Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj: Self-Governance in India

Hind Swaraj is a book written by Gandhi, which represents his view on modern civilization. The Reader and The Editor are the main characters who engage in a dialogue, where the latter explains his understanding of self-governance in the Indian state. In this book, Gandhi summarizes his view on the...

Sisterhood in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” Play

Introduction Susan Glaspell is a celebrated American writer, and Trifles, a one-act play, is among the many works that she wrote in the early twentieth century. At the time, women in American society were facing various challenges and Glaspell used her literary skills to highlight the same, albeit dramatically. In...

Barriers Limiting Female Academics after Maternity Leave

The issue under investigation is related to problems female academics face after returning from maternity leave. The current statistics evidence the fact that in the UK the given question preserves the high priority as the majority of women has multiple difficulties in regaining momentum in their academic careers after giving...

Walmart Ethics and Compliance Challenges

Introduction Walmart Stores, Inc., better known as Walmart to the public, is one of the nation’s biggest and most profitable retail corporations. The success of the store is attributed largely to the commitment of Walmart and its employees to provide services at the lowest prices. Since 1969, the slogan of...

Using a Mobile Phone While Driving

The use of cell phone while driving should be banned in all states. The cell phone has become one of the best-liked and fascinating technological inventions of the 21st century. Currently, the cellular phone has turn out to be a major safety concern in our roads. In the United States...

Discussion of Cardiac Rehab Aspects

Coronary artery disease is a type of disease during which the plaque accumulates in the blood vessels, restricting blood flow to the heart. This is due to the combined impact of risk factors, as well as the consequences of age. Patients with CHD were more likely to engage in unhealthy...

Rodriguez and Coates: The Connection Between Family, Community, and Identity

Introduction When individuals consume food, they have a sense of taste that is susceptible. The sense of taste is on one’s tongue, and they send a signal to the brain, which accepts it. This activity informs people of what is going on in their body. Looking at Rodriguez and Coates’...

Death in the Village of Gold, Zamfara Province

Review Process The village of Gold is a case study experiencing a life-threatening condition to its population after numerous deaths are reported amongst children in three villages of Zamfara Province, Nigeria. The case involves a Disease Detective who has a role in identifying the cause of deaths after getting the...

Crocs Marketing Campaigns and Business Strategies

Crocs is an American company that sells footwear and apparel of its own. The company operates in many countries with a wide range of all-season casual shoes, clothing, and accessories, while the main product of the company is molded shoes made of synthetic material. It has won the recognition and...

CDC Milestone Tracker: General Background and Application

General Background CDC Milestone Tracker Mobile App is a free application that helps track and encourage children’s milestones of early development. It was created and launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the basis of their “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program (CDC, 2021). Students from...

The Organizational Change of a Small Restaurant

Introduction The modern economy is developing under the influence of many contradictory political, technological, social, environmental, and other trends. This increases the turbulence of the economic environment and uncertainty in making decisions related to management at all levels of the economic system. Accordingly, these conditions impose new requirements on the...

Medical Professionals in Nazi Germany

German Nazism is commonly known as the most extreme and atrocious example of racist ideology barely constrained with any ethical considerations put in motion. Teachings of Hitler and Himmler called for the physical perfection of the Arian race and the extermination or exploitation of the “inferior” racial and ethnic groups....

Discussion of Meaning of Visual Aids

Introduction Visual aids are things that are of a visual form and used on top of spoken information. These help many to understand the world through reading images. They help to enhance presentations by improving the understanding of listeners on a particular topic, making an impact and creating enthusiasm. Its...

Medicinal and Magical Practices Used for Survival Among Enslaved Africans

Life in Africa was not easy, but it was free. Everything changed after the slave trade began and slaves were sold to the Canaries, Maderia, the Azores, along with North America and Brazil (Greenfield 45). Working conditions on the plantations were severe; many Africans could not bear the unlimited working...

Surrealism in the Meshes of the Afternoon Film

Maya Deren’s film Meshes of the Afternoon belongs to the artistic direction of surrealism. It concentrates on the subconscious aspects of mental activity and paints a dreamlike, paradoxical, in its way threatening picture of the world. The image of noon in the title emphasizes the dual nature of reality in...

Recruitment Plan Overview

Introduction The quality of the recruitment process closely relates to the overall performance of the company. If an HR manager succeeds in hiring professional, experienced, and well-educated employees, then, without a doubt, an organization will flourish. A hiring manager should develop an effective recruitment plan that is a strategy for...

Culture, Science, and Philosophy of the Hellenistic Empire

Hellenistic Empire The Hellenistic territory consisted of various dynasties, namely the Seleucid in the East, the Ptolemies in Egypt, Macedon, and Pergamon in Asia Minor. These empires were dominated by the Greek civilization after Alexander’s conquest. His reign and intention aimed at facilitating the spread of “Hellenazation” throughout the kingdoms....

The Gay Marriage: Legal Arguments For and Against

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. Because of this gay couples argue that they are unlawfully being discriminated against. Those that oppose gay marriage do so based on primarily religious reasoning and not legal precedent. In...

Racial Injustice Problem in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial injustice is a topical controversial issue, and today it is almost impossible to not be involved in the discourse regarding its influences in modern society. The problem is not limited to individual cases and recognized as systemic, concerning all societal spheres from the legal system to the sports...

How Does the Digital Divide Affect Low-Income Communities?

Introduction When first introduced in the second half of the 20th century, personal computers were expensive and of interest mostly for business users. However, Moore’s law has been proving itself accurate and today computing is cheap. Despite economic advancements and unprecedented increases in global GDP, only half of the worldwide...

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare is an example of a major political initiative aimed at improving the affordability and quality of healthcare in the U.S. The policy was issued on March 23, 2010, and declared universal access to Medicaid and expanded insurance coverage for previously uninsured individuals (Gaffney...

Consumerism and Materialism

Masoom, Muhammad Rehan, and Md Moniruzzaman Sarker. “Rising materialism in the developing economy: Assessing materialistic value orientation in contemporary Bangladesh.” Cogent Business & Management 4.1 (2017): 1345049. Web. This journal article provides research into the rising materialism in the developing economy and its impact on influencing materialistic value orientation in...

Constructing Step-By-Step Instructions for Reading Research Projects

Summary Research comprehension is essential in reading a scientific article. Such writing is not accessible to most people because of the seeming complexity of structure and language. Nevertheless, works of science can be read and understood, and finding effective strategies for exploring complex texts is a critical skill to learn....

Adolescents With the Experience of Juvenile Detention

Adolescents with juvenile detention’s previous experience face multiple social barriers such as neglect, lack of financial support, biased attitude, ineffective policies, and high risk of recidivism when trying to rehabilitate and acquire the appropriate education. Outline Introduction Background The rates of juvenile detention continue to grow today, which means that...

Functionalism: Crime and Deviance in Society

The utopian vision of a peaceful world, in which all of the wars would end and violence vanish, has never been realised in practice. Some argue that it is due to contemporary economic and political approaches that prevent people prosperity and promote unethical conduct. Others believe that it is the...

Hate Crimes Study

Hate crimes are not new to Europe, the United States, Russia, and many other parts of the world. They are described as the offenses related to a specific aspect of a victim’s identity – nation, race, sexual orientation or sexual identity, skin color, religion, or a disability. Rooting in the...

The Victims of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the illegal transportation of individuals through coercion and force for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ harvesting. The practice has been part of society for many centuries going back before the slave trade (Attwood, 2019). Most of the victims of human trafficking are young boys and girls...

Efficiency of Online Teaching Strategies

Introduction Modern education experiences an influx of innovations in the manner of conveying information. The advancements of technology have allowed using the Internet for distance learning. However, to ensure the adequate efficiency of online learning, appropriate teaching strategies should be implemented. The recent pandemic has restricted many traditional venues for...

COVID-19: Information About Vaccination

Introduction COVID-19 is an infectious viral high-contagious disease with predominant damage to lung tissue. Pathognomonic clinical signs are respiratory failure and distress syndrome (Cennimo, 2020). In addition to these symptoms, patients complain about a dry cough, fever, and weakness. Although the first wave of coronavirus is already behind and the...

Personal Communication in Business Organizations

Introduction In the field of business, communication is an integral process that defines how information is gathered, analyzed, and delivered. An individual has to be ready to work hard to achieve a number of goals. Some of the most crucial tasks are to make sure that enough skills are defined...

The Concept of Social Justice in Nursing

The Impact of Social Justice on Health Care Social justice in nursing relates to human rights and equality in the nursing practice. It aims to address inequalities arising from race, gender, age, religion, and other aspects of social injustice. Therefore, social justice in health care results in delivering high-quality care...

“Episode 66: Yard of Dreams — Ear Hustle’’: Sports in Prison

The episode’s topic is prison sports in San Quentin State Prison in California. The episode demonstrates the essential opportunities to engage with offenders through sports as an intervention for correction and highlights the increased re-offending rates among those released from jail. The episode also demonstrates that through sports, individuals engage...

Fair and Neutral Public Town Hall-Style Debate

Executive Summary Social Influence and Politics Fair and unbiased hall-style debates are the current issues nowadays. People want to express their standpoint and viewpoint freely and not be afraid of being criticized. Open space for debates is an excellent opportunity to voice concerns and issues that are much spoken about...

Television Watching and Effects on Children

Introduction Television is a medium of telecommunication used to transmit images, either monochrome or polychrome, in two or three dimensions and transmits sounds. It is a common medium in houses, institutions and businesses. It is mainly used to broadcast programs aimed at entertaining, provides education and information (Kostyrka-Allchorne et al....

Addressing Race Discrimination in Contemporary America

Introduction The mainstream assumption is that slavery is in the past, and discrimination based on skin color is no longer an issue in the United States. Unfortunately, in reality, these problems remain and continue to cause disruptions in America. Dr. Leary and Ta-Nehisi Coates provide the foundation behind the claim...

Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare

Introduction The hospital sector management is a very dynamic and at most ever-changing occupation that has the opportunity to undertake a varied number of duties and responsibilities. As a manager in the sector one is supposed to be flexible enough and ready to handle whatever duties he is allocated without...

The New Testament: The Source of Spiritual Knowledge

Representing the second part of the Biblical Canon, the New Testament offers a crucial source of spiritual strength and development. However, its interpretations are quite numerous, inviting multiple opportunities of interpreting the Scripture in a variety of ways. Specifically, the New Testaments, the source of information about Jesus and His...

The Development of the United States History

Eric Foner has demonstrated a high mastery of the subject of the development of the history of the United States by introducing various topics related to the most impactful colonization. According to the author, the most impactful form of colonization was having privileges and freedom for the American natives in...

“He Died With His Eyes Open” by Derek Raymond: Reading Critique

Introduction In the story ‘He Died with His Eyes Open’, the narrator explained how an upper-class drunkard was found cruelly murdered through being beaten, and left to die. The man was later discovered by an unidentified police officer, who worked in an outmoded branch of the ‘London Metropolitan police’. It...

Embracing Cryptocurrency in the Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency is the currency that uses digitalized files or assets as a medium of exchange created using the same method. Cryptocurrency is not controlled by an individual or by any government as electronic money. The distributed ledger is the financial transaction database for cryptocurrency, and it contains all the...

William Blake’s Poetry and the Modern Republic in Crisis

Introduction Blake’s society was in the midst of revolutionary fever, and the hope of a better future prompted the poet to express views he hoped would guide the people to freedom. His poems show that apparent evil is the manifestation of energy working to oppose the established order. This new...

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs: Slave Narratives’ Authors

Introduction Slave narrative developed as a distinct form of written literature, characteristic of North America. The period from the early 1830s to 1865 was marked by a wave of abolitionism, which was embodied in the writings and speeches of several former slaves. They spoke eloquently and convincingly about the need...

The Seven Voyages of Chinese Admiral Zheng He

Introduction Admiral Zheng He, China’s ultimate sea captain, was born and bred in the countryside in a household of glorious Muslims around 1371. When his predecessor was killed, he was taken as a prisoner, beginning the incredible journey of switching identities upon which he would embark. In the 1400s, Zheng...

Indigenous People and Human Rights

Introduction: UDHR and Acculturation The second article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that regardless of race, gender, language, opinion, and many other things that distinguish people, everyone is entitled to rights without restriction (United Nations. General Assembly, 2). This article is critical when considering the process of...

Gender Equality: Do Women Have Equal Rights?

Introduction Since equal rights and access to opportunity represent important values in the U.S., the country has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to protect women from discrimination. Despite the presence of laws to promote equality in diverse areas, there are some unaddressed challenges pointing to women’s specific challenges and barriers...

Turning Points in Workers’ Rights in American History

Workers’ rights in America are essential to all employees as they protect them against discrimination under federal law based on religion, color, sexual orientation, race, disability, or even pregnancy. Between 1877 and the 1980s, there were several turning points in workers’ rights. These points had a tremendous impact on the...

Politics and Social Media Relations

Introduction Social media have diverse effects on politics, including their influence on voting, the spread of fake news, the promotion of rebellion toward government and politicians, and the proliferation of negative attitudes such as xenophobia, racism, and political polarization. In contemporary society, it is hard to talk about politics without...

“The Sacred and Profane Love” by Titian

Introduction “The Sacred and Profane Love” is an oil painting found in Galleria Borghese, Rome. The artwork was designed by Titian and has been analyzed by different people to reveal its meaning. The art was created in 1514 and consists of two women and a little winged boy. Therefore, one...

Discusison of Medical Errors Impacts

Introduction A medical failure is the improper activity or omission of a doctor. The reason for performing mistakes is the imperfection of modern medical science, ignorance, or inability to apply existing knowledge in practice. A medical mistake is considered to be the most contradictory phenomenon of legal understanding of the...

Ancient Buildings in Contemporary Los Angeles

Introduction Art is one of the aspects that have primarily impacted the appearance of many cities in different countries. For instance, ancient buildings in contemporary Los Angeles can be noticed by people due to their different unique features. The architects of the buildings drew their inspirations from the ancient world,...

Generation Gap in Multigenerational Workplaces

Generation Gap: Definition It is quite rare that a workplace setting is represented by one generation. Instead, most companies have a mixture of generations collaborating as a team. In the contemporary corporate environment, the presence of four generations (Baby Boomers, Generations X-Y, and iGen) is a common occurrence. Herein the...

Career and Criminal Cases of Johnnie Cochran

Introduction Johnnie Cochran was born in 1937. Initially, he studied business administration. Thurgood’s inspirations and victory in Brown v. Board of Education marked the turning point in Cochran’s career. To him, practicing law became not only a career but also a call. He believed that there were many injustices happening...

Comparison Paper on the Character Malvolio

Many would not dispute the fact that people nowadays tend to recreate literary classics. The movie “She’s the Man,” a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” exemplifies this the best. At first glance, the film and the play appear to have apparent congruities. However, the differences and alterations that...

Interdisciplinary Plan Overview

Organizational or Patient Issue The quality of healthcare in a prison environment is critical as it requires a high level of interdisciplinary care. The issue onboard is the increased Tuberculosis spread in the prison system, as evidenced by the daily test results (Farhoudi et al. 2020). The proposal focuses on...

Conversation between a Youth Worker and an Emo Teenager

Youth Worker (YW): Hi, Colin. I want to speak about your decision to become emo and your future goals in life. Could you, please, tell me what is emo for you and why did you decide to be a part of an emo culture? Colin: Well, there is no clear...

The Behavior of Viruses and Trojans

Introduction Viruses and Trojans are both bad and though you get them in much the same way they are created for different reasons and they do different things. Viruses are generally created only to disrupt your use of your computer, to destroy or compromise your data or even destroy part...

Alleged Crimes During a Law Enforcement Exercise

Lawsuits brought against police officers are a well-established feature of the regulatory environment. While law enforcement officers typically have sweeping powers to conduct their work, the U.S constitution, state constitutions, and other statutes impose limitations on what police officers can do during policing activities. This week’s activity is based on...

Racism: Scene for Screenplay Illustrating Racism

Introduction This scene is a father-son after school conversation about racism. The boy, whose name is James, is six years old and he went to the first grade, where he met four other boys, the same age, the same race, all white. They spend a lot of time together, make...

A Young Man’s Problems With an Air Force Base

The Meaning of the Problem The critical problem is the lack of reasonable medical care for the wife of the serviceman. Additional factors are the inadequate provision of living conditions, which is expressed in several situations. The first is the failure to provide housing; therefore, the couple is forced to...

Gender Diversity: Impact on the Organizational Performance

The current research question is concerned with investigating the impact of worker and management diversity on US tech companies’ stock prices between 2010 and 2019. Therefore, it is important to find studies that show how gender diversity shapes organizations’ performance and what indicators point to either favorable or unfavorable results...

The Blues Trio Band’s Live Concert

Introduction This paper will discuss the elements of the live blues concert by the Blues Trio. The concert took place on August 1st, 2019, in Santa Fe, Argentina (“BLUES TRIO – LIVE AT TRIBUS BAR (Full Concert)”). This concert is an excellent representation of the traditions of blues music and...

“There Will Be Blood” Film by Paul Thomas Anderson

Most of the greatest films reveal complex and controversial topics to show the intricacy of human life and morality. There Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson is one example of such film as it depicts themes of capitalist greed, violence, power, hypocrisy, and loneliness, telling the story of one...

Review of “Living for the City” by Murch

Introduction Written about the struggles the African Americans have undergone for decades, Living for the City recounts the origin of the socio-political movements that started in the 1960s. The book whose title borrows from the song by Steve Wonder expounds on the lyrics that form part of the reminiscences of...

Interpersonal Communication Between Kuzco the Emperor and Pacha

Interpersonal communication skills are essential in everyday human life. To safely communicate with another person, it is not enough to choose a convenient time and place. It is also necessary to build behavior so as not to cause an adverse reaction from the interlocutor. The topic of this essay is...

A Parent’s Right on Their Child Medication

Introduction Rights are the provisions of how individuals relate and live with each other including the respect given to other people’s lives and property. Parents’ rights face a major threat when it comes to the question of setting restrictions and disciplining as there has been the misconception that the rights...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia SWOT Analysis

Introduction Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is a large enterprise that exists across various industries, including television broadcasting, publishing, household décor, and radio broadcasting. As a result of a series of socio-economic precedents of the company, the current SWOT analysis draft may be represented as follows: Table 1. SWOT Analysis Strengths...

Quotations of “After the Firebombing” by Malcolm X

The issue of misinterpretation and mass delusion is the one that was and is controversial for Western society. Some people prefer to avoid notions about the lying press and trust the majority of information that they encounter. The other type of people develops an apparatus for criticism of the messages...

Personal Effect of Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

Summary The short story is set somewhere between Madrid and Barcelona, in the valley of the Ebro (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). It follows the dialogue of a man and woman at the local bar with a view of the valley’s hills (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). The pair are quarreling about the issue...

Corporate Finance Theory and Practice

The exercise presents a sequence of accounting income and expense annual reports for the Norne group, and it contains data gathered from 1996 to 2000. A financial analysis provides insights into the company’s sustainability in the current situation (Dallocchio et al., 2011). Additionally, these reports overview the costs incurred in...

The Brightest Figures In Life: My Teacher

Life is a unique adventure that carries us through various experiences, some of which we remember until the end of our days. Sometimes, it seems like people’s existence has been partly thought through, and some of the circumstances we simply cannot impact. Situations we get involved in and humans we...

Scientific Management Principles by Frederick Winslow Taylor

Introduction The theory of scientific management was published by Frederick Winslow Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century. At present, the principles of scientific management introduced by Taylor are called “Taylorism”. The concept of this theory is different from traditional management methods based on initiative and rewards. It is...

Men’s Violence Against Women Worldwide

The violence that is gender-based and targeted at women continues to be prevalent despite the many developments and progressive changes the modernization of the world has established. As such, the issue’s importance is pressing due to the widespread and incredibly detrimental nature of violence that targets women. The overlapping issue...

Fate of Sex Offenders After “Payment of Debt”

Introduction The Department of Public Safety in Texas is in charge of collecting information on sex offenders and keeping it safe in the state sex offender registry. The law enforcement officers from the local arena furnish the registry with relevant information concerning the sex offenders. Texas offender law was enacted...

The Norton Anthology of World Literature

Martin Puchner, the author of the book: Norton Anthology of World Literature, furnishes an overview of the poems from songs of innocence originally authored by William Blakes. Puchner states that Blakes began publishing Songs of Innocence in 1739 to experiment with his poetry’s style, theme, and use of symbols (Puchner...

Sports Nutrition: High-Protein Diet

Abstract These days, a variety of diets exists, and high-protein appears to be one of the most popular. A wide range of literature and scientific studies devoted to this topic exists, including numerous experiments with people of different activity levels. While it is associated with negative consequences for the general...

Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance

The primary component of Islamic Banking is that the risks of financial dealings should be equally shared between the depositor and the investor, who are bank and its customers. Contrary to the practice of charging interest on any loaned money by most financial institutions, under Islamic banking, it is illegal...

Drugs for Treating Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders

Abstract Many people possess little knowledge of schizophrenia and mood disorders unless they face them on their own. Undoubtedly, it is essential to pay more attention to the topic, as the process of the treatment of these serious mental illnesses is often ineffective. Drugs that can help patients with such...

Incivility Within the Healthcare Metaparadigm

The healthcare system has always been an extremely complex phenomenon, as multiple spheres constitute its core. All medical workers encounter an enormous amount of stress daily. Therefore, it is of major importance to provide them with the opportunity to work in proper conditions which are free of excessive stress factors....

Climate Change Reflection in Law System

Introduction Climate change is one of the most urgent issues in today’s world, therefore, governments, citizens, international organizations aim to preserve the current state of the problem with a slender hope of improvement in the future. The US government is not an exception as most presidents made an impact on...

Covid-19 Effects on Treatment-Seeking Veterans

The article under analysis is a scientific paper, “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment-seeking veterans in the United Kingdom with preexisting mental health difficulties: a longitudinal study”, that describes a research conducted by Hendrikx et al. (2021, p. 1). The authors address the impact of the pandemic on...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Song “Permanent” by David Cook

Songs, as one of the forms of human expression, can be interpreted differently. According to a person’s experiences, feelings, current problems, he gets the sense of the song through a lens of personal intussusceptions. The latter cannot be perceived as either good or bad because music, poems, and other creative...

Volkswagen’s Diesel Fraud: Ethical Behaviour and Decision Making in the Workplace

The VW scandal The VW scandal is a case that highlights significant inefficiencies in management. As such, the whole management team would be assigned responsibility for the scandal. This would be led by the CEO, Martin Winterport, who was the company’s head in the fraud case and was responsible for...

Importance of Crisis Communication

A crisis is any situation that affects the smooth operation of an organization or its reputation. All organizations need to have a plan in the event of an emergency that may affect the organization. Organizations, therefore, should put a team in place to anticipate a crisis and act on the...

Tesla Company’s Future Digital Marketing Campaign

Introduction Tesla is an American car vehicle company that was founded in 2003. It specializes in producing electric cars, solar batteries, solar panels, and other products that require the usage of cutting-edge technologies. The company’s ideology is that electric cars and supplies that work with the help of alternative kinds...

CompStat: It’s Origins, Evolution, and Integration

Introduction CompStat is effective in monitoring and analyzing crime rates by using comparative statistics and geographical distribution maps. Since the initial launch of CompStat, it gradually evolved and adapted to the needs of the specific department, where it was both an analytical device and performance metric. The system also shaped...

Spirituality and Its Influence on Human Behavior

The Impact of Spirituality on Interactions with Clients Spiritual beliefs can influence a person’s cognitive assessment of negative life events. Religion and spirituality are critical aspects of all cultures, and social workers must incorporate spiritual diversity in practice (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2015, p. 354). Believing in a transcendent force often...

The United Arab Emirates and International Trade

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become one of globalization’s most prominent economic success stories thanks to its diversified economy. Oil profits and long-term pro-business policies have allowed UAE to create a robust infrastructure that supports the development of non-oil sectors like manufacturing and transportation and more fruitful participation in...

Coronavirus Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang

Whistleblowers play an essential role in maintaining democracy by revealing different governmental deficiencies, human rights violations, and exposing corruption on various levels. All the information that comes from them is usually classified and withheld from the public concern by authorities. In 1882 Henrik Ibsen published the play An Enemy of...

Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing in Severe and Chronic Wounds

Pressure ulcers are prevalent among patients with mobility issues in long-term care settings. Understanding the risk factors can help nurses respond to complications and prevent the development of these wounds. Improving patient outcomes and reducing hospitalization costs can result from adopting best practices in this area. Therefore, prevention and treatment...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Social Values

My research question is if society must keep its values and get back to them after the profound life changes after the pandemic or establish new morals to follow. The social scientific background of the issue contains academic literature about social principles, peer-reviewed articles discussing human and social behaviors, and...

Sociological Research Process. Research Stages

Sociologists use the scientific method of research to answer questions related to society and social behavior. The scientific method is “a procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting concrete data through observation and experimentation” (Ferris & Stein, 2018, p. 41). Thus, the method might be characterized as systematic, unbiased, and...

The Link Between Drug Abuse and Corruption

Drug Abuse Deserves Attention Although drugs may appear to affect the users only, their adverse effects impact transcend are registered beyond the immediate consumers. Families and communities who relied on the person using the substances are negatively affected when the user neglects their responsibilities. For instance, children may fail to...

Police Brutality Against African Americans and Media Portrayal

Police brutality toward the African-American population of the United States is an issue that has received nationwide publicity in recent years. Some studies claim that it is caused by the American culture of white supremacy (Hayes, p. 2). Others, on the contrary, argue that the disproportional targeting of the African-American...

“Recitatif” by Toni Morrison Analysis

Introduction One of the primary purposes of literature is to deliver meaningful messages through artful images and plots. While some literary works may have a mostly entertaining function, some pieces prove to be seminal in the broader context of topical issues of society. Toni Morrison is one of the authors...

The Big Dig Infrastructure Project Management

Introduction Big Dig is one of the largest transport infrastructure projects that have ever been undertaken in the US. At its inception in 1985, the project was held in high esteem because of the socio-economic benefits that were associated with it. However, the project suffered several setbacks as its cost...

“Expanding the Role of Clinical Pharmacists” by Giannitrapani et al.

Analysis of qualitative studies implies considerations of not only the methodology but also the meaning behind the scholarly exploration carried out by researchers. The goals of the study by Giannitrapani et al. (2018) is to develop an understanding of the critical roles that pharmacists take in the primary care of...

Statistics in Psychological Research

Role of Statistics in Psychological Research Data gathering comes along with the need to describe, summarize, and interpret it. For instance, in psychological research, statistics connect a research idea and useful conclusions (Fosters et al., 2018). Statistical tools and techniques aid the organization of data into a more interpretable form,...

Dell Inc.: Analysis of the Business Model

Background Dell, Inc. is one of the largest companies that specialize in the production of computers. The company was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell. The company was developing at high speed, and 17 years after the foundation, it became the global leader in the provision of computer systems. In...

COVID 19 as a Global Health Issue

Today, the global community remains concerned about the state of healthcare as new diseases arise, and the treatment for the widespread illnesses remains undeveloped. At the time of the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to study the subject thoroughly. As the pandemic enters the second wave worldwide, and millions...

Las Meninas as a Model of Variation in the Author’s Perspective

Art provides the viewer, reader, or listener with a much deeper perspective than the eye meets. Images and scenes convey invisible motives that may be hidden under the original emotions. Diego Velazquez’s Las Meninas does not deviate from the tendency of mystery in the paintings, but rethinks it and reveals...

Promoting Positive Outcomes Through Targeted Communication Within Cultural Groups

Description of the chosen Healthy People 2020 Topic Area and Specific Health Issue The chief aim of the Healthy People 2020 initiative is to provide equitable healthcare opportunities for Americans. It is believed that the program is to eliminate disparities in the provision of medical services. However, many challenges were...

Body Image and Self-Esteem Connection in Adolescents

Introduction The most crucial distinguishing feature of adolescence is the fundamental change in the sphere of his self-awareness, which is of cardinal importance for forming a teenager as a person. In adolescence, young people actively develop self-awareness and their independent self-assessment standards, and a personal attitude. At this age, a...

The Role of Social Media Tools in Crisis Response and Recovery

Emergencies consist of natural disasters such as floods, fire, cyclones, and earthquakes as well as other man-made disasters, including terrorism and riots. In the last decade, these events have become a common phenomenon (Ghosh et al., 2018). During these disasters, one of the most challenging activities is to acquire relevant...

Brown v. Board of Education 1954

Jim Crow laws and the “separate but equal” doctrine are not the American way. The Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education (1954) was a landmark case, which addressed the issue of segregation of children in public schools. It was regarded as highly unconstitutional because it discriminates against a...

Prophylaxis Breast Cancer

Introduction Breast cancer is an enormous healthcare issue and is the leading type of cancer among women. It occurs because of various complex determinants: stress tendencies, harmful habits, genetics, obesity, among others. Researching the problem is a necessary step in defining the early stages of the illness and later curing...

Parent and Child Perspectives on Adaptation to Childhood Chronic Illness

The team critique that has been written in response to a proposed article has proved to be quite useful for my nursing practice. The conclusions that the team has reached contributed not only to the enrichment of knowledge on a specific topic, but gave a great opportunity to utilize this...

Freedom and Security in the Contemporary World

In the United States, as well as in many other developed and developing countries, the issues of freedom and security play an important role. People are involved in debates to understand if it is normal to sacrifice personal freedoms in order to stay safe. Regarding political demands and social norms,...

Medical Innovations: 3D Bioprinting Artificial Intelligence

Innovations in health care play an essential role for people and all of humanity. TThe development and implementation of the latest technologies in medicine can significantly increase the duration and improve the quality of human life. Innovative technologies in medicine are now emerging at an unprecedented rate. For the successful...

The 13th Amendment Influence in Shaping Modern America

Introduction The 13th Amendment was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. Twenty- seven out of 36 states ratified and proclaimed the rule by the end of December the same year. This constitution aimed at abolishing the slave trade, and involuntary servitude, except during punishment for breaking...

Change Proposal: E-Prescribing Technology

Numerous changes and technological advances are being continually introduced to the medical field worldwide. These improvements or new developments help modern medicine to progress and provide high quality patient outcomes. However, every implementation needs to be adequately analyzed and assessed. This change proposal will describe e-prescribing technology, its patient safety...

School Nurse Role in Providing School Health Services

Reaching Out a Solution In the course of a high-school athletic event, a person experienced a cardiac arrest. As time was essential, the coach of the home team rushed to the medical office to bring an automatic emergency defibrillator (AED). Nevertheless, the appliance was not at the expected location, which...

Pandemics in History

Introduction The world would not have been as safe and immune to numerous diseases if pandemics did not occur in the past. Although major historical virus outbreaks fastened the development and resulted in the advanced modern healthcare and medicine systems, many people continue to suffer from well-known illnesses. The World...

Overmedication of Children With Psychotropic Drugs

Introduction Psychotropic drugs are responsible for treating disorders related to psychiatric. Examples of these drugs are antipsychotics, antidepressants and stimulants, which for the past two decades have been on the rise. The authenticity of psychotropic drugs is that the treatment moderates cognitive, emotional and behavioral symptoms, though this is not...

The Terrorism Threat in the Modern World

Introduction Terrorism in its form is broad, although becoming popular to many is a relatively recent activity. The fight for terrorism has gained a new strategy with the occurrence of the United States on September 11, 2001. The United States declared a fight against terrorism. The Bush administration launched military...

Health Maintenance Plan for Diverse Developmental Stages

In the current paper, health maintenance plans for different developmental stages within the primary care practice will be proposed. The stages of life include the following: toddlers, school-age children and adolescents, young adults and middle-aged adults, and older adults. Suggested plans will be assessed, developed, and recommended according to evidence-based...

Banyan Detox Boca Raton Center: The Mission and Activities

Introduction To deliver their services effectively, treatment centers need to focus on the implementation of evidence-based practices or the best practices determined in the area of treating addiction. Banyan Detox Boca Raton, Florida, is one of the nationwide Banyan Treatment Centers that specialize in treating addiction (Banyan Treatment Centers, 2020)....

Jim Crow Laws in America Today

Introduction The US Civil War put an end to the institutions of slavery, which were preserved in the constitution of the young nation. The period of Reconstruction (1863-1877) that followed the Civil War opened up the possibility of establishing a new social system without the superiority of the white population...

Property Crime Rates in Fayetteville, North Carolina

The given paper will primarily focus on property crime rates in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The national trends indicate that there is a gradual decrease in property crime rates in the United States. It is also true in the case of the selected city and state, where the decline is present....

Three Types of Friendship

Even though there are such types of friends as romantic, childhood, and internet one, childhood friendship is the steadiest among these kinds.Romantic friends form opposite-sex relations.Having an opposite-sex friend presumes viewing things differently. Such friends broaden the field of one’s interests. Male-female friendship may lead to a romance or end.Childhood...

Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators (NSQI)

Introduction Nursing is a complex practice consisting of diverse elements. In order to assess the effectiveness of the provided care, nursing sensitive quality indicators (NSQI) have been introduced. Several definitions of the concept exist, but they all involve a set of major components. For instance, Xiaoquan Xu defined NSQI as...

MESA Company’s Effective Competitive Strategy

MESA Competitive Strategy When making strategic decisions, the company’s management needs to fully understand the business’s strengths, goals, available resources, and opportunities. A successful competitive strategy effectively utilizes the company’s resources and capabilities to maintain and increase its competitive advantage. For MESA, an effective competitive strategy needs to be based...

“Why Don’t We Listen Better?” Book by James C. Petersen

Summarize In his book Why Don’t We Listen Better?, James C. Peterson underlines the importance of good listening as a possibility to improve the quality of life. The author admits that good communication plays a vital role as a relationship tool in both family and business (Petersen, 2015). There are...

Best Buy Inc.’s Dual Branding in China

Best Buy’s case in regards to its attempts to implement a dual branding strategy in China demonstrates the importance of taking into account the local consumer population behavior. The latter was the main factor in determining the overall success or failure of such an approach because, ultimately, it is consumers...

Television Has Its Positive Effects on Children

Many parents look at television as harmful to their children due to the violence, stupidity, and inappropriate images of the TV show. While this fact is correct, parents often overlook that television also positively impacts the development and education of children through educational programs and cartoons that teach children valuable...

The Role of Choices in People’s Lives: A Discussion

Introduction The everyday life of any person is impacted by a variety of choices that have both small- and large-scale implications for the future. A conventional idea that all actions lead to certain consequences is relevant to any life situation. However, behind any action, there is a choice that predetermines...

History of African Indigenous Costumes and Textiles

Introduction The Maasai community located in central and south Kenya and Northern Tanzania is globally recognized. Their persistence in upholding traditional practices and proximity to the vast global game reserves make them an exciting community to study. This paper shall analyze the Maasai community and its culture and traditions. In...

The Amazon Company’s Econometric Models

Modern economic theory, both at the micro and the macro level, ever more complex economic processes have led to the need to create and improve unique methods of study and analysis. At the same time, the use of modeling and quantitative analysis has become widespread. Based on the latter, one...

The Ethical Implications of Cigarette Advertisement

Introduction Advertising plays an especially important role in the market economy of capitalism. With the emergence and development of new businesses, professional competition is becoming more and more prominent in the field. Many companies sell products in similar or adjacent areas of production and levels of quality. In such a...

Song Airline’s Strategy Analysis

The song is the budget arm of Delta Airlines, whose target audience is middle-class women. The airline’s strategy is to provide exceptional service at an affordable price for a specific audience. When analyzing the company’s strategy, the first thing to talk about is a competitive advantage. The company uses a...

“Cathedral” Short Story by Raymond Carver

Introduction In the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver, the narrator is a husband who goes through a life-changing experience that teaches him not to be judgmental and also learns to listen. It is not only a tale of mutual understanding and acceptance, but it is also a cultural narrative....

Life After Death: Nevitt’s Survivalism vs. Oderberg’s Survivalism

Introduction Different religions have unique views on what happens to people after physical death. The nature of immortality of the human soul is an intriguing topic in the philosophy of religion, and numerous scholars have addressed this question, including Saint Thomas Aquinas. As a renowned philosopher and Catholic priest, Saint...

Improving Diversity in Healthcare Leadership

Introduction One of the current trends in the American democratic society is to make sure that all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, age, gender, race, and sexual orientation, are provided with equal opportunities and rights. Diversity is a key to improved understanding of other persons, and while a growing percentage...

Random-Access Memory: Training Manual

The confident use of a personal computer involves not only utilizing useful functions that modern devices possess but also gaining knowledge in the field of individual structural elements of the system. The assessment of hardware components and the analysis of the tasks that they perform can extend equipment service life...

Learning Coach Program: Implementation Plan

Introduction The Learning Coach Program consists of a training program that is critical for educating all the key players charged with promoting the success and sustainability of Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts. The initiative assists all employees in improving the skills required in the workplace, provides adequate resources, and provides continuous...

Justice and Morality: “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave”

Douglass’s work captures the era of abolitionism, the struggle against slavery, and black Americans’ contribution to their liberation. In Frederick Douglass, the writer and the social activist, the educator and the statesman were happily united. Beginning his life under the harshest conditions of slavery, he achieved recognition through natural talent,...

Sexual Issues Confronting Healthcare Providers in the 21st Century

Sexuality involves the ability and needs to experience mutual emotional closeness to another human being. Sexuality matters because it goes beyond more than sex, influencing people in their lives. Healthcare providers in the 21st century have experienced sexual issues pertaining relationship between sexual wellbeing and health (Fortenberry, 2016). Sexual well-being...

Shikibu’s “Tale of Genji” as Japan’s Cultural Legacy

Having been detached culturally from the West, Japan has always been a mystery to the rest of the world with its unique culture and philosophy. However, even though Japan has undergone substantial changes over the course of its development, some of the cultural markers of the bygone era remain essential...

Understanding of Reasons for Joining Cults

Introduction Religious cults have not recently been the trend of modern society and their representatives seem a little old-fashioned. The modern notion of “cult” usually refers to a religious group of people that express admiration for certain religious figures or objects such as the sun, the sky, or water. They...

Aspects of the Contemporary American Communication Culture

To establish optimal relationships between people, the culture of communication is of great importance. Intercultural communication as a particular type of communication involves communication between speakers of different languages and different cultures. The comparison of languages and cultures reveals the general, universal but also specific, national, original, which is due...

Drug Testing in Pharmacology

Introduction Pharmaceutical companies that are involved in the markets in third-world countries perform drug tests within the population of these countries. Clinical trials require sufficient trial costs, therefore, these trials are performed on humans without their consent and knowledge. Surely, these experiments are inhuman, sometimes painful, and deadly, let alone...

Determining Pros and Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide

Abstract This paper discusses the ethical issues related to the legalization or forbiddance of physician-assisted suicide (PAS). It identifies various stakeholders that are involved and presents their arguments in support of or in opposition to medically aid suicide. The author argues that patients should have the freedom of choice concerning...

History of the Army National Guard

Introduction The United States National Guard, formed on December 13 in 1636, has about 400 years of history. The National Guard is a branch of the armed forces and is an organized reserve. It is subordinate to the state in which it is located and the federation. Each state has...

A Nurse’s Professional Development Plan

A professional nurse is an individual who does not only care for patients but also acts as an advocate of a broad range of people of all ethnic backgrounds, religions, colors, or socioeconomic statuses. Becoming a professional nurse also means educating the population about how they can be effective in...

Sjogren’s Syndrome and Causal Theories

Introduction Sjögren’s Syndrome refers to an autoimmune disorder due to which a person experiences both dry mouth and dry eyes. In addition, in serious cases, the disease spreads beyond exocrine glands and affects other organs such as the kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. Sjögren’s Syndrome shows symptoms that are usually...

The Application of Bioremediation

Introduction Bioremediation is an essential biological process that entails the application of microorganism or their products in the decontamination of the environment. Microorganisms can degrade pollutants in their environment by using them as substrate materials for their enzymes in the generation of metabolic energy (Perpetuo et al., 2011). Increasing levels...

“Frontline: Inside the Meltdown” by PBS

Introduction The crisis of 2008-2009 constitutes a major turning point in the dynamics of the US and global economies at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The PBS (2009) film “Frontline: Inside the meltdown” explores this turbulent time, examining the key causes and effects at play, and the response of...

Homeownership as the American Dream

Purchasing a home is often challenging as buyers can encounter many unforeseen issues, especially if they do not research the market, the seller, or the property’s history. Moreover, real estate is not only a place for living – it is also an investment opportunity. Thus, it is vital for one...

Healthcare Dashboards: Potential Policies

Introduction Dashboards empower to screen an association’s presentation, with current writing recognizing a few advantages from its reception; hence, these are critical instruments for wellbeing associations. Profitability is a fundamental viewpoint for wellbeing frameworks’ presentation, characterized by the actual information sources utilized, including work, capital, and supplies. Its point is...