Economics of End-Stage Renal Disease

The major function of the kidneys is to excrete metabolic body waste. End-stage kidney disease care costs differ, but modality hemodialysis is the most expensive. According to a case study on end-stage renal disease, treatment options for the end-stage renal system includes hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant. Treatment of...

Information Technology: Code of Ethics

The foremost thesis presented by these authors can be formulated as follows: the way in which codes of ethics help to advance the cause of an organization is not as much concerned with promoting the freedom of innovation, as it is concerned with controlling the actions of the employees. According...

The Review of “A Cyborg Manifesto”

Summary The essay “A cyborg manifesto” by Donna Haraway presents a revolutionary view of humanity’s future developments. In her work, the intersections between dualistic concepts like genders, primitivism, truth, deific/humane, order/chaos, and others must be eradicated in order to create a cyborg society (Haraway, 2016). The author chooses the concept...

Governor and Public Policy: Formal and Informal Powers

Introduction When a person becomes an elected governor, they use formal and informal powers to influence public policy. I have recently been elected the Governor of Texas because I promised to address four significant issues. They include controlling immigration from Mexico, controlling spending on social programs, ensuring that the death...

Nursing Informatics and Its Influence on Leadership

This course has equipped me with valuable knowledge concerning leadership in the diverse society with a focus on the healthcare setting. I understand various peculiarities of and issues, as well as opportunities, associated with emotional intelligence, conflict management, time management. Importantly, I learned more about myself as I learned about...

The Concept of Death in Perspectives of Christianity and Hinduism

The diagnosis received by George in the case study is devastating and creates the possibility of a person facing mortality. Each individual interprets and deals with such situations according to personal values. This perspective is often based on a system of beliefs such as a religion. Religion serves as a...

Canada’s National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy

Summary The National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (currently known as the National Shipbuilding Strategy [NSS]) is a long-term project that was developed to renew Canada’s federal fleet, specifically the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). The Department of Public Works and Government Services operates the program, which...

Walmart Returning Legitimate Weapons on Counters

Summary of Resolution The current socio-economic situation in the United States implements civil rights to free possession and carrying of weapons. In particular, Americans throughout the country have the right to possess short and long barrels, rifled or smooth-bore guns, as well as semi-automatic ones. At the same time, retailers...

Li Ning Marketing Management: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities

Strengths The strengths of Li Ning are strong brand image and expert system, excellent web-site and customer support. Resource-based philosophy and innovations create new opportunities for market development and brand recognition. Customers’ loyalty can be achieved through the people who are employed by Li Ning. Innovations in technology and freezing...

Student Survival Guide and Learning Approaches

Throughout the study period, I intend to initiate methods and ways on fostering reading comprehension and retention of what is taught. In order to foster my comprehension I have to identify the reason for my reading and I have to monitor my comprehension while reading and reflect on the reading...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Remuneration Issues in the Organization: CEO Compensation

The current economic crisis has brought numerous discrepancies in the way the world economies are run. Apart from exposing the weaknesses inherent in the systems issues of remuneration have hit the headlines hard. The financial institutions that triggered the credit crisis were the same firms offering some of the highest...

Understanding Forgiveness and Forgiveness Word Concept

The word forgiveness is defined as the act of excusing an offender or a wrongdoer who has committed a mistake. Synonyms of the word forgiveness include, pardoning, condonation, exculpation among others. Other authorities have defined forgiveness as the compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive. However, confusion surrounds what...

Wal-Mart’s Compensation Strategy: Analysis and Recommendations

Summary of the Company Situation Compensation for workers is an important aspect of business because it partly determines the amount of money that is utilized for expenditure. The business management is aimed at acquiring the least costly compensation scheme possible to keep at minimum the company expenditure. At the same...

Human Resource Management: Employee Performance Report

Vice President Marketing Zenon Marketing Subject: Employee Performance Report Sir, Please find attached the detailed report regarding the concerns related to one of our staff, Bill Smith. His performance and behavior have been recorded for the past seven months since he was employed. The concerns of the department make it...

Transgender Women Athletes in Professional Sports

Introduction With the global recognition of the LGBTQ+ community and its rights in recent decades, one topic which has faced significant controversy is the presence of transgender athletes in all levels of professional sports. The debate centers around transgender rights, limitations of science in influencing biology, and the inconsistency of...

Is Access to Technology Worth the Potential Loss of Privacy?

The problem of data privacy is one of the most worrying topics for modern people since technology and the Internet is used in almost all areas of people’s lives. For the same reason, it is questionable if a person should use social networks and electronic devices, even though his or...

Can Adults Reach Same Level of Proficiency as Children

Introduction The acquisition of L2 is a process that is complex as many individuals may not achieve proficiency as expected. An individual’s ability to achieve proficiency in pronunciation of an L2 is influenced by a complexity of factors besides the age factor, such as; socioeconomic status, gender, amount of exposure...

General Franks Stability Operations: Personal Reflection

Implemented under President Bush’s service, General Franks Stability Operations had unfortunate consequences for the US military forces, being flawed in strategical planning and immediate execution. Not long after the US Army overthrew the dictate regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in 2003, General Tommy R. Franks made a decision to...

The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve which is also known as the Federal Reserve System or the Fed is the central banking system that is used to manage the financial and banking system in the United States. The reserve was established in 1913 to respond to the financial panic that had affected many...

Realism and Liberalism in Syria

Realism and Liberalism Realism is a school of political thought that sees states as independent actors in an anarchic world system. With no overarching authority, each seeks to secure and improve its well-being by amassing power through war or offsetting the power of potential threats (Mingst et al., 2019). Its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Koch Industries: Influence Tactics and Source of Power

Introduction The Koch brothers utilized different power sources and persuasion tactics in their long-running sibling rivalry for the control of Koch Industries. The company started in the 1900s by Fred, who spent most of his time fending off other established oil firms intending to drive him out of business due...

Powerful Leaders – Slave and Free

The nation united by the Constitution, which became effective in 1789, went separate ways in the 1960s, which led to the Civil War outbreak between the Confederacy and the unity-loyal northern United States. The partition and unity disintegration between the two sections had been gradually developing since the beginning of...

Fall Prevention Program of Elders People

Unfortunately, elders are more subject to health issues in comparison with younger patients. That is why it is of crucial significance to provide the elder with additional care. A safe environment is an essential phenomenon because, without it, elderly adults would witness a potential risk of falling. Thus, a fall...

Religious Fundamentalism in Islam and Christianity

The religious fundamentalism is best defined as people’s tendency to idealize their sense of religiosity to such an extent that they begin to pose danger to themselves and to society. Traditionally, such fundamentalism is being closely associated with the Semitic religions of Islam and Christianity, which can be explained by...

Educational Proficiency Decrease in the United States

Project Social science studies the whole complexity of human interrelations within society. Education, as one of the most important spheres of social life, is also the subject of social science study. Aside from various purely educational aspects of this subject, there are social sides thereof. First of all, education is...

Ontario Geological Processes: Rock Formations

The objective of this project is to learn about the geological processes that formed some of the rock formations in the province of Ontario. The samples were viewed at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto in the Earth’s Treasures gallery. This gallery contains several hundred mineral and rock samples from...

Endocrine Disruptors: Definition, Effects, and Threat Reduction

Introduction Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of hormones within the body. They do this by binding onto the same active sites within cells that normal hormones bind onto. Hormones are chemicals secreted into the bloodstream to regulate certain aspects of the body like metabolic levels,...

Project Management: What Is System Development?

Introduction Companies and organizations big or small, rely on information technology for their continual survival. Consider such organizations as power and water companies that have to calculate millions of customer bills every month. The clerical effort needed is simply enormous. Consequently, without a proper and effective information system, it is...

Coronavirus and Nutrition

The 2020 coronavirus outbreak brought many health system problems to the surface. The first and most important one is that a significant number of Americans cannot afford treatment due to the high health care cost and the impossibility of getting health insurance. Therefore, many Americans might avoid medical care or...

Encainide and Flecainide Effect on Mortality in a Trial of Arrhythmia Suppression

Design: Case control study. Setting: CAST Centres. Sample Population: 4400 patients, who had attended various CAST centres and had suffered from myocardial infarction, had been analyzed through the Holter test. Furthermore, the patients were required to have experienced six or more premature depolarisations within an hour. Inclusion Criteria Case patients:...

Information Systems in Organizations

Introduction In the modern world, the majority of organizations make use of the information systems to attain information necessary for effectively improving operations in the organization and accomplishing the tasks set aside in the organization. In an organization, an information system attains the data by collecting it, storing it, and...

Uses of Statistical Information

Designing an effective method for data collection is essential for without data no research can be fulfilled. Still, very few statistics textbooks pay attention to data collection methods and issues (Bauer, 2009). Therefore, it is advised that healthcare decision-makers must be well acquainted with the art and science of data...

The Great Depression and The United States’ Future

Today the United States of America is on the eve of the presidential elections, and it is the right time to assess what the country was in in the last few years. It has been and still is a hard time for the economy, as it is wrecked by the...

Encryption: Corporate Security Technological Solution

Encryption refers to a system that programs a plain readable text into a non-readable status for security purposes. The sender uses an encryption system to send the data, such that the receiver will have to use a key to retrieve the data to a readable form again. The major use...

Reducing Stress in Student Nurses: Article Critique

The aim of the review Systematic reviews usually aim at providing knowledge and evidence about a particular intervention along with the implications of the findings on future research or current policy. In Galbraith and Brown’s quantitative systematic review, “Assessing the intervention effectiveness for reducing stress in student nurses,” the aim...

Representing Islam: Racial and Gender Identities

As an individual whose family had immigrated to North America from Africa, my identity has been closely associated with trying to fit in. Being a woman of color, particular challenges come into play, shaping not only personal experiences and interactions with the world but also my self-perception and self-identity. For...

George Washington: An Effective and Intelligent Leader

The service and combat activity of military people requires a complex of certain qualities. They, forming the professional structure of their personality, are, at the same time, the basis of leadership in a team. The most important of them include high intelligence, determination, psychoanalysis and reflection, stress resistance, and emotional...

Localisation of Kinesin 45 in a Trypanosoma Brucei Cell

Introduction The term Kinesin refers to any motor protein that is often found in eukaryotic cells. “The term defines a broad class of motor proteins which move along microtubule cables powered by the hydrolysis of ATP.” (Rogers 2010) This active movement of “Kinesins supports several cellular functions which include mitosis,...

Project Management and Quality Assurance: Personal Experience

DBR provides me with an opportunity to work on and improve my PMP and PMI projects. These two types of tasks require certain skills and background knowledge to complete all the necessary assignments on a proper level. To be more exact, the essence of PMP and PMI projects is closely...

Infection Control: MRSA, C.Diff Norovirus

MRSA is an acronym for Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus which is a bacterium that leads to resistance to penicillin based antibiotics. Norovirus and clostridium difficile are viral based and bacterial based infections that can be easily transferred from one human to another and may be fatal. Infection refers to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Egyptian Protests and Revolution

Revolution in Egypt is a series of street demonstrations and protests in Cairo, Alexandria, and some other cities (including in the capitals of foreign states near the Egyptian embassies). It led to the resignation of the government and then-President Hosni Mubarak, who had been in power since 1981 (Bassiouni 64)....

Improving Patient Outcomes: Team-Based Health Care

Abstract The healthcare system has gone through numerous transformations in the last decades. When the lack of information and knowledge about diseases was the primary concern, the industry put its focus on research and development. The current landscape, however, encompasses numerous challenges to the healthcare industry. First, continuous research is...

Ethics and Morals in Quran

Quran has been criticized for its teachings, beliefs, and principles which are attributed to Islamic values. Since Islam existed, theorists have debated in different ways that other religions disapprove because of the contradictions between the teachings. Since the 21st century, westernization has led to changes in religious perceptions, especially on...

Corporate-Level Strategy Management and Responsibilities

Introduction The major corporate-level strategy formulation responsibilities include the following. Direction setting Direction setting involves various activities which the management needs to do in order to define and put clarification on the objectives of the organization and they will include identifying and acting upon the major goals of the organization...

Print and Digital Ads on Mental Health Implications of Social Media

Individuals, organizations, and government agencies create ads for various purposes based on what they seek to accomplish. Business organizations may use ads to create consumer awareness of the presence of their products in the market. Politicians may also resort to using ads to advance a particular political agenda. Similarly, government...

Forensic Psychology Analysis: Ethical Dilemmas and Principles

Introduction Forensic psychology occupies a medium place between psychology and criminal justice. Psychologists working in this sphere assess defendants’ ability to stand trial, evaluate credibility of witness testimonies, provide recommendations for the defendants’ treatment, and deal with the like issues. Like anybody working with human health and life, forensic psychologists...

Criminal Justice Authority Evaluation

Introduction The criminal justice system is important in every state as assists in bringing order in the society. The criminal justice process provides correctional facilities to reform those who go against the laws. The institutions of criminal justice use the constitutional in the justice and thereby make rulings based on...

“Flying Toward Morning” by Ciera Horton Mcelroy

Contrary to expectations, life does not always give positive emotions — there are moments when it seems that everything around is destroyed, and nothing can be fixed. The streak of tragedies has a substantial impact on adults, but for children with a more developed fantasy and a naive view of...

Does Technology Promote Loneliness?

Introduction In the 21st century, people tend to use technology in all aspects of their lives. Since early childhood, they play video games, listen to music, and use their smartphones and laptops. Specialists argue whether these technologies cause social isolation or, on the contrary, increase interaction. Without a doubt, the...

Alienation and Isolation in the Asian-American literature

The theme of alienation is clearly expressed in the Asian-American literature of the 20th century. Asian writers who immigrated to the United States in the late 19th century lived a challenging life. Most Korean-American and Chinese-American authors were formed in cultural isolation, which influenced their worldview to find their identity....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Industry: Data Collection Tools

The need to improve quality in healthcare delivery through embracing efficient and cost-effective healthcare paradigms have evolved rapidly over the past decade (Davies et al, 2008). PineBreeze Health Services, a 300-bed public health facility, has recognized this need and is in the process of undertaking sweeping changes aimed at improving...

Healthcare Management: Past, Present, and Future

The Health Information System (HIS) is a relatively interesting invention in the field of healthcare. It refers to a framework for handling health records. Researchers note that it is a “hardware, software, integrated technologies or related licenses, intellectual property, upgrades, or packaged solutions sold as services that are designed for...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Thematic Analysis

Death of a Salesman is a 1949 chef-d’oeuvre stage play by Arthur Miller, which addresses various issues that were affecting American society at the time. Specifically, the theme of the American dream features prominently in this play. According to Mgamis, historian James Truslow Adams coined the idea of the American...

Universal Health Care: Arguments For and Against

Introduction The constant debates around the health care system in the United States, recently heated by the president’s health care reforms proposal, is a direct indication that the issue of health care in the United States is a painful subject. On the one hand, there is a support for the...

Amateurism: Paying College Athletes for Their Work

Introduction The issue of college student-athletes being paid has been widely debated due to the range of different opinions surrounding it. However, in this paper, the argument that student-athletes should be paid for playing collegiate sports will be presented, despite the existence of current rules established by the National Collegiate...

Nestle Company: Sustaining Growth and Development

Introduction Nestle company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle in Switzerland and is currently one of the nutrition, health and wellness company in the world. It is the largest Switzerland’s industrial company and also the largest world’s food company according to Malik, Ali, Rana, Ilyas, & Khan (n.d.). The...

ACL Injury and Post Reconstruction Surgery Complications

Introduction Any injury to the lower limbs can substantially impair the patient, limiting their ability to walk without assistance and lead an active life. Knee injuries are particularly widespread among athletes engaged in high contact sports such as football, soccer, lacrosse, or rugby. One of the most common traumas in...

The Federal Government and the Mexican Repatriation

Between 1929 and 1936, a horrible process of Mexican Repatriation took place in the United States of America, making hundreds of thousands of Mexican people homeless, scared, jobless, and humiliated. At that time, local governments deported about 1.8 million people to Mexico (Wagner). According to Little, it happened because they...

“Race and Redemption” Book by Bailey

Religion was an integral part of the European colonization of the Americas, as was race. From their first steps in the New World, European colonists faced peoples who differed from them both physically and culturally and had no way to make sense of this encounter other than relying on their...

Job Limitation and Gender Sensitivity

Various organizational structures, processes, and practices are some of the issues which undermine gender equality. Women, just like men, have rewarding ideas if given opportunities to be heard. Female employees are made to live with aspects of discrimination, yet their work production capability is substantial. Much worse, human resource managers...

Pathophysiology in Nursing – Case Study

Significant findings of the physical examination From the physical examination of the patient, it is derived that; dyspnea (shortness of breath) especially when talking is due to airway obstruction. The blood pressure is higher than normal (normal blood pressure is 120/80) indicating type1 hypertension. The respiratory rate is also higher...

“Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie: Interpretation

Setting The first part of the book focuses mainly on the theme of identity and introducing the characters. The identity of the main character, Poirot, is not presented in the first chapters. Perhaps, the author used this method to emphasize his detective capabilities instead of merely stating his talent. Poirot...

Sleep, Experiences and Podcast Sleep Through Week

Discuss the Aspect of The Daily Life That Contributes to Sleep Debt/Does Not Accommodate Chronotypes The podcast interview with Matthew Walker discussed how not getting enough sleep severely affects people’s health and well-being. The doctor noted that in many cases, the time a person wakes up and goes to sleep...

The Testosterone Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction: Benefits and Harms

The article “What Are the Benefits and Harms of Testosterone Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction? – A Systematic Review” provides advice on the benefits and risks of testosterone treatment in adult men with sexual dysfunction. A study of the potential risks of approved testosterone treatment has been undertaken due to...

Security Technology Evaluation

Peer-to-peer (P-2-p) networks allow users to share music, video and software applications. As a result, there are plenty of risks when sharing files over a p2p network. This kind of sharing often exposes data on the computer to thousands of people on the Internet, and, as a result, introduces serious...

Role of the Medical Equipment in the Development of a New Research Project

Summary The provision of the lab and medical equipment plays an important role in the development of a new research project, the improvement of medical services, and the enhancement of academic facilities. Even if researchers and administrators establish clear goals and milestones in their work, there is a need for...

“Beowulf”: Cultural Elements of the Anglo-Saxon Piece of Literature

The literature inheritance leaves many works that reflect the history and culture of people that lived in that period. While studying the cultural and social conditions we come across some peculiar feature of each peoples and subconsciously identify them with new character traits of the modernized society. In that regard,...

The Marketing Importance for Purchase Desicions

There is a certain food stuff manufacturing firm from which I always purchase snacks. The firm produces different types of cakes, biscuits, and on the other hand processes milk into different final products like yoghurt, cheese, butter, fresh milk etc. I am a constant buyer of this business as I...

Executive Compensation Practices: Compensation Packages, Executive Pay, and Criticisms

Introduction Executive compensation concerns the remuneration of top executives in corporations. The executive compensation is a package that includes base salaries, bonuses etc. The top executives negotiate for their employment contracts. These contracts are typically five years and they spell out basic salaries, target bonus- that is paid with or...

Aristotle’s Biography: Philosopher’s Teaching and Outlook

Biographies of prominent people often represent a terrain of especial interest for researches, as the background and life circumstances of the former can provide valuable reasoning and explanation for the peculiarities of their ideas, values, and train of thought. One of the obvious cases of such informative biography can be...

Why the Commercial Ads Lie? Anti-Tobacco Advertising Evaluation

Advertisements are indeed an important aspect of our life, no matter how personally we evaluate the promoted product. One could say that heshe does not believe commercials, but the statistics do not lie when they say that the sales of a particular product rose after the launch of a new...

Promotion and Implementation of Evidence-Based Medicine

Introduction Leading science in the wrong direction can be caused by different aspects. The fraud, as an important cause, can be an aspect, but omitting the bad intention factor, the science can be sometimes directed by ideas that are directly implemented into practice, driven by forces that have their roots...

Alternatives to Incarceration and Their Application

The reaction to crime has experienced a revolution with time. In the late18th Century and early 19 Century, the revolution took place based on Western democratization and partly by the rationale of the existing philosophers and legalists of the time. During this period, the justice system was made to be...

In Vitro Fertilization and Its History Milestones

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of fertilization that occurs outside the body in which egg cells are fertilized by sperm cells in a specially prepared fluid medium. Following the fertilization of the egg outside the body, the zygote is implanted into the womb of the mother. If both...

Spoken by the Sentry at Achilles’s Tent by Doug Anderson

For centuries, poets have been addressing The Iliad as a source for inspiration. Through poems inspired by the events and characters of the ancient Greek work, they present the acute problems of their time. In the piece “Spoken by the Sentry at Achilles’s Tent”, Doug Anderson, by using situations and...

Typhoid Fever: Health Promotion Pamphlet

Introduction Reporting of communicable diseases to the public health department is fundamental in the control and prevention of infectious diseases. Health care providers are required to report either suspected or confirmed cases of reportable diseases as soon as possible. When infectious diseases and related conditions are reported, medical therapy and...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Symptoms, Treatment

COPD pathophysiology The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has a rather varied pathophysiology, which provides for the need of numerous assessment data while diagnosing and assessing the needs of the COPD patients. Thus, according to McIvor (2004), the development of COPD is characterized by the increased levels of circulation of...

Organizational Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction General overview As the major issue concerning the managed care related to Veterans Affairs deals with the quality of services provided by the organization, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the quality of services after the introduction and implementation of the managed care program to ensure that all...

Hardford Hospital’s New Organizational Structure

An organization chart is a diagram that is drawn to clearly show the formal arrangement of its department and the way its segments interrelate with each other. The structure helps the hospital to delegate duties to all its employees. It is paramount to delegate these duties so as to avoid...

Career Counseling Overview: Accounting Career

The career counseling session is devoted to the appropriate career intervention developed for the group of students with common interests and skills. The principal task of the counseling process is centralized around accounting career making. The group of students is to understand the main goals and professionalism they have to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Child Psychology Peculiarities and Erickson’s Perspective of Psychosocial Development

In personality development, childhood is considered to be very significant. Therefore in an attempt to analyze appropriate moves about children breaking away stand by me or hope, I will consider Erickson’s perspective of psychosocial development, as far as childhood is concerned. According to Erickson as the child develops ego identity...

Medical Microbiology: Salmonella – Causes of Infection and Its Prevention

Introduction Salmonella is a type of gram-negative bacteria that can lead to typhoid fever, food poisoning and paratyphoid fever. These species can cause the production of hydrogen sulfide and are motile. Their name is derived from that of an American veterinary pathologist, Daniel Elmer Salmon. Along with Theobald Smith, who...

Children Before Marriage: Contradictions in Society

Nowadays a lot of couples do not feel the necessity of getting married to have children. Young people being in love do not hurry to make their relationships official in order to create a family; modern society has a different look on the contemporary situation. Cohabitation and having children before...

Dumbledore and Odin: Comparison

Introduction Mythology is a critically important element of any culture. It represents values and ideas that attract people and contribute to the creation of inspiring stories. Myths also reveal the current state of society’s evolution and issues that are important at the moment. At the same time, there are still...

Martha Rogers’s Theory and the Movie “The Sixth Sense” by Shyamalan

The theory of unitary human beings formulated by Martha Rodgers has played a very significant role in the discipline of nursing as well as many other disciplines. The introduction of the theory has transformed the field of nursing and the initial perception of healthcare. In today’s world, nursing is not...

Cultural Identity in Cisneros and Danticat Stories

Cultural and racial prejudices that complicate already difficult life pervade the history of humanity. Cultural identity is essential for every person to know and honor their origins, traditions, and nationality. However, when this self- perception is amplified to the extremes, it usually provides adverse outcomes for the people who make...

Chronic Disease Prevention: Program’s Effectiveness

Synopsis The CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is the focus of this discussion. The paper is aimed at considering the program effectiveness by means of reviewing studies devoted to evaluation of the CDC actions directed at population vaccination. Background The CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is considered to be the...

Environmental and Social Sustainability

Sustainability is a critical issue across the globe, owing to increased population growth. In the historical period, it reflected the available resources’ ability to meet people’s needs and maintain them at a specific level. However, the increased social and environmental problems in the contemporary world have led to a universal...

World War I and the US’ Role During and After It

Introduction While it is a well-known fact that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in 1914, is considered to be a direct cause of World War I, its roots are deeper and go back to the 19th century. Many scholars agree that such issues developing on the...

Personal Teaching Philosophy and Its Development

Revised Personal Teaching Philosophy After the Principles of Teaching and Learning Course When I developed my teaching philosophy for the first time, I paid much attention to the explanation of the learning process because it is critical for education. Initially, I focused only on the necessity to develop a positive...

“Managing Execution Risks of Change Initiative” by Ajit

Introduction Change is inevitable. Currently, the world has been reduced to a virtual village due to changes in technology. People from different countries can communicate with each other in real-time due to advanced innovations and technology. A majority of the world’s population can be referred to as ‘digital’ as they...

Robotics in Manufacturing: Social and Ethical Implications

The field of robotics has been growing tremendously over the last three decades, as occasioned by the technological revolution of the late 20th century. The integration of robotics into the manufacturing process has changed the traditional way of production in many aspects. Currently, the cost of doing business is going...

Colin Kaepernik’s Protest in Nike’s Ad Campaign

Introduction The internet and social media have become the new television, an instrument of capturing the zeitgeist and influencing people’s opinions and beliefs. With the lack of censorship and nearly universal access, people can promote the messages and causes they believe in. However, with this openness and mass accessibility, the...

Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice

Introduction Within the rapid growth and development of the healthcare industry, pharmacogenetics (PGx) addresses critical difficulties concerning data integration into clinical practice. It is necessary to design simple and convenient to use bioinformatics means to assist the clinicians in the fast access and usage of data in clinical decision-making. Weitzel,...

Criminology: About Corporate Fraud

Introduction Occupation fraud which is also known as internal fraud or employee fraud, theft, or embezzlement refers to “….the use of one’s occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organization’s resources or assets” (Wells, 1997, p.14). However, there exist three major classes of Occupation...

Juvenile Justice System Analysis

There are many different experiences based on the youth’s background, and 50 separate systems exist because each state is responsible for maintaining its structure. Nevertheless, the five main steps of both the adult and juvenile systems are entered into the system, prosecution and pretrial services, adjudication, sentencing and sanctions, and...

Remembering, Feeling, and Thinking Worksheet

Motivation, Emotion, and Behavior Motivation, emotion, and behavior are crucial components of the study of psychology as their relationship explains the nature of human actions. According to Simpson and Balsam (2016), motivation is an arousal process of a person to pursue a specific goal that involves an individual’s experience and...

Management Information System in Media

Background information The various problems facing many media integrated organizations have been found to be internally initiated; which further affects their general performance, as Kenneth & Loudon (2007) reveals. Being one of the key socializing agents, a media integrated organization ought to be properly managed; so as to be effective...

The Orphan Train Movement in the United States

In the mid-19th century, New York and other American cities were full of street children and orphans. In 1853, The Children’s Aid Society began a program known as The Orphan Train Movement (Gajda-Łaszewska, 2018). Orphans, mostly immigrants whose parents died, were grouped, put on trains, and transported until they were...

Progressive Neurocognitive Disorders and Adulthood

Introduction Neurocognitive disorders describe signs and symptoms of many diseases, which lead to progressive or gradual changes in the functionality of a person. It is a general term used to explain the cumulative diminishing of memory, mental agility, intellectual ability, and impact on the accustomed emotional ripostes. Adulthood occurs in...

Animal Themes in Mythology: The Fox

Introduction Animals often have a prominent role in the world’s mythologies and folklore. The fox is a common figure in many traditions, representing a cunning trickster or, sometimes, messenger, figure (Ashkenazi 148; Lihui and An 239). This figure is not necessarily negative or malevolent but is often described as dangerous...

Impact of PPACA in Healthcare

One of the very recent additions of the United States law is The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA 2010). The law has been taken into action from 23rd March, 2010, and it focuses mainly on different health-care facilities that the Government is trying to implement over the next...

The Importance of Solving a Social Issue of Environmental Plastic Pollution

Introduction Among the many tentative social issues that impact societies globally, the most pertinent are those related to the environment. Irreversible natural processes that occur across the planet are out of human control, and the scope of their advancement in force and frequency demands an immediate and qualitative change in...

‘Symptoms of Psychosis in Mental Health Professional’ by Fleming & Martin

Psychosis is a condition caused by various types of illnesses that interfere with the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the development of beliefs about things that are false (delusions) and hallucinating, which is characterized by experiencing things that others are not experiencing (Beck 2008 p 334)....

Merchandise Trend: Analysis of Articles on Innovations

The article “Hottest seat in Town” speaks about a trivial thing, the water closet, describing innovations and modern design available for very sophisticated consumers. Many people feel uneasy speaking about the water closet and its convenience, but they often forget that it plays an important role in the life of...

Risk Management: International Financial Risks

Introduction A company going international will face or encounter risks that are different from those faced in the home country. The risks in International transactions include foreign exchange risks and political risks. Foreign exchange involves things like currency shortages, depreciation, and increase of public debt or exchange rate fluctuations. Proper...

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act: Regulation and Violation

Introduction Regulations and laws regarding emergency departments and receiving patients can be complex as they are meant to both protect patients but also maintain the quality of healthcare provision. EMTALA is one of these regulations meant to promote the non-discriminatory nature in emergency departments. This report will examine a scenario...

Beta-Agonist Use and Death From Asthma Relationship

Summary The title of the research is “The Association between Beta-Agonist use and Death from Asthma.” This study is based on a type of study called meta-analysis within various case studies. Meta-analysis involves the analysis of previously conducted studies, preferably those that have not been published to avoid publication bias....

Haiti: From Slavery to Emancipation

The Creation of Wealth and The Policies Justification Fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were crucial for European development as a bourgeois society. However, this socio-political transformation was done by means of exploiting new vast territories and enslaving their indigenous people. Sugar industry, which was brought and intensified in America, was an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Philosophy of Science: A Scientific Theory Cannot Be Verified

Introduction For one to understand Karl Popper’s assertion that a scientific theory is not logically verifiable, it is essential to comprehend the underlying scientific philosophy from his perspective. Popper is considered unique in his outlook among other contemporary philosophers as he accepts the Humean Critique of Induction and seeks to...

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency

The problem of juvenile delinquency has been always a burning problem for the society. Adult generation is always concerned with impropriate behavior of the youth and gives different explanations to the increased rate of juvenile crimes. The eternal conflict between generations exists due to the reluctance of the law to...

Susan Anthony Description and Analysis

The beginning of social activism was a turning point in humanity’s history, reflecting the central moods and demands of society and also being a specific reaction to pressing issues hindering the further development of mankind. Despite being a controversial subject, it has grown into the primary tool used by different...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and Sandars’ “The Epics of Gigamesh”

The Europeans’ conquest is one illustration of how people’s desire for power and ownership can subject others to suffering. The results of such actions are oppression and loss of identity since the conquered often have to obey the policies and rules that the conquerors impose on them. These perspectives help...

Current and Projected Status of the Medicare Program

Health care remains one of the most important human needs. Times have seen healthcare stakeholders in America increase. Times of antiquity were characterized by individual contributions in the pursuit of medical services. The introduction of Medicare in 1965 may be regarded as the genesis of subsequent Healthcare reforms (Miller 117)....

Wiesel’s “Night” Reveals the Evil Inherent in Humanity

As one might expect from a book written by an eyewitness of the Holocaust who barely escaped death at concentration camps, Night by Elie Wiesel deals with the subject of evil in much detail. The teenage author’s encounters with SS soldiers and the personnel of the death camps provide more...

Nurses About the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

This quantitative research report will critique research done by Smith and Waugh (2009) on the assessment of registered nurses’ knowledge on treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers. The critique will major on the study’s problem statement, the purpose of the study as in whether the study is significant to nursing,...

Nursing Utilization Project on Educational Program on VTE for Nurses

Research Support First of all, it is necessary to mention that VTE (Venous thromboembolism) is an essential public health problem with the incidence rates similar to stroke and fatality rates greater than acute myocardial infarction (Baccarelli, Zanobetti, Martinelli, 2007 ). The incidence of VTE may be markedly reduced with appropriate...

Search Warrant and Data Acquisition

Search Warrant A search warrant is a document which gives the authorities the right for searching a place for specific items. The permit is signed by a magistrate and should list the objects which the officers ought to look for. A warrant is based on an affidavit, a document signed...

Statistical Parameters in Distracted Driving Fatalities

Case Descriptive Statistics Statistical parameters and measurements are employed in analysis of various sets and types of data. These approaches cut across all fields of study and in most cases statistically significant findings are extrapolated in designing policies (Campbell, Machin & Walters, 2007). In the medical arena, data may be...

Human Trafficking Concerning Minorities in the U.S.

Social Issue Nowadays, minority groups in the U.S. face numerous challenges connected with social, political, ethical, and other issues. Human trafficking is one of the most severe ways of harassment that humanity has ever faced. In this research paper, the issue of human trafficking concerning minorities will be discussed in...

Physical Differences of Criminals and Non-Criminals

Introduction Discourse on the origins of criminal and antisocial behaviour has continued for many decades. Criminologists have developed many theories and concepts in their quest to understand and explain the genesis of the criminal. One of the most frequently discussed and controversial ideas is biological positivism. Adherents of this concept...

Leading and Managing Evidence-Based Change in Nursing

Summary of Area of Interest The selected area of interest for this study is the nature of communication in different healthcare settings. Over the years, many professionals have ignored this attribute despite being a powerful aspect of medical practice. Medical institutions whose leaders promote effective communication among their followers find...

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management: Addressing Nurse Turnover

Employee turnover remains one of the biggest challenges to many organizations’ success, and it is more calamitous in the healthcare sector. The quality of care and patient safety are affected, both directly and indirectly, by nurses entering and quitting their jobs at a high rate. Nurse leaders and managers have...

Role of a Nurse Manager Overview

The notion of healthcare has significantly evolved in its semantic paradigm over the last decades. The perception of the job description, however, has been mostly modified in the field of nursing care and management. If previously, the major emphasis was placed on the service quality, nowadays it is the organizational...

13th: Documentary Review and Analysis of Themes

Analysis of Themes The documentary 13th is a gripping account of how the law that abolished slavery created an exploitable loophole for this inhumane behavior to continue, albeit subtly, under the guise of legality. The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a...

Nursing Leadership Experience in the Development of an Educational Program for Patients

Introduction This paper is dedicated to describing and analyzing the leadership experience of a nursing student which took the form of participating in the development of an educational program for patients with substance use and abuse problems. Key information about the activity, as well as the roles and processes associated...

Ethical Issue and Theories, Ethical Guidelines

Ethical Issues When making a decision about pursuing a medical career, an individual is to take full responsibility for one’s actions due to their major and direct impact on other people’s life expectancies and health. Thus, it goes without saying that medical employees are to preserve some moral obligations when...

Healing Hospital: Components and Challenges

Introduction The human body, like those of other living things is prone to instabilities in biological functionality and structural well being. These often lead to disruptions of body functions in form of sicknesses or injuries. The restoration of such states to normal body condition is what defines healing. A healing...

The Conflict of Faith and Honesty in “Good People” by Wallace

The morality of Christian tradition and its application to real-life problems has always been the platform for debate. People look for the solution in God but often get entangled with the common practical reasons for it. The characters of David Foster Wallace’s short story Good People also deal with such...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Critique of Economics Budgeting

Budgeting is not an exact science, and its success depends on the precision of estimates. Estimates are based on facts and managerial judgment, which can suffer from subjectivism and personal biases. The accuracy of budgeting therefore rests on the adequacy of management. Where management is optimistic about future prospects for...

Capitalism in Brook’s Vermeer’s Hat and Rediker’s Slave Ship

Timothy Brook takes a sharp-eyed, albeit critical, review into the social, political, and economic context lying within Vermeer’s seemingly undramatic façade. The author writes about capitalism during the 17th century, as presented within Johannes Vermeer’s mundane life paintings in Delft, Netherlands. Contrastingly, Marcus Rediker talks about the development of the...

A Detailed Look at Brucellosis

Introduction Etiologic agent Brucellosis is a common infection that affects man, swine, goats, and cattle, although it rarely infects wild mammals such as deer in the United States. The disease is responsible for the occurrence of abortion in cattle (Ingebrigtsen, Ludwig, Arlin, & McClurkin, 1986). Brucellosis is caused by bacteria...

Piracy in Somalia: Issue Analysis

Introduction In 1991, the Somali rebels overthrew the government of the then president Said Bare who for a long time was perceived as a dictator by both locals and the international community. This created a vacuum in the leadership of that country as each of the clans in Somalia want...

Coca Cola International Finance

Introduction Global investment banking is a vital component to the Coca-Cola organization due to the vast reach of the organization. Coca-Cola deals in 68 functional currencies around the world making global investment banking a key element of the organizations success. Net Operating Revenue Percent Change Year Ended 2007 December 31...

Healing and Autonomy: The Conflict Between Conventional Medical Treatment and Spiritual Beliefs

The case study presents a frequent conflict between conventional medical treatment and spiritual beliefs that affect medical decision-making. In this case, Mike’s decision to opt for prayer healing instead of temporary dialysis has influenced his son’s condition and created a need for a kidney transplant. Mike is now contemplating whether...

Organizational Leadership Challenges and Leadership Theories to Overcome Them

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation For almost 14 years of experience as a leader, I have managed to explore many various challenges and obstacles that arise in the way of managers and slow down the process of solving relevant organizational tasks. When I was appointed as a supervisory board member...

Sociology of Religion: Theoretical Approaches and Their Comparison

Introduction For centuries, humankind has struggled to explain the meaning of life through philosophy and religion. While philosophy tries to answer the eternal question using a rational approach, religion operates with notions that surpass the limits of human knowledge. Religion is a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning sacred...

Transformations in Slavery and Effects of Slavery on Society

Periodization of Slavery In order to provide an adequate periodization of slavery, it is critical to distinguish between incidental and systematic slavery. As noted by Lovejoy (2011), there were cultures where a minor part of the population owned a few slaves as a demonstration of their wealth. However, the type...

Adhocracy Culture in an Information Technology Company

Introduction Company culture is an essential part of the successful functioning of the organization. It does not have a direct impact on efficiency or income, but it helps to establish a comfortable environment among the colleagues, which leads to the improvement of their results. In order to ameliorate the company...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Decision-Making. The Informed Decision Toolbox

Introduction Most organizations have embraced evidence based strategy in making informed decision. This approach to decision making has gained prominence among managers in the past two decades. This is as a result of the growing need to provide high quality health care. It is also enormously ascribable to increasing efficiency...

Analysis of Current MRSA Health Promotion Pamphlet

Introduction Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial strain that is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin. It is also known as multidrug resistant Staph. In the hospital set up, patients who make use of invasive devices, have compromised immune system, and have open wound have greater chances of getting...

“Shooting an Elephant” and “Stranger in the Village”

The themes of oppression, alienation, and identity often permeate the well-known pieces of modern and classic literature. Conflicts that are understood on an instinct level are often engaging for the reader and broad with possible meanings. The basic issue at the core of a story can be expanded and turned...

Queer Representation of Gender and Sexual Non-Conformity

This assignment aims to highlight the role of media and television in determining gender or sex roles for the consumers to follow, among others. Queer representation, as portrayed in “San Junipero”, an episode from Black Mirror, incorporates several aspects of society. Religion is expected to take the higher road and...

Management Issues in the NHS

The National Health Service is a collective name given to the four publicly funded health care systems of the United Kingdom. The health service in England commonly uses the name “National Health Service” without further qualification while the publicly -funded health care organization in Northern Ireland does not use the...

Why Are Textbooks So Expensive?

Introduction The price of education in the country incorporates the fees for student books, and this circumstance allows publishing companies and bookstores to establish policies for their benefit. This viewpoint is supported by Henry L. Roediger, who writes in his article Why Are Textbooks so Expensive? about the real reason...

Jellio Company Managing Growth

Executive summary Planning for the growth of a company is important and managers should carefully look at available options before deciding on which growth strategies to introduce. In the case study being discussed, the company (Jellio) seeks to expand its operations because of the increase in the number of customers....

Business Research and Practice: The Great Divide

Article “The Great Divide Between Business Research and Business Practice” by Dostaler and Tomberlin focused on exploring a unique problem: there is a significant gap between what is taught in business schools and what occurs in practice. While the vast majority of business school graduates possess a lot of knowledge...

Childhood Issues Research: Causes and Consequences

Sutherland’s article research Thesis Statement The article by Sutherland (1992) focuses on the so-called voyeuristic empathy related to childhood reminiscence. The thesis posed by the author can be identified as follows: childhood is composed of structural states that may differ, depending on the certain period and cultural peculiarities that are...

Money Supply in the United States

Introduction The economy of most countries in the world is based on the exchange of money in the market. There are few states left that rely on exchanging goods, or barter economy. Currency, in its different forms, is a part of everyday life for many people as they use it...