Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) is an amended act to establish the Office of Juvenile Justice’s work. JJDP supports both the local and state efforts to reduce delinquency and make changes by developing the Juvenile Justice System. The advancements are made to protect the lives of children and youths. The main objective of JJDP is to develop and implement programs that are effective (About OJJDP, 2021). To achieve these goals, JJDP aims to help the local community by supporting the states and tribal jurisdictions. The office of JJDP also strengthens the efforts of public safety and provides services that will help the youths solve their problems and those of their families. The office of the head of JJDP is located in the United States Department of Justice. The vision of JJDP is to develop a state that protects children and enables them to leave in a nation free from crime and violence.

The legislation is a process of enacting a law before it is implemented. The legislation is normally referred to as a Bill. Before the laws are implemented in the JJDP, the members normally discuss whether they will be favorable. There are many different reasons why the process is carried out, depending on the type of bill. For instance, in November 2002, the act of JJDP was reauthorized; this was to support the establishment of JJDP’s mission when introducing the changes important for the members to streamline the operation of the office and bring out its objectives clearly (About OJJDP, 2021). Other bills that are pushed include the Juvenile Justice Reform Act of December 2018, which was later signed into law to reauthorize amending the JJDP’s acts.

The acting administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is Cheryl Jones. She also served as the deputy principles of JJDP. The experience that she gains while serving as the deputy is an added advantage to her being chosen as the administrator. Other requirements that an administrator should follow include control of JJDP’s programs and initiatives which comprise monitoring Internet crimes against children, missing and exploited adolescents, and even advocating for the rights of the minors. The supervisor should also have experience in training and technical assistance, communications, and budgeting of activities. The acting official has experience in another field, including working at the National Governors Association and on maternal affairs and child health issues. The staff’s listing starts with the administrative manager, who is considered the Juvenile Justice System President (About OJJDP, 2021). Other individuals that work with the acting supervisor are the associate custodians, which include Executive officers, Deputy associate leaders, Program Managers, and Senior policy advisors.

The core requirements are activities that are allowed to be performed in OJJDP. The Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2018 allowed for the reauthorization of requirements to be implemented. The Act is enforced by the Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1994. The Center Obligation Amendment of the 2018 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act is obtained from the 1974 Act (About OJJDP, 2021). The concern mainly highlighted the reporting date, dates of applications, state allocations, state plan requirements, and definition of terms. The reforms are implemented, and terms used in the statute include ‘adult in mate’ and ‘Indian tribe’. On state allocation, it includes planning, minimum allocations, advisory of the state, and administration.


About OJJDP. (2021). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

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