The Nature of God and Humanity

Traditionally, the nature of God is perceived in Christianity through the lens of the Triune. Namely, God is seen as the omnipotent amalgamation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The specified interpretation also implies that God holds absolute power over every human being, as well as every...

Behavior and Individual Performance in the Provisions of Skinner

Workplace dynamics are pertinent in the growth and development of organizations. Several notions around organizational diversities seek to explore the value of such dynamism. Under the purview of behavior and organizational culture, there is a need to understand the complexity of every personality as an element of purposive performances within...

Unemployment Rates in the United States due to COVID-19

At present, the increase in unemployment in the United States is associated with the country’s epidemiological situation and the tightening of quarantine measures taken by states and individual cities’ authorities. Unemployment rates are more critical compared to the 2008 economic crisis. Vedder’s point is that US citizens tend to work...

“Escaping Salem” Book by Richard Godbeer

Richard Godbeer’s Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 was first published in 2005 by the Oxford University Press with a total count of two hundred pages. As a historian, Godbeer gives a contextual and descriptive account of a much lesser known series of witch trials that occurred in...

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking Sector

Introduction In the recent past, many organizations have established mergers to improve the level of competition in the global markets. In the banking industry, various banks have established mergers to improve performance in the markets and to establish competitive strategies. Some of the mergers, which have been established in the...

Dental Caries Among Adults: Resources Required for a Management Program

Introduction Dental caries is a major health condition affecting most people in industrialized nations. According to medical experts, 91% of Americans suffer from the condition (Lamont, Hajishengallis, & Jenkinson, 2013). As a result, it is important to develop programs to manage the problem. Various resources are required for such projects...

Martini & Rossi: Reinventing Mature Company

For the purpose of discussion, I have chosen the company Martini & Rossi since it fulfills the requirements pertaining to an industry in the mature stage. As it is effectively described by Parnell (2014a), the mature firm serves its clients with sufficient quality and quantity of a product, rarely introduces...

Pediatric Assessment: Children’s Developmental Stage

Introduction Despite the development of new high-tech diagnosis methods, physical examination remains one of the central procedures that help to understand the overall health condition of the patient. The general principles of physical examinations are similar for all age groups; however, there are numerous nuances that a healthcare professional should...

Taza Chocolate Firm’s Distribution, Pricing, and Marketing

Taza Chocolate Chocolate is one of the mainstays for American customers and comes in different forms. The country has numerous companies that make chocolate and its derived products with a broad range of stores vending such brands. Taza is one of the American-based enterprises that concentrate on the manufacture of...

Understanding “The Medium Is the Message”

Marshall McLuhan, a well-known Canadian communication theorist, revealed his theory’s main idea by coining the phrase “the medium is the message.” This phrase reveals that the message’s meaning is determined not only and not so much by the content as by the form. In general, this theory is about what...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contract vs. Tort Law in the United States

In modern society, there are several different legal concepts applicable to various situations. This essay will analyze tort law and contract law and their similarities and differences. To begin with, it is necessary to define both concepts. A tort is an offense that causes damage to society, the state, or...

Achieving a Goal: Fighting With the Things That Hold Us Back

Children are the most adventurous and curious people, yet their fears are very often inexplicable. Some are afraid of monsters, and others cannot fall asleep with their lights off. I was one of those kids, and while my fear was not necessarily irrational, it did take away from some of...

Five Principles of Connection Art and Christianity

Christianity plays a significant role in the creativity and talents of the artists, explaining how these skills emerge and how people should engage with religious norms and expectations. Barrs (2013) applies five principles of this connection between art and Christianity to demonstrate how the artworks should serve all humans. The...

The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health

Introduction This paper investigates the influence of socioeconomic status on people’s health. According to literature, socio-economic status refers to a measure of an individual’s rank in terms of income, occupation and education. Research has established a positive correlation between health and socioeconomic status. That is, people who are in lower...

Understanding Community Needs: A Case Study Review

The target setting selected for the analysis is the prison environment, which has been chosen due to the lack of support for the incarcerated and the necessity to provide them with access to healthcare as one of their basic human rights. The target communities are represented by African American female...

Movie Review: “Rebel Without a Cause”

“Rebel Without a Cause” is one of the most thrilling movies that I have watched so far, and I want to provide a review. The American drama film focuses on middle-class teenagers and the emotional challenges that they face. The film title implies a person who has no clear goal...

Sexual Harassment in the Philippines’ Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace, which ranges from unwelcome comments about sex, gender, or sexual orientation to sexual violence, is a pressing global issue. Although the severity of this problem varies depending on the cultural heritage, gender relations, the level of female emancipation, attitudes towards women in society, and the...

Samsung Products and the Impact of Technology on Marketing

The products offered by Samsung very significantly, occupying various spots on the market and demonstrating different growth patterns. One of the highly developed brands is Samsung QLED, a home television (TV) appliance that manifested remarkable market expansion during previous years. Furthermore, the market share of this product is tremendously high,...

Trends in Contemporary British Society

Introduction Contemporary British society is considered to be the result of major changes in the spheres of politics, economics and private issues of the population. To understand the modern situation and position of the society of the UK it is necessary to underline the basic changes experienced by the population...

The Documentary “The Memphis 13”

The Memphis 13 is a thirty-five-minute documentary that follows the experiences of the thirteen students that were enrolled in all-white schools (Bruce, Gordon, Rozzelle, and Springdale Elementary schools) in Memphis, Tennessee, in October 1961. The enrollment was purposefully done to help integrate African Americans into the all-white Schools in Memphis....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Canada: History and Individual Freedoms in Canada

Limiting individual freedoms in Canada today is necessary in order for Canadians to remain safe from terrorism The limitations of individual freedoms in present-day Canada are not necessary for protecting its citizens from terrorism since the threat is of external nature. It is primarily posed by the violence of Islamist...

Reasons for Using CAPM Model

Introduction Over the years the CAPM model has been used by investors when considering investing in multiple projects. The model provides a way to enable investors to make an estimation of the expected return that can be arrived at from investing in a security. It bases its assumption on the...

The Downfall of Lehman Brothers

Introduction Following the downfall of Lehman brothers, attention was focused on the role of regulators and credit rating agencies in the whole debacle. The public demanded for answers that were not forthcoming from all the concerned parties. This experience was to throw the Sarbanes-Oxley Act under close scrutiny and questions...

Intellectual Property and the Ways How to Prevent It From Stealing

These days, more and more companies gain a competitive advantage in the market due to their innovations and implementations of them in people’s lives. When doing this, the company’s management does not forget to prevent their developments from being stolen by competitors. Consequently, there was invented a universal way of...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring and Nursing

Evidence Supporting Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring In some life scenarios, mostly in the hospitals, human caring has been put aside, and the major concern of the stakeholders in such health fallibilities is pivoted on making a profit. Having read Jean Watson’s theory, I have learned that, for example,...

How Digital Literacy Skills Will Help Me in the Healthcare Setting

Nurses and internet health-related information: Review on access and utility by Ahmad, M. M., Musallam, R., & Allah, A. H.: Training nurses to use information technology is essential for their continuous professional development. This article serves as an overview of the literature on nurses’ use of and access to health-related...

Classification of Rumors in Business

Rumors are unique, usually unreliable information and a distorting form of transmission of any information. According to psychological definitions, rumors are a mass phenomenon of interpersonal exchange of distorted, emotionally colored information. There are two main typologies of rumors: one classification of rumors is based on the degree of their...

Children and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction This article plays a valuable role in studying my topic, which is the influence of coronavirus on children’s mental health. In their report, Phelps and Sperry (2020) discuss an extremely important but underestimated issue and try to draw people’s attention to it. A vast number of factors may harm...

The Nursing Shortage: Challenges and Possible Solutions

Medical caretakers are a basic piece of medical care and make up the biggest segment of the wellbeing calling. As indicated by the World Health Statistics Report, there are around 29 million medical caretakers and birthing specialists universally, with 3.9 million of those people in the United States (World Health...

Epidemiological Study Designs in the Media

Introduction A recent article titled “Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors Drops Diabetes Risk: Study” appeared on The Scientist Magazine on 27th October, 2016 (Grens, 2016). It reports the findings of an epidemiological study carried out by Transade et al. (2016). The study is titled “Population Attributable Risks and Costs of Diabetogenic Chemical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Poor Kids: An Intimate Portrait of America’s Economic Crisis

In America, the majority of citizens wish to live the elusive American dream. However, the idea of being financially comfortable does not always come true for everyone, especially for families living below the poverty line. It is even harsher on children who live in such families. In the PBS documentary,...

Central Nervous System: Parts of the Central Nervous System

The nervous system is made up of two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). For the purpose of this paper, the discussion will revolve around the central nervous system— an essential part of the human body that controls most functions of the body...

Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against Delphi Golf

Collective bargaining is the process aiming to solve workplace issues and gain influence to address concerns regarding terms of employment, such as pay, hours, leave, benefits, safety policies, and other essential aspects. A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) refers to a labor contract signed by an employer and a union that...

Incorrect Assumptions in Mill’s Audit Case

Certified accountant Baker, despite his prestigious status and professional skills, made several inaccuracies and mistakes during the audit of the financial statements of Mill Company. In assessing the risk of controls, the auditor can use audit data from previous years. However, this time Baker changed his approach to a statistical...

Private Car Driver-Linking Service

The transport industry has evolved with time due to ever-changing lifestyles and business dynamics. The advancement of technology has been the primary instrument of change in the sector. In this regard, iDriveYourCar has capitalized on the technology to develop a website and an app, which connect individuals owning private cars...

“The Life: Primates” BBC Documentary

The life of primates is interesting enough that, to date, a large number of species of monkeys have been identified around the world. This work was written for the purpose of reviewing the BBC documentary Life: Primates. As a review, a collection of answers to various questions from the film...

Mediation and Effects of Cultural Diversity

Mediation is the interactive process where a third party or an indirectly involved person helps conflicting parties settle a dispute through negotiation techniques and effective specialized communication. All three parties are encouraged to actively participate in the mediation process to achieve the best in all the anticipated outcomes to the...

Ethics and Federal Laws as to Computer Crime

As technology advances, the number of those who commit computer crimes also increases. These ushers in a new era of crimes, which differ from old crimes, cannot be formally defined. It is becoming an increasing hazard to society, and it is produced by criminals or irresponsible persons who take advantage...

“Public Monuments”: Article Analysis

The article, “Public monuments should represent history and reconciliation, not celebrate Canada’s colonization,” was posted on September 01, 2020, by Kerry Benjoe. The author argues that important figures and statutes should be a reflection of the city and its residents. Benjoe (2020) explains that the First Nation’s history was erased...

The Crucifixion of Jesus in Old and New Testament

The Old Testament includes a range of themes and concepts later referenced and reinterpreted in the New Testament. For example, Luke’s descriptions of Jesus’ death are thoroughly connected to Zechariah’s prophecy presented in the Old Testament. Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Luke highlights the fulfillment of predictions about the...

Social Support in the Community

Introduction The adult population is comprised of people aged above 30 years. The adult population is susceptible to obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, and high blood pressure (Pan, Sherry, Njai & Blanck, 2012). In addition, this population is vulnerable to the mentioned diseases due to lack of physical...

Violence in Institutions: The Nine-Stage Model of Intervention

Many healthcare practitioners are currently facing a wide range of workplace challenges. Workplace abuse has become common in different healthcare settings. Some of these challenges include “physical assaults, verbal abuses, aggressiveness, discrimination, and even murder” (Papa & Vanella, 2013, p. 3). This essay describes specific issues such as the major...

Disaster, PTSD, and Psychological First Aid

Insights on Psychological First Aid Psychological first aid includes strategies designed to help and support children, adolescents, and parents exposed to disasters and terrorism. The approach recognizes children and adolescents as more vulnerable to trauma and related stress due to their resilience weakness (Friedman, 2015). Psychological first aid is designed...

Epidemiology and Prevention Policy for Non-Communicable Diseases

Among numerous non-communicable diseases, diabetes is a burden on contemporary society. It has both social and economic impact, but the unawareness of this fact limits the efficiency of prevention strategies. Diabetes is a chronic disease conditioned by the lack or ineffectiveness of insulin. There are three main types of diabetes:...

Validity and Reliability Discussion in Epidemiologic Study

Introduction For an epidemiologic study to have meaning and worth, the facts must be reliable and valid (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2012). While reliability indicates the repeatability of events, validity seeks to prove the genuineness of the findings. Researchers have to be conscious of possible bias, random error, and confounding...

The Issue of Anti-Intellectualism: “Why We Hate the Smart Kids” by Penrod

In Why We Hate the Smart Kids, Grant Penrod argues that school students actively incorporate the notion of anti-intellectualism into modern society. Being inspired by successful people in mass media who have never received a university degree, teenagers undermine the importance of education and view intellectuals as “nerds”. Penrod’s essay...

Global Development: Rapid Industrialization

The world commenced undergoing rapid industrialization, especially between 1700 and 1800s, led by the global north. During this time, countries such as Britain experienced increased production of goods. The two critical theorists and classical economists, namely Adam Smith and Karl Marx, play a pivotal role in explaining this phenomenon and...

The Best Presentation Software

Almost every person in their life comes across the need to make a presentation. Although when the matter concerns the presentation software, PowerPoint is the first thing that comes to mind for most users, there are many available and free analogs. To date, such applications as Google Slides, Canva, and...

Management Statistical Methods

Introduction Statistics is a mathematical representation of analyzed data. This method can be applied in almost all areas to explore past, present, and future performance. Statistical data can compare and contrast records that may be used for a specific future event. Collected material can predict the likely happening of a...

Discussion of Public Health Achievements

This part of the assignment examines the credentials for both county and state health directors, according to Health Department (2021). Since it is rare for public service officers to display their contacts, the contact information given relates to the County and state health departments through which they are contacted, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Traditional Kantianism and Its Relation to Software Engineering Ethics

Research the Ethical Theory of Traditional Kantianism Immanuel Kant is one of the major thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment. He is known for his work “Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals,” which provides an evaluation of motivations for action (Kant et al., 2019). The ethical theory of traditional Kantianism...

Arctic Mining Consultants

Determination and evaluation of alternatives The problem highlighted in the paper about the company’s work is the lack of employees’ motivation and involvement. This is a significant disadvantage because employees passionate about their work are of great value to any company. A good organization strives to maximize the potential of...

Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition where the ovum, after getting fertilized in the fallopian tube, implants before it gets to the uterus cavity where it is supposed to implant normally. It can get attached to either the walls of the fallopian or cervix. Pregnancy should and can never grow anywhere...

Costs Evaluation and Business Decision Making

Comparative Advantage This simulation illustrates how an individual considers all options available and their consequences, demonstrating how opportunity costs are evaluated to make informed business decisions. In particular, the opportunity’s value needs to be assessed on the basis of benefits and costs associated. Furthermore, a comparative advantage simulation implies the...

Research and Career in Dental Healthcare Field

Introduction The mission of research is to create and disseminate new knowledge, assess technological and scientific innovations, and educate professionals in various fields. Research plays important roles in today’s society, in the development of dental health policies, and the growth of one’s career. This essay discusses the different purposes of...

The Law Enforcement Officers’ Misbehavior

Law enforcement officers are supposed to protect social order and abide by the law. However, it can sometimes happen that these individuals misbehave, and such cases typically face much public attention. The situation with Officer Jaired Dozier is a suitable example since the policeman was fired because of driving his...

Marijuana: Benefits of Legalization

Everyone should support the legalization of marijuana as it can help to save the states’ resources, improve the well-being of people, and reduce racial tension. Today, there are multiple cases when individuals are punished for possessing marijuana. It results in growing arrest rates and the deterioration of the problem. Individuals...

Video Recording of George Floyd’s Murder

Video is an integral part of human life, as it allows people to capture many important moments. There was a time when videos were recorded only for keeping important events in memory. Still, over time, the possibilities have increased, and now video recording is widely used in many areas of...

Healthcare Provision and Role of Culture

Multicultural Communication Multicultural communication refers to the interaction of people from different cultures (Zimmermann, 2017). Its origin can be traced back to the civilization era when people who were confined within particular regions started to explore other parts as they travel and conduct trade activities. Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation Culture...

Mother Teresa’s Analysis in Humanistic Psychology

Introduction and Background Mother Teresa was a missionary and nun in the Catholic Church, born in Albania, Macedonia, in 1910 to the family of Nikola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu. She became a teacher in India for more than 17 years before becoming the headmistress of Loreto convent, Calcutta, in 1944 (Morariu,...

Prevention of Intellectual Property Theft

In today’s increasingly information-driven world, data can be a crucial commodity, more valuable than any physical asset. Thus, any organization must make the best possible efforts to protect its data from unauthorized access. Intellectual property (IP) is a category of data that includes innovations, methods, and trade secrets (UpCounsel, 2020)....

Memphis International Airport as Air Cargo Hub

Brief Synopsis of your Selected Air Cargo Hub The FedEx air cargo operators contain the majority of hubs at Memphis International Airport (MEM). It is located in the north of the United States (US) and serves the cities of Memphis, Tennessee. It is the busiest hub since aircraft are up...

Skin Functions and Risk Factors

The skin is the most critical and largest human organ. It provides a connection of the body with the surrounding nature and is also a feature that distinguishes one person from another. Moreover, it supports the homeostasis of body temperature, and changes in this indicator are called hypo and hyperthermia....

Organizational Change in the Restaurant Industry

It is inevitable for a company to experience the need for organizational change. Strategic choices taken by leaders of a firm are often based on the need to gain or keep a competitive advantage (Oreg & Berson, 2019). This transition can be a result of restructuring, merging, new technology, optimization,...

Communication Failures and the Cases of Their Solution in Business

One of the main reasons for communication failures is insufficient awareness of the other’s culture and traditions, lacking background knowledge, and intentions to learn it. An accurate translation can improve the brand message and convey the desired meaning. However, some companies, such as Target Corporation, already have an established negative...

Concept for Practice and Development in Nursing

Introduction Nursing practice requires one to provide quality services. This cannot be achieved without adequate understanding of nursing concepts. These concepts are essential in guiding the nurse to apply his/her skills appropriately. Moreover, they ensure that adequate steps are undertaken to align with the required standards of practice within the...

Is Leadership in the Eye of the Beholder?

Christian Jacobsen and Lotte Andersen, in their article “Is leadership in the eye of the beholder? A study of intended and perceived leadership practices and organizational performance,” published in the Public Administration Review, studied differences in perceptions of leadership between leaders and their employees. In their paper, Jacobsen and Andersen...

Stewardship and the Kingdom of God

Stewardship is a critical spiritual principle that has always been a part of faith in God. It is a complex principle, that many in the modern world do not wish to fulfill or interpret. As noted in the reading by Walborn and Chan (2015), stewardship as a concept has been...

“Wish You Wood”: The Company Analysis

For small and medium entrepreneurships (SMEs), surviving in the environment of global competition, where organizations of a much larger caliber utilize all available strategies in order to retain their influence and power, is a massive challenge. For “Wish You Wood,” the decision to partner with Amazon seemed like a stroke...

Innocence and Responsibility in Humans

It is a common misconception regarding such qualities as innocence and responsibility, which are associated with a specific stage of human development. The former is tied to childhood, whereas the latter stands as a symbol of adulthood. However, they are often misinterpreted and confused with other notions. Hence, it is...

The Religion in the Ancient World

Ancient Greeks and ancient Asia represent two strikingly different civilizations with their distinct cultures, world outlooks, religions, and moral codes. Numerous ideas about ancient Greeks’ cultural life and religion can be found in myths, tragedies, and poems, while ancient Asia’s religious life can be primarily traced in Vedas or Upanishads....

Developing a Wix-Based Website

Website development seems like an easy task, yet demands step-by-step coordination in order to create a product that would appeal to the client. As a designer, one has to be user-oriented to ensure smooth interaction. This is the major problem that results in low site traffic and financial losses for...

Just-In-Time Inventory Approach

The Just-In-Time inventory approach, commonly referred to as JIT, has been adopted by a number of successful companies worldwide. It is a somewhat recent development in operations management that ensures labor, goods and raw materials arrive at the premises exactly when needed for the production process. For the purposes of...

The Effects of Crystal Meth, Highly Addictive Substance

Crystal meth is an odorless, colorless kind of d-methamphetamine. It is a synthetic stimulant that is categorized as a Schedule II substance. The categorization makes it a highly addictive substance that has the potential to be abused. Studies show that an estimated 5% of the adult population in America has...

Amazing Grace: The New Testament

In my understanding, the New Testament offers countless opportunities for exploring the grace of God. It reaches its highest point in God’s decision to sacrifice his Son’s life in the name of humanity’s moral improvement and salvation. In Peter 3:18, the audience is encouraged to “grow in grace of our...

“Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson

In the chapters of his book, Erikson critically examines the nature of Jesus Christ through a discussion of the most prominent theological trends and opinions. At the center of the analysis is the recognition of the historical significance of Jesus as a teacher and a man who managed, nevertheless, to...

Use of Logic in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Trifles, a work by Susan Glaspell, follows the structure of a common murder mystery but includes elements of social commentary and issues of great value. It can be summarized as a murder of a husband by a wife and the two connected yet individual investigations that follow. The story’s unique...

American Express Co: Working Capital

Calculating an organization’s working capital is an essential step toward understanding its financial performance and resilience. In general, this metric reflects the available liquidity of an entity or the ability to fulfill its obligations. In a way, working capital shows how many times an organization can pay for its obligations...

Review of “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Bradbury

In many literary works, the house is presented as one of the most essential parts of the novel. The authors give it a particular character, like living characters, a specific meaning, add important plot events to attract the reader’s attention to it. In the work “There Will Come Soft Rains”...

AACN Professional Association Membership: It’s Time to Make a Difference!

Our Mission AACN is a professional nursing organization that strives for the well-being and excellent health of its patients. We understand how vulnerable people with health concerns are, and we make it our goal to provide reliable services of the highest quality. Our mission is to provide excellence because nothing...

Social Roles and Statuses Influence on Society

The notion of marginality is one of the characteristics of the state of the social structure of contemporary society. The transformation of the social structure of society entails intensive dynamics of the social structure, which determines social differentiation and contributes to the development of social marginality and stigma. This destroys...

Former Governor Cuomo’s Bail Reform

American legislation allows bails in some cases that do not put society in danger. However, this system is often criticized for wealth bias and putting criminals back on the streets. Therefore, former New York state governor Andrew Cuomo proposed eliminating money bail in 2019, and the law became effective in...

The Art of Persuasion and Public Relations

Persuasion is a sort of communication that influences others’ opinion. The readings of this week have the art of language in common when providing the description of persuasion (Messina, 2007; Borchers, 2013; Gass & Seiter, 2018). Moreover, readings highlight that persuasion impacts feeling and emotions of the audience to change...

The Trial of the Chicago Drama by A. Sorkin

A single story can be a basis for forming judgments in a person or a group of people about others. This situation is dangerous since the insufficient amount of information does not allow a person to form a complete picture and give an objective assessment. Thus, it is important to...

Climate Change: Dealing with the Problem

We would like to point out our agreement with the fact that climate change is a real phenomenon, which, lately, became infested with the issues of politicization, which, subsequently, resulted in a massive disinformation problem (Van der Linden, Leiserowitz, Rosenthal, & Maibach, 2017). We can all agree that climate change...

How to Dispute a Contract Legally?

The current hypothetical scenario involves the contract between Ed and Becky concerning the building of the house. However, Becky has sought legal advice after signing a new deal and wants to cancel it. To establish whether the contract may be rescinded or declared void, it is necessary to provide sufficient...

Stages of Team Development and How to Build Trust Among a Team

Team building refers to the activities aimed at improving the efficiency of workers within an organization. It is aimed at instilling a better understanding between members of the team and the management. It also improves teamwork among team members and the customers, thus translating to consumer satisfaction and accomplishment of...

Marijuana: Limitations of Individualistic Explanations

Marijuana is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. However, given the effects that the drug has on the individuals who use it users and the people who surround them (the society), the use of marijuana has been made illegal in most countries in the world. However,...

Labour Shortages Threaten Housing Supply

The article summarized here is titled “Labour shortages threaten housing supply,” written and published by The Economist author unknown in September of 2021. The thesis of the article is that while demand for new homes is high, there is not enough labor in the form of supply to build them,...

Discussion of Abnormal Psychology

Antipsychotic drugs have proved their efficiency in the treatment of psychosis and mood disorders. However, sometimes they can have considerable side effects, such as dizziness or tardive dyskinesia, especially in the case with severe symptoms and higher doses of medication (Antipsychotic). To understand why psychiatrists in the past seemed to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Creating a Successful Informative Speech

The process of a compelling and informative speech’s creation should include some essential elements which are indispensable for a well-organized presentation. A persuasive speech implies profound preparation and speaker’s highly developed practicing skills. Mastering these aspects is a key prerequisite for a successful speech. Careful preparation and achieving the necessary...

Caries Prevention and Improving Communities

Tooth decay is a common oral health issue in most communities around the world. Dental caries are widespread among children aged between 2 and 11 years. Moreover, dental caries are common among adolescents and adults. Tooth decay is usually caused by poor oral care; the disease is preventable. This paper...

New Network Contacts Research and Development

Introduction Maintaining and developing a network of valuable contacts is a vital skill and duty in almost every industry, and is critically important in any business which relies on interprofessional connections to function at the top of its efficiency. The importance of such connections is progressively recognized more and more...

The Reconstruction Era and Its Failures in the US

After the 13th Amendment was introduced, Black people believed that hey were entitled to free land after years of unpaid work as slaves. In 1865, President Andrew Johnson formed the Freedmen’s Bureau. According to the second plan, black people had the right to receive forty acres of abandoned land for...

Harper Lee and “To Kill a Mockingbird”

There are numerous various books in the world, and some of them are products of pure imagination while others reflect real life. Often authors implement some aspects of their lives into their works, and one such example is Harper Lee and her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. To understand the...

Capital Budgeting for Byron Manufacturing

Capital budgeting refers to a process of decision-making by businesses regarding long-term resource allocation. It involves evaluating new projects and investments by analyzing the inflows and outflows of cash and estimating the expected return. Capital budgeting revolves around the concept of time value for money (Menifield, 2021). A decision needs...

Patient Rights to Experimental Drugs

Healthcare and medical field are critically important, and the personnel who work in these areas can affect many people in various ways. Medical research is crucial because it is the only way medical professionals can see what type of treatment options are available for the sick. This also means these...

The Problem of Overpopulation and Energy Scarcity

One of the main challenges for humanity in this century is the threat of overpopulation. The population is proliferating, and although environmental, geopolitical, and socioeconomic factors may be slowing this dynamic, growth remains evident. Along with population growth, the issue of providing for society’s increasing needs is becoming increasingly urgent....

Transactional Directive Leadership Style

Under the leadership style is understood to be a set of all methods, techniques, actions used by the leader in his work. The individuality of styles is demonstrated primarily in communication between director and staff and is closely related to the category of leadership in management. That is the ability...

Magnolia Grandiflora: Organism Profile

Summary The following paper is a profile of the Magnolia tree, and it addresses its background, origin, and biological attributes. It will examine the life cycle of the tree in addition to its reproductive system, and carry out a study on the plant’s evolutional history. Under evolution, it will focus...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity

Numerous changes that continue in the environment take place over a long time. Sustainable agriculture provides a long-term impact on the agro-ecosystem. It aims to produce food in an environmentally friendly environment that prevents depletion of soil fertility or pest problems. This area uses a proactive approach as opposed to...

Innovations in Zillow Firm’s Business Model

Zillow’s business model is in providing homebuyers with extensive data and other information about properties they might be interested in purchasing. This includes data available publicly and proprietary one that before Zillow was available only to brokers and real estate agents through Multiple Listings Services (MLS). Currently, the value proposition...

Coloring Mandalas Against Anxiety of Medical-Surgical Nurses

Purpose of the Study The project purpose was to examine whether coloring mandalas during break increases heart rate variability and helps lower the anxiety state and characteristics among medical-surgical nurses and the healthcare support staff compared to normal activities. Research & Design The study used crossover pre- and posttest quasi-experimental...

Tessilo Ltd.’s Chief Executive Officer Appointment

Salvatore Stella, who is the CEO of the company Tessilo, Ltd., assumes that it is appropriate to find another specialist in his place. The realization of this intention requires additional funding from the investor. However, during the negotiations, Paul Pluto, who is the investor, introduces an opinion that it may...

Gendered Aspects of Slavery in American History

The US’s social, political, and economic development is significantly shaped by slavery among African Americans. Most of the laws, human rights, social and cultural revolutions resonated on addressing ideologies on recognizing black Americans’ rights. While the blacks were the most affected by slavery, women, especially of the African American origin,...

Medical Informatics: Role and Importance

Introduction Modern trends and the high population seeking medical attention have influenced the healthcare industry today. The health organizations therefore have to adopt the new protocols in order to offer efficient services to the public (Myers, 1986). The need for effective management of information and organization in general has therefore...

The Budget Analysis Trend in the Graphical Expression

A budget presentation may pick various forms of presentations; these may involve graphs amongst other designs. In this particular budget examination, the graphical expression as a visual format has been adapted. One of the significant reasons that explain the application of graphs in accounting and finance reports, such as budgeting...

Transformational Leadership in Case of Walt Disney

Introduction Leadership is a powerful strategy that helps managers guide their followers to complete their roles efficiently. The implementation of desirable styles guides employees to collaborate, become more involved, and focus on the outlined organizational goals. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of transformational leadership and reaction to the article...

Joys of Social Work Administration

Social workers seek to empower people and communities in their everyday lives. Unfortunately, the field has garnered a reputation for being a noble but dreary profession. As a result, a leadership crisis currently besets the social work labor market. Experienced leaders in nonprofit administration are abandoning the field. Watson and...

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Qualitative Article Critique

Article citation Walker-Williams, H. J., & Fouché, A. (2017). A strengths-based group intervention for women who experienced child sexual abuse. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(2), 194–205. The purpose of this assignment is to locate a qualitative research article on social work practice and offer a critique based on a...

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Annotated bibliography Aljafari, A. (2016). Apple Inc. industry analysis: Business policy and strategy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7(3), 406-441. Web. Aljafari’s article gives details about Apple Inc.’s business strategy and policies that make the firm more competitive than Microsoft, Google, and Samsung among other top competitors. For...

Importance of Development and Cross-Cultural Integration

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Discussion: African-Americans and Islam

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Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Adaptable Mixed Leadership

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Distracted Driving as a Dangerous Practice

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Brown University Website’s Problem Analysis

Introduction Given the possibility to thoroughly study and analyze the site for detecting any apparent usability issues, many interesting notions have come up which should be taken into consideration. The purpose of this memorandum is to demonstrate the remarks which have been taken during this observation with possible improvements that can...

Argiculture in the Mayan Classic Civilization

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Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism

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Ecology of Policy in Social Work Settings

Public opinion plays a crucial role in the implementation process of a policy due to the necessity to address divergent viewpoints. Strategies that aim at improving the growth and development of a region rely on the ability of the individuals’ endorsement. An excellent example of an approach is the implementation...

Magid and Millat in the “White Teeth” Novel by Zadie Smith

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“How the Federal Reserve Fights Recessions”: The Article Summary

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire world had to encounter severe economic crises, which affected every sphere of life. It was especially tough for organizations of different kinds and fields, as it was absolutely unexpected. Even the wealthiest and the most developed countries, such as the United...

Obesity and Disparity in African American Women

Background to the problem Several studies indicate that the rate of developing obesity is the highest in African American populations in the US. In fact, federal statistics, the centers for disease control and prevention as well as other institutions indicate various disparities in the prevalence rate and risk to obesity...

Agents and Agencies in Business

An agent is a person who officially represents and acts on behalf of a principal in cases where third parties are concerned. Ekanem (2020) states that “the function of the law of agency is to enable agents to bring commercial parties into contractual relations to render the parties liable on,...

Migraine Headaches: Review

Migraine refers to a painful headache that is heralded by sensory reactions such as vomiting, light flashes, nausea, and amplified sensitivity to light. Research has revealed that genetics and environmental factors are two of the main predisposing factors with regard to migraine headaches (Tepper, 2004). The real cause has not...

Saving Rufus’s Life in “Kindred” Novel by Butler

Kindred is a fictional novel written by Octavia Butler, which touches upon the topic of the value of human life, referring to the horrifying antebellum South events. The female protagonist Dana suddenly experiences the time-traveling to the past and meets her ancestor Rufus, the antagonist of this story. Dana has...

Staffing Level, Wages, and Banks Financial Performance

Interpretation The summary under consideration demonstrates the air transportation supply company’s data and focuses on the employees’ salaries, bonuses, and performance. The analysis of this information results in the rise of a few questions. The first question is whether the company indeed needs many employees in its divisions. It refers...

Presidential Election Process in The United States

United States presidential election process involves an indirect election in which citizens vote for electoral candidates within a specific state, who then cast electoral votes for the Presidential candidate. The election process follows a procedural format where all candidates who want to be President are grouped according to political parties,...

Psychologists’ Role in Selecting Jurors

A jury is a group of people who, during the trial, recognizes specific facts as established and makes a decision on the guilt of the defendant. The procedure for selecting a jury is called voir dire (“to tell the truth”). The selection is random and is usually carried out according...

Korean vs. Vietnam Wars Comparison

The Korean War lasted three years between 1950 and 1953, during which the communist portion of North Korea, reinforced by the support from the USSR and China, fought against the anti-communist population of South Korea. The war started when North Korea’s army invaded across the thirty-ninth parallel, which was the...

Social Class and Sports Participation

The influence and power one receives as a result of a high position in society have not avoided sports. Even though sports have been thought to transcend social, racial, and gender differences, such thought is quite naĂŻve and void of evidential support. Social class has been closely tied to sports...

Humanity Is One Body: Spiritual Awakening for a Peaceful World

Humans face different serious issues that threaten people’s well-being and welfare in the future. Consequently, it is significant to understand that individuals should solve the problems now when they still have time to cope with the difficulties with the minor losses. Since many global issues result from the activities of...

Alcohol Dependence as a Physical Dependence

Introduction Alcohol dependence is a wide and diverse topic that needs to be well evaluated and understood for sustainability (Inaba and Cohen, 2007, p. 7). This is because it relates to a lot of issues that are relevant in our society. Alcohol dependence can also be described and termed as...

Reflections on “Why Don’t You Dance?”

The path from the son of an Arkansas lumberjack to a guru of short prose is related to Carver who wrote only short stories and poetry. Carver was born in the tiny town of Clatskanie, with about seven hundred inhabitants. His mother is a waitress for life, and his father...

Dudebox Firm’s Operational Plan and Subscription Box

The idea of supporting men in their attempts at shopping to be actively engaged in the household chores is a rather important task that the website in question strives to solve. Due to the Covid-19 issues, the shift in gender roles has been enhanced drastically, with a significant amount of...

Analytical Techniques for Resource Allocation

Introduction Resource allocation is imperative for turning inputs into outputs. Still, it is paramount to focus on particular strategies and procedures used for estimating the effectiveness of resource allocation and utilization generally referred to as analytical techniques for resource allocation (Longest & Darr, 2014). Some useful strategies are critical path...

Governmental Accounting: Funds and Their Purposes

A fund is a separate part of monetary assets that has a specific purpose. This is a financial instrument that is widely used in economic practice. Besides, it is typically professionally managed in order to allocate resources in a proper way. Such funds are generally supported by taxes, grants, and...

The Opioid Crisis in the United States of America

Moral hazard refers to a scenario in which a person takes part in a risky activity because they know someone or something will bear the consequences of their actions. A moral hazard can be seen when a person drives a car at a higher speed just because he or she...

Segregation in the U.S.: A Race Dot Map Analysis

The problem of segregation in the U.S. has been quite notorious. Intended to marginalize racial minorities, particularly, African American people, it deprived them of their humanity in the eyes of the dominant White population, exacerbating the process of discrimination. However, even presently, when significant efforts are being made to promote...

Drinking and Smoking During Pregnancy

Smoking and drinking alcohol is definitely a wrong decision for a pregnant woman who wants to heighten the chances of light delivery and good health for her child. Alcohol and cigarettes are substances that affect a child’s development in various ways. From the 3 to the 8 weeks of pregnancy...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a model used by businesses for self-regulation to ensure they are socially accountable to stakeholders, the public, and themselves as businesses. This concept has become more pervasive and earned acronym attributes in the circles of interaction. It focuses more on holding business enterprises accountable for...