Business, or White-Collar Crimes

Crime Prerequisites Business, or white-collar crimes, may be defined as violations of trust caused by illegal actions of business professionals. The primary agents of business crimes may be either employers and business owners or a whole corporation. The major difference concerns whether the employee’s crime was committed on the corporation’s...

“Religion, Meaning in Life During Late Adulthood” by Krause & Hayward

Religious studies attempt to discover the meaning in life through seeking and maintaining a strong relationship with God. Scientific studies confirm this association by illustrating the evidence of meaning in life in wellness and healthcare outcomes. In the article “Religion, Meaning in Life, and Change in Physical Functioning During Late...

V. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde About Community

V. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Hyde are the characters created by the famous writers M. Shelly and R.L. Stevenson. These are deathless, and in some way, cult images familiar to many of those who are interested in world classical literature. Each of these fictional personalities is incomparable, individual, and...

The Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire

Many historians have analyzed the fall of the Roman Empire to determine its leading causes. Debates regarding different factors involved and contributed to the end of the Roman kingdom have also been experienced. The Roman Empire was one of the most superior territories recognized by many people. Its collapse led...

“A Few Good Men” by Reiner

Are People Always Ready to Handle the Truth? – Many people believe that they need to and want to live a truthful life. Still, not all of them are actually ready to handle the truth and accept it as it is. The movie A Few Good Men directed by Rob...

Laila Lalami’s “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s Gray Zone”

In the feature article “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s ‘Gray Zone,’” the author, Laila Lalami (2015), expresses her thoughts and fears regarding the current status of Muslims in the world, specifically in the United States. The article suggests that Muslims are not entirely welcome in the U....

Hand Sanitizers: Pros and Cons

Introduction The increase in medical conditions has negatively affected the quality of life and wellbeing of the population due to their effects. This is because medical conditions reduce life expectancy and compel individuals to seek quality care to overcome them effectively. One of the fundamental topics related to medical conditions...

Preparing Effective Materials to Change the Children’s World

Problem Statement Advocates for early childhood education (ECE) should prepare tools to communicate a problem to decision-makers effectively, that is, parents and teachers. However, to achieve such an objective, one should know the components of persuasive communication while presenting potential supporters’ issues (Write & Jaffe, 2014). If the target population...

Communism in Dave Eggers’s “The Circle”

Dave Eggers’s The Circle is a novel about a same-name web organization that offers innovative products and services to ordinary citizens. Even though the literary piece considers the American context in the present time, it introduces some dystopian principles because the organization, the Circle, has a few features of a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Crime Causes Among Adolescents Aged 12 to 17 Years

Statement of the Problem The topic for my term project is “The main causes of crime among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years.” I intend to explore the major reasons for the crime commitment among adolescents of this age group. Juvenile delinquency is a paramount topic to raise and discuss....

Draft for the Research Paper of Best Buy

Introduction In today’s marketplace, every company strives to achieve maximum competitive advantage. The famous American economist Michael Porter, using five structural units characteristic of each industry, described the ways of creating a competitive advantage and long-term profitability of a product. Best Buy, one of the largest consumer electronics retailers in...

World War II: The History of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Summar World War II was a global war that perpetrated the greatest struggle for mankind. Many people died, a lot of money was spent and the property was destroyed hence affecting the world’s economy. This brought tremendous changes in almost every country; Japan was among the countries most affected by...

Caregiver Role Strain Due to Responsibilities

The Stresses on Sandra’s Middle-Aged Sisters and Their Families Caring for the loved one is rewarding as it is a core value, which everyone wishes to provide. However, at times, it can be daunting and straining even to the most resilient people. Sandra’s middle-aged sisters experience both physical and emotional...

Successful Social Media Advertising: Strategies

All are welcome to a Communication Conference, which will be taking place next week Friday at mid-day, and the audience participation will continue until midnight. The meeting will be virtual; therefore, one can enjoy this informative meeting from the comfort of your home. It will also be free of charge...

The Role of the Delegation and Supervision in the Healthcare

The ever-changing working dynamics have led to the dire need to embrace delegation and supervision in different workplaces. According to Wagner (2018), delegation refers to the transfer of responsibilities from one person to another. In a nursing setting, it represents a clinical nurse directing another staff to perform nursing activities...

The Influence of the Pet on Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, on the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

The Mayan Civilization in the Cultural Context

The Mayan civilization is one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations that existed in Latin America in pre-Columbian times. The Mayan culture is known for its advanced knowledge in architecture, space, mathematics, and astronomy. The developed culture, communication, religion, and art of the Maya have their impact on the...

Tuberculosis: Control of Non-Endemic Communicable Diseases

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is traditionally considered a disease of poverty. It influences mainly adults of the productive age (McHugh, 2013). According to World Health Organization (2017), it is among the ten major causes of death worldwide. As of 2015, 10.4 million people in the world had tuberculosis....

African American Women With HIV in the United States

Introduction At present, HIV and AIDS are among the burning problems of humanity. Despite opportunities for prevention, the disease strikes many people. National minorities constitute one of the most vulnerable categories when it comes to HIV incidence. In the United States, the situation with African American women with HIV is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Carnival Corporation

Introduction Carnival Corporation is among the world’s largest cruise ship operators with cruise lines in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The corporation operates under three major brands, which include Princess Cruises, Seabourn, and Cunard. The company is owned by several shareholders, including individuals and institutions with different stakes and...

The History of Dadaists Group in the World War

The Dadaist group was an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the early 20th century in Zurich, Switzerland. Dada movement was founded by Hugo Ball, a German author, in 1916 and continued through 1924. Other leading artists associated with it were Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, and Kurt Schwitters. The...

Evaluation of Levels of Evidence in Healthcare Studies

Discussion Post In spite of the fact that well-designed randomized trials (RCTs) are frequently appointed the most elevated level of proof, not all RCTs are conducted appropriately, and the outcomes ought to be deliberately investigated. An inadequately directed RCT may report a negative outcome when a genuine distinction exists between...

Obesity in Low-Income Community: Diet and Physical Activity

The first article on overweight in low-income communities written by Jin & Jones-Smith (2015) exposes socioeconomic variables that influence obesity. This research aimed to evaluate the relationship between family earnings and physical activity and overweight rates of children for 8 different communities divided by race or ethnicity. The study design...

Voting Rights of Convicted Felons

Convicted felons are individuals found to be guilty of serious offenses, including raping, first-degree murder, and kidnapping, therefore, leaving them no choice but to spend more than one year in prison. According to Whitt, 8% of the US’s current total population represents the number of convicted felons, and, as a...

Roles of Media in Influencing Government and Its Citizens

Media as a Watchdog Public guardian Exposes corrupt leaders Analyzes policies Influences collective actions (Chan, 2017) Unethical activities The media exposes corrupt leaders, and it protects people by exposing unethical practices and illegal activities, which are detrimental to the wellbeing of the citizens. The media acts as a public guardian...

Civil Law vs. Criminal Law: Comparative Analysis

One of the most common ways to structure the law is to divide it into civil and criminal law. There are differences in the goals, remedies, procedures, and parties between civil and criminal cases. Regarding the goals, there is one primary difference between civil and criminal laws. Civil cases are...

Literacy Skills in Struggling Students: Team Read Program

Many students have difficulty in literacy skills, particularly comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling skills. Therefore, research in improving literacy skills is essential in finding strategies that may enable students to perform better in reading and writing. Struggling students need different teaching approaches to improve their literacy skills, particularly students from minority...

Impact Confections Company Expanding Outside the US

Expanding a company to the international market results in increased employment and healthy financial development. For example, Impact Confections Company can diversify its products by selling them outside the USA. Impact Confections Company is a candy-producing organization established in 1981 in Janesville, Wisconsin city, U.S. (Helton, 2019). Warhead candies are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Suicidality. Suicide Prevention Strategies

Cases of suicide are increasing daily in many countries due to various issues, such as drug abuse and poor mental health. Efforts need to be put in place to curb this emerging issue. Despite this, suicide prevention strategies aimed at reducing the occurrences of suicide remain under-researched. What is available...

Malcolm X, a Revolutionary. Philosophical Theology

Malcolm X is the eminent personality of the 20th century, widely known for his combat against African-Americans harassment. Malcolm X had been frequently criticized for his policy, as a considerable part of the society had founded his attitude violent and racist. He had spread the point of view that European...

State Campaign About Problems in the Society

State campaigns prove extremely useful in drawing public attention to particular problems in society. Nowadays people are overwhelmed with abundant information from television and the Internet. Activists require support from the government to be heard by the public. People use various social media tools to find supporters and create communities....

The Problem of Alabama’s Latest Abortion Bill

Defining the Problem The problem revolves around Alabama’s latest abortion bill, which punishes abortion, providing doctors with lifetime sentencing (“Abortion laws in the US,” 2019). The citizens of the state already lack infrastructure and access to the procedure, and the legislation makes the problem even more challenging. One of the...

ASCA Ethical Standards and Virtual Standards

Introduction The ASCA is a code of ethics for school counselors because it comprises the responsibilities, principles, and morals that people must adhere to be successful. The liability of each staff member is to support students regardless of origin, race, previous educational level, and other reasons for discrimination (American school...

“Aspirin for Primary Prevention…” by Kunutsor et al.

In this article, Kunutsor, et al. (2016) examine the impact of aspirin for the primary prevention of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events on patients with diabetes. The purpose of their research is determined by a considerable risk of cardiovascular events in people with diabetes that promote inflammation and atherosclerosis die...

Work Ethics: Communication and Cooperation

Introduction Following work ethics is crucial for effective collaboration with colleagues while using appropriate skills and abilities is necessary for this objective. In my case, they include attendance and teamwork, and these provisions determine my success in the workplace. Therefore, adhering to the regulations related to the time spent performing...

Predictive Analytics of Voter Behavior in 2020 Presidential Election

Predictive analytics provides politicians and other stakeholders interested in electoral behavior with sound tools to evaluate people’s attitude and possible outcomes of the elections. The primary tools employed are predictive modeling, data mining, and machine learning (Buresh & Pavone, 2018). Researchers have developed numerous techniques to improve the effectiveness of...

The Practice of Hiring Undocumented Immigrant Children

The idea of bending the existing regulations and laws for the sake of meeting not only the needs of the company but also those of potential staff members is quite alluring. From the standpoint of Utilitarianism, the suggested solution, being rooted in the idea of maximizing utility, the described solution...

Team Work in Think Tanks

Making decisions that can affect many human lives – in politics, economics, culture, sociology, and other spheres requires a foundation formed by research and analysis. To provide the necessary knowledge, facts and forecasts, think tanks, also known as policy institutes, or brains trusts were created. Employees of such analytical centers...

Prisoners’ Human Rights Protection

Introduction Though limited in power and resources, the advocacy agency may advocate for human rights in different ways. Prisons have become centers of various law violations as the current system does not treat prisoners fairly. For the protection of human rights in prisons, it is important to examine the existing...

The Death of Enkidu and the Enlightenment of Gilgamesh

Introduction The great epic poem of Gilgamesh explores a vast number of themes, but the one that sets the epic into motion is the subject of friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The effect their friendship imposes on the reader has to deal with the unusual circumstances of their acquaintance –...

Reasons for Government to Implement the Regulations in Economics

Introduction In the contemporary world, the competitive market is a vital part of Economics, which is based on partial independence, complimented with the government’s regulations. Business is the socially significant activity that influences the daily life of all the citizens that raises the necessity of strict external control over its...

Physical Security in DR, BCP Scenarios

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent regulations to reduce its spread, many countries have had to implement restrictive measures on people’s freedom of mobility. One of such measures includes regulations and recommendations that aim at reducing the number of people who physically attend their workplaces. In other words, governments...

Nutrition Research: Grapefruit Diet for Weight Loss

Background Section A grapefruit diet is a nutrition plan that promises fast fat-burning effects. It has been popularized by Hollywood stars and holds that a person should eat grapefruits or drink grapefruit juice with every meal. According to the data available online, this low-calories diet implies eating protein-rich and low...

Fresno Medical Center’s Telehealth Risk Management Strategy

As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare agencies, governments, and industry groups recommend the adoption of telemedicine as a remedy for a remote treatment plan. Telehealth is an important medical field that can help practitioners combat COVID-19 by deploying solutions and chronic medicines within patients’ home settings....

Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Influence on Contemporary Dating

Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Evolutionary theory explains a wide range of common human behaviors, such as mate selection. The process of human evolution describes the gradual change in human traits to what they are currently. Mate selection is one of the most widely studied facets of evolution because of...

Leadership and Management Differences

The definition between a leader and a manager is still relevant, which is reflected in the materials read. Toor’s and Ofori’s research became key to understanding the differences between management and leadership. In the course of studying the material, it was concluded that there is no clear distinction between the...

Amazon’s Decision-Making: Non-Financial Factors

Investment activities are crucial for every organization because they allow businesses to generate revenue, promote future growth and development, and many others. That is why companies typically consider many factors and features to decide when and how to invest their funds. On the one hand, a business can rely on...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Objectives and Key Results

Summary Being the beginning of the marketing plan, objectives should be set thoroughly in order to allow a company to achieve its goals. A SMART Objective for Coca-Cola To produce 20 percent more Coca-Cola Zero by the end of 2021. S – the goal is precise. M – the goal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Group Typology: Interdisciplinary Team

A treatment group or a task group can be used to provide patients with the required assistance. Regarding Paula Cortez, she has multiple health conditions that can adversely affect her pregnancy, meaning that numerous healthcare providers are involved in working with her (Walden University, n.d.). That is why a treatment...

Amazon Workers’ Abuse

The article Amazon To Let Warehouse Employees’ Families Work Thanksgiving Shifts Too, posted on The Onion satirical media resource, mocks the media’s obsession with Amazon, as well as the company’s severe working conditions. The article states that Amazon provides a possibility for its staff to work with their family members...

How Physical Activity Affects Heart Rate

Introduction Physical activity is one of the critical components of people’s lives enabling individuals to remain healthy for a longer period. The heart rate of an exercising person is accelerating as muscles need more oxygen. Good health is associated with lower heart rate during exercise and longer endurance, which is...

Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice

Several actions can be taken for a client to understand the elements of self-care. These include clear verbal communication, ensuring the comprehension of the instructions, being creative by using illustrations, clarifying, and questioning the clients. Clear communication is always the first action taken, and it involves explaining the matters to...

Medicare Decision-Making Process: Study Design

Paradigmatic Commitment The research paradigm that forms the foundation of this study is constructivism, which seeks to create meaning based on qualitative data. Constructivism was selected as the most appropriate paradigm for the study since the research considered the participants’ perspectives and their decision-making process. Hence, constructivism was more relevant...

The Anthropocene: Human Impacts on the Environment

Summary Human actions and resource exploitation are reshaping the Earth in significant ways. Some practices, such as dam construction, forest cutting, and the conversion of natural lands to agricultural lands, directly impact the environment. However, other human activities have indirect impacts, such as climate change, an increase in greenhouse gases,...

Phineas Gage and Frontal Lobes

Neuroscience psychology involves an integrated approach that is aimed at understanding the brain’s effect on psychological responses. One of the critical aspects of learning to treat mental health and wellness challenges effectively is recognizing the link between physical responses and potential emotional issues. In this regard, in neuroscience, Phineas Gage...

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986: Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity

The US states are making independent efforts to eliminate disparities arising due to the unequal sentencing against minorities. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 is among the laws at the center of the disparate sentencing discrepancy. Lynch & Omori (2018) assert that the 1986 Act imposes disproportionate sentences for offenders...

Toyota Motors Analysis

Introduction Several key factors are influencing the strategy and operations of Toyota Motors. These are demographics, culture, socio-economic environment, and consumer attitudes. According to the International Monetary Fund, the Japanese population’s median age is slightly over 48 (Japan, 2020). It means that Japan is the country with the oldest population...

Democratic, Autocratic and Servant Leadership

The essence of democratic leadership can be defined by the three functions it is able to perform. These include the distribution of responsibility among the group, the empowerment of the members, and assistance or guidance of the collective’s decision-making process (Woods, 2020). As such, many members of a group are...

School Violence: Causes and Mitigation Measures

School or campus violence in the United States is rising to a level that requires homeland security. In recent years, K-12 schools, such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and higher education institutions, such as Virginia Tech were among them. This paper explores the causes for the growing...

Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications

The report was written by the experts of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center (NCVC). Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, and Daniel W. Smith discuss youth victimization and claim that the frequency of violence and physical abuse towards adolescents is immensely high in the U.S. The authors...

East Bank Regional Hospital System

Introduction Medical facilities can adjust their models and expand the available services to meet the health demands of the targeted patients. The existing challenges and objectives should dictate this kind of change. This discussion identifies the key expansion areas that the East Bank Regional Hospital’s top management should consider. The...

Virtual Classroom Training Challenges

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the virtual classroom training challenges, which is a more specific area in comparison to a broader subject of difficulties of online education. It is important to note that training in a classroom is not comprised of mere information delivery and exchange but...

Content-Oriented Listener Style and Related Skills

Introduction Listening styles refer to the general way in which a person attends to other people’s messages. Vickery and Ventrano (2020) explain that understanding various listening modes and the appropriate time to implement them helps individuals enhance their communication skills and better listeners. Although people might assume that being a...

The Effects of Abortions on the Black Community

There are many activists who support abortion as a means of women’s rights protection. Black women comprise practically 15% of the childbearing populace but constitute more than 36%t of all abortions in the country (Jones & Jerman, 2017). They have the most elevated early termination proportion in the country, with...

Regulating the Financial Sector is Beneficial to Stakeholders Across the Board

Introduction Economic instabilities such as the Great Recession of 2008 are as a result of weakened regulations. As from the mid-2000s, for instance, lenders expanded the meaning of credit-worthiness and started to extend mortgages even to buyers who had poor credit histories (Truby, Brown, & Dahdal 2020). A significant number...

Infant Feeding and Hospitalization Incidence

The first year of a newborn’s life is considered the most difficult for survival, as infants are vulnerable to different diseases and infections. The immune system of newborns and the possible health risks is an important subject for research, but the issue remains understudied. Predisposition to diseases may depend on...

Behavioral and Cognitive Mental Health Theories

Mental health approaches attempt to explain the development of human beings socially, psychologically, and behaviorally. Early and Grady (2017) explain that researchers focused on suffering and pain alleviation for an extended period. Therefore, they aimed to understand what was wrong with an individual and how to solve the situation (Early...

Clinical and Translational Research Center

The system and subsystem constraint is linked to the coronavirus-related restrictive measures, where social distancing and accommodation limitations severely lower the number of patients taken. The system possesses both external and internal constraints, where the market one is caused by an artificial reduction in maximum demand. In other words, the...

Market Designs and Entrepreneurship Innovations

Technology has played a significant role in elevating entrepreneurship globally. Innovative ideas have been diverse to fit the digital world in business and market systems. Products have been improved through technology; hence, encouraging competition in the market. When the quality of products advances through innovation, their value increases, enabling them...

Nursing Shortages and Patient Care Outcomes

Summary One of the challenges for healthcare providers is nursing shortage. It is connected to numerous factors, such as the work environment, job satisfaction, and others (Seren Intepeler et al., 2019). This issue belongs to the category of leadership since it is a responsibility of medical facilities. Meanwhile, it leads...

What Is Water-Related Terrorism and How to Cope With It?

Water-related terrorism is one of the most sophisticated and violent methods of damaging society. Although the effects of those terrorist acts might seem less violent than the “traditional” armed attacks, they are actually highly detrimental to economics and population health. Often, water-related terrorism includes damaging government facilities, and since water...

Self-Esteem & Social Network Usage Link

Social networks are closely intertwined with the lives of modern people of different educational levels and social strata. Most young people spend a lot of time on social networks, chatting with friends, commenting on the news, and posting their photos for everyone to see. In such a dynamic and eventful...

Cohen’s “The King of World We All Want” Speech

Introduction The article “The Kind of World We All Want: MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN STOP THE GREATEST PROPAGANDA MACHINE IN HISTORY” is the speech of Sasha Baron Cohen, in which he addresses a highly disturbing issue of racism, hate, and bigotry. According to the actor, in the present day,...

Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

The Ebola Virus and Disease Prevention

Causative Agent – Ebola virus Fig.1 above is a microscopic representation of the Ebola virus belonging to the filioviridae family in the order of mononegaviruses (CDC,2021a). The virus is single-stranded and exhibits a distinct heterogenous threadlike structure (CDC,2021a). Upon entering the body, the virus causes cells’ death, which weakens the...

History of Industrialization in the United States

Introduction The skyrocketing expansion of manufacturing in the period between 1877-1900, named the Gilded Age, generated enormous wealth and made the USA the most economically developed country. Nevertheless, along with achievements, industrialization gave rise to many significant social issues, including a yawning break between rich and poor and economic instability,...

Superglue Fuming Overview

There are multiple techniques available that can be used to develop latent fingerprints from porous surfaces such as paper. One such technique is referred to as ninhydrin fuming (Eksinitkun et al. 21). Ninhydrin is a chemical that forms a purple compound when it reacts with amino acids. Before soaking into...

“The Lottery” by Jackson vs. “Antigone” by Sophocles

Shirley Jackson’s short story, The Lottery, describes a tradition in a small town where members draw lottery slips, and the winner is subject to death by stoning as a community sacrifice for good health and harvests. On the other hand, Sophocles’s play, Antigone, follows one girl’s fight against authority for...

The Human Research Protection

The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich The documentary is about nurses during the Nazi period who participated in the Holocaust, violating their professional ethics. They also were involved in the murder of mentally ill and handicapped people. It is intended to show causes and consequences of ethical violations in...

Book Review: “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was the pseudonym of the beloved children’s writer Theodor Seuss Geisel. His works have taught generations of children how to read, feel, and think (Go, 2019). Dr. Seuss’s books are instantly recognizable because they feature a simple plot told in an extremely original matter with delightful wordplay and...

Importance of Resistors in Electrical Engineering

A resistor is considered one of the most commonly utilized components in electronics. This is a passive element of electrical circuits with a specific or variable value of electrical resistance. Resistors are designed to linearly convert current strength into voltage into current power, current limitation, and absorption of electrical energy....

Current Matrices of the Tesla Company

Introduction Tesla, Inc. is an American corporation located in Palo Alto, California, for electric vehicles and sustainable energy. According to Musk (2020), the stock value of Tesla exceeded the boundaries of 150 billion. It made the electric car startup more valuable than the combined GM, Ford, and Chrysler and the...

“Harvest of Empire”: Immigration in the United States

Introduction Most Americans have never understood the challenging history lying behind the increased Latino population growth in the United States. Nevertheless, after watching the documentary, I realized that it is of great help in making a person know why America has many immigrants. Thus, this essay aims to provide a...

Machiavelli’s Claims on Good Leadership in The Prince

In the book The Prince, Machiavelli presented the readers with opinions that were opposed to humanism philosophy. He encouraged rulers to kill some of their subjects to obtain what they wanted. The author discusses the criminal ways that rulers can use to attain what they want. He outlines how rulers...

Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass

Slavery is one of the most disgraceful pages in American history. The system existed in 1619-1865 and humiliated the dignity of black people, claiming them as the powerless free workforce. Though the Declaration of Independence of 1776 contained the point of abandoning slavery, many wealthy people were against it, and...

“Woman’s Work” by Julia Alvarez: Nothing Is Impossible

“Woman’s Work” by modern Dominican-American work writer Julia Alvarez is a short but provocative poem, both in terms of its form and content. Being composed in tercet, which is one of the most sophisticated versifications, the writing demonstrates that a female author can be talented and competent. Those features are...

Business Law: Trade Union

Corporations can allocate a lot of resources to prevent unionization in the United States. If an employer violates the law to avoid unionization, the legal system is entirely inadequate in establishing remedies. Therefore, very few employees are committed to public associations striving for equal rights and opportunities. This work is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Meaning of Life and Great Philosophers

The question of the meaning of life is a philosophical and ambiguous one. To answer it, I would like to compare two philosophers’ views, Schopenhauer and Sartre. According to Schopenhauer, the meaning of life for people is happiness; that is, the goal in life is to become happy or satisfied...

Strategies for Nurses’ Academic Portfolios

A portfolio is a document presenting a person’s education, skills, professional achievements, and work experience. Creating a portfolio is similar to building a brand in marketing and is the most efficient way to demonstrate one’s competencies and provide a record of one’s ongoing development to peers, employees, and educational faculty....

SARS-CoV-2: Virus Overview

Abstract SARS-CoV may become an endemic virus, but public health care is expected to gain more control over it. The family of the virus is Coronaviridae, and it is of the genus Betacoronavirus. It consists of the viral proteins spike glycoprotein (S), viral membrane glycoprotein (M) and envelope (E), which...

Walmart and the Chinese Market

Introduction Walmart is one of the largest multinational retail corporations and the world’s largest company by revenue. It operates in twenty-six countries outside of the United States, with the Chinese market being one of the primary focuses for the company’s expansion since 1996 when Walmart opened its first hypermarket in...

Speed as Important Factor in Cyber Security

Enterprise organizations have a lot to handle in the era when cyberattacks have become not just a tangible threat but a lived reality. Statistically, two-thirds of all organizations report up to 25 security breaches every month. At the same time, one in five respondents admits that they have only limited...

The Use of Emotional Freedom Technique for Test Taking Anxiety Reduction

Introduction Stress and related psychological problems seem to be critical factor that drives adolescents to self-destructive behaviors. This issue often becomes the reason for poor performance in educational institutions and causes affective disorders later in life (Church, De Asis, & Brooks, 2012). The emotional freedom technique (EFT) is reported to...

Effective Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms

Introduction Societal trends contribute to the emergence of the diversity of American students. This fact explains the need for an instrument allowing them to assess their knowledge based on various factors. The failure to do so would indicate the allegedly poor student performance, which would be biased due to the...

The Black Lives Matter Movement: A Call for Action

What Is Black Lives Matter (BLM)? Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized social and political movement that protests against instances of racially motivated crime and police brutality targeted at people of color. In the context of the systematic inequality between races that have existed in society for centuries, BLM...

“Challenges of Nursing Handover” by Sabet Sarvestani

Qualitative research is often regarded as less reliable or valid due to the lack of rigor of its methodology. Qualitative methods are often associated with a considerable degree of bias. This design is often compared with quantitative research that is seen as rigorous and reliable. For instance, researchers can quantify...

SWOT Analysis for Woolworths Group

Woolworths Group is a leader in the Australian food and grocery retail market. It has multiple stores in Australia and New Zealand and provides consumers with high-quality middle-range prices products. According to the Managing Director of the company, its mission might be formulated as “placing the customer at the start...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social and Societal Determinants of Health

Introduction One of the key research directions devoted to studying the state of health in the contemporary world could be considered the analysis of the formation mechanisms of social-based inequities in health. Reducing these inequities in health could be regarded as an inseparable composite part of state policies, directed toward...

Indemnity Dental Insurance: Pros and Cons

Indemnity dental insurance is one of the several insurance coverage schemes that can be accessed by the American citizens in need of seeking oral health care (Manski et al., 2015). Indemnity dental insurance is a fee-for-service plan, meaning that individuals who subscribe to this type of plan must pay for...

Aspects of Security Policies

Security policies are defined as high-level mechanisms which identify priorities and procedures and provide blueprints for the security program as a whole. Besides, by specifying mandatory requirements and controls, security protocols are needed to achieve policy objectives or goals. The methods or procedures used to maintain and upgrade these policies...

“Climate Change Facts and Effect on Economy” by Amadeo

Introduction These days, the topic of multiple ecological problems appears to be extremely relevant, and it is widely discussed among all the categories of the population. The fact that human activity has a negative impact on nature and its perseverance has become evident. Kimberly Amadeo attempts to address one of...

Accessory Plus Incorporated’s Drug Abuse Case

Overview of the case Drug addiction is an undesired incident in any given work environment. For a company to deal with incidences of drug abuse and related incidences in the work environment, a clear policy on drug abuse should be established. In the case of Accessory Plus Incorporated, the issue...

The Clinical Recommendation for Three Illnesses

In the above case study, the patient is suffering from Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Angina. Therefore, the clinical recommendation will involve therapies to help manage the condition. First statins such as Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, and Rosuvastatin would deal with abnormal lipid levels and lower coronary artery conditions. According to Vamvakis et...

Using the Walden Library: CINAHL Database

Walden University Library is a free online library that contains a variety of digital materials such as journals, articles, conference papers, dissertations, books, and videos covering various academic and scientific subjects. Students are encouraged to use it in their academic research to improve their writing skills, explore ideas, and gain...

New Belgium Brewing: Case Study

New Belgium Brewing (NBB) made significant improvements in the development of sustainability as a major part of corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, there rumors that Belgium Beer wants to sell the company to willing buyers, which will potentially lead to the loss of independence and shift from its environmentally friendly...

Type I Hypersensitivity as Self-Defense Mechanism

The case presented with a 24-year-old man, RT, who got a bee sting and had adverse consequences, has several essential points to discuss. When an individual interacts with an allergen, it can immediately respond to the immune system. It is defined as an allergy and is most likely associated with...

HIM Department Competency Assignment: Benchmarking

An in-depth performance study, implemented through functional benchmarking of a company’s internal processes, is part of a successful strategic analysis to identify potential development paths for an organization or department. The object of the study in this paper is the HIM Department of a hospital that is planning to develop...

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“The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Parking Lot”: Comparison

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Predictive Modeling: Regressions and Neural Networks

Introduction Predictive modeling is used to forecast results and outcomes for various types of situations and processes. Neural networks are the tools individuals can utilize for these purposes. This paper provides insight into the complex process of constructing predictive regression models, as well as training them and choosing appropriate input...

The Definition of Hand Skin Anatomy

The skin is the outer vertebrates guarding and protecting the underlying muscles, internal organs, ligaments, and bones. Different body locations have different skin layers which support diverse appendages and subsequent functioning. The hand skin aids in preventing the inner body against harm and regulating body temperatures. Therefore, the hand’s skin...

The American System’s Idea and Clay’s Debate

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Allocation of Fixed Costs in Electric Storage Company

Outline This is a report on the allocation of fixed costs in an organization. The organization selected for the study is the Electric Storage Company (ESC). The module deals with the review of the organization and its treatment of allocated costs. The financial report in the organization that allocates common...

Medical Ethics: Performing an Unnecessary Test

It is unethical for any health care professional to prescribe or administer medical tests or treatments to protect themselves against potential liability. They need to do what they believe is in the patients’ best interest. In Mr. Wilson’s doctor’s case, it is ethical to order a coronary angiogram since he...

Federal Emergency Management Agency Financial Planning

Obstacles to Strategic Financial and Fiscal Planning The governmental policies are intended not only for the implementation of long-term initiatives but also for the mitigation of consequences of disasters. In the United States, there is a special entity engaged with these issues known as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and...

Case Efficiency and Adaptation, Tower Records

Symbiotic Partnership between Monkeys and Wolves Type of Relationship It is clear that Gelada monkeys and Ethiopian wolves have a strong bond involving the fight for survival. Since the monkeys are not bothered with the wolves entering their territory in most cases, it can be noticed that there is an...

Pharmacogenomics and Chronic Illnesses

The topic of pharmacogenomics and chronic illnesses was selected for the following discussion. The problem of pharmacogenomics use for the treatment of mental illness is relevant because one in four people suffer from this type of medical condition (Wax, 2012). The article by White et al. (2018) investigates the impact...

Weight Training and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Men

The article on media release claims that 32,000 men were involved in the research while the peer-reviewed journal publishes 32,002 men. Further, the media release argues performing aerobic exercises for 150 minutes a week reduces disease development risk by 52 percent, and weight training for the same period resulted in...

Ethical Practices in Nursing Healthcare

Ethics refer to principles that govern the character, conduct, or attitude of a person. The field of healthcare is not an exception when it comes to ethics. In the 1950s, the American Nurses Association (ANA) created the Code of Ethics, which contained guidelines and standards followed by the nurses (Joseph...

US Criminal Justice System’s Most Significant Problems

A criminal justice system of any country is meant to ensure justice and maintain law and order in the society. A good criminal justice system must therefore provide for safer environs and reduced crime in a country. The US Criminal justice system seems to have failed on this account if...

Moving Upstream to Improve Population Health Down Road

The researchers of nowadays have found the connections between the adult morbidity and life expectancy and the fetal development of a human being or the early life of the child (Halfon 2009). The upstream approach revealed an early reason of adult cardiac diseases and mortality rate. It turns out that...

Frito-Lay’s Manufacturing Facility and Innovations

The goal of any production is to get as much profit as possible at the lowest cost. The modernization of management technologies can achieve such benefits since the final result directly depends on how effectively all processes are executed. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze and evaluate...

Measurement Level in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing research involves exploration of best practices, which are aimed at improving service delivery. To achieve best practices, nursing incorporates research on evidence-based practice. Additionally, nursing research explores new areas to find possible inputs in care giving. Consequently, nursing practice is part of research. Moreover, research involves analysis of...

Analyzing Tests and Scales in Social Science

Abstract The paper at hand provides a brief review of the tests and scales applied to data measurement in social science. One touches upon the most widely-used approaches, as well as, the basic principles of reliability and validity measurement. A particular focus is put on the health science and the...

Why Does Sifers-Grayson Need Operational Security, Especially at the Test Range

Operational Security (OPSEC) represents a term used in the military sphere referring to the protection of unclassified information of various types. In other words, OPSEC describes how to prevent misuse by attackers and cybercriminals’ public information, which could put an object at risk (Fragkos, n.d.). In addition, OPSEC assumes using...

Women in Colonial America: Massachusetts Bay Colony

The development of women’s rights in colonial America is a dramatic period of U.S. history. In particular, the New England Colonies, such as the Massachusetts Bay Colony, were highly patriarchal societies. Likewise, women’s roles in the Southern Colonies, for example, the Province of Georgia, were primarily restricted to household duties...