Patient Safety as Nursing Core Competency

Introduction Analysis of the influence of contexts, tensions, and feeling safe to learn on patients’ safety in nursing education demonstrates that safety is one of the key nursing competencies since it has a strong impact on patients’ outcomes and health care quality (Steven, Magnusson, Smith & Pearson, 2014). Therefore, the...

Glass Ceiling for Women in Today’s Society

Introduction Glass ceiling is a term that describes invisible obstacles on a woman’s way to a leadership position. The circumstances have improved over the past decade, and now there are more female leaders. However, the situation still needs more improvement, and a number of ways exist to provide it. What...

Evidence and Clinical Implementation in Healthcare

Nowadays, there are many problems in nursing and medical science but those affecting the effectiveness of treatment modes and preventing practical implementation of the theory are the most important. Many researchers in the field of medical science are worried about the gap that exists between theoretical insights on serious health...

Lusa and Cole’s Relations in “Moth Love” by B. Kingsolver

The concept of interpersonal relations is complex indeed: people have to consider the importance of social, cultural, family, and other influences and make the solutions that correspond to their understanding of life. It is not an easy task to develop strong relations and be confident in their correctness. People have...

African Americans and Equality Under the Law

Foundation of the African American Law Thesis: American Laws has attained maturity because they recognize the different cultures under a single law. The purpose of this outline is to indicate the challenges faced by African Americans and their quest for a law that governs equality in the United States of...

Health Care Associated Infections in the US

Health care–associated infections pose a considerable problem in the contemporary health care setting. Apart from causing additional suffering for the patient, making their quality of life lower, and often even posing a threat to their life, they result in major additional spending, which means that the costs that could otherwise...

Nelson Mandela’s Life and Politics

Nelson Mandela is known as a strong and purposeful fighter against racism and apartheid, the protector of the oppressed populations of South Africa. He is an honorable winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and the first South African President, who came to power through the democratic elections (The life and...

Johnson & Johnson Company’s Talent Development

The specific strategy that is followed in a company is the critical factor to determine the development and aspects of talent management in this organization. It is possible to concentrate on two types of pace that can be typical of the talent development programs: the traditional and accelerated pace (Gandz,...

The Family Centered Services (FCS) Program

The Family Centered Services (FCS) program offers effective support and care to at-risk children. The agency also supports the needs of the targeted families. The agency takes care of every abandoned, neglected, or abused child. FCS supports a powerful child-welfare system. This system fulfills the needs of different children who...

Nursing Empowerment and Professional Expertise

Empowerment is an important aspect of nursing practice. In addition to psychological and emotional benefits, the concept has a positive impact on nursing practice. The paper describes the role of the concept in my learning journey and determines its contribution to the baccalaureate nurse transition process. The topic which I...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy

The unrest in the world can be observed in many places where people and the government find themselves in conflict over views and policies. Social media in the form of communication networks, particularly twitter and facebook have allowed the news to spread fast. This has led to people becoming aware...

Guantanamo Bay as a Terrorists’ Location

Introduction Guantanamo Bay is a place where people who threatened the USA and its population are held. Many individuals argue whether this detention camp should be used further or it is time to close it (Buncombe, 2016). The problem is that while it was created in order to imprison criminals,...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Data Points and Units

Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data Research studies require the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which helps to infer about the population. Qualitative data are collected from study respondents in the form of a specific language that is easily understood by researchers conducting a study. Researchers use qualitative data...

Nursing Care: Costs and Strategic Planning Process

Cost of Nursing Care There are various ways to assess the cost of nursing care. For example, Nursing Costs Per Patient Day are based on monthly or quarterly data, which implies that the individual cases are not examined, and the cost of nursing care is calculated based on “average” patients,...

Electronic Health Record’ Benefits

An electronic health record (EHR) enables healthcare providers to record patient data electronically rather than using a large folder of paperwork (Mitchell, 2013). EHR also has the potential to perform several tasks that can help in healthcare delivery while observing standards of practice. The Health Information Technology for Economic and...

Ethical Issues in Animal Research

Animal research has always been a topic of ethical consideration in the scientific community. With experiments on humans being largely barred by numerous ethical and legal rulings put into place, using animals for potentially dangerous and invasive experiments remained the only way of testing various medical and chemical components that...

Maternal Role Attainment Theory in Practice

The sphere of nursing care connected with the relationships between parents and children remains quite complex due to the enormous role that such type of communication plays in the life of every single person. According to the assignment, we are supposed to analyze the case of Ms. Montayer, who has...

Exhibitions: Medicine Man and Tibet’s Secret Temple

I have visited two exhibitions – Medicine Man and Tibet’s Secret Temple. As for now, I would like to share my experience of seeing the displays and speculations about what I have seen. First of all, I would like to note that being at the gallery was pleasant, as there...

Children’s Health Literacy Program Development

Introduction Helping young people learn about the ways of improving their health is one of the means to establish and maintain positive habits among the representatives of this population group. As a community health nurse, I have to do my best to arrange and implement an effective program that would...

The Stanford Experiment by Philip Zimbardo

Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Experiment brought him critical acclaim. At the same time, it accorded him a certain level of notoriety; because of the methodologies, he utilized to conduct the said experiment. Nevertheless, his landmark study created shockwaves within the scientific community, when the unexpected results radically altered what people previously...

Popular Research Paper Topics

ASEAN European Community: Benefits and Implications

How does the AEC affect the multinational firms investing in AEC members? The creation of the ASEAN European Community opened a range of investing options for the states that became the members of the specified organization. Primarily, the importance of the financial support, which the AEC members provide to each...

Red Cross as an International Organization

Abstract The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body, its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in...

Nursing Theories in Adolescents Issues Treatment

Approaching the Subject of Alcohol Use with Adolescent Patients The question of alcohol consumption among adolescents is quite acute and pressing and, therefore, requires an appropriate and rational approach. Having an adolescent patient using alcohol, it is crucial to identify the core of the problem. As a rule, they try...

Dieting and Wellness Dimensions

Dieting Dieting refers to the consumption of food in a really regulated manner. The goal for this is increasing, maintaining, or reducing body weight. When used together with physical exercise, the goal is usually weight reduction. This is particularly for individuals who are obese and overweight. However, some athletes have...

Leadership: Mission and Skills

At any point in life, a person may ask himself or herself about what it takes to be a leader. Such a question can arise in a variety of situations, whether it is in the army during battle training or in the office when working on a new marketing project....

Antibiotics: Approaches to the Appointment and Usage

Inappropriate strategies that are associated with prescribing antibiotics often lead to bacterial resistance to certain medications. As a result, it is important to address this problem by changing approaches to prescribing and using antibiotics while treating adults and children (Peate, Wild, & Nair, 2014). To respond to this tendency, it...

Nursing Education and Clinical Practice Guidelines

Systematic Review There is a variety of jobs related to healthcare and people holding such positions often have severe health issues as their patients do. In order to understand health situation and determine the most important health risks for nursing professionals, a long-term study has been conducted. In their article,...

Tea Party Pre-Reading Strategy in Education

Tea Party Strategy Overview One of the possible strategies that teachers may use for the purpose of involving students into work and improving their reading skills is called “tea party.” This name means that one can behave as if they were at a tea party: talk, discuss various subjects, share...

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Quality Assurance

Introduction At the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, quality assurance (QA) and the related procedures are taken with great seriousness to reduce the risk of an accident to a minimum (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009b). Although not all elements of the iSix Sigma framework are currently introduced in the organization, the existing quality...

Communications: Online Dating and Its Perspectives

Introduction Dating is an art that is as old as human-being. Man is a social animal always looking for companionship. In the old days, the available form of communication was the snail mail that took long before getting to the recipient. It also involved walking over long distances searching for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Congestive Heart Failure and Nutrition Issues

In the case under analysis, four essential problems can be identified immediately. These include the patient’s CHF, retention of fluid, nutrition issues, and loneliness. The hospitalization due to the exacerbation of CHF, hypertension, weight loss, and the development of depression after the loss of her husband can be considered the...

Video Games’ Learning Characteristics

Living in times of blistering development of computer technologies, we should recognize the fact that they have a great influence on traditional things. Every day we observe more and more changes introduced by digital technologies. These technologies help people in their work and study, providing easy access to information. However,...

National Security of the New Europe, the U.S. and Mexico

It is necessary to note that the issue of national security is regarded as vital for all countries. However, different states handle the issue differently. It is possible to analyze the way the problem is treated in the EU and the USA. There are certain similarities and differences when it...

China’s Influence Expansion in Africa

There are values that are considered to be common for all nations of our planet, and among them are solidarity and the importance of collaboration between countries. Nevertheless, sometimes collaboration that is said to have benevolent intentions is really aimed at extending the sphere of influence of some country. China...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Case Analysis

The purpose of this paper is to review the health status of my friend S. B. He is a 27-year-old man who has been experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for two years after his wife disappeared. At present, S. B. is a single parent taking care of his 5-year-old child....

Animal Pest Resistance to Antibiotics

The latest advances in such fields as biotechnology, genetic research, as well as pharmaceutical discoveries have resulted in a series of unexpected outcomes. Hence, scientists point out the increased level of drug resistance in certain bacteria and animals. In other words, some of the strains of bacteria have become completely...

AOL Company’s Electronic Commerce Decisions

AOL has made the first step towards e-commerce. The company provides a useful service to its clients. The customers get the summary of their bills and are able to access a number of websites using only one passwords and ID (Haag & Cummings, 2008). Admittedly, customers will appreciate these options,...

David Reed: Public Education Funding

Dave Reed of The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is involved in resolving state educational issues in a variety of ways. This is mainly through oversight on the funding aspect of education at the state level. This funding constitutes a significant portion of the funding for the local school districts. Through...

Staff Efficiency and Strengthening Corporate Values

Focusing on consistent quality improvement is one of the essential steps toward enhancing the overall performance rates of entrepreneurship and, therefore, contributing to the success of a company in the target market. Therefore, it is crucial that a firm operating in the manufacturing department could be able to follow the...

“The Origins of the National Consciousness” by Benedict Anderson

In “The Origins of the National Consciousness”, Anderson views the role of the development of print-as-commodity as the moving force of the qualitatively new consciousness in the society of the 17th century driven by the generation of authentic and progressive ideas (37). Anderson points out that the rapid development of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Financial Concept Map in Nursing Work

Nurses have always affected the way resources are allocated through their reports and commentaries concerning things they need to complete tasks assigned. At present, budgeting has become an indispensable part of nursing professional activity. In many cases, nurses provide reports including their potential budgets for a certain period. Nursing professionals...

New Regulations in the US Healthcare System

The US healthcare system is undergoing certain changes, and new transformations are on their way. One of the most recent changes to the existing regulations cannot be regarded as a dramatic reform, but it will have a considerable impact on a particular group of people. The amendments to the Veterans...

Nurse-Led Email Reminder for Hypertensive Patients

Research title and authors The article under analysis is called “Efficacy of a nurse-led email reminder program for cardiovascular prevention risk reduction in hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial.” It was written by Cicolini et al. and published in 2013. Research problem and purpose The article targets the issue of...

Workplace Diversity Input to Business Improvement

Introduction Diversity in an organization is a required condition for efficient development within the industry, referring to global trends. Nowadays, diversity in the workplace is defined as respect for people’s differences, focusing on their age, gender, race, culture, or religion, among other characteristics. In this context, the inclusion can be...

Is China the New Colonial Power in Africa?

In an historical perspective, colonial power implies instituting both military and administrative control over a region, especially a country. Practically, this infers to the use of force to conduct business with underdeveloped and developing countries. In ancient times, colonialism primarily involved European powers who used their military prowess to subdue...

The Rich vs. the Poor in United States of America

The growing wealth inequality in the US is now a major social issue. As such, academics, including sociologists and economists, have explored wealth inequality from various perspectives and found multiple responsible variables. For instance, the video, the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality, presents a dramatic extent of that imbalance by...

Cognitive Behavioral Theory as Addiction Treatment

There are different procedures through which patients with addiction problems can be treated. Two of these procedures are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes the role of thinking when it comes to people’s feelings and actions. This is a beneficial fact...

Popular and Serious Music

Introduction Music forms a significant part of entertainment in the modern world, and there are various ways people present their songs to their audiences. The compositions and contexts of different types of music determine their audiences, presentation, and suitability. Music has various components that enable it to play its roles...

Cultural Competence Holistic Health

Introduction The world is continuously evolving and changing. Apparently, these changes and evolutions affect all sectors of society, which include the healthcare sector. Over the recent past, the healthcare sector has experienced numerous changes, which affect the nature of service delivery in healthcare centers. Some of the changes include the...

Intelligence Implications for Self-Radicalized Terrorism

Introduction Since the 9/11 terrorist attack, violent criminal tactics used by extremists have evolved drastically. Self-radicalized terrorism is gaining prevalence in the USA. Consequently, the policies and practices guiding the prevention of criminal threats are changing to keep pace with the evolving criminal environment (Carter & Carter, 2012, p.138). Carter...

ABC Day Care Center and Belbin’s Team Role Theory

The Case ABC Day Care center is an institution that supports and offers day care services for 30 young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 years. This institution has been operating for five years now and deals with individuals who are suffering from sexual health, substance abuse, mental...

Medication Prescription in Nursing Practice

Professional Practice Issue A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is authorized to diagnose patients and prescribe medications. As prescribers, NPs are expected to provide the prescription of medication in close collaboration with physicians. The role of nurses, in this case, is to control the appropriateness of the prescribed treatment measure and continuously...

World Expo 2020 and Financial Losses in Dubai

World Expo is regarded as an important international venue similar to the Olympics. This world exhibition is aimed at exhibiting products, trade, and innovation that can help the humanity address the major challenges it is facing (“In Depth”). The first world exhibition took place in the middle of the 19th...

Crimes Theories and Causing Factors

The term ‘crime’ has been given various definitions. There is no single definition in use worldwide but crimes could generally be described as acts that are not allowed by the law and are punishable. Low or high magnitude crimes are all dealt with constitutionally. The issue that has bothered the...

Civil Rights Movement in America

Introduction One of the common elements of the history of the United States in the early years was racial discrimination against foreigners. The main target groups were African Americans and other marginalized communities (McNeese, 100). However, the African American community in the United States was not willing to relent on...

Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project

Purpose of the Project Since cardiovascular diseases are statistically the main causes of mortality among American patients, it is crucial to target available resources towards eliminating the issue and ensuring better patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of the project is the improvement of quality through the implementation of a strategy...

Utilitarianism and Its Favorable Features

Any human being is characterized by his/her actions. Their character determines the motifs of a person and proves his/her intentions. However, the given approach gives rise to a number of critical issues related to the subjectivity of the evaluation of any action. Numerous philosophers have sought to outline the main...

Customer Focus in Healthcare Project Management

There is no doubt that people working for any organization should pay an increased attention to a successful communication with customers as the latter can be called the primary source of income of the company. Therefore, effective collaboration with customers should be regarded as the most important factor contributing into...

Gender Studies: Same Sex Marriages

Jonathan Rauch- Yes According to Jonathan Rauch, the benefits of legalizing same-sex marriages do not only apply to the gay community but the rest of the society as well. In this article, Rauch addresses the positive aspects of gay marriages that apply to the rest of the community. Rauch argues...

The Crete Battle of World War II

Introduction World War II consisted of various battles among them, the Crete battle in which Germany invaded the territory that was hitherto controlled by the British and Greece troops. Germany needed the oil in Ploesti for its intended invasions and Crete was an ideal place for Germany to access the...

“Horrible Bosses” Film in Project Management Aspect

A project is a short term undertaking from start to finish making use of resources aimed at meeting certain goals and achieving valuable change. Project management involves planning, classifying, leading, and collecting resources aimed at achieving a precise goal. The main characteristic of project management is the presents of constraints...

Asthma During Pregnancy, Its Symptoms and Treatment

The Case A 22-year-old woman diagnosed with “mild persistent” asthma is suffering from recently increased symptoms of asthma. She is pregnant, and her lab work confirms it. As a medication, she uses two types of metered-dose inhalers: albuterol and fluticasone. Her use of these inhalers has increased over the last...

Suffering and Duty in Buddha’s and Siderits’s Theories

Are We Obligated to Prevent Suffering? It could be hardly doubted that Buddhism as a philosophy and religion had a significant impact on the development of Western moral and ethical conceptions (Garfield et al. 293). It is also possible to notice that such influence became more apparent since the 19th...

Hospital Structure Decentralization and Its Benefits

Organizational structure is the framework that determines how an institution or company is governed. The framework outlines the channel used in decision making. Each organization has a structure that provides guidelines on how various processes are undertaken. The two types of organizational structures are decentralized and centralized systems. The decentralized...

Cooperative Learning Groups for Disabled Students

The problem of integrating students with disabilities into the normal learning curriculum has emerged as big challenge to practitioners, policy makers, administrators, and families. In particular, childhood practitioners have been the most challenged since they encounter children with disabilities on regular basis. In reference to the text, the authors do...

Violence on TV and Violence in Society: Connection

Television is an important part of people’s everyday life. Today, to imagine a day without watching TV is almost an impossible task. Popular TV shows, series, and movies can affect not only the public’s attitudes to the definite problems and situations but also influence their behavior. Many sociologists, psychologists and...

Impact of Patient Education on Health Outcomes

Introduction It is possible to hypothesize that patient knowledge about the chronic disease they are suffering from might allow for increasing their health outcomes via a variety of mechanisms. This paper proposes an evidence-based project to assess the impact of patient education on health outcomes of the patients educated so....

Process Capability and Six Sigma Methodology

What is the need for both the process capability index and the process capability ratio? Controlling the manufacturing process is a challenging task that requires using a range of resources that an organization has at its disposal. More importantly, it is crucial to make sure that the essential processes are...

Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement

Evidence-based Practice The decision to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) in the intensive care unit is sound, especially when one considers the need to continuously improve patient outcomes in the broader healthcare system. Yoder-Wise (2012) argues different researchers have demonstrated that evidence-based practice has led to better patient outcomes. Therefore, it...

The Fiscal Responsibility Budget Concept

Fiscal responsibility remains one of the most important terms when it comes to the field of public administration (Cangiano, Curristine, & Lazare, 2013, p.205). Speaking about the present situation with regard to the distribution of fiscal responsibility in such country as the United States, it is necessary to say that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Quality Improvement and Stakeholders

Quality care is probably the most important factor in providing treatment. Understandably, hospital managers thrive to improve the health care process to attract clients and to ensure their needs are met. This project analyzes the key principles of the quality improvement framework to draft the best solutions for nursing leaders....

Social Change, Leadership and Advocacy

Such concepts as social change, advocacy, and leadership are closely related as they all focus on innovation, shifts, and collaboration. It is important to understand what these concepts are to apply them in the real world and make a difference. The concepts can be analyzed within certain dyads with the...

Early Elective Delivery and Associated Risks

Which would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project? The researchable population should focus on delivering the objective of the study. In this case, the risks associated with early elective delivery would provide the objective of the study. Therefore, the most appropriate researchable population will...

Family-Oriented, Focused, Community-Based Nursing

Two Concepts of Care Family-focused care also known as family-centered care (FCC) can be defined as a collaborative approach to making decisions related to health care (Kuo et al., 2011). FCC is a philosophy of care that has been recognized and held in high esteem by numerous medical societies, legislative...

Social Media and Accountability in Organizations

The powers of social media have developed gradually over the last decade. Consequently, social media can provide an organization with a platform to form connections with its old and new contacts including customers and supporters. In an online article that appears on the “Tech Talk” website, Tod Newcombe explores how...

Standard 2: Early Childhood Professional Preparation

Introduction There is a strong body of arguments proving that experience before turning five years old shapes personality. Because childhood professionals help define and facilitate positive economic, social, and psychological trajectories in life (Leske, Sarmardin, Woods, & Thorpe, 2015), early childhood preparation has increased in significance. This paper aims at...

Six Sigma vs. Goh’s Eight Transformational Steps

Maintaining quality standards in an organization high is an essential step towards making the company retain its popularity among the target customers and attract new audiences, thus, entering new markets. It should be noted, though, that the existing quality management frameworks have a tendency to wear their welcome out as...

Problem of the Childhood Obesity

I have chosen childhood obesity as the population health issue that interests me most as I believe it is one of the most pressing problems of the XL generation. The major controversy concerning childhood obesity is whether the condition is predetermined by genetics, individual behavior, or the social or physical...

Global Social Progress and Human Development

Defined as the attempt at improving the rates of social investment from all denizens of the world population (Guiding social investment, 2015), global social progress is an essential concept that helps locate the mistakes that have been made in the past I terms of economic and political solutions, assess the...

Scatter Plots’ Benefits in Nursing Research

There are a lot of approaches that can be used to express the results of the research in a more effective and illustrative way. It is necessary to highlight the importance of the proper method as it often helps to make the results evident and attract the attention of a...

Fire Prevention to Protect Employees & Property

The article on fire prevention by Ross delved into the various methods that could cause a fire to occur and the preventive measures that can be implemented to stop them. In essence, the document is a generalized guide to various situations, locations, and issues that cause fires and what can...

Wet Seal: Employment Discrimination Law

The case under analysis reveals a violation of employment discrimination law against black employees taking managerial positions at the Wet Seal store. The lawsuits filed against the company, on the one hand, differ from other numerous cases uncovering discriminatory behaviors. One the other hand, the single cases of brining complaints...

Dorchester Inc.’s Stock Swap Option

Introduction Businesses can combine financially in several ways. For instance, businesses of equal sizes can merge their operations and become one large entity or one entity can acquire another company. In the case of acquisition, the acquiring company needs to pay for the entity being acquired. There are several ways...

Patient-Centered Care, Its Benefits and Barriers

Nowadays there is a tendency of increased patient-centered care, according to which the great importance is given to communication, mutual respect, and emotional interaction between healthcare professionals and patients. This implies a transition from the traditional model adopted in health care to the patient-oriented strategies and the engagement of patients...

Developmental Reading Assessment for ESL Students

The measurement of English language proficiency can be performed using the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) for ESL students (Connecticut State Department of Education, 2010, p. 1). This test is designed to assess the knowledge of students in terms of reading including comprehension and fluency of oral reading for English as...

Sony Corporation and the New Trade Theory

Introduction The New Trade theory is referred to as an economic theory which was developed by several economists in the 1970s. This theory contradicted some of the arguments which upheld the unlimited free trade as they were popular during that time. The economists behind this theory suggested that countries which...

Acute Otitis Media in Children

Acute otitis media (AOM) is a condition that affects children from various demographic categories and is commonly seen in primary care offices (Liese et al., 2014). Approximately 25 percent of children will be presented to a clinic with an episode of AOM by age 12 years (Dickson, 2014). Risk factors...

Collaborative Model of Care in Nursing Communication

Proposed Model Nursing unit managers are responsible for choosing nursing care delivery models that will benefit the practice of the team and will ultimately improve patient outcomes. A collaborative model of care can be chosen for enhancing communication between nursing professionals and promotes their responsibilities with regards to making sure...

The Nike Brand Success and Phil Night’s Leadership

The history of the brand Nike that has millions of customers all over the world began with an investment of 500$. The founder of the Nike brand sold the first pairs of shoes from the back of his car. In the next paragraphs, the specific ways of the organization, as...

Health Care Fraud, Abuse and Ethics

The Concept of Health Care Fraud Health care fraud is the imposition of plenty of unnecessary treatments. According to Pyrek (2011), fraud is determined as “deceit or breach of confidence perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage” (p. 81). It is also should be noted that...

Validity and Reliability Discussion

Determining the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study When reading and assessing a quantitative research study, it is paramount to determine the validity and reliability of the instruments utilized in that study to understand whether the findings of that study can be trusted. The...

Parenting Style Comparison: Positive and Negative Impacts

Parenting is a form of bringing up a child. Different parents use different styles to raise their children. These parenting styles have positive and negative impacts on the young infants and the adolescents. The following are two different parenting styles; Authoritarian parenting and Permissive parenting. Authoritarian parenting This is whereby...

President Obama’s Remarks on Trayvon Martin’ Killing

Viewed by many black folks as a case of racial profiling and acts of civil rights, president Barack Obama had to move in to cool the rising tempers among African-American communities. In his address, the President reminded law enforcers of the historical injustices that the people of color had undergone....

The United States’ Pediatric Healthcare Services

The sources of pediatric primary care in the United States The US government has tried to develop the healthcare system that will be characterized by efficiency and universal coverage (which means addressing the needs of the entire population). Pediatric primary care is the area of considerable concern as the number...

US Women of North and South in the 19th Century

Summary The Times That Try Men’s Souls rendered the issue of social injustice that manifested itself in gender inequality. Chapman stresses that, now that a significant social change is on the horizon, the time has come to address the gender problem: “the women have leaped from ‘their spheres’” (Hollitz 270)....

Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats

The legitimacy and ethics of environment activism are often discussed by legislators and journalists. People, who are engaged in this activity, can be regarded as fighters against corrupt practices of companies. However, at the same time, they can be viewed as criminals disrupting the life of the community. In many...

Treaty of Versailles and Germany’s Economic Development

How Will Various Provisions of the Treaty Hurt Germany’s Economy? According to the authors of the complaint, the treaty prevented the country from proper development. First, reparations were unfair and the funds provided to other countries (often referred to as enemies) could be used to help the country address the...

Primal Leadership Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

The book Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee explores the role of emotions in leadership practices and suggests a framework for applying the obtained knowledge in the field of professional use. According to the authors, leadership is based mostly on...

Human Resource and Expansion to Sub-Sahara Africa

This paper is a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy of expansion to sub-Sahara Africa. In this connection, it is essential to consider a variety of aspects associated with the identified topic including a number of relocating employees, commissary, employees’ family issues, and housing peculiarities. First of...

Judaism and Christianity: Revelational or Worshipful?

Ascher’s view on Judaism and Christianity as forms of revelational religion It is hard to argue with the fact that many similar elements are present in Christianity and Judaism. Furthermore, Ascher suggests that they both may be regarded as revealed religions because it is a common theme in many writings....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Temperature Change and Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is often referred to as a severe medical condition, and it is associated with the development of thrombus in deep veins (Thompson, 2015; Vedantham et al., 2016). It could be said that DVT is discovered as a result of injury, surgery, changes in hormones, and a...

“Praying for Sheetrock” by Melissa Fay Greene

The history of the African-American search for freedom and equity has always been tragic. Although the abolishment of slavery was proclaimed many years ago, it became an integral part of the American society. One cannot find exact reasons for that. It seems that the idea of inequality and discrimination is...

Power, Its Sources and Relation to Leadership

Power, Its Sources, and Usage Power is the ability of a person to influence and define the actions of other people. John French and Bertram Raven introduced five types of power relying on their sources, including legitimate power (depends on a position held by a person), expert power (depends on...

“The Tempest”: Viewing and Reflection

The Tempest performed by the Savage Rose Theater Company is a classical period drama performance of the Shakespearean classic. It is a faithful adaptation of the text and its themes. The company’s portrayal of The Tempest is a creative and organic product that puts the focus on character development using...

Social Equity and Public Administration

Equity involves understanding and giving people what they can enjoy fully and healthily. In America, Public administrators have equally contributed to being fair just by practically integrating the notion of social equity in economic, social, and political aspects. Savra and Brunet (2004) found that social equity is a pillar to...

Psychological Research Methods: Behavior and Mental Processes

Abstract Psychology relies on scientific methods to understand human behavior and mental processes. Among the various research methods, a researcher chooses a research method that is commensurate with his or her objectives/hypotheses. There is no consensus on the main specific research methods used by psychologists, but one thing is for...

The Tooth’s Response to the Caries Process

Dental caries is a bacterial infection that occurs on organic matter and hard tissues of the teeth such as the dentin, the enamel and the cementum leading to their demineralization which is as a result of the production of acids by the bacteria (Levine et al. 465). The acids accumulate...

Medical Insurance among the Citizens: Statistical Research

Discussion Healthy People 2020 is a project that comprises numerous recommendations related to health care and health promotion among Americans. The topic is related to access to medical insurance among the citizens of the United States. In fact, researchers working with statistical data related to the problem were using a...

Reflective Listening and Empathic Responses

Puzzlement “I can’t believe I was that intoxicated! I just don’t believe it. Their gizmo must have been broken or something. I just didn’t drink that much and I wouldn’t be driving if I had!” Empathic Response It sounds like you are feeling puzzled and you do not understand what...

Amazon Company Advantages and Disadvantages is a recent response to the traditional retailing business. The company represents an efficient model of electronic commerce, which offers a wide choice of computer devices, bookstores, video games as well as clothing and furniture. The business is centered in Seattle and dates from 1994. The company was founded...

Harrah’s Entertainment Company Database Strategy

Importance of Integrating Databases Located at Each Casino Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. has integrated its databases in various locations to help it conduct business and customer-relationship-management activities more efficiently. For instance, the integration of the databases has allowed Harrah’s to carry out its Total RewardsTM effectively, by allowing it to track...

Social Inequalities’ Influences on Health

An overview of social inequity in health The distribution of the wealth and poverty not to mention its level is of importance in any society whatsoever. About the various evidences produced by different scholars from dozens of countries, it is now clear that a population’s health is directly linked to...

Simulations for Fluent Reading in Disabled Children

The development of students’ skills in reading is a key task for teachers to guarantee that children can perceive and understand the written information. However, students with learning disabilities can experience problems while developing their skills in reading texts. In their research, Decker and Buggey (2014) have studied the approaches...

Stakeholder Analysis Theory: Allegiance Air Company’ Case

Brief overview of the theory In this research, stakeholder analysis theory was used to identify the parties that are likely to lose, gain or be affected in a given manner as a result of the outcomes of an action, a process or a program at Allegiance Air. This theory identifies...

Amazon Company’s Strategy and Customization was founded in 1995 and by the end of the 1990s managed to take over the customer market in the United States and achieve fantastic success. Initially focused on selling books, Amazon functioned following its primary purpose to transform the experience of purchasing books into an easier and more...

Revelation in Judaism in “Leviathan” by Saul Asher

Saul Ascher, in his major work Leviathan, puts forth an argument that aims to prove the revealed nature of Judaism and the role of Christ and Mohammed in its subsequent transition from regulative towards constitutive function. Ascher defines three major categories of religion: rational, natural, and revealed. According to him,...

Healthcare Quality Planning Meeting Minutes

Quality planning and organizational performance enhancement initiatives concentrated on distinct measurable focus areas have the potential to bring substantial positive changes in the healthcare system (Weston & Roberts, 2013). However, to ensure that a meeting is conducted effectively, it is important to write meeting minutes capturing the essential information discussed...

Social Stratification in Modern Industrial Societies

Social stratification means formation of classes basing on person’s social and economic wealth. Melamed (2005) explains that income, level of wealth, and employment rate play a key factor in determining the strata within which an individual is defined. Stratification therefore, is the process of placing individuals within specific classes, which...

General Curricula for Cognitive Disabled Learners

Introduction Over the last two decades, there has been a significant achievement in availing learning to students with disabilities. The progress in availing learning to students with disabilities has originated from an array of research on the subject of inclusive learning. Relevant parties in the education sector are now exploring...

The Father’s Role in Parenting

The challenge of ensuring ample success of children in educational settings perhaps calls for ensuring richness in childcare. Following its research on the extent to which fathers involve themselves in the development of education of their children, Eric Development Team reveals how “Half of students mostly get A’s and enjoy...

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Hazardous Materials, Environment and Health

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Public Health: Safe Driving Programs Planning

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Trends in Newspaper Articles: Economic Analysis

The first article “Competition is Healthy for Governments, Too” by Gregory explains why competition is necessary for the government if it is provide quality services to the citizens. To begin with, the author argues that competition is important for markets to thrive and achieve their gains. Competition provides businesses with...