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Modern Communication Infrastructure as a Means of Cultural Diffusion


Technology has revolutionized most aspects of life, including societal norms, beliefs, and values. Its impact on people has been felt in various areas of social, economic, and political fields, including human engagement, institutional development, governance, human relations, business, and sports, just to mention a few (Hardey 101). The continued widespread adoption of technology and its antecedents in the above-mentioned fields has led to a global evolution of social systems where Information Communication Technology (ICT) is starting to define the extent and possible consequences of human societal evolution.

It is only recently that significant gains have been made in promoting human civilization through the industrial revolution. Traditionally, communication was largely limited by the availability of known contacts and the geographical possibility of meeting in person (Hoffman et al. 2). This situation made it difficult to process information fast, or even to exchange ideas in a timely fashion because it would take days, or weeks, for messengers to complete one information cycle where a sender makes contact with another person and receives feedback (Corey 1). For most parts of the 1990s, advancements in communication hastened the pace of human interaction by making it possible for people to communicate with one another services using letters and later by Short Message Services (SMS) (Lyon 1). The advent of digital communication transformed how people communicate further and made some of the services offered through mail and telephone services obsolete. Since then, there has been a rapid rate of technological development as more communication platforms emerge, each with its merits and demerits.

The current information age is proving to have the same potential of creating significant change in civilization more than any other historical change agent. This potential is evident for everyone to see because almost all facets of life today are served by tech-based solutions (Yang and Lin 332). Increased rates of internet connectivity, spurred by heightened levels of investment in digital infrastructure, have further escalated the pace of information exchange around the world with more people gaining access to high-speed broadband internet connectivity due to these gains (Yang and Lin 332). This pace of technological advancement has been complemented by the heightened use of smartphones among adults, which has made it possible for newer forms of communication, such as social media networking sites, Zoom, and Skype to become widely used in modern society.

The concept of cultural diffusion has emerged from changes to communication systems highlighted above that have increased the pace of human interaction in societies. It involves activities relating to the expansion and later re-integration of different cultural elements using modern communication equipment (Salehan et al. 725). Such interactions allow people who have different lifestyle preferences, characterized by differences in food, clothing, and language, to interact freely with one another for the benefit of all parties. This research paper demonstrates that modern communication infrastructure has not changed the course of cultural exchange patterns but rather hastened the flow of integration.

Minimizing Cultural Fear

Modern communication techniques have helped to foster cultural diffusion by minimizing barriers that have traditionally impeded the process. For example, part of the reason for the slow rate of cultural diffusion in some parts of the world is the need to preserve local cultures based on the fear that the acceptance of a new one would erode the essence of the original social order. This thinking has made some people fearful of others, thereby limiting their interactions. Modern technological equipment has minimized this cultural fear by making it easier for people from different predispositions to gain insight into each other’s culture without necessarily having to interact physically. This freedom has made people more daring and adventurous to try out new things and meet new people, at least virtually, because the traditional risks of geography, distance, and low levels of awareness are diminished. The influence of modern communications on the dating scene best exemplifies this fact.

Investigations into the influence of technology on modern relationships have taken a nuanced focus to understand the peculiarities of advanced telecommunication methods on the human psyche. For example, a journal article by Recio investigated the impact of technology on society by focusing on the UK dating scene (44). The investigation was designed to find out how technology had blurred the lines of sexual consent, thereby effectively deconstructing the “Sugar Daddy” discourse that is widely popular in UK culture where older men often court young women for sexual favors and affection. The researcher gathered information from four female participants who had previously used different dating apps to solicit male companions. In the investigation, it was established that technology helped to perpetuate hegemonic notions of heterosexuality that blurred the lines of sexual consent among participants. The writer defined this phenomenon as “technology of coercion” and said it works by undermining the participants’ right to say “no” to sexual contact (Recio 44). This research study shows that modern communication has broken down the cultural barriers to dating, thereby facilitating the interaction of opposite sexes.

Sticking to the theme of male and female companionship, as an example of the impact of technology on human communications, Fiolet et al. investigated the impact of technology use on marriages from a domestic abuse perspective (1). The author relied on expert views collected using interviews to understand how modern communications helped abusers perpetrate their vice. In sum, 15 views were collected from professionals who argued that technology amplified the level of fear between victims and their perpetrators (Fiolet et al. 1). Additionally, they said that technology use was a powerful tool for abusers to use in perpetrating domestic violence on their victims (Fiolet et al. 1). In this regard, it was established that technology use played a pivotal role in enabling domestic violence abuse cases to thrive. Based on this outcome, the authors highlighted the need to understand the impact that technology-aided abuse would have on victims. These insights show that there are limitations and boundaries for technology use in societies to optimize its strengths and limit its weaknesses.

Garrett explored the relationship between human identity and technology by suggesting that the latter creates multiple identities for users, thereby according them the freedom to serve different functions, or roles, in society (1). He said it defines the impact of technology on people by referring to the phenomenon as “digiphrenia” and describing it as a traumatic event where technology creates multiple identities for users – a process that amounts to “splitting them from themselves” (Garrett 1). Therefore, the concept of “digiphrenia” is associated with the idea of division from “self,” where users are available in multiple places but can be found nowhere (Garrett 1). Therefore, in this schizoid world, people have to be aware of the influences of technology on their images as well as their functions or roles in society, or the workplace. This shows that modern communication can redefine people’s roles in society and the social identities they hold within these structures. In this regard, it is possible to understand how technology influences social roles and identities, which form part of the framework of sociocultural systems underpinning cultural diffusion.

Social Media as the Agent of Change

The role of media as an antecedent to the development of social and cultural order in societies helps to understand the design of the social infrastructure that modern communication uses to create change in societies. This approach of analysis makes it possible to understand how certain narratives, norms, behaviors, and practices have existed in certain communities for a long time and why it is difficult to change the same in present society. Hoof and Boell conducted a study with a similar focus by evaluating the performance of media outlets over 10 years (636). They analyzed the topic by understanding how media interacts with economies, markets, and corporates and found that they play an important role in influencing power structures and cultures in societies (Hoof and Boell 636). The media’s role in this process is mediating technology engagements as a sociocultural phenomenon.

The growth and acceptance of social media as an agent of communication for businesses and social groups has made it the new catalyst of human relations. Its global nature has expanded its outreach and made it possible for people from different parts of the world to talk to one another in real-time (Aldahdouh et al. 1). The ubiquitous role of social media in supporting modern life has created highly distributed but interactive communication systems that link the functions of different social players (Hickman and Hickman 2001). This trend means that tech-based systems are firmly entrenching themselves in human life.

The insights highlighted above demonstrate that technology has influenced society by creating a new order and organizing ideas, which support modern life, as we know it. This impact has been captured in scholarly research articles, such as those authored by Garrett (235) and Sjøvold et al. (1). However, little attention has been paid to understanding the grounds for the inclusion of technology in modern life, despite its role in underpinning much of the evolution that has occurred in this field of assessment. This statement means that the foundation for understanding the influence of technology on social phenomena and organizations has been poorly understood. Relative to this assertion, Garrett investigated the impact of technology on learning in the higher education sector (235). The study occurred in two phases whereby the first one involved 502 staff members taking part in an investigation that assessed their social media usage patterns, cloud computing service demands, and advancement in technological equipment. The second phase of the investigation involved 102 respondents who took part in an assessment to evaluate their level of innovativeness using specific technological tools (Garrett 235). In the end, the researchers found that technology had a positive impact on innovativeness. The findings of this article show that social media is the agent of change in modern communication, thereby paving the way for increased cultural engagement.

To understand the role of social media in fostering human interaction, McDiarmid and Zhao investigated the impact of technology on society by focusing on social media as the main tool of analysis (1). They were trying to understand how social media helped to prepare students for the future to improve future outcomes. The investigation was done from an educational perspective and was inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused social instability and school closures at its height, It was established that most educational institutions continue to lag behind others because they perennially rely on legacy systems to educate students (McDiarmid and Zhao 1). However, technology demands a more flexible and personalized approach to promote learning development. This is why it allows for flexibility in education that can be capitalized to meet individual learning needs.

The impact of modern communication techniques on societies is commonly evaluated based on their impact on community values and norms. Relative to this assertion, a study by Ünlüsoy et al. sought to investigate ways of rethinking existing sociocultural values using networked platforms to conform to the demands of the digital age in the education sector (78). The researchers presented networked platforms as an appendage of technological advancements that have occurred in the last century and that have linked different computer systems around the world and found that digital networks will only thrive if four conditions are satisfied – visibility, flexibility, scalability, and persistence (Ünlüsoy et al. 78). These four concepts were identified to impact learning opportunities using various technological platforms, such as social media.

The outcomes emerging from the process were observed from the deployment of various social media marketing tools that allowed businesses to reach different groups of customers and track their performance in the process. The insights drawn from this review explain how people perceive themselves in the technology age. The findings of the article highlight the need for providing updates during sociocultural theoretical sessions in learning. This approach to analyzing learning nuances helps in improving theorized educational outcomes and understanding their place in the cultural development and societal growth of a society.

Based on the findings highlighted above, a one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate to address all present needs of a society or community and modern communication provides alternatives. In this analysis, the internet emerges as an important resource for the learners to use because it offers opportunities for growth through shared and virtual learning programs. These insights could force stakeholders to rethink the role of teachers, students, and learning institutions as agents of cultural change. This role can be used to better understand their involvement in developing the social and cultural identity of a community.

Minimizing Social Imbalances

Modern communications facilitate cultural integration by minimizing social imbalances that have impeded cohesion. The social value of modern communication in fostering this type of integration stems from pieces of evidence collected from business studies, which support this position. For example, Hornborg assessed the impact of technology on society by examining the replacement role of machines in the global economic system (206). Additionally, the researcher found that, although the global economic system has largely been viewed as an uneven system, it has not discredited the neutrality of technology, which makes it appealing to many people. Overall, the author opined that technological adoption should be viewed as more than a process aimed at enhancing natural systems but a tool for activating other areas of the global society that were hitherto undisturbed as well (Hornborg 206). In this regard, modern communication could be viewed as a social organizational tool. Indeed, it can be used to reorganize existing systems and norms to impact society and culture.

The role of modern communication in minimizing imbalances in society has fostered integration by making it easier for more people to interact with one another, devoid of social barriers. Some researchers have advanced the same argument from a humanitarian point of view. For example, Nolan explored the impact of technology on human societies from a techno-humanitarian perspective by focusing on the concept of “the global village,” which was coined in the 1960s (1). The author suggests that some societies are firmly represented by the concept of a “global village” more than others are, thereby allowing them to stake a bigger claim to the global pie of social and business relationships. The existence of semiotic power imbalances that trace their roots to the colonial and neocolonial histories of societal governance systems are responsible for this outcome (Nolan 1). In this regard, the existing arch-paradigms of power that have been used to influence human behavior for a long time are debatable, thereby providing a foundation for exploring the cultural and philosophical grounds for adopting new technology in society.

Technology and media share a close relationship because they both moderate human emotions and reasoning, especially in understanding social and cultural changes transpiring in societies. O’Neil explored the impact of technology by analyzing the effects of computer-based algorithms on various aspects of social, political, and economic governance (1). Notably, the author states that computers, and not people, make most decisions relating to modern life, such as how much one should pay for their mortgages, what they should eat, and where they go to school (O’Neil 1). Additionally, he says that ideally, the use of algorithms should eliminate inequality in society but evidence has shown that the opaqueness, contested, and unregulated nature of modern technology use could create room for bias (O’Neil 1). For example, technology use in the education system reinforced racist beliefs about students (O’Neil 1). Relative to this assertion, Benjamin explored the impact of technology on society by analyzing how it could reinforce deeply held stereotypes about groups of people (1). Furthermore, he examined ways that racist ideals, such as “white supremacy”, have been entrenched in the education system, film, and society.

In light of these concerns, the author drew a comparison between human and computer-generated drivers of social inequality and concluded that automation has made it more benevolent for people to practice discriminatory principles (Benjamin 1). Furthermore, it was claimed that perpetrators hide, or ignore, existing racial and social inequality practices and, in some cases, amplify them because of the anonymity associated with the use of modern communication tools (Benjamin 1). Relative to this statement, Lawrence et al. analyzed the impact of technology on society by focusing on the education sector and analyzing the success of English for Academic Purposes (EAP), as a special education program (101). The program was aimed at supporting pedagogical innovation and the study included research informants who were comprised of EAP teachers and administrators spread across 40 states in the US (Lawrence et al. 101). Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather and analyze data from informants, the researchers found that there is high enthusiasm among users about the integration of technology in learning (Lawrence et al. 101). Furthermore, they found several challenges that impeded the adoption of new technology in society, key among them being poor guidance, inadequate support from top-level influencers, and poor training, just to mention a few (Lawrence et al. 101). In light of these concerns, a sound theoretical foundation for integration was proposed as the basis for understanding how to use technology tools in the classroom context. These findings demonstrate that there could be conditions attached to the process of adopting technology in societies.

The findings of the aforementioned research articles help to question the impact of technology on societies and review the merits and demerits of continuing to use the ones available today and those that will be manufactured in the future. The same outcome has been observed in processes related to the use of technology in the financial sector (O’Neil 1). Overall, these sentiments point to the need for moderate regulation in modern technology use to make sure that technology does what it is supposed to do and refrains from transferring human limitations to automated systems.

The role of modern communication in minimizing social imbalances has been investigated in the organizational setting to promote productivity. For example, Sjøvold et al. investigated the impact of technology on societies by examining its impact on team performance (1). After conducting the study over two months, the scholars proposed the need for more interdisciplinary research in the area of sensory technology use to foster productivity (Sjøvold et al. 1). Furthermore, they suggested the need for more interactive analysis when undertaking such reviews because they cut across different fields of sociocultural development, including people’s beliefs, norms, and values (Sjøvold et al. 1). These findings led to the conclusion that sensor technology should be more readily adapted to team interaction activities to foster cohesion and understanding (Sjøvold et al. 1). The investigation was undertaken using secondary research analysis and it showed the intersection between past theoretical constructs on organizational performance, technology adoption, and their effects on today’s society. The plans proposed therein are instrumental in drawing a plan of how to use established theories to understand how new technologies can be better integrated into societies and workplaces.

The above-mentioned theories work best when the social imbalances impacting cultural exchange are minimized. Relative to this assertion, Yang and Lin sought to find out how social networking, through social media, has enhanced inclusion in society (332). The investigation focused on people with mobility impairments in China as the focus group of the investigation. The researchers collected data using the survey method and via the WeChat platform (Yang and Lin 332). To assess inclusivity in society, the researchers used service access, social relationships, and participation in group activities to understand human behaviors. In the end, it was observed that technology-enhanced social participation and service access, thereby positively influencing societal growth and cohesion (Yang and Lin 332). These findings were found to be more enhanced among people who come from high-income groups but it fosters inclusivity, which is an important requirement in understanding the social and cultural makeup, or behaviors, of people in a society.

Promoting Human Wellbeing

Societies have always gravitated towards adopting systems or processes that support their prosperity and success. Modern communication does just that because it harnesses community power through digital engagements to promote human wellbeing. Research articles that support this position have had a corporate focus. For example, the one authored by Johnson et al. sought to investigate the impact of technology adoption on the mental health and wellbeing of employees (402). The investigation focused on two core areas of analysis. The first one was the impact of technology on how employees worked and the second one was its impact on where and when they worked (Johnson et al. 402). In this review, the focus was on remote working and the flexibility it gives employees to perform their tasks. From this background, it was observed that technology use had mixed effects on employee wellbeing (Johnson et al. 402). This finding emphasized the need to understand the individualistic effects of its use on workers. In this study, the focus on employee mental health and wellbeing is an indicator of the sociocultural impact of technology on people and processes. Therefore, by understanding the impact of technology on mental health and wellbeing, it will be easier to conclude its sociocultural impact on people.

An article by Ul Hassan et al. investigated the impact of technology on employee wellbeing using the self-service industry as a case study (1014). In the investigation, it was discovered that technology helps to foster interactions between service firms and their users, thereby leading to positive outcomes (Ul Hassan et al. 1014). Using the structural equation model, the researchers analyzed the behaviors of 421 mobile banking applicants in Pakistan to examine their conduct when using various technological tools (Ul Hassan et al. 1014). The researchers found that technology had an impact on their behaviors through its influences on loyalty and intention (Ul Hassan et al. 1014). These insights highlight the influence of technology on people’s intentions and trust, which are critical building blocks of a community’s socio-cultural identity. They accord users an opportunity to understand how technology influences norms and values in societies that ultimately shape their behaviors and culture.

Relative to the above study, Sclater, and Lally explored processes involving how technology has influenced culture through learning across multiple disciplines (3). The investigation took an international focus with much of the literature suggesting that the nexus between technology, culture, and learning is complicated (Sclater and Lally 3). The findings highlight the need for an interdisciplinary understanding of the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of the impact of technology on culture and societies.

The investigation is itself drawn from several fields, including mathematics, arts, design, education, and engineering. It cut across different political contexts drawn from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australasia as well (Sclater and Lally 3). Thus, there was an attempt to address the research issue holistically. Nonetheless, people’s welfare is broader than this because it not only captures how they feel but the environment in which they live and work as well (Aldahdouh et al. 1). Stemming from this angle of analysis, Hardey explored the impact of technology on employees by analyzing changes to the workplace environment (101). The investigation was undertaken from an interdisciplinary perspective where the focus was on three concepts, including professional identity, technology culture, and gender.

The investigation was contextualized within tech cities to understand how the three pillars interact with one another to change the workplace environment. The researchers used the focus group method to sample the views of 60 respondents working as professionals in the US and UK (Sclater and Lally 3). Their investigation revealed that points of contact between men and women in tech cities happened to be the main turning points of technological change, use, and adoption (Sclater and Lally 3). Additionally, they observed that heightened awareness about the “excesses” of the masculine technological culture encouraged the progression of women in the corporate ranks (Sclater and Lally 3). This analysis highlighted the need for an interdisciplinary understanding of issues affecting wellbeing and culture based on the cross-section between culture and technology in the workplace. By using a gender-based approach to address these issues, it is possible to understand nuances in technological adoption across the demographic divide that characterizes today’s society.

Support for Innovation

Modern communication tools have affected cultural synergy in many societies because they supported innovation and change. The study by Raffaelli investigated the impact of technology on legacy systems and old identities held by successful companies in the wake of today’s fast-paced modern world (576). The study primarily focused on the Swiss watch industry and the role that technology has played in helping the industry to transform its brand identity and maintain its position as the dominant global watch automaker (Raffaelli 576). The study focused on the period between 1970 and 2008 and involved 136 interviews with senior executives in the watch-making industry (Raffaelli 576). Furthermore, insights were drawn from observations, where the author attended global trading shows and exhibitions to understand industry patterns over the last century, and the role that technology has played in shaping them. Overall, the researcher found that technology reshaped the meanings and values that customers held toward legacy brands and systems (Raffaelli 576). For example, it reformed how people conceived the concept of artisanship, combined with the values of luxury and precision in the watch-making industry (Raffaelli 576). These insights explain ways that technology can shape human values and perceptions about brands. Additionally, they can be used to understand how technology is changing cultures and values in society, particularly by drawing on the time series insights of the Swiss watch industry. Therefore, there are parallels to be drawn between the need to maintain the historical significance of legacy systems and the desire to adopt new and innovative systems of communication.

Despite support for innovation emerging as one of the main drivers of societal change, culture still plays a moderating role in influencing the impact of the new systems. To support this statement, Wang et al. explored the impact of culture on technological adoption in society. The investigation was limited to the Chinese setting with an emphasis on understanding how its tenets have either hindered or fostered the adoption of new technology (217). The investigation was focused on examining how technological innovation influenced students’ interest in learning with two groups formed as control and experimental factions. In the control group, students attending the class were banned from using personal technological devices during the lecture, but in the second case, they were free to do so (Wang et al. 217). At the end of the investigations, a gap in engagement levels was established between the two groups.

The researchers found that demographic differences played a key role in understanding how group members worked with one another. Therefore, one of the recommendations made was to understand the demographic composition of the target group to estimate the impact that technology would have on them (Wang et al. 217). The findings of this study are relevant to the current investigation because they highlight modalities for recalibrating the use of technological tools in society to achieve specific cultural synchrony. Therefore, it is possible to develop the right policies for technological adoption that would have optimized results. Overall, from the findings of the above-mentioned study, culture played a positive role in building the natural economy of China by pivoting on one core pillar of social order – being in harmony with nature (Wang et al. 217). Therefore, new tools and apparatus that were available and could influence the relationship between nature and humans were prioritized over all other concerns. This statement demonstrates the limitations of innovation through culture and its interaction with traditional values that affect the rate of technological adoption in society. This relationship is important in understanding how technology manifests as a sociocultural phenomenon.

Enhanced Knowledge Management

The theoretical and philosophical arguments supporting technology integration in society are rarely understood. This situation means that the basis for adopting technology is not grounded in firm philosophical positions, thereby increasing the probability of adopting wrongful elements of social order integration (Yang and Lin 332). The ubiquitous nature of technology informs the need to evaluate technology use as a social and cultural phenomenon of the modern world. Doing so will better equip people with the tools needed to discern the information available to them because the freedom of free speech allows all types of information to be available to all.

Relative to the above statement, cultural diffusion commonly occurs through enhanced knowledge management systems. Many societies have adopted technology and modern communication apparatus to simplify these knowledge management systems and make them more efficient. This is why today’s information age is characterized by the fast-paced nature of knowledge exchange across the world. This statement means that more people have access to information now than at previous times in human history due to modern communication systems (Dutt and Kusumawati 20). This power comes with immense potential in positively changing different areas of human growth and development. However, people who intend to mislead the public can abuse the system, hence the need for maintaining safeguards in it. Their goal is often to persuade other people to side with the minority point of view, or to sabotage those who are doing the “right thing.” Their efficiency has made some people become increasingly disoriented when trying to distinguish truthful from wrongful information.

The findings highlighted above have emerged from investigating the impact of technology on society from a knowledge management perspective. The researchers explored the topic by seeking the insights of practitioners on whether culture should precede processes involving technology use, or whether technology should come before culture in the same lens of technological adoption (Dutt and Kusumawati 20). The researchers sided more with the technological approach to the research topic by pointing out that it has played a significant role in shaping knowledge management practices. Therefore, they argued that it should be given priority when developing policies for its adoption (Yang and Lin 332). Furthermore, they said that knowledge management emerges as a product of the interaction between culture and technology (Dutt and Kusumawati 20). Therefore, culture and technology should be given more priority than knowledge management. The findings of this investigation are relevant in understanding how knowledge is disseminated in societies and the role that technology plays in fostering the process.

Knowledge management processes and their impact on cultures can be analyzed based on how they affect people’s behaviors and lifestyles. Relative to this assertion, Kim investigated the impact of technology on employees’ decisions on where to live (544). He suggested that increased technology use in the workplace is likely to increase the geographical distribution of workers (Kim 544). Given that the study was based in the US, it offered an important insight into how technology affects how people live and work in various states. Given that the sociocultural identity of communities is partly dependent on their zip codes, modern communication emerged as an agent of change because it influenced where and how people lived. These findings were developed after investigating how technology affected the geographical distribution of jobs in the US, especially among people of different racial, income, and educational backgrounds (Kim 544). The data used to develop the findings were sampled for 10 years, spanning from 2006 to 2016 (Kim 544). The data were obtained from government agencies using the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey and additional materials sampled from the Occupational Information Network to track the geographical location of the respondents and any occupational dyads that may affect their dispersion or distribution across cities (Kim 544). Overall, it could be deduced from the findings that heightened ICT use increased the interdependence of people from different occupational settings.

Given that there is no evidence underlying the relationship between increased technology use and the geographical distribution of respondents, the above-mentioned findings mean that modern communication does not help to alleviate social inequalities or diminish the concentration of good or bad jobs within a specific location. The implications of these findings on the present research are contextualized within the understanding that societies and cultures are partly formed by the geographical respondents of people with similar characteristics. Therefore, the extent of modern communication development could limit patterns of residential distribution. This statement shows that transformations in knowledge management could affect people’s lifestyles in multiple ways, including helping them make decisions about where to stay.

Increased Effectiveness in Communication

The adoption of modern communication techniques has changed societies by increasing the effectiveness of communication. Gunkel supports this statement after investigating the impact of technology on society from a communications perspective (1). By focusing on artificial intelligence, as a segment of technological development, the author opined that there was a close relationship between changes to human communication patterns and developments in artificial intelligence (Gunkel 1). Societies have achieved these changes by adopting several strategies, including machine translation of human languages, and a heightened development in spoken dialogue systems. The development of human robots through advancements in algorithms that mimic people’s behavior and actions has been mentioned as part of the changes that have happened in societies where robots are gaining the ability to communicate like humans (Gunkel 1). This analysis describes the impact of technology on human communication systems as an antecedent of the sociocultural order of societies.

The findings highlighted above provide insight into a world where humans do not have a monopoly on communication because the future shows promise of robots taking over this function. Therefore, it is possible to anticipate future developments in this space. This process may lead to the formulation of better policies that would aid in the realization of a positive future of technological adoption in societies. Salter affirmed this prediction after analyzing the effects of technology on business-to-business and business-to-customer relationships by evaluating value exchanges across these platforms (3). Using a secondary research process, the author posited that technology affected value exchange in two of the above-mentioned scenarios through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) (Salter 3). This technology affects the demand and supply of commodities in the global market thereby creating differences in value. The analysis shows how power and resources influence value exchanges across the global market. Its focus on the cultural context of gaining social power, as the basis for developing sound business relationships, is of value to the present investigation because it explains how technology can be engaged as a social-cultural tool of change.


This research paper has shown that technology is an important part of modern life because of its role in facilitating communication among individuals and groups of people. Indeed, modern technological advancements have made it possible for people to communicate with one another despite differences in distance and time. This phenomenon has led to increased engagement, knowledge sharing, and, more recently, heightened levels of cultural exchange in societies. From these developments, modern communication advancements have promoted intercultural exchanges, thereby fostering understanding among people.

Accounting for the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of technological adoption in society will help to make positive changes in various aspects of life. However, it is difficult to do so if people cannot question the data made available to them, or even understand how it could be useful to them. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the theoretical and philosophical contexts of knowledge exchange that will better equip users to identify true from misleading information. Thus, this paper has highlighted the role of modern technology as a tool for sociocultural growth and development. Key sections have explored its role as a cultural phenomenon and a tool for community growth and development.

Given that this research has investigated the impact of modern communications on cultural diffusion, the emergence of increased effectiveness in communication, support for innovation, and promotion of human wellbeing, as core themes in the study, indicate that modern communication infrastructure has not changed the course of cultural exchange patterns but rather hastened the flow of integration. This is because modern communication has helped to improve existing cultural infrastructures, thereby facilitating the enhanced interaction of people in business and community settings.

Overall, the insights presented in this review will be instrumental in understanding modern social trends and helpful in predicting the future of technological change. Particularly they will be beneficial to sociologists and economists because of their keen interest in understanding the interplay between social development and technological growth. The justification for choosing this direction of research is rooted in the fact that technology has increased the speed and mobility of communication, thereby creating a force strong enough to transform existing social systems and structures.

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