Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Schools

Introduction Biological evolution refers to descent with modification. Biologically, descent is taken to refer to the concept of passing traits from one generation to another while on other hand modification is regarded as the change in the composition and frequency of the gene.This is the concept through which the modern...

The Issue of Overpopulation

Today the problem of overpopulation is widely discussed by the researchers, economists, sociologists, scholars, and politicians. The fact which causes the public discussions is the problem of carrying capacity because overpopulation can be defined as the situation when the growth of population is higher than the level of possible carrying...

Innovation in International Business

International business is the highest form of entrepreneurial activity, and innovation plays a vital role in the conceptual idea of gaining a competitive advantage. The latter is conducted through elaborate modifications in the business model, knowledge connectivity, research and development, and organizational innovation. For example, in the hospitality and tourism...

Fighting Racism Behavior Towards the Latino Community

Introduction For centuries, people of color in the United States of America have faced systemic racism that has been a barrier for these minorities to get access to many essential goods and services. The public health system is one of the most prominent representatives of racial inequality, which consequently significantly...

Dysarthria Diagnosis After Stroke

Response to the YouTube Video The video shows that the patient had a stroke (Dysarthria 1). This stroke must have affected several cranial nerves in the brain that control the face and the tongue. Damage in the hemispheres can result in dysarthria. This condition occurs when the brain parts controlling...

Communication Barriers at the Workplace

Having good communication skills is rather crucial for all workers since it may significantly affect their performance and success. It is even more essential for those employees and managers who are transferred to the company’s new factory in another country. Working with people of different races and cultures may be...

Impact of Nursing to the Community

Introduction A nurse is described in layman language as a person who takes care of people in need. In a more detailed definition, nurses are described by Stone (1) as: “men and women who are responsible (along with other health care professionals) for the treatment, safety and recovery of acutely...

The Concept of Fairness in the Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Justice, equality, and fairness are the ideals people from different cultures in different parts of the world have always aspired to achieve. They are the values that not only have inspired people to speak up and fight against oppression, cruelty, discrimination, and abuse but also encouraged innovation and progress, bringing...

Delia’s Tenacity in the Short Story “Sweat” by Hurston

“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him ” (Matthew Henry’s Commentary: Verses 21–25)....

Racial Disparity in Professional Football: Rooney Rule

Nowadays, an open conversation about equal rights and workplace diversity is reaching its peak in the form of viral social media campaigns and public demonstrations. Professional sport is no different from any other industrial sector in corporate America, although the racial gap in the ranks of head coaches and senior...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Uniform Crime Reporting: Indicator of Crime in the US

Introduction The high crime rate in the United States can be significantly reduced by a combination of effective law enforcement strategies as well as the legislation of laws that will help law enforcement agencies prevent crime as well as apprehend criminals. In this regard, policymakers must have access to accurate...

Evaluation of a Program in Nursing

The progress of health care system is evident, and nursing is considered to be one of the most fast-developing spheres in the chosen sphere. Doctors get access to a number of improved material and tools with the help of which appropriate and in time care is provided, and patients set...

G4S Company’s Major Risks in the Future

Among the many security-providing companies, G4S stands out as the key employer in the London stock exchange, having an influence in over 120 states with a workforce of more than 620,000. Although one may use this information to claim that this security agent is secure, the paper reveals the major...

Nursing Practice in the Context of Personal Ethics

Introduction Amid the existed books about nursing, it is not always easy to find out the truth and realize that it is closely connected to many personal principles and norms. However, the source where the ideas of Florence Nightingale about the definition of nursing as art that “requires as exclusive...

Modernism and Vanity in The Story “Araby”

Introduction The story “Araby” is a first-person narration of a boy who is trying to impress a girl. The narration is on behalf of a boy in love with his friend’s sister. He learns from her that she wants to go to a charity bazaar called “Araby”. He promises the...

The Adoption of the Affordable Care Act in the State of Florida

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as “Obamacare,” was adopted in 2010 by President Barack Obama. Its enactment could affect the future state of the health care system in the USA. This federal statute aims to impose health insurance costs on states and provide a larger share of residents...

Infection Control Concerning Nephrostomy

Introduction Nursing care for patients with a nephrostomy is a highly demanding activity accompanied by many complicated medical procedures and various problems with a tube, including misplacement or occlusion. In this regard, nurses should possess the necessary knowledge and skills concerning the appropriate management of patients with a nephrostomy to...

PICO Format in Nursing

Evidence-based practice is essential for nurses to enhance patient outcomes and provide high-quality evidence. Although clinical experience is an essential part of nursing, it is vital not to ignore recent developments in guidelines and research that offer modern, practical solutions for patients. In the chosen scenario, the nurse was instilling...

Slavery Institution as a Source for Victimization

Slavery has been a topic of hot debate throughout most of American history. The process, considered brutal and corrupt by many people, attained even more supporters who considered it the course of nature. It is essential to understand how could this unethical practice survive and thrive for decades. Slavery institution...

Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Social Lives

Introduction The discussion of social media’s effects on children’s lives has become a major contentious debate all over the world. Several types of research have linked social media with positive impacts on the lives of young people, although a few studies reveal its negative effect. The world is recording significant...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Constitutional Amendment – Political Culture

Introduction The global digitalization of every minor aspect of people’s lives has necessitated the transfer of the existing regulations into the online context, making legal standards applicable to the digital context. However, due to the lack of research on the subject matter and the rapidly developing technologies, the vulnerability of...

“The First Words”: Native Canadians’ Creation Story

Even though Canadian historians have now started a widespread revision of the roles that aboriginal people played in the history of the country. However, despite the good intentions, the practice of Canadian history is still mainly unrevised in one crucial aspect, which is that Native people are still treated research...

Character Development of Almarine Cantrell

In Lee Smith’s novel “Oral History,” the character development of Almarine Cantrell plays a large role. It is a dynamic character since the main difference between a dynamic character and a static one is a change in the structure of thought and feeling within a literary work in one or...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Bold, Centered, Upper and Lower Case

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Reflection Paper Modern nurses have many duties to their patients and society as a whole, and we need to fulfill these duties in accordance with our values and beliefs regarding health and nursing. Various nursing theories seek to support nurses by offering frameworks that could facilitate...

Inspiration by Robert Frost’s Poetry

Introduction Inspiration is a normal process in art creation, moreover, one can argue that all art pieces were created as a result of the artist being inspired by other works or by the world around them. The inspiration for the poem “Autumn” was a poem by Robert Frost titled “Nothing...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Reflection Paper

Introduction The establishment of a nursing philosophy plays a crucial role in nursing practice and career growth. Even though all nurses study the same principles, theories, and regulations, each person shares specific beliefs and attitudes toward the environment, which provokes the promotion of unique approaches to care and treatment. The...

The Blue Angel for Asthma Kids and Teledentistry: Health Informatics

The Blue Angel for Asthma Kids The Blue Angel for Asthma Kids application is an internet-based highly interactive asthma control program. The program helps children monitor their peak expiratory pattern and flow, and control the effects of asthmatic attacks. The program also checks the children’s adherence to inhaled corticosteroid medication....

Culminating Project for Last-Year Students

Purpose of Culminating Project The purpose of the culminating project is to evaluate the level of understanding of the information provided during the last year for the students. The aim of this idea is not to blame someone because of the difficulties with any discipline but to improve the system...

Concepts of “Truth in sentencing” Michigan

Introduction In the past Michigan like any other American state has always given its prisoners time credits, which primarily depend on prisoners’ behavior during jail terms. It gave the majority of these time credits on a continuous basis, whereby the number of credits increased progressively as one spent more time...

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Introduction Nursing, as one of the most important professions in human society, requires a large number of skills and dedication to learning. The intricacies of providing care demand a wide variety of knowledge including both physical and mental training. The report made by the Institute of Medicine outlines the ways...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Care Standards in Healthcare Institutions: Case Study

Introduction Healthcare institutions’ primary goal is to provide high-quality medical services to sustain or ameliorate patients’ well-being. Therefore, standards of care are established for each direction of healthcare systems. Notably, these standards of practice essentially concern the nurses as they work in clinical patient care settings and are the providers...

Marxism and Socialism in “Mending Walls” Poem by Robert Frost

Introduction The poem “Mending Walls” by Robert Frost, written and published in 1914, narrates a story originating from rural New England and talks about a fence between two industrious farmers’ estates that separates their properties. It is worth noting that the wall is rebuilt every spring, and one of the...

Contemporary Issues in Health Care Delivery

ACA’s Most Notable Provisions The twenty-five provisions of the Affordable Care Act offer an extensive but not full list of health service benefits for the public; however, two of them have major significance. First, the Affordable Care Act has become one of the most important advances for women’s health in...

Mark & Spencer Company in Australian Environment

For Mark and Spencer, Australia is a potential country to expand its business and gain a new market. Australia represents a small, open economy with unusual wage-setting institutions. During the past twenty years, its development has been similar to that of most nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and...

G. Small vs. The United States

Facts of the Case Gary Small, the petitioner in this case, had been imprisoned in Japan for three years for illegally importing firearms into that country and violating Japan’s weapons-control and customs laws and regulations. After serving the three-year sentence in Japan, the petitioner returned to the United States in...

Application of Bioelectromagnetics in Medicine

Introduction The utilization of bioelectromagnetics has been a topic of discussion within and outside of the medical community. Due to the latest scientific findings, there has been a surge in the popularity of electromagnetic therapy integration to treat arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, various types of cancer, and diabetic neuropathy. The practical...

Presentation on Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse

PRE-Survey # Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 0 2 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%) 3 4 (40%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 2 (20%) 0 4 4 (40%) 1 (10%) 3 (30%)...

Treating and Preventing Adolescent Mental Health Disorders

Introduction Chemical abuse has been increase among the youth. Substances such as nicotine, alcohol, tobacco and marijuana have become accessible to young people in schools making it a great risk to adolescents. These chemicals are very harmful to their health, because they affect them psychologically, socially and physically. This essay...

Americcan College of Radiology Protocol and Cancer Therapy Response to Antiangiogenetic Drug

Introduction Assessment of the disease and a correct diagnosis are parts of the treatment process which presuppose accuracy of performance and correct data. The clinical data should be collected properly in full measure. As there are different centers on research of different abnormalities in the human organism, it is necessary...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: Reality of Marriage

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour raises mixed and confused thoughts. In the short story, a woman experiences the sincere grief because her husband died, but eventually, it turns out that she is undergoing the best period of her life from now on. However, this epiphany turns out to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Organization of International Business

If you’re looking for information on the organization of international business, look no further. In this sample paper, you will find all about international business organisation management explained. Introduction International business encompasses commercial transactions that take place between two or more countries which involve multinational corporations. International business requires the...

Evidence-Based Practice for Preventing Medication Errors

Introduction Despite numerous attempts at addressing the issue, medication mistakes remain one of the most topical issues on the current healthcare agenda (Cohen, 2015). Although the introduction of the human factor does not allow eliminating the possibility of a medical mistake completely, the incorporation of the principles of evidence-based practice...

A Forced Organizational Change: Student Name Company

Student Name Company The working environment in the organization hugely affects its functioning and overall performance. When a forced organizational change occurs, it always brings a certain degree of stress on the employees and the working conditions. These shifts do not always bring positive change, so it is crucial to...

Management Strategies, and Challenges in Implementing Them

Management strategies Functional strategies Functional logistics strategies are determined specifically by the arrangement of the services that have been delivered. During this procedure, the technical, legal, as well as economic parameters, must be taken into account at all times. Functional strategies draw around the effect of over bending the business...

An Ideal Public School: An Exemplary Institution

There is no doubt that every child deserves the right to have access not only to quality health care but also to quality education that paves the way for a productive and happy future. Our nation is proud of the US school system, and other countries take an example from...

The Tendencies of Teenage Suicide in Africa

The high prevalence levels of suicidal tendencies have a huge impact on the health care institutions that deal with mental cases. These patterns must be monitored regularly since suicidal tendencies in various groups differ across time. Several measures can be utilized to curb teenage suicide. Community involvement is extremely imperative...

Nurse Staffing Standards for Patient Safety

Introduction It can be said that the scope of the professional activity of medical workers is not limited only to hospital practice. Present legislation directly affects the safety, quality, and accessibility of services provided by medical specialists. It is why healthcare workers should study the laws in force and those...

VHF Systems Transmission

Abstract VHF systems are the most reliable alternative for avionic communication systems. This is generally explained by the high reliability and selectivity of VHF radio transmission. The principles and rules of VHF transmission are helpful for creating safe navigation, operation, control and other systems. VHF Communication The purposes of VHF...

Liberalism in Anthony Kennedy’s Judicial Decisions

Introduction The paper refers to liberalism in the judicial decision-making process. Judge Anthony Kennedy who is a liberalist distinguishes it from conservative Judgments. Liberalists believe that liberty is the right of an individual to define his own concept of existing and the mystery of human life. The fundamental idea of...

Management: Friendly Financial Works

The effective functioning of any company depends on management practices used to ensure the desired outcomes and attain specific goals. It is vital to create an environment motivating workers to engage in various processes and contribute to the evolution of the company. Designing a productive and satisfying job is a...

Should Behavior Be Made Illegal Because It Is Considered Immoral?

Morality and legality are different terms, which stem from a similar concept of judgment on the basis of violation or adherence to certain norms and values. Hart’s views are based on distinguishing moral values from laws because morality cannot be fully reliable. Devlin suggests that these two systems should reflect...

Deviance. Definition of Deviance

Definition of Deviance Deviance is any behavioral conduct which is centrally to societal expectations, and as such deserves condemnation by the members of a society; the family, corporate, industrial, academic, religious, ethical, political, environmental, international society etcetera. Behavioral misconducts that warrant condemnation are looked into by the sociological field of...

Amanda’s Influence on Laura in Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie”

The Glass Menagerie is a well-known Tennessee Williams’ play which partially relates to his bibliography. The audience thought it to be unusual because of the distorted depiction of reality and the widespread use of symbolism. Moreover, there were only four characters: Tom, Amanda, Laura, and Jim. One of the most...

Gunpowder Empires and the 16th Century Japan

The first half of the 16th century in Japan belongs to the Muromachi period (1336-1573 C.E.) during which it had a decentralized political system allowing local lords to rule small regions of the country separately. During the mentioned period, a shogun ruled Japan through retainers, who provided military support in...

Strategic Plans for Service Businesses in Adopting Economies of Scale

Introduction Economies of scale can be defined as a way of cutting down the average cost of a product to the customer by producing more products. Economies of scale happen when more number of units of goods are produced with no additional in input cost. Economies of scale are achieved...

Hydraulic Fracking and Methane Pollution in the US

Hydraulic fracking is increasingly becoming a standard practice for gas generation in the U.S. The country predominantly embraces shale oil and gas extractions following successful horizontal drilling techniques. Nonetheless, sustained fracturing has trigged certain factions of society to voice concerns over the need to shift from natural gas advancements to...

Prohibition of Lead in Children Candies

For quite a long time, researchers and wellbeing specialists have followed child lead intoxications from paint, leaded gas, soils, dust, lead-patched jars and water lines, and lead-coated stoneware. Children poisoning with candies containing lead keeps on being a significant general well-being concern. Lead has no organic job in the body...

Health Information Technology

Introduction Information technology has gained increased attention among scientists as it has become widely used in the healthcare sector. It possesses the capacity to change nursing practice (Jones, Rudin, Perry, & Shekelle, 2014). IT is discussed in the paper from the standpoint of its relevance, negative and positive impact on...

Accessibility of Healthcare in the United States

Introduction Inequality in medical care services and health outcomes concerns both developed and developing countries. The core issue that hinders the development of an accessible healthcare system in the U.S. is the cost of insurance. These costs accounted for 5% of the national income in 1960 compared to 18% in...

Human Relations: The Manager with a Disgruntled Employee

Situation You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation that sells organic juices at most major retail stores. You have been hired as the West Coast Distribution Manager. After about five weeks on the job, you get the following email: Sir/Ma’am, You are hurting this company. You...

Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art” Poem Analysis

Poets and writers use numerous literary devices, ways of building rhyme, and rhythm to convey the message of their compositions to readers. Elizabeth Bishop is also one of these authors as her poetry is filled with various elements to create form and context for sharing her personal experience and ideas....

Medical Records and Health Insurance and Portability Act

Introduction Records are very important in every administrative work. In medical services, record plays an important role in health service provision. Medical records entail an orderly documentation of medical information and history of a patient. Medical records comprises of physical and electronic record about individual’s medical information. Medical records are...

Racial and Gender Disparities Among Evicted Americans

Eviction is a significant problem among low-class communities, which directly relates to poverty. Disproportionately forced dislocation from housing between various ethnicities calls for researchers to comprehensively analyze such notions, reasoning, and consequences. Establishing a sufficient statistical basis will provide a clear picture of racial disparity in eviction cases, which has...

Plan of Care: Communication and Care of Patient with Multisystem Failure

Introduction It is apparent that nursing care for a patient in multisystem failure requires more than physiological care tools. That is, it involves working with the family of the patient, particularly when it is evident that the patient is in an end-of-life situation. In such a scenario, communication becomes the...

An Analysis of “Tragedy Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Introduction Poets of ancient Greece laid the foundation for the development of drama. In this regard, the tragedy Oedipus the King is a prominent exemplar of ancient Greece’s literature, which is considered by many scholars and critics as the summit of Sophocles’ attainments. The play poses one of the most...

Hiring Algorithms from the Utilitarian Perspective

Introduction Personnel selection is a challenging task: the right employee can make it or break it for the company. Recruitment mistakes can cost a company thousands of dollars a year, and the effects of hiring the wrong person may prove to be long-lasting. It goes without saying that the hiring...

Effective Professional Learning Communities

The contemporary educational system continually strives for advancement and innovation. Professionals are trying to develop new techniques to make sure that young individuals are receiving a significant amount of knowledge and learning to implement it effectively. One of the concepts widely used in the modern environment is the professional learning...

The Purpose of Administrative Law and Public Administration

The term “public administration” refers to all activities undertaken by public agencies, whether internal or external. It is the responsibility of the on-site managers, who are generally free to organize their agencies’ work in ways that will facilitate the achievement of their goals. As a result, the various state and...

Aquifer Depletion: Origins and Sustainability Plans

The water resource is one of the basic necessities of life as it is included in the same league with food, shelter, and clothing. As such, its use and sustainability must be safeguarded at all costs. But in recent times, the opposite seems to be the case as the vital...

Battle in Seattle: Critical Writing

Introduction To make significant changes working in well-organized social groups is essential as it gives the vigor and teamwork needed to motivate the proper agencies to make the necessary adjustments. Usually, social movements emanate when there is evidence of systematic inequality between the governance and the people. Produced by Aloe...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Akers’ Social Learning Theory

Summary Akers’ social learning theory posits that individuals develop the urge to engage in criminal activities and the techniques to execute these acts through interacting with peers or within their social circle. According to Nodeland and Morris (2018), people master new deportments, attributes and aspirations through direct encounters as well...

Why Abortion Should Be Included in the National Healthcare Plan

The abortion debate is one of the most controversial and irrational issues that have lacked a concrete solution for a very a very long time in America. Although all incoming and outgoing leaders have promised Americans to find a common agreeable solution to this issue, still none of their solutions...

Defining the Health-Illness Continuum and Its Relation to Patient Care

Despite being ubiquitous, the notion of health is not straightforward to describe. Healthcare providers view health as an absence of any illnesses and unfavorable conditions. However, this approach omits the dynamic nature of human well-being and the fact that feeling healthy is subjective. Different people may have diverse thoughts on...

Segregation and Racial Discrimination in Housing

Introduction The primary aim of this essay is to understand the role of segregation and discrimination in creating housing disparity between African Americans and the white community. However, for centuries now, national spatial imaginary has been racially marked, with segregation serving to induce a fine line between the majorities from...

Patient Safety: Caring for the Public’s Health

The safety of patients has been a global issue of concern especially for nurses as they work towards preventing the harm to be done to the patients receiving the treatment. Patient safety concerns have continued adversely eroding the trust that the public has in the nurses and healthcare profession as...

Leitmotif of Women Empowerment in Kate Chopin’s Works

Introduction Kate Chopin was a well-known American novelist and short story writer who was born in the late 1800s. She is considered one of the founders of feminist ideas. Even though at the end of the nineteenth century, this movement was only in a state of formation and was widely...

Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

Components of a Healing Hospital and Their Relationship to Spirituality There are three main constituents of a healing hospital that include a healing physical environment, a culture of deep-seated tender care and incorporation of technology. These factors play an important role in the success of a healing hospital. This paper...

Criminal Behavior in Society

This paper provides detailed information on criminal behavior in society. The paper will differentiate criminal and non-criminal psychopaths. In addition, the paper seeks to differentiate antisocial personality disorder from general criminal behavior. The paper will analyze criminal activities committed under different circumstances, to gain insight into criminal behavior in society....

Alpine Inn and Spa: Service Management Improvement Plan

Introduction Alpine Inn and Spa is a 2-star hotel situated in South Lake Tahoe, California. Its 38 non-smoking rooms are equipped with air conditioning, television, ironing facilities, and tea and coffee makers. The hotel offers its guests free Wi-Fi and parking, as well as an outdoor swimming pool and a...

Reviewing Quantitative Academic Literature and Data

Abstract Quantitative researchers always carry out literature reviews since they test hypotheses based on prior work and data in their field. It is crucial to utilize the right approach while analyzing quantitative methodology in research. According to McCandless (2010), data is a creative means, and using visualization such as tables,...

Integrating Communicative Approach Into My Current Teaching Philosophy

The communicative approach, also referred to as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), has occupied the central part of language teaching discussions since the late 1960s. This concept emphasizes problem solving and interactions as the means and final goal of learning a second language (Educopedia Aulas InglĂŞs, 2020). Hence, it stresses essential...

Electronic Medical Record Project

Changes necessary to convert paper form into electronic document The two papers obtained from the health facility were scanned and saved as jpg and png respectively. To convert them into electronic documents, they had to undergo some changes using computer software. The first step involved opening the scanned documents in...

Is Social Worker a Profession?

Social work is a significant activity in society as it aims at providing assistance to those in need, promoting better living conditions, and improving the social environment. It is a relevant topic for discourse these days because many people are involved in social practices; however, the dispute appears if this...

Craft: Definition and the Most Important Manual Crafts

Introduction A craft is an occupation that requires specific skills based on an individual’s creativity and interest. The word crafts depict the group of creative activities within the domain of ornamental arts, which are expressed by their link to useful or handy items such as statues in the vessel custom...

Master of Finance to Help African Development

Introduction Education is a vital need of modern society. It allows people to develop their skills and talents so that to further use them for their own prosperity and for the glory of their countries and continents. In Africa, the issue of education is rather burning as the weak economies...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Prevention of Complications

Forces whether internal or external delay the application of changes in the health sector on ways of administering health services. Rycroft-Malone et al. (2013) state that one challenge facing the realization of quality care based on evidence in health care involves coming up with effective ways of care delivery in...

Development and Launch of an Information Technology Product

Introduction Framers Company is in the process of launching a new product. One of the objectives is to provide customers with low prices within a limited time. The company also aims at producing a product that is unique in the market and one that will fulfill the needs of the...

Health Promotion in the Preschoolers

An intervention is a means to health change. It is planned and targets a specific group such as the preschool children involved in the study. The study targets, eating and activity habits that are linked to the inappropriate weight gain, formed in early childhood. This study also targets health promotion...

“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by T. Williams

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a classical Tennessee Williams’ play that examines the themes of an unhappy marriage, social hypocrisy, sexual repression, and masculinity crisis. It follows an unhappily married couple, Brick and Maggie, as they attempt to navigate the rocky phase of their union, Brick’s alcoholism, and...

Dentistry: Reasons to Choose the Profession

My dream to become a dentist is rooted in the passion I have for the profession as well as my attitude and abilities to become a dentist. I have had an experience of an infected molar and thus understand what it means to have some infected teeth. The interaction I...

Interpersonal Relationships in the Movie Crash

The movie Crash (2004) raises multiple essential topics, and some of the described issues are still acute in society. All of them are connected with interpersonal relations, which form the basis of human existence. These include political correctness, ethics, the ability to forgive, trust, and other aspects of human relationships....

An Overview of Trinity Industries

Trinity Industries is an industrial corporation that provides products and services for transportation, construction, and energy sectors. According to the official website of the corporation (Trinity Industries, n.d.), since November 1, 2018, Trinity Industries split up into two independent companies. Trinity focuses on the supply of railcar products and services,...

Reasons that May Make a Strategic Plan Unsuccessful

Introduction According to Marian C. Jennings, the president of a national health care consulting firm that specializes in strategy initiation and development. A strategic plan may be unsuccessful due to various reasons. One of the reasons is a strategy that focuses on a single possibility in future thus ignoring uncertainties...

Political and Social Deviant Behavior Concepts

The use of political influence to gain material wealth is similar to the use of unfair means to obtain, maintain and increase political power in that they both involve the elite. The biggest similarity between the two is that they are both forms of political deviance. Further, the use of...

Interpersonal Theory and the Nurse-Client Role

The Role of a Nurse Peplau’s framework consists of four phases. On the orientation phase, the nurse provides essential information and guidance and establishes the communication channels. This phase is mostly one-directional and requires only a limited participation from the patient. The identification phase is where the patient involvement begins....

Speech Defending the Construction of Bicycle Lanes

Introduction City officials should be convinced of the necessity of building bicycle lanes and other facilities like bicycle parking and rental. An immediate solution is required, because, even though the bicycle is an eco-friendly and convenient transport, there are few bicycle routes in the area, and cyclists often endanger their...

Debate on Teaching of Values: Family Policies

Introduction One of the basic building blocks of a successful and functional society is the establishment and consequent adherence to values by the members of the community. Values can be defined as what society judges to be of importance or worthy. These values color our human reality with new ways...

Cost Allocation in Healthcare Analysis

Introduction For organizations in any industry, it is of utmost importance to take a rational approach to costs. Cost allocation is the process that allows identifying and keeping track of cost objects that affect an organization’s financial situation by inflicting significant losses or making substantial profits. This essay aims to...

Stephen Schork and the Oil Industry

Stephen Schork is a famous trader in the oil industry. He has been speculating for the last several weeks that the oil prices would fall but instead they kept on rising. In the process he lost a lot of money due to the belief that the price of the valued...

Nature or Nurture: Tabula Rosa

The impact of genetics and the environment has been a topic of lasting research that has not been finished so far. Psychologists still have no definite answer to the question regarding the role of nature and nurture. Some researchers stress that people inherit a set of specific traits that define...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Climate Change as a Public Health Issue

Introduction The correlation between one’s environment and health conditions has become more vivid than previously due to an increasing variety of social issues that tackle one’s state over the past decades. To conduct a proper assessment of national health as a notion, the concept of public health was introduced, being...

“A Narrative of Life” of Frederick Douglass Review

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a detailed analysis of the oppression Frederick Douglass went through before his freedom. In the autobiography, he provides his readers with first-hand information about his encounters that were characterized by pain, brutality, and humiliation. Douglass emphasizes the cruelty of perpetrators and...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Program Planning Project

Problem Statement Chronic kidney disease is one of the most burning issues of the area of health care and epidemiology nowadays. Various factors discussed below lead to the sharp increase in the rate of chronic kidney disease incidence among the population of the United States of America and other countries....

Gwen Dewar’s Research of the Electronic Media Impact on the Sleeping

Scrolling through posts on Instagram or Facebook, chatting with friends on WhatsApp are everyday activities that each of us performs before finally going to bed. Nevertheless, researchers argue that such types of entertainment disrupt healthy sleeping patterns, especially among children. A number of various works analyze this issue and determine...

Program Evaluation in Public Health

Introduction Program evaluation is an imperative process in public health as it helps the implementers of a program to gain imperative information that enables them to determine the course of action during implementation in order to improve the program. In addition, the implementers are able to determine the effectiveness of...

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing

Introduction Leadership is reflected as a comprehensive process that is used to realize goals, motivate other members to work, and providing support and inspiration to accomplish communally negotiated goals. In the nursing profession, leadership is the process of coordinating day and night shifts, and controlling the nursing team to ensure...

The Relationship of Linear Motion Equations

Introduction In physics, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Mass, and Inertia depend on each other. The five units are the core and important areas that Physics students learn in research for the purpose of enhancing and initiating modern Physics. Meanwhile, there are changes of these terms depending on the way they have...

Ethics in Nursing Profession

The nursing philosophy, in general, can be referred to as the conceptual mold or framework; which nurses utilize in making a guide to their practice, interpretation of phenomena, observation making, and in general thinking. In general terms, the philosophy of nursing views both the client and the profession as a...

The Justice System and the Importance of Understanding

Several sources distort information relayed to the citizens on how the justice system ought to be. What is perceived “to be” is not necessarily, “what happens” as indicated in the subsequent paragraphs. “The term fair exemplifies freedom from self-interest, prejudice or favouritism” (Mudd & Govern, ND). It is a belief...

Theories of Violence in Hockey

Executive Summary Violence during sports has been on the rise especially among the hockey players. Such was a case during a hockey match where a player was fined, suspended and arrested for criminal offences as a result of tackling an opponent in a violent manner leading to exchange of brawls....

Technology Integration, the Use of Technology

It is common knowledge that learning and teaching can be enhanced by the use of technology. Additionally, the new generation of tech-savvy students have high demands about the use of educational technology. Thus, it is critical that school leaders promote the use of technology on all levels of education. In...

Analysis of The Lottery, a Story about a Happy Winner

The story was published in 1948 in The New Yorker. The population was still trying to recover from World War II, 1939-1945. The name The Lottery tricks readers who expect a story about a happy winner. The audience was not yet ready for new manifestations of inhumanity, and the publication...

Gross Injustices in a Superficially Equal America in Kurt Jr. Vonnegur’s “Harrison Bergeron”

Kurt Vonnegut Junior’s critical short story is a futuristic fiction that presents the hypothetical United States metaphor where uniformity is socially engineered, and individual differences are suppressed. The narrative opens by stating that “everybody was finally equal” (Vonnegut 1). Those who are beautiful wear masks, strong and well-built people are...

Modern Nursing: Trends and Issues

Summary of Healthy Americans Act (HAA) Health care reform in United States has taken so many years to come into effect due to the hot debate among Americans as to whether to have a universal healthcare system (single-payer system) or a multi-payer health care system. Nevertheless, with the passing and...

Health Management Assessment

Introduction In this presentation, the case is based on an incident report that is sent to a hospital administrator by one of the doctors. The employees of Suburban Medical Center witness a situation when one doctor (Dr. Singh) complains that another doctor (Dr. Shaw) hit him with a stack of...

Speech about COVID-19: Data and Statistics

Do you believe in today’s medicine, its possibilities, and treatment potentials? Doctors help us to stay healthy for long, in such a way, giving us the opportunity to lead our daily life without worries. We all know that modern medicine is the fruit of research lasting for centuries, multiple attempts,...

Grant Proposal: Cancel Cancer

Executive Summary Cancer becomes one of the key causes of death and aggressive forms of diseases in America. To ensure that patients diagnosed with cancer can effectively reduce their stress and anxiety levels, a grant is needed to use the program of emotional relief. A $100,000 grant is required to...

Socioeconomic Factors of Oral Cancer

Case-Control Study Design According to the Babylon dictionary (1) case-control design is defined as “A study that compares two groups of people: those with the disease or condition under study (cases) and a very similar group of people who do not have the disease or condition (controls)”. Lewallen (57) describes...

How to Reduce the Incidence of Patient Falls

Patient fall prevention is an important topic when it comes to hospital care. In addition, there are a lot of factors in a hospital setting that contribute to patient falls, such as slippery floors, the amount of time spent lying down, and possible side-effects of medication. It is important to...

Nosocomial Pneumonia: Critical Appraisal of Research Article

Purpose of Study Nosocomial pneumonia is a common problem in intubated and ventilated patients. However, previous studies have not demonstrated clearly that nosocomial pneumonia results in increased mortality or prolongs hospitalization of these patients. The study sort to address these limitations of past researchers by performing a cohort study in...

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Dental Caries Among Survivors of Childhood Cancer

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English Is a Crazy Language

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Criminal Research: Secondary Analysis and Program Evaluation

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Budgeting: Stillwater Video Company

Abstract The paper focuses on coming up with a budgeted income statement and balance sheet for Stillwater Video Company, Inc. The company deals with the production and sale of two common brands of video games. The assignment aims to emphasize the importance of the budgeting process in a real-life scenario....