Past Prediction on Future Psychology Profession: Annotated Bibliography

Innes, J. M. & Morrison, B. W. (2021). Machines can do most of a psychologist’s job. The industry must prepare for disruption. The Conversation.  Innes and Morrison examine that machines can perform most of the work of psychologists and the industry should prepare for disruption. Psychology, social work, and counseling...

The Inmate Mental Health Issue Analysis: Annotated Bibliography

Al-Rousan, T., Rubenstein, L., Sieleni, B., Deol, H., & Wallace, R. B. (2017). Inside the nation’s largest mental health institution: a prevalence study in a state prison system. BMC Public Health, 17(342).  The researchers carried out a cross-sectional study using the Iowa Corrections Offender Network to determine the mental illness...

Increased Minimum Wage and Its Implications

Ford, George S. “Updating the Minimum Wage: Setting a Uniform Wage across a Diverse America.” Phoenix Center Perspectives, vol. 21, no. 01, 2021, pp. 1-10. With the Democratic Party once again becoming the flagship of American politics, the topic of reformation of the minimum wage policy in the states has...

Future of 100% Renewable Energy

Aghahosseini, Arman, et al. “Analysing the Feasibility of Powering the Americas with Renewable Energy and Inter-Regional Grid Interconnections by 2030.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 105, 2019, pp. 187-205. The authors of this academic article investigate the future of renewable green energy in the context of the Sustainable Development...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’s Treatment

Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12. The article, Watkins et al. review different psychotherapy interventions that can be applied in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among adults. Most patients that experience...

Mental Health Parity and Services

Beronio, K., Glied, S., & Frank, R. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act greatly expand coverage of behavioral health care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(4), 410-428.  In this article, the researchers reflect on the topic of the Patient Protection...

Homelessness During COVID-19 in the US and Europe

Rodriguez, N. M., Lahey, A. M., MacNeill, J. J., Martinez, R. G., Teo, N. E., & Ruiz, Y. (2021). Homelessness during COVID-19: challenges, responses, and lessons learned from homeless service providers in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. BMC Public Health, 21(1657), 1-11.  The primary focus of the study is to analyze and...

Language and Culture: Impact on Healthcare

Piacentini, T., O’Donnell, C., Phipps, A., Jackson, I., & Stack, N. (2019). Moving beyond the ‘language problem’: Understanding the intersections of health, language, and immigration status in interpreter-mediated health encounters. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19(3), 256-271. Web. The study by Piacentini et al. (2019) explores how language influences on provision...

Sneakerhead Subculture in the United States

Gunduz, Erin. “The Intersection of Sneakerhead Culture and Racism in the United States of America.” Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology, and Society, vol. 13, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1-26. The article discusses Sneakerhead culture, emphasizing its role in the contemporary world and explaining its relevant features. It also...

Cryptocurrency: Annotated Bibliography

Titov, V., Uandykova, M., Litvishko, O., Kalmykova, T., Prosekov, S., & Senjyu, T. (2021). Cryptocurrency open innovation payment system: Comparative analysis of existing cryptocurrencies. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 1-13.  This article examines the possibility of expanding the reach and use of cryptocurrency through the implementation...

COVID-19 Vaccine Studies: Design, Framework, and Paradigm

Khubchandani, J., Sharma, S., Price, J. H., Wiblishauser, M. J., Sharma, M., & Webb, F. J. (2021). COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in the United States: a rapid national assessment. Journal of Community Health, 46(2), 270-277. The study aimed to investigate the likelihood of getting a COVID-19 vaccine on an American adulthood...

Toni Cade Bambara: Annotated Bibliography

Bambara, Toni C. Gorilla, My Love. 1st ed., New York: Random House, 1972. The author provides the audience with compelling illustrations of an array of fascinating characters in the scenes between New York and North Carolina, from stylish and rugged children to devious elderly men. The information herein indicates that...

The Importance of Diabetes Prevention Education

The selected social media application for this task is Facebook since it is one of the most common social media platforms. Moreover, Facebook can be used to spread information across different people in various regions within a short period. Diabetes has become a significant threat to modern society. Consequently, the...

Slavery in Africa After European Colonization

Slavery existed among most modern societies, including African. Even before the European colonization and the onset of the slave trade, it was a part of the culture. Despite that, European slavery differed from the African variant, and the status of slaves was different as a result. In addition to that,...

Socety’s Problem: Family and Racism

Azouz, Samy. “Existence in Black and White: Theatrical Representation of the Varieties of Racism in Amiri Baraka’s Select Plays.” Journal of African American Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, 2019, pp. 147–161. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12111-019-09430-0 The study in question will be particularly useful in determining the effects that racism has had on...

Quantitative Easing and Carry Trade

Evaluating trends of the foreign exchange market is a challenging task, which can be addressed through the consideration of this field’s principal aspects. Thus, for example, the analysis of such phenomena as quantitative easing (QE) and carry trade as applied to real estate will be beneficial to tackle the problem....

Memorandum on Future Technological Trends

Introduction Technological advances have improved service quality and radically transformed the traditional manufacturing industry. However, companies need to stay abreast with technological trends to improve their competitiveness. As you had initially requested, I am submitting two article summaries on future technological trends to indicate new opportunities for growth and development...

Health and Care Excellence in Depression Management

Ethical Considerations for DNP Projects PICOT: in community clinic nursing staff, how does the introduction of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016a) guidelines within ten weeks affect the accuracy of diagnosing and quality of managing depression in the older population as compared to the staff’s performance before the...

The Role of Women During Civil War: Annotated Bibliography

Giesberg, J. (2013). Waging war their own way: Women and the Civil War in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Legacies, 13(1-2), 16-27. Web. This article presents information regarding women’s activities in Pennsylvania during the Civil War. It describes their contributions to providing soldiers with homemade goods and emphasizes the female population’s role in...

The Opioid Crisis in Veterans: The Delphi Method

The Delphi method is a qualitative tool that enables collecting experts’ opinions on a problematic topic to achieve consensus. As the literature demonstrates, this method was created and used in the late 1940s by the RAND Corporation in the United States to facilitate decision-making (Kim & Yeo, 2018). The method...

Increasing Charitable Donations for One BLUE HEART

Chen, M. Y. (2020). Portraying product or cause in charity advertising: how execution style and appeal type affects prosocial attitudes by enhancing perceived personal roles. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 342-364.  Mulder, M. R., & Joireman, J. (2016). Encouraging charitable donations via charity gift cards: A self-determination theoretical account. Journal...

Climate and Social Change in Global Warming Crisis

Thesis: Since individuals are the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, people in the community should be encouraged to change their behaviors and make better personal choices to mitigate the global warming crisis. Annotated Bibliography Adams, M. (2018). Individual action won’t achieve 1.5℃ warming – social change is needed, as...

Logistics, Retail and HR Management: Annotated Bibliography

Wood, Geoffrey, et al. “Special Issue on: International Human Resource Management in Contexts of High Uncertainties.” International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), vol. 29, no. 7, 2018, pp. 1365–1373. Journal Article. The article examines issues in human resource management in difficult conditions. There is no doubt that high uncertainties...

Declaration of the Rights of Woman

Declaration of the Rights of Woman was the first registered document in modern history that demanded equality of rights regardless of gender. The declaration was cry of women to stop oppression from men and the tyranny of marriage as an institution. Even though the document how now immediate consequences around...

Death Penalty as Viewed within the Framework of Retributive Justice

Modern society strives to develop compassion and understanding and reduce cruelty, as the value of human life and individuality is steadily growing. The death penalty, commonly known as capital punishment, has always been a hot topic of controversy regarding the legal permissibility of punishment. In the United States, the death...

Dead Bodies: Depicting in Mass Media

It is sad to say that brutality, violence, and death are integral elements of everyday life. That is why mass media are expected to cover these events to inform the public of these occurrences. However, an ethical dilemma emerges when photos of such events are under consideration. Many journalists, editors,...

Criminal Justice System and Component Interrelations

The Main Components of the Criminal Justice System Criminal actions may have a considerable destructive impact on various aspects of society. Therefore, the criminal justice system is designed in order to control crime by a number of techniques. There are three primary components of the criminal justice system, including law...

Corporate Social Responsibility at Google

Business models have some extent of accountability to themselves, the stakeholders, and the public to establish the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). There are four significant types of CSR, including environmental, ethical, economic, and philanthropic responsibilities, with different purposes. While ethical CSR assures the company, stakeholders, and the public...

Context Specificity and Situativity Theory in Physical Therapy

The question of whether clinical reasoning expertise should be perceived as a skill, or a state is a complex issue that has reverberations on medical expert education. The phenomenon of context specificity (CS) and the situativity theory (ST) represent theoretical perspectives that oppose the viewpoint of professional expertise as a...

Confucius: The Five Great Relationships

Introduction Among the many ancient philosophers is a man by the name of Confucius born in 550 B.C. Confucius is the greatest philosopher from the East. He was the founder of an ethical and moral system based on the family, as well as the five grand relationships (Zukeran, p. 1)....

Benefits of RFID Technology in Company Efficiency

The functioning of the modern market is conditioned by technologies that introduce several new possibilities and increase the efficiency of various companies. The blistering scientific development gave rise to several issues related to the reconsideration of the existing approaches and implementation of the newest devices to achieve the best results....

Conflict Management and Classical Theory Analysis

Many theories view conflict as a life situation. The hallmark of this relationship is the point of contention, which makes the conversation so heated. It should be understood that this type of conversation is very different from the usual one conducted by two or more people. An important feature is...

Concert Review: George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”

Background Information The selected concert was performed at the New York Philharmonic in 1976. It became one of the most famous renditions of the already iconic composition Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. Leonard Bernstein, a legendary American conductor, who conducted in New York Philharmonic for forty seasons (Alsop), played...

Gifted Education Programs: Early Start, Family Impact, and Load

Introduction The school district has a program of gifted education which is quite comprehensive and effective. Nonetheless, it has a number of drawbacks. Shaklee (2001) stress that it is important to have an efficient program or it is better not to have any program at all. Therefore, the school district...

Colonial North America in the 16th-18th Centuries

When North America was discovered at the end of the 15th century, its territories attracted the particular attention of European colonists. Thus, by the 16th century, when several states claimed their rights on the land, French, English, and Basque fishing fleets regularly visited the continent’s coasts from Cape Cod to...

Cognitive Domain – Two Main Theorists

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development: Summary The Piaget’s theory consits of four different stages of cognitive development. The first one is sensorimotor stage, which is the first of four stages in the process of cognitive development. It lasts from birth to about two years, and during this period, children develop...

Business Idea vs. Opportunity Comparison

Introduction An opportunity is differentiated from an idea in terms of its marketing possibilities. All opportunities are exploitable for business growth and customer acceptance. Opportunity is profitable for business. But all business ideas are not marketable or profitable for the business firm. Among a hundred ideas only two or three...

Body Shaming: “Leave Fat Kids Alone” by Gordon

Introduction Nowadays, people are suffering from stereotypes about perfect bodies being projected on them. We have to be thin, with long legs and slim waists, while other body types should not be deemed beautiful and especially worthy of attention. Unfortunately, body shaming is a real issue in the modern world,...

Biological Theory Applied to Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking is a broad topic in criminology and a serious problem in the modern world. Therefore, it is essential to explore this type of crime from various perspectives to address the problem and enhance one’s understanding of its aspects and associated factors, particularly poverty. This paper looks at...

Principles of Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is based on sharing information and fostering of actions. In terms of professional communication, the aim is to make the exchange as effective as possible. Interaction among health care specialists is vital for improving the health and wellbeing of patients. In a similar manner, nurse-patient communication can also...

Costco’s Business Strategy and Model

The current essay analyses an article by Stone about the Costco company (55). The article analyses the business development and its growing into one of the most successful corporations in the United States. It is mostly concentrated on CEO Craik Jelinek because his management is probably the reason for Costco’s...

Understanding Organizational Boundaries and Their Impact on Management

There are several organizational boundaries that exist within any entity and they are key elements of management. These boundaries mostly exist in respect to employee groupings and basic personnel management (Aarons, Ehrhart, & Hurlburt, 2015). An environment in which boundaries occur is juxtaposed by a ‘boundary-less’ environment whereby horizontal or...

Foreign Companies Outsource Services to Developing World

Summary of the Article According to the article “Open Mobile Moves its PR Call Center to DR,” many foreign companies have decided to outsource their services. The article also explains why several companies are hiring employees from different countries to work in their call centers (“Open Mobile Moves its PR”...

Obesity’s Effect on Children vs. Elderly People

Introduction Obesity belongs to one of the most common health issues of the current time. It impacts all groups of people, notwithstanding their age, sex, ethnicity, or social circumstances. Overweight may be connected with the family history, sedentary lifestyle, emotional distress, unhealthy food consumption, or family nutrition preferences. The specific...

Obama’s Health Care and Housing Reforms: A Critical Analysis

The President’s main objective is to lead the state and society to the progress and prosperity. However, political courses and programs can have many advantages and disadvantages in their realization. Thus, being re-elected, President Obama should make conclusions about the previous policies and change the approach to realizing definite ineffective...

The Internet and the Media

Regulation of the Social Media In most developed countries, the freedom of the media is enshrined in their respective constitutions. The governments play no role in its regulation following the complexity that has resulted from the emergence of the Internet. However, as much as the media is not regulated in...

Moral and Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

Discussion Prompt 1 Making moral and ethical decisions is one of the challenging tasks that nurses have to face every day. It remains apparent that the profession of a nurse is associated with several obligations since a nurse is responsible for the lives of the patients. In the context of...

Influences on NPs’ Performance During Their Work with Victims of Domestic Violence

It is apparent that the problem of abusive relationships, interfering with the issue of domestic violence, is a widespread problem, which is of high concerns in the contemporary public health. It is also apparent that the people who survived abusive relationships are in need for special treatment; however, little is...

Violence Against Women and Its Consequences: Netto et al.’s Article

The article at hand successfully addresses the issue of domestic violence within the framework of the conservation model. The research is properly evidenced both theoretically and empirically. Myra Estrin Levine’s Conservation Model chosen for the analysis perfectly aligns with the purpose of the study providing the author with the necessary...

Project Management: Key Tasks, Roles, and Responsibilities

Guiding the members of a project through multiple stages, identifying the key tasks and assigning the participants with the corresponding roles and responsibilities are rather challenging tasks. In order to qualify for a successful project manager, one must incorporate several crucial qualities and enhance the significance of certain concepts. Traditionally,...

Managing Obesity and Hypertension with mHealth Solutions

Scenario Mr. Jasper is a 45-year-old male who has been diagnosed with hypertension. The doctor says that these health problems are caused by obesity. Taking into consideration the age of the patient, he still has chances to overcome his obesity and relieve the symptoms of hypertension. The patient’s weight is...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 United Nations Speech and Its Importance

Mikhail Gorbachev is regarded as one of the central figures who contributed to the end of the Cold War. His speech to the UN General Assembly in 1988 was an important impetus for the changes in the international political arena. Gorbachev chose the UN as the platform for his speech...

Performance Improvement Essentials: Stakeholders, CTQ

Introduction Enhancing the performance of a certain team in a specific business environment implies that the person acting as a change agent is capable of identifying every single variable in the corporate equation. Unless the crucial concepts are identified, creating an efficient team is hardly possible. Therefore, the definitions provided...

Kirpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation

Introduction For the past four decades, Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation has been popular, well known and used extensively. Despite the fact that it’s so well known, it is also greately criticized by the corporate community and academia worldwide for some of its weaknesses (Coulthard, 2005). The four levels of evaluation...

Career Opportunity in the Accounting Industry

Introduction Knowledge about business-related courses was not clear to me and I had no intention of pursuing any business-related course. That was back in my early education days, even though my father managed a fairly large business firm in the region. It was not until my college studies when I...

BFOQ: Restrictions on Termination of Employment

Introduction This paper examines the importance of BFOQ on restrictions to termination of employment in European countries. Often organizations that have failed to appropriately incorporate BFOQ encounter problems with staffing. The paper looks at some of the problems and establishes a relationship between BFOQ and the ADA of 1990. The...

Becoming Distant on Social Media

Over the recent decades, social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives. Various media resources are currently used by all segments of the population in the US on a daily basis. The number of opportunities for people to connect and communicate via the Internet has increased, but...

A Windshield Survey of the Hammocks Community, Miami

Health Resources Although there is no evidence of a health department within the community, there are several public, proprietary and non-profit private hospitals that are easily accessible to the population of 51,003 as per the 2010 estimates (, 2013). These health institutions provide in-patient and mental health services to the...

Explaining Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

Introductory Paragraph Although the attachment theory was initially developed in terms of children and their caregivers, in recent decades, it covered the functioning and development of romantic relationships. Support for Thesis 1 Support for Thesis 2 Support for Thesis 3 Conclusion Thesis Sentence (restated in different words): the studies of...

A SWOT Analysis of the Nokia Company

Introduction One of the world’s most well-known manufacturers and sellers of mobile phones is Nokia. The organization employs more than 102,000 people across its sub-stations in 130 countries. In addition to producing mobile phones, Nokia also provides a comprehensive selection of other telecommunication services. The Fortune Global 500 ranks Nokia...

Assessing a Two-Way ANOVA

Introduction In the task #12.7, a two-way ANOVA was utilized to test the influence of two categorical independent variables on each of the two dependent variables: percentage of immunized persons and the number of days of immunization delay. In this paper, the claim that no statistically significant interaction was detected...

Arbella and Other Colonial New England Folkways

Look and Learn. n.d. “Winthrop’s Fleet in Boston Harbour.” Web. Fischer’s argument suggests that Arbella was the flagship of the fleet that sailed for Massachusetts. The painting pictures the fleet leaving England for America in 1630. The ships featured in the painting are talbot, Arbella, and the Jewel. Arbella is...

Ancient Greece in Historical Texts

The ancient historical texts on Minoans published by Halsall reflect some facts about their history discovered much later than these accounts had been compiled. Namely, Plutarch’s story about Theseus demonstrates the notion of the lack of defensive works in Crete. According to this text, Theseus invaded the island’s port and...

Turing Pharmaceuticals’ Daraprim Price Hike: Legal but Unethical

Turing Pharmaceuticals, a start-up run by Martin Shkreli, appeared in many headlines in 2015 (Pollack). The business received so much media attention due to an overnight increase in the price of the drug Daraprim from $13.50 per a pill to $750 (Pollack). Despite the fact that the activity was unethical,...

The Types of Manual Therapy: Effective Techniques for Pain Relief

Introduction Manual therapy has long been employed to treat various health issues. Various types of manual therapy have been used since ancient times (Paris, 2015). The therapy involves putting pressure on muscles and manipulating joints. As its name suggests, practitioners use their hands rather than devices or machines (Bise, Piva,...

Executing Control Over Essential Processes Post-QA Changes

Introduction The process of executing control over the essential processes in the organization after the crucial changes of its QA Department is made will be required to maintain high-quality rates. Particularly, it will be necessary to make sure that the significance of customer satisfaction should be acknowledged by every single...

Amazon Organization’s Management and Culture

Amazon is a transnational company widely used globally that deals with e-commerce, computer clouding, and artificial intelligence. It is ranked among the leading companies in the United States due to its growing economic influence. The company is based in Washington and was founded by Jeff Benzos in 1994 (Furgang, 2018)....

African American, African and Haitian Heritage Culture

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group Values Worldview Language and Communication Patterns Art and Other Expressive Forms Norms and Rules Lifestyle Characteristics Relationship Patterns Common Rituals Degree of Assimilation or Marginalization from Mainstream Society Health Behaviors and Practices References Carteret, M. (2011). Health care for African American patients/families. Web. Haitians,...

Adult Day Care for the Elderly

Effective leadership entails self-awareness, passion, and having a strong conviction in what one believes in. These convictions should be conveyed to the leader’s subjects. However, the leader needs to be tolerant and accepting of other people’s convictions (Reid, 2019). This paper discusses the organizational and personal vision for an adult...

Adipose Stem Cells: Kokai et al.’s Article Review

The article that I have chosen as a target is called “Adipose stem cells: Biology and clinical applications for tissue repair and regeneration” (Kokai, Marra, & Rubin, 2014). It tells about how biology can help people solve such significant problems as tissue regeneration and recovery from serious injuries. The authors...

Joseph Pine’s View on Authenticity in Customer Experience

In his TED (2004) Talk ‘What Consumers Want’ Joseph Pine questioned a common premise that modern technology will be able to provide an effective shift from mass to unique authentic experiences between the customer and the brand. Pine does not agree with the supposition that such experiences can be inauthentic,...

Prophylactic Mastectomy Research Implementation

What change in practice do you intend to implement? Progress in genetic studies has raised discussions concerning the necessity of introducing prophylactic mastectomy for preventing breast cancer and reducing the death rates among women from 18 to 40. This age category is under specific focus because these women having a...

Woolf’s vs. Brady’s Feminist Articles Comparison

Over the past few centuries, there has been much debate about the role of women in society. Miscellaneous dictionaries developed different definitions of the phenomenon, but the most common describes feminism as equality of sexes in politics, economics, and the social arena. Such prominent figures as Virginia Woolf and Judy...

Why Humans Need Growth Hormones

Growth hormone (GH) is formed in the pituitary gland under the direct control of the hypothalamus. It is responsible for the growth of the body, the regulation of metabolic processes, including the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the work of the endocrine glands. The largest concentrations...

Whirlpool Corporation’s Producer Responsibility

Whirlpool Corporation is an American multinational company specializing in manufacturing and marketing kitchen and laundry appliances. According to Whirlpool Corporation (2021), the company is firmly committed to the development of innovative products that make life easier for its customers. Whirlpool Corporation has come a long way from the introduction of...

Walmart and the Chinese Market

Introduction Walmart is one of the largest multinational retail corporations and the world’s largest company by revenue. It operates in twenty-six countries outside of the United States, with the Chinese market being one of the primary focuses for the company’s expansion since 1996 when Walmart opened its first hypermarket in...

Turnover Rate Assessment: Business, Management, & Accounting

Personnel turnover control is one of the key functions of the company’s HR specialists. By managing the process of employee movement, they identify the reasons for layoffs in time and take measures that prevent negative consequences. In essence, employee turnover refers to the percentage of employees who leave the company...

The United Kingdom Hospitality Sector’s Challenges

The hospitality sector in the United Kingdom is a varied and broad industry stretching from a personal organization to international corporations. It comprises four major business sectors, including accommodation services, food, and beverage business, recreational and travel, and tourism sector (Bowie et al., 2016). Notably, the UK hospitality industry’s key...

The Meaning of the “Crip Camp” Documentary

Over the past years, several activist and human rights groups have collaborated to create awareness of the plight of people living with disabilities and encourage their inclusion in social systems. However, these individuals are still sidelined and neglected despite supportive frameworks to engage them in education and other social activities....

The Junior Ranger Program’s Deliverables

Junior Ranger programs go beyond simply informing kids about parks and teaching them how to care for public areas. The Junior Ranger program’s primary objectives are to develop knowledge of nature, the environment, plant and animal preservation, and resource conservation among children and young people (Become a Junior Ranger, n.d.)....

“The Fugitive” Directed by Nick Santora

Film Analysis: The Fugitive Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Date There is a significant difference between content and form in a film, despite that it enhances the quality of the experience among the audiences. In the movie The Fugitive, the form significantly complements the content to elevate the...

The Dangers of Addiction or at Risk Behavior

People all over the world do not even notice the danger of different kinds of addiction. This topic is very important nowadays. The addictions can be different. It can be drugs, the alcohol addiction. Very often it can be cartoons, computer games, TV. But these are not all kinds of...

Technical Communication and Website Design

What factors should you consider before building a webpage? How much input do we seek from the customer? How do you handle the situation where the customer wants far more than functionality than they need, or that they can afford? Before building a webpage, it is important to understand the...

Reflective Learning in the Era of High Technological Progress

The era of high technological progress is so fast and effective in many industries and spheres of a man’s activities now provides the educational system with plenty of innovations urged to optimize the educational process and to make it more efficient and versatile. Students of today have forgotten about those...

Quotes from “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie

“Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph, but still had genetics and common experiences to link us.” When Sherman Alexie began to learn reading, he discovered the usage of paragraphs in writing. He understood that it was “a fence that held words…that worked together for a...

Prevention of Intellectual Property Theft

In today’s increasingly information-driven world, data can be a crucial commodity, more valuable than any physical asset. Thus, any organization must make the best possible efforts to protect its data from unauthorized access. Intellectual property (IP) is a category of data that includes innovations, methods, and trade secrets (UpCounsel, 2020)....

Comparing Employee Compensation in Three Healthcare Centers

Providing benefits to employees is a necessity for all companies. However, standards may vary depending on the institution (Gitman, Joehnk, & Billingsley, 2013). Although Iroquois Healthcare, Albany Medical Center, and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital as nursing organizations share vision and missions, the employee benefit and compensation packages provided by different...

Internet Directories: Facilitating Work with Organized Information

Directories Since the internet was invented, several forms of directories have been applied in different areas to facilitate work. It entails the usage of the software that is mainly charged with the role of storing, organizing, and accessing information in case needed in a computer operating system. In the field...

Oneida Indians Declare Neutrality

The Oneida Nation, which was just one of the members of the Six Nations or Iroquois Confederacy, played an important role in the American Revolution. However, before siding with American colonials during the conflict, Oneidas, as well as other members of the Iroquois Confederacy, declared neutrality first. As it is...

Ocado Internet Shop and Its Features

The Ocado Internet shop offers online grocery store experience for people living in the UK territory. Ocado was established in the UK over 16 years ago, and it is now serving over 580 000 customers in the country (Ocado Group 2017). The entire shopping process is conducted online, and Ocado...

Money and Wealth in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”

Introduction It is hard to disagree that one of the key topics in Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby is money and its role in people’s lives. All key characters in the book are relatively rich, but it is possible to find similarities and differences in how they perceive...

The Information Assurance Policies

Definition Johnston and Warkentin (2010) define information assurance (IA) as the “practice of ensuring that information within an organization is kept secure, reliable and private” (p.12). Johnston and Warkentin (2010) regard information assurance as a practice that provides organizational managers with the direction and security mechanisms for keeping information assets...

Marketing Strategy for Hair Care Company

The current key sources of growth within worldwide hair care industries relies on the expansion of middle class clients. The U.S. is currently home to at least 84,000 establishments that provide hair care either through beauty salons or barber shops (Dun & Bradstreet, 2021). Though the industry is noticing continuous...

Less Screen Time and More Time Outdoors for Young Kids

The rapid development of technology and its increased availability is bringing about significant changes in people’s lives, especially in their ways of entertainment and relaxation. If earlier children spent practically all their free time in the fresh air coming up with different games, catching fish, and communicating with each other,...

Learning Activities for English Language Learners Support

To design activities for kindergarten-level learners, it is vital to consider the characteristics of ELL students and language acquisition principles. The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) was established to measure the English language proficiency (ELP) of New York state ELL students. According to the NYSITELL,...

Moral Integrity and Global Responsibility in Leadership Decisions

In egalitarian societies, political leaders are elected based on the principles they espouse (Ginsberg, Theodore and Margaret 299). Consequently, the same principles ought to guide each decision they make in the course of their tenure. It is true that even the most principled individual sometimes finds it difficult to take...

Income and Living Situation of a Dentist Prediction

Introduction Considering the declining economy, it is important for young aspiring undergraduates to consider their future in their professional field. Ideally, their prognosis should include the time it will take to build one’s career, the theoretical income of the chosen job, and the possible living situations one will be able...

Improving Student Learning: Teacher Effectiveness

One of the main tasks of an educational institution is to provide not only the knowledge and skills but also to disclose the abilities of each student that should be prepared to function in a competitive world. At present, students are required to have professional and flexible thinking, high awareness...

Human Resource Management Seminars

In the field of Human Resource Management, seminars are often perceived as effective tools of communicating organizational ideas or introducing new thought systems and technologies to selected audience (Naik 2009, para. 1). Their effectiveness is dependent on a multiplicity of factors that will be discussed in this paper. It is...

History Of The Monopoly Board Game

Although Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania is the officially recognized father of the Monopoly game, having developed and played the inventor’s version of the game back in 1929, advocates of the game believe that the true game creator is a woman named Elizabeth Magie who created what is thought...

Herpes: Psychological, Physical, and Behavioral Effects

As Sternberg et al (964-973) argue, although the global prevalence of herpes has reduced, as compared to other sexually transmitted diseases, herpes is one of the least discovered sexually transmitted viral diseases, in its early stages of infection. This is the case primarily because, unlike other sexually transmitted infections that...

Gender Messages From Social Institutions: Family, School, and Mass Media

The phenomenon of gender socialization is closely connected to the everyday lives of numerous populations throughout the world. Developing an understanding of gender norms and expected behaviors is crucial for the growth of maturing individuals, which might prompt both positive and negative outcomes. As the primary agents of gender socialization,...

Entrepreneur’s Harvest Goals and Their Achievement

Introduction If an entrepreneur was asked why he set up his business in the first place, the inevitable reply would be to build up the company to great heights and manage it so that he may ultimately leave it to his children. The purpose of course would be to gain...

Deforestation and Its Impact on Climate

The Anthropocene is the unofficial name of the current geological epoch wherein human activity is driving widespread and rapid changes to the ecosystem. One of the ways humans influence the environment is through deforestation, the intentional removal of a large mass of trees in order to convert the area to...

Conservative and Liberal View Comparison

Introduction Conservatives and liberals are very different. Conservatives choose beliefs that are based on sayings others and stick to those beliefs; while liberals investigate several sources of information and develop a belief based on the most reliable evidence. Conservatives are confident in rightness of their belief, while liberals seek examination...

Communication Climate in an Organization

Since communication plays a central role in any organization’s operations, it is essential to ensure the presence of a supportive communication climate to foster employee commitment and satisfaction. As an employee in John Doe Corporation, which is a large international business, I find the climate in my team extremely supportive...

Coca-Cola Firm’s Improved Strategy for Enhanced Business, Revenue, and Market Share

It goes without saying that being a large multinational corporation, the Coca-Cola company should constantly improve its strategies for stable development in the future. The Coca-Cola Company may be regarded as one of the largest and most renowned and successful beverage corporations across the globe. Taking leading positions in relation...

Clinical Teaching: Long- and Short-Term Goals

Long-term Objective The long-term objective that the teacher developed revolves around the student’s ability to construct an argumentative essay where they state a claim on an issue using strong textual evidence as well as a counterclaim to their arguments. This objective is rather important because it will enable students’ thinking...

Causes and Consequences of World War I

Introduction The WW I is considered one of the most devastating and horrible military conflicts in the history of humanity, which resulted in the creation of the new world order and the collapse of numerous states and empires. The new weapons and strategies contributed to the increased cruelty and led...

Assistance of a Forensic Psychologist in Legal Cases

Forensic psychology is a very wide field that includes different areas such as school psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, to name but a few. The professional psychological activity can be carried out within any forensic area that is acknowledged by the American Psychological Association (APA). Forensic psychologists are commonly invited...

Business Planning Process for Entrepreneurs

Introduction Business plan is the written description of the future of a business. It is a tool for entrepreneurs to realise their business goals. Entrepreneurs can use the business plan for coordinating the human resource personnel towards the business goals. Managers can be directed properly through well prepared business plans....

Barriers to Practice: Advanced Practice Nurses

Despite the 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (previously Institute of medicine) Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) continue to struggle against barriers of practice (Schober, 2019). APNs with the same national certification and educational preparation face various restrictions when relocating from one state to another, thus limiting their scope...

Holly Peters-Golden Discusses Societal Development Factors

Various inequalities existing in the modern world have become a subject of research done by anthropologists, historians, and researchers. The film Guns, Germs, and Steel which is based on Jared Diamond’s book presents a conjecture according to which the inequalities can be attributed to environment differences among regions. This paper...

Vietnam’s WWII Contributions and Independence Justification

In his Declaration of Independence, Ho Chi Minh claimed that Vietnam had rendered certain services to the Allies during the World War II, and for this, the country had deserved freedom. Ho (1960) states, “A people who…have fought side by side with the Allies against the Fascists during these last...

Key Drivers for HIT Leaders in Healthcare

What are the key drivers within the healthcare industry today for which HIT leaders must align their mission, vision, and strategy? Nowadays, the healthcare industry finds itself in a rather turbulent environment, which shapes the decision-making process for HIT leaders. Some of the key industry-level drivers that should be taken...

Hispanic American Cultural Group: Diverse Ancestry & Rich Heritage

Overview The Hispanic American cultural group is comprised of individuals of different ancestry. The group includes the Mexican, Colombian, Rican, Neomexican, Guatemalan, Cuban, and Dominican. The Hispanics consist of a group of Americans who originated from Spain (Census Bureau, 2015). Hispanic Americans speak the Spanish language. The Hispanics occupied the...

At-Risk Factors for Youth in Alberta

In one of the provinces of Canada called Alberta, the protection of children and young adults is serious, and the level of at-risk occasions is insignificant. However, one of the massive problems that might influence the youth of the location and their future is an environmental disaster. For instance, global...

HIPAA: Impact on Healthcare Privacy and Risk Management

Introduction The healthcare system is concerned with the duties of providing the people with treatment, prevention measures, and overall management of health. This is ensured through professional service providers like nurses and physicians. These services require adequate financing and must be performed based on already set policies and standards that...

Anger Management: Myth or Sterotype

Thesis statement Most people believe that anger could be eliminated by giving expression to one’s feelings and emotions, but the truth is that seeking diversions is a better way of anger management. Introduction Giving vent to one’s angry feelings only serves to exasperate the tense and high voltage situation. Research...

Feelings of Guilt and Worry in Long-Term Care: Addressing Emotional Needs

Feelings of guilt and worry among family members of patients in need of long-term care are a natural reaction. As a charge nurse, I would thus start from addressing the emotional part of the issue by explaining to Suzanne that the reason behind her mother’s condition is not in any...

American Homeless Veterans’ Needs: An Op-Ed

Of every 10,000 American veterans, 21 experienced homelessness at the beginning of 2020 (Shane III, 2021). This number seems small to common citizens, but it is huge to veterans who sacrificed their lives for us and returned to nowhere from war. Former soldiers face many challenges when they return from...

Change over Time Essay: United States Foreign Policy

This essay will focus on the key changes in US foreign policy from the 1890s to the 1950s. In general, during this period, the US experienced drastic economic and technological development, making it the undisputed hegemonic power in the international arena. Due to its geographical location, the US was not...

The History of Progressivism in the United States

Introduction The progressive era between 1880 and to early 1900s is among the most significant periods in the history of the United States. The era was marked by massive political, social and economic reforms that have affected the region’s governance and development. The reforms were affected by various progressive and...

The Populist and Progressive Eras in the US

The activity of populists and progressives intensified in the late 19th and early 20th, as the aftermath of the Gilded Age. During this time, although there was significant economic growth, the American population faced increased injustice and ignorance from the wealthiest part of the population. The resistance movement received its...

Healthcare Change and Its Driving Forces in Examples

The significance of change cannot be possibly underrated when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. The change should be viewed as a crucial step toward consistent quality improvement. Therefore, healthcare organizations must strive toward changing so that they could meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, as the examples...

The “Legal Codes and Talking Trees” Book by Jagodinsky

Author Katrina Jagodinsky is a historian whose academic interests concentrate on American Indian studies and history, and the writer expresses her appreciation of Native authors’ nonfiction and fictional works. Jagodinsky’s scholarly contributions include her reports in such journals as American Indian Quarterly and Western Legal History. Thesis Katrina Jagodinsky’s Legal...

A Program of Mandatory Assimilation of Native Americans

Introduction The United States government adopted a program of mandatory assimilation of Native Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Native Americans were forcibly removed from their original homes and relocated to reservations, where they were prohibited from practicing their cultural practices or speaking their native languages. The...

Analysis of the Concept of Dividend under the Companies Act 2013

Introduction The financial operations of a firm can be overseen by the government of the country where the business is listed and concern various aspects, including dividends. In India, dividends are controlled by The Companies Act (TCA) of 2013, which is a modified version of the initial Act of 1956...

The Peculiar Institution: Antebellum South

Residents of the Antebellum South provided various arguments for proclaiming slavery a humane and effective institution. From the humanist perspective, proponents of slavery depicted it as a cultural exchange beneficial for African Americans. For instance, John C. Calhoun, an ardent defender of slavery, claimed that slavery improved the Black race...

The American Civil War and National Divisions

In the decades preceding the American Civil War, geography played a crucial role in dividing the Nation. As a result of economic competition, geography, and climate, Northern and Southern states became geographically and climatically distinct. Historically, national boundaries were determined primarily by physical and human geography. One side is more...

Historical Geography: US Expansion to the Pacific Ocean

Political geography is a great explanatory and exploratory tool for understanding fundamental patterns and changes in human history. For example, it may show the interlinkages between spatial relations of one place and its political and economic significance for the whole country. In general, US history may be understood through the...

Post-American Revolution Changes Over Time

This essay will cover the broad changes in the newly-born state after the American Revolution. The aim is to trace the major political, economic, and social changes that determined the further evolution of the nation. The critical junctures throughout the period from the 1790s to the 1840s will be outlined...

The American Revolution Period (1775-1784)

This essay will consider some crucial questions about the essence of the American Revolution between 1775 and 1784. Scholars admit that the revolution was one of the most improbable events in the 18th century because of quite stable relationships between Britain and the colonies. In addition, there were many controversies...

Changes in American Society from the 1790s to 1840s

Over time, change is an inevitable aspect of society. Specifically, America witnessed drastic societal revitalization from the 1790s to 1840s regarding politics, economics, and social and geographical alteration. These changes were influenced by various factors that have since inculcated the American civilization. For example, the Missouri crisis influenced America’s politics...

Gun Control Debate: Issues & Political Perspectives in the U.S.

Gun control has become a popular, controversial term, especially in America that covers a broad range of obligations regarding firearms. In particular, gun control in the U.S is about who can sell or possess guns, what duties gun sellers have in vetting buyers, how and where guns can be stored,...

Critical Changes in American Society From the 1790s to the 1840s

Introduction The second third of the 19th century is one of the key stages in the historical development of the United States. Achieving excellent power status is impossible without expansion, which is a high road to world recognition. The general rule, however, is that such a rise is not a...

Migrations During the US Reconstruction Period

Introduction Geography and migrations played a critical role in American politics, economics, and society from the end of the Reconstruction era throughout the 1980s. The Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865 to 1877, describes a historic period that marks endeavors by the US to integrate the freed Blacks into their sociopolitical...

Comparative Psychology: Strengths and Weaknesses Explored

The article I have chosen for the discussion is “The Janus-Faced Nature of Comparative Psychology – Strength or Weakness?” written by Gordon M. Burghardt. The author examines comparative psychology by using its history as the basis of his investigation and examination. His aim is to show how comparative psychology has...

The Patriots and Their Agenda: The English Colonists

Introduction The colonists who revolted against British monarchical rule were Patriots or Whigs. Their uprising was founded on republicanism, a social and political theory that opposed inherited power and the concepts of a monarchy and an aristocracy. Instead, the philosophy’s primary principles were liberty and inalienable human rights. The conceptual...

Christian Leadership: Personal Results of the Audits

Christian leadership is a combination of managerial skills, leadership qualities, and a high level of personal development on the religious path. A Christian leader must be able to inspire people and lead, but at the same time do it not selfishly, but focusing on serving people and God, on helping...

American Patriots: Ethical Concerns and Civic Engagement

Introduction Due to governing-related imperfections in the American colonies, the middle of the 18th century was marked by devoted colonists’ concerns and a desire for respect. The Patriots’ history of advocating for change reveals various responses to financial exploitation. The Patriots were represented by colonial citizens critical of taxation strategies,...

George Orwell on Modern English and Politics

In his work, George Orwell discusses the main issues of the modern English language in relation to the politics. He states that with the course of time English lost its power to transfer a particular meaning to the audience, and is mainly used to create a vision of some idea...

Food Insecurity in New York City

The world is at a critical juncture: it is very different from six years ago, when commitments were made to end hunger, food insecurity, and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. At this point, there has been no overall global progress toward this goal. It is also worth highlighting that...

Operation Barbarossa in the Second World War

Operation Barbarossa was a code name given to the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1939 before the development of the Second World War. The attack came after Germany had defeated other European powers like Poland, Norway, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium. Hitler believed that the only way...

The US Constitution: Morality, Knowledge, and Religion

Introduction Many ideas and principles inspired the founding fathers in the creation of the US Constitution, including the French Revolution, the Greek model of democracy, the works of Locke, and other philosophers, as Beliles and Anderson explain. Religion was also one of these essential parts, as it is generally believed....

The Legacy of the Gettysburg Address

Introduction Abraham Lincoln delivered his most famous speech as president on November 19, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech, delivered at Union Cemetery after the Battle of Gettysburg, was intended to help mourn the troops who perished, but it accomplished far more. One of the most important speeches delivered during...

The Declaration, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights

Thomas Jefferson drew on Virginia’s Declaration of Rights for the Declaration of Independence first lines. The Virginia Constitutional Amendment accepted it after it was drafted by George Mason. The Declaration of Independence was written to justify seceding from a state; the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to create...

Birth Control and Christian Faith

Introduction The subject of birth control has been controversial in the eyes of Christian faith for a considerable amount of time. In order to build the correct background of the discussion, one must first understand how the bible views children and conception. Passages like Genesis 33:5 reinforce the value of...

Should Sex Workers Be Allowed to Unionize?

Introduction The subject of sex worker legalization and unionization is highly controversial. In most countries in the world, prostitution is considered illegal or is extremely limited by law, making it a dubious and shadowy practice. Discussions about the sex industry typically revolve around morality, human rights, and the protection of...