America’s War on Terrorism

America’s war on terror has a hint of revenge. Revenge has a place in terrorism prevention Terrorism is the organized use of terror or violent acts intended to create and make fear. These are unlawful acts of violence and war. War on terror is perceived as the political, military religious...

The Analytical method SWOT: Analysis

Abstract Currently, every manager has many analytical methods at hand to identify the advantages and drawbacks of an organization and explore opportunities for further development. However, due to relative simplicity and sufficient effectiveness, lately, a SWOT analysis has become one of the most frequently used approaches. The primary aim of...

Writing in ‘The Best of Two Approaches’ by S. M. Nordin

Scholarly Article Summary An article by Nordin (2017) focuses the attention of language teachers on approaches to writing. The central idea of the paper is to create a synthesized method for teaching writing, which includes the elements of two recent approaches. Before proposing a model for teaching writing, Nordin (2017)...

Gather Support: Knowingly Exaggerating the Pros

Exaggerated benefits of plans or products are on the rise as fictitious data that mimics noteworthy media information in appearance but not concerning the organizational progression or intention. It mainly occurs when some people purposefully overstate the gains of a plan, for example, medical research as a means of attaining...

Nurse Executives Competencies: Family Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Administrator

Competencies for FNPs and Nurse Administrators The core competencies of the Family Nurse Practitioner and the nurse administrator will be compared in this paper. Scientific foundation competencies for Family Nurse Practitioners include the ability to analyze data critically, integrate knowledge from different areas of science, develop new approaches to practice...

Breast Cancer Studies: Evaluation and Analysis of Scientific Papers

Introduction Despite significant progress in the development of new technologies, cancer remains one of the problems of modern medicine. Today, society increasingly draws attention to women’s breast cancer since this issue does not lose its relevance. Numerous developments of experienced doctors cannot help to get rid of this problem entirely....

Trends in Corporate Learning and Development

Abstract The three most significant trends identified in relation to the modern corporate learning and development area are the business-driven learning based on the integration of learning and strategy as the main trend; the collaborative learning realized with the help of coaching activities; and the individual skill-oriented learning associated with...

Disaster Recovery Team and Disaster Recovery Strategy

In order to be able to tackle any disaster promptly and efficiently, the disaster recovery roster of any organization should include a number of critically substantial individuals. First of all, there should be a disaster recovery lead and a disaster management team. These two will coordinate the whole process of...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Literature Review on the Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Irritable bowel syndrome also referred to as IBS, is one of the most highly prevalent bowel disorders without regard to age and gender of a patient. It is commonly associated with a dysfunctional bowel movement. In addition to it, another common symptom is a pain in the abdomen. The...

Educational Interventions Among Elderly Patients: Literature Research

Narrative of the Literature Search A literature search is an integral part of any research because it allows evaluating previous findings and coordinating the direction of new research. When it comes to nursing, a literature search is usually a complicated process due to the existence of many databases and the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Asthma Diagnostics, Care Plan and Patient Education

Subjective The patient states that she has been experiencing shortness of breath while at work. The patient cannot identify the onset of the symptoms but states that she has had them for a few months. The shortness of breath experienced by the patient is usually mild, which allows her to...

Health Professionals Career Choices

Introduction The health sector offers many career choices in the diagnostic, patient care, and therapy sections. However, individual interests and talents determine the perfect career choice. Some of the popular health professions include pharmacy technician, physical therapist assistant, radiologist, respiratory therapy technicians, and the licensed practical nurse (LPN). The paper...

Teaching Plan: Immunizations and Vaccinations

Introduction In an immunization schedule, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eighteen diseases are marked as possible to prevent with the help of appropriate vaccinations. Vaccinations for children (birth – six years) and teenagers/young adults (seven years – eighteen years) are scheduled differently, according to their age....

Comparison of New York and Bangladesh

The United States of America consists of 50 states. Among them is New York, which is located in the North-Eastern part of the continent. It is considered the most populated with almost 19 million people, yet it stands at number 27 in terms of land space in America (“52 Interesting...

Cultural Significance of Woody Allen’s “Annie Hall”

Annie Hall is a romantic comedy directed by Woody Allen in 1977. The movie tells a story of Alvy Singer, who is reflecting upon the reason why his relationship with Annie Hall ended. The film uses retrospection to return to unconscious decisions made in the past to understand the present,...

Professional Practice Scenario: Nursing

The roles and responsibilities of a registered nurse when delegating nursing care A registered nurse obtains a license from the Australian State or Territory Nurses Act or Health Professionals Act to practice in Australia. (ANMC, 2005). Of superior competence and reliability, she practices alone and interdependently. Accountability and responsibility makes...

Homicide Rates in the United States

According to FBI statistics, the crime rate in the United States is growing. In the early 2000s, it declined significantly, especially in the number of homicides and other serious violent crimes (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2019). However, in recent years, the murder rate has risen significantly across the country, and...

Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function

Alcohol abusers suffer from a variety of adverse physical and psychological outcomes. While mental health can be improved with the help of specialists, family support, and different group therapy methods, it is much more complicated to deal with the destructive effect of alcohol on one’s body. The case study under...

The Survivor, the Psychologist, and the Story by Adrianne Aron

Introduction The story selected is “The Survivor, The Psychologist, and The Story” (Aron 31-51). Aron was born and raised in Missouri, USA. She studied Political Science and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She then did her Masters and Ph.D. degrees in U.C. Santa Cruz, strategically focusing on...

The Social Research Methodology. Research Stages

Research Questions While working in the field of psychology, it is immensely important to possess the skills of a reflective practitioner. This means that one should pay attention to theories and practical values dominating the field (Bolton, 2010). Apart from that, it is essential to pose proper research questions since...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Port Safety and How to Improve It

Owing to increasing reports from pilots concerning the impeding of commercial vessels to and from the docks by recreational craft participating in races organised by the local club, a number of safety concerns arise. Luckily, so far, there has been no major incident or accident. It is however the primary...

Data Collection and Management Techniques of a Qualitative Research Plan

Introduction Data collection is an integral step in research because it determines the reliability and validity of data. The methods of performing data collection in both qualitative and quantitative research are similar, but the nature of the data is different. In this view, the validity and reliability of data are...

Bengali People Culture and Origins of Bengali New Year

Interview Summary: The culture of the Bengali people This interview delves into the culture of the Bengali people. Being one of the largest ethnic groups in the world, the Bengali traditions extend to millions of people, however, their influence is felt primarily in Bangladesh. Bengali New Year is one of...

The Great Gatsby: American Dream Concept

Introduction The American Dream is based on the assumption that, according to Benjamin Franklin, the American society is meritocratic, and thus with hard work and honest dealings, anyone could achieve wealth, economic security, and community respect. As such, the industrious and honest could achieve love, wealth, power, and high social...

Heart Block and Cardiac Conduction System

The human heart is exposed to many health problems related to impairments in the cardiac conduction system. The heart contracts under the control of the electrical signals or impulses. The normal cardiac conduction system involves the sinoatrial (SA) node, the atrioventricular (AV) node, and the bundle of His (Brown, Brywczynski,...

The Insides of Ayurvedic Medicine

Introduction The video introduced by Palfreman Film Group about the insides of ayurvedic medicine discusses the peculiarities of one of the existing alternative types of medicine that can be offered to people. Though ayurveda comes from India, it is practiced in many countries today. This video helps to comprehend that...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Nurse training and specialization are vital in addressing various health care issues. Apparently, there are numerous issues associated with health care, including global nurse shortages, the need to provide quality care, and the necessity to reduce the cost of care while augmenting patients’ outcomes. Advanced training of nurses is...

Sustainable Development Goals in the UAE

Introduction Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to the global initiatives aimed at ending poverty, protecting the earth, and ensuring that all global citizens have peace and prosperity. They are also known as the Global Goals that focus on building on the achievements of Millennium Development Goals. These goals cover areas...

Family Health Interview and Assessment

Introduction The paper aims to assess data collected during the interview of a family. The family consists of four members: M., a 46-year old male who is a spouse of L., a 42-year old female, S., a 20-year old female, and H., a 15-year old male (who are the children...

Nurse’s Level of Care and Educational Preparation

Introduction Depending on their aims and future career plans, students can choose the associate-degree level of nursing education or the baccalaureate-degree level. The levels differ in various aspects: the duration of the study, competencies that the nurse will have after he or she graduates, tasks that he or she will...

Global Climate Change and Health Concerns

It is particularly critical to evaluate the potential impact of global climate change on human health now when the global community has enough time to work out the relevant prevention strategies. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the most critical points of concern and provide an overview of...

Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign Evaluation

ALS Bucket Challenge ALS (or Ice) Bucket Challenge campaign had two major objectives: to attract the public’s attention to the problems of people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for ALS fund which would enable further research of the disease (Woolf, 2016). The project’s strategy was concerned...

Patient Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

The principle of autonomy respects the patient’s rights to make an informed medical decision. However, this case falls under the Confucian society, where the head of the family decides for people under his care (Tai & Tsai, 2003). The physician should inform the parents about all possible measures and leave...

Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence Based Practice

Research critiques provide nursing students and nurse professionals with a framework to synthesize evidence based practice (EBP) from research studies and provide feedback for improvement (Bosewell & Cannon, 2012). Furthermore, research critiques provide nurses with the opportunity to contribute to the body of nursing knowledge (Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan, 2007),...

Natural Freedom in Romantic American Literature

There is a common denominator that binds the works of James Fennimore Cooper, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Washington Irving, and Henry David Thoreau. The four authors share a common affinity to the concept of freedom in the context of societal pressures, religious dogmatism, and government control. Washington Irving describes this phenomenon...

The Relationship Between Land and People

It is very early on a chilly morning that you wake up from bed and take a warm bath in the bathroom with water running out from the shower filter. You dress up in your cotton made clothes and decide to have a cup of brewed coffee before going to...

Nursing: Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track

Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) The framework of MAP-IT proposed by Healthy People 2020 is a powerful tool to create a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate of Jewish population living in Miami. It seems appropriate to consider each of the elements in detail. Mobilize. To improve the contemporary...

Theater Performance: Mrs.Warren’s Profession

The World of the Play The play takes place in Victorian England where a young woman, who spent most of her life in various boarding schools, is preparing to meet her mother whom she has not seen for a very long time and knows almost nothing about. The woman’s name...

Disney and Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Introduction Informational Technology Infrastructure Library or ITIL is a group of practices designed to align IT services with the goals and vision of the business. It was originally developed in the 1980s and since then received regular revisions to suit the changes in technology and business better. This approach is...

IPhone: Marketing and Purchasing Decisions

Introduction The study of products made by Apple can reveal many interesting details about the smartphone market in general and the customer decision-making process in particular. One of the latest releases is the iPhone X, launched in the second half of 2017 (Simon 2017). After the concept for the new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Autistic Children’s Behavior Problems

Introduction The term “autism” originated at the beginning of the twentieth century and was coined by a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler (Feinstein 5). Bleuler identified autism as a mode of thinking, opposing it to another mode: logical and realistic (Feinstein 6). Thus, the historical definition of autistic thinking,...

Classical Political Thought Through the Prism of Greek Philosophy

Gorgias’ argument in The Encomium of Helen for why Helen of Troy is not responsible for the Trojan War Among the few complete sophistic texts that have survived until these days, one stands out for its complexity, logical beauty, and neatness of argument. The Encomium of Helen by the greatest...

The Installation of a Hardware Firewall

Execution of business processes in the 21st century has been faced with a lot of challenges like insecurity and conviviality. Due to this a lot of organizations have employed information technology mechanisms to protect their information infrastructure from being accessed by unauthorized persons and also to check authentication (Neumann, 5)....

The Iron Deficiency Anemia: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Anemia, as defined by Moz (2006), is health condition that involves “an absolute decrease in red blood cells (RBCs) in proportion to total blood volume, or an absolute decrease in hemoglobin in relation to blood volume”. Iron deficiency or depletion in the body is significantly responsible for the emergence...

Organizational Systems & Quality Leadership

Root cause analysis (RCA) Root cause analysis refers to a method meant to determine the conditions that lead to an individual to experience feelings of emotional exhaustion, low feelings of accomplishment and depersonalization (Reason, 1997). Emotional exhaustion can be defined as the feeling of dullness that is experienced by an...

Corporate Occupational and Avocational Crime

Introduction Corporate crime has been a way of life for as long as corporations have existed; however, there is a need to respect the fact that white collar crimes have become more of a reality in recent decades mostly because the role of corporations has expanded drastically. Why it is...

Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs

Introduction Curriculum development is a complicated matter that requires an understanding of various concepts ideas. The primary objective of curriculum leaders is to provide students with knowledge and learning experiences appropriate to their nature and needs (Parkay et al., 2019). In order to achieve the objective, curriculum leaders need to...

Concepts of Debt and Equity Relations

Financing decisions are some of the major decisions that the management of a company must make. There are two sources of capital for any company, they are debt and equity financing. According to Gotthilf, (1997), “Debt financing; a company acquires new capital by borrowing from external sources i.e. by paying...

“The Unknown Citizen” by Auden

Each poem carries a unique style of its author and a message that reflects the trends of society. An author conveys these meanings through elements and details such as images, rhythm, and tone to create a coherent story. This paper will interpret the meaning of “The Unknown Citizen” by Auden,...

Various Issues Related to White-Collar Crime

Introduction In the recent past, there has been a rise in the rate of various crimes globally. This is more so with regards to white collar crime a kind of crime that involves diverse criminal offenses that are non-violent in nature, and usually related to fraud and other illegal financial...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Expert Testimony Usage in a Court of Law

Abstract The present paper has used DNA and insider trading cases to illuminate important concepts associated with the use of expert testimony in a court of law. From the analysis of the cases, the paper has been able to synthesis most of the principles that guide the use of expert...

Nurse Practitioners’ and Administrators’ Competences

A state organization for registered nurses is expected to come up with a set of standards regulating all levels of nursing practice and serving as both practical and theoretical guidelines of professional activity for nurses. While certain core competences and aspects of performance of direct care and indirect care providers’...

Advanced Perspective of Public Policy

Involvement of the community is one of the most recent trends in the field of public service. Admittedly, policymakers often address people to understand their needs and expectations but this can be hardly called community involvement. Ideally, community have to affect policies that may have any impact on the people....

How the iPhone Is Changing Technology?

It needs to be said that smartphone market was not the same ever since Apple presented its unique device in 2007. The number of iPhones that were bought is truly astounding, and the latest figure that was revealed by the company is 700 million (Costello par. 2). The functionality and...

US Environmental Protection Agency’s Budgeting

The budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency The budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the fiscal year 2015 will be discussed (U.S. EPA, 2014). It amounts to $7.89 billion, which is ≈4% lower than the agency’s budget for the previous fiscal year. This forced the...

Effective Speech Delivery Tips

How do we make our speech effective? Why do we sometimes remain misunderstood despite our efforts? What prevents us from being heard? Some people believe that effective communication is something from the arsenal of business psychology, and people who do not need to conduct business negotiations do not need to...

The Role of Nurse Practitioner

Nurses constitute the largest category of health practitioners in the US healthcare system, and they are usually the first ones who contact patients in hospitals. The number of the registered nurse practitioners (NPs) continues to grow and the demand for high-quality care and well-developed skills and competencies in medicine increases...

Amazon’s Supply Chain and Transportation Innovations

Amazon is one of the leading companies in the e-commerce industry. The company focuses on three “customer sets” that include “consumer customers, seller customers, and developer customers” (as cited in Lee, 2012, p. 53). The company has headquarters and over 70 fulfillment centers in the USA (“Amazon Fulfillment Network,” 2017)....

Vulnerable Children and Young Women in Little Havana

Introduction The community in which a windshield survey was conducted in Little Havana, a neighborhood located in the city of Miami, Florida. It is a community in which a large number of Cuban exiles, as well as immigrants from various parts of South and Central America, live (Fernandez, 2015; Grenier...

Dental Health Care among the Low-Income Population

Introduction to Population and Problem The identified problem associated with the launch of health policy is linked to access to dental health care among the low-income population of Miami, Florida. Without insurance, dental care is quite expensive, and with the rising wage gap and the increase of the federal poverty...

Holtz Children’s Hospital: Licensing and Professionalism

Organization and Its Clients The organization I would like to work at as a Family Nurse Practitioner is Holtz Children’s Hospital, a department of Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami (“Holtz children’s hospital,” 2017). The hospital offers a variety of pediatric services such as neonatology, neurosurgery, nephrology, dermatology, otolaryngology, intensive care,...

Neurotransmitters Impact on Physical and Mental Illnesses

Introduction Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that have the power to regulate and control both emotional and physical processes in the body. In other words, neurotransmitters act as the messengers of the brain as it works to control all the functions of the body. However, they do not work...

Workers’ Injury Compensation in Texas

Workers’ compensation in the case of injuries and diseases resulting from performing work tasks is the principal challenge of a state’s policies. In this regard, Texas is in the least privileged position since not all of the state’s employees are covered by compensation regulations (Szymendera, 2016). However, the situation is...

Prison Makes Criminals Worse

Introduction The topic of incarceration, the living conditions of prisoners, the fairness of punishment, and the meaning of imprisonment are one of the key topics of public discussion. Throughout history, jails remained the most common form of penalizing criminals in all countries. Nevertheless, the uncontrolled growth of the number of...

Ethics and Popular Opinion in Socrates’ Philosophy

The importance of public opinion is crucial in modern-day society and cannot be underestimated. The majority of people’s views should be taken into consideration and given publicity when a controversial issue is being discussed. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, was trialed and executed for his controversial opinion on multiple subjects. His...

Compstat: Predictive Policing

Introduction In most aspects of technical communication, the concept of predictive policing has become an unavoidable issue of concern. Predictive policing refers to police tactics that use the information and advanced psychoanalysis to formulate predefined preventions (Willis, Mastrofski & Weisburd, 2003). Advantages of IT applications and random street patrols by...

My Telecom: Project Proposal Audit

Introduction Managing a project is one of the major challenges that one needs to face when performing in the contemporary business setting. Projects implemented in the telecommunications industry are, in turn, even more, challenging than others due to the additional need to focus on communication-related concerns and the assessment of...

A Qualitative Study of Pregnancy and Maternal Mortality in the US

Abstract This paper explores how women endanger their pregnancies by their behaviors and what barriers to healthy lifestyles they encounter. Qualitative research using a semi-structured interview with a recent mother was conducted. The findings show that pregnancies are threatened by an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, and barriers to healthy...

The Civil War as a Political Crisis

Introduction The American Civil War is a war from 1861 to 1865 between the Union of non-slavery states and border slave states – the North – on the one side, and the Confederacy of slave states – the South – on the other. The issue of what was the cause...

The Drag Queens and Drag Kings

Introduction Drag is an art that involves entertaining people by crossing sexes to have the characters perform roles of the opposite sex. Drag shows contain performances of music, dances, skits, and monologues, with either one performer at a time or a group of performers to entertain the audience. Most such...

Hit Governance and Decision Rights

Healthcare is one of the biggest pillars of a stable society, and its improvement and optimization are crucial to human development. One of the aspects of healthcare is the use of IT technologies to innovate and broaden the available methods of practice and their success. When talking about Healthcare IT,...

FEMA’s Mitigation Policy

To understand the crucial distinction between structural and non-structural mitigation, it seems reasonable to provide the following statement. The determination of the mentioned concepts is founded on the fact that the measures of structural mitigation are mostly technological. For instance, these may be the building of a flood levee, as...

Terrorists’ Motives: The Psychology of the Individual

Society today is threatened with organized terrorism that is perpetrated by various groups. Terrorists’ motives are influenced by individual psychology as well as the sociological impact of the group. The psychological make up of a person is the natural tendency to act in certain ways. For instance, terrorists are thought...

Canoes of North American Indigenous People

Introduction Canoes have always been an integral part of the life of ancient tribes. Ancient people all over the world started to build canoes as early as 8200 BC (“Native American canoes,” n.d.). North American Indigenous tribes were making dugout and birch-bark canoes long before the first European settlers came...

School-Funding System in New Jersey

Introduction This research paper aims to provide an insight into the benefits of the New Jersey school funding system. The paper will provide a review of its reliability. Further, the paper will compare the school funding system in New Jersey and other funding systems performed in other states. In conclusion,...

Millennials: The Next Great Generation?

Introduction It is not uncommon for an older generation to be disapproving or judgmental of a younger generation. The Generation Y, or the Millennial generation, a demographic cohort of individuals born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, is no exception to the rule. Currently, the largest generation in...

The Vietnam War and the United States Involvement

Discussion Shortly after World War II ended, the United States of America was involved in a divisive conflict, the Vietnam War, which lasted for two decades. Americans fought alongside the South Vietnamese army against the communist North Vietnam government and its allies in the South, the Viet Cong. The Southern...

The Objectivity of Science: Can Science Be Fully Objective

Introduction The question of objectivity in the practice of science is problematic for various reasons. First, scientific theories are based on objectivity claim that they have unique access to truth. This assertion is premised on the argument that empirical science, or what is commonly known as measurable science, can validate...

Decline of the Qing Dynasty

Introduction The Ming Dynasty ruled China for 276 years until, in 1616, a Manchurian army from northeastern Asia invaded China, defeated its forces, and occupied several areas on the northern border. Almost thirty years later, in 1644, China was completely defeated, and Emperor Shunzhi established the Qing Dynasty. The purpose...

Integration of Robots in Hotel Services

The impact of robots integrated into the process of communication with clients in hotels will be investigated in the framework of this research. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a qualified and detailed analysis of gathered data that contains interviews, quantitative study and the examination of secondary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Code of Hammurabi: The Second Source

Author Martha Roth’s work, dedicated to the study of syntax in coupled with the historical and political meaning of the collection of laws of the ancient Babylonian sixth king Hammurabi, was chosen as the object of research. According to information provided on the official website of the University of Chicago,...

Laura Wexler “Fire in a Canebrake”: The Incident in the Rural Walton County

Introduction This book is characterized by a horrific mystery that makes it very fascinating and thrilling for the audience. In the book, Laura Wexler gives a detailed insight on lynching, which was so rampant in 1946. As she describes the events that took place, Wexler connects with the readers by...

Analyzing Visual Media: “Don’t Worry Darling, You Didn’t Burn the Beer!”

Advertisements, photographs, and art bear more than an obvious written message or a call to action. Details like the historical context, the color scheme, framing, and political inclination can indicate numerous connotations that the author did not intend. In advertisements, these elements signal a particular culture rather than a contextualized...

The Aspects and Causes of Myopia

Myopia is a visual dysfunction from which more and more people start suffering due to the development of computer technologies. Myopia usually occurs “when an eye is too long when the cornea is too steeply curved when the eye’s lens is unable to relax enough to provide accurate distance vision,...

“Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston: Plot, Characters, and Main Themes

Introduction The work that will be discussed throughout the paper is Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston. This short story was published in 1926 and, despite nearly nine decades from its first appearance, covers relevant and acute topics. The tale reveals the hardships of post-war marriage through the prism of sexist...

Miami Community Health: Vulnerable Population

Miami community is considered healthy, but there is a number of issues connected to the economy, poor infrastructure, and growing urbanization that influence the population as a whole. The community consists of several ethnicities, including White, African Americans, Latino, Asians, and Native Americans. People have varying access to health care,...

“Impact of a Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention Program on the Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure in a District Hospital of Greece”: Article Critique

There is no doubt that practices applied by nurses have a significant influence on the quality of lives of patients. In his article, Stavrianopoulos (2016) evaluates the effectiveness of one of the methods utilized by nurses working with patients who suffer from heart failure – regular telephone conversations between patients...

Associate & Baccalaureate Degree Level in Nursing

Associate’s Degree Level Versus Baccalaureate Degree Level The educational preparation of a nurse varies in accordance with the selected level. The key difference between Associate’s Degree Level (ADN) and Baccalaureate Degree Level (BDN) is that the first one provides the potential nurses with the basic knowledge and skills related to...

Sports Coaching Philosophy and Practice Factors

When formulating a coaching philosophy, there are three main items that need to be considered. These are self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-disclosure. This essay seeks to explain how the three factors can be applied in coaching practice. To this end, the importance of flexibility and the influence of external factors shall...

Office Information Systems

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, information systems and information technology penetrated all spheres of life. Information systems make routine work fast and simple, and support complex operations and performance deficiencies. In dentistry, information systems support daily operations and simplify routine work and data storage facilities (Eaton and...

The Review of the Challenger Disaster

Thirty-four years have passed since the world was stunned by the fatal space accident which occurred in the US. However, the disaster is still fresh in people’s minds, and everyone remembers those terrible footages of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. It took the lives of seven crew members and became...

Abortion: The Issue of Legalization and Ethical Considerations

Abortion, as a process of intentional pregnancy termination, has always been one of the major discussion matters in terms of the issue of legalization and ethical considerations surrounding the process. While some people consider abortions to be extremely unethical actions that result in a deliberate murder of an innocent human...

Labor and Delivery Care Setting Analysis

Introduction The labor and delivery setting is an always evolving and dynamic part of the healthcare system. The particular importance of high-quality assistance comes from childbirth being an essential process in the lives of individuals around the world. The goal of nursing in the United States is to provide quality...

Improving Public Health. Leading Health Indicators

Introduction Health care of the citizen is a major concern of every developed country. Hence researchers and policy makers need to focus on implementing new policies in the field of health which would assist the public to live a healthier life now and in the future. Though health care system...

Stroke and Rehabilitation Among the Elderly People

Case Description Presenting Condition History Patient X is a 62-year-old member of the senior citizens working on a Dairy Farm. While eating his supper, he experienced sudden onset speech slurring, developed facial droop on his right hand, which subsequently developed weakness in the left side of the lower and upper...

Tamika Burgess v McDonald Contractors Ltd Case Analysis

Question Presented Tamika Burgess, a resident of New York, inherited 10 acres of land in Ohio. She decided to sell the property to McDonald Contractors, Inc. for the sum of $500,000. McDonald Contractors entered a contract with Tamika Burgess for the purchase of the above property on June 1, 2007....

Data Structures and Algorithms

My understanding on data structures and algorithms goes mainly to the three books that I read as a beginner and continue to consult the books whenever I need guidance. Data Structures Using C by Aaron M. Tenenbaum Data Structures, Algorithms, and Program Style Using C by James F. Korsh Data...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: The Risks and Benefits To Nurses and Patients

Introduction Modern technologies and informatics are transforming how medical care is delivered to different patients (Lee, 2014). The intensive care unit (ICU) is one of the departments that can benefit from the use of informatics to support the health needs of more patients in need of critical care. Using the...

Nursing Core Competencies: Differences in Skills

The nursing job requires a lot of different competencies depending on the work specifics. For instance, nurse administrators and nurse informaticists usually do not interfere with patients directly. However, all of them are required to be proficient in matters regarding the direct providing of health care. The paper analyses the...

The Right-to-Die Bill: Why All States Should Pass It

Introduction The Right-to-Die bill is a proposed law that is aimed at giving authority to terminally ill patients to end their lives through the assistance of a physician. Currently, six American states allow citizens to opt for physician-assisted suicide rather than continue suffering. In addition, to the six states, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legal Evidence Types and Their Importance During a Trial

Case Briefs Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963) Facts: The court adjudicated the case on 18-19 March 1963 and decided on 13 May 1963 (Brady v. Maryland, 1963). Although Brady and Boblit were suspects in the murder case, they had separate trials. Although Brady admitted participating in the crime,...

Psychological Effects of Pandemic Control Measures

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic broke out in China in December 2019, and by March 2020 has affected almost all countries around the globe causing national governments to introduce a range of unprecedented measures. As for now, nearly half of the world’s population is on lockdown endorsed to control the spread...

Medical Literature Evaluation

Introduction Title: Costs and Effects of Inhaled Corticosteroids and Bronchodilators in Asthma and Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease. Authors: Maureen Rutten Van Molken, Eddy Van Donslaer, Margreet Jansen and Frans Ruttten. Funding: Department of Health Economics, University of Limburg, Maastricht the Netherlands; Institute of Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the...

Violent Crimes Committed by Juveniles

Introduction Violent crimes by juveniles have been a topic of debate for many decades. Crimes committed by youth increased during the mid-1980s, which lasted for over a decade (Jordan and McNeal 387). This situation triggered the ensuing panic of the general public. People started to become more concerned about juvenile...

The Debate on Gun Control. Law Control

The debate over gun control and legislation addressing gun violence in the U.S. remains of high importance. While some individuals believe that there is a need for stricter laws, others argue that bearing a legal firearm is a fundamental human right that must be protected. As Wilson states, “any consideration...

American Football Is Too Dangerous and It Should Be Banned

American football is among the most popular sports in the United States, which is represented by the National Football League (NFL). Its massive fan base and distinguished teams make up the core of the given phenomenon, which transforms and influences the lives of millions of people. NFL has a long...

Indigenous Australians’ Health Program

Australian Historical Context: Health and Wellbeing of Indigenous Australians The Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal are believed to be the natives of Australia. Historians and archeologists have indicated that such indigenous people have lived in this country for over 65 thousand years (Fisher et al., 2019). These people engage in...

Companies Outsourcing in Developing Countries

Product delocalization, also known as outsourcing, is an essential business tool and concept that has been existent for the past 75 years. Most multinational companies (MNCs) prefer outsourcing on a small to large scale level due to a variety of reasons. However, the most common ones include the availability of...

Fictional Public Organizations: Open and Closed Systems

Introduction The organizational structure of complex organizations varies from one organization to another depending on the nature of operations they undertake and the degree of interaction with the external environment. As a system comprising inflows and outflows, an organization can be either an open system or a closed system (Pinfield,...

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Professional Roles and Values of Nurses

Introduction The choice of profession is one of the most significant steps in the life of every person. And if a person decided to connect own life with nursing, it says much about personal traits, interests, and goals in life. Being a nurse cannot be compared to being a driver...

COVID-19: Intergovernmental Relationship and Census

Abstract The paper discusses the relationship between state and local governments and the census role in developing these relationships in the context of Covid-19. Public policy, intergovernmental relations, and federalism provide the necessary framework for understanding the government’s response to COVID-19. Moreover, the reasons and difficulties in the U.S. government’s...

Developing a Diverse Team in an Organization

Introduction Facebook is an industry leader in technology and social media. Occupying a management position in such a company means having to deal with many complicated challenges. One of the most critical present-day challenges is posed by diversity, which includes differences in race, gender, age, culture, and functional background. A...

Spirituality, Ethics, and Postmodern Relativism

Christians believe that spirituality and ethics are extrinsic to a person and immutable, as they come from God. Is there truth beyond science? (n.d.) highlights this reliance on knowledge that cannot be confirmed by humans as a characteristic that it shares with science. This purported existence of a singular set...

The International Connection of African History

Introduction The African continent had been connected to the rest of the world since ancient times, and by the XI century, it was deeply embedded in international trade. Its central geographical position allowed access to and from all over the Old World. Caravans with various cargo coursed across the Sahara...

Sub Networking: Definition and Role

A subnet is an individually identifiable part of a particular Internet Protocol network. Subnetting is achieved by dividing the computer networks into groups of computers that manifest a distinct, selected IP address routing prefix. Subnetting is important when dealing with many connections of computers in large networks. These large connections...

The Social Purpose of Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a kind of profession that requires passion and love to serve one’s patients as good as possible. Each nurse in their practice tends to develop their own philosophy, which is a fusion of principles, beliefs, and moral values. Every nurse’s unique philosophy begins with the evaluation of...

American Women Struggle in the 20th Century

Gender equality can be assessed as a relatively new phenomenon, and some of the fears of women of the past are still relevant. In the past century, American women conducted a long and grueling fight for their rights and status. Sexual liberation, career, material, and psychological independence became part of...

Interpersonal Communication in Games of Thrones

Games of Thrones (GoT) is a fantasy television drama series that was produced by Daniel Brett Weiss and David Benioff. The show was filmed and produced in Belfast and depicts various themes such as justice, betrayal, power, morality, class, family, maturation, and vengeance. The series includes a total of 52...

Culture: Role. Components. Types

Modern people pay much attention to cultures and cultural peculiarities of different groups trying to learn more about each other in order to interact with others effectively. Globalization is one of the major phenomena making people consider cultural aspects as the flow of individuals and ideas has become massive. Culture...

Electronic Health Systems: Selection Process

The development and implementation of electronic health systems (EHR) within medical facilities throughout the country is a challenging task. In order to eliminate the risks connected to such an innovation, it is vital to consider its influence on the established mechanism of work of healthcare providers. Hence, this paper’s purpose...

The Effects of Seclusion on Mentally Ill Patients

Introduction This study was conducted with the view to examine the effects of seclusion on mentally ill patients. Despite the fact that giving the patients medicines was vital to the effectiveness of seclusion, psychological and biological factors influenced a huge number of patients’ variations in drug absorption and metabolism. Therefore,...

The Role and Specifics of Injury Report

Introduction An injury report is a useful tool in preparedness and dealing with emergencies. It spells out roles that will be taken up with various stakeholders when emergencies occur and reduce the occurrences of injuries in the first place. It has several advantages especially in areas where accidents are likely...

The Problem-Solving Process in Challenging Situations

Introduction People encounter numerous challenges every day and need to deal with them. Some individuals solve these problems effectively, while others fail to do it. The first group includes successful individuals, who achieve their goals, maintain fulfilling lives, and are content with their relationships, career, and achievements. Unfortunately, many unsuccessful...

The Bereavement Concept and Stages of Loss and Grief

Introduction Bereavement is commonly described as the state of living with loss. Those that have been bereft are forced to accept the non-negotiable reality of death, which is bound to have a series of mental, emotional, and even physical impacts on their lives. At one point or another, everyone must...

The Vulnerable Population of Brownsville: Disabled People

Introduction The community under investigation is a census-designated place Brownsville, Florida. The population is nearly 16,000. The majority of the population is healthy, not obese, and satisfied with the quality of their lives. The vulnerable population of Brownsville community is represented by disabled people. They are not provided with all...

House Building Industry in the United Kingdom

There is no need to stress that after the WWII, the United Kingdom, as well as the rest of the Tripe Entente members, faced complete devastation, with most of the state being destroyed. As a result, the necessity to rebuild the British society emerged, and the creation of new residential...

Nursing’s Educational Preparation: Associate-Degree Level and Baccalaureate-Degree Level Competencies

The work of a nurse requires specialized education, considering the level of responsibility essential for health care system. Therefore, the need for the workforce having a quality education is rather high in modern hospitals and other facilities of such nature. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of associate-degree nursing and baccalaureate-degree...

China Business Growth and Factors That Influenced Business Growth

The economy of China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world with “an estimated annual growth rate of 10 percent per annum from 1978 to 2005,”, as Naughton stated (34). China has the highest population in the world, with an estimated 1.3 billion people, according to the...

Product-Harm Crisis Management and Strategies

Introduction Customers and consumers are constantly being bombarded by the media and other avenues with information pertaining to products existent in the market. This form of publicity may be catalyzed by a variety of events which may provide positive or negative publicity to the product or brand. Product harm crisis...

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Use of Encryption in Making Digital Signatures

Introduction Cybercrime is one of the problems that pose a challenge to the world’s ICT systems. In fact, companies recognize the need for effective cybersecurity systems. Types of cybercrime include phishing and hacking, among others. Techniques utilized to control cybercrime include encryption. This paper will explore the use of encryption...

General Leadership Perspectives: The Impact of Articles on Understanding Leadership

Abstract Leadership is a multi-disciplinary concept that requires a person to make sacrifices to attain the desired results. A leader’s ability to influence and inspire people working under him determines the level of success he is likely to attain in an organization. It is important for a leader to understand...

Cuban History and Culture: Cuban Fiestas and Fiesta Del Dia de Reyes

Introduction Cuba is a Caribbean island nation found in Latin America. When Christopher Columbus landed on its shores in 1492, he claimed the land for the kingdom of Spain. At that time, Cuba was predominantly inhabited by the Arawak people, after which came the Spanish invasion and resettlement of African...

General Accounting Principles: International Financial Reporting Standards & Accounting Principles

Introduction The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is an independent committee of accounting experts who sets the standard of accounts as regulated by the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). The board was formed to succeed the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) in 2001. The board has a task of constituting...

The American Family: Reduction in the Size of the Family and Its Historical Factors

The size of the family has been reducing gradually. The reduction in the number of children has increased the proportion of elderly people in the population. Some places are experiencing a reduction in the size of the population. America is experiencing a reduction in birth rates. This has increased the...

Raising Children in Single Families: Single-Parent Families’ Problems

Introduction The society expects that both parents will take part in raising children. Sharing of roles among parents makes parenting exercise easier. Where one gets it difficult, the other one can help. It is also the happiness of children to be raised in a united family and where they are...

Business-to-Business Marketing Practices: An Overview of Articles

Introduction This report focuses on analyzing and synthesizing information about the best business-to-business marketing practices found in seven different articles. The paper will first explore the main themes raised in the articles, then link the articles to the B2B marketing course, and finally, discuss Building long term customer relationships in...

Use of Technologies in the Educational Process

By the moment a school child learns to read and write, tasks should become more and more challenging and engaging. Teachers in contemporary schools often face a problem of involving students in the learning process. The young generation of students was born in a digital world. The Internet and other...

Understanding Human Rights: Labor Rights in a Globalizing World and Gender Rights

Globalization and labor rights Labour rights are human rights that encompass the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of forced and slave labor; the abolition of child labor; and the eradication of any forms of discrimination at the workplace’’ (Mayer et al. 131). Globalization is “the growing interpenetration of states,...

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English Colonization: The National Image of the Colonization of North America

During the year 1754 – 1765, many significant changes took place, which is important in the history of the British Empire. A vast expansion of the Empire was witnessed by the people during this time. The Empire was made up of various heterogeneous colonies with different economic institutions etc. The...

Defending Slavery: Termination of Slavery and Slave Trade in South America

Introduction Slave trade was a booming business in America before it was abolished in the eighteenth century. Many contemporary historians claim that the slave trade lasted for more than 2000 years. During the slavery period, people were illegally enslaved and transported under unkind conditions. Slaves who were majorly obtained from...

Slow Pace of Solar Installation in India

The Indian solar installation program has slowed down year-after-year according to Mercom Capital Group. The consultancy and communication firm had predicted the installations to reach 1,000 MW by the end of this year. Between 2012 and 2013, solar installations in India increased by 12 MW; so elusive was the growth...

Mental Illness History: Early Beliefs and Theories of Mental Health

Early Beliefs In the ancient times, the cause of mental illness was believed to be possession by demonic forces. This concept was prevalent even during the Middle Ages in Europe when demon was believed to have possessed the mad man. The way to treat these mad men was through exorcism....

What Is Buddhism? History of the Religion, Beliefs, and Rituals

A defining characteristic of human civilization is the presence of religion, which is the belief in and worship of a supernatural being(s) through rituals. Most people in the world practice a religion and their particular faith influences their worldview and affects how they act. There exist many religions with most...

“A Culturally Tailored Internet Cancer Support Group for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors”: Article Analysis

Culturally competent care is the newest trend in modern nursing. Medicine, as a holistic science, recognizes the individual cultural uniqueness of every patient in order to deliver a better quality of care. According to Jeffreys (2015), paying attention towards a patient’s culture, race, and background, as well as choosing the...

Fetal Abnormality and Abortion: Ideal and Discretionary Theories

Introduction The concept of moral status is a topic that is highly debated by scientists of various branches. Many situations that involve the evaluation of the moral status cause a dispute. One of these controversial topics pertains to abortion and fetal abnormality. While discussing the grounds and implications for abortion,...

Evaluation and Appraisal of Aacn’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The purpose of the paper is the evaluation and appraisal of AACN’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (EMEN). Every essential reflects specific skills and competencies nurses should develop to provide reliable care, improve public and individual health outcomes, and enhance health systems. Each essential is briefly described, and...