Application of Concept Analysis to Nursing Clinical Practice

Introduction Nowadays, nurses have to work hard and learn from different sources in order to meet all professional expectations and personal demands. Wills and McEwen (2014) underline that experienced nurses should know how to focus on the practical application of their evidence-based knowledge and demonstrate high skills in generalizing and...

Issues That Affect Health Care Delivery

Introduction The health care reform agenda has been a political issue in the United States for decades. Politicians and special interest groups alike have attempted to improve access to care through lowering costs. They have also called for improving the quality and safety of care delivery. After many years of...

“Eyes on the Prize” by Bagwell

Introduction African-Americans began fighting for racial equality from early years of the 19th century when the United States banned the slave trade in 1808. Victims of social exclusion in public development encountered significant challenges that needed public address. Eyes on the Prize provides vital information on how the black community...

Negligence Risks and Liabilities in Clean’s Public Business Facility

Introduction Negligence cases are a part of civil law, and they imply compensation as a punishment (Diffen, n.d.). Negligent behavior involves both actions and omissions (Legal Information Institute, n.d.b). Compensation can be adjudged if a negligence claim implies five elements, including duty, breach of duty, cause in effect, proximate cause,...

The Effects of Alcohol on Human Body and Mental State

Knapp’s work tells about the period when the author had an unhealthy drinking habit for about 20 years. It introduces many aspects of being an alcoholic and its consequences. What is more critical, Knapp talks about her experience and recovery path in so many details that the book is helpful...

Health Care Inequality: The Socio-Economic Factors

The problem of inequality in various aspects of socio-economic life and the problems of overcoming it are increasingly becoming the subject of discussions in politics, scientific research, and social policy. The United Nations and the European Union devote much attention to these problems (Costa-Font and Cowell 172). They emphasize the...

The Issue of Effective Communication and Communication Technology

Introduction Communication is an essential element for successful operations within an organization. The passage of information from one point to another in a firm has different channels. During this process, there are always numerous obstacles to successful communication. Ineffective communication can lead to the failure of a business, as not...

Apple Inc. in the Retailing of Consumer Electronics

Today Apple takes one of the leading positions in the industry among such developed computer companies as Sony, ACER, Samsung, HP, Lenovo, ASUS, and some others which are popular with the customers of the United Kingdom (Harps 2002). This market is rather competitive and requires following the tendencies in the...

Marketing Management Aspects and Questions

Define what is meant by “brand equity” and discuss what a company can do to maintain brand equity Coherent society is characterized by great rivalry. To be successful a company or a person should be able to compete with the rest of the world. Especially topical this question is for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Psychoeducational Group Therapy for Children

Group psychotherapy as one of the most useful tools in psychological counseling obtains a variety of theoretical bases, approaches, and groups types. The choice of a kind of group patients are referred to depends on a variety of factors ranging from the mental health issue characteristics, age group, and the...

Server-Side Development Technologies Evaluation

In this paper, several of the server-side development technologies/frameworks will be evaluated. Moreover, the performance, platform compatibility, acceptance, and budget of each framework will be assessed. Personal criticism and evaluation will be provided at the end of the paper. “ASP.NET is an open-source server-side web application framework aimed to assist...

Personal Development Planning: Important Habits

Introduction Habits in connection with personal development refer to behaviors that are repeatedly assimilated over time and can either be good or bad (O’ Neil 2015 (a)). They are, usually, seven in number; habits of being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, prioritizing first things first, win-win situations, seeking...

Quality of Education: Graduation Requirements

Introduction Education is one of the essential parts of the success of the person living in the modern world (Gebel and Heyne 2014). Throughout history, education has played a crucial role in a person’s ability to become a respected member of society and attain a valuable profession. Therefore, education has...

Health Promotion: Community, Nation, and the World

Medical specialists have always called for maintaining and improving health. This process is referred to as health promotion and is a priority in many countries and regions. Its major benefit is obvious: it helps an individual eliminate the risks of diseases and positively influences the overall well-being of the nation....

Weber’s and Marx’s Views on Capitalism Comparison

Introduction Modern sociology is rooted in the works of Max Weber and Karl Marks, who laid the foundations of the capitalist and communist views of history, the society, and mechanisms affecting the lives of every citizen on a daily basis (Sayer, p. 2). The purpose of their endeavors was to...

Health Care Contracts and Their Types

Introduction Contracts play a rather important role in the system of health care, especially in its private sector (Boyle et al., 2001, p. 12). Such contracts as managed care, suppliers (equipment), personnel, and unions present the core of the health care system as they provide the patient with everything necessary...

Health Promotion Model: The Lifestyle Change Project

Introduction As a nursing professional, there is the pressing need to address the cause rather than the symptoms of a public need relative to promotion of health in individuals, families, and the population in general (Flynn et al., 2006). This approach gives the nursing professional and the patient the opportunity...

Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Views on Abortion

In modern times, abortion is one of the most discussed topics in society. There are numerous arguments in favor of and against this highly controversial topic, and it continues to be one of the key points in political debates. In order to clearly express the argument, Judith Thomson has created...

Historical Figures: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was a famous Swiss educator-democrat, theorist of the popular school, who had a tremendous influence on the development of pedagogical theory and school practice in many countries of the world. He pinned his main hopes on properly organized upbringing and education of children, on the unity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Company Risk Avoidance Plan Analysis

Introduction The BGP Technologies Company is facing financial difficulties that can be attributed to poor economic environment. As a result of this the Company would like a risk an avoidance plan that can be useful reducing some of the legal costs that arise owing to the nature of the business....

Global Transportation Providers and the Tracking Systems

The information exchange for consignments on transit has played a key role in the long run; their delivery right from the initial stages to its final destination is preferred by the client (Coyle, Barti & Novack, p. 353). Thus, a close nexus between the shipping firm and its client is...

Our Loss of Wisdom, Speech of Barry Schwartz

Reflections on the nature of society, some rules in it, and its influence on an individual are deep-rooted in the sociological science. However, regulation appears to an integral part of any community and organization, and each person has to cope with it. The methods are various, and the results depend...

The Panama and Suez Canals

Introduction A canal is an inland waterway that is artificially built to connect two large water bodies especially for commercial activities and today they are for recreational purposes. It is designed for transportation or irrigation from a waterway. Examples of canals include the Erie Canal, Kennet and Avon canal, the...

Human Transport Systems: The Pulse Rate Experiment

Introduction Background of the study The cardiovascular system is a part of the human transport system. It consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. It performs various functions especially when an individual is exercising (Turner, 2000, p. 309). Some of its functions include transporting oxygenated blood to the active...

Influence and Persuasion

Influence is a powerful currency in the business environment that gives a lot of leverage to those who master this skill. It is not surprising that there is an extensive body of literature on the art of persuasion and its application in real life. Such is the book by Bob...

Negotiations Class Self-Assessment: Negotiation Skills

Introduction In this semester, negotiation skills were among the paramount topics covered. From the knowledge acquired during the semester, negotiation is a process aimed at settling differences by reaching an agreement. Negotiation skills are paramount especially in business transactions where bargaining is a common phenomenon. In addition, various professions such...

Portfolio Management: Stock Selection and Portfolio Performance

Introduction This is a report that summarizes the performance of a portfolio of five stocks selected (theoretically) on October 01, 2011, and is disposed of holding up to November 03 302011. The paper covers the performance of the portfolio, stock selection criteria, each stock performance, and the returns of the...

Living Religions: Religion, Politics, and Society

In the present age, many people of different faiths are trying to define the relationship between the sacred and the secular or religion and politics. Please answer the following questions Is it wrong for those who believe a law or regulation is contrary to God’s will to oppose it? The...

Research Process: Developing a Scientific Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a proposed expression of experimental phenomena. A scientific hypothesis needs to be tested to qualify as a hypothesis. However, mathematically a hypothesis is referred to as an idea whose value needs assessment. Hypothesis can be used in prediction through reasoning. It can predict the result of a test...

Organizational Behavior Aspects and Leadership Style

Team dynamics For an effective business, leaders should ensure they have orchestrated teams that are focused and responsive to the needs of an organization; to develop the teams, managers need to understand their team dynamics. Generally, teams are formal groups within an organization; formal groups have some set goals and...

The Role of Life-Wide Learning and Personal Development

In my belief, while getting a sound education is of uttermost importance in the life of an individual, complimenting it with other activities outside of the school setting not only increases the value of education but also results in personal development. For this reason, I have tried to ensure that...

Nutrition: Anatomy of a Supermarket Purchase

Introduction It should be noted that people are often unaware of the real motivational mechanisms behind their food choices in the supermarket. Advertising and product placement can affect the unconscious mind of consumers and influence their purchases. For instance, chocolate bars may cause associations with positive emotions because of advertising,...

Case Scenarios in U.S. Labor Laws

Situation A: Provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became effective on August 5, 1993, after former President Bill Clinton fulfilled his campaign promise and signed it into law in his first term of office. In its provisions, an...

Time Line: Design Examples

Introduction The examples of design works that will be provided below in chronological order can be discussed as closely related to each other. They illustrate various approaches to combining textual and graphic components in one work that were used during different time periods. Examples of such works include illuminated manuscript...

Safety Presented by the Use of Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Bispenol-A (BPA) is a very essential chemical compound used in the manufacture of a variety of plastic-based materials. For instance, the manufacture of epoxy resins as well as the polycarbonate plastics heavily relies on the availability of bisphenol A (Chenier, 2002). The plastics are thereafter used to make containers for...

Understanding the Counselor Identity

Abstract Two articles and one podcast were selected for this assignment. The first article by Spurgeon (2012) states that the lack of a unified professional identity has led to confusion within the profession. This is attributed to the fact that different counselors have used numerous definitions to come up with...

Internet Privacy and Privacy Issues

Internet Privacy has become one of the most commonplace issues in contemporary society. Even though internet connectivity enables many people to interact and share information, privacy issues have remained a big problem for Internet users. Internet-related crimes, such as fraud and cyberstalking, have been on the verge of increasing, hence...

Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research

The name of the site The Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) long-term ecological research (LTER) site was established in 1987, and is financed by the National Science Foundation. It is among the 26 LTER sites that were established in the United States to form the LTER sites network. The type of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Demonstration of Reinforcement Effectiveness

Abstract This paper aims to examine the case of a 10-year-old male student, who has the diagnosis of autism and studies in a special classroom environment. The interfering behavior that is not acceptable in social terms is pushing other children and items with the aim of attracting their attention. For...

Hookah Venture: Target Customers and Market

Target customers are individuals between 18 and 35 years old (Montgomery et al., 2015). These are mainly people of Middle Eastern descent and their friends and close ones. Importantly, these may be immigrants, children of immigrants as well as people of other ethnicities. People of the non-Arabic descent are mainly...

Skin Cancer in Latin American Population

Introduction Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in the United States. Moreover, the statistics show that the majority of patients have melanomas of the skin while non-epithelial skin cancers make up only 7% of those tracked by central cancer registries (Centers for Disease Control and...

Team-Based Approaches to Health Care

Introduction Team-based approaches to health care are central to quality improvement and cost reduction initiatives in the medical field. A well-coordinated group of specialists can quickly and comprehensively respond to surfacing issues and provide a high degree of comfort to the patient through the combination of various specialties and viewpoints....

Managing Organizational Change and Strategic Planning

Images Paper The six-images framework is a mental model that describes various roles performed by change managers as well as their perceptions of change management. According to this approach, these people can act as directors, coaches, navigators, caretakers, nurturers, and interpreters; their exact role or roles may depend upon various...

Obama Speech: Rhetorical Analysis and Evaluation

According to Aristotle, rhetoric involves identifying something persuasive in order to convince the audience. In his speech, Obama starts by making reference to Martin Luther King Jr. He highlights the important role Luther played in the fight for the liberation of the Black Americans. However, he says that the monument...

Group Presentation Performance: Analysis of IKEA

Introduction In the essay, I am going to give my reflection about a group presentation in a Business Studies class. The essay will focus on my experiences as part of the group as well as lessons learned. The essay will highlight several areas of interest. These areas include giving the...

Racial Tensions in “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison

Introduction “Recitatif” is a short story written by Tony Morrisson, which depicts the experience of Twyla and Roberta. The story uncovers many themes, including child neglect and racial tensions of the era. The plot development allows seeing the relationship between two childhood friends and the different life experiences and views...

Osteoporosis: Description, Its Effect on Homeostasis

Introduction Osteoporosis refers to the reduction in bone mineral density (BMD). (Misner 1) The condition develops gradually and results in weakened bones that can fracture easily (Sugimoto, pars. 1-3). The condition is more common in the elderly and women are five times more at risk of developing the condition as...

Design of Act IV Scene I of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Play

Introduction Macbeth is an interesting play to read as well as watch it being performed. Delving into Act IV Scene 1, which shows Macbeth not wanting to believe the reality of what the future holds for him. Even though the witches had revealed to him that he would be faced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Distracted Driving: Dangers, Regulations, and Individual Freedoms Issue

In many ways, the implementation of the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms depends on those guarantees of a cultural, socio-economic, material, political, organizational, and legal nature that are established and provided by the state. Every citizen should be free as long as he does not harm others. Therefore, when not...

Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia: The Key Points

Introduction The research article by Brito et al. (2007) for High Altitude Medicine and Biology explored the topic of chronic intermittent hypoxia at high altitude exposure for over twelve years. The scholars assessed the renal, cardiovascular and haematological effects. The study was of quantitative design and involved healthy army personnel...

The Creation of Budgeting Project

When creating a master budget several items are considered these items include various small budgets. The master budget includes the balance sheet and income and expenditure. It is integration between various budgets ranging from financial budget, material budget, cash budget, and many other budgets that are related to the organization,...

Business Intelligence System Development to Deliver Analytics

Introduction The Business Intelligence system is integrated with analytical systems that provide the function answers to various business needs. The analytical systems that should be contained in the BI should be highly developed, performance-based, tightly integrated, and readily available for use in analytical and warehouse purposes. Examples of software that...

Workplace Harassment Summarizing of Culpable Behavior

Introduction The employee Giovanna has been harassing another worker Carole during the job process. The former regularly makes belittling and derogatory comments in front of their workgroup. The actions made by Giovanna are leading to Carole’s chronic stress and are taking a significant toll on her mental health. As a...

Description of Family Health: Interviews Analysis

Introduction The quality of people’s lives is determined not only by financial income and success rates but also by health. It is known that the combination of different living environments, including social, economic, and biological ones, can shape conditions that affect the quality of life. Such conditions are called social...

Different Jaw Reflexes and their Clinical Significance

Jaw reflexes are of different kinds, including the jaw jerk reflex, the myotactic reflex, the jaw closing and opening reflex. This paper will aim to describe each in turn, with the clinical relevance of the normal and abnormal reflexes along with published scientific research in dental journals that has focused...

Legal Case Study: Disclosing Medical Errors

Identifying Legal Aspects of the Case According to Joint Commission Resources (2007), “the individual performing surgery should be the one who marks the surgical site…” (p. 25). While marking the site to be operated, the health care professional should consult and inform the patient about the marking before the operational...

India-Gulf Counterterrorism Cooperation: Opportunities, Barriers, and Challenges

India-Gulf Counterterrorism Cooperation – Opportunities and Challenges Policy brief to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. November 2018. Issue at Hand India has managed to alter its security landscape through governmental measures, which resulted in fewer people leaving the territory to launch assaults. Islamic State and Al Qaeda have...

Financial Institutions Management and Sources of Finance

Finance is important to any business as it serves different functions which allow the business to run effectively. A company may need additional funds to expand its business operations or running expenses (Wright 2007). Expanding a business may include entering new markets, introducing new products and increasing annual output. New...

Effective Conflict-Resolution Strategies in Healthcare

When two and more people need to cooperate while performing their duties, conflicts are inescapable. It is vital for employees to be able to recognize and resolve them because they can lead to the loss of productivity, preventing appropriate cooperation and collaboration in the future. Effective conflict-resolution strategies can provide...

DNA Manipulation in Control of Mosquitoes and Gene

The incidence of malaria has been increasing at an alarming rate. Nearly 3000 million people are reported to be affected annually and 1/3 of them die. Confronting malaria has achieved good progress in the elimination of mosquito species that would carry Plasmodium parasites by eradiation of breeding grounds and using...

“Recidivism Among Female Prisoners”: Data Coding & Measurement

Coding technique The measures for this study are divided into two categories. The first category describes the attributes of the former female prisoners who are reasserted within the first three years after being released from state prison. The second category studies the factors that influence recidivism among female prisoners. In...

Cheerleading as a Kind of Sports

Cheerleading is a relatively new kind of sport that first appeared in American colleges. Its primary purpose was to encourage team members and entertain the audience, and it was not regarded as a separate sport. With time cheerleading has evolved into an independent activity, and nowadays, it is a part...

The Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Introduction The study of the structure of DNA is important not only to biologist, but to every inquisitive mind and every person that is interested in knowing how this life we live is recreated. Many researchers have come up with findings which have contributed greatly to the body of knowledge,...

The Humanities, Art, and Culture

The humanities are branches of knowledge that study various aspects of human society and culture. They include literature, art, philosophy, history, law, politics, religion, and linguistics. It is important to study humanities because they allow people of different nations to communicate with each other and understand the world they live...

The Film “Devil’s Playground” by Schepisi

The Amish Life The video Devil’s Playground is about the trial that every Amesh person must go through in their life. The Amish believe something that very few religious groups support, that a person can only choose their faith when they are grown up and mentally mature. Just for this...

Self-Referentiality in Jorge Luis Borges’ “Blindness”

“Blindness” is an essay written by Jorge Luis Borges in 1977. In this work, much attention was paid to self-referentiality because the author’s experience is extremely important to support his writing (Block de Behar, A Rhetoric of Silence 279-281). To understand the purpose of this essay, it is critical to...

Averting Evil, Confirming Power: Babylonian Panel With Striding Lion

The Ancient Middle East had produced many great civilizations, each with its own contributions to the region’s history and culture. Mesopotamia was one of the earliest centers of civilization in the Near East and the world in general, and its cities were among the most developed ones in terms of...

Development and Implementation of Training Programs: Executive Team Roles

The executive team that works in the organization can contribute to the development and implementation of training programs significantly. It is important to note that the leaders’ knowledge and experience can be used actively when it is necessary to design or improve training programs in a company (Lee-Kelley & Blackman,...

Nursing Simulation Evaluation: Impact on Nursing Education and Practice

Introduction The selected nursing simulation was developed by the nursing program of Montgomery College. Its purpose is to educate nursing students about specific nursing care situations they would encounter in real-life practice using a simulated context (Montgomery College, 2013). The simulation scenario is on the physical assessment of a hospitalized...

Managing Diversity: Culturally-Competent Nursing Care

Five Areas that Can Affect Nursing Care The person interviewed during the earlier exercise was from the Hispanic community. Competent nurses should be able to provide adequate care and support to patients from this American racial group (Ohana & Mash, 2015). However, some barriers or areas have the potential to...

“Stakeholder Management Influence on Trust in a Project: A Quantitative Study”: Article Review

Introduction Trust between stakeholders is a paramount issue in business. Lack of integrity and honesty between organization partners may result in adverse relationships, which will further undermine performance outcomes. de Oliveira and Rabechini in their article called “Stakeholder management influence on trust in a project: A quantitative study” discuss stakeholder...

The Use of Vapocoolants: Systematic Appraisal

Introduction Vapocoolants are often used by healthcare practitioners in order to reduce pain in patients while performing such procedures as venipuncture and intravenous (IV) cannulation. These procedures can cause some discomfort, and the use of vapocoolants can potentially lead to reducing negative experiences of patients. However, the problem is in...

Comparison Ideas of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes

Introduction Human beings should act and behave in accordance with the established legal systems and ethical principles. Different theorists present various views and arguments regarding the validity of natural law and its interpretation. Many modern philosophers and scholars of politics and governance reference Thomas Hobbes and John Locke for their...

The Great Gatsby: Gatsby and the Decline of the American Dream

Introduction Millions of people all over the world consider books to be a form of entertainment and use them as a gateway from their busy daily routine. Nevertheless, most of the writers aim at raising essential topics in their novels and stories and encourage individuals to think and gain more...

Legal Aspect of Health Care Administrator

Administrator malpractices on common law dictate that physician is held legally responsible for negligence-related action. Negligence is a form of conduct caused by carelessness that constitutes a departure from the standard of care generally imposed on a reasonable member of society. Forms of negligence include malfeasance which involves doing unlawful...

Sociocultural Context for Correct Translation

A good translation is essential to communicate an original idea using another language. A translator achieves good translation if they realize the urgency and self-evidence of the original text. In this regard, a good translation is possible when the translated text echoes and focuses on the original message and similarly...

Justice Models and Their Differing Views on Punishment

The scenario at hand is that of an individual who commits a sexual crime against a woman, and is later linked to others as a result. After confessing the crime, we are given the possible option of three sentences: chemical castration with intense counseling while he continues to work and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Object-Oriented and Database Management Systems Tradeoffs

Introduction Database Management Systems (DBMS) is a major requirement in any organizational setup, and one of the most popular DBMS is the Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). It is formatively one of the most significant landmarks made towards understanding the hypothetical and technological framework of a database. Although it has...

The Testing of Animals for Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic studies on animals refer to a specific type of product examination meant to ascertain the hypoallergenic nature and safety of animal products intended for use by human beings. Due to the pain and harm the animals are subjected to, there is a concerted effort by the animal activists and...

Bleacher Report and ESPN: Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction Websites tend to implement different types of graphic styles based on their functionality and purpose. Proper design catches the viewer’s eye, puts emphasis on the most vital parts, as well as makes searching and reading information simple, fast, and comfortable. However, there are numerous mistakes that website creators make...

Meiji Holdings and General Mills Financial Statements Comparing

Introduction The food manufacturing and processing industry have become one of the biggest sectors in the business world. This has been greatly influenced by the increasing demand for processed foods in the current busy world where people have little time to spare for cooking. Urbanization has further influenced consumer preference...

Nursing Education Technology: Mobile Learning Technology in the Form of Smartphones

General Overview A significant increase in the technological use of observes in higher education because educational technology has an impact on the ways nurses could learn and take care of patients (Merrill, 2015). Technological tools could help students with patient-centered care including self-directing, time-saving, and cost-saving details, skill-building, and increased...

General Motors Company’ Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management can become another tool for improving the company’s performance. It is especially advantageous in the case of financial activities, as it has been proved that the companies that learned to exploit it effectively as well increased their revenues, became more competitive, and gained more customers. The concept...

Change Initiative and Communication Types

Consider a change initiative that you have some familiarity with The change initiative I have some familiarity with is the lean in distribution and manufacturing site. The major unanticipated outcome was an enormous employee resistance to change which had not been taken into account in the initial stage of planning....

Value Philosophy of Education

Education is an important part of any society. It contributes to the development of culture and its achievements. There are different views on educational methods and strategies. However, one of the most popular concepts promotes approachable style. The main goals of this paper are to discuss main educational issues and...

Patient’s Medical History and Nursing Care Plan

Patient History and Physical Examination Patient Name: Mary Chief Complaint: The client complained about having a rash on her face. History of Present Illness: The patient said that the rash appeared on her skin after the holiday she spent hiking and doing various outdoor activities in the Appalachians. Past Medical...

Volkswagen Emission Scandal, Its Roots and Outcome

Introduction Ever since the theory of global warming has made its way into the general public’s minds, environmental concerns became some of the most pressing issues for large-scale production companies. Car manufacturing companies all over the world are fighting to get a competitive advantage by implementing sustainable production practices and...

Opioid Epidemic: Health Policy Analysis

Identification of a Health Policy Issue/Concern The ever-growing rapid lifestyle of Americans causes migraines and various pain symptoms, while people with oncologic and chronic diseases also need painkillers. To address pain, people visit doctors who, in turn, prescribe painkillers containing opiates and other addictive drugs. When drugs no longer work,...

Genitourinary Clinical Case: Diagnosis and Plan of Care

Patient Initials: N/A (a 28-year-old woman) Subjective Data: Frequent and burning pain during urination (during the last two days), increased lower abdominal and vaginal discharge (during the last week). Chief Complaint: “a 2-day history of frequency, burning, and pain upon urination”. History of Present Illness: An unprotected intercourse with a...

Increasing Diabetes Infections Among the Hispanic Populations

Background Summary of Studies In the June 2020 Issue, BMC Medical Genetics published an article explaining how ancestry and genetics played a role in increasing diabetes infections among the Hispanic populations. The research by Chande et al. (2020) provides reasonable arguments to support the thesis that the Hispanic population is...

Marketing Strategy: Selecting the Distribution Channel

Product Description Business organizations should use appropriate strategies to deliver quality products to their consumers. Effective distribution channels make it easier for companies to market their products successfully. The targeted products are hand-crafted sculptures and paintings. Skilled sculptors and painters will be hired to produce superior masterpieces. As well, some...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Its Prevention

Background and context During the literature review phase, it was established that pelvic inflammatory disease is a serious chronic disorder affecting female patients regardless of their age, marital status, level of income, or any other factors. The symptoms of the disease diversify, although most studies agree upon abnormal vaginal discharge...

“Dragon Ball Z” by Andrew Kincaid

Reading Response The article written by Andrew Kincaid analyzes the role of Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) in the development of anime culture. Kincaid believes that the series has established an attractive anime format that has since been adopted by other anime makers. The author supports his thesis by examining the...

Nursing Professionalism Promotion Mechanisms

Introduction Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Magnet status has become a popular concept in the American healthcare sector. Bormann and Abrahamson (2014) acknowledge that magnet designation should not be treated as a prize by healthcare institutions. Notably, the recognition credential focuses on excellence and effectiveness in the delivery of...

Etisalat Group’s Competitive Advantage Opportunities

Introduction In emerging markets, Etisalat Group is recognized as one of the leading telecom providers in the world. Moreover, Etisalat is known to be among the telecom groups with the highest level of profit. To be more precise, the current cap market of Etisalat is about 42 billion dollars (which...

The US Highway Trust Fund and Federal Fuel Tax

The Highway Trust Fund (HTF) is the main source of funding for American transportation programs. Despite a gradual increase in funding, HTF has shown signs of insolvency. The current paper provides an overview of the existing issues and identifies several solutions that may address the problem. History Prior to the...

Electronic Patient Education Portals

Introduction The establishment of electronic patient portals became possible with the development of the Internet and online websites that provided information directly to the user. Patient portals today can be defined as secure websites or web pages that provide users with necessary information related to their treatment and/or condition anytime....

Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes

Introduction to Evaluation There are different barriers to the implementation of the project that need to be considered. It is also necessary to review methods for collecting and analyzing data. However, the main goals of this paper are to provide an evaluation plan and discuss the implications for the practice...

“Balance for Life” Falls Prevention Program

Falls and fall-related injuries is a substantial problem for the elderly population that requires the undivided attention of the medical community. According to Carande-Kulis, Stevens, Florence, Beattie, and Arias (2015), more than 30 percent of patients aged 65 and older fall at least once a year. Moreover, approximately 20 percent...

Health and Spirituality Overview and Analysis

Introduction There is a growing interest in spirituality in healthcare and it is perplexing to attempt to define the difference between spirituality and religion as it is often defined differently by everyone. A problem that affects this is the ever-changing world around us and how that affects our spirituality as...

Associates and Bachelor Nursing Differences

Introduction Differentiating between the competencies of associate-degree (ADN) level nurses and baccalaureate-degree (BSN) can be hard because both levels of preparation require dedication, passion, as well as imply the passing of the same licensing examination – NCLEX RN (American Association of College of Nursing, 2015). Nevertheless, there are still some...

Information Systems: Patient Education Technology

Apparently, patients seek information and to be educated regarding their health status. Moreover, it is imperative to note that educated patients are more likely to be cooperative, understand disease processes, and have augmented outcomes. Therefore, it is vital to improve techniques and methods of patient education (Werder, 2015; Pirhonen, Silvennoinen,...

Actus Reus: Definition

Actus reus in simple term means the “guilty act”. Actus reus, in other words, can denote liability for doing something. Majority of crimes believed to have two essential ingredients: “the mens rea” and the “actus reus”. In several criminal litigations, government attorney has to prove actus reus only and these...

Monasticism in Western Europe During the 400 to 1100

In Western Europe, the rise of monasticism falls in the Middle Ages, during which religion was the most significant force. Monastic Christianity initially originated in Egypt and Palestine in the 3rd – 4th centuries and steadily transmitted to Western Europe. The essential concept of Christian monasticism is the alienation from...

Five Pillars of Islam and Armenian Community

Introduction Islam remains one of the biggest religions in the world today with millions of followers. Believers should be aware of the teachings and pillars that can guide them to achieve their spiritual aims. This discussion seeks to analyze the Five Pillars of Islam and why they are given such...

Eggs and Salmonella as Ethical Dilemma in Community

Ethical dilemmas are integral questions in almost each sphere of life; and nursing, law, or even science are the most frequent examples where ethical dilemmas may appear. Littleton and Engebretson (2005) admit that nurses usually encounter a number of ethical dilemmas in their practice, and much attention has to be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Enterprises Architecture’s Case: Implementation of IT Services

Modern companies cannot be imagined without the implementation of innovative technologies into their functioning. In such a way, the enterprise architecture (EA) becomes closely connected with the work of the IT sector as it provides numerous opportunities for the further growths and evolution. The fact is that the use of...

Chikungunya’s Epidemiological Analysis and History

Introduction Chikungunya is an infectious viral disease caused by mosquitoes (Chretien & Linthicum, 2008). The first case was reported in Africa in 1952. Since then, the virus has spread to other regions of the world. Its major symptoms include headache, rash, muscle pain, fever, and joint pain. The disease has...

Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity: Analysis and Innovation Strategies

Innovation: Description Neurotoxicity is a serious problem affecting both the quality of life of cancer patients and the very possibility of antitumor intervention. A large group of modern highly effective cytostatics, including Cytarabine, induce clinically significant symptoms of neurotoxicity which may require modification of doses, delays in treatment cycles, and...

Xeroderma Pigmentosum: Analysis and Symptoms of the Disease

What is the specific mutation? Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare autosomal recessive genetic defect. The mutation occurs in nucleotide excision repair (NER) by affecting the ATP dependent DNA helicase XP. The ERRC2 protein known as XPD in NER is also damaged. Essentially, the mutation causes NER to malfunction and no...

Group Therapy and Leadership Functions

Introduction The careful consideration of the theoretical framework that will guide intervention is essential for the development of an effective treatment. To help combat veterans to cope with their PTSD symptoms and reintegrate into society, it is possible to employ Choice Therapy also referred to as Reality Therapy. This paradigm...

Elections in ABC News, The Guardian, PolitiFact

Introduction Three different online news sources were selected for this assignment. The ABC News (2016) is a source that is generally considered to be one of the most authoritative and trustworthy news outlets. It focuses on the breaking news from all over the world and allows the readers to read...

Nursing Industry’s Standards: Importance and Purposes

The “term industry standard refers to an obligation that must be followed by members of a specific industry” (Grealish, 2014, p. 23). Nursing is a unique career that is guided by a wide range of industry standards. Several agencies, stakeholders, and players ensure the industry delivers its promises to more...

Retirement Planning: Analysis and Basic Problems

Benedicta is planning for his retirement based on his current savings and salary. Table 1 indicates all assumptions that are taken into consideration for retirement planning. He has savings, which are considered as savings at the start of the plan. His salary is expected to increase by 2% every year...

Elderly Care Issues and Policy Implementation

Introduction The paper at hand will be devoted to an issue of elderly care. This is accounted for by the fact that over several decades, there has been a considerable increase in the number of illnesses among elderly patients. For instance: melanoma: APC = 6.18%, 94% CI = 4.32, 8.03%;...

The Modern Prometheus: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Almost two centuries have passed since the first publication of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Today, the monster created by Victor Frankenstein is a well-recognized character, and the gothic story of Frankenstein has inspired numerous big-screen adaptations. However, the passage of time did not dim the brilliance of Shelley’s novel; rather,...

American Civil Rights Debate in History

The struggle for civil rights has existed throughout American history. The fight for civil rights has often been highly charged dispute that has resulted in heartless behaviors, bloody wars, assassinations, and racial segregation. Today, racism and inclusiveness are issues that trigger never-ending debates amongst Americans. After the freeing of the...

Chronic Care: Treatment Modalities

Introduction Chronic diseases need particular care to preserve the life quality of a patient. With timely diagnosis and relevant support therapy, people may lead a normal life. However, the patient’s participation is important since chronic illnesses usually have co-morbid conditions to consider. The patients from the case studies suffer from...

Al-Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Comparison

Introduction Islamic terrorism is widely seen to be one of the most substantial threats to the national security of the United States (Bullock, Haddow, & Coppola, 2016). The power of extreme Islamic terrorist groups seems to be enormous to the people of the U.S. and Europe; however, it is far...

Can Music Be an Enhancement to Education?

Music is traditionally discussed as influencing people’s emotions, feelings, and physical state significantly because the sound effects stimulate the individual’s brain and promote its activities. As a result, it is possible to state that music can enhance people’s learning activities because of improving intelligence. The discussions of the role of...

Human Trafficking: National and International Challenges

Social workers must respond to any humanitarian crisis domestically and abroad. The international issue of human trafficking and its impact requires the attention of social workers. Many are antagonized by the scope of the issue and feel helpless. However, small actions within a social work organization and community can begin...

Allegiant Air Company’s New Routes and Facilities

Introduction In order to review the Research and Development (R&D) efforts of the low-cost airline carrier Allegiant Air, it is first important to mention that calculating exact costs that go toward innovation because of the specific nature of the airline industry. With fluctuating demands on specific carriers and with the...

Financial Models of Reimbursement

The modern US health industry is market-based, inherently raising the subject of financial incentives and reimbursement for patients. As the fee-for-service traditional delivery of care is experiencing significant challenges, many healthcare providers along with relevant stakeholders are considered lower-costing value-based care. The most well-known programs are Medicare and Medicaid which...

Levine’s Conservation Theory in Healthcare Research

The theoretical framework is used as a basis for many modern research studies. It provides structure and theoretical backing for a study and allows tying in facts and theories gathered from supporting sources and literature into a cohesive system (Green, 2014). Although not explicitly stated in every research, most of...

Massachusetts Healthcare Reform Act

Rationale At the beginning of the 21st century, the population of Massachusetts faced healthcare issues caused by the rising costs. The previously developed Medicaid program was expiring, and the necessity to create a new solution occurred because the representatives of the general public could have become unable to pay for...

Comprehensive Plan of Care: Chlamydia Trachomatis

The priority diagnosis is Chlamydia trachomatis, a widespread disease that can hurt the reproductive health of the patient. The disease can go unnoticed but can cause severe damage to the reproductive system of a woman. Subjective Data Patient’s CC/HPI: symptoms similar to UTIs, started two days ago; severe lower abdominal...

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