Unions, Their Goals and Membership Benefits

What Are Unions? In the global environment of today, it is especially hard for people to work and earn a living. The economy is suffering from adapting to the recent events of the pandemic, and the prices for food and daily necessities and only becoming higher. Working people can often...

Nietzsche’s Philosophy and Worldview

It is necessary to raise the question of the nature of the direction of the criticism of Nietzsche against thinking. Although it is comprehensive and very radical at first glance, the study allows us to see the ambiguity of such an understanding. Uncompromising criticism is directed primarily against the absolutization...

Blue Economy in Indo-Pacific Region

Introduction Marine ecosystems are exceptionally important to the economic well-being of the Indo-Pacific region. Indeed, coastal populations and Pacific Islanders heavily rely on the oceans for food, storm protection, as well as a variety of recreational activities. Furthermore, these ecosystems are vital because of their economic benefits as they support...

Role of Effective Communication in Enhancing Nurses’ Cultural Competence

Evidence For Cultural Competence Among Healthcare Professionals Several educational initiatives and training courses have been designed to enhance the competencies required for recognizing and addressing sociocultural challenges in the clinical context (Gradellini et al., 2021). Most educational and training programs for cultural sensitivity focus on developing specific skills in healthcare...

The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression for Women

Summary An article on the effect of forgiveness therapy on anxiety and depression was written by Gayle L. Reed and Robert D. Enright in 2006. This study analyzes the impact of forgiveness therapy on the emotional state of women who have experienced emotional abuse. This study was conducted in 2006...

Cross-Sectional Examination of US Gun Ownership

Introduction Gun rights in the US have at the middle of debates for several years since the issue has affected many families in the US. According to research conducted by Oraka et al., about 200 to 250 million firearms are circulating privately, and out of four Americans, one individual owned...

Expansion of Saputo Inc. into Germany, China and South Africa

Introduction Saputo Inc. is a Canadian dairy company with a history of more than 60 years. Currently, Saputo not only in Canada but also in the USA, Argentina, the UK, and Australia (Saputo, 2017). The current paper examines the profitability of Saputos expansion into Germany, China, and South Africa from...

Descartes’ Proofs of God’s Existence and Explanation of Human Errors

Introduction A famous treatise Meditations on First Philosophy, published by the French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist RenĂ© Descartes in 1641, contains several ambitious claims. First of all, Descartes attempted to prove the existence of God through logical arguments. One might say that Descartes’s philosophy viewed God as a cause for...

Medical Management and Communication of Neurological Alterations

Introduction Close to 100 million people living in the United States are impacted by at least one out of the several existing neurological disorders (Han et al., 2020). This study focuses on describing and discussing the medical management, communication or teaching for patients and families, cultural considerations, and the relevant...

A Private Fight over Federal Laws in the US

Introduction Federalism is a state system that makes a territory affected by two levels of government: central and local. Unlike a unitary state government, where the central government decides every law and its implementation, a federalist country allows a certain level of independence for the local administration. The United States...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Brand Management and Social Media

Introduction Personal branding has existed for decades, but it is more prominent than ever with social media. It can be defined as the process of using one’s information to provide a comprehensive narrative to entice others for various purposes (Jacobson, 2020). For instance, traditional celebrities may use social media to...

Pokémon Go Pop Culture Analysis

Pokémon Go became one of the most popular games in the world right after its release in 2016. For a short time, the game became part of pop culture, which influenced various areas of trade, production, and even the restaurant business. However, today Pokémon Go is no longer so popular,...

Compassion: Explorations of Its Nature & Function

The term “compassion” or its analogs exist in many religious cultures of the past. The harsh living conditions forced people to gather in social groups, increasing the chances of survival. To maintain good quality relationships and be a viable social community, people need to be compassionate and empathetic, and conversely,...

The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders Released From Jail or Prison

The paper analyzes the issue of electronic monitoring for offenders who have been released from prison or jail. It is a strategy that has been used as an alternative to imprisonment or incarceration. The study highlights what other scholars have written about the topic. This is important as it provides...

Ethical Loyalty Dilemma in Decision Making

Introduction The term ethical dilemma refers to a conflict arising from two courses of an action that are moral in nature. It implies engagement between acceptable codes of conduct and principles associated with them. There are four different ethical dilemmas: short-term versus long-term, truth versus loyalty, individual versus community, and...

Social Theories Affecting Tess’ Case Study

How to Tackle and Make Sense of the Scenario In daily lives, different circumstances arise, leading to psychological torture or even depression in the affected person. It is, therefore, mandatory that high professionalism is shown when dealing with such situations (Sternisko et al., 2020). To ensure all that is done...

Sartre’s Freedom and Existentialism Today

Sartre in his work, “Existentialism and Human Emotion” provides arguments for the existence of human freedom. He does so by deliberating on the first principle of existentialism, “man is nothing else but what he makes of himself” (Sartre, 1957/2020, p. 5). This principle encompasses the notion of existence before essence...

Domestic Violence in the African American Community

Introduction Domestic violence is emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, or economic abuse that involves family members, partners, or acquaintances. Domestic violence is widely experienced, with a larger percentage of women affected compared to men (Henry, 2018). Communities of African ancestry are said to experience several cases of domestic violence, but this...

The Discounted Do It Yourself (DIY ) Center: Hardware Store Business Proposal Plan

Business Overview The chosen name for this business is The Discounted Do It Yourself (DIY ) Center. This hardware store specializes in a wide range of construction materials. The business will be located in the city of Birmingham. The primary products that will be stocked at this store will include...

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech Analysis

Introduction John Fitzgerald Kennedy became President of the United States when the nation needed a strong leader with the capacity to overcome challenges posed by the Cold War and unrest in both Europe and the U.S. In his famous inaugural speech of 1961, Kennedy reinforced himself as a firm individual...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Office of Presidency: The Powers Invested

Introduction The President of the United States is the single most influential figure in the American political system in its entirety. This fact, however, does not mean that the presidential power is unchecked, because the system ensures that each role combines powers, responsibilities, and limitations. The main roles associated with...

Telemedicine and Informatics in Nursing

Introduction Telehealth is using communication and digital technologies such as mobile devices and computers to access health care services. The technologies can be used from the office or at home, and it keeps an individual in constant touch with medical practitioners. Telemedicine is a mode in which medical care is...

Benatar: Harming and Benefitting by Creating

Introduction The meaning of life is a question that has lingered in the minds of philosophers and other people alike for generations. While some take a positive approach, praising all the joys and experiences that come with existence, others maintain that it is suffering and pain that define it. In...

Problem Scenario: Workplace Bullying in Teaching

When the word “bullying” is used in the context of education, one often presumes the situation in which one student systematically mistreats another. Unfortunately, harassment, offense, and social exclusion can happen in professional relationships between teachers. For example, teachers can force their peers to utilize educational approaches which they find...

Foodborne Illness as Population Health Concern in the US

The Population Health concern selected and the factors that contribute to it Foodborne illness affects at least one in every six Americans. Food safety issues claim over 3,000 deaths per year in the US (Doe, 2017). As per the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the approximate cost for foodborne diseases...

Consequences of Inaccurate Coding

Introduction Medical coding is how services offered in healthcare are converted into billable revenue. Every service provided corresponds to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System codes (Hunley et al., 2021). Claims for services offered are then submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance companies in possession...

Current Healthcare Law: Affordable Care Act

Introduction The United States healthcare landscape has undergone various reforms ever since the nation’s adoption of federalism to advance the quality of care administered to its citizens. These reforms have, in turn, significantly impacted nursing practice and roles. This paper discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a legislation that has...

Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages

Introduction This report concerns an analysis conducted by Diligent Consulting Group on behalf of the Loving Organic Food Industry. The consulting group wanted to establish the motivation behind customers’ purchasing habits. The survey targeted 200 customers within the market segment, out of which 124 gave their responses. The information included...

Care Coordination as a Vital Process in the Health Care System

Introduction The importance of care coordination in achieving a high-quality, high-value, patient-centered health care system is generally acknowledged. Improving care coordination is vital to stakeholders at multiple levels within health care systems. For example, for policymakers who want to deliver high-quality, high-value care to individual patients; doctors who wish to...

Classification of Legal and Illegal Drugs

Drugs pose a significant risk to the health of an individual mainly because of the chemical compounds used during manufacturing. In this case, it is important to classify drugs based on the chemical composition due to the relational risks and impact. Researchers argue that there is a significant possibility of...

The Self-Care Theory by Dorothea Orem

Abstract The theoretical models continually guide nursing practice, and the nurses follow and learn them intuitively. This paper examines the self-care theory of Dorothea Orem in psychiatric mental health practice. Orem has used a philosophical foundation to define the role of individuals and nurses in maintaining self-care, which she called...

Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers

Workplace Violence Workplace violence refers to physical threats, verbal abuse, and homicide against a health care employee. Many employers have no authority to implement workplace violence programs but have guidelines that help detect workplaces with serious hazards. Some states in the United States have developed programs and advanced laws for...

Social Networks’ Impact on Relationships

Introduction A network can help provide fresh viewpoints and ideas to aid a job’s functioning. A vital feature of networking is sharing knowledge-related issues, experiences, and ambitions since it enables one to get new insights that might not be otherwise considered. Pal et al. (2018) define a social network as...

Stop and Search Policy and Race Discrimination

The problem of ethnic minorities’ discrimination in matters of policing is especially urgent, especially in the USA and European countries. The use of the stop and search method to fight against drug and weapons trafficking is particularly strongly discriminatory against ethnic minorities. Minor ethnic groups are disproportionately pursued, even though...

The Challenge of Racial Equality in the United States

Racial equality constitutes a social welfare issue that has proliferated the social, economic, and political paradigms in the United States. People from ethnically inferior communities increasingly face marginalization in terms of access to state resources such as security, healthcare, employment, and learning institutions. The media is awash with information about...

McKinsey & Company: Company InFormation

The company’s objectives, particularly financial goals are driven by the pricing plan, market trends, and business performance projections. For instance, the suggested prices are as listed below: Hoodies and sweatshirts – $60-$90 Joggers and pants – $80-$110 T-shirts (short- and long-sleeved)– $30-$70 Matching sets (short and long) – $100-$180 Year...

Bradley Medical Clinic: Computer System Upgrade Report

Software The software needed for the customized PC is Operating System, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Email, eClinicalWorks EHR with Practice Management and Antivirus/Antimalware. This report analyses the software picked. The OS chosen is Windows 10 Pro. It is an upgrade to all the cool features of Windows 10 (Fritsche, 2017)....

The Evolution and Purpose of Contemporary Environmental Health

The scope of environmental health refers to safe environmental measures by registered personnel in both the private and public sectors. Such sectors include private organizations, government departments and agencies, and general environmental consultants and emergency response groups (Fanchi, 2017). The purpose of environmental health is to enhance the policies and...

The Army Doctrine Publication 6-22 Discussion

This essay analyzes the types of military leadership and their impact on Army performance. The study is based on the Army Doctrine Publication 6-22. Changes were presented in the analyzed doctrine in comparison with those published earlier. It should be noted that the essay followed the structure of the Army...

The Irish Immigrants’ Effect on the Market Revolution in New York of the 1840-1860s

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cyber Security: The Nature and Scope of Cybercrime

Introduction While cybercrime has become synonymous with web operations that lead to the latest complicated illegal activities. These are criminal activities that are carried out through the use of computers using the internet (Lakshmanan, 2019). Furthermore, nowadays, information is a goldmine and, a source of wealth that is utilized in...

Competitive Sports at a Young Age: Effect on the Child

Introduction It is relatively popular among parents to force their children to participate in various activities, including sport. Unfortunately, it cannot always be seen as something that can benefit young children both physically and mentally. According to some estimates, a child should be at least six years or older to...

Cultural Diversity Issues in Family Therapy

Introduction Culture has always been a critical topic for discussions in various settings. This is mostly because culture and cultural differences that all the people have make an important influence on the way individuals communicate, create perceptions, form relationships with others, and make conclusions in various situations and challenges. Therefore,...

U.S. Budgeting and Spain Investment

“U.S. Senate Democrats agree to $3.5 trln for budget reconciliation bill” and “Spain to Invest $5.1 Billion From Its Share of EU Pandemic Fund to Boost EV Industry”: Article Review. Summary A newly voted democratic government might be able to achieve a significant part of the funds for the investments...

Hydraulic Fracturing: Effects on the Environment

Introduction Fracking has been used widely in the US, and it is believed to offer great potential for crucial new sources of gas and oil supply. Currently, “hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been used extensively in the US and Canada since the 1950s and offers the potential for significant new sources...

The Concept of Universal Basic Income

With the current political and economic climate, the concept of universal basic income provides many advantages. The majority of the support it receives is directly proportional to the desire to right systematic errors such as income inequality, poverty, and the unsure future of automation in the workplace. Many of the...

Introduction of Legislative Policies

The African American faces a variety of challenges in terms of access to healthcare services. Compared to Caucasian Americans, they face a higher risk of being diagnosed with illnesses such as stroke, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, and HIV/AIDS. The health disparities are evidenced by higher disease incidences among blacks...

Cybercrime From the Religious Viewpoint

Cybercrime as a concept remains a point of contest and debate among lawyers, civil servants and scientists alike. The sources cannot seem to agree on which traits a crime should have to be considered cyber, both in terms of the nature and the means of the offense committed. The annotated...

Using the Scientific Method to Challenge Our Thinking

Introduction Human thinking is complex and contradictory; constant delusions, illusions, in which consciousness is immersed, can accompany people throughout his life, wherever they work, whatever they do, and wherever they live. The discipline of thinking and its upbringing is a necessary component of the development of children and adolescents, who...

Health Coaching: Transtheoretical Model and Motivational Interviewing

The Transtheoretical Model (also known as the Stages of Change Model) was established as a result of studies comparing the experiences of smokers who were able to quit on their own versus those who needed more help to understand why some people were able to quit on their own. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

DNA Physical Properties and Viscosity: A Lab Study

Introduction Physicochemical studies of key biological molecules are an essential part of laboratory practice to better understand their structure and identify possible patterns. The idea behind this work was to determine the viscosity of DNA molecules. It is well known that DNA is a long biopolymer consisting of four different...

Mental Disorders and Treatment

Introduction The treatment of severe mental disorders in modern medicine is a feasible task due to the fact that advanced drugs are used not only to block symptoms but also eliminate the root causes of diseases. In psychiatry, long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) have become widespread, which have the properties of...

Al-Hallaj and His Influence on Islam

Al-Hallaj prophet Al-Hallaj was a wandering prophet, who perceived himself as a part of the Divine Truth, and preached his religious vision in Iran, Iraq, India, and China. The Vizier ordered the execution of Al-Hallaj, accusing him of the sin of proclaiming himself the Truth. According to some experts, before...

Preparation of Healthcare Revenue-Cycle Audit

Healthcare Audit Fundamental Healthcare audits are divided into internal and external audits. These audits are designed to assess, evaluate, and improve the well-being and care of patients in a healthcare facility in a systematic manner. Internal audits are measured within a healthcare organization against benchmarks such as patient satisfaction and...

Healthy Eating Behavior: Psychological Factors and Motivation

Introduction The problem of motivation and motives of behavior and activity aimed at a positive result is one of the central problems in psychology. Moreover, these issues are also important in the processes that are directly related to the individual’s health. The problem of overweight and obesity has its own...

Beatriz Structure for Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance Work-life balance is a term used to define the time needed for both work and other life activities, whether private or family-related. It is an essential aspect of a productive work environment. Sustaining work-life balance assists reduce stress and prevents exhaustion in the workstation. Personnel who engage in...

Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

A business incubator connotes a group which is informally or formally organized with the aim of providing entrepreneurial ventures with the resources regarded as critical in their journey. The facilities target to inspire sharing of different ideas and knowledge among the incubated firms and offer network services (Høvig, Pettersen and...

The Relationship Between the Use of Electronics and Consumer Behaviors

Introduction Choice is the primary issue in consumer behavior. The customer is obliged to deal with uncertainty, or risk, because the outcome of a choice can only be understood in the future. Risk perception is an important part of consumer behavior since risk is frequently viewed as painful in the...

Exploration of Social Justice Aspects

The organization of social welfare for the family is an integral part of the social policy of the U.S. Child welfare services include a system of social guarantees, including allowances and other types of support in different life situations such as the upbringing, the disability of children, and the absence...

Transgender Health Care in the USA: Then and Now

Gender identity is one of the most important aspects of every human’s life. A person’s gender is usually determined at birth and becomes a social and legal fact from this moment. However, a moderate number of people have problems with the gender assigned to them at birth – transgender people....

Review of the US First Amendment

Countries around the world treat religion differently. In some states, especially those in the Middle East and Central Asia, religion plays a central role and is inextricably linked with the states’ governments. In other nations, such as the US, the government and religion are two institutionally separated spheres. This essay...

The Issue of Xenophobia in the US Healthcare Industry

Introduction and Identification of the Underlying Issue The United States was founded in a place where immigrants can come and practice freedom of religion, speech and find safe harbor. However, there has always existed a prejudice against minority groups in the US for many reasons, which explains why many modern...

Institutional and Political Risk of Foreign Direct Investment

The given literature review will primarily focus on the topic of institutional risk and political risk on Inward FDI of developing or emerging economies. Although both institutional and political risks are relevant in the context of developed nations, they are more concerned and critical in regard to developing ones since...

Addressing Falls among Elderly Patients

Falls among older patients is a common and severe healthcare practice challenge with complex consequences for the population. The challenge is a crucial practice issue in the context of elderly individuals because the increased incidence of falls is often combined with the increased susceptibility to injury after falls (Abraham &...

Wells Fargo Applies Ethical Decision-Making Model

Introduction Until recently, many business enterprises and business leaders focused solely on making and maximizing the profits of their owners. Some companies conducted their activities with a total disregard for ethical standards and values. However, there has been a radical change in the importance of ethical practice in the global...

You Can Become Anyone You Want to in Next Five Years

In general, a five-year plan may be regarded as one of the best strategies to create a framework for actions in order to achieve some life objectives. Individuals are usually motivated by goals, therefore, having them is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful life. The person’s aims act as...

The Traditional School Model and Professional Learning Community Model

The traditional school model (TSM) and professional learning community model (PLC1) are the two common learning methods. TSM is a teacher-centered delivery of giving instructions to students in a class. Mastery of academic learning in the taught subjects such as writing, reading, math, and social studies is required. PLC1 entails...

Eisner and the Disney Company

The Disney company is among the most profitable and successful actors in the industry nowadays. Such state of the art was achieved because of due diligence and policy that the top management has been applying for many years. However, there was a period when the corporation faced a plethora of...

Peritoneal Dialysis vs. Central Venous Catheter-Arteriovenous Fistulae Mortality Rate

Introduction Over the past 25–30 years, there has been a steady increase in the number of patients with CKD in the world. This increase is considered to be connected majorly to an improvement in the detection of directly independent nephropathies. Additionally, higher life expectancy of the population, as well as...

Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires: Comparative Analysis

Various Empires that occurred and thrived in different historical periods provide significant knowledge of how civilizations develop. The Emperors’ activities, wars, inventions, social and political structures, cultural and religious beliefs – all impacted the modern world and humanity’s values. The Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires were selected to analyze their...

Telecommuting Effectiveness: Impacts Due to COVID-19

Introduction The spread of coronavirus infection around the world has significantly influenced all areas of human life. It can be explicitly seen in present-day businesses which emphasize the need to transform their daily operations in all aspects accordingly. One of such necessities is the establishment of the practice of telecommuting...

Organizational Culture Profile Characteristics in Companies

Introduction Every organization aims at increasing improve its performance and minimize its expenditures. Moreover, competition in business is inevitable, and firms must develop ways to maintain their competitive advantage and increase their market share. One way corporations ensure that they grow and meet their objectives is by focusing on their...

Ending Forced Labor and Enhancing Decent Work

International Labor Organization (ILO) is the most significant global institution championing workers’ welfare. Since its inception, ILO has been involved in the demand for social justice and the fight for improved living standards for the world’s working population. The different conferences held in Geneva, the organization’s headquarters, consistently reviewed the...

The “Freaky Friday” by Mark Waters

Relationships with parents, their attachment, care and love significantly affect the child’s entire life. This paper analyzes the relationship between fictional parent and child from the Freaky Friday film directed by Mark Waters (2003). The movie’s plot centered around the relationship between their mother, Tess Coleman, played by Jamie Lee...

A Lack of a PerFormance Problem: A Training Program

Problem A lack of a performance problem is a gap that arises when an employee does not perform to the level required by the organization. Here, a training program is designed to solve a specific performance problem identified in a firm: managers who are not being as productive as their...

Buddhism’s Resilience from Western Ideologies

Introduction Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, is the co-founder of the Buddhism faith that came into existence in India over 2500 years ago. Buddhism is considered one of the major religions in the world due to its large group of believers. A more extensive following of the faith...

The COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Rhetorical Analysis

Since the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019 and early 2020, major pharmaceutical companies worldwide have been in the race to develop a viable vaccine to help curtail the spread of the virus. As expected, the companies’ focus on the rapid development of the vaccine has been met...

Crisis Communications Plan

Introduction University B has many branches, directions, and programs that graduate more than 1,000 students each year. Moreover, this university has been included in the top 10 most prestigious educational institutions list for more than a decade. Students of engineering, physics, and mathematics are interning and working in major companies...

The Critical Period in American History

The period of adoption of the Federal Constitution from the adoption of the Articles is termed as ‘The Critical Period’ of American history. The article of confederation left the young country in no position to deal with a series of problems. Foreign and domestic challenges were experienced. For foreign challenges,...

How the Railroads Built America

Introduction The issue of human settlement plays a pivotal role in defining and understanding the key social processes, including urbanization and intercommunication between individuals and environmental systems. However, only since the advent of the innovative technology era, has humanity been able to trace the dynamic landscape evolution due to operational...

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William Blake’s “Tyger” Poem Analysis

Introduction William Blake’s poem Tyger is one of the most remarkable literary examples of animal imaginary-heavy works that touch on the topics of imagination, religion, and life’s purpose. It remains one of the most famous works in the entire bibliography of the poet, and consecutively has been a subject to...

The Influence of the Gospel on the Construction of the Christian Worldview

Introduction The Gospel contains vivid descriptions of God, his essence, and his primary creation, which is the human world. The essential part of the Gospel is the description of the life and deeds of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. His birth, preaching, and death are imbued with symbolism that...

“Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This?” by Lianne George

Introduction Objectivization of women as a means of depicting exaggerated sexuality in every single action has now become a severe social issue addressed by equality advocates. Indeed, today’s mass media and retail market are aimed at finding signs of implicit sexual behavior in practically every action performed by women. Such...

Identity and Indigenous People

Introduction Cultural identity is important in the prevention of mental illnesses and better adaptation to life. Looking at the relationship between cultural integrity and emotional wellbeing could illuminate endeavors to improve the psychological health of indigenous people, who have frequently encountered various adverse life occasions and stressors. Native people groups...

Kant’s Categorical Imperative

People often evaluate their behavior and the actions of others from the standpoint of right or wrong. Nevertheless, the assessment itself, as well as the idea of good and evil, can be pretty subjective. German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who developed his views under the influence of the Enlightenment, and his...

Lee v Ashers Baking Co: Violation of Liberal Principles of Equality

Introduction The issue of equality and the uniqueness of persons has always been a widely discussed topic. The case of Lee v Ashers Baking Co is an instance of discrimination that should be considered to show the Court’s approach to the violation of liberal principles of equality (Lee v Ashers...

Lowering Voting Age to 16: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction “Lowering the Voting Age to 16? A Comparative Study on the Political Competence and Engagement of Underage and Adult Youth” relies on the power of inductive reasoning to examine the relationship between political choices and age. Valérie-Anne Mahéo and Éric Bélanger utilize comparative analysis to examine the political competence...

Religion in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry

Emily Dickinson was a famous American 19th-century poet born on December 10, 1830, in New England to a Puritan family that had lived in Massachusetts since the 17th century. Emily’s father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer and politician, who for a long time resided in the House of Representatives and...

The Trial of Anne Hutchinson: Heretical Teacher or Guardian of Religious Liberty

Introduction Along with the development of mankind in all its stages there have been important events in the form of wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries or religious movements. Historically important events have involved both changes in society and the human worldview, as well as specific historical individuals. However, the person who...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Methods

Introduction People majority perceive communication as an everyday part of their life and have few issues practicing it. However, a certain percentage of children suffer from inherent or developed difficulties related to communication that interrupts their socialization process. It is accepted to define these disabilities as Complex Communication Needs (Dodd,...

““Remote Learning” Is Often an Oxymoron”: Article Analysis

Introduction and Summary The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the institution of extraordinary measures to limit the spread of the disease. Key among them is the closure of schools to protect children and teachers from infection. The United States has instructed its learning institutions to suspend in-person learning as it responds...

Realism as a Convincing Theory of International Relations

Political realism consistently remains one of the main concepts in the theory of international relations. From the time of the first political discussions, the basic concepts and principles of diplomacy began to be defined within the framework of a realistic paradigm. Following this paradigm, various countries decided to build their...

The Ideal Society: Social Stratification and Poverty

Introduction Some people often consider and evaluate themselves to determine their social group in society. In sociology, there are three major categories of social class: the elite, the middle class, and the poor. It is typical of a human to have thoughts of advancing from one group to the next....

Nucleic Acid Hybridization Analysis

Introduction This particular set of experiment was aimed at hybridizing nucleic acid and then characterizing the hybridized nucleic acid, which is a very important process in gene detection. This analysis helps us gain more insight into the structures, arrangement, and genes expression. Nuclei acid hybridization is a molecular technique that...

Emirates and Other Airlines: Comparative Analysis

Emirates Versus Etihad Competitive Airline At the beginning of the pandemic, Etihad airline was forced to ground all their aeroplanes in an aim to help combat the spread of the virus. Since then, the world has witnessed borders closing everywhere, thousands of COVID 19 cases have been reported in almost...

Chronic Pain: PICOT Question

Introduction Chronic pain can be defined as continual pain patients experience for an extended period of time, and it can impact the quality of life of the affected persons. However, opioid medication prescribed to treat long-term pain is highly addictive and can lead to dependency, drug misuse, and overdoses. This...

Prevention and Treatment Methods of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are skin injuries that occur after a prolonged absence of movement or a person’s inability to reposition themselves in order to relieve pressure from certain bone areas (Joyce et al., 2018). Many interventions concerning this disease are implemented, with some being more effective than others. Reportedly, more...

Society and Culture from Sociological Perspectives

Introduction The position in society plays a significant role in one’s personality formation and ability to efficiently cooperate with other people. The study of this aspect of life is essential for increasing the understanding of these mechanisms and evaluating citizens’ well-being on the grounds of their personal features. Since the...

Recruitment and Selection. Empowering Entrepreneurial Capacity

The corporate environment of the 21st century is highly changeable, as conditioned by rapid technological progress and intense globalization. In order to tackle considerable challenges faced by organizations, the entire structure should perform on par with the task. At the same time, the vital nature of human resources for contemporary...

Social Media in Healthcare: Building Awareness and Preventing Epidemics

Introduction Due to the ongoing technological breakthrough, social media has become part and parcel of everyday life. Furthermore, social networks have started to be viewed as the tools that can be used to improve communication processes in business and other domains of people’s lives (Kass-Hout & Alhinnawi, 2013). Healthcare is...

Public-Private Partnerships and Private Sector Organizations

Abstract Cybersecurity is increasingly growing as a strategic problem of the state, comprehensively affecting the country’s economy. This, of course, includes the interaction between national developers of software and control systems, and manufacturers of equipment and components for the provision of IT infrastructure. For the national cybersecurity to match the...

Why Celebrities Should Avoid Political Topics

Celebrity is a somewhat novel concept that has emerged after the focus of public lives moved away from the government. It may be partially attributed to television, which enabled people to see famous people up close and changed the course of politics. However, even then, the interactions of media stars...

Ostomy Care: An Evidence-Based Community Health Plan

Introduction Health assessment is an evidence-based practice for monitoring community medical needs. Professionals relying on the tool will design proper plans to support the provision of personalized interventions. The use of appropriate frameworks will result in positive results. This paper gives a detailed plan that will transform the nature of...

The Social Theory: Comparing Generations

Conflict based on age differences between the parties seems to be a timeless problem that constantly accompanies society. It will likely always be that older people, born and raised within the same era, will not understand the younger generation, whose moral attitudes and values may differ. Thus, the mores and...

Risk Management in Supply Chain Processes

Introduction Supply chain risk management relates to the procedure through which organizations employ strategic steps to discern, evaluate, and mitigate threats within their end-to-end supply chain. Two primary risks could disrupt one’s supply chain; including external and internal risks (Prakash et al., 2017; Son, 2018). Threats in the supply chain...

Animal Rights and Welfare Laws

Introduction Animals are classified as sentient beings; most of them have abilities to perceive and even think. They are capable of emotions, feelings and can form complex behavioral patterns. They deserve a just and rightful attitude, but animals are still treated mostly as property, not as sentient creatures. Animal welfare...

Relationship Between Gender and Death Anxiety

Introduction This critique is concerned with the qualitative article by Sharma et al. (2019) entitled “Death anxiety among elderly people: Role of gender, spirituality, and mental health.” The authors conceptualized spirituality and death anxiety and provided a brief literature review concerning the research on the matter. Sharma et al. (2019)...

Affordable Care Act and Double Patient Service Standards

Abstract Based on insured and private patients, a double patient service standard has been a significant concern over the years. Private patients are given an advantage over the insured ones in many hospitals because the uninsured tend to pay independently and without delay. Hospitals and the government must place regulations...

Texas State Government’s Response to the Winter Freeze of 2021

Introduction Various disasters constantly occur in the world, including extreme temperature changes. On February 11, 2021, Texas began a record drop in temperature, leading to the shutdown of major power plants controlled by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) (Maxouris). This situation has led to widespread consequences affecting a...

Giotto di Bondone: Biography and Artworks

Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) is a renowned Italian artist who is believed to have been born in 1267 near Florence. He is thought to have grown up as a young shepherd in the countryside. While herding, Giotto would draw pictures of sheep on the ground until one day, his drawings...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Culture and Its Impact on Communication

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, it is common that people may get acquainted with several different cultures. Moreover, with the possibility to travel around the globe and reside at any point in the world, the beliefs, worldviews, and habits of a person may be significantly influenced by a...

The Islamic Rule in India

Across the world, the Islamic religion is the second largest after Christianity. In India, the religion has a high number of followers after Buddhism. According to the 2011 census in India, 14.2% of Indians are Muslims (Auer, 2014). Islam ruled India from as early as the 7th century. The trade...

Self-Harm as an Abnormal Behavior

Basics of Cognitive-Behavioral perspective There are many psychological perspectives that can be used to understand human behavior and the ways in which people come to interact with each other. Society functions in accordance with a variety of rules, traditions, and regulations that are formed during its development. Any individual’s actions...

Breaching Professional Boundaries Between Nurse Educators and Students

Introduction Nursing is a profession that is mainly concerned with the provision of health care services to patients. The nurses play these critical roles as they are trained with skills that enhance their job competence. Nurse education involves a series of theoretical and practical training that purposely prepares caregivers for...

Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military

This work is devoted to the United States of America’s policy to accept representatives of the LGBT community into the ranks of the US Armed Forces. The study examined integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance to gays, lesbians, and...

Relation Between Rowing and Physics

Physical culture and exercise play a vital role in people’s lives. It becomes a fundamental part of improving the health and well-being of a person and a key factor in developing the psychological state of an individual (Sparks et al. 2). With such meaningful participation in sports in human life,...

Gender Differences in Early Development

Sexual Orientation as a Critical Issue Gender development, which is based on social and genetic factors, is fundamental in explaining individuals’ behavior and sexual orientation. Related findings and insights are central to guiding contemporary society values into accepting the differences existing among individuals predisposed to influences or stimuli that make...

Nursing Shortages and Effect on Patient Care Outcomes

Providing care for patients in home-care is multifaceted and requires a joint effort from all the healthcare workers. The nurse-patient ratio has been used to show that there is a shortage of nurses leading to burnout and reduced performance (Marć et al., 2018). Self-management and autonomy among patients have been...

Cultural Racism in the Current Day

Both theoretical investigation, research, and cultural psychology suggest to observe the issue of racism as not only an individual quality but also one that is apparent on a larger scale in the world. While it can be described as individual prejudice, racism often has a systematic nature which can be...

The Importance of Setting for Interpretation of Stories

One of the essential components of any story is its setting helping the authors efficiently transmit the message. It is a place and time of the described events alongside the weather, cultural surrounding, climate, and physical landscape serving as the background of the narrative. Hence, the uniqueness of readers’ experience...

Normal Hearing Process Versus Presbycusis

Introduction Hearing is one of the five senses that humans use to study their environment. The active interpretation of information does this by transforming sound into meaningful information. Due to the increased use of personal listening devices globally, the hearing problem has become a common challenge globally, with 466 million...

How the Electoral College Selects the President

The US citizens elect their president after every four years on the first Tuesday of November. Unlike other elections, whereby people choose their preferred aspirants directly by popular voting, the voters select the president through their electors in the Electoral College. McKinney (2020) asserts that “these electors are appointed by...

Discussion of Authority in Feudal Japan

Introduction The Japanese governance structure was constantly transforming throughout the medieval period, changing and adding ideas and practices from various local rulers and leaders. Authority has always been one of the essential aspects of governance, as it has primarily determined the effectiveness of the whole system. Understanding this fact, some...

Connie from “Where Are You Going…” by Oates

Introduction “Where are you going, where have you been?” is a diminutive story by Joyce Carol Oates, which illustrates the author’s perspective on how the community saw women in the 1960s. It is founded on a factual story of assassination and rape in Tucson, Arizona, in 1965. The novel is...

Earthquake: Definition, Stages, and Monitoring

An earthquake is a term used to describe the tremors and vibrations of the Earth’s surface. These tremors are the result of sudden natural displacements and ruptures in the Earth’s crust or mantle. Further, they are transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic vibrations. Earthquakes reflect the internal...

Deviant Behavior and Prostitution

Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. (2019). “The prostitution problem”: Claims, evidence, and policy outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(7), 1905-1923. Web. In this article, the authors aim to identify the reasons for how inequality can influence the existence of sex work. They suggest that...

The Effects of Nurse Turnover on Patient Care

Introduction Nursing is a profession that entails physical and emotional burnouts that, when not managed, influence the decision to leave the career. The field requires a constant balanced clinician-patient ratio, and the contrary can be fatal. When hospitals have insufficient personnel, it is the sick who suffer due to less...

Walt Whitman: Life and Work

Life It is important to note that Walt Whitman is among the most well-known and influential American poets. His life began with his birth in West Hills, New York, on May 31, 1819, and during his adolescent years, he studied and read Bible, Shakespeare, Dante, and Homer. As a boy,...

Aspects of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Introduction Timely first aid can often be vital in saving a person’s life. Its provision through simple manipulations aims to prevent complications, human suffering, and, of course, death. First aid can be provided at the place of an incident while waiting for professional doctors. One type of emergency procedure is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The FISHstory Project in Environmental Studies

Introduction In the 21st century, the preservation of the environment has become an area of growing interest for researchers across the globe. Indeed, while modern technological development introduces major improvements in terms of convenience in people’s personal and professional activities, these advancements come at a cost. The immense environmental impact...

Pre-Suit Litigation in Labor Law Context

This memo is intended to provide an understanding of the specifics of the mediation process ordered by a judge in the context of a lawsuit from your former employee. The compulsory mediation that you are encouraged to do is a very specific and customary practice. This text contains explanations on...

Characterization of Beatrice and Georgiana in Hawthorne’s Works

Nathaniel Hawthorne is a renowned 19th century writer who combined romantic elements with science in his artistic works. For instance, in his stories, “Rappaccini’s Daughter” and “The Birthmark,” he emphasizes similar aspects revolving around human nature and its fascination for perfection (Resetarits, 2012). Hawthorne successfully integrates deep feelings such as...

Functional Ovarian Cysts: Etiology, Clinical Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Ovarian cysts are defined as fluid-filled sac-like swellings which occur as a result of ovulation and blood circulation to the ovaries. Essentially, they involve adnexal masses, which may also be considered pelvic growth. There are numerous sub-clusters of functional ovarian cysts among women of reproductive age, including follicular, corpus...

Communication Workers of America Union’s Profile

A union is an organization of workers with a common objective of achieving different beneficial goals such as attainment of wages and benefits, improved safety standards, protection of the integrity of their trade or careers. The union is mandated to accomplish this through continuous negotiations with relevant bodies to obtain...

Bullying as Managerial Issue in Nursing Sector

Introduction Effective leadership and management rely on the integral exploitation of strategies to boost productivity among medical practitioners. Over the decades, the healthcare department evolved along the gradient of increased interaction between people, professionals, and technology. As a result, it is essential to address the key problem that arises due...

Salmonella Typhi: Pathology, Symptomatology, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Salmonella typhi is a rod-shaped, motile, gram-negative bacterium which causes typhoid fever in human beings. This pathogen is an issue of public health concern worldwide. It affects about 26 million people globally every year and contributes to economic burdens in terms of the cost of prevention, surveillance, and treatment...

Self-Service Kiosks Requirements Project

The current requirement is a clear indication that the library board has considered the proposed model for providing self-service to meet the demands of more young readers. The suggested attributes and procedures will support the functions of every kiosk, reduce operational costs, serve more customers, and eventually promote reading culture....

Mass Communication and Media Risk and Uncertainty

Risk Society and its Relationship to Modernity Ulrich Beck, a German sociologist, is the contemporary theorist of modernity. He proposed his modernity theory in his book, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (1992). He suggests that modern society’s inherent risk would result in the foundation and development of a universal...

Leadership Theories Applied in Northwell Health Care

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruption to the healthcare facilities across the world, making operations a challenge to many hospitals. Coronavirus disease spread to 198 nations, with currently millions of confirmed cases and deaths being recorded globally (Shaukat et al., 2020). COVID-19 pandemic has affected the health and life...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Psychology of Faith in False Sources

Introduction The information space during the pandemic contains conflicting and overabundant information about the coronavirus in various forms, from reports to YouTube commentary. Regardless of age, gender, or education, patients may come to believe in conspiracy theories and false data. Some of it is potentially dangerous, further contributing to a...

Attack on Microsoft Clients: Case Study

Introduction There was a new mass hacker attack, the features and scale of which may indicate the onset of a new era in the field of cyber security. The victims were mainly small and medium-sized businesses, as well as local governments using the popular business email software from Microsoft Corp....

“Rear Window” Movie Analysis

Introduction People were always interested in interpreting written stories for the big screen. Books of all genres: comedies, detective stories, romance novels, and thrillers often appear before the public as movies. The film Rear Window, produced by Alfred Hitchcock in 1954, is not an exception. The original short story It...

The Problem of Plastic Waste in the UAE and Options to Address It

The Problem The problem of plastic waste in the UAE is a significant ecological issue regarding plastic pollution and the safe disposal of waste products. Despite the efforts to use alternative materials and the recent developments in biodegradable plastics, the situation is still not ideal. Plastic waste has a severe...

The Role Cultural Continuity Plays in Youth Suicide Rates Among Indigenous People

Introduction Suicide is one of the health crises that Canada is facing in the recent years. It is high among the indigenous youths in Canada. Indigenous suicide was rare in the past (Chandler & Lalonde, 2008a). The native people connected with their natural beliefs, culture, and language which forbidden suicide....

An Analysis of the Health Conditions of the Patient with Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: Mr. M’s Clinical Manifestations The analysis of the health conditions of Mr. M. reveals that he has Alzheimer’s disease. This neurodegenerative disease is incurable and is usually associated with memory loss and decline of cognitive abilities (DeTure and Dickson, 2019). The early stages of Alzheimer’s disease are marked by...

Customer Loyalty Within the Insurance Industry

Background In the 21st century, competition is becoming a challenge within the business environment due to an increment in the rate of globalization. This is affecting operation of firms in different economic sectors. The insurance industry has not been shielded from this challenge. A large number of investors are venturing...

The Limits of Language in Theology

The Christian apophatic mysticism, also known as “via negative,” teaches to approach the divine using a negation, indicating what God is believed not to be. This form of religious practice and thinking contrasts with the cataphatic approach that requires affirmations when referring to or describing God (Lane, 1998). There is...

Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery Review

The Lottery, first published in 1948, remains to be one of the most read stories in American literature. The story revolves around a small village in New England where all the members hold a lottery annually and the person picked is murdered. Shirley Jackson’s main aim of writing the tale...

Problem of Bullying Overview and Analysis

Bullying is defined as the intentional desire by one or more individuals to threaten, frighten or hurt a person with actions, behavior, or words. Typically, bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological, or social and is one of the main problems experienced by young people (Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial...