Nathanial Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”

It is Nathanial Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown that still makes students’ minds and imaginations work hard after reading the short story. The plot is marvelous as per both theological and moral issues. Undeniable, the short story is one that makes one rethink the ideas and values of own life due...

Nursing Education and Treatment Outcomes

The connection between the education of BSN-prepared nurses and improved patient outcomes can be explained not only by the advanced writing skills and critical thinking of professionals but also by the long-term effects of their activity. In the first place, they are related to lower readmission rates in the facilities...

Reflection of “Globalization of Missions” Article

In “Globalization of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Mt 28:18–20),” Kgatle undertakes a fairly thorough exegesis on the end of Matthew 28 to establish its implications for proselytizing in the modern world. The author’s interpretation raises several main points regarding the Great Commission. These include the global nature...

Environment and Health Relation

Disasters as Determinant of Health Disasters normally lead to severe effects on the health of the victims, which could include the loss of lives and property (Leaning & Guha-Sapir, 2013). Some of the most common disasters are earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, fire, terrorist attacks, disease epidemics, drought, and landslides. Biological, societal,...

The Dutch Business Law: The Performance of a Contract

Introduction Performance of the contract is defined as the discharge of parties from the obligations they assume during the formation of the contract. Performance of the contract has numerous types. It may be part performance or substantial performance. In Dutch, the law of the contract is contained in the New...

Object Relations Theory in Social Work Systems

Systems theory is a concept applied in social work to describe how various forces tend to influence behaviors and outcomes. Professionals working in this field need to be aware of various psychodynamic models and apply them accordingly to achieve the intended goals. The object relations theory is a framework that...

Policy Implementation Challenges for Social Workers

Sometimes social workers may disagree with the central policy of the higher management, based solely on their own biases and views. Racism, sexism, ageism, lookism, and discrimination on many other grounds are not uncommon in modern society. Intolerance, hatred, suspicion, and mistrust became the reasons for how employees of social...

Decision Support Systems in Organizational Decision Making

Decision-making refers to the process of finding and selecting options according to the priorities and values of the person making the decision (Haag & Cummings, 2008). Due to the integral role of decision making in company growth and financial progress, many firms allocate huge investments for business intelligence systems for...

Consumer Confidence and ‘Hands off’ Policy

What happens when wages and prices fall by 20% In a situation where wages and prices fall by 20%, it reduces consumer demand and ultimately the aggregate demand. This means that a cut on wages will make the matters worse since the consumers will hold their moneys in anticipation of...

Cantos XXXII of “The Divine Comedy” by Dante

While walking in a deep dark forest, Dante falls into trance and wakes up in a grand vision of hell. In this vision, he meets Virgil, an ancient Roman poet who becomes his guide. The two take a trip through the abyss, going through all the nine circles of hell....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Terrorist Drag in “Stop Being Poor” Video

The concept of “terrorist drag” was created by José Esteban Muñoz, who understands it as denunciation and condemnation of “terrors around race, gender, and sexuality” in drag queens performance (Muñoz 91). This concept implies that, for example, male actors do not try to recreate womanliness. On the contrary, their characters...

On Evidence-Based Interventions for Anxiety: A Synopsis

Introduction As members of The Oncology Nursing Society project team for “Putting Evidence into Practice” concerning anxiety, the authors embarked on a mixed methods research essentially to inform colleagues what empirical research had to say about what works for managing inpatient anxiety. The research program of Sheldon, Swanson, Dolce, Marsh,...

The Babylonian Exile of the Israelites as Calvin’s Metaphor

Babylonian exile of the ancient Israelites would be an important metaphor for Calvin to use in describing the Christian’s life on earth because Christians are held captive by sins thus getting punished. The Babylonian captivity is depicted as a punishment for idolatry as well as disobedience to God. The suffering...

Islam and Mosque: Overview

The third great monotheistic religion – Islam (along with Judaism and Christianity) was born thanks to the activities of the prophet Muhammad, a resident of Mecca. His early years were not marked by religiosity, and he received his first experience at the age of forty. Through the angel Gabriel, revelations...

Healthcare Insurance: Effects of Adverse Selection

It is quite natural that those people who know or suspect that the probability of them falling sick is high are most likely to buy insurance. On the same note, many people do not like paying high insurance premiums than the expenses they are likely to incur in hospitals. Therefore,...

Intercontinental Hotel Group and Its Industry Analysis

The hospitality business is a complex and multi-component economic environment. For the effective functioning of such an enterprise, it is necessary to consider many factors. To better understand how such a business can function, it is essential to review this area using a specific example. This paper aims to examine...

Focus on Social Media as a Health Advocacy Tool for Adolescents

Social media has emerged among the most transformational and impactful technologies of the 21st century through its increasingly indispensable influences on decision making, education and access to information, and social interactions. Teenagers represent the most active demographic group across social media platforms with conservative estimates indicating at least 51% of...

Comparison Between Debt And Equity

Introduction Briarwood Medical Equipment (BME), is facing a dilemma of raising capital for its expansion needs. Given that they need to raise an amount of $250 thousand to finance the expansion and the options available, which are raising new shares and obtaining external sources of finance. It appears that they...

Bias in Epidemiologic Research

Introduction Potential biases are likely to be present and affect epidemiologic research at the level of design, implementation, and analysis of a study. Bias is defined as systematic errors that affect the epidemiologic research, hence leading to invalid measures of association and altered study outcomes (Aschengrau & Seage, 2008). There...

New Deal Programs Directed at Intellectuals

As soon as Franklin Roosevelt took office as President of the United States, he received emergency powers to deal with the crisis. The reforms carried out by the Roosevelt administration in the 1930s became the largest milestone in the history of the United States in the 20th century (Pillen, 2020)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” and TV “Lost”: Popularity

Jumped the Shark The Lost TV series was one of the best shows of the 2000s, with a witty plot and attractive action scenes that were accompanied by the mystery surrounding the Island. Yet, despite being practically brilliant, the show started going downhill since the second season, as the authors...

Malignant Hyperthermia Background

Introduction Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) is a life-threatening pharmacogenetic condition that induces “skeletal muscle calcium regulation” disorder (Hopkins 48). The disorder was first detected in 1960 when an anesthetist managed to notice the symptoms. The anesthetist also managed to choose an effective treatment strategy. The case is now known as the...

The New York Ban on Sugary Drinks

Supersized sugary drinks are the major cause of obesity in the US. Since the new regulation was put in place, New York City has adopted a proposal that is meant to regulate all licensed food establishments. This proposal is meant to bar the food establishments from using containers that are...

Maternal Health Literacy & Child Participation in Social Welfare Programs

This research study aimed at investigating the relationship between children of specific age enrollment in social programs and the level of maternal health literacy by seeking to establish the impact that maternal health literacy programs has on such enrollment. To investigate this, the research study applied cohort research study in...

White-Collar Crime and the Whistleblower Protection Program

Actions of crime occur in all environments, including workplaces; it is wrongdoing that statutes community punishment and accusation. Offenses tremendously affect both an individual and the public and are condemned by either the state or relevant authorities. The types of crimes are; violent crimes, consensual crimes, white-collar crimes, organized crimes,...

The Field of Nursing Overview and Analysis

Introduction It is essential for individuals in the field of nursing to pursue a graduate degree. This makes them to be more experienced, skilled and competent in their respective fields. To determine this, an interview was conducted on a random candidate from the 2009 graduate list of Kaplan University. Random...

Analyzing Langston Hughes’s Poetry

The Harlem Renaissance saw many writers, poets, and artists, but Langston Hughes was the best contributor to the period with his protest poems touching on African Americans’ livelihoods and experiences. During this period, most of his poems demanded answers to the many social issues that the black faced, including racism...

Demand and Supply Curves

It is important to comprehend the critical idea of Demand versus Quantities Demanded prior to examining different hypotheses of financial aspects. The law which is working behind the scene and conveys mostly about interest. A law which reveals to us how much interest of a customer or gathering of buyers...

Diaz v. Carcamo: Employer Liability for Employees

Employers are normally responsible for the misconduct of their employees at the workplace, and the case of Diaz v. Carcamo is yet another evidence of such liability. The reason for the incident was a car accident involving a third party who initiated the lawsuit. The essay will analyze the legal...

Carolina Dog: The Only Wild Dog Breed in the USA

Introduction Most of the dogs in the United States are originally from abroad. For instance, the Akita hails from Japan, the Pug from China, and the French Bulldog also known as the Borzoi from Russia. This leads to the question of whether there is an originally true American dog. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role of Government in the Economy

Introduction According to Smith, prosperity results from human determination and self-interest. He argued that by giving everyone freedom to exchange their own produced goods, the economy would grow significantly. Correspondingly, opening markets for individuals to trade their goods to foreign countries will attract more funds to the US. Smith suggested...

“Glittering Vices” Book by Rebecca DeYoung

“Spiritual disciplines” are a combination of a particular set of methods to develop and strengthen spiritual growth among believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Rebecca DeYoung, spiritual disciplines open the way to mature Christian spirituality and freedom (DeYoung, 2020). By practicing these “concepts,” a believer creates an...

Factual Determination of the Case

This is a case about a man who has had many hardships in his life and now inadvertently caused a tragedy that resulted in the death of his beloved fiancee, Sally Jones. I do understand the immense grief experienced by the accusing side: indeed, the loss of a mother and...

Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts: Growth Strategies

A summative SWOT analysis of Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts can be seen in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Starbucks core strengths are its expansive chains, solid marketing and establishment of its brand image, high-quality coffee, strong digital presence, and useful and convenient-to-use app, but the weaknesses are its high...

Global Team Acclimatization and Cultural Literacy Application

The problems that occurred in AlternativeSource Inc. (ASI) include internal conflicts between team members, the lack of cooperation from the Indian clients, issues of adaptation to the new environment, and questions on hiring processes. The root cause of the problems is that Jorge, their global team manager, was not introduced...

Meaning and Law of Statue Prohibits Motorists

‘The use of telecommunications device while operating a moving motor vehicle’ statute prohibits motorists from using telecommunication devices while driving to type emails or text messages, transmit texts or emails, and to read texts or mail messages. The law does not allow the use of any device in a moving...

Economic Problems of Modern Latin America

In Latin America, there are now three vectors of economic development. Some countries show high rates of economic growth, while others show an apparent slowdown, but there are also some states that are in deep crisis. Despite the countries’ success in the so-called “golden decade,” many of them are experiencing...

The Ames Test: Evaluating Mutagenicity of Chemical Compounds

Introduction There are a number of reasons defining the importance of correct evaluation of various mutagenic reactions in chemical compounds. Although many similar tests were designed, at the moment, the Ames test remains to be the most efficient for distinguishing mutagenic activities. Unlike several other options of assessing a mutagenic...

Cyber Security Management and Policy

Cybersecurity threats should be a concern for any company and especially for businesses that employ a large number of people and collect substantial quantities of data. The ability of a company to ensure the security of the information they store is an essential component of the brand image and its...

Human Nature Definition in Social Theory

Human beings were trying to answer the simple from the first glimpse throughout the whole history, but enormously broad from the other perspective question: “What human nature is like?” The biggest problem with this question is that too many possible answers eliminate the one “right” answer. This is because of...

Nursing Care: Differentiated Practice Model and Patient Safety

Introduction The practice of nursing is the most challenging and demanding as compared to other jobs since nurses are also called upon to provide patients care in hospitals and homes. This requires nurses to put their patients as their priority in order to ensure quality service delivery and guarantee quality...

The Height Values Obtained Through Statistical Research

Figure 1 below shows the screenshot of the values obtained through excel. The mean height is 68.9 and the standard deviation is 4.41. Compared to the mean height of the results, I am taller since my height is 72. Step 2 The participants for the study were selected through sampling....

Friendship and Good Life in “Song of Myself” Poem by Walt Whitman

The poem “Song of Myself” is an epic work of literature as the poet dedicates it to celebrating himself. An interesting aspect of the poem is its length and its free verse nature. It is divided into fifty-two sections, with each part introducing a slightly new concept about celebrating oneself...

Adolescent Suicide in South Africa

Introduction Many social problems are encountered by different age groups within the society. Among the teens, drugs, suicide, and involvement in social ills like crime are prominent in many societies. Teenage suicide has been identified as a rising concern in South Africa. Suicide refers to the act of intentionally ending...

A Hypothesis Testing Process, Making a Decision

A hypothesis testing process consists of four consecutive steps that present a logical basis for decision-making concerning the validity of a hypothesis. In particular, the first step is stating the hypotheses, where a null hypothesis implies that there is no relationship between the variables. The alternative hypothesis implies that there...

Maintaining Population Nutrition

Contraception or birth control is a fertility control aimed at preventing pregnancy. Some countries try to discourage access to or limit contraceptives, as they believe contraceptives to be immoral, unethical, and undesirable in terms of political viewpoints. People resort to contraception usage for several reasons. The first one is that...

Tech: Low Voltage Digital Logic Circuits

Introduction The current waves in the developments of electronic devices, especially in their movement towards mobility, focus on the requirement for energy efficiency abreast with productivity. The low consumption of the circuits used in mobile devices represents a large industry. The implementation of low-energy circuits can be seen at the...

The Family’s Influence on Delinquency

Delinquency is a widely spread problem among adolescents in every part of the world—a lot of effort is being put to identify major reasons and decrease the level of delinquency. One of the hot topics related to delinquency, especially among adolescents, is its relation to family issues. Adolescents are not...

Supply Chain Management of the Nokia Corporation

Nokia Corporation also referred to as Nokia, is a Finnish multinational company that was founded in 1865 as a paper mill and is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile phones. In order to ensure the achievement of the set objectives, organizations require performance measurement which controls checks and balances of...

Nursing Work Overload: The Neuman Systems Model

Theory Description and the Rationale for Selecting the Theory There are many different nursing theories that aim at explaining the peculiarities of the health care system and the conditions under which people are able to get the required portion of help and assistance from nurses. Unfortunately, the cases of nurses’...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Law: EMTALA, Stark Law, and the Medical False Claims Act

EMTALA, Emergency Medical Treatment, and Active Labor Act is a regulation that requires health care establishments to provide emergency treatment and examination, regardless of individuals’ ability to pay, access to insurance, and legal status. The provisions focus on such services as medical screening requirements, stabilizing treatment, restriction transfers, and enforcement....

Benefits and Drawbacks of Unionization

Most workers in different industries are members of labor unions, which they use as a tool for ensuring better payments and working conditions. While unionization has several benefits for both employees and employers, it is also associated with various disadvantages. Unionization ensures higher wages and greater equality for the employees....

Responding to Threats Posed by Offshore Manufacturing

Topics and Issues to Investigate The fashion apparel industry of the 21st century centers around low-cost manufacturing. The most profitable global brands such as Zara, H&M, and others take advantage of low-cost labor in developing countries (Camargo, Pereira, and Scarpin, 2020). As a result, Vietnam, India, and Bangladesh are all...

Captain Technology Company in the Market

Company C, Captain Technology, emerges as one of the best performing organizations in its industry. The statistics from year 6 reveal that this company commanded the biggest share in the cameras and drones sectors. For instance, the company led the industry with the highest net revenues at around 501 million...

Controlled Terminology and Standards

Importance of controlled terminology and standards in healthcare Many healthcare organizations have adopted electronic health records to share data and improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients. Standardization of data involves the use of similar data codes across systems (Halley, Sensmeier & Brokel, 2009). For example, an IT department...

International Economics Brief: Vietnam

Introduction The Socialistic Republic of Vietnam is a developing country that demonstrated tremendous economic growth during the past 30 years. The economic reforms started by Đổi Mới in 1986 had massive success, turning the country from one of the poorest nations to a lower-middle-income country (World Bank, 2020). Its GDP...

Vatsalya Adult Medical Day Care Center: Learning Evaluation

Social workers need to gain field experience at the institution before they can begin to practice in the real world. The professional identity of the social worker is affected by his/her field work experience and learning agreement goals and objectives (Laureate Education, 2013). The learning agreement is a document indicating...

Women Coming Home: Long‐Term Patterns of Recidivism

Problem in the corrections system addressed in the research According to different studies, most women released from prison tend to fail parole and recidivate more quickly during the follow up period. Most women who succumb to recidivism are those with less schooling, dependant on drugs or possess far-reaching criminal histories....

Participative Leadership in Nursing

Introduction When it comes to leadership I am a participative leader. Participative leadership employs democratic principles of inclusion whereby colleagues, peers, subordinate members and other stakeholders are duly involved in decision making and other roles of leadership. Leadership aims at furnishing goals and forging ways towards achieving preconceived goals. It...

Natural Selection and Genetic Variation

Introduction The process which describes the likelihood of the transfer of characteristics, or traits, which enables the survival and reproduction of an organism in generations to come; to be obtained easily in a population is referred to as natural selection. The difference in the genetic content of organisms is indicative...

Streptococcus as a Pathogenic Bacterium

According to Nizet and Arnold, GAS (Group A streptococcus) is has the scientific name of Streptococcus pyogenes, the only species that exists in the beta-hemolytics group of streptococci (698). Streptococcus is a gram-positive bacterium that develops in the form of chains, predominantly in the fluid environment. In the relation to...

Event Management: Risk Management Assessment

Selected Festival: Burning Man Issue #1 Weather: What weather challenge have you selected to plan for? Fire Is this a controlled risk or respond hazard? It is uncontrollable hazard A L A R P What could be the degree of harm that could happen as a result of this risk/hazard? The...

Kant and Hume. The Western Tradition

David Hume, an empiricist within the British tradition, who nurtured his philosophy within John Locke’s tenets of empiricism, embarked on his philosophical thinking with a severe perspective of empiricism. According to him, when we exercise our mental faculties in thinking, we acquire ideas which essentially are experientially generated. By seeing,...

Use of Potassium and the Potential for Toxic Exposure

Potassium, as a chemical, obeys the principle of “the dose makes the poison”. This hypothesis implies that a chemical may be useful in one type of exposure but toxic in another. Several chemicals comply with the logic. The beneficial and toxic effects of such chemicals are directly proportional to the...

The Pharmacists’ Action on Smoking Program

Purpose The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the results of the Pharmacists’ Action on Smoking program and to consider whether its impact on society in the relation to smoking cessation is higher than in comparison with casual pieces of advice from pharmacists. Rationale Cigarette smoking is...

Breastfeeding Space for York County School

Problem Summary The lack of designated space where breastfeeding employees of the York County School Division could pump their milk without any threats to health and privacy can become a legal issue for the organization, while also causing significant disadvantages for employees that have recently given birth and wish to...

The Debate Surrounding Euthanasia as a Method Against Human Suffering: Source Evaluation

The debate surrounding euthanasia requires extensive ethical and medical knowledge to be applied. Although numerous scholars have presented their overviews of the topic, additional insights are still being introduced by novel research. A study by Emanuel et al. (2016), Attitudes and Practices of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the United...

Investing in Venture Capital: High Return Opportunities

The venture capital (VC) industry has seen tremendous growth over the past years. Most pension funds and government agencies have shied away from VC because of associated risks. However, more and more government agencies and pension funds are investing in VC due to high return opportunities. Pension funds and government...

The Maya Civilization History

Historians who are always keen to define what had become of the ancient Maya civilization understand that the Mayans who established their city-states deep within the jungle strived to build complex structures under the guidance of their highly decisive rulers. At the height of the ancient Maya civilization, the Mayans...

Fairness in Australian Administration of Justice

The Australian legal system is a distinct and unique entity that differs significantly from most of its counterparts worldwide. Though derived from English common law, it has evolved independently and eventually become sufficiently different to abandon the perception of being a copy. With that said, this uniqueness also means that...

Crisis and Risk Communication of Public Health Campaigns on STDs

Abstract Crisis and risk communication is an approach to effective communication that plays an ideal role in public health. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a major issue in the current world with the youths being the most affected. Young people are ignorant of STDs because society does not provide an...

Patient Education: The Interview Experience

A critical element of an effective healthcare system is patient education. The level of quality medical awareness in a region determines the population’s overall health (Kirimlioğlu, 2018). This is realized through an inextricable system of causality expressed through a thorough understanding of the foundations of theoretical medicine, adherence to a...

People’s Views on Intelligence Analysis

Introduction There are varieties of views concerning the definition of intelligence. One of the definitions that have been used to define intelligence is the ability of a person to learn unfamiliar things within a short duration of time. Other people have also defined intelligence to be the possession of a...

Ray Bradbury’s Critique of the American Society in “The Veldt”

“The Veldt” is a short science fiction story by Ray Bradbury published in 1950. Concerned with rapid technological development and the spread of consumerism philosophy among Americans, the author sought to warn his readers about the possible negative impacts of these tendencies on individuals and society. The writer argues that...

Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

Even though Protestant Christianity had been originated in Western Europe and Catholicism has persisted there for the majority of its history, the region is now among the most secular territories across the globe. For centuries, there has been an ongoing trend of Christian Church institutions gradually losing their power and...

Communication: Notions of the Public Sphere

Public communication becomes possible when individuals enter the public sphere to deliver messages to other people or groups. In its turn, a public sphere is a social place where citizens gather and express their views on political, social, and economic matters (Crossley and Roberts, 2004). The concept of the public...

Prisoner Re-Entry into the Community

Introduction The return of ex-offenders into the community and their establishment in society is one of the correction system’s critical challenges. The rate of re-entry success depends on various factors and is associated with particular risks and issues. This paper aims to discuss the problems that might occur during the...

Definitions and Explanations of Sociological Terms

The Blasé Attitude In sociology, the number of people living together and a variety of necessities and possibilities serve as a fundamental explanation of urban mentality. In the 19th century, society was captured by the ideas of individualism and the desire to obtain freedoms in different sectors. People were obsessed...

Confucianism vs. Daoism: Finding Four Differences

Confucianism and Daoism appeared in the 6th–5th century BCE in China as philosophical ways of life and worldviews created by Confucius and Laozi, respectively. Though they are from the same period of time and country, these two religions or philosophies are rather different as they are based on various concepts...

Violence Against Women Articles Analysis

“Six women murdered each day as femicide in Mexico nears a pandemic” The article in question discusses some of the pressing problems regarding femicides in Mexico, as it is one of the worst countries in this regard. In particular, it brings up the struggles of José Diego Suárez Padilla and...

Political Ideas and Ideologies by Heywood

Ideology is one of the most controversial concepts in political analysis. This term was created in 1796 by the French philosopher Destut de Tracy (1754-1836) and meant “the science of ideas.” In the 19th century, Karl Marx and Engels ([1846] 1970) gave this concept a new meaning, which boiled down...

Social Construction of Race and Gender in the United States and Brazil

Being able to categorize the general population into specific groups based on certain characteristics is vital for the understanding of how people see themselves and others, as well as define the salient effects that the said properties have on how people’s perceptions of others and interaction with each other are...

Research Design: Quasi-Experimental Design

Abstract The paper evaluates how a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design was used to undertake a quantitative study and the various types of validity that are important in this design. From the evaluation and discussion, it is evident that quasi-experimental designs can be effectively used in situations where it is neither...

”Max and Ruby” Through the Lens of a Developmental Psychological Perspective

For the analysis, I chose the children’s animated series “Max and Ruby.” Attention was focused on the episode “Surprise for Ruby,” one of the most popular among children. The target audience of the cartoon is preschool children of three or four years old. “Max and Ruby” is suitable for both...

Status Crime: White Collar Crime in Organizations

Detail of the crime In the recent past, several cases have been reported of employees using the complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records. White-collar crime is characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported income and cash...

Assisted Reproduction: Description

Introduction The rate of infertility among modern couples has increased significantly. This has caused most young families to turn to fertility–induced reproduction. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive for more than a year of unprotected intercourse. Induced or assisted reproduction refers to a treatment against infertility that involves clinical...

Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People

Every year people spend more and more time tapping a finger on the smartphone screen or clicking a computer mouse. According to the statistical data provided by Statista (2021), in 2015, people spent approximately 80 minutes on the smartphone, whereas in 2021, the average time increased up to 155 minutes...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Studies in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Introduction Qualitative studies differ from quantitative studies in numerous ways. For instance, qualitative studies are usually aimed at explaining nursing issues. In this regard, qualitative studies focus on a range of ideas that talk about the same topic. Moreover, qualitative studies focus on literature that is based on previously conducted...

Health Systems and Working Together for Global Health

Introduction A health care system is an arrangement in which stakeholders come together to mobilize resources to improve health. It involves quality service delivery by an effective and sufficient workforce. This can only be realized through effective funding, planning, and fair distribution of health care resources (Basu, et al., 2012)....

Ebola Virus: Definition and Biological Classification

Definition Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is an acute natural focal zoonotic viral infection characterized by febrile intoxication syndrome, phenomena of universal capillary toxicosis with a severe hemorrhagic syndrome, multiple organ lesions, and a high mortality rate. According to the antigenic properties of glycoproteins (GP), there are five types: Bundibugyo ebolavirus...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparative Effectiveness of Various Surfactants: Experiment

Introduction Surfactants refer to chemical substances that lessen the surface tension in water. Lowering the surface tension of water makes it possible for dirt to dissolve in it. Therefore, washing is made easier by the inclusion of surfactants in the washing water. Surfactants can be categorized into four main groups...

Aspects of the Bootstrap-T Algorithm

The bootstrap-t algorithm is inspired by Student’s t-test, as its name indicates. It introduces a similar parameter T and calculates its percentiles, which can then be used to establish confidence intervals for the initial parameter of interest. With that said, since the T-percentiles are unknown, it is necessary to approximate...

The Myth of the Strong Leader Article by Archie Brown

Since time immemorial, leadership across the world has been reduced to the paradigm of strength: weak versus strong, even when effective authority can be manifested and exercised through different channels. The Myth of the Strong Leader was written by professor Archie Brown of Oxford University, published by Basic Book in...

The Role of Public and Private Places in People’s Lives

The intersection of public and private lives represented through public and private places where people are situated implies subjectivity in judging and attitudes. Indeed, since the line between the private and the public is so vague and not clearly distinctive, it is a manipulative area where assumptions and bias take...

Dewqas Limited Company’s Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

The contribution margin per unit, total fixed costs, the breakeven point in units, and total expected profit The contribution margin per unit, total fixed costs, breakeven level, and total expected profit of Dewqas Limited based on its decisions of reducing the selling price of its product and installing new machinery...

Intelligence: Definition and Theories

Intelligence is the ability to reason, solve problems, make decisions and learn new concepts. Additionally, creativity and emotional knowledge constitute the intelligence levels of an individual. My IQ test result is 103, reflecting my intelligence levels since the test focuses on analytic and mental capabilities (Ruhl, 2020). Some ways of...

Economics for Pharmaceutical Companies

Introduction Pharmaceuticals are an industry that is doing well financially due to the patents and exclusive rights they enjoy due to their developments. They are a part of the economy that has grown technologically. Thus, joining up with other sectors ensures that their investment gets back to them. For example,...

China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire Modernization in the 19th Century

Traditional societies, in particular the Ottoman Empire, China, and Japan began to experience difficulties in the nineteenth century. They all found that they are much weaker militarily than European countries or America. Military achievements gave stronger countries power to gain more lands and profit, make deals on their terms, and...

Zionism as a Political Movement

Zionism is an astonishing political movement that emerged in the late 19th century. At that time, the Jews were desperate to return to their ancestral homeland. Moreover, the emerging Zionist movement’s goal was that all Jews are one nation, and they should have their sovereign state and return to their...

Misrepresentation of Women in the Media

Women are misrepresented and underrepresented in the existing news media. Around the world, they are featured far less than men are, being invited to interviews as experts only in 13% of cases, while constituting only 37% of the reporter base (Rattan). These facts alone are evidence enough of underrepresentation, but...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Twitter Data for Cronkite News

Analyzing the reader’s activity on Twitter can significantly benefit a news agency as it helps to identify the audience’s interests. The number of comments, impressions, and retweets most clearly reflects the attitude and interest of followers in a specific piece of news. This data helps news channels to form the...

The Movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” by Ang Lee

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a Chinese movie that reveals Asian culture, worldview, and values. Ang Lee, the film director, showed the importance of solid morals, true love, and traditions in an adventurous manner with various scenes of martial arts fights and emotional dialogues. The plot moves around the Green...

How Net Income Conveys Information About the Performance of the Firm

Nowadays, financial statements provide the investors, public, and management with information about the performance of the firm, and one cannot underestimate the significance of net income in the interpretation of the results, as net income can be defined as a financial value, which represents the actual profit of the firm...

Comparison of DOD and CMBOK Competency Models

Contract management is a complex process that involves the principal and agent. For a particular study, the role of the principal is given to the government, and the role of the agent is any contractor who is providing services. Usually, the government’s and the contractor’s objectives are conflicting. The objective...

CDL’s Definition and Permissions

Introduction People who operate those large and heavy commercial motor vehicles on the roads do not manage their tasks without specialized skills and preliminary training. An abbreviation “CDL” stands for Commercial Driver’s License, and it gives an individual permission to drive buses or large commercial vehicles (LCVs) on a highway...

Complex Definitions of Diversity, Exclusion, and Inclusion

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ has been cited as a feminist piece of writing that stands against an oppressive and exclusionary force by many scholars in the past few decades. The narrator of the story is a woman who is put on a rest cure, a treatment...

Interpersonal Skills in Professional Supervision

When training health practitioners for autonomous practice, experienced professionals in healthcare play a crucial step in stimulating their interpersonal skills. This implies that education programs incorporate units of means of improving relationships with other people. Through clinical supervision, a health organization can improve on its professional support by encouraging self-assessment,...

Gas Turbines: Definition, Sections, Gas Turbine Process

Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, the world has registered remarkable growth in science and technology, which has led to the development of both simple and complex machines that help humanity in various ways. Among these machines is a gas turbine (combustion turbine). This machine, a rotary...

Prescription Drug Abuse Problem

Providing access to prescription drugs is among the key tasks that the modern healthcare system should fulfil to increase recovery rates. Despite their analgesic, antipyretic, mood stabilizing and other effects, prescription medications present an important source of danger. Nowadays, prescription drug abuse is among the key issues in the U....

The Significance of the October 17th in Argentina

Introduction October 17th was a very significant time for the people of Argentina from the year 1946 to 1953. It was the day that became important to the working class who have celebrated their leader and the policies that he has brought about. Even though previously the politics have used...

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Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Plastic Surgery

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Systems of Whiteness: Asian Americans and Immigrants

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Lived Experiences of the Time Preceding Burnout

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Case Brief on Grutter v. Bollinger

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Antitrust Laws, Their History and Current Status

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A Windshield Survey of Kiryas Joel Community, New York

Physical Environment Although available data shows that the Kiryas Joel community has a total area of 1.1 square miles (2.8 km2), physical observations do not reveal any boundaries within the community apart from the fact that it is located close to the neighboring towns of Blooming Grove and Woodbury. There...

The Domestication of Animals and Plants

Hunting and gathering were the primary activities of foraging communities in the prehistoric era. It implied that people simply harvested the goods already prepared for them by nature and resettled to a different area once the previous one was depleted. According to Suzman (2018), archaeologists and historians used to believe...

Summary of “Paul’s Case” Story

Paul’s Case by Willa Cather is a short story full of temperament lessons. It is a narration of a few months’ events in Paul’s life. Paul is a student at Pittsburg High School, who prefers theater and music to class. The story begins when Paul is suspended from school; he...

New Methods to Diagnose Glaucoma

Executive Summary Early diagnosis of glaucoma enables an ophthalmologist to provide more effective treatment and control the progression of the illness. Patients notice the symptoms when the damage is significant; therefore, much research has been conducted on the diagnostic methods. There are several systems which recognize glaucoma, and doctors usually...

The Consequences of Obesity: An Annotated Bibliography

Dąbrowska, J., Wójcik, M., Samek, I., Jańczyk, M., Bator, D., & Milanowska, J. (2020). Obesity and mental health. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 10(6), 199. Web.  This review aims to accumulate and analyze existing and new data on obesity and its impact on mental health. To review the literature...

International Terrorism in the United States Analysis

Introduction This is a review of the Congressional Research Service report on International Terrorism, the focus being on threat, policy, and response issues. The report was completed on January 3, 2007. Terrorism refers to the organized use of fear or fright, in particular as a way of compulsion. The practice...

Improvement of Flowers Quality

Introduction My flower business specializes in providing customers with the best floral arrangements for their special occasions, including birthday parties, weddings, and anniversaries. One of the biggest problems facing my business is the preservation of flowers. I noticed that they remain fresh for up to five days, meaning sometimes I...

Inefficiency and Unreliable of Eyewitness Evidence

Introduction In criminal law, the evidence that is received from a person who is a witness declared to have seen the actual occurrence of a crime and is ready to give evidence in such a case is referred to as an eyewitness (, 2011). Usually, in the US and the...

Leadership in Healthcare Management & Administration

Leadership is an essential component of effective healthcare management. The quality of healthcare management and medical leadership defines the quality of care provided to patients (Sfantou et al., 2017). The healthcare team’s working process needs to be adequately regulated by the hospital administration to provide exemplary patient care. Healthcare management...

Capitalism as a Form of Social Competition

The history of humankind counts many forms of economic systems that have existed to guide the development of society. Among the many alternatives, one of the most striking economic ideologies is capitalism. Capitalism, which uses money as a valuable resource for human relations, drives society toward competition and rivalry. This...

Hull vs. Bank Case Study

Introduction This case reflects the issue occurred between the property tenants and the North Adams Hoosac Savings Bank. Harry Hull acquired a number of real estate investments from the North Adams Bank in 1985 and 1986. After the marriage to Kathleen, Hull decided to convey his ownership interest to himself...

Organizational Culture as a Competitive Advantage

Southwest Airlines is one of the United States’ significant airlines. The airline is the world’s largest low-cost carrier airline and has its headquarter located in Dallas, Texas. The carrier has 111 scheduled service destinations in the U.S. and other countries. This section of the paper seeks to evaluate the organizational...

Risk Management Consultants and Their Services

The name and contact information of references Our team provides risk management services to the organizations which are responsible for holding international events. We are bidding for a project, initiated by the Las Vegas City Council, in particular, the visit of the Pope, Benedict XVI. We have already offered consultations...

The Sexual Revolution of the Roaring Twenties by Clark

The roaring twenties, also called the golden decade by some scholars, saw an immense social, technological, and political change. Socially, there was heightened immigration of the African Americans from the South to the Northern cities looking for employment and escaping racial oppression. Furthermore, women made a significant step towards the...

The Lost World of the Suffragettes

The suffrage movement was all about women’s right to vote. The struggle to be allowed to vote was hard for adult women. The people were denied their rights to participate in elections based on their salaries, age, and gender, and all this led to protests and people advocating for their...

The Role of Ruth’s Character in the Scripture

Introduction God’s use of ordinary people to achieve His goals may be found in the Holy Scripture more than once. As an example, the story of Ruth can be cited, a humble girl who symbolizes the events of Israel’s redemption. The chapters in the Bible about this character introduce the...

Psychosocial Impacts of Immigration on Nigerian Immigrants

Nigerian people represent a significant immigrant group in the United States. However, limited research exists to investigate what psychosocial factors they experience, and the given paper is going to comment on them. On the one hand, these immigrants tend to face both positive and negative psychological factors. Ekwemator and Ezeobele...

Timing Differences in Accounting

Importance of timing differences in accounting and businesses In business, it is important to make an accurate tax return so as to avoid the costs associated with penalties that arise from filing wrong returns. An accountant needs to note down the differences in the timing of the amount of income...