Differences Between Traditional and Digital Marketing

Introduction The primary objective of marketers is to inform and influence a target audience to buy a particular product or service. Therefore, they use the most suitable and effective ways to promote or advertise their products. Large companies carry out a marketing function to improve their position in the target...

Care Plan Development for Miami Residents

Introduction Developing a relevant care plan in a particular community is the task that requires an integrated approach to assessing all current factors affecting health and highlighting the most significant ones. Based on such characteristics as population, average income, and other indicators, it is possible to determine which interventions are...

Procedural Pain Relief During Intravenous Cannulation

Abstract The paper provides a thorough summary of research purposes, methods, results, and conclusions as described in the study by Canbulat, Ayban, and Inal (2015), “Effectiveness of external cold and vibration for procedural pain relief during peripheral intravenous cannulation in pediatric patients.” The first section, Purpose, explains the rationale for...

The Diplomat Parkway Community’s Health Status

The Diplomat Parkway neighborhood is located in the Broward County, Miami, FL. The county has multiple municipalities administering the communities that they comprise. The Diplomat Parkway neighborhood is a part of Hallandale PD. It is upscale and is mainly intended for the residential purposes. Nevertheless, it also comprises some commercial...

Public Mental Health Program Planning

Leading Health-Care Indicators and Related Public Health Program in Florida Mental health is a leading health indicator included in the Healthy People 2020 national plan. Various mental disorders can equally affect individuals of differing multicultural backgrounds, and the prevalence of severe mental illnesses remains high in the United States. According...

TechFite: Case Study

The Organizational Needs of TechFite As evidenced in the case study, TechFite is an organization that worries about the inadequacy of its cybersecurity systems. At the same time, due to being involved in NASA’s space program, it represents a likely target for hacking attempts and corporate espionage. Its vulnerabilities are...

Tobacco Regulation: Policy Analysis

Tobacco regulation is an important and challenging policy topic that must balance the health and interests of smokers. The purpose of this analysis is to focus on the impact of tobacco regulation on public and social health. It is significant because tobacco and smoking are strong risk factors for several...

Jackson Health System: Description and Analysis of the Medical System

Introduction Jackson Health System (JHS) is a medical system, which is regulated and managed by Public Health Trust. It is a non-profits organization that aims to provide high-quality medical service to all people, including those who cannot afford such services. JHS is comprised of a number of hospitals and care...

Health Promotion in Native Hawaiian Population

Health promotion is an approach that aims to enable people to control their health and its social determinants. Often, gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, geographic location, and sexual orientation factors have a decisive influence on the level of health care accessibility. The nurse’s task is to identify and...

Economics for Management. Taxation in the UK

Introduction Taxation is important to the prosperity of a country as governments need to impose charges on businesses and citizens to raise revenue and meet the demands of the budget. Since different countries have varied approaches to taxation, understanding that there is no unified solution to every taxation issue is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Budget Consolidation vs. Redistribution Policies

Introduction Priority areas for the development of domestic policies regarding the allocation of budgetary funds are the essential components of economic development. Relevant strategies aimed at controlling costs, the growth of public debt, and other aspects are designed to regulate cash flows and prevent potential financial crises. In developed countries,...

Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics

This paper is dedicated to the application of guerilla tactics by the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1980s. Here, the ethical issues that were present throughout the period will be described, and the solutions of EPA staff (the guerilla participants) will be evaluated. The case...

Professional Development of Nurses

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report has become a document that offers the most comprehensive range of recommendations and changes for improving and transforming healthcare. Its main points are aimed at reforming the education and practice of nurses since they are the most numerical in medicine and have the broadest...

Effective Approach to Leadership Management in Nursing

Introduction Healthcare facilities are integrated environments where multiple factors can influence the quality of care provided to patients. However, without the availability of a necessary number of nurses in healthcare facilities, practice settings will be unable to function the way they should. Because of this, it was chosen to focus...

Future of American Nursing and How to Implement It

In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) joined their efforts in order to create a plan for transforming the healthcare system in the U.S. by improving nursing care education. Operating under-consumption that high-quality care is impossible without qualified and educated nurses, the cooperation...

“How It All Began” by Brockway

Introduction The anthropological origins of human development, ranging from prehistoric times to ancient civilizations, is an important but highly debatable topic. There are numerous disagreements about methods to studying fossils, the evolutionary process of homo sapiens, and the introduction of language. In the chapter How It All Began, Brockway claims...

Cole’s Painting “The Oxbow and Gogh’s “Olive Trees With Yellow Sky and Sun”

Introduction Many painters from different movements have managed to produce admirable works that glorify God’s creation and guide people to address most of the social, economic, political, and psychological issues they face in their lives. Some of the famous painters of the 1800s whose artworks continue to attract the attention...

Car Accidents Statistics and Policy Change

Car accidents pose a significant threat to people’s health and wellbeing. In the United States, the number of police-reported car accidents is over 7 million, and every person who uses cars for transportation is at risk (National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2018). One of the most prevalent causes of...

Recidivism: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Introduction Recidivism is one of the most complex concepts pertaining to the sphere of criminal justice. It refers to the relapse of an individual into criminal behavior, predominantly after receiving a sanction or undergoing intervention for one’s previous crime. Recidivism occurrence is measured by the number of criminal acts resulting...

Slavery in Hispaniola and Mexico

Abstract Slavery had become common malpractice in many Spanish and French American colonies by the early 16th century. After Christopher Columbus arrived in America, a new opportunity for promoting the economy of European nations emerged. The idea of forced labor became a reality in many regions after the first Europeans...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Amazon.com Inc.’s Corporate Valuation

Overview The company to be analyzed is Amazon.com, Inc. (Amazon), a listed company located in the United States that operates in the technology industry and the consumer cyclical market. The company has online and physical stores and provides a third-party marketplace to buyers and sellers. In terms of retail, Amazon...

FedEx Corporation’s Leadership Experience Interview

About the Interviewee Claude R. who is among the key financial officers of FedEx was born in Jackson. Almost eighteen years ago, he graduated from the University of Mississippi and started his career in goods delivery (FedEx, n.d.). During that period, FedEx was a young and promising company providing freight...

Courtelaney Pass: Evaluation and Analysis of the Current Policies

This report provides an evaluation and analysis of the current policies and practices of the police in Courtelaney Pass. It addresses the employment concerns and racial unrest of the community, as well as presents the accomplishments of the interim chief of police and his further recommendations. The report concludes that...

Privacy Threats in the 21-Century Data Collection

Since the aim of the questionnaires was answering the question of “What are the threats to privacy in the twenty-first-century data collection?”, the analysis of respondents’ attitudes toward the key problem will focus on several important indicators. The first aspect relates to respondents’ demographic data about questionnaire’s respondents. This type...

Health Issues and Policy Frameworks in the US

Introduction This paper identifies three significant health issues in the United States and attempts to relate these issues to existing policy frameworks that have been formulated to solve them. The health issues that will be discussed in this paper include children’s oral health, fluoridation of drinking water, and chronic kidney...

Gender Quotas in Saudi Arabia: Unpacking the Political Conditions

Talking about gender quota and its sociology, it is interesting to take a look at the example of Saudi Arabia. It is the seemingly most unexpected place to introduce a policy aimed at the representation of women in politics and increase their role in internal and external affairs in general....

Supreme Court’s Marbury v. Madison (1803) Case

Controversy and the Significance of the Supreme Court As the then President John Adams Secretary of State in 1801, Marshall had a duty of giving judicial commissions to appointees, which included Wiliam Marbury, who was at the center of a dispute. Marshall failed to deliver the commissions and later presided...

Romero vs. Voces Innocentes: Films Comparison

Introduction Romero was filmed in commemoration of Oscar Romero, former leader of Salvadoran who organized several peaceful protests against violent military regime. Oscar Romero organized and led the protests at the expense of his life. The core ideas of the film are expressed through fictional characters and true events. On...

Song of the Hummingbird by Graciela Limon

Introduction: Summary and Major Themes The book, Song of a Hummingbird by Graciela Limon, describes the story of an indigenous woman named Huitzitzilin who narrates her experience to a Spanish monk. The setting is in 1582, when Huitzitzilin, the 82-year-old protagonist, talks about her encounter during the Spanish conquest and...

Intra- and Inter-Generational Social Mobility and Related Barriers

Modern society is characterized by a crisis of family identity and relationships between generations. Today’s society is losing its main social dimension, which refers to the ability to create sustainable communities based on solidarity and the common good (Edwards, 2019). Intra-generational social mobility considers the social movements of a person...

International Women’s Day: Professional Pathways Reflection

The event that this reflection essay will focus on is the International Women’s Day that took place in Belmore Sports Ground. This gathering celebrated mothers’ and daughters’ roles in society by involving the local community in competitions, creative activities, life-skills workshops, and discussions. International Women’s Day in the city of...

Beefsteak Firm Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Development

Current Company Culture Beefsteak is an authentic company that believes that vegetables are not as boring as many people think. They are beautiful, fresh, and nutritious. At the moment, the company culture lacks organizational responsibility and unity which is caused by the fact that there are many individuals working on...

Archaeological Research Report

Introduction Archeology is a broad discipline that relies on excavation, survey, historical documentation (publication), and aerial photography to discover various activities and cultures of the human past. There are many factors to consider when deciding on the research method to use. Primarily, the site and objective of the study influence...

Teleological and Deontological Ethical Models

For centuries modern philosophy has been discussing the possibility of applying two models or approaches to the problem of ethics. The principles by which a person functions and makes decisions are often at the center of philosophical works. Ethical philosophy tries to understand what should lie in the causality of...

Assessing as an Important Task of a Social Worker

Introduction One of the primary tasks of a social worker lies in assessing. It not solely allows to be aware of the atmosphere in the family but also enables gathering essential information on each particular client. The data to collect may, notably, be related to “the client’s unique circumstances, social...

Artificial Intelligence: Integrated in Healthcare

Introduction Artificial intelligence is one of the innovations that promise to have a significant impact on healthcare delivery. AI refers to the simulation of human performed tasks by machines such as computer systems and robots. AI helps in data analysis through electronic health records, diagnosis, and disease management (Bresnick, 2018)....

Beta-Interferon in Multiple Sclerosis

Introduction The general purpose of treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) is to diminish warning signs and to get better results for individual clients. Three interferon-beta (IFNβ) remedies are existing for taking care of MS, and in close to comparisons high-dose, regularly apply as a medication course of therapy (250 μg...

And Tango Makes Three: A Book Banned in Vain?

And Tango Makes Three is a real-life story that was shaped into the literary form by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell. The book tells the readers the story of two penguins from the Central Park Zoo, who hatched an egg together and practically gave birth to another penguin named Tango....

C. S. Lewis: “Course He Isn’t Safe. But He’s Good”

In chapter 8 of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Mr. Beaver talks about the experiences of Tumnus. He explains that Tumnus was arrested by Secret police under the White Witch’s spell (Lewis, 1950). Children, to whom Mr. Beaver was talking were scared and wanted to...

Identification of an Unknown Sample

Introduction This laboratory test aimed to recognize one unknown species from a diversified culture. The researcher conducted three trials in the laboratory to ascertain the unidentified species. The experimenter’s tests include; Columbia CNA Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, and the Phenol Red Test (Vega & Dowzicky, 2017). The analyzer realized...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Dilemma of Privacy in Technology

Introduction As technology develops, it changes the world through new scientific paradigms and new physical assets for humans to use. However, shifts in the field of applied sciences raise new ethical issues regarding the development and deployment of technology. Scholars of ethics have put forth various approaches in an attempt...

MyRepublic Corporation’s Rebranding Project

Introduction Rebranding is one of the elements of this or that company reorganisation with the purpose of expanding the client base, increasing profits, and creating new and interesting offers for consumers. Nevertheless, this measure is necessary not for all organisations but only those that have some business challenges and are...

American Revolutionary Crisis: History of Events

The second half of the eighteenth century will always be among the most eventful periods in the history of the United States. In particular, these fifty years will be best remembered for the American Revolution, which contributed to the formation of the country. In this letter to my dear descendants,...

Saint Louis Medical Center: Business Plan Assignment

Introduction Enhancing the range and scope of services provided by an organization can help it to attract new customers and generate more revenues. However, when undertaking new projects, it is critical for the management to understand their long-term outcomes and possible considerations. The proposed project is to open a new...

The Impact of the United States Embassy Move on the Palestinian People

Introduction The history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people reaches back before the time when international political organizations recognized it as a significant problem. However, major events in the conflict started occurring in the middle of the twentieth century, and the tension between the two peoples has...

Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students

Introduction College with its numerous assignments, hectic schedule, and exams requiring total commitment and concentration is more or less stressful for everyone who enters tertiary education. However, the ways humans react to stress and cope with mentally and emotionally challenging situations may vary considerably. In their article “Stress tolerance: New...

Abortions in Australia Discussed in Media

In modern Australia, the use of media services and digital technologies has been considerably increased and improved during the last several centuries. People may address media with different goals, including the necessity to explore their potential, contribute to their health, and discover new educational sources (Rice, Haynes, Royce, & Thompson,...

Health Policy: 340B Drug Pricing Program

Various health problems require different kinds of prescribed drugs and interventions. If some patients feel essential improvements following medical treatment, others need more complex surgical operations to eliminate severe health issues. Even though medical treatment and surgical operations are entirely different, these interventions are similar in the way that they...

Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options

The senior year of high school is an overwhelming time for many students. They have to prepare for going to college, which usually involves leaving their friends and family, as well as for deciding on what they want to study. In addition to that, they still need to attend classes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Invisible Wounds of Stigmatized Individuals

Stigma affects several many people around the world and results in great suffering among them. Several causes of stigma include abuse, sexual assault, violence, and discrimination. The effect of stigma is detrimental and varies from a loss of self-worth, trauma, stress, and mental illness that affect personal life as well...

“All Shook Up” a Book by Glenn Altschuler

Music can help people in times of trouble; as a soundtrack to their lives, it has the power to change them. In his book All Shook Up: How Rock ‘n’ Roll Changed America, Glenn Altschuler tells a story of how the ‘1950s rock ’n’ roll craze changed the American society...

Nurses’ Role in Health Promotion: Systematic Review

Introduction It is imperative to note that the role of nurses in health promotion has been increasing over the years, and some of the interventions are viewed as incredibly efficient. It is understandable that health care providers have a broad range of responsibilities, and it is necessary to prioritize techniques...

Intrinsic Motivation and Work Experiences

This paper is a reflection of two incidences in my professional career when I felt fulfilled and unfulfilled. The goal of the overall assessment is to understand the power of intrinsic motivation on human work experiences. Through this introspective exercise, it is possible to understand what motivates workers to perform...

Miami-Dade County in Florida: Geological History

Introduction Geology is a natural science which studies soil and its composition, including rocks and minerals. It focuses strongly on the transformation of the Earth’s geology over the 4.5 billion years of its existence as it underwent a continuous change and cataclysmic events, which have formed the composition of the...

Small and Medium-Sized Fashion Retail Enterprises

Abstract The current dissertation proposal offers to investigate several success factors for small and medium-sized enterprises in fashion retail business in the UK. These factors include the skills and qualifications of business managers and owners, the funding, the customer service strategies, and the ways to obtain funding for new businesses....

Single System Research Design

Introduction To start with, let me introduce the concept of a single system research design. According to Miller (n.d.), it “involves studying a single individual or system by taking repeated measurements of 1 or more dependent variables and systematically applying & sometimes, withdrawing or varying the independent variable” (p. 5)....

Media Monitoring Assignment

Introduction As it can be seen from the survey, my personal media usage altered with the course of time. It mainly happened because of the enormous development in the technological sphere, the influence of media, and individual changes. Even in 2005, I spent the majority of my free time watching...

Research and Evaluation in Business Schools

Article “The Value of Research and Its Evaluation in Business Schools” by Hitt and Greer aimed to explore the value of research and its evaluation in business schools with regards to helping develop knowledge in various fields of practice. Because assessing the value of research can be a challenge, there...

Common Core Standards vs. American College Testing

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is a policy that enumerates the academic benchmarks that high school graduates require in order to attain success in college and professional careers (Strauss, 2013). The policy is applicable to states that agree to adhere by its rules and regulations. Its rejection by educators...

Museum Visit Analysis: Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait

Introduction I have encountered van Gogh self-portrait during my visit to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. This painting is a part of a private collection, but it is displayed there among the works of other impressionists (“Self-Portrait”). The work is called Self-Portrait. It was made by a...

Marketing Strategies: Customer Experience

Introduction First of all, it is necessary to point out that meeting the extremely high demands of the increasingly competitive market depends upon a variety of marketing strategies companies rely on. Customer satisfaction is recognized to be of particular concern, as it affects the profitability of a wide range of...

The Effect of Rental Price Ceilings and Wages Price

The equilibrium price for Prescott single-bedroom rental units The equilibrium price is obtained at the point of intersection between the demand curve and the supply curve. First, a table is constructed from the demand and supply functions as shown in Figure 1. The second stage involves plotting a graph using...

Empress Luxury Lines Company: Antonio’s Ethical Dilemma

Analyze the ethical dilemma faced by Antonio The fact that Antonio have been involved in the case by Kevin and is now aware of the fraudulent dealings that the Company has been doing means that he cannot continue working as if nothing has happened. This is especially so given that...

Child Observation Theories: Theories of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg

Introduction By applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive-developmental stages, one can say that A. has reached the pre-occupational stage. At this level, an individual should be able to use simple logic, take the viewpoints of other people, and classify various objects. A child aged between 2 and 5 should also have...

Effectiveness of Antitrust Sanctions on Cartels

DeBeers and monopoly Why some firms are more competitive and successful than others has long been a matter of marketers’ concern. In any market, whether ice-cream or electric engineering, competitiveness of firms depends on a variety of factors, including their ability to manage resources effectively and external market conditions. Firms...

Discover Canada: Potential Citizens and Immigrants

Introduction I agree with the study guide on The ‘Discover Canada’ booklet. I feel is very important for those who wish to become Canadian citizens. This offers the basic concepts with which the citizens benefit by enjoying equality rights, religious rights, and so on. The employment of these rights is...

Cultural Improvement Using Technological Progress

Throughout the history of human development, technological innovations have always accompanied cultural, social, and political dimensions of life. People strive to introduce technological improvements as a new form of material culture, as well as intensify the nature and role of innovation in advancing society. Within this perspective, Robert Friedel presents...

Justice as Prevailing Theme in Dante’s “Inferno”

The history of the world’s culture has seen a colossal number of seminal works of art and literature. However, even the list of the most renowned cultural achievements demonstrates certain works that hold special significance, and Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is one such piece. This 14th-century poem has become fundamental...

Kamala Harris Leadership in Politics

Introduction: Background Information about the Leader Kamala Harris conquers many peaks in the rank of the first woman, the first woman of color, and the first woman of Indian descent. One such achievement is the post of vice president, which she took in January 2021. This representative of the Democratic...

The Abolition of Slavery After the Civil War

This essay covers topics directly addressing the racial and social problems from Reconstruction, when the civil war between the North and the South pushed society to critical changes. Analyzing and comparing the two observed articles helps identify the objective and coherent truth about the events that happened not so long...

Rice Scientists Create a Super Antioxidant

Introduction and Choice of article The article that has been selected for this essay is, ‘Rice scientists create a super antioxidant – Common catalyst cerium oxide opens door to nanochemistry for medicine’. The article was published in Rice University News and Media on October 14th 2013 where it was posted...

The Democrats Attempt to Incorporate Immigration Issue in the Economic Bill

Reflection The following principles of the scriptures and religious motives can be applied to the appointed course material. For example, the followers of Christ have always championed Christianity in our campaigns towards convincing the majority of the people to follow in our footsteps and move to different cities and countries....

Social Construction of Serial Killers

Introduction Serial killing is a homicide category occurring when an offender murders more than three victims unknown to the criminal. It is a product of current social and cultural inclination, which criminologists can use to accentuate motivations (James, 2019). Different social constructions of serial murders are the social structure, social...

Methods of Data Collection: Qualitative Research Methods

Data is an invaluable resource used to explain and validate trends in businesses and social institutions. Data can only be valuable if it is accurate, relevant, and timely. This makes the process of collecting data very critical in research. The data collection method highly depends on the subject or nature...

Responsibilities of Nurses and Principles of Nursing Competence

According to the American Nursing Association, a nurse must promote health, prevent illness, alleviate suffering, and advocate for individuals in her care. There are ten principles of nursing competence: client-centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, leadership, informatics, safety, client education, professionalism, and priority setting. These principles constitute the...

Shakespeare’s Othello and Its Cultural Aspects

Introduction William Shakespeare once again successfully maneuvers between various human emotions, constantly changing the reader’s attitude to what is happening. The play’s structure implies a division into actions and scenes, where each subsequent element of the story may well be contrasting. The work shows and indicates what the people around...

“Celia’s Song” by Lee Maracle: Analysis of Novel

The manner in which the women organized in the face of adversity is highly descriptive of their character. Upon hearing the abominable news about Shelley, Momma was able to keep herself as cold-headed as possible in such a situation. This inspired a similar state of mind in other women: despite...

Exposure to Violent Media and Violence in Real Life

The debate regarding the relationship between the portrayal of violence within media and real-life cases of violent crimes is ongoing and unlikely to reach a definitive conclusion. However, staggering evidence has become more prevalent in recent years to indicate that while individual cases of violent crimes may be influenced by...

United States of America: Population Control Programs

The overpopulation of the planet and the subsequent struggle for survival are among the main fears of civilization over the past centuries. Society has taken the challenge seriously, launching programs for reproductive health and family planning: from promoting barrier-based methods of contraception to regulating abortion and managing migration. The measures...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Protestant and Catholic Views on the Five Solas

The five Solas, or Solae, are elements of the Protestant reformation that promoted the idea of adhering solely to five values. These included following teachings by faith, scripture, grace, Christ, and God alone. Catholic Christians reject the five Solas as they contradict many of their own teachings. This paper will...

Women’s Gender Role Unfairness: “The Yellow Paper” and “Trifles”

Introduction The question of gender roles has been recurrently addressed in numerous works of literature. The presence of different outlooks on the issue allowed numerous contemporary and past authors to approach gender roles from numerous perspectives. The current research paper takes Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Paper and Susan Glaspell’s...

Using a Pico(T) Framework and Evidence to Develop Care Practices

Introduction A PICOT design is an excellent technique to outline research questions that look at therapy outcomes. The (P)-population is a sample of participants for a study that a researcher is looking for, including patients. It may be required to strike a delicate balance between defining a sample that is...

Aspects of Career Development: Personal Branding and Networking

Introduction Building a successful career in 2021 seems to be harder than climbing Everest. Management science has evolved over the years and now spans a variety of sectors, including communication, marketing, psychology, sociology, and many others. Such concepts as personal branding and networking become more important to every professional trying...

Edwin Arlington’s “Richard Cory” Poem Analysis

Introduction The author skillfully springs a surprise on his unsuspecting audience when Richard Cory violently ends his life. The ironic contrast created highlights certain facts about life. For instance, it is virtually impossible to identify events happening within a person by looking at external features. In addition, the people society...

Criminal Procedure: Arrest to Sentencing

Pre-arrest advice includes encouraging to be forthcoming with all relevant information with the attorney. Being truthful is important as it will enable the lawyer to prepare effectively and not be blindsided by the prosecution. Mr. Steele should not evade arrest because it will unnecessarily prolong the inquiry and trigger the...

Analysis of Using Sound in Media

Introduction Sound remains a mostly undervalued medium in contemporary media despite significant technological breakthroughs which allow for complex manipulation and effects. Sound can be used for communication, cultural expression, and modality of experience. Ubiquitous soundscapes are created through prototypes of speech, music, and atmosphere (Jensen 2010). This report will investigate...

William Goebel – a Martyr of Great Ideas

Populism in the USA As pointed out by Goodwyn, insurgent movements that occur as protests to the existing political system are rarely successful and most often can be recognized as awkward because they tend to resist the entire system that makes such movements possible (n.p.). As a result, such movements...

Free State College and Right for Higher Education

Introduction Almost all countries in the developed world and an increasingly higher number of other nations in the developing world offer students access to free education at both the primary and secondary levels. This kind of education system is generally acceptable and as such, it does not attract a lot...

National Environmental Policy Act in the US

Executive Summary The 20th century has seen a significant number of industrial disasters, which significantly contributed to the deterioration of the natural environment. The globalization of trade and commercial operations increased the level of pollution at both international and domestic levels. According to the statistical data, the presence of carbon...

Three-Strikes Law for Preventing Violent Crimes

Introduction: The Three-Strikes Law and the Controversy around It Despite numerous attempts to address the issue of violent crimes, the current statistics indicate that the subject matter remains a significant problem that needs to be addressed accordingly. According to recent statistics, 1,163,146 attempted violent crimes were committed in 2013 (Federal...

Systems Theory in Nursing Department

The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the Nursing Department of the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn (NDS) from the perspective of the systems theory. The understanding of systems is essential for healthcare professionals because the analysis of varied events, phenomena, and institutions...

Immigration Enforcement in the US

Immigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in severity and complexity over the past several years. With the advent of new technologies, criminals obtain more possibilities to arrange and expand their illegal activity. The key task of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the country and its citizens...

St. Anthony Medical Center Marketing Strategy

Introduction It is evident that the healthcare industry is changing, and the factors impact the decisions regarding service lines of labor and delivery (L&D) centers as well. Marketing is crucial in this competitive niche, mainly because St. Anthony Medical Center aims to build a relationship with clients, who choose their...

Anthem Company: Training Needs Assessment Plan

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of the purpose statement for Anthem Inc. that is related to a training needs assessment. The paper describes the insurance industry in the United States with the focus on the aspect of competition, the company’s mission and vision, and the specific organizational structure and...

Information Sharing in Supply Chain Management

Strategic sharing of information may be highly beneficial in a variety of business situations. Information sharing often happens in a supply chain when a retailer chooses to share information with a manufacturer, or alternatively, the retailer may choose to share the same information with a competing manufacturer if it benefits...

Implementation of Cycled Lighting in Intensive Care Units

The Strength of Presented Evidence The articles analyzed in the previous paper examined the influence of cycled lighting on the health outcomes of patients’ treatment in intensive care units (ICUs). Hospital conditions, especially in ICUs, could impact patients’ recovery due to experienced sleep disturbance and disrupted circadian rhythm. Changing lighting...

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Healthcare

Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that defines the way objects (things) can be connected to the Internet, which provides them with the capability to transmit information (data) (Federal Trade Commission [FTC], 2015). FTC (2015) reports that by 2020, around 50 billion things are expected to become...

The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center

Introduction The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center serves the diverse population of Miami, FL, which predominantly includes Hispanic, White American, African American, and Haitian clients. Patients with depression constitute a large part of the population that the Center serves, but the Center’s health providers have been reporting issues in...

Multicultural Psychology and Biopsychosocial Model

How Do You Define Culture? Culture is a very complex concept, which incorporates multiple elements that can be of importance to its comprehension. From my perspective, culture refers to the products of the intellectual activity of human society (the individual or collective activities of humans) that may have tangible and...

St. Anthony’s Medical Personnel: Internal Marketing

One of the critical approaches to implementing a new marketing strategy is presenting it to the stakeholders – employees and patients. It is also crucial to address any concerns or different perspectives that they may have regarding the new offerings because it may help improve it and ensure the participation...

The Essence of “All Politics Is Local” Phrase

Background Over the years, the American government attempts to recover from the great recession through intensifying economic activities and the development index. However, the initiative faces the challenge due to the compromise to the societal growth that involves the eradication of key issues. An excellent example is the allocation of...

Succession Plan for Business: Why Is It Important?

Succession Plan Every entrepreneur wishes to succeed in a business and they work hard after investing their capital. However, starting a business and thriving in it isis one of the major challenges that people face. Many start a business but within a short period, they are not able to proceed...

Family and Personal Development in Literature

Everybody belongs to a family, and regardless of whether these are blood ties or not, they are crucial in shaping an individual’s life. The main characters in the texts go through challenging experiences but overcome them with the help of their loved ones. Houran’s mother leaves his father, Rashid, for...

Roman, Mongolian, and Ottoman Empires’ History

Since the Ancient Mesopotamia period, several civilizations have emerged and grown their desires to conquer vast lands and spheres of power. There were more than 190 ancient empires with clearly demarcated borders (Wings, 2019). These empires existed in different periods in history and were dissimilar in many aspects, but one...

The Advanced Practice Nursing: Main Roles

Introduction The medical field provides clear and concise career paths for nurses that wish to aspire to become better at their jobs by acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to help people in the most complicated of health nurses. The next step from being an RN to becoming an APN involves...

“Good to Great – Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t” by Jim Collins

Introduction In the book Good to great: Why some companies make the leap… and others don’t, the author Jim Collins critically analyses the factors that help establishments make the transition from average business institutions to profitability giants. Collins analysed the total stock returns of business enterprises listed in the Fortune...

Most Prisoners Can Not Return to Normal Life After Being Outside of Society

Criminal statistics worldwide indicate a concerning rate of repeated imprisonment, especially among those offenders who were released within a year before new arrest. There is an opinion that a number of physiological factors influence the propensity for illegal activity for ex-prisoners. Additionally, the social environment usually promotes consistent negative emotions...

Thua Thien Hue Province’s Culture & Infrastructure

Introduction Thua Thien Hue is one of the five provinces in the Pacific Ocean that borders Quang Tri, Da Nang, Quang Nam, and Laos it is located on the central coast of Vietnam, and Hue City is its capital. The city is 660 kilometers from Hanoi and 1080 kilometers from...

John Locke’s “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding”

Philosophy has always been one of the most important and fascinating aspects of human life. Its significance is due to the fact that it develops meanings and values. Moreover, philosophy thus makes the life of individuals complete. The study and evaluation of various philosophical concepts are necessary for a better...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tobacco Smoking Problem in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The issue of tobacco use has been an important health concern for decades. At present, it is a disturbing problem related to both youth and adults. Together with governmental interventions, communities pay attention to this issue because a tobacco- and smoke-free surrounding is crucial for the health and well-being...

Healthcare Clinic: Cost and Benefit Analysis

Introduction Purchasing new equipment can provide an opportunity for increased profit margins and additional revenue. However, various components have to be considered in the process, including the prices for the installation, operating costs, salaries, and others that help determine whether the investment would provide an anticipated result. This paper aims...

Anthem Blue Cross: Healthcare Provider

Introduction Anthem Blue Cross (ABC) is a healthcare provider operating in many fields. The establishment can further improve its economic and community value by providing free of charge screenings for individuals. These procedures are aimed at detecting diseases, usually, before any distinct symptoms appear. Their particular feature is a lack...

Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Firm Analysis

About the Company Eli Lilly and Company is an American drug firm whose head office is situated in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A (Drugs.com, 2016). Other branches of the company are found in Puerto Rico and 17 other countries. The company sells its commodities to about 125 countries. Eli Lilly and Company...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Finance

The modern business world can be characterized by a considerable focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies cannot simply make money as they are expected to contribute to the development of the society (Postrel, 2017). Moreover, paying money is already insufficient as corporate citizens are encouraged to invest their “time,...

Healthcare Informatics: Infrastructure Evaluation

Public hospitals infrastructure is the base that supports the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health activities and practices. The main elements of public hospitals infrastructure are security and building management systems, medical and administrative staff, departments, an operating theatre, facilities management, and data and information system. A building management system...

Suicide Rates Reduction Policy in Arizona

Rationale and Purpose Suicide is a major public health problem; in 2016, suicide became the cause of 1310 deaths in Arizona (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System [AHCCS], 2018, p. 1). However, the legislation related to the reduction of suicide rates in Arizona is limited. Suicide prevention policies at schools...

Patient Education Plan for Bacterial Vaginosis

  Chlamydia Trachomatis(male) Bacterial vaginosis(female) Medications Azithromycin – is taken orally, usually 1 g in a single dose.Doxycycline is another pill that is taken orally. A patient is prescribed to take 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 weeks (“Understanding chlamydia — the basics,” n.d.)Erythromycin is taken orally. The...

Hispanic Population’s Health at Miami-Dade County

My county is Miami-Dade that ranks 23 out of 67 counties in the state of Florida. 67.3 percent of the population is Hispanic and encounters several chronic diseases, among which obesity may be noted as one of the most critical health problems. The recent report shows that 35.8 percent of...

Evolution of Female Sexuality

Throughout history, views and scientific theories regarding female sexuality have been changeable and controversial. In her article, Carol Groneman examines the history of the phenomenon of nymphomania and the major changes in its perception by society, as well as its diagnosis and treatment by contemporary doctors. The author argues that...

Power and Race Symbolism in Coetzee’s “Disgrace”

Symbolism is a unique literary device that conveys depth within a story. It is difficult to implement as readers should be aware of the author’s meaning behind a symbol. The most memorable symbolism in literature could interweave the plot with the thematic elements, generating complex ideas that cannot be easily...

Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation

Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation Physical changes associated with aging include loss of muscle tissue and an increase in body fat, dehydration, and alteration of metabolism and absorption of particular nutrients. As older adults struggle to manage their aging process and stay healthy, economically vulnerable seniors...

Abortion in Marquis’, Bentham’s, Biblical Theories

Abortion is a significant ethical issue which had been widely debated for the last couple of decades. Some people believe that abortion is impermissible under any circumstances, even if the child is ill or if it was conceived as a result of rape. Some, on the other hand, argue that,...

Depression and Its Treatment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities

Introduction Depression, or depressive disorder, is one of the wide-spread mental disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017), more than 300 million people all over the world, or 4.4% of the population are diagnosed with depression. The prevalence of depression depends on some factors. For example, unemployment, poverty,...

Fifth Wave of Technology

Technology can be regarded as one of the major forces contributing to the evolvement of business. When it comes to computing, five major waves have been identified. The first four waves include the introduction of computers in the 1960s, the development of small computers in the 1970s, the creation of...

Legislative Change: Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment

Strategies for Legislative Change The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was presented during the presidency of Obama to provide more opportunities in healthcare coverage and reduce the number of uninsured people in the country. While major achievements are already evident in the medical sphere, there are many points to...

Miami-Dade County’s Community Health and Threats

Communicable Disease Three examples of organisms that can be used in bioterrorist attacks to create epidemics are smallpox, anthrax, and botulism. Today, smallpox is considered eradicated (“The threat,” 2016); only two laboratories in the world have the smallpox virus for research purposes. However, the concern persists that smallpox can be...

The Elderly Population: Preventative Measures

The elderly population includes individuals aged sixty and older. With the decline in fertility, this population segment increases, which leads to the boosting ratio of dependency, an issue called the demographic burden by the World Health Organization (2018). Because of this burden, it becomes essential for healthcare providers to implement...

The Florida’s Physician Assistants Legislation

The ultimate objective of every healthcare system is to deliver high-quality medical care to all patients. State and local health departments identify and implement adequate policies and legislation to improve the quality services available to different citizens. The paper below begins with summarizing the Florida’s Physician Assistants legislation of 2016....

American and Spanish Healthcare Costs and Statistics

Introduction The health care system is one of the main indicators of a country’s level of development (Thoumi, A., Drobnick, E., & McClellan, 2015). According to the statistics provided by the WHO, the USA’s health care system is not even among the twenty most developed ones in the world, whereas...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Certeau’s and Schwartz’s Works: Genre Comparison

Introduction Michel de Certeau’s Walking in the City and Delmore Schwartz’s Far Rockaway represent two different literature genres. The former is a short story, and the latter belongs to poems. Even though they do have some similarities that will be discussed in this paper, these genres reach out to the...

Acute and Chronic Bronchial Asthma Comparison

Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by attacks of breathlessness caused by failures in the bronchial patency. Asthma may be of an acute or a chronic character, and the major distinction between these two types of disease is the severity and longitude of an aggravated condition. It is commonly considered...

Nursing Development During Education and Practice

Nowadays, many factors drive healthcare improvements at different levels. It is not enough to promote change in nursing education. Nurses, as well as other medical staff, should be aware of how to solve current problems, accept and support innovations, and deal with sustainable and unsustainable costs and disparities (Salmond &...

Emaar Properties Company’s Investment in Kazakhstan

The entry strategy chosen for Emaar is FDI or foreign direct investment. This strategy was selected due to the specific economic state of Kazakhstan, which will supposedly soon enjoy steady economic growth but remain to be a developing country. For Emaar, a company that is present in more than 30...

Global Sense: Female Leadership and Gender Equity

Summary of the Main Issues The case “Global Sense” outlines a unique predicament that continues to affect many working environments. The absence of women in managerial and senior positions is something evident in many companies across the globe. Although statistics indicate that more women are currently occupying different positions in...

Aspects of the Law of Contracts

The law of contracts holds that a contract is a legally binding agreement. The agreement entails rights and responsibilities which are legally enforceable, and for it to exist, certain elements must be present. Sometimes, there are disagreements between parties on whether a contract was formed or not as was the...

Door to Balloon Time Reduction: Budgeting Plan

Discussions with the clinical site mentor about the actual performance of an organization have shown that primary angioplasty is much more effective in comparison with thrombolytic therapy when it comes to evaluating STEMI. It was also concluded that short door to balloon times dramatically improve the outcomes of primary angioplasty...

Childhood Vaccination Policy in Florida

The chosen policy issue is childhood vaccination. In Florida, parents can exempt their children from vaccinations due to religious reasons, which leads to a low rate of vaccinations. As a result, only 38 of Florida’s 67 counties have kindergarten vaccination rates above 95% (Florida Department of Health, 2017). Vaccination rate...

Literary Criticism of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction During his lifetime and after his death, William Faulkner was widely discussed both by the public and scholars. The latter’s contributions to the reception of this author were primarily connected to the discussion of the characters in his novels and stories, and, in the case of “A Rose for...

The US Healthcare Delivery System and Role of Nurses

The health care delivery system in the U.S. has undergone significant changes within the past decades to meet the ever-growing demand for medical care. Economic, social, and cultural factors, along with emerging technologies, influence patient care services. As primary care providers, nurses are affected by the transformation and expected to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Research Critiques and PICOT Question

Patients in assisted living facilities are vulnerable to healthcare-related infections (HAIs). The transmission of the diseases results in a poor quality of life for patients. As a result, the problem causes an increasing trend of hospitalization. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are a common infection in nursing care homes. Hence...

Types of Portfolios and Models of Teaching

Special Challenges Associated With Effective Communication Using Grades Educators encounter unique challenges with standardized grading systems in practice. Notably, teachers often find it difficult to understand and apply current guidelines for using standardized grading systems effectively. They have to provide an accurate and fair reflection of the learner’s current level...

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program in Reflections

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) offers a comprehensive overview of the essentials of Doctoral Education for nurses. In particular, the Essential VIII, which is termed “Advanced Nursing Practice,” states that a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program needs to develop the following competencies in its...

Nursing Education: Quality, Safety and Systems Thinking

How would you prioritize the competencies in Hunt’s (2012) article? In her article, Hunt (2012) discusses the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. She emphasizes that those nurses who are taught these six competencies can improve care delivered to clients and improve their health outcomes in this way....

Storyteller in Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”

Poe’s short story “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” presents an example of a classic detective tale with an extraordinary detective and his faithful companion. It is possible that this story was a predecessor of the genre’s development, incorporating numerous signs of detective fiction that were and are still used...

Miami Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Action Plan

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that population-based communicable illnesses cause significant adverse effects on both state and local levels. Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS are among the most widespread epidemiological ailments in the United States. However, numerous initiatives aim to decrease STD and HIV incidence, most notably Healthy People...

Public Health Threat: Zika Virus

Introduction Zika virus is a relatively new disease in the United States. That is why it should be studied and people should be informed of its symptoms, potential complications, and recommended preventive measures. The motivation for choosing Zika as the subject of the public health paper is the fact that...

Transgender Patients and Challenges in Health Care

Recently, the society has been more accepting of different ethnicities, world views, religions, and genders. According to Roussy’s (2016) report for CBC News, it is estimated that there are currently twenty-five million transgender people around the world; however, many of them are denied their main human rights such as equal...

The “Hero” Film: Shot-by-Shot Analysis

The plot of the film “Hero” (2002) by Zhang Yimou unfolds the historical events that took place in the 3rd century B.C., a time before China became a unified nation. The main character, a lone warrior, known as Nameless (Jet Li), was summoned to visit the King of Qin (Chen...

AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis in Miami Community

Introduction The Healthy People.2020 initiative continues the tradition started by a similar program introduced on December 2, 2010. It features a 10-year agenda aimed at improving the state of the nation’s health on both local and countrywide levels. The main purposes of the program are to encourage collaboration across sectors...