Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing

Oil extraction and standard vehicle manufacturing are examples of businesses that consciously avoid spending on environmental causes. Usually, oil producers do not have a question about the ecological harm since the damage is evident as the various benefits from the products. It is not only gasoline and fuel oil but a variety of building materials, paint, varnish coatings, and light industry. Thus, ecological costs are neglected to achieve civilized benefits, which modern man cannot refuse. The same goes for the production of machines, which are a symbol of a large polluted city and, at the same time, wealth. Thus, businesses exclude environmental costs consciously, realizing that this will increase the cost of goods for buyers in the market.

Population growth is directly related to people’s energy consumption: water, heating, and food production. It is now noticeable that countries with smaller populations are environmental leaders. It is easy for such countries to streamline their energy consumption, and with ecological diversity in substitutes, they are often very successful in ​​conscious energy consumption. Population growth makes states frantically search for energy production for people. The wasteful use of resources is directly developed with developed diverse market economies where consumption reigns. The average buyer in the market does not have the necessary awareness to weigh whether the purchased item will be used to the end and what benefits it can provide in the future. Here, brand power and advertising come into conflict with ecology. A careful study of consumer psychology and people’s motivation is necessary to improve this situation. Developing countries with poverty are peddlers of filth and rubbish without being able to create a system to take care of their rivers and forests. Goods intermittently delivered from rich countries remain waste in nature, which cannot be recycled without the proper equipment. The cheapest energy productions are poisonous, which deplete the ozone layer and negatively affects human health.

The environmental advantage of the Barakah is the location of the station close to the water and its construction by the latest technologies. The UAE government uses a conscious manufacturing and construction model to reduce the negative impact on the environment. However, in the future, the UAE may experience a problem with waste storage from production, as the load on the Barakah will be enormous, up to 25%. In terms of sustainability, Barakah will make the UAE more independent in using and producing its resources. In addition, there will be an opportunity to teach citizens about conscious energy consumption. The economic advantage will be the independence of the UAE in the procurement of energy resources and increased diversity in the modern market. However, plant costs should not increase further (25 billion is sufficient), as this could negatively affect the payback of the plant and slow down this process.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 28). Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing. https://studycorgi.com/oil-extraction-and-standard-vehicle-manufacturing/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing." August 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/oil-extraction-and-standard-vehicle-manufacturing/.


StudyCorgi. "Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing." August 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/oil-extraction-and-standard-vehicle-manufacturing/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing." August 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/oil-extraction-and-standard-vehicle-manufacturing/.

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