MBA Importance for Further Career


The world today is calling for professionals who have moved from the bachelor’s circle. The job market has advanced over the years and the world economy has become global where what is happening in one part of the world is felt in other parts. As a result, this calls for professionals with a global mindset, and who are capable of keeping pace with the changing world to be able to cope with the changing work environment. In their career life, an individual might want to change his career, start a new career or achieve a personal goal. Promotion in the job market is not only based on experience but also the level of education. Many people have the misconception that advancing one’s education is a waste of time especially when one is working. The employment sector is not looking for any advanced degree but the universally recognized advanced degree that will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge, making them updated with the changing work requirement.

Importance of an MBA

MBA offers a good package of updated knowledge and skills necessary and valid for a particular job. It offers a wide range of options and therefore any professional can relevantly pursue it. It also gives one a greater opportunity to work in a country or a geographical region of their choice. This is because MBA is an internationally recognized course.

Statistics have it that professionals who have completed an MBA earn a higher salary than those with a bachelor’s degree. This is ascribed to the skills they are endowed with after pursuing MBA that makes them perform well in their jobs. MBA holders are also considered first when the promotion is done in an organization because they have skills in specific fields such as finance, marketing, and strategic management skills which are necessary for a managerial position (Naficy, 1997, p. 36).

For an individual who desires to change his/her career, MBA gives him a competitive edge over others and he is likely to be considered by other companies because his skills are needed in those companies. An MBA holder in a managerial position can work in different organizations because the skills are generally acceptable.

MBA also helps somebody to develop strong insight in business management. One can therefore be more successful in doing his own business while with MBA than otherwise. It provides somebody with managerial skills, analytical and problem approach, and solving skills which are vital in running any business. MBA holders also graduate with excellent leadership skills, marketing principles, an understanding of financial matters, and an understanding of the process of conducting international business (Schweitzer, 2006, P. 15). They can therefore conduct individual businesses in any country because they know. In the MBA program, individuals have chances to in teams and in so doing they make use of team synergy to boost their innovation and creativity through exchanging ideas.

Since MBA involves training in all areas of corporate management, it can be a booster to further one’s career and gives technical knowledge of current business trends and practices. This enables one to make informed business decisions and make investments more insightfully. With a good knowledge of the current business trends, the MBA holders have a distinctively different approach to issues and have a strategy in their thought process.

MBA also gives students a chance to network with many people from different regions and nationalities (Rajesh, 2007, p. 141). This is through the internship programs and the international nature of the course. Since the course is internationally recognized, students meet with people of different nationalities and it becomes easier to interact with them because they have something in common.

It also raises one’s status. An MBA from a recognized institution looks great on one’s resume and can sell a person in the job market. It can also be a ticket to get you to some organization. In the management consulting world, there are many organizations whose doors are open only to MBA graduates. If one is dreaming to join these organizations, one must pursue an MBA.

MBA can also help tune your purpose in the sense that if you are bereft of the idea of what to do in life, mingling with a set of highly focused people and they share their vision with you, it may help you upgrade your vision and purpose in life (Rajesh, 2007, p. 142). Pursuing the course will help you meet with these people who will help you define your purpose and vision.

Pursuing an MBA will also help you encounter thought leaders, corporate executives, and visionaries who give a motivational speeches. If you connect with these people and establish a relationship with them, you will have an unfair competitive advantage over others in life.

You can also use MBA for course correction in case you pursued the wrong course and would like to change your line of career. A big percentage of people pursued the wrong courses and they feel misplaced. MBA offers a wide range of options or lines of specialization and therefore one can pursue the course that he desires.

With MBA, one has greater chances of advancement. Even if one starts in a lower position, he will have very high chances of advancement. When promotion time comes, one will have a competitive edge over others with lower qualifications (Rajesh).

Access to higher education has also become easier there are very many institutions that are offering bachelor’s, masters, and PhDs for the busy working professional including the online versions. The latter offers a host of advantages that the traditional programs do not offer. It is, therefore, easier to pursue an MBA because many institutions are offering even online.


MBA is therefore a course that one can confidently pursue without fear of regretting because it is by all means rewarding. It has a lot of advantages; beyond good jobs and good salaries.


Naficy, M. (1997). The Insider’s Guide to Winning Jobs in Management Consulting, Investment Banking, & Securities Trading. London: Broadway.

Rajesh, S. (2007). 10 reasons to pursue an MBA. London. Blackwell publishing.

Schweitzer, K. (2006). The vault MBA career bible. Michigan: Nijhoff Publishers.

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