Constant Organizational Changes and IT Management

Information technology is becoming a basic commodity in most of the business organizations due to constant changes in technology. This means that organizations only need to control costs of IT and at the same time mitigate the associated risks. IT is now being viewed as a competitive advantage tool used...

Drivers of Change in the Context of Amazon

With a comprehensive and pervasive digital revolution, as well as demographic and socio-economic transformations, the most urgent issue is the development of new business models necessary for adaptation to a new intellectual environment. The impact of current drivers of change on the development of the economic system needs to be...

Online Social Media Fatigue and Psychological Wellbeing

Introduction With the increasing popularity of social networks in the 21st century, social media addiction is a problem that can seriously harm an individual’s mental and physical health. Often, it develops over an extended period of time and can involve a number of unhealthy symptoms, such as the feeling of...

Supreme Court Judgeship Appointment Process

Process of Supreme Court’s justice appointment The process of appointing and confirming a Supreme Court justice comprises two main steps namely nomination by the President and confirmation by Senate. The President is mandated by the American constitution to appoint judges to serve in the Supreme Court. He appoints the judges...

Brushing Teeth Habit in Terms of Cognition

Human habits, in many ways, make up and determine people’s lives. They help to reduce the amount of mental activity because these automatic actions do not require a constant thinking process. That said, there are numerous beneficial habits, such as washing your face or making a bed. Thus, they positively...

Sino-American Trade War and Its Impact

The moment that the American president-elect, Joe Biden, assumes power and makes the seeming easy pronouncement to abide by the climate agreement, retain membership in the World Trade Organization, and seek to improve free and fair trade among nations, it will encounter three major foreign-strategy concerns. In order of priority,...

Climate Change and Mitigation Measures in China

Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., & Tao, F. (2018). Impacts of climate change and climate extremes on major crops productivity in China at global warming of 1.5 and 2.0 C. Earth System Dynamics, 9(2), 543-562. Web. Chen et al. (2018) evaluated the effects of climate change on the growth of productivity...

Consumption and Ecological Footprint

Introduction In the course of a lifespan, people engage in multiple activities for survival and recreation, which often go beyond mere necessities. The consumerist society that inhabits the planet now tends to increase consumption by driving economic forces to expand industries for goods production. Given such intensity of goods purchasing...

Public Role and Control of Police

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about police is that their role is to help people, protect them, and improve the quality of their lives. The implementation of these goals lies in the maintenance of law and public order, and crime control through the investigation and prevention...

Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan Application

Introduction The analysis of the data from the dashboard of the nursing-sensitive quality indicators of the Adams 5 Inpatient Rehab Unit demonstrates that its patient falls rate exceeds the target one. The purpose of this paper is to explain the significance of this indicator and suggest the action plan which...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Behavior of Witnesses in “Holocaust by Bullets” by Desbois

Desbois’ work in the book Holocaust by Bullets documents in detail the experience of witnesses to the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. He argues that the German mass killings on the Jews lead to losses of many innocent lives and generated deep trauma across villages in Ukraine as...

Singin’ in the Rain as an Example of Soundtrack Dissonance

Introduction Every movie is associated with a specific piece of music in the viewers’ minds. It may play during the pivotal moment in the film, signify a character’s appearance, or warn the spectators that something nefarious is about to occur. A soundtrack is a powerful tool for setting up the...

The Hydraloop Water Recycler’s International Marketing

Hydraloop H600 water recycler is a water recycling system created by Hydraloop Systems and produced by Technologies Added factory. Hydraloop originated from Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. The price of the recycler starts from €3300 ($4026), excluding the shipping, preparatory work, installation, and value-added tax (Hydraloop, n.d.). The product addresses the problem...

Finding Knowledge in the Digital Library Haystack

It is apparent that nursing knowledge is complicated to define, as its characteristics are rather sophisticated and complex. Moreover, it might seem that Google search engine and online library databases provide different kind of information regarding the same matter. It might be assumed that the online scholarly databases have a...

‘Social Smoking Among Young Adults’ by Song & Ling

Summary In the article, Social smoking among young adults: Investigation of Intentions and Attempts to Quit, Song and Ling (2011) discuss social smoking among young adults. According to the article, social smoking, which is common among young people, is mostly confined to social events such as parties when teenagers who...

Methodist Hospital Texas Risk Management Programs

The interviewee – J. J. RN – focused on three main risk management strategies: employee education, corporate culture, and technology usage. Regarding employee education, Methodist Hospital Texas organizes constant training for all levels of the staff. The organization positions itself as an educational destination for professionals and has a global...

Rule-Based Expert Systems

A rule-based expert system is a system that is characterized by a knowledge base with the domain knowledge fed or represented in terms of rules. A rule-based system is ideally a representation of the deep knowledge of human beings. It is very complex and is comprised of different explanation facilities,...

Utilizing Innovative Technology in Healthcare

Introduction Over the last few decades, modern use of standardized terminologies has addressed safety, quality and cost problems in most health care facilities. This report will find out how EpiCare Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are used to identify and prevent fraudulent medical billing practices. Electronic Health Records These reports provide...

Role of Leadership Style in Organizational Change

The urge for a consumer-driven economy has recently been rising as many companies striving to achieve it. Due to globalization and increased competition rates, the market has transformed rapidly, and most organizations have continuously altered their operations to adapt. Subsequently, change management has become an essential aspect of firms today....

Air Pollution Resulting From Small Gas Powered Engines

Introduction Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful contaminants into the environment which can either be caused by human actions or result from natural disasters. Air pollution, in particular, is the contamination of the atmosphere of the environment by any physical, biological, or chemical elements that alter the natural form...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of Healthcare Policy Changes on Health Delivery

Introduction Medical care systems are formed in order to meet the medical or health requirements of specific individuals. There are many different medical care systems within the globe. In some nations, the medical care systems have been established and are not yet planned, while in others appropriate plans have been...

How City Change and Gentrification Excludes Some People

Changes to cities, communities, and neighborhoods are inevitable as they have been developing and changing since the dawn of civilization. Whitehead and Arieff, in their articles, explore how gentrification and city change have excluded individuals. Those from low-income neighborhoods are affected because, with gentrification, the economy rises, prompting them to...

Freedom of the Media: The Near v. Minnesota 1931 Case

Introduction Free media are designed to ensure that the government provides information to its citizens in the United States, and citizens can control the government. The U.S. press offers a wide field of expression, limiting government action by law and representing a wide variety of ideas. The highest institution in...

Managerial Accounting in the Area of Health Care

Introduction In human society, it is natural that people united with a certain joint goal need some rules of regulations according to which they plan to achieve this goal. As well, the monitoring of results of their performance is also demanded to see how successful the work is and what...

Reflection on Chronicles of the Indies

Chronicles of the Indies might be considered as an important part of the reflection of the conquistadors’ aspirations and actions of the period. Hence, a discussion on the prominent participants’ works related to the period seems relevant to undertake. This paper will focus on Shipwreck, True History of the Conquest...

Schizophrenia Treatment With Approved Drug

Disease Overview Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States and the world at large. An individual suffering from this condition usually exhibits abnormal social behaviors. Additionally, such an individual will find it difficult to differentiate between reality and hallucination. As such, common symptoms of...

White-Collar Crimes: Unsafe Food

McDonald’s corporation faced allegations of selling expiring food in China. Employees, with the help of hidden cameras, disclosed this misconduct at the Sanlitun branch (Zhu et al., 2017). This malpractice exposed the locals to health risks such as food poisoning and foodborne illnesses. The scandal had serious negative outcomes as...

Spiritual Needs Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Caregivers should “respect the cultural diversity of their patients” (Mueller, 2010, p. 198). This practice will encourage them to offer quality support to their patients. The Spirituality Assessment Tool (SAT) can produce the best relationships between nurses and patients. Nurses should be aware of their patients’ religious beliefs. Caregivers...

Virginia Board of Pharmacy vs Virginia Citizens Consumer Council

Introduction Facts: “Acting on behalf of prescription drug consumers, the Virginia Citizens Consumer Council challenged a Virginia statute that declared it unprofessional conduct for licensed pharmacists to advertise their prescription drug prices. On appeal from an adverse ruling by a three-judge District Court panel, the Supreme Court granted the Virginia...

The “Ulay Oh”: Music Video Analysis

The music video for the song How I became the bomb of Uwe Laysiepen (stage name Ulay) went viral by showing the reunion of two former lovers. Marina Abromovich, who is an artist, made a performance where she sat on a table with strangers and looked into their eyes for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Constitutional Law in the United Kingdom

Introduction The changes in the English constitution could be viewed from the following aspects: The driving force behind the future Constitution of this country Their relationships per se The reduction between these forces in terms of critical dimensions and the action plans that future constitutions need to consider and execute....

The Class About Nutrition to Real Life Situations When Making Food Choices

The Class about Nutrition to Real Life Situations When Making Food Choices DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) refers to a nutrition structure of recommendations. Its origin is the IOM (Institute of Medicine) in the United States National Academy of Sciences (Berner and Marci 487). DRI broadens RDAs (Recommended Dietary Allowances) and...

Social Media: Annotated Bibliography

Akram, Waseem, and Rekesh Kumar. “A Study on Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society.” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 10, 2017, pp. 347-354.  The article includes a brief review of the most popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr,...

The Rumsfeld’s Memo

Introduction It is almost eight years since the then US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld attempted to evaluate the progress of his country’s Department of Defense (DoD) on the Global War On Terror that followed the 9/11 attack. With a myriad of questions, Rumsfeld had wanted to know whether the...

Reducing Unhealthy Behaviors Among Community Members

One of the most burning issues of contemporary society is that children learn early about drugs and unprotected sex. These problems affect teenagers at an age when they are not supposed to know that from their own experience. That is why health education should be aimed at providing students with...

“Why Readers and Writers Are So Fixated With Dystopian Visions” by Atwood

Introduction Dystopian literature is a popular form of fiction today, which explores the possible unfavorable outcomes for humanity in the future. This paper is a rhetorical analysis of Margaret Atwood’s essay “Why readers and writers are so fixated with dystopian visions,” in which the author discusses the reasons behind such...

Evaluation: Fort Lauderdale

Introduction Like many states in the USA, public transportation in Florida encompasses a complex combination of rail and bus terminuses. The Florida Department of Transportation is mandated to oversee interstate, state, and US highways. On the other hand, the state has an intercity rail that connects cities within the state....

Why Black Women Fear in the Delivery Room

Credible articles are written by authors who have a mastery of the contents of the article and who use sources that are reliable. In her article “Why Black Women Fear for Their Lives in the Delivery Room,” published in the Huffington Post, Eternity Martis focuses on African American mothers’ plight...

Hypocrisy and Christianity in “Tartuffe” by MoliĂšre

In Tartuffe, one of the primary topics that the author raises is the hypocrisy of some members of the society of that time and the detrimental effect of blind trust given to faithful people. To prove his point, the author uses Orgon’s family to show the result of this belief...

Nursing Problem: Burnout and Patient Outcomes

Work Setting Associated with Burnout I have encountered numerous problems as a caregiver. Our health institution provides a wide range of medical services to many patients. The number of physicians and nurses in this organization is very small. This gap explains why the caregivers cannot support the health needs of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evaluating and Preventing the Risks of Fall

Introduction The aim of carrying out the study was to evaluate the risks of falling in hospitalized patients. In addition, the study wanted to describe the risks of falling based on the personal attributes of the individual patients. The research started in Portugal in 2013 and completed in January 2014....

Immigrant Families and Challenges Experienced

There are significant challenges associated with moving from one country to another. These difficulties are experienced by individuals across the globe originating from different backgrounds. Dealing with these issues requires support from people in the surrounding. The reason is that the immigrants can be adversely affected by settling in new...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity in School-Aged Children

Introduction Obesity in school-aged children negatively influences their health, educational accomplishment, and quality of life. Children who have obesity have a high possibility of proceeding with the problem into adulthood, over and above the danger of chronic illnesses. Augmented screen time raises the probability of children developing pediatric obesity because...

EMLA or Sucrose: The Best Analgesic in Circumcision

Introduction Scientific evidence suggests substantial health benefits of male circumcision. The procedure, however, is painful and appropriate analgesia is always required. There’s an increasing need for clinicians to selectively administer an effective analgesic to alleviate such pain. Evidence shows that infants who are circumcised without the administration of an appropriate...

Canada and the USA Indigenous Symbols on Team Logos

The issue of the exploitation of Indigenous symbols and mascots in sport team logos has long been a controversial one both in Canada and the USA. It has been widely discussed in media and academic circles, as well as in educational and professional sport environments. Despite the fact that since...

Evidence Based Practice Overview

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) entails the application of the best clinical facts in order to make informed decisions about care delivery. According to Newhouse and Spring (2010), EBP entails the selection of interventions by the use of available scientific evidence in order to ensure that patients receive the best care....

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Case Management Nurse

Introduction Case management is a joint process that involves case management nurses working collaboratively with communities, and a vast array of medical and non-medical experts. Case managers promote quality health care both in hospitals and in communities. Occasionally, case managers work closely with community-based agents to deliver care services to...

The Concept of Socialization

Socialization is how culture is learned and is critical for human existence and survival. Effective mingling is essential for a person to be considered fully human as interaction is a means of human survival. People communicate with each other to express feelings and send requests and information. Communication can be...

Myth “Most People With Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives”

According to myth, the art of memory was born in the 5th century-B.C. when Simonides of Ceos, the Greek poet, after stepping outside came back to a banquet hall that had been raided and demolished (“People with Amnesia Forget All Details of their Earlier Lives,” 2021). When chaos and destructions...

New York’s Public Administration Agenda

The city selected for this assignment is the city of New York. The city comprises five boroughs that lie at the mouth of the Hudson River at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. They include Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island (The five boroughs of New York City, 2021)....

“Black Women and Black Power” by Rhonda Williams

Throughout history, women, primarily the Black, were not respected in most Western countries, including the United States. They were scorned and always put in a situation where their voices could not be heard. Until recently, they were not also allowed to carry out critical national activities such as voting. In...

Patient Education and Its Impact on Healthcare

Introduction There is a need for personalized health care, especially for older patients, through education programs that make them self-aware and care for themselves. As such, physicians should spend quality time with patients to improve the health care results. The manner in which health education is offered is key to...

Socialization and Decision to Pursue Higher Education

Socialization is a term used by a broad range of scholars to denote the lifelong process of receiving norms, customs, and ideologies from one’s heritage and disseminating them. A socialized individual possesses the skills and habits necessary for participating within their society. Thus, socialization is the tool that allows for...

Social Norms and Behaviors on Public Transportation: On the Bus

The world of people, communities, and societies is an organism that functions according to certain rules and norms, which are expected and regulated. There is a great number of social situations that people participate in, each one of them having its etiquette and expectations. The culture and the attitudes of...

International Law: States’ Right to Self-Determination

In this case concerning a state C exploited by state A with the permission of state B, state P initiates proceedings against A with regard to resources and land belonging to the impoverished state C. It is worth noting that state P represents an administering power over the state C...

CBPR Vital for Social Change

The assigned case study provides a model for the application of the CBPR approach in improving food security in Bayview Hunters Point Community, San Francisco, by describing a local security policy effort among a local community-based organization, a local health department and an external evaluator (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2008). The...

Walmart Enhanced Competitiveness Project Plan

Description Based on initial research and the balanced scorecard, it is apparent that Walmart has an opportunity to expand its competitive advantage and achieve higher performance through enhancing the corporation’s brand, employee satisfaction and offering discounts to the customers. Project Objectives To enhance Walmart’s performance, reputation, and income Operational Step...

Darwin and the Theory of Evolution

Have you ever asked yourself about how life appeared on Earth? This question has always been at the center of attention. For many years, there have been debates about whether life was created by God, as described in the Bible, or if it has a more scientific explanation, according to...

The Bible: Images and Portrayals of God

The Bible presents various images of God, in which he is portrayed from the perspective of the multiple roles he performs and the numerous character descriptions he is attributed. Across the Scripture, the readers might find a wide spectrum of vivid and metaphorical portrayals of God, which implies his power...

Health Disparities Affecting Kentucky Citizens

Abstract This paper discusses health disparities affecting Kentucky citizens, along with barriers, and roles of leaders. It shows that Kentucky is one of the unhealthiest states with high rates of drastic health disparities in the United States. There are high rates of chronic diseases, poor physical health, mental health, obesity,...

The Role of the Model in Sequencing

Data modeling is important in the establishment of trends of a given data set. The mathematical models can be used forecast the future implications of a given data and therefore help in planning effectively. Raw data from research might not display any particular consistent trend but can fit at least...

Integrated Talent Management Project Plan

Summary The economic term “Talent” refers to individuals that come together to create change in the operations of an organization. Talent management is a process of change, systematic growth and development, reconstitution, re-deployment of assets or talents necessary to create a change in an organization. Talent management transcends from talent...

Christianity, Its Origin and Significance

Introduction Christianity developed in the mid-first century in Judea following the teachings of Jesus. Later, the missionary work and writings of Paul of Taurus also made an impact in its spread. Initially, this religion was viewed as a small and disorganized sect that, among other things, pledged personal salvation after...

Globalization: Impact and Consequences

Globalization is an incredibly complex phenomenon, all aspects of which are not fully understood. Politics, economies, and cultures are all affected by the process of globalization. While some might view it positively and believe that globalization leads to a greater cultural and economic integration which benefits the world as a...

The Clinical Waste Management in Cameroon

Poor clinical waste management is a common problem in Africa and other developing parts of the world. Ineffective clinical waste treatment methods put many people at risk of contracting waterborne diseases and blood-borne pathogens (Chang & Wey, 2006). Uncontrolled and substandard burning of clinical waste also increases environmental pollution and...

Purification and Analysis of a His-Tagged Recombinant Protein

Introduction Modes of liquid chromatography are generally divided in accordance with their aims, principles, and technology used for chromatography. Three methods are generally used in protein analysis as the most precise and reliable: affinity method, SDS-page method, and size-exclusion chromatography method. These methods are used for purifying protein solvents by...

The American Political System: The Essential Features

Introduction The American political system is primarily shaped by the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. All the three crucial divisions have their supremacies convened by the head of state, the U.S. Constitution, and the Supreme Court. Additionally, the American political system is vastly subjugated by two primary political parties,...

Communication Plan Related to STDs Among the Youth

Abstract An effective communication plan and an appropriate implementation of the public health campaign on STDs among the youth will have a positive impact on the lives of the target group. After the youth receive the messages through the media selected, it is expected that they will adjust their behavior...

Magnolia Tree: Life Cycle and Evolution

Introduction Magnolia is among the largest genus flowering plants in Texas and eastern of North America. Magnolia is derived from a French botanist Pierre Magnol after discovering the plant in the Royal Botanic Garden of Montpellier in France. The taxonomic classification of the Magnolia tree is as follows: The domain...

August Wilson “Fences”: Plot and Themes

“Fences” is a Pulitzer-winning American drama play written in 1985 by August Wilson. This work tells the reader about Troy Maxson, a 53-year-old black blue-collar worker and a family leader, and his life in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the 1950s. Troy’s chaotic inner state and his relationship with those around him,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diabetes Diagnosis: The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is an epidemic in the United States. It greatly affects the young and aging populations by reducing their longevity, working capabilities, vigor, and functional status. It also increases the risk of contracting other diseases (Poretsky, 2010). Early diagnosis is an important...

Lifetime Appointment for the Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial instance in the United States, with Justices appointed by the President with the Senate’s approval. The appointment lasts for life and can only be interrupted by voluntary registration or impeachment. Recently, the need for reforms has been increasingly discussed. Many people believe that...

Healthcare System Trends in the United States

When developing this in 2018, the Senate had failed to invalidate, exchange, or alter the Affordable Care Act (ACA); therefore, the market left did not change from a legislative appearance. Persistent change of market before and after implementing the ACA has left ACA exchange in trouble. The troubles are related...

Organizational Management: Cultural Diversity Management

Purpose of planning Business plans and the information they contain are meant for an organization’s management and investors. Good business plans help in pulling the management team in an organization into a cohesive unit with the same goals. It helps stakeholders in the organization to understand the organization’s objectives, their...

Correlation and Causation in Statistics

Introduction When starting work on a study, it is necessary to choose the appropriate method of statistical data analysis. Unfortunately, scientists often consider some essential elements and concepts of statistical analysis as interchangeable. This paper aims to discuss the fundamental statistical issues and present at least five typical examples applying...

Heat-Related Mortality

Abstract Heat is associated with high mortality rates in the United States. The main route of entry of heat is the skin. The study was conducted using data that were collected in 105 cities in the United States in the 1987-2005 period to assess the mortality rates that were correlated...

Risk Management Program Analysis

I defined risk management in the previous assignment as identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk factors that arise over the course of a company’s operations. A critical part of the assignment involved developing a brief risk management program that our health organization would adopt to help inform its risk management...

Road Profiling Using Laser Scanning

Road profiling In road construction, renovation or expansion, it is a prerequisite for the engineers and scientists to have accurate and reliable data that will have productive work. Currently, most of our roads are faced with the problem of traffic, therefore, the authorities must have a strict measure on the...

Gastrointestinal Analysis Case Study

Gastrointestinal diseases are usually associated with chronic and acute disorders in the work of organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Mrs. Miller noticed problems with her gastrointestinal tract when she became to suffer from vomiting and observed a tarry stool. These symptoms were also accompanied by tachycardia and tiredness, and they...

Central Argument of the Boethius’ Book

Boethius provided different solutions to challenges of human freedom versus divine foreknowledge after Augustine. Such resolution appealed to the aspects of time and God’s eternity. Boethius concluded such a decision through his imaginations of Lady Philosophy as he waited for his execution (129). For example, Boethius is convinced that ‘nothing...

Nursing Shortage: A Critical Discussion

Issue Definition Although there are persistent accounts of labor shortages in many other professional domains, nursing seems to enjoy the dubious distinction of perennially suffering from this condition. Nursing literature, however, demonstrates that there is no single definition or measure of nursing shortages (Buchan & Aiken, 2008), thus the need...

“The HR Challenges Shaping the Healthcare Industry” Article Summary

This article discusses major human resource challenges in the healthcare industry. While human capital management and growth and staffing needs are priorities in most organizations, HR in healthcare institutions must also consider patient outcomes. The challenges highlighted in this article include recruitment in healthcare, wage competition, turnover and retention, training...

Hypothesis of Cultivation Regarding Coronavirus Infection

Introduction It would not be a mistake to say that the media are firmly entrenched in daily life. Electronic and printed newspapers, television, radio, and social networks broadcast every minute about new events, some of which may well prove to be inaccurate. However, information sources create a specific environment in...

Nonverbal Communication and Its Cultural Aspects

Figure 1 above presents a photo of two people interacting. The most evident nonverbal communication in this picture is facial expression. Notably, the woman’s face conveys happiness, joy, delight, and glee even without saying a word. Some of the feelings depicted in the photo, including joy and happiness, match those...

Theory of Self-Presentation and Digital Communication

Goffman’s theory of the presentation of self has become the framework for a broader understanding of behaviors and motivation. According to the theory, an individual acts in a way as if they are an actor on a stage, which is referred to as “impression management” intended to present oneself to...

Plot & Themes in Bidpai’s “The Camel and His Friends”

The Camel and His Friends is a short story, which was written as one of the five chapters of beast fables from India called Panchatantra. The story is attributed to a sage named Bidpai, who is thought to be the original narrator. In India, Bidpai is a legendary figure and...

National Pharmacy Technician Association

Introduction One of the biggest global certified associations for pharmacy technicians is the National Pharmacy Technicians Association. This association was established in Houston, Texas. This happened back in the year 1999 and in November of the same year, the association opened a commercial office. The association started the Technician Magazine...

Los Angeles: Health Risks Community Assessment

Los Angeles Community Issues Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in California, with a population of over 4 million people, whereas Los Angeles County is inhabited by more than 13 million residents. Los Angeles demonstrates a striking misbalance in living conditions for rich and poor, including the recent...

Contrast of Health Care Systems: Italy v. the United States

Introduction Provision of health care services is one of the most important functions of any government. Every nation would wish to see a healthy population, as this would translate to the growth and development of the national economy. It is for this reason that governments strive to ensure that their...

Color Blindness – Diagnosis and Symptoms

Symptoms Color blindness is a genetic disorder that is associated with the inability of the victims to see some colors in the normal way. The eye senses color in diffrecent objects and the brain translates and perceives the color through nerve cells. The brain understands the color of a given...

Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease: Correlation

Introduction Studies indicate that high blood pressure is a frequent occurrence among the patients with both acute and chronic kidney disease (Hilgers & Mann, 2014; Mann, 2014; Tedla et al., 2011). Such studies also indicate that hypertensions have been found to occur mostly among patients with glomerular or vascular disorders...

Confidentiality in Medicine

Confidentiality in medicine is one of the main principles the medical workers should follow. There are a great many reasons for either following or breaking the promise of confidentiality, everything depends on the situation. Some cases are regulated by the country’s law, the others must just be related to the...

Marketing Media and Marketing Effect

Introduction This paper gives a critical analysis of the effects of Internet on change in the ICT Services Industry. The internet offers a super highway for unbundled and heterogeneous information through sophisticated distributed information networks. The ICT system is crucial because it offers services to many other industries and the...

Comparing Nursing Education in China and Poland

Introduction Nursing in every country has its peculiarities that have been developed throughout decades and centuries. However, nursing education is transforming significantly due to globalization (Baumann & Blythe, 2008). This paper dwells upon nursing education in Poland and China and a brief comparison of the two systems is provided. The...

Researching the Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disease that slowly and gradually damages the brain and it is distinguished by memory loss and ultimately conflict in interpretation, planning, speech, and awareness. Many scientists consider that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a certain chemical imbalance in the body. The chemical protein beta-amyloid...

Airport Security and New Technologies

The biometric software application can uniquely identify or verify an individual using a comparison and analysis of features based on the contours of a person’s face and behavior. This software can compare it with information in the database for subsequent identification. The author’s thesis aims to identify the benefits of...

European Competition Policy and Its Origins

This article has written about the origins and development of European competition policy. Many claim that German ordoliberal ideas were the guiding force, but a careful examination of the problem reveals that France and the United States played a crucial role in implementing the most supranational of all European policies....

Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research

Introduction Stem cell research is a controversial field full of ethical concerns. Humans desire to live long and healthy lives and one way to do so is to regain the functions of organs or to regenerate organs (Okka, 2015). Stem cell research is the field of medicine that promises such...

A Right to Sex Work as a Point of Discussion

Introduction The attitudes toward prostitution and the related activities have been changing and have experienced a major shift over the past several decades, the specified change has been essential in determining the legality of prostitution, as well as its overall perception and the status that the specified concept ha in...

Chlamydia Trachomatis: Medical Analysis

Pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium that causes a sexually transmitted infection known as chlamydia. It is a member of the Chlamydia genus, which consists of intracellular parasites that affect different species. As indicated by the name, Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria target cells as part of their two-stage lifecycle. First, an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Acute Pancreatitis: The Case Study

Patient Information Name: James Lebron Age: 40 years Gender at Birth: Male Gender Identity: Male Source: Allergies: None Current Medications: None PMH Immunizations: The patient reports that all immunizations are up to date. Preventive Care: The patient reports not taking alcohol and foods low in fat content. Surgical History: The Patient...

Ethics and Nursing: Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Different people in the world share and differ in their decision-making. Most of the Ethical decisions made by people are influenced by the factors that surround them. In most cases, their decisions are dependent on their feelings. This does not mean that all decisions are according to their feelings;...

The Issue of Dysfunction in the Company

Introduction It seems reasonable to claim that sufficient and productive teamwork is affected by a significant number of factors. Each member is to dedicate himself or herself to the needs of a team as a whole, putting personal interests aside. The scholarly dimension provides the important concept of five dysfunctions...

Synthesis of Biodiesel and Soap

Introduction Biodiesel and soap are made through transesterification and saponification. Saponification is the process of reacting a triglyceride with an aqueous hydroxide ion to form glycerol and fatty acid salts (Weldegirma). It is used to manufacture soap. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to diesel fuel produced from biological sources, including...

Benefits of a Healthy Nutrition

Food nutrition is a crucial element for human survival, as most of the energy required for everyday life is obtained from it. The food people take contains nutrients that are essential for the body development and functioning, and the amount of each nutrient needed is called a nutritional element. This...

Mathematical Theory: Algebraic K-theory

A mathematical theory is similar to a mathematical representation that is established on dictums. Sometimes, it can continuously be a body of knowledge, for example, built on truism and precision. Therefore, it can be utilized when dealing with an area of mathematical fact-finding within the set guidelines and procedures. This...

William Blake’s Influence on Modern Counterculture

An accomplished painter and poet, William Blake, is an influential figure of the Romantic age, which was characterized by people’s reactions to the changes occurring in Europe. His two prominently famous publications, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and Songs of Innocence and Experience, are among the artistic endeavors espousing...

Retirement: Transition From Work to After-Work Life

Introduction Many workers find it challenging to transition from work to after-work life, a significant transitional stage for every employee is retirement. At the moment, the number of people retiring from work is almost 46 million, and the number is expected to rise to 90 million by the year 2050...

Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict in “Malcolm & Marie” Film

Interpersonal Relationships Human interactions and their circumstances, connections, and context to them create interpersonal relationships together. The bonds people share are intricate and are classified into types, stages, theories, and more. Interpersonal relationships fall into the following categories: friendship, romantic relationship, family relationship, and professional relationship. The stages of a...

Branswell’s “History and Application of Vaccines”

Helen Branswell’s article on the development, testing, and rollout of the Ebola vaccine details the challenges and breakthroughs achieved by various individuals and teams involved in its manufacturing. According to the article, Gary Kobinger worked on an Ebola vaccine but had not conducted human trials when the 2014 Ebola broke...

How Does Language Influence Our World?

Language is humanity’s district feature, a basis for the majority of human activities. People learn, work, entertain and express themselves, and cooperate using various languages existing in the world. Aside from those functions, a language also preserves a respective culture and its relevant meanings. They can be benign, malevolent, neutral,...

A Global City. London after Brexit

Several towns have tremendous influence not only within one country but throughout the world. Cities like these are critical to entire regions, with cultural, economic and political impact. Often, they have a rich history, which is why most of the global cities are vital settlements of the most developed world...

Dominicans’ Attitude Towards African Descent

Since the modern world is divided into nations, states, and communities, these groups of people, different in size and their characteristics, give rise to even more controversial points in their relationships and views. This is the reason why there are such challenges in the world for which it is sometimes...

Ballet Genre Marginalization of People of Color

Ballet dance traces its origins to the fifteenth century, during the Italian Renaissance. The genre has since evolved into a popular concert dance in many countries such as Russia, France, United Kingdom, and the United States (“Dance Resources”). Each country integrates its culture into the dance, which has led to...

The Link Between Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease

Background and Significance of the Problem The relationship between hypertension and kidney disease has been disputable for decades. Recent studies suggest that there is a definite link between the two disorders and it has been suggested that the relationship is cyclic (Buffet & Ricchetti, 2012). Buffet and Ricchetti (2012) that...

Young Workers: Experience and Perspective

In December 2016, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System published an article on young workers’ experience and perspectives on the modern labor market. This article was primarily based on the 2015 Survey of young workers conducted by the Federal Reserve. It draws a general portrait of young...

Personal Reflection on the Sports Industry

Sport is a generally competitive and consensual human activity that aims to utilize, enhance, or improve physical aptitudes through casual or organized involvement to accomplish a purpose. Entertainment may be provided to contestants and, occasionally, to fans during the competition. The theory of cowboysization originates from an American team called...

The Political, Economic and Social Effects of the GI Bill and the Vietnam War

The post-war era after the second world war led to multiple paradigmatic shifts in American history. One of the most consequential events was the passing of the GI Bill of Rights which afforded veterans of the Second World War economic benefits that greatly enhanced their quality of life. The improved...

Capital Structure Decisions in The Economist Articles

Introduction This is to summarize and synthesize the contents of the following articles: “The Party is over”, “Debt is Good for You” and “Debtor’s Prison”. The paper will also conclude with an opinion on how the information from the three articles will affect the capital structure decisions of this researcher...

Vaccination: Child Immunization on the Government Level

Description of the Issues Vaccination is one of the most important procedures for a person, especially at a young age. With many serious diseases threatening the population’s health, society must take preemptive action to prevent any further harm. Many contagious illnesses from the past were almost completely eradicated by vaccination...

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Situational Leadership Approach

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Deviant Behavior Questions

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Symbolism in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick: Or, the White Whale

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs in Healthcare

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Rehabilitation Programs for Juvenile Offenders

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Tacitus’s Characterization of the Barbarians

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Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership Performance

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The Short Story “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” by Raymond Carver

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Article Analysis: Compare and Contrast

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Sex Offenders: Does Rehabilitation Work and How Is Recidivism Affected?

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Microeconomics: Challenges Facing Financial Managers

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Nursing Research Article on Level of Education

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Public Health and Health Care

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Mature Minor and Patient Consent in Healthcare

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The Case of Nutrition Food Inc

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Professional Nursing Practice and Leadership: Critical Pathways

Management Model: Managed- Care Critical Pathways Managed-care critical pathways are crucial for professional nursing practice and leadership. These are frameworks that facilitate coordination of teamwork and streamline service delivery. Significance of the care pathways is realized in a series of events, such as scheduling and execution of processes in healthcare...

Sifers: Analysis of the Emerging Technologies

Introduction New practices and technologies are continually advancing every day by using computers to transmit, manipulate and store information and data, concerning the tools and processes deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, destruction, inspection, and disruption. Hardware authentication, data loss prevention, the cloud, deep learning, and user behavior...