Net Promoter Score System: Benefits and Drawbacks

A service system is an integrated technology with the company’s network, which help in attaining the need and requirements of the clients. It ensures that customers are satisfied with the organization’s products and services. Apple Inc. uses the Net Promoter Score system (NPS System), which has enabled the company to respond appropriately to its clients’ desires and needs for years. It is among the first companies to introduce the NPS system.

This system has various strengths, which have enhanced the performance of Apple Company. First, the service system enables Apple Inc. to retain clients through loyalty and satisfaction (“Apple NPS in 2021”, 2022). The system provides the company with data that portrays their clients’ satisfaction level with the Apple brand, customer support, products, and services. Second, the NPS system enables Apple Inc. to predict customer loyalty and business growth. The system provides information on the likelihood of a client’s recommendation, which is crucial in estimating the company’s growth. This knowledge is helpful for Apple as it enables it to market and sells its products to clients that are satisfied and happy with them (“Apple NPS in 2021”, 2022). For example, the system enables Apple Store managers to identify critics of Apple in a short time, like 24 hours, making the company close the cycle quickly. The company uses the data collected by the system to meet dissatisfied clients.

However, despite being a valuable tool for Apple Company, the NPS system has various weaknesses. First, the system measures customers’ loyalty and not acquisition. This provides Apple company with information about their current client and not those that quit their product and non-customers (“Net Promoter Score (NPS)”, 2022). These groups have critical information that may be useful in promoting the quality of products and services offered by Apple Company. Making information based on existing clients only can be misleading. Second, the NPS system does not provide information on passive clients. It focuses much on promoters and detractors, leaving out passive clients who may defect the product when an opportunity arises.

A company such as Microsoft is a great competitor to Apple in the software industry. It also uses the NPS system to ensure that it can satisfy the requirements of its clients (“Microsoft Net Promoter Score”, 2022). This is significant competition for Apple as both companies deliver quality services that Both companies utilize the system’s strengths in promoting product and service delivery. However, Apple’s net promoter score is higher than Microsoft’s, implying that the system is more productive in Apple than in Microsoft. Week 6 supply chain will use the net promoter score system to meet clients’ needs and requirements.

In conclusion, Apple’s NPS system is a critical customer service system. Its strength enables the organization to achieve its goals and targets. First, it has a vital role in customer retention through loyalty and customer satisfaction. Second, it allows Apple Company to predict growth and customer loyalty. However, it has several weaknesses, such as the inability to measure acquisition and provide information on passive clients. Other companies, such as Microsoft, also utilize NPS to ensure they satisfy their clients despite having a low NPS score compared to Apple.


Apple NPS in 2021. (2022). Trustmary. Web.

Microsoft Net Promoter Score 2022 Benchmarks. (2022). Customer. Web.

Net Promoter Score (NPS). Advantages and disadvantages. (2022). Customer Champions. Web.

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