Delegation: An Art of Professional Practice

Introduction Today, more than ever before, it is evident that the capability to delegate tasks to others is increasingly becoming a fundamental competency for nursing professionals in various practice settings. Owing to the convergence of factors such as the proliferation of sicker and older patients, shortage of registered nurses (RNs)...

Brexit and the Car Industry Issues

Introduction In the recent past year, the UK announced its intention to exit the European Union (EU). Membership to the EU enabled the UK to enjoy several benefits, including the benefits of barrier-free trade. Therefore, its exit from the organization is definite to have an impact on the UK’s economy....

The Glass Ceiling Concept

The ‘glass ceiling’ is a term applied to explain an invisible barrier hindering a particular demographic group from advancing beyond a given hierarchy level. It prevents minorities and women from attaining high positions in organizations. The pervasive resistance frustrates efforts made by individuals from these groups, making it difficult for...

Analysis of Russian Judicial System

Introduction Every country has its own law administration arm for overseeing the fair use of the laws of the land by its citizens. The laws govern among other things, the people’s co-existence, property ownership and life at large, including wildlife (Dammer & Albanese, 2013). In the pursuit of effectiveness, application...

Prisons in the United States Analysis

Introduction The whole aspect of medical facilities in prisons is a very complex issue that needs to be evaluated and looked at critically for sustainability. This therefore brings us to the issue of whether prisons in the US should continue to have their own medical facilities or be charged fees...

Thermodynamic Process Fundamentals

Introduction A thermodynamic process is defined by thermal heat transfer between bodies according to the principles of physics. Thermodynamic processes initiate energy changes and transfer within systems. The basic elements of thermodynamic processes include internal temperature changes, volume changes, and pressure variations. Thermodynamic processes fall into specific categories. In an...

Nursing Ratios and Legislative Regulation in Healthcare

Introduction Continuing changes witnessed in healthcare has occasioned an increased awareness particularly on the quality of care in the hospitals offering acute care services. The rising demand for quality care from the patients has ushered in a paradigm shift in the management of nursing staff in the hospitals. While it...

Communication: Self-Evaluation Commentary

Communication is a powerful tool that can be used to present oneself and achieve various goals. Any job requires some extent of written and oral communication, which is critical to interact with managers, colleagues, and clients, properly translate the ideas and understand others. This self-evaluation paper focuses on two assignments...

The Sphere of Information Technology

Abstract Information technology (IT) refers to the use of computers and software in managing information. It’s also referred to as management information services abbreviated as MIS. The information technology department of a multinational firm would have the responsibility of “storing information, processing the information, protecting information, relaying the information as...

Contemporary Taxation Issue: Green Tax System

Introduction The evolution of a green economy (GE) has become the main concern for many countries. It requires significant law reforms at the local, regional, and global levels to assist in realising the fiscal opportunities, emerging from a change to less polluting methods of manufacturing and consumption, including fresh employment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Laboring Client and Postpartum Hemorrhage: Case Study

Gestational age is a significant measurement during pregnancy with the help of which it is possible to track and control the changes of a mother and a fetus. The normal gestational age for giving birth is between 37 and 42 weeks. When a patient is at her 42 weeks, the...

Market Expansion Investigation

Country Analysis The proposal suggests launching the product of Company A, dog food, in Poland in Central Europe. Its location defines the country’s dynamic development and allows for access to the European Union market (“Doing business,” 2019). In addition to economic growth since joining the EU in 2004 and readjusting...

Book Reviews by Krause, Samovar and Porter

Overview This paper consists of two reviews, one of a keynote speech and one of a chapter in a book. The keynote speech is on the issue of the challenges facing the policy and practice towards first-year students in research-led universities. The book chapter is on the topic of world...

Historical Depiction in the “Helen of Troy” Movie

This review is based on the film “Helen of Troy,” which revolves around the Greek mythology of the Trojan War. Helen is described as the prettiest woman in Greece, making her the dream girl of every man in the country and the indirect cause of conflict between the cities of...

Concepts of Insanity Defense & Plea Bargaining

Introduction Providing a quick and reasonable trial is an individual right that all judicial systems must ensure they achieve in whatever circumstances. Although many judicial systems struggle to achieve this, many cases handled by their courts have been great impediments in achieving this; hence, the application of plea-bargaining as a...

The Theme of Destiny in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

It is challenging to understand unique characteristics and shape self-identity when actions are dictated to people and there is no basic freedom. Never Let Me Go is a story about a world where humans are cloned then told to donate organs when they become adults. The main character of the...

Safety Professional Working In an Australian Context

The government exercises control over all areas of society, including this, which is relevant for workers’ occupational safety. An extensive reporting system of statistics on occupational injuries provided by organizations is used to supervise and enact the applicable regulations. Burke (2019) notes that focusing on occupational safety provides significant economic...

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator in Healthcare

Introduction Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a term in the medical field that refers to the emergency process involving a combination of chest comprehensions using artificial ventilation. The purpose of CPR is to preserve intact brain operation manually before other steps are taken to restore the normal breathing and circulation of...

The Controversial Figure of Herod the Great

Herod the Great was one of the most well-known rulers in the history of the Jewish state he has been praised for the creation of notable building projects, such as the Jerusalem temple, the extension of the Temple Mount, the erection of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and...

Frailty and Elders: Vaillant’s and Gillick’s Examples

Introduction Frailty is considered to be one of the most serious and problematic issues the elderly have to face one day. It is hard to overcome the consequences, and it is usually impossible to understand and get ready for frailty. This condition of vulnerability and inabilities to get control over...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The New Jersey Diabetes Prevention and Control Program

Introduction Obesity among children in America has increasingly become a major public health concern. According to the America Obesity Association, approximately 15 percent of children between the ages 6 – 11 years and adolescents aged between 12 – 19 years are obese. The problem of obesity in children did not...

Difference between Folic Acid or Folate

Introduction Folate is a naturally occurring vitamin that is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Folate, a water-soluble vitamin is converted to various active forms in the body. Folate is a general name used to refer to folic acid or folacin. Folate is a core vitamin that is...

Patients’ Safety in the United States

Introduction People make errors that result in accidents, adverse health outcomes, and mortality. For a long time, the healthcare system has been organized in a manner that errors in the health organizations are blamed on the individuals (Marx, 2001). As a result, a healthcare practitioner is held accountable and punished...

“Beyond Blurred Lines: Rape Culture in Popular Media”: Book Overview

The role of popular media in shaping our behaviors and whether it directly contributes to violence elicits a strong debate from various quarters of society. In her book, Beyond Blurred Lines: Rape Culture in Popular Media, Nickie D. Phillips discusses how the idea of rape culture has permeated people’s collective...

Stem Cells Research for the Cure of Cerebral Palsy

Introduction Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive condition that results from brain damage to the fetus during embryological development or immediately after birth (Carroll and Robert 468). Due to its early onset in a person’s life, the condition is diagnosed in infancy and early childhood. Clinical features of the condition are...

Electron Microscopy in Pathology

Introduction Electron microscopy has become established as a useful diagnostic tool in pathology. Diagnostic electron microscopy entails the utilization of electron microscopy and its associated methods in all of their ramifications for the study of human disease as well as animal disease (Zond & Cosmi 2001). Modern advances in imaging...

Jerome Miller’s Reforms

The name of Jerome Miller is now being strongly associated with the reform within Massachusetts’ juvenile judiciary system, which had taken place while Miller acted as the President of the National Centre on Institutions and Alternatives. The actual essence of this reform is being defined in the article “Myths about...

The Capital Structure Decision and the Cost of Capital

Introduction Firms aim at portraying a positive image through optimization of its capital structure which can be based on equity and debt proportions or total liabilities. The capital structure is crucial in enabling a firm to maximize its market value in totality. It stipulates the dividend policy which means that...

Troy vs. Family Conflict in “Fences” Short Story by August Wilson

Introduction In any normal setting, family and society conflicts are inevitable, whereby people misunderstand one another. People have different perspectives on how they view different life instances. Notably, what seems to be correct to one might be wrong to another, leading to a conflict. In playwriting, developing a conflict is...

Nursing: Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Introduction The interviewee, in this case, was the Director of Nursing in an independently licensed free-standing ambulatory surgery center (ASC). The organization has 25 employees including full-time, part-time, and casual workers. The ASC performs a variety of same-day surgeries including but not limited to orthopedic/sports medicine, ENT, ophthalmology, GI, breast...

Literary Devices in John Updike’s “A&P” Story

Aguiar, Christian. Living class in John Updike’s “A&P”. The Explicator, vol.78, no. 2, 2020, pp. 58-61.  Some analyses identify the specific variation of the short story interpretation referred to as the “living class” concept of Beverly Skeggs. It is known as a classism perception in A&P Story, another metaphoric tool...

Concept of Digital Piracy Overview

The rapid increase in the popularity of technology and the Internet over the past few decades has translated into a surge in the number of people consuming online content. Whether it is from a computer, tablet, smart TV, or mobile phone, the consumption of digital material is on the rise....

Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC: Health Organization Case Study

Introduction Vanguard Healthcare is a United States non-profit medical organization that operates in four states. It was established in 1997 with a view of offering superior medical services in Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas. The facility offers diverse health care products and services such as behavioral health, critical, cancer, emergency,...

Concepts of Medical Uses of Electromagnetic Radiation

Introduction Primarily electromagnetic radiation implies a wave propagating itself from an electromagnetic source. As the wave propagates, it does so under the influence of matter and energy. This wave carries a significant amount of energy and matter, which it transfers to the object it may encounter during the process of...

Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Economic Development

Introduction Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) is a concept that has gained momentum over the recent past. Several countries in the world have implemented the provisions of the concept in their quest to attain the much-desired economic development. The concept implies encouragement of foreign investments in countries, which need economic...

The Type of the Acid-Base Disturbance

Introduction Acid–base disturbances or imbalances can be discussed as a result of a change in value of the pH or the hydrogen ion concentration. In a restaurant, Mr. Davis feel tired and then passed out while demonstrating the signs of the acid-base disturbance. The man’s weakness was associated with sweating...

Theories in Epidemiology. Stress and Heart Disease

Introduction Experts have long puzzled over the fact that many victims of heart attacks do not have risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Arguments have thus been made about the important role played by not only physiological but also behavioral factors. In the last three decades,...

Physical Restraints For Older Patients

The study is aimed at investigating how nursing staff’s personal, communal and alternative methods of handling patients in circumstances maps where Physical restraints were used to control movement of older patients (Burns & Grove, 2009, p.23). Research Study Participant Brochure Nursing Research is very important to the fields of medicine...

Summary of “The Paradoxes of Time Travel” by Lewis

Time travel is a fascinating fantasy idea that has a logical justification in addition to its obviously entertaining function. In particular, such travel is inextricably associated with the endless paradoxes generated whenever the traveler decides to move into the past or the future. This raises legitimate questions about whether the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Google Company’s Effective Marketing Strategies

Google is one of the most well-known technology companies in the world. The span of Google’s services encompasses a variety of Internet-related services, including a search engine, online advertising technologies, software, and hardware. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded the company in 1998 (O’Connell). As of 2020, Sundar Pichai is...

Comparison Between Emphysema and Bronchitis

Pathophysiology Emphysema and bronchitis are lung conditions that constitute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Airway obstruction is the primary indication in both illnesses. Consequently, emphysema and bronchitis affect normal breathing, in addition to causing other pulmonary complications (Kim & Criner, 2013). According to Hassan and Abo-Elhamd (2014), clinicians often find...

Heart Disease: Types, Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Heart disease is also referred to as cardiopathy, a condition that affects the heart. The awareness of the disease has been raised because it is among the leading causes of death especially in Canada, the United States, England, and Wales. Heart disease is of various types but with related...

Analysis of Anti-Money Laundering Strategies

Money-laundering has been a significant problem for Canada because such a practice enables and facilitates many criminal activities such as drug trade, fraud or even global terrorism. It should be noted that many financial institutions of the country are engaged in the transactions that enable criminal organizations to conceal their...

Paul CĂ©zanne’s “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses”

“Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses” It is primarily important to mention that looking at different art creations is a chance for every individual to develop themselves, look at the world from the perspective of the creator, and enrich their knowledge. I believe that every person has...

Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College Students

Introduction Traditionally, sexual relationships were respected and promiscuity was heavily penalized in a bid to ensure that people engaged in sexual intercourse at the right time and in an acceptable setting (marriage). However, many young people have resulted to alternative sexual tendencies that at times put them at risk of...

Two Key Theories in Public Health and Epidemiology

Abstract Medical practitioners use different theories are used to monitor various health practices. Nurses should use effective theories in order deal with every health problem. This essay describes two theories in public health practice. One of these theories is called the Health Belief Model. The second model called Community Organization...

Cervical Cancer: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Abstract Nursing is one of the few careers that are not only based on the passion to save lives but also on a calling to serve humanity. Therefore, nurses are very important in our lives as humans. Therefore, Evidence-based Practice (EBP) means the exploration and use of the best available...

Student Loan Debt Issue in the USA

America has been affected by student loan debt which varies over 43million. The issue has prompted legislative action in the federal loan program for the first time making it difficult for others to apply. Therefore it is proved that Americans owe a total of 1.75trillion in private and federal loan...

Argument Analysis of Ben-Ghiat’s Article

Professor Ben-Ghiat’s article “Women should have to register for the draft” argues that when the women in the United States turn eighteen years old, they should be allowed to register for the Selective Service (SS). The primary argument is that society has fully embraced gender equality so women should also...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“To Sell Is Human”: Modern Economy and Life in General

Non-sales selling sounds like an oxymoron; however, for the modern world, this approach is basic. In the classic view, sales are about persuading a customer to purchase a product in exchange for material values. In the book To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, Daniel Pink emphasizes...

Day of Compassion as a Social and Educational Engine

Introduction The world of the 21st century has become one of the most vivid definitions of the “cognitive dissonance” notion. While people have been struggling in a society replete with wars and innumerable flaws, the last decades have also symbolized an explicit discussion of equality and universal respect to an...

Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food

Background Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily due to human activities. The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States. They are projected to intensify in the future, but the severity of future impacts...

Representing Democracy: Reference to American Constitution

American constitution allows states to elect two individuals to represent them in the senate. In line with this, the state of Florida has nominated Marco Rubio and Rick Scott to serve as senior and junior senators respectively. The two are mandated with championing the interests of their constituents. Aside from...

World History: Women in Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece is one of the most well-known civilizations in human history. It is famous for its social and political development as well as scientific research and progressive approach to life. Even though generally, women in Ancient Greece had fewer rights than men, in some cases, seeds of equality and...

Dignity Health – A Non-Profit Health Care System: Case Study

Introduction Dignity Health is a non-profit health care system that operates a network of hospitals and other health care-related facilities in Arizona, California, and Nevada. The headquarters of the health care organization is located in San Francisco, California. Dignity Health was founded in 1986, and today the organization provides such...

European Debt Crisis During 2011

Introduction The ongoing European debt crisis has been recorded as the worst to have hit the continent ever since the euro was adopted as a common currency more than 12 years ago. The devastating aftermath has already seen such countries as Greece, Portugal as well as Ireland being put on...

Hotel Industry in Sydney, Australia: Factors Influencing Supply and Demand

Prices of Related Goods Prices on the goods related to any given industry are a factor that influences supply and demand in it. This observation includes the hotel industry as well, and the prices on related goods obviously impact the hospitality industry in Sidney, Australia. In general, the prices of...

Public Policy Meeting: “VA Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Background and the Purpose The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is at the forefront of innovations concerning telehealth to ensure every veteran has access to healthcare from wherever they are. Services of telehealth are changing the way veterans can receive quality healthcare which VA provides. VA, through its...

Explication of “Diving Into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich

This poem dramatizes the conflict between the fight for women’s empowerment and rights. Rich’s oeuvre is characterized by the extended metaphor at the heart of this poem. She speaks about the struggle for women’s empowerment by using the image of a woman training for a deep-sea scuba dive and discovering...

Shakespeare’s Othello Movie Adaptation Overview and Social Relevance

Introduction Theatrical and cinematic adaptations of classic plays may differ from writers’ vision and intentions. Oliver Parker’s movie based on Shakespeare’s Othello is an example of what happens when a classical literary work is altered to fit into mainstream cinema’s characteristics. Parts of the play beloved by Shakespeare’s readers were...

The New Cancer Cure

Introduction Cancer is one of the leading killer diseases in the world and there aren’t any 100 percent effective treatments for it, as a result it has troubled many scientists who have been working towards finding a cure for it. Cancer is caused by cells that grow out of control...

“Pediatric Nurse Practitioners’ Attitudes, Beliefs…” by Collins

Selected Articles Collins, C. A. (2020). Pediatric nurse practitioners’ attitudes/beliefs and knowledge/perceived competence in caring for transgender and gender‐nonconforming youth. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 1-7. Web. Lindsay, S., Kolne, K., & Rezai, M. (2020). Challenges with providing gender-sensitive care: Exploring experiences within pediatric rehabilitation hospital. Disability and Rehabilitation,...

Delhaize America: Data Recovery Plan

Introduction In every organization, data recovery plan plays a pivotal role in ensuring maximum security of important data. In many cases, several companies have found themselves in problems of losing some of important data through various forms of disasters. It is advisable for every organization to have an effective method...

Tuberculosis: Desciption and Role of Nursing

Tuberculosis A large part of the world’s population is reported to be infected with tuberculosis annually. According to Dyer (2010), over 13 million cases of chronic tuberculosis were reported globally in the year 2007, and in 2012 over 8.5 million cases were reported. This implies that tuberculosis is a disease...

Should Patients Have Access to Truthful Information?

Introduction Nurses undergo years of training to become certified nurses, yet ethical dilemmas are still becoming more complex than solving common issues. Ethical dilemmas occur when choices need to be made, but the options are not ideal, and the answers are not precise. These ethical dilemmas could undermine the quality...

Confrontation Clause Protecting Rights of Accused

One of the fundamental components of the Bill of Rights included in the Sixth Amendment is the confrontation clause that illustrates the rights to be applied in all criminal prosecutions. The accused, prosecutor, and witnesses need to act and be treated fairly based on the constitutional stipulations. The confrontation clause...

Communication Technology Overview

Communication technology has evolved to become a critical part of human life today. By creating new and innovative modes of communication, people can talk over long distances. Such connections have played an important role in developing the world, with a majority of human beings benefiting from them. Communication technology revolutionized...

Computerized Clinical Documentation System

Tele-home nursing seems to be beneficial for those patients who do not have an opportunity to get to the hospital, but I, for one, would not consider a tele-home health nurse as my future career. Though the technology use has become extremely beneficial for nursing lately and offered numerous alternative...

Computer-Based Communication Technologies

Executive Summary Communication utilising the computer technology has been in use for several years with private individuals taking advantage of it. People who want to remain in touch with their families and friends use it in what is called social network outfits such as Facebook, MySpace, and Friendster. Other forms...

Plunkitt’s Approach to Politics

Tammany Hall, a New York City political organization operating in the early twentieth century, was a powerful machine that included most prominent Democrats. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. The series of talks were written...

Specific Patterns and the Concept of Time

Introduction It is hard to disagree that all people tend to make plans for the future and have specific aspirations and ideas concerning their lives. One, either consciously or subconsciously, evaluates his or her past, social and family background and current status, education, and many other factors in order to...

“A Class Divided” Film on Discrimination

Introduction This journal is a reflection on the film “A Class Divided”. The movie describes an experiment performed by Jane Elliot, a grade three teacher concerned by discrimination that existed at the time of Martin Luther King. Through the experiment, Elliot hoped to explore the nature of discrimination. In this...

God Created War so that Americans Would Learn Geography

Mark Twain’s quote “God created war so that Americans would learn Geography” humorously depict the levels of American involvement with other countries at that time. Twain lived during the late 19th century when America was repeatedly involved in different wars, for instance, Red Cloud’s War, Mexican-American War, Great Sioux War,...

Muslim Culture and History in the United States

Introduction Muslim culture is popular and widespread in the modern world. It is mainly so because it is intrinsically connected with Islam that is the second-largest religion internationally. That is why one can suppose that this culture has a rich history and a few distinctive features that make it unique...

Bacteria That Cause Food Toxicity

Introduction Bacterial food toxicity refers to the extent to which bacteria can damage organs of persons who ingest food or fluids contaminated with different species of bacteria that are known to cause toxicity. The concept of bacterial toxicity in food is that the biological effects caused by the microorganisms are...

Positive Aspects of Online Gaming and Their Impact on Children

Background The process of playing video games has always been linked to the hypothesis that recurrent displays of gore and violence have a negative influence on children and their cognitive and learning development. Nevertheless, the number of reviews that support an opposite idea grows on a daily basis, with the...

Hemodynamic Stability via Crystalloid or Colloid Solutions

Introduction A great number of disorders and mortality cases are due to sepsis, an extreme clinical issue following complications of an infection, caused by inflammatory processes. “Bad bloodstream distribution is said to be the essential consequence of this ailment, which causes an incendiary reaction of the whole body. Its main...

The National Education Association’s Activity and Issues

Introduction The presence of a powerful Union is a prerequisite for industrial peace. Decisions made in the collective bargaining process and agreements between employers and workers are usually productive. Trade unions have an important role to play and are beneficial in successful cooperation between workers and management. They offer guidance...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Definition of White-Collar Crime by Sutherland

Sutherland and his contribution Sutherland had an approach to the definition of white-collar crime that was purely rooted in a sociological approach. It is Sutherland that first used the word white-collar crime. He viewed white-collar crime as a form of behavior towards which the attitude of the society is negative...

English Colonization of Virginia and Massachusetts

During the years 1754 – 1765 many, significant changes took place which is important in the history of the British Empire. A vast expansion of the Empire was witnessed by the people during this time. The Empire was made up of various heterogeneous colonies with different economic institutions etc. The...

History of the Indian Ocean Trade

Introduction History is one of the most important factors used in modern society to determine the future and the way some things are taking place in present-day life. Historians keep track of the past in order to understand society better and help predict the future. One of the most historic...

Virtual Colonoscopy to Screen for Colon Cancer

Introduction The issues of virtual colonoscopy vs. conventional colonoscopy are often raised in the contemporary medical literature. In spite of the simplicity and comfort of the former, the latter is still considered simpler and more effective. On the one hand, such evaluation is originated from the conservative approach of the...

Community’s Overall Well-Being: Real-Time Social Issues

The information offered in the Altruism and Bystander Intervention PowerPoint presentation is specific, actionable, goal-referenced, and precise and has an immediate impact on the audience. This PowerPoint is applicable because it addresses real-time social issues that affect the people residing within a society. Notably, everybody is susceptible to various kinds...

The 2022 Winter Olympics as a Part of the Political Debate

Apparently, despite the intensive spread of COVID-19, several countries, especially the United States and European Union (EU), stress the importance of human rights. Actually, the issue regarding the violation of human rights has raised serious debates and discordance of opinions between the West and China. For that reason, few countries...

Mergers and Acquisitions: Time Warner Example

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a corporate strategy that involves combining two or more companies to form one single corporation with an aim of expanding the operations of individual corporations in a certain industry without necessarily creating additional business entity. There is a slight difference between mergers and acquisitions...

Business Torts and Intellectual Property

A tort is a breach of duty owed to another person. The tort suits usually happen from instances of recklessness or bad behavior. The law of tort develops through decided cases that reflect social values, the standard of the community, and the way people deal with each other in the...

Computational Engineering for Automobile Applications

Introduction Processes involving mixing have been associated with chemical-manufacture processes often and have been known to be very instrumental to successes recorded in operating combustion-driven systems. Presently, several computational-fluid-dynamics (CFDs) who are engaged with processing chemicals in industries have to be capable of adopting the usage of simulations for validating...

Don Quixote in Literature of the Western World

Introduction The term Quixotism is used to describe a form of impulsive behavior. The concept is closely related to over-idealism. Persons who exhibit this trait often lose contact with reality. In most cases, they approach romance and life in general from an ‘impractical’ and illogical perspective. As such, they make...

Reflection of the Poem Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Reading poems can always be a daunting way of studying, but can also be fulfilling. I have had a first-hand experience reading Epic of Gilgamesh as part of my classwork. While it was a generally enjoyable experience, I did make certain mistakes during the action. However, I gained some...

Military Leadership: Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom

The research on the topic of leadership management is substantial, filled with primary and secondary sources covering the various aspects of theoretical and practical discussions. However, the literature review on the selected question of transferring military leadership traits into a business requires one to consider several areas of the scholarship...

Managing an Individual’s Health and Diet

Diet analysis shows the quality of nutrition, and is essential in managing an individual’s health. Different types of food are included in regular diets, such as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are energy-giving foods, and are vital in weight control. The recommended daily intake of carbohydrates ranges between 225 and 325g (FoodData Central)....

Cowbell Brewing Company Case Study

Definition of Success Success is the creation of value – economic and social benefits and results to help individuals align with a set of values subscribed by the organization. Corporate success usually comes from a clear plan or strategy for carrying out a mission. But a process is not successful...

Spirituality in Health Care: Healing Hospital Components

Introduction The modern society has recently discovered the kind of uniformity that exists between religion and science. Many scholars have written articles about the mainstream science and how it is entrenched in the religion (Chapman & Hutton, 2008). Many scholars say that scientists fail to come up with ideas of...

Free Will: Responsibility or Predetermination?

People use their free will to make decisions every day: what to eat for breakfast, when to leave home, how much time to spend on social media, and many others. The choice is often quick and subconscious; the current pace of living simply does not leave much time to analyze...

Disability and Health Educational Interventions

Numerous people in the United States have some variety of disability that is associated with difficulties in everyday life. Some issues may be physical, such as blindness, deafness, non-functioning or absent limbs, or other varieties of permanent damage. Others are intellectual, most prominently represented by learning disabilities, which create special...

Killing Animals and Their Rights

Introduction The modern world changes fast, and people evidence multiple processes that have a significant impact on their lives. The rise of science, development of technologies and industries, along with the globalization and digitalization, are the basic features of contemporary societies. However, being involved in multiple significant processes and enjoying...

“My Last Duchess” Poem by Robert Browning

Summary The poem, “My Last Duchess” was written by Robert Browning in 1842. The work can be described as one that’s the prime example of a dramatic monologue in the form of a poem. The dramatic monologue, as a genre is a self-conversation that is presented from a particular character’s...

Acetylcholine Involvement in New Learning Process

Summary Acetylcholine is an acetic acid and choline ester neurotransmitter, which plays a somatic nervous system. This chemical is released into the brain during learning and new memories acquisition, it facilitates NMDA receptors and protein activities involved in connecting brain nerve cells activities. The nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors encode...

Plant Genetic Engineering: Genetic Modification

Genetic engineering is the manipulation of the genes of an organism by completely altering the structure of the organism so as to come up with different characteristics of the same organism. Genetic engineering has been successfully applied in different fields with a lot of success especially in the disciplines of...

The Beauty Pageant Industry From the Liberal and Marxist Feminist Perspectives

Introduction The beauty pageant industry roots back to the 19th century, but the origins of such a practice can be found much earlier. Greek mythology often revolved around women’s beauty, an example of that is the legend about Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, whose fairness was judged by Paris (“Beauty pageant...

Prison System for a Democratic Society

Introduction This report is designed to transform the corrections department to form a system favorable for democracy, seek to address the needs of different groups of offenders and their constraining areas especially women who are often not favored by the Current Prison system. The report should further put into place...

The Hierarchy of the Court System in England and Wales

Introduction The hierarchy of courts describes the arrangement in order of authority and influence in the judicial system. The arrangement determines the decisions that are binding to various classes of courts in the system. Courts that are ranked higher in the hierarchy have the ultimate authority to make decisions that...

Time Management for Nursing Leaders to Consider

Among the variety of principles inhere to the sphere of nursing management, time management plays one of the most important roles. To succeed in time management, it is necessary to consider the following aspects and make sure these aspects are properly identified: Definition of time management is crucial to understand...

Nokia: Communication Strategies

Introduction When mobile communication equipment manufacturers were recording declining sales in the 2000s, Nokia was experiencing some unprecedented growth in its mobile handsets sales. According to a journal article written by Carral and Kajanto (2008), Nokia’s success was as a result of its understanding of the communication industry’s inflection points,...

Nature and Extent of the Duty of the Law Relating to Nervous Shock in Ireland

Introduction Nervous shock is used in the laws of Ireland and England to indicate psychiatric disorders or injuries inflicted onto an individual through neglect or and intentional actions from another person. In most instances, it usually applies to psychiatric illnesses which are triggered after witnessing an incident or accident, such...

Coca-Cola Macroeconomic Factors Analysis

Macroeconomic conditions are concerned with the features within the external environment in which a business operates. These factors include the general economic situations, political, legal, and regulatory factors, technological influences, socioeconomic aspects, and the natural environment. The macroeconomic elements of a firm guide its strategic course and decisions. The paper...

Sexuality in Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie

Introduction The Glass Menagerie was written and premiered by Tennessee Williams in 1944. The play drew the audience’s attention to the author and gained theatrical success (Adler 18-19). The characters of the play, Amanda Wingfield, her son Tom, and her daughter Laura, can be described from different perspectives, but it...

War on Terrorism on USA After 9/11/2001

The way to treat costs incurred in the acquisition of a new plant When the decision and commitment was made to purchase the plant, the company acquired an asset whose the purchase cost will be equivalent to the amount that will be paid; the purchase price should be capitalized as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patient Advocacy: Ethical Decision-Making

The patient presented to the healthcare setting is a twenty-five-year-old woman with signs of physical abuse and concussion. She had several injuries on her face and body, claiming that she had been attacked in the evening by a burglar attempting to steal her purse and phone, and she also fell...

An Experiment in DNA Cloning and Sequencing

Introduction DNA cloning and sequencing is one of the most essential techniques in molecular biology. This involves the insertion of a fragment of DNA into a vector, for example, a plasmid in order to create a new recombinant molecule (Stark, 1987). The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a protein that...

Parallel Programming Analysis

Performance requirements are important to consider when developing a solution. It is unacceptable to have a web service that takes several seconds to reply to a simple request. Therefore, the developer should consider the available methods of improving the performance of their code. Chapter 12 discusses parallel programming, which is...

“Song of the Humming Bird” by Graciela Limon Review

This essay will review the book of Graciela Limon ‘Song of the Hummingbird’, which describes the story of the Aztecs’ fall told from the perspective of a Huitzitzilin, a Hummingbird. The main point of the book is in uncovering the similarities and differences of Christian and pagan culture. Moreover, it...

Career: Interviewing the Professional

Introduction Choosing a career after graduation is one of the most important life choices since this decision can affect not only career prospects and personal well-being but also the general perception of the world. In this regard, the assessment of the desired position should be comprehensive and objective, and as...

Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean

The Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean Mainly, Caribbean ecological resources are basic and natural, including sand, sun, and the sea. Apart from the sun, the resources are subject to damage and depletion, as threats can arise from both within and outside the region. Typically, the magnitude of damage caused...

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram and Claus Oldenburg’s The Store Comparison

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram is a combination of painting and sculpture. The central element of Rauschenberg’s combination is a taxidermied Angora goat with paint on its face placed in the rubber tire. A black ping pong ball is placed behind the goat, meaning that the animal is defecated on the paintings...

“The Starving Boy in Uganda” Photograph by Mike Wells

Introduction In the contemporary world, the problem of famine or starvation is often neglected due to its slight relevance in the First World countries. Nevertheless, food shortage is a serious issue in the African and Middle-East countries, particularly in the trying times of pandemics (Humanitarian Aid). The photograph by Mike...

Five Oceans of the Earth

Introduction In the face of the earth there are five oceans and these include the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. The surface of the earth is for this reason covered by water with up to 71% of its area (Briney)....

Why Capitalism Is Superior to Socialism

The modern world is facing a myriad of cchallenges, including environmental issues, severe economic constraints, as well as global health-related threats. All these concerns fuel the discussion of the relevance and effectiveness of the economic agendas countries choose. The debate that involves comparing capitalism and socialism seems relevant these days....

Medicine and Public Health, Ethics and Human Rights

Introduction Nowadays one can observe the tense connection between public health, medicine, human rights, and ethics; it can be explained by a number of medical challenges, viruses, and shocking epidemic promotion. It is necessary to investigate the principle links between the issues in order to identify the ways of medicine...

Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”

The rapid rhythm of the contemporary world and excessive workload make it difficult for families to spend time together. Sometimes couples cannot find time to look after their house. However, this activity seems to be an essential ritual uniting family members. Taking care of the yard can be beneficial for...

Criminal Law: A Case Study

The issue(s) or principle(s) of law being argued This case is concerned with the issue of whether provocation can arise from the act of the accused having been found in bed with her lover – in other words, the issue was whether his conviction could be reduced from second degree...

The Issue of Healthcare Compliance

Introduction Conformance within healthcare can be described as a continuous progression of consultation or beyond the professional, legitimate, and principled regulations about a specific medical center or insurer. The department that manages the health and human services through the Inspector General oversees the compliance of various healthcare regulations. The department...

Understanding Christopher Columbus

Introduction The name Christopher Columbus’ has been heard and taught in schools worldwide while the Americans continuously rejoice in the achievements of this man. Since the 1970s, civilians celebrate a three-day holiday called Columbus Day yearly. They rest while appreciating this renowned and good man for discovering their country. He...

Urbanization: Census in the United States

A census refers to the practice of counting people and property in a particular region. Censuses have existed since ancient times to determine the population’s size and calculate what people require (Sullivan, 2020). Like the United States, most countries conduct a census after every ten years while others, such as...

Cognitive Psychology: Processes of the Brain

Introduction The three main components of memory are sensory, short-term, and long-term memory. In this essay, I shall concentrate on how the information travels in the three components and on how the brain process this information. I will as well discuss the prototype theory of categorization analyze some of the...

Why Practicing Utilitarianism is Important

Philosophy is an integral part of every person’s worldview and outlook on life which they espouse and through which they interpret various phenomena. Ethics is inherent to any philosophical perspective since it constitutes an element which guides people in their actions and interactions with others. Utilitarianism and deontology are two...

The Interdependence Between Victimization and Media

Law Making Process On November 3, 2009, Mr. Doug was accused of sexually abusing his children; the father of three children did not reject his fault and confessed to everything expressing his remorse. As a result of his conviction, the law sentenced the man to community corrections. The decision of...

The Effect of Prohibition Alcohol and Drug Use

The 1920-33 National Prohibition of alcohol, also referred to as the “noble experiment,” was established to reduce corruption and crime. It was focused on lowering the tax burden and addressing social problems created by poorhouses and prisons, as well as enhancing the hygiene and health of Americans. Prohibition influenced a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Professional Standards: InTASC and NPBEA

InTASC and NPBEA Comparison The updated Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards have about 15 cross-cutting themes, which are sometimes explicitly stated or infrared in the document. In many instances, the InTASC standards’ themes are similar to those in the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) standards...

The Problems of Racism in Modern Society

Introduction Racism is one of the oldest problems known to society. Although all humans in their essence are the same, many people are prone to this issue, considering one race better or worse than another. The analysis includes a comparison of two sources devoted to this topic. The first of...

Training Program: Statistical Inference & Research

Introduction Training programs are believed to impact the way the employees consider themselves able to work or rather have the necessary training to complete their work. This research evaluates if such a relationship exists. This is achieved through a series of steps. It is important to note that this research...

Women in “The Great Lawsuit” by Margaret Fuller

Introduction The Great Lawsuit by Margaret Fuller is one of the essential works of early feminism, which still serves as a major inspiration for activists nowadays. Her original ideas and rich language, saturated with metaphors and allusions, were highly regarded by many prominent contemporaries. In The Great Lawsuit, Fuller raises...

The Practice of Judicial Discretion

The practice of “judicial discretion” has been traditionally the hallmark of Western jurisprudence. The metaphysical premise, out of which this legal practice derives, can be outlined as follows: the legislative acts to which prosecutors refer, while asking judges to provide offenders with an appropriate punishment, do not consider the specific...

The Attitude to Inequality of Two People

In each society, there have always been people who differentiated from others. The characteristics that lead to the differences include sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other important issues. In some periods, those who did not belong to so-called standard groups were treated badly; at times though, they received...

DME Sports Academy as a Learning Organization

This essay presents a profile of DME Sports Academy. The discussion draws on the results of field research that included interviews and observations and a review of secondary sources. It incorporates digital articles addressing the larger context of education and multiple creative sources to justify main points. DME Academy is...

Evidence-Based Practice: Pediatric and Mechanically Ventilated Patient Care

The Sample Employed This paper essays a review of data-collection methods and their associated reliability. In one, the team of researchers employs a compact meta-analysis of published literature to survey the evidence for best nursing practices concerning mechanically-ventilated patients in intensive care units (Couchmana, Wetzig, Coyerc, and Wheeler, 2007). In...

F-16 Unmanned Drone and Data Search

The initiative regarding the production of an unmanned drone for collecting data seems to be a profitable endeavor. However, there are specific issues that should be considered in this direction in order to ensure the correspondence of the project to the international regulations regarding information processing and storage (Lin et...

Family Assessment in “Everybody Loves Raymond”

Introduction ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ portrays a middle-class family set in suburbs. This family set-up portrays a typical modern American household that is built in a loving but unequal marriage between Ray and Debra. The family is not purely nuclear since Ray’s overprotective mother, domineering father, and his overly insecure brother...

Popular Research Paper Topics

TCP and IP: Connection Setup, Packet Transmission and Packet Structure

Introduction TCP/IP is the combination (protocol suite) of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), also known as the Internet protocol suite. It is the most commonly used suite for both local area networks (LANs) and the broader internet (Schneider & Gersting, 2019). In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)...

Facial Recognition Technology

A face recognition system is an analytical technology intended at identifying or verifying a particular individual by their facial traits using an image, video, or in real-time mode. Currently, facial recognition is applied in different places, including police departments, airlines, retailers, and schools for many tasks, from controlling student attendance...

Edgar Allan Poe’s Works and Their Characteristics

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the greatest American writers. Numerous poems and short stories are still being studied, and new facets and hidden meanings are being discovered. The life of the writer was not happy: early orphanhood, life failures, as well as the death of his beloved were significantly...

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan as the Most Outstanding American Presidents

Introduction Not only American people but also the rest of the world recognized Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan as most outstanding American presidents. People derived such reputation based on positive services committed by Roosevelt and Reagan.FDR and Reagan stood at the heart of United States’ celebrities; they brought social...

Failure in Self Regulation of the Medical Profession

Introduction In most cases, the public is not very much informed when it comes to acquiring specialist services provided by professionals and as a result, they may be exposed to the risk of accessing substandard services because they cannot differentiate between a competent professional and an inept one. Professional regulation...

Differences Between IFRS and U.S. GAAP

U.S. GAAP standards are more focused on practical application in different accounting situations compared to IFRS standards, contain more recommendations developed for specific accounting issues, and leave less room for interpretation. In general, the accounting principles and reporting forms of these financial reporting systems are largely the same. Accordingly, a...

Sociocultural Influence of Catholicism

Introduction The rapidly growing world population presupposes the increase in the number of religious and social communities that inevitably have a tremendous influence on global development. However, there exists a relatively small number of world religions that now have been shaping the overall behavioral patterns of the community for centuries....

Nasogastric Tube Insertion Teaching Plan

Introduction Leaders that set high achievable goals are leaders who are willing and able to take responsibility for a task through giving appropriate education or experience to nursing students as well as the nursing practitioners. A nasogastric tube is one of the most sensitive equipment that calls for great care...

Settler Colonialism in the American History

Our History is the Future is a book dedicated to the struggle of America’s indigenous population against the colonists. The modern movement against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock is only one of the manifestations of the long resistance of the Indians to settler colonialism. The author of...

Digital Data Retrieval and Inspection Methods

Digital Data Retrieval and Inspection The social environment of the 21st century is characterized by the global implementation of technological advancements. The lives of most people today are inseparable from sophisticated electronic devices. These appliances serve to enhance access to knowledge and facilitate numerous procedures while containing large amounts of...