model of HRD management”. In a single sovereign model, a single specialist carries out the authority for management, where each one has an interest and focuses on reacting to a problem when they encounter it. Their relationship with other organization is very small compared with the steerer model, which point towards the distribution of authority among individuals and parties.

The objective of the article

The article gives different definitions of stakeholders and their responsibilities within an organization. It also illustrates the two premises under which the stakeholder analysis is based on. The combination of the two premises brings a vital conclusion over management in the end. The article also gives the models of human resource development, the names of the models, and their comparison with a highlight over the powers and goals the stakeholder groups set.

Methodology used

In the article, the writer has used analysis of existing models; he has also used some expansion of recommendations of research carried out such as “Cyert and March’s analysis and the freeman analysis which defines stakeholder.

Findings from the case study

The shortcoming within HRD hinders the set goals in a business. A specialist is likely to have the role of advising the stakeholders and act as an agent towards change hence encountering slight difficulties with ownership. Most of the decisions made by the specialists may lack the basis on the steerer model although known to be the best model. Choosing their learning skills occurs in private without the knowledge of the stakeholders, which arises from mistakes and conflicts at the end.

Preferred statement in the case

“Function in an organization is a compromise between the different stakeholders”

The stakeholders in an organization should cooperate on the set goals. This helps to minimize the conflict hence adapting to change.

Undesired statement in the case

“Managers at the operating level are primarily responsible for plan implementation.” Stakeholders have a role to play in the change process within an organization. At the operating level, only managers are responsible for making plans and their operations are limited within a short duration. The activities at an operating level cater to an enormous range of people.

The opinions

Stakeholders should be involved in an organization for it to prosper this is because they contribute positively towards the running operation of an organization. They should also interact because this would help in the change of ideas hence meeting a set target. The managers should share their ideas because this would keep away conflict within an organization.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 5). The Role of Managers in Enhancing Organizational Activities.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'The Role of Managers in Enhancing Organizational Activities'. 5 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "The Role of Managers in Enhancing Organizational Activities." March 5, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "The Role of Managers in Enhancing Organizational Activities." March 5, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "The Role of Managers in Enhancing Organizational Activities." March 5, 2021.

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