Methodists Church: Organizational Leadership

The United Methodist Church is a global missionary church that is on the verge of bringing the good news to the people who have not received it as yet. Like any other missionary church, there are lots of difficulties the church has to encounter. The leaders have to concentrate on...

Reconstruction Plan With Low Development Techniques

Future begins today. And it is our point how to make it better. We don’t want future full of inevitable destruction of world parts. And we have to take care about right now. People must be responsible for their actions, thoughts and mistakes; help the developing world skip over more...

Identifying a Conceptual Framework

Thijs and Fleischmann (2015) propose that meaningful teacher-student relationships are developed when the concept of attachment is effectively applied in the implementation of educational practices. The proposal of the two researchers is aligned with the principles of John Bowlby’s attachment theory. This theoretical framework is applicable in diverse learning environments...

Dell and Ford Motor Company Virtual Integration

Dell Computers has gradually moved from vertical integration to full adoption of virtual integration as its new way of focusing on quality and reducing costs. Dell’s virtual integration also known as direct business model gave Dell Corporation a substantial cost advantage (Magretta, 1998, par 1). The new business model did...

Forensic Psychology: Quantitative vs Qualitative

In forensic psychology, both quantitative and qualitative research designs can be used when the available data is presented in the qualitative form, in words or categories. Depending on the purpose of the research, the data can be coded to determine themes, as it is in the qualitative research, or it...

Sound Recording Media History

Introduction The history of sound recording and systems that were involved in this process is rather interesting, as it is hard to imagine that the first attempt to record a sound was simple and genius simultaneously. The history itself is closely linked with the development of technologies and formats of...

Journal Entry and English Composition Course Reflection

At the moment, before taking the English Composition Course my writing skills are rather intuitive, lacking profound theoretical knowledge. I have always been assured that certain rules and schemes may only disturb writers’ flight of thought and limit their opportunities for the realization of the creative concept. It is very...

Randomized Controlled and Clinical Trials (RCTs)

Results and Validity Randomized controlled (or clinical) trials (RCTs) are experimental studies that randomly assign subjects to groups, one of which acts as experimental and the other one serves as a control group. Even though RCTs are more characteristic to medical literature, nursing may also benefit from such studies. Large...

Standard Expectancy Model in Sports

People estimate their targets and outcomes through following certain fundamental behaviors and actions. This aspect of decision making referred to as expectancy theory has three components namely efforts, performance and outcomes or rewards (Averbeck & Miller, 2014). The probability in which a person is deemed fit to take a venture...

Synthesis of Ideas From Essays by Tan and Rodriguez

It is commonplace that foreign students face numerous challenges whenever they take up a different language. In America, for example, all learning takes place in English, and foreign students are expected to adapt quickly. Consequently, theories exist concerning the suitability of this requirement, with scholars presenting their views for or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Performance Management and KPIs in a Management Measurement System

Introduction Performance management plays critical roles in solving problems experienced by organizations. This emanates from firms with meager acquaintance and visibility regarding business-level metrics applied in reporting (Fluss, 2005). In addition, such businesses face problems arising from legal compliance thus requiring agile standards within speedily transforming markets. The process enhances...

The Canadian Film Industry as an Auteur Industry Since the 1970s

Auteur is a film made by individuals who also control all aspects of the production. This gives films uniqueness. Auteur means author in French. The auteur theory which emerged in1950’s that can be used to further define the context of this type of film. The auteur theory says that a...

Nature and Landscapes in S. T. Plaatje’s Mhudi

The issues of ethnic identity and integrity can be discussed as related to Africa of the nineteenth century because of the complex interrelations of European Imperialism and African Nationalism. Solomon Tsekhisho Plaatje is one of the writers who tend to take the varnish off different conflicts that took place in...

The Rise of Mass Communications

Introduction Advanced technology has rewritten the future of the world. Technology is getting advanced day by day and these technologies decide the life of the people. It has been applied in every sphere of life especially in the field of mass communication. Propaganda persuades people to a cause or position...

Teaching Strategies and Their Application

Meeting the needs of a diverse learner Diverse learners can perform well academically because they exhibit the characteristics necessary for excellence. They have positive attitudes towards learning, are obedient, have excellent social skills and perform excellently in other areas of the school curriculum such as sports. However, they may have...

American Experience of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War is one of the most confusing and complicated wars in the history of humanity; this war is also very significant for the country of the United States as it has influenced its population more than any other war. This war is marked with a row of the...

Organizational Change in Companies

Introduction In this era of globalization and cut-throat competition in which companies face it difficult to ensure their survival, change has a significant role to play. If the companies change when the situation demands change, then only they can ensure survival and maximum returns. The main barriers to change are...

E-Consultation: Enabling Democracy Between Elections

Increasing public involvement in political issues is a major issue in democracy. Most countries in the world are democratic. In essence this implies that the people are involved, directly or indirectly, in decisions by their governments. To participate in decision making, the people must have a platform where they can...

“A Walk in a Workhouse” by Charles Dickens

Introduction Charles Dickens is one of the most celebrated story tellers because of his unique description of existing realities. This uniqueness can be seen in the character development of the story. He uses similes, metaphors and imageries in all his writings. This story “A Walk in a Workhouse” is one...

Definitions of Causation: Analysis of New Areas

Strengths and Weaknesses of Definitions of Causation According to Parascandola and Weed (2001), there are several definitions of causations: “production, necessary causes, sufficient component causes, probabilistic causes and counterfactuals” (p. 906). However, while evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of diseases, it has been found that not all the definitions are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Desktop Virtualization: Preliminary Research Design

The researcher proposes to use qualitative research design to explore whether implementation of the Desktop Virtualization concept can result in organizational efficiencies, especially in facilitating resource sharing, achieving cost-effectiveness through reduced energy consumption, and enabling employees to access critical work-related resources from remote locations. Qualitative research, according to Creswell (2003),...

Development of a New Medication

Introduction This paper presents a case study of a pharmaceutical firm that intends to develop a new medication. A decision tree will be used to analyze possible decisions. Furthermore, it uses decision probabilities together with outcome rates in modeling the intricate situation. Finally, “rolling back the tree” approach will be...

Training Methods in Sports Management

The establishment and identification of a reliable training program allow trainees to integrate their capabilities and develop an internalized understanding of their course. Essentially, the right method of training must be selected to fit the people within it and attain a set of goals required for qualifications. There are many...

Cognitive Potential of Children: A Critical Review

Article Summary The article named ‘Realizing the Cognitive Potential of Children 5 to 7 with a Mathematics Focus: Post Test and Long Term Effects of a Two Year Intervention’ is a study published in British Journal of Psychology, Sep 2010, Volume 80, Issue 3, p 363-379. The study was carried...

“On the Suffering of the World” by Arthur Schopenhauer: Review

In this paper, I will protect the statement made by Schopenhauer in the essay “On the Suffering of the World” that good is a negative quality of life from the objection that there are pleasures in life that are more than the simple absence of pain and discomfort. In his...

Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction

The Moral Model of Addiction Needless to say, the moral model of addiction is a notion that has very little in common with the biological or genetic components of addiction. The genetic and biological explanation sounds more scholarly, whereas when talking about the moral model of addiction the prior feature...

Risk Management and Other Factors in Business

Statistics have proved that most of the risks encountered in organizations are caused by mistakes that could be prevented if management teams employ the relevant risk assessment and management techniques (Vaughan, 1997). There are numerous benefits accrued by organizations that take time to identify the different risks that they are...

Government and Policies: Job Offer

Introduction The citizens’ employment should be one of the main concerns of the government as the quality of life depends on people’s level of life which may never be high when the citizens of the country are unemployed. There are a great many different opinions on how to increase employment...

Perpectives of the Catering Business in Bulgaria

Introduction The Bulgarian market and economy have achieved a high level of stability in recent years, thanks to their good business policies put in place since 1998 to stabilize their currency (O’Brien & Christian, 2008). The country has been classified as a functioning market by the United States and the...

Major Events in Higher Education Development

Introduction The history of Higher Education in the United States dates back to the colonial period. The first undergraduate colleges were structured for the training needs of the clergy; the modern-day colleges are structured for the training needs of professional careers (Lucas, 1996). At the start of the 20th century,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Meaning of Life in the Sidney Lumet’s Film “Twelve Angry Men”

In hot stuffy room, twelve men decide matters of life and death. Only one decision is to be maid whether a Puerto Rican teenager accused of murdering his father has to live or to die. One decision, one death and one protest. In the room, there is a man who...

Audience Analysis: Characteristics and Major Aspects

Introduction It is every business’ goal to achieve sustainable success, however, this cannot be fulfilled without effective communication, marketing and organizational culture, among others. When business employees, such as marketing personnel present results or proposals in stakeholders’ meetings, it is quite essential to analyze the audience. This is because, in...

Family Firms in Saudi Arabia

Justification of the study The concept of corporate social responsibility has become a common term in the business world. It has become an integral part of most businesses in the world today. However, CSR has always been and still is a subject of controversial views and discussions. Most economists have...

Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology

Forensic scientists often need to rely on the tools developed by psychologists. These methods are useful for determining the extent to which defendants can be held accountable for their actions. These methods are required for making the mental diagnosis that will have profound legal implications. However, at the same time,...

Psychopathology: Mary White’s Factitious Disorder

Advanced Psychopathology Case Study Abstract Mary White suffers from 300.19 (F68.10) Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self. There is evidence to support the idea that Mary is inclined to cause harm to herself and seek the attention of the medical staff. Nevertheless, Mary does not follow the doctors’ recommendations and seems...

The Habit of “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

John Maxwell Coetzee is considered one of the most prominent contemporary novelists. His literary talent facilitated the South African writer’s worldwide recognition and won him the Booker Prize and Nobel Prize in literature. Coetzee is the author of numerous remarkable novels such as “Life and Times of Michael T”, “Waiting...

Psychological and Sociological Aspects of the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a tendency in which children are punished for minor disciplinary infractions by being placed into the criminal justice system. Notably, this system appears to be targeted against students of color. The reason why the school-to-prison pipeline exists is zero-tolerance disciplinary policies within schools that automatically...

Works by Carl Sandburg and Robert Frost Review

The first two poems are good pieces written by Carl Sandburg. The First poem is titled “A Fence” and the second one “Onion Days”. The third poem is a very interesting piece by Robert Frost titled “Mending Wall”. The three poems have apt language of metaphorical compositions. The themes in...

Disney Movie “Beauty and The Beast”

Introduction The notion that physical appearance is used as a measure for ugliness or good look has been used so frequently in the movie world. In many instances, physically unattractive individuals are made to believe that they have a negative impact on people who watch them as far as scariness...

Energy Consumption in Architecture and Environmental Design

Energy consumption can be seen as one of the problems related to architecture and environmental design. In that regard, a confirmation of the aforementioned statement can be seen in that “about 50% of all energy consumption in Europe and 60% in the US is building related” (Holm, 2006, p. 247)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

10 C’s for Effective Business Writing

Introduction Today, in the time of mass media and instant communication tools, people have more and more information to process and makes it necessary to filter and arrange the information. Professionals usually receive dozens of messages every day, and their time to read and answer them is very limited. This...

Stakeholders and Their Importance for the Project

A project typically results in a lengthy process involving the participation of many people who bring various levels of expertise and interest to the table. The requirements for taking part in the program are different for everyone. In order to successfully complete the project, it is necessary to set participation...

The Beginning of Life (Conception) Through Adolescence

Conception is the process by which a spermatozoon, which is a male germ cell, released from testis penetrates the ovum released from the ovary of a female and fuses with it fertilizing it. During fertilization, both the ovum and the sperm disintegrate and release their genetic content leading to formation...

What Is Sociology: Brief Explanation

In order to understand their themselves people created a number of sciences, which were meant to uncover the principles of society’s functioning as well as the functioning of a single person in it. Sociology is one of these sciences. To understand basic concepts, the origin and evolution of sociology, its...

Human Impact: Improving Living Standards

With regards to the growing problems in the modern world such as overpopulation, the environmental pollution, malnutrition, terrorism, increasing crime rates, religious and social conflicts, genocide, the housing market, failing financial institutions, the need for highly qualified professionals in the area of human service is high. My position is that...

SIOP Lesson Plan: US History. Sample Lesson Plan for Teachers

Subject: US History (1877 to present) Unit Focus: Events of the 1920s and 1930 Lesson 1: Length of lesson 1 day Standard(s): Virginia Standards of Learning. World History “6.4.: The students will describe the ideas and events of the 1920s and 1930s with emphasis on the Harlem Renaissance (Virginia Standards...

Theories, Tools, and Principles of Online Learning

Introduction Theories, tools, and principles of online learning Modern technology has changed education designs. Using a range of new communications and network tools it is now easy to design an online education platform is now easier than before. Successful online educational designs depend on the right combination of tools, theories,...

“Crude Oil” by Wang Bing

Summary of the movie Crude oil film Steered by Wang Bing, the movie Crude Oil is a documentary, which agitates for environmental conservations bringing to an end the pollution, caused by the companies. The documentary sends a stern warning or rather message to those large corporations that destroy important Ecuadonian...

Character Analysis in the Mean Girls Movie

Character Analysis The movie Mean Girls explains how gifted students act. One of the myths and stereotypes of a gifted person states the person can solve the average class problem faster than the normal student. Some myths and stereotypes of gifted persons are correct. Mean Girls Summary The Mean Girls...

Reforms and Modernization in Asia in the 20th Century

Revolution is an extreme and in-depth change in customs of behaving and thinking for instance Industrial revolution. Revolution is therefore, the central development of the contemporary world. Many people believe that modernity could only be realized through brutal and whole revolution (Hawes and Lui 45). Reform movement is a societal...

“Virtual Students, Digital Classroom” by Neil Postman

Introduction Neil Postman in his article virtual students begins by saying that the new technology of computers has been given the status of a god. Computers are known to provide a lot of information that motivates students to learn more in their studies.(Neil, 1995).He says that traditional classroom teaching is...

Language Acquisition Models Comparison

Introduction First language is usually learnt during child development and is normally related to the environment in which a child is raised. This is quite different from the way a second language is learnt, within four years of a child’s development, it is highly expected that the language will have...

Psychology: Online Consumer Behavior

Online consumer behavior is rapidly changing in this world of technological advancement. The efficiency and convenience of the World Wide Web is a big contributing factor in how the consumers can alter their purchasing patterns and how easy it is to get access to a vast library of products available...

Evaluating Ethics of the Subprime Mortgage Brokers

Discussion of ethics is intensified as far as subprime mortgage breakdown is concerned. The major objective of the Wall Street bankers was to gain as much profit as possible, holding no responsibility for the outcomes, as well as for the stakeholders involved into the credit crisis. According to Hirsch and...

Climate Change Skepticism in Relation to Global Warming

Study design The researcher has used the most appropriate research design that enables her to take a closer look at climate change skepticism. The researcher has been able to collect various sources by using a qualitative design that is explanatory in nature hence describing to the readers the behavior of...

“Superpowers for Parents” by Dr. Stephen Briers

Introduction Nowadays bookstores and libraries provide a lot of literature for inexperienced parents who look for help both practical and theoretical advice. Published in 2008, Superpowers for Parents: The Psychology of Great Parenting and Happy Children by Stephen Briers serves as a good example of parental guide literature that deeply investigates...

Fernand Leger and Dudley Murphy

Introduction The concept of production refers to the transformation of raw materials in to finished products. These raw materials can be in human or material form. This also applies to film production which uses human raw materials to produce good films or movies. The primary aim of a movie producer...

The Psychology Laboratory at the Turn of the 20th Century

Introduction In his article “The psychology Laboratory at the turn of the 20th Century.” the author, Ludy T. Benjamin Jr. evaluates and gives us a historical picture of how the psychology laboratory operated from the late 1800’s to early 1900. It is during this time that the distinction between general...

Leadership Management: A Reasonable Approach Towards Solving a Unique Organizational Problem

Abstract New Millennium is a company that strives for providing perfect and up-to-date design. However, since recently, the company has been losing its popularity due to a downgrade in quality. Because of unequal distribution of information, as well as conflicts among the staff, the company is suffering a temporary crisis....

Culture Discouraging Girls From Excelling at Math

The video is a documentary coverage of an all-girl math contest which is held annually in the United States. The contest, held at the New York University, presents new perspectives on some of the reasons why math seems to be a male-dominated subject. Similar competitions held before for both genders...

Love Obstacles in Betty Keller’s Tea Party

Betty Keller’s essay Tea Party is one of her best works. It demonstrates the talent of the author as far as the reader may observe how many themes may be covered in such a short story (Betty Keller). This essay is like a hymn to the remote love between two...

Adult Children Should Support Elderly Parents

Introduction There is a growing demand for more engagements in career and other occupational activities. In most cases, children have been forced to stay away from their parents as they pursue their own interests, but this remains possible and with less stress as long as the parents are still independent....

Single Working Mothers and Childcare in Illinois

Being a single working mother Single mothers who work hard for their families face various obstacles, which are not particular to them (apply regardless of their geographical location). Most of the misconceptions made about a single parent household are that it is a form of exercising the adventurous side of...

Aviation Security Within Current Global Threats

Introduction Security concern in the aviation industry is one area that has left many players rethinking their strategies. With the current global security threats mainly terrorism the aviation industry is riskier and the business, the fraternity has been technically compelled to devise new techniques capable of addressing security issues properly...

Effective Communication in Business Administration

Introduction Communication in business has curved its own niche as an important tool used to drive the activities of a business. It is used to sell a product, publicize a business entity and pass information to both the internal and external elements of the business, among other uses. This report...

Women Leaders in the Field of Corrections

Research Question One of the most challenging professions for women, the work in the field of corrections, has spurred a surge of applications from women recently. According to the summary offered by the American Society of Criminologists (2011), the number of women who are willing to devote their careers to...

The Making of African American: American Historiography

Historiography is the study of certain specific historical subjects as well as the styles employed. During the changing shift from the traditional to early period historiography was used to refer to the writing of history where words were associated with historians. Historiographers trace historical subjects from their initiation and how...

Theory in Modern Film Production Relevance: ‘Kill Bill 2’

Introduction The representation of women in the film industry has been viewed in a dimension of playing specific roles as females, distinct from their male counterparts. Laura Mulvey advanced a theory of narcissistic and voyeuristic scopophilia that has been used on several occasions to explain the phenomenon of female roles...

WalMart Stores’ Operation Management

Introduction In today’s world, in order to ensure the smooth running of the business, every organization must be ready to deal efficiently with different issues concerning the business. The organizations must be ready to accept changes and move accordingly. Each and every employee of the organization should work hard to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Vietnam and the 20th Century

Studying the context of prior history including the experiences of participants of those events may be of great value for understanding the motivation behind the actions of these people. It is also valuable as this provides a ground for learning important historical lessons. To make a thorough research a student...

Global Urbanisation and Development

Introduction Technological development has led to major changes in the lifestyle of the world population. This has had a profound impact on economic and social life. This paper seeks to establish the global and regional trends of urbanization, development, and inequality, based on data findings. Analysis According to the findings,...

Teaching and Acquisition of a Second Language

According to research carried out by the ‘United States Government Accountability Office’; it is well indicated that strategies of improving students’ academic standards, were mostly applied in schools with higher proportions of low income, and minority students. In this case, schools’ principals used student data in notifying directions and augment...

The Role of Public Education in Societies

Education is certainly one of the most valuable human services that we can find. Since the Renaissance to constantly improve it has been one of the great challenges of humanity. Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate about the role of public education in our societies. Many authors agree that education,...

Bullying and School Drop Out Rate Relationship Analysis

Bullying is a dynamic concept that refers to repeated experiences of systematic abuse by an individual seeking to dominate others in a social setup. Perpetrators and victims of bullying are vulnerable to the challenges of social stratification (Lösel& Hurrelmann, 2009). Bullying is rife in schools where physical and verbal abuse...

“Oedipus Rex” Tragedy Play by Sophocles

Becoming one of the most well-known Greek tragedies, Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a sophisticated playwright masterpiece. Written in 430 BC, exploring so many aspects of the human condition, the play’s themes are applied through the centuries. In the tragedy, Oedipus is ultimately responsible for his demise, even though fate uncontrollably...

Armour Shield Ltd. Analysis

Introduction Armour Shield Ltd is the company engaged in the sphere of complex engineered textiles to provide tailor made solutions to client requirements. This is closely associated with the inevitable cooperation with governmental structures, as ballistics-grade fabric is generally regarded as the production of strategic value. As for the financial...

Linguistics. Professional Development for Middle School

Demography The United States Demographically, the United States of America is one of the most multinational countries of the world. The number of foreign-born citizens of the US has been rapidly growing over the last several decades. This number used to be 14.1 million people in 1980, by 1990 it...

Analyzing Edmund Burke’s Speech on Reconciliation With America

Edmund Burke was known as the strongest supporter of the American colonies in the English Parliament. His March 22, 1775, speech on reconciliation with America describes his thinking on the colonial crisis. By this point, the 13 colonies were on the brink of war with England. The Intolerable Acts of...

The Money Factor in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

A vast number of individuals fail to take up drug treatment because they are unable to raise the money that is required to enroll in such a program. This paper will analyze the cost issues that feature during drug treatment. The research for this paper will focus on information from...

Ethical Principles: The Principle of Double Effect

The principle of double effect, sometimes referred to as “the rule of double effect” is a comprehensive guideline often applied in various fields in making ethically controversial decisions that are permissible to human beings and with the supreme purpose of achieving the most ethical ultimate good and equally withstanding the...

Body Alteration as a Cultural Issue

The years of evolution make people struggle for changes of different kinds. They can be observed and analyzed from various points of view. In terms of the latter, stereotypical worldviews and alteration mania seem to become the most acute aspects of social and cultural life of any person. The obsession...

Mystical Experience in Real Life Analysis

The main characteristics of mystical experience highlighted in St. Teresa of Aliva’s statement Mystical experience is the process when the believer reunites with the transcendent casting away all material things and problems. The feeling of the whole unification of the cosmos, the deity or other reality, and a real-life penetrates...

A Review of Lessig’s “The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach”

Lessig’s article “The Law of the Horse: What Cyber Law Might Teach” is a response to Judge Easterbrook’s argument that developing a specific cyber law would create greater confusion, as opposed to clarification. This review will identify that Lessig’s argument that there should be a regulation is appropriate and supported...

Modern Japanese History: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Introduction The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings of 1945 were the most devastating bomb attacks in history. The bomb attacks marked the end of the Second World War with the final surrender of Japan and eventual occupation of United States (Dower 116). Their effect caused heavy casualties in human lives...

Affirmative Action Case Study

The term “affirmative action” was first used by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, giving a name to a new method of battling discrimination, which had continued to exist and spread throughout the country in spite of newly enacted civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees. President Kennedy mandated affirmative action...

Critique on “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Gender issues acquired exceptional actuality in the end of the nineteenth century as women were for a long period in a rather difficult situation requiring serious changes in order to march in step with the ongoing process of democratization in the western world. Along with unprecedented achievements in the area...

“They Shut Me Up in Prose” by Emily Dickinson

Annotation The writer speaks of a force that has tried to limit her ability to write in prose and compares this to a time when she was young and they tried to lock her up in a closet in a bid to silence her and make her still. She goes...

Findings Appraisal of a Descriptive Quantitative Study

The researchers wanted to develop a detailed study that explores and examines how mechanical ventilation guidelines in intensive care units are developed and disseminated in the Swedish health care system. In addition, the researchers wanted to examine how hospitals used evidence in mechanical ventilation and the respective guidelines in their...

“Yellow Wallpapers” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper is a book narrated first-person point of view (Perkins, 2010). It is about a young woman who is mentally disturbed and hence depicts a true-life story of the writers’ experience. She is strongly against the domination of men over their wives. They do not see them as...

Communication Strategies for Crisis Management

Introduction Often during various crises events like natural disasters, vehicle accidents, oil spills, and others there are groups of people who may need assistance. Since these groups may be quite populous or some means of communication might be unavailable, effective communication systems and strategies are to address every person’s calls...

Potential Danger to Human Life: Comets and Asteroids

This paper is a summary of the fear of human extinction as it happened with the dinosaurs; as a result of the development of extraordinary skills used in the manufacture of complicated systems and superior weapons which lead to mass destruction based on the claims that they are meant for...

Moral Philosophy in Making Worthwhile Decisions

Abstract As a human being, various aspects of life are instrumental when it comes to making worthwhile decision and choices. The world is awash with ideas and trends that influence a person’s capacity to respond and act. It is quite important to have a moral position and standing that puts...

“On the Tranquility of Mind”: Seneca on Possessions

In this paper, I will defend the claim that people should limit their possessions to be less exposed to sudden misfortunes, made by Seneca in the dialogue “On the Tranquility of Mind” from the objection that sufficient property can repel any misfortune. Explaining his views on the state of human...

The UAE Healthcare Services Access for Disabled

Background Human health is more important than all other aspects of life. Nations and individuals have different ways of preventing the spread of diseases and managing them to ensure they do not have serious effects on them (Gaad 57). This essay presents a report of the research conducted in Abu...

Integrating Religion and Spirituality in Therapy

Ethical issues and guidelines deserve consideration before religion and spirituality can be integrated into therapy. This article asserts that religious or Christian counseling to be specific, aims at promoting the spiritual growth of the patients apart from alleviating signs of diseases or resolving psychological problems. However, there is a difference...

Sample Size Importance for the Credibility of Research

Introduction A study’s population sample significantly affects the credibility of its findings. Therefore, researchers need to select the right population sample without compromising the quality of their work. This paper delves into this issue by explaining the intricacies surrounding the selection of a sample size. In line with this goal,...

Organizational Policy Core Principles and Its Functions

From the learning course, I understand that business policy requires recognition and authority at the top decision-making level. Organizational programs must be carefully planned and based not merely on knowledge of internal corporate affairs, but also on knowledge of external environments. A homeostatic point of equilibrium between customer wants and...

The Modern Era History

According to historians, twentieth century was an important era in mankind’s development. Two international organizations were established to achieve peace and security for humans who lived in various nations with different socio-cultural traits. All important countries became the member nations of these organizations so that a world society could be...

Opposition Towards Legalization of Marijuana

The international community has not yet come to the consensus as to the legalization of soft drugs, and marijuana, in particular. Prior to discussing this issue, it is of the upmost importance for us to identify such notion of “soft drug”. According to a widely held opinion, it can be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Zicklin School of Business’s Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Abstract This paper will discuss the analysis of porters five forces in the Zicklin school of Business which is regarded as one of the three biggest accredited schools situated in the USA, the school is reported to be delivering a high valued quality of education to its students. Porters five...

Ethical Awareness. Detailed Analysis of the Ethics

In the report by Blessing (2010), there is a detailed analysis of the ethics that should be possessed by the employees at the work place. The article outlines the different means and mechanisms by which the ethics can be imparted into the employees to ensure a peaceful and harmonious co-existence...

Nurses’ Educational Preparation

Nowadays, the importance of academic education keeps growing every year. Regarding nursing, it is also considered necessary for every nurse to acquire at least the bachelor level before starting to work. However, getting an associate degree and gaining professional experience after it often occurs to be more efficient for a...

San Francisco Physical Geography

San Francisco’s climate falls under the Mediterranean type of climate. This type of climatic condition is characterized by moderate temperature and the temperature rarely ranging above 40 degrees or below 15 degrees. This is why San Francisco is called the “the-conditioned city”. Since San Francisco is in the middle of...

Compensation Effect Within an Organization

Compensation refers to the payment given to people for the work done. It can be in the form of finances through the remuneration of workers or damages as a result of injuries incurred during work. The compensation package therefore can be direct or indirect. In every organization, compensation is a...

Raw Materials – the Heart of Economy in China

Statement of the topic ‘Raw materials’ and ‘energy’ are two factors that I would like to explore in Shanghai during my visit to China. The subject of raw materials is relevant to be because of the problems I am facing in my business in the context of raw materials while...

Clandestine Drug Laboratory Dangers

A CDL (clandestine drug lab) is a place, laboratory or room where chemicals and equipments are used to manufacture illegal drugs. These labs, are set up in homes, motels and rooms in hotels, apartment buildings, house-trailers, mobile-trailers, commercial houses, in vehicles, on boats, and out-buildings i.e. sheds and pole barns....

Leading and Learning for Organisational Sustainability

Introduction Sustainability simply refers to a means of continuation or progress. Therefore, when an organization is said to be sustainable, then it has all the necessary elements required for its progress and constant enhancement of its activities. Sustainable organizations can be simply described as self-reliant organizations. However, the process of...

Jasper Francis Cropsey Schatacook Mountain Painting

Introduction The Schatacook Mountain, Housatonic Valley, Connecticut painting is a product of Jasper Francis Cropsey who was born in February 18, 1823 in Rossville, Staten Island, New York. His style of painting was significantly under the influence of his upbringing, bearing in mind that he grew up in the countryside....

Women and Inequality in Aboriginal Society

Aboriginal people are the first nation of Canadian population researched by many (Steckley, 1997) and today they suffer greatly from prepossession against them. But “it seems to us that the continuing existence of aboriginal nations is a political and legal reality as well as a historical fact” (Erasmus, 2002). Moreover,...

The Three Categories of Dissident Terrorism

Abstract Terrorism may be defined as the systemic use of terror to force upon or disband a certain social, religious or political ideology on an unwilling counterpart. As a norm, the terror is un-respectful of other people’s rights and freedoms and may involve tragic bombings, suicide attacks, or guerilla warfare....

The Role of Coordinator of Counseling

Introduction The Coordinator of counseling performs several interactive roles in meeting the needs of faculty, students, community members as well as administrators. Each group needs the Coordinator of counseling to perform some of the functions described below. It is also imperative to note that the duties of the Coordinator of...

Tackling Multi-Faced Racial Fetishism

For many decades the word “racism” and “fetishism” evoked negative sensations and connotations due to well-known factors. These delicate topics were never something to be easily dealt with. Nowadays we observe the reverse. Not that they are approved of, they are clashed together to reveal an interesting but nonetheless frightening...

Computer Ethics and Privacy

Introduction Currently, many people depend on computers to undertake their homework, create and store important information. It is consequently necessary that the information is accurately and safely kept. It is equally important to safeguard computers from the loss of data, abuse as well as other forms of manipulation. For instance,...

Guided Reflection in Teacher Education

Numerous techniques aim at increasing the level of novice teachers’ competence, and guided reflection is one of these strategies. Pre-service teachers often apply this technique since it enables novice educators to tie theory and practice. The concept of guided reflection has been used for decades, and it is well defined....

Medical Service Quality Improvement Project

Introduction Medical facilities should implement powerful models to empower nurses, physicians, and clinicians to meet the needs of all patients. The University of Miami Hospital supports numerous research studies that can present life-changing discoveries and ensuring that all beneficiaries receive compassionate and high-quality care. This paper presents a proposal for...

Evolution of Rock and Roll in Radio

Rock and roll is a music genre that emerged during the close of 1940s and the dawn of early 1950s in the southern region of the United States (Aquila 46). The originators of rock and roll combined blues of African American origin, country music, gospel music and jazz to come...

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

The emergence of emotional intelligence theory seemed quite incredible at first; however, its application in leadership gave tremendous results. The emotional intelligence theory in leadership postulates that “the leader’s moods and behavior drive the moods and behaviors of everyone else” (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee 44). This shows that the emotional...

Analysis of Pre-Conditions and Ways for Reducing the Stress

The life of common people is full of challenges and daily anxiety, but they can be coped with, while the phobias have more physiological basis and to manage them is much more difficult. Analyzing the fears I have in my everyday life, I consider the fear of height, the so-called...

The Forums for the Youths

Youthtopias refers to both customary and non customary forums such as the leadership excellence and youth radio in Oakland, Youth speaks in San Francisco, and MEJODA in Colombia, South America among others. These forums enable the youths to obtain knowledge from each other and then use that knowledge to develop...

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Correlation Between Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a way of solving indifference. The process of resolving conflicts involves processes such as negotiating on the conflict, mediation between the two parties in dispute, and diplomacy. For conflict resolution to be successful there must be clear communication between the two parties. Solving the problem is also...

Transcultural Nursing vs. Henderson’s Need Theory

Introduction Nursing theories are essential to understanding the role of nurses in care delivery. Depending on their goals and background, various nursing theories focus on different concepts, processes, and relationships in nursing care. Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory is a grand nursing theory that defines the nursing process as a set...

Employment Communication: Informational Interviewing Tutorials

Introduction Informational Interviewing Tutorials are conducted in order to know more about the internal workings of business or not-for-profit organizations in order to collect information that may be useful for the interviewer’s study or employment prospects. “Informational Interviewing is a key strategy for career exploration and for building your network....

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Child Prostitution in Modern Society

Child prostitution is a way of engaging children, (normally individuals below the age of 18 years), in sex activities for financial benefit or remuneration which can be in form of food, shelter or even drugs. Normally, some of the victims of this vice find themselves engrossed in such activities without...

The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God

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Statistics and How to Lie With It

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Oral Histories of China’s Revolution by Jicai Feng

The book Ten Years of Madness: Oral Histories of China’s Cultural Revolution by Jicai Feng depicts political situation in China during the period of 1966-1976. The author presents information about the decade in the form of interviews (the book contains about 100 of them). This form of narration both demonstrates...

Discrimination and Affirmative Action in Wal-Mart

Introduction There is a certain amount of irony in the fact that while the US society, in general, has been clamoring for gender equality, gender discrimination in the form of unequal promotions and pay still haunt the American workplace. The level of discrimination has indeed come down to a large...

The Book “A Year in the South” by Stephen Ash

“A Year in the South,” is a book written by Stephen Ash, and narrates the fall of the Confederacy and the emergence of the New South in 1865. The author, Stephen Ash, is a professor of History at the University of Tennessee since 1989. During that period he acted as...

National Charter School’s Managerial Accounting

Static and Flexible budget The budget for National Charter School exhibits a flexible budget. This is because the budget is prepared at different levels that are, a budget for 120, 100, and 66 students. Static budgets show a plan for a single level of activity. Static budgets are used to...

Healthcare Policy and Nursing: Affordable Care Act

The health care sector as a core element in the life of a society of any country in the world and it needs constant improvement. The task of health care administration and government is to establish an appropriate strategy of medical sector development to meet the requirements of the time....

The Teacher-Led Action Research

The concept of teacher-led action research was established in the early 1970’s and it was largely based on Lawrence Stenhouse’s works. While working at the Centre for Applied Research in Education commonly known as CARE, Stenhouse and his work counterparts conducted a research on curriculum development as well as teacher...

Suicide, Homicide, and Psychological Theories

Introduction Suicide refers to the act where an individual initiates their sudden death willingly. There are many causes of suicidal behavior. They include depression, schizophrenia and stressful issues. Essentially, people who try to commit suicide exhibit serious psychological disturbances, which make them, feel that death is the only permanent solution...

History and Growth of Skateboarding

The history of skateboarding can be traced back to the early 1950s. This activity was brought about by the craze of surfing, whereby youths came up with some wooden skate boxes attached to skate wheels to try surfing on the pavements just for fun (Stock and Powell, 2010). This idea...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

Does the Net make people stupid? This question worries a lot of contemporary internet users. The idea of the digital storage of information and easy access to it was inspiring and promising at the beginning of the introduction of the Internet. It remains relevant to believe that the ability to...

Principle of the Brain and Awareness: Opinion of Philosophers

Rene Descartes considered the mind as a nonmaterial element. The brain that has physical representation but still holds the abstract concept of intelligence is separated from the mind, an entity which includes self-awareness and consciousness. John Searle questions the classical concept of dualism. The consciousness is real and non-reducible because...

Literature and Composition in Education

Introduction Literature and Composition are formed to enlist students in the careful understanding and essential examination of creative writing. In the course of careful interpretation of a particular genre, learners intensify their perception of the ways an author utilizes words to give both meaning and satisfaction to their readers. As...

Patient Outcomes, Interventions, and Evaluating Criteria

S. B. is a 27-year-old man who has been experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for two years after his wife disappeared. At present, he regularly suffers from insomnia, depressive moods, anxiety, and the inability to improve relationships with his 5-year-old son. S. D. must reduce anxiety, refuse medication, attend a...

Zappos Company and Its Key Executives

Nick Swinmurn Swinmurn is currently the chairman of Zappos. He founded (an online shoe retailer) after being disappointed in his shoe search. (Anon. “, Inc. CEO & Executives” 2011). His responsibilities as the founder and the chairman include; Ensuring the company offers the best service in comparison with its...

Akeelah and the Bee: Multicultural Diversity

Culture assimilation among various social groups worldwide has been a great problem where some social groups seem to discriminate against others in certain ways. In the contemporary society, as it has been occasionally witnessed there exist various alienations among various social groups, despite their interaction across various social activities. The...

Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises” Close Reading Analysis

“…Also Belmonte imposed conditions and insisted that his bulls should not be too large, nor too dangerously armed with horns, and so the element that was necessary to give the sensation of the tragedy was not there, and the public, who wanted three times as much from Belmonte, who was...

Nokia E71: Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is a written document that contains the essential measures, which help a company to realize one or more marketing goals for a period of five years. In this case, our marketing plan for NOKIA E71 targets a certain number and type of customers. On the other hand,...

Art Issue in Nietzsche’s “The Birth of Tragedy”

In the essay “The Birth of Tragedy”, Nietzsche talks about such an issue as art. He tries to find connections between German and Greek art. In this work, he states that progression in the field of art is closely connected with the Apollonian and Dionysian duality. After naming Apollo and...

Merits and Rewards as Motives of Human Behavior

Lous Pojman described merit as any positive quality which forms the basis for allocating positive ascription such as rewards and praise. This means that good deeds deserve positive recognition while on the other hand; a demerit being a characteristic that brings about negative ascription deserves punishments and penalties. However it...

Medical Device Decontamination: Bioburden

Introduction Bioburden is the level of contamination by microbials of an object before sterilizing. The process of testing for bioburden involves counting the number of these biomicrobials in order to ensure that a certain level of cleanliness has been attained before sterilization. How bioburden may affect sterilization Before medical devices...

Older Rural People with Diabetes: Life Expectancy

Purpose The article by George and Thomas (2010) is aimed at reporting the issues related to diabetes self-management that were identified in a previous study. Because of the increase in the instances of diabetes development and the lack of awareness on the subject matter, a detailed overview of the existing...