Healthcare Fraud, Its Financial and Health Outcomes

Introduction The representatives of the general public refer to the healthcare facilities in order to receive some help. They entrust their lives and lives of people they care about to healthcare professionals but are not always treated decently because of attempts to circumvent the law. Such cases are considered by...

Pioneer Generation Package for Singapore’s Elderly

Abstract Over the course of their life, the senior citizens of Singapore have contributed immensely to the development of the state in terms of its social, political and economic life. As a sign of appreciation for their efforts, the Singaporean government has created the Pioneer Generation Package, which provides the...

Versailles: History of Louis XIV’s New Residence

Louis XIV always wanted people from different countries, including his native one, to realize the power and glory of France. He believed that the place of his reign also has a great role, as it is seen by many people. So when he got tired of Louvre, the “Sun King”...

Nintendo and Sony Companies’ Financial Strategies

In order to predict the company’s financial performance and profitability during the next several years, it is important to focus on financial forecasting and develop pro-forma statements (Hillier, Clacher, Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan, 2014; Piper, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how pro-forma financial statements are used...

American Racism in “Men We Reaped” by Jesmyn Ward

Introduction Men We Reaped is Jesmyn Ward’s account of the economic realities of poverty-stricken rural Mississippi during her childhood. Ward reveals that young black men in DeLisle, bereft of equal economic and educational opportunities, lost their lives to substance abuse, violence, and suicide. Ward’s memoir paints a picture of an...

Institutions and Agencies of Spatial Planning in Belgium

Spatial planning is one of the issues that are of great concern to policy-makers in Belgium. Currently, this country is strongly affected by such trends as increasing population, the growing necessity to protect cultural heritage, and transformation of former industrial zones (Gropas 2014). Therefore, it is vital for local communities...

Travel Destinations: Vacations in and Outside the USA

While receiving the opportunity to have a rest and use the vacation time, the Americans can be challenged with the necessity to choose between travel destinations which are similar and different in many features and aspects. Thus, it is important to compare and contrast the opportunities and details of vacationing...

The Women’s Movement of the 19th Century

Abstract The Women’s Movement of the 19th century influenced women’s history significantly while changing the social patterns and the distribution of the rights according to the principles of equality. The figures for Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton play the most important role in the process. The Women’s Movement...

Sidesteps Broad Gay Marriage Ruling

Introduction The article, “Sidesteps Broad Gay Marriage Ruling,” by Peralta Eyder, explores the controversial 2013 ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) by the US Supreme Court. In the tradition of most countries, marriage is considered a legal, religious, or traditional union between a man and a woman. This...

Health and Illness in Miami

Abstract The purpose of the paper is the investigation of the issues of stereotyping and inequality in the medical settings in Miami, Florida. The local community consists of a large number of ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures. And unfortunately, some of the minority groups fail to receive the high-quality medical service...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immigration to the United States on Ellis Island

Abstract The history of the United States depends on the idea of immigration. Ellis Island is the place where the thousands of immigrants started the new life during the period of the 1880s-1930s. As a result, immigration on Ellis Island contributed to the economic and social progress of the country....

World War I Provocative Phenomenas

Abstract The Great War of 1914-1917 influenced the world in the twentieth century significantly while providing the patterns for the modern development of international relations. Thus, the Great War demonstrated the role of the alliance system, the use of poison gas, and the effect of the genocide on the nations’...

Androids and Iphones: Operating Systems Comparison

There is a great demand for different digital devices of nowadays. People want to have them as a tool, toy or just an accessory. Any need should be fulfilled, that is why there are many companies which create their own digital devices and software for them. Nowadays the world is...

Same-Sex Marriage: Definitions and History

Introduction Historically, marriage represented a union of a man and a woman who decided to devote their love to each other, to stay together, and take care of one another. Nowadays, however, this perspective on marriage was subjected to alterations due to the gays and lesbians who are demanding the...

Organizational Behavior Business: HR Dilemma

HR dilemma The two business cases are concerned with an HR management problem, which is to hire or fire an employee with a specific issue. In the case study of the employee with AIDS, Greg should hire and promote Joe. He possesses AIDS disease; thus, the person responsible for hiring...

Providing Protection to Federal Healthcare Programs

Introduction The main purpose of federal anti-kickback laws is to provide protection to federal healthcare programs and patients from fraud relating to corruption on decisions of healthcare. “Straightforward but broad, the law states that anyone who knowingly and willfully receives or pays anything of value to influence the referral of...

Teaching the Faith Forming the Faithful

Summary The book under analysis called Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful is dedicated to discussing the current environment in terms of people’s affiliation to church, as well as their understanding of the actual content of faith. The point is that many Christians are not fully aware of the fundamental...

The Company’s Exit from the Crisis in a Pandemic

Companies face significant challenges from different angles as it was noticed due to political instability, economical remedies, and recently due to coronavirus pandemic. Despite the fact that various issues present a threat to organizations, they can successfully manage the situation and become more efficient. Human Resources Management (HRM) aims to...

A Raisin in the Sun by Hansberry: Literary Analysis

The realities of the historical and literary processes of the second half of the 20th century convince both literature scholar and usual readers that the strugscholars civil rights, the rise of Black movement understood broadly, was merging with the left-wing literary movement, animated by critical moods, and a deep-seated rush...

The Story of Asdiwal: Indian mythology

Introduction Indian mythology is rich in legends and stories about the lives of various tribes. One such example is The Story of Asdiwal, which was told by Tsimshian Indians, natives of the Northwest Pacific coast of Canada. The story provides the reader with a detailed overview of the lives of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Colonialism and Its Effects on Africans in Power

Colonialism was a remarkable and influential process in African countries. It was characterized by the intention of Europe to colonize the region and demonstrate its domination over African traditions and abilities. At the end of the 1800s, several European nations gained control over Africa, using political pressure, military invasions, and...

Progression of Women Writers and Their Texts in Society

Since the turn of the 19th century, women’s role in literature has evolved as they take on bigger roles in literary writing. This essay follows the progression of women writers and their texts in society in three genres. The works used are Fanny Fern’s book Male Criticism on Ladies Books,...

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen: The Theme of Happiness

The theme of happiness is derived from the life of Helga Crane, a protagonist whose journey to seek happiness has been disrupted by racial discrimination. Helga’s life is full of phenomenal shifts that leave her unhappy and disgruntled. Nonetheless, the novel conveys that one should act persistently and attempt to...

“Senate HELP Hearing on Coronavirus Responses and Future Pandemic Preparedness”: An Overview

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most significant tragedies of the beginning of the twenty-first century. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died worldwide, and even more will continue to experience its health-related, economic, and political consequences throughout their lives. In this situation, the United States...

Social Inequality at School

Introduction Social inequality is a serious global issue. A variety of organizations such as UN, OECD, UNESCO, and others are created to combat it. With seemingly so many efforts and resources allocated to address this problem, the result is quite poor. According to Papapolydorou (2014), in schools, we can see...

Bob Knowlton: The Case Study

Introduction Bob Knowlton received a leadership promotion to be the controller of Photon Unit in the organization. He viewed the position given to him as a miracle as he did not have enough confidence in his own skills as well as knowledge. In addition, Knowlton was not at ease with...

Earth Science Education Research Paradigms

Instructional Environment The instructional environment is an 8th grade science classroom. The classroom is attended by 10-12 students who are seated in a circle around an instructional board. The class contains various instructional posters representing various phenomena related to the Earth science discipline, e.g. natural phenomena, earth crust, etc. Quantitative...

African-Americans in the Civil War

Abstract The Civil War marked the beginning of the African-Americans serving in the army. The Union side of the war was open to free black volunteers in the war, but the Confederate States treated the blacks as slaves. The irony of the war is that, while the African-Americans from both...

“Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin Literature Analysis

In the nineteenth century, men from the southern part of the US were very chauvinistic. They treated women like property, and used intimidating tactics to conquer them. Chopin, for example, writes that “when he (Armand) frowned, she (Desiree) trembled and when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing” (Chopin, 2006,...

Spiritual Needs Assessment Role in Health Care

Despite the professional awareness of the importance of spiritual needs assessment in medicine, it can often be overlooked by medical employees. The information acquired during the assessment can be instrumental in understanding the spiritual worldview of the patient as well as providing better efforts of support and care. Moreover, spiritual...

“The Power of the Pen” by Malala Yousafzai

Introduction There are so many aspects of a speech that contribute to making it good or bad. However, this depends on the subject of the speech and the audience to whom the speech is intended. A teenage girl named Malala Yousafzai gave a speech addressing the rights of women and...

Harlow Shapley Views on Galaxy

Harlow Shapley is renowned for his great work in identifying that the sun was not at the center of our galaxy. Shapley studies spherical groups, galactic structure, Milky Way and shape of the disks with clusters. He made the major discovery in the year 1916. In the year 1912, Harlow...

“Same-Sex Marriage in Canada” by Jay Makarenko

Purpose of the research In the research paper, Same-Sex Marriage in Canada, Makarenko (2007) focused on the analysis of historical and legal processes that culminated in the legalization of same-sex marriages in the country. The author’s objectives were to illustrate and evaluate some important court cases that revolutionized the definitions...

Care Leavers and Public Services Peer Research

Introduction The article “Care leavers and public services peer research” dwells upon care leavers and the way they become a part of the society as well as the role of public services in this process. The article is written by Rachel Lopata and published in 2011. Some of the major...

Project Manager, His Role and Responsibilities

When it comes to defining the hierarchy of a project, its leader deserves to be mentioned first. Without a project manager, the very existence of the subject matter is barely possible (Phillips, 2015). Defining the course of a project, as well as the key processes such as the location of...

College Sport Ethical Issues

In the contemporary world, sport has become the source and the target for a variety of social issues of different characters. The popularity of sports in contemporary society, their financial and political aspects triggered a number of conflicts and scandals in different fields of sports. The scholars today explore sports...

Family Therapy Techniques

Outline This essay discusses about family therapy. It also goes through the importance of family therapy, its major goals and different theories and assumptions used by the family therapists for the treatment. Introduction Family is the basic factor for the development and existence of a person and a society. Relationship...

Diagnosing Asthma: Treatment and Communication Plans

Introduction Despite the information presented in the case, it may be hard to diagnose asthma directly, unless specific symptoms are identified in the child’s medical history. The symptoms outlined by the child’s mother may also be linked to the conditions other than asthma. To diagnose asthma accurately and make sure...

The Color Line: Racism in Dubois’ and Zinn’s Works

Despite the long and active process of development of society, even in the modern world, people often encounter racism. This problem is especially acute in America because it was there that slavery arose in the most widespread form. Undoubtedly, significant progress in the fight against this problem can be noted...

Health Reform Bill on Drugs in the United States

Introduction: Inequality in perspective A government-sponsored health insurance program has not been in existence in the United States. As such, access to healthcare depends on the financial status of the patient. The forces of a free market play a major role in regulating drug prices (Gelband, Wiley, and Laschober 2010)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Do Investors Trade Too Much?” by Odean

The article under consideration deals with the issue of excessive trading on the world markets. The author attempts to test the hypothesis that the investors trade too much due to their overconfidence in the information about securities. Other researchers are supportive of the idea that excessive trading may take place...

Peculiarities of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The mental health of a person is a significant concern as it affects well-being, position in the society, and socialization. At the same time, it is an extremely complex issue as multiple factors influence the work of the brain, behavior, and personality of individuals. People face the risk of...

Communicating the Launch of a New Product

Product profile The Pocket Wi-Fi is a device that allows an internet user to connect several Wi-Fi-enabled devices to the internet. This product is mainly targeted at the Canadian market and is developed to support the increasing number of Wi-Fi products that are being launched by other companies such as...

Cinematography of “Scarface” Film by Brian De Palma

“He loved the American dream. With a vengeance” (IMDb, n.d., para. 1). This statement is the tagline of the movie called Scarface (1983). Scarface is a gangster drama that shows the audience the world of organized crime. According to Wilson (2014), “the gangster film, unlike other film genres, is the...

Jamaica’s Economy: Problems and Solutions

Introduction Global economic competitiveness is what every country aims at, and is determined by several factors. These include the legal and administrative framework that governs a country’s institutions, economic policies, labor market efficiency, and economic innovation (Hamalainen 2003). Jamaica’s economy Jamaica is a third world country with an economy that...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Description

Introduction As time goes by, people are more likely to encounter memory problems. This can be both a natural sign of aging or illness. In most cases, cognitive changes that are connected with growing older do not cause serious problems in daily life. However, if lapses in memories begin to...

Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution

Introduction The Constitution and the Articles of Confederation both marked the path towards the beginning of the democratic tradition in the United States. These documents and the process of their creation laid the foundation for this nation, and it is critical to analyze them. The comparison of the main provisions,...

Medical Tricorder: Application and Functions

Introduction With the significant and swift progress of many practical scientific fields such as nano and quantum physics, and information and computer technology, medicine has gained a broad prospect for enhancement. Indeed, although healthcare is slightly behind other high-tech industries, VR/AR, 3D-printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and nanotechnology stand on the...

Reaching Migrant Workers in the Malaysian Church: Establishing a Leadership Model

Introduction The research topic is “establishing a leadership model for reaching migrant workers in the Malaysian Church”. It intends on determining the most effective leadership approach for reaching migrant workers in Malaysia. A number of strategies are available to church ministries, but organizations must select the best model for the...

Public Administration: Trait Approach to Leadership

Introduction A trait approach to leadership provides more weight to the qualities that people are born with, instead of what they develop or the associations they develop with their employees or followers. Leadership trait theory considers that some people are born with particular character traits that support them in their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Ethics Program and Sexual Abuse Scandals

Academic institutions have a range of responsibilities to meet to ensure that they meet the needs and secure the rights of students, protection against sexual abuse is one of the foundational responsibilities. Given the vulnerability of the target demographic, academic authorities at universities must ensure that all educators adhere to...

The EMR: Efficient Medical Care or Disaster in the Making?

Background Statement The case presents the apparent issues within the healthcare system that are related to the inefficient mandatory implementation of the Unified Medical Record System (UMRS). It is vital to understand the current position and value of electronic medical records within the healthcare setting. Glied and Sacarny (2018) state...

Descartes’s Ideas Which Opposed Skepticism

René Descartes was a mathematician, physicist, and philosopher of the 17th century who brought revolutionary ideas regarding human existence and the truth of knowledge. What is more, his works became the base for philosophy and are quoted and evaluated even today. Many believe he was the rationalist who promoted skepticism...

“How COVID-19 Is Dramatically Changing Cybersecurity” by Deo

Analysis of a Current Events Article Numerous critical issues surround the current world, putting countries sovereignty, economic systems, and millions of people’s lives in danger. COVID-19 pandemic, that started at the beginning of 2020, affected each home’s way of living, transforming the health habits, and altering personal relationships. However, the...

The Right-to-Work Laws in the US

The right-to-work law is a central provision that gives employees the freedom to choose whether to join a workers union or not. As such, under this law, employees have some freedom at the workplace, even in a unionized environment, to decide whether to pay union dues for representation. The debate...

Susanna Kaysen’s Girl, Interrupted Story Analysis

Introduction Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen was first published in 1993 and is an autobiographical account of the author during her period in the psychiatric ward. The storyline follows Kaysen’s voluntary admission into the McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, when she was eighteen years old. Kaysen reflects on her life...

Bystander Effect on Everyday Life and Consequences

Introduction In the presence of two or more people, a victim of an emergency is subject to more suffering compared to the case when only one person is present. This introduces the issue of the bystander effect, otherwise known as Genovese Syndrome, a psychological problem that affects one’s ability to...

My Favourite Kumite Technique in Shotokan Karate

The question of finding a single favorite technique is a challenging one, as Kumite has broad applications in my life. Although the primary use of most martial arts is generally believed to be self-defense, they have many other benefits. Depending on the intent of the person, karate can be utilized...

The “Falling Tree” Dilemma

Thesis The sound of a falling tree in an empty forest does not exist. Introduction Background Information Philosophy gives humanity many questions and puzzles to ponder about existence, nature, knowledge, perception, and reason. Regardless of what problems it poses, there always can be an answer or “truth of the matter”...

Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

Numerous theories predict the development of romantic relationships or explain the behavior of partners. These are interdependence theory, social exchange theory, and filter theory, to name but a few of them. The current paper discusses attachment theory, according to which previous attachments profoundly affect relations. The essay argues that attachment...

Gender in Perception of Barriers to E-commerce in UAE

Introduction In the recent past, many organizations have adopted e-commerce as a strategy in improving their level of performance in the contemporary competitive market. However, several barriers have hindered the adoption of e-commerce. One of the main barriers to e-commerce is gender. There is a significant difference in the perception...

BlackRock, Inc.: Company Stakeholder Responsibility

Introduction The performance of organizations exerts influences on local communities, customers, employees, investors, suppliers, public authorities, social agencies, and other stakeholders. Therefore, despite today’s toughening economic conditions, complex business environment, and orientation towards profit-making, corporations bear responsibility to all ranks of stakeholders. While defining its strategic priorities and planning business...

Role of Social Media in Emergency Preparedness

Summary of the article The article aims at outlining the role of social media in emergency preparedness. It further points out that there are other social media that may prove pivotal in communication in case of emergency. Cases present in the article support the potential of the use of social...

Chronic Pain Treatment: Medications

Pain is a vital sign that serves to indicate malfunctions and calls to take measures. Chronic pain differs in this aspect, as it does not complete a protective function. This syndrome is one of the most common health issues that pushes patients to visit their doctors – chronic pain can...

Capturing the Motion. Monet and Hockney

The attempt to capture the essence of changing into a still image is one of the great dilemmas of painters of all times. Theoretically, it is impossible to depict an imperceptible movement of a dancer, the color nuances at the sunset, or the light flight of a butterfly in a...

Civil War in “For Cause and Comrades” by McPherson

Introduction The current essay is an evaluation of McPherson’s book “For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War”. A critique of the book will be produced based on the review of several crucial points. First of all, the main thesis of the author will be presented and...

What Is Process Safety Management and Why Is It Important?

Almost any device, piece of equipment or machinery can cause injuries or damage to property if mishandled. One of the process safety hazards that can endanger human lives and damage property for millions of dollars are pressure hazards. Michael Speegle (2012) identifies two general categories of them: “rupture of pressurized...

Should Public Colleges and Universities Be Tuition-Free?

In his article “Should Public Colleges and Universities Be Tuition-Free?”, Bernie Sanders makes proposals to make higher education more accessible. Bernie Sanders, United States Senator from Vermont, was born in 1941 in Brooklyn, New York. He studied at Brooklyn College and the University of Chicago (Sanders). Sanders was the mayor...

Character Analysis of Mohammed V

Introduction Mohammed V who was born in 10 August 1909 and died on 26 February 1961 was Sultan and king of Morocco. His full name was Sidi Mohammed ben Yusef. He was the son of Yusef, upon whose death he succeeded. Born at Rabat in Morrocco, Mohammed V was a...

The Origins of Professional Coaching

Introduction The origins of professional coaching go back to the industrial revolution in the form of apprenticeship and mentorship initiatives. The earliest research on coaching intrigued a surge of interest for both companies and employees who came to value the process for its ability to influence behavior performance and productivity...

Effective Communication and Nursing Practice

Introduction and problem identification It is impossible to imagine a competent medical system without adequate communication. Medical institutions whose leaders promote effective communication among their followers find it easier to solve emerging challenges and improve patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of this project is to explain how to achieve effective...

Digital Communication Systems and Its Impact on Democracy

Nowadays acceleration of the technological progress, resulting in the impetuous dissemination of innovations in the world introduces cardinal changes to the social aspects life, among which media takes not the last place. The aim of this essay is to analyze the role a digital communication systems play in the provision...

Nucor’s Performance Management and Motivation Strategy

Introduction Motivation is a critical factor affecting employees’ performance and organizational success overall. A successful performance management system builds on employee motivation to achieve better performance. The case of Nucor Steel is an excellent example of the use of work motivation theories in performance management. The company has become a...

Latino Community in the USA and Its History

The Latino community of the USA is on the rise, being more numerous and influential than ever. Numbering nearly 50 million, it is, by far, the largest minority group in the USA, and the fastest-growing as well (Gonzalez 2011). Yet the words “Latino community” and “minority in the USA” can...

Differences Between Left and Right Parties

Despite the fact that almost all people want to achieve the most comfortable, fair and healthy state of society, the ways in which they want to do this are often radically different. Thus, there is a division into several groups or political parties according to people’s beliefs and ideas. For...

Health Care Delivery Model and Nursing Practice

The healthcare system is an ever-changing area of development; therefore, new acts and alterations are being suggested annually. These changes typically affect a large amount of population but primarily influence medical workers as they are the drivers of any hospital. In particular, nurses are most exposed to any restructuring procedures...

Research: Mock Study and Hypothesis

Introduction Research is meant to solve problems and answer questions. It incorporates creativity and systematic improvement of an idea by evidencing its workability (Gauch, 2003). Researches require proper planning and arrangement to warrant their success. Unplanned research aborts before completion or fails or provides information that is out of context....

UK Interests in EU-India Free Trade Agreement

Introduction With economic growth of up to eight percent, India has become an important partner with the EU countries (Mataritonna, 2006). The country is regarded to be one of the fastest-growing economies around the globe. However, India’s tariffs and non-tariff barriers are the main hindrances to international trade between the...

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction Nowadays, companies and individuals are becoming more concerned about occupational safety and employees’ rights in the workplace. Unfortunately, there are still many cases when workers are subject to sexual harassment, discrimination, or any other form of violence. It is hard to deny that such hazards may negatively influence the...

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’ Review

Introduction Transcendentalism, as an introspective philosophical movement, arose during the Romantic era in literature and held that each person could arrive at extreme certainties through sound reasoning, sensory experience, and the expression of oneself outside the conformity of society. The Romantic period elicited highly contrasting intellectual as well as literary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Poverty Elimination in Perspective

Poverty is a subject that has been on the world’s development agenda since time immemorial. According to Sachs (2005b), prior to the onset of the industrial revolution, almost everyone lived in poverty. The advent of new scientific knowledge and technological advancement gradually turned the scenario around such that today, only...

Patient Autonomy

Alongside benevolence, non-malevolence, and justice, the principle of autonomy is one of the four fundamental principles in medical ethics. Patient autonomy is defined as the patient’s right to make their own decisions (Timms, 2016). At that, the health worker’s role is to guide and educate them but not overtake the...

Cloud Storage and File Storage

Cloud storage is a service framework that transmits and stores information on remote storage networks. It is maintained, controlled, backed up, and accessible to consumers over a network, which is typically the internet. It is delivered with just-in-time capability and expenses on request and eliminates the information storage network (Yamato,...

Taxation of Foreign Nationals by the United State

Introduction In every nation, there is a set system of tax collection. The U.S. is not an exemption to the rule. Their system is self-assessing and presupposes that citizens, as well as foreigners, are liable to taxation. The taxation of foreign citizens is different from that of resident citizens. Every...

Evolution in Modern Indian Music

Introduction The Republic of India is the second most populated country in the world and the seventh-largest geographical area. A multitude of ethnic groups with distinct cultural traditions, languages, and dialects comprise the South Asia subcontinent, and such a factor is reflective in the music. Rich and diverse, Indian folk...

Science of Networks: ‘Linked: The New Science of Networks’ by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Most of these networks are genetic, worldwide web-based with a complex topology. A scale-free network is a connected network with the property that the number of links originating from a given mode exhibits a powerful law of distribution. This is network is constructed by adding nodes to the existing network...

Miami-Dade County Department of Park: Program Evaluation Planning

Assignment 1 Item Response (three to five sentences per item) Purpose: Explain the purpose of the evaluation. Parks Rx 4Health program was selected for preparing an evaluation of its goals, results, opportunities, and failures. The identified program was developed by the Miami Dade County Department of Park to provide children...

The Nature of Leadership

Leadership is an interesting subject that excites so many people. When the term is mentioned, images of powerful individuals who head top Corporations in the world and army officials who have commanded victories in various big wars and politicians who shape nations come into our mind. We also think of...

The Relationships Between Church and States in Europe

Introduction The Middle Ages is a complicated time in history, which continues to attract the attention of many scholars, researchers, and philosophers. Despite the stereotyped perception of this period as dark and backward, the Middle Ages was marked by the birth and formation of many countries and notable accomplishments in...

Technical Communication: Social Networking

Social networking can be defined as a virtual environment in which individuals form groups for a common goal of socializing. Traditionally, social networking is mostly done offline by groups of friends or people sharing a common interest. Technological advances have, however, changed the social networking concept to the point where...

Transformational Leadership Approach to Conflict Management in Emergency Care

Introduction For the healthcare sector to function efficiently and effectively, it is essential to foster excellent communication among various specialists and medical professionals to ensure that care and treatment are provided properly. Nevertheless, problems are an inherent part of any hospital environment, and often the challenges that may arise during...

Plans for Developing Professional Practice in the Workplace

Developing professional practice is an undertaking that should be considered an ongoing endeavor to continually grow and remain relevant and up to date in a person’s area of interest and/or expertise. Planning for assessment and evaluation is good practice. It will hopefully keep one abreast of new practices/ideas and understandings...

Four Big Validities: Internal, External, Construct, Statistical

Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Young, but not Menopausal Women Internal Validity The internal validity of a study is the extent to which cause-and-effect relationships are established between variables. The study by Schwarz and Singer (2013) aimed at understanding if the red background was associated with increased...

Research on the Ethics of Patient Autonomy

Recently, there has been an increasing need for expanding patient autonomy within the care process in order to make it more efficient and less time-consuming. Patient autonomy refers to the right of patients to make sound decisions regarding their medical care without involving care providers in influencing the decision. The...

History: Soviet Union vs. US or East vs. West

Introduction After WWII, the world witnessed a new competition for dominating between the newly emerged superpowers of the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union along with its allies. In the following paper, the result of this competition for people’s minds and hearts during the Cold War will...

“Know Your Why” by Ken Costa

This book has comprised several simple truths that help an individual to figure out their main purpose in life. It is addressed to those who burn out at work spending numerous hours doing things they do not enjoy. Those activities do not bring them closer to the desired future. The...

Sociology of Health and Health Care

This article highlights the various responsibilities undertaken by the nurses, which once were led by health professionals and general practitioners. One way this presents a symbol of success for the NHS since sociological health care is being increasingly placed under the spotlight. For many reasons nurses increased responsibility and role...

Medicine Factory Case Study

Today, pharmaceutical manufacturing is a prospering industry, which is strictly controlled and highly regulated by governmental authorities. Pills manufacturing is an extremely complex process that includes several sections: mixing, granulation, drying, tablet punching, coating, capsule filling, packaging section, and so on (Manufacturing of Solid Dosage Form i.e. Tablet Manufacturing and...

Leadership and Organizational Change: Diversity and Globalization

Introduction The process of globalization has transformed society, politics, and economics in a tremendous way (Taylor, 2005; Parker, 2005). The transformation has affected the demographics within the workplace in many ways. Diversity at the workplace entails a range of elements; these include differences in primary languages, social statuses, national origins...

Gang Membership in the USA

Background There were approximately 29, 900 gangs in the US by the year 2011, and 29, 001 in the previous year (Egley & Howell, 2013). In terms of membership, there were about 756,000 gang members in 2010, and 782, 499 in 2011. The number of homicides that these gangs committed...

Eradicating Illiteracy in Primary School

Introduction Everyone has the right to education. Denying children their right to education means, creating a society of illiterate adults. These kids are the leaders of tomorrow and should be allowed to go to school. Educating children is more like educating the society at large. We have made it this...

Racism and Kingdom Ethics. Main Aspects

I conversed with a Christian leader in the neighborhood about the topic of race and kingdom ethics. His view and attitude towards the issue of race is optimistic; in that, it makes all people equal despite having a different skin color. Understandably, the Christian leader develops an understanding regarding the...

“Raise the Red Lantern”: Gender Roles and Hierarchy Issues

Summary Given her exposure to the wider world, Songlian feels betrayed that she must become the fourth wife in a cheerless homestead of a wealthy landowner. The wives’ living quarters are along both sides of the courtyard. Traditionally, the Master requires the lighting of a red lantern outside the apartment...

Modern Environmental Issues: Climate Change

Climate change is one of the major issues of the modern world, which poses a threat to the globe as a whole. Although there is a wide range of debates and arguments revolving around the given problem, it is evident that some alterations from normal, natural values are taking place....

Institutional Discrimination Related to Ageism

Older adults are often victims of negative stereotypes stemming from unfavorable cultural and socioeconomic attitudes. Nowadays, ageism is recognized as one of the most prevalent and socially ingrained types of prejudice in America. It entails systematic discrimination against individuals based on age (elderly or younger people). Notably, negative ageist attitudes...

Hispanics as Vulnerable Population

The vast majority of civilized countries provide citizens with a high quality basic medical care. However, there are some patients included in a specific group of people called vulnerable population. These are individuals with a great risk of health problems caused by one of the numerous reasons such as social...

The Blizzard of 1888: What Made It So Murderous?

January 12, 1888, became a fateful day for about 235 residents of the American prairie. On that warm winter day, a sudden onset of snowstorm caught many people outside of their houses. Most of these people were immigrants from Europe who came to America in search of a better life....

Beauchamp Company Case Analysis

The Description of the Situation The overall situation is about the Beauchamp acquisition by the company called Synergon. Considering the active acquisitive position of Synergon, which is the company that is famous by its numerous merging actions, the company called Beauchamp fully suits the Synergon’s range of business interests. Beauchamp...

Communication Theories in Organizations

Introduction The importance of communication in society cannot be overestimated. Taking various forms, and gradually changing medium, communication nevertheless, remains in essence an exchange an exchange of ideas, knowledge, and information (Janasz et al., 2009). Specifying channels of communication, it can be stated that despite the variations of such channels,...

AI and Machine Self-Learning

Introduction Machine self-learning is a subfield of computer science related to the ability of computers to recognize patterns using AI without being programmed to do it. Its major goal is to identify how a computer can make data-driven predictions without reprogramming. While machine self-learning was out of the reach of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Postmodernism in Art and Humor as Its Feature

Postmodernism is a vague notion that is widely used but not completely understood by everybody. Even a French philosopher Michel Foucault, being sometimes classed as a postmodernism itself, admitted that he did not know any postmodernist philosophers (Britannica). However, postmodern art is less debatable due to the fact that it...

“Eye of the Night” and “The Lie”: Comparison

Introduction Relationships are one of the fundamental aspects of not only the personal life of each individual but also the plot of most literary works and other major media. Because of it, it is important to be able to differentiate as well as analyze what happy and unhappy types of...

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and How It Has Shaped My Life

Introduction Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory rests on the foundation that the environment in which a child grows has a profound effect on the development of the child. This therefore means that the end product of a child from the time of birth to the time the child becomes an adult is...

Representing a Democracy in Miami, Florida

The legislative branch of the United States government is Congress, a bicameral house that comprises the House of Representatives and Senate. Its primary mandate is to enact laws and provide oversight to federal and state agencies, the army, and other public institutions. As a representative democracy, Congress is a mix...

Event Overview of Sessions on Israeli-Arabs

The discussion consisted of a series of sessions on Israeli-Arabs and the growing importance of this minority of contemporary issues in the region. The discussion is the second in the series on the emergence of Arab Israelis. Michael Brenner, who is the facility director of Israel studies at the American...

Ultrasound Program Overview and Analysis

My Experience in This Program From the very beginning, the ultrasound program that I have chosen has set high standards that must be met. My understanding was that the program would require my full commitment and best efforts to achieve my academic goals. Despite my initial hesitation, I was encouraged...

The Practical Application of Robotics in Health Care

With the rapid growth of modern society and the wide range of technological advancements, people have more opportunities to access challenging procedures, especially in the field of medicine. Technological progress in robotics and artificial intelligence provides countless future prospects for addressing current healthcare issues. Some of these challenges include population...

Technology and Medicine: Assessment

Introduction Science and technology are critical elements of the modernity, where major everyday activities revolve around actively using them for both essential and non-essential purposes. Four key technologies are PC, smartphone, GPS, and internet. They are most beneficial for society and environment, but they also possess certain negative aspects. Similarly,...

Measurable Self-Development Programs for Leader Development in the Army

Field operations can be challenging for army officers when adequate leadership is lacking. Arguably, the field is where tactical combat decisions are operationalized and experimented. Operational situations require flexible and complex leaders who can leverage their cognitive, behavioral, and social competencies to ensure combat success (Hunt & Philips, 1996, p....

Information & Knowledge Assessment and Systems Design

Treatment of data, information, and knowledge Access to market information is often identified as one of the most crucial tasks of the marketing team, where the particular market needs that a company seeks to satisfy are identified and evaluated. The communication of the same information from the market to the...

Women in Combat: History Examples

Introduction Women are always considered as gentle and fragile creatures who call for protection and proper treat. On the other hand, it appears that some of them are able to handle fighting in combat. This essay will provide answers to several key questions. Should women be ever included in such...

Nursing: Improving Patient Care Outcomes

Research Critique The possibility to use the information of the most current research while addressing critical clinical issues is an integral instrument of nurses, clinicians, and managers in their daily workflow. This allows healthcare providers to be updated on contemporary tendencies, therapeutic approaches, standards, and policies, which facilitates making quality...

Bargaining Theory: A Better Explanation of Why Wars Happen

Although wars are rare occurrences even under the best conditions, they are triggered by the various factors which prevent competing states from negotiating successfully and settling the outstanding issues. International politics is a considerably small and anarchical environment where bargaining, compromises, and arrangements are the primary mode of political interaction....

False Consensus Results in the Constitutional Decay

The graphic story, They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei et al. uses imagery to narrate a historical event following the Pearl Harbor bombing by the Japanese. Specifically, Takei provides a memoir on how his family and other people of his descent were forcefully transported to the internment camps. They...

Hamlet’s Universality and Contemporary Cultural Discourse

Measuring the literary value of a text is a complex process. The worth of a piece of literature to human civilization is a notion that, for instance, the postmodernist worldview negates, as well as the need for literary idols. Nevertheless, some texts became deeply ingrained in social consciousness as those...

The Short Life of Évariste Galois and the Big Life of His Ideas

209 years ago, a famous mathematician Évariste Galois was born. He lived only 20 years but managed to become a classic of mathematics and one of the founders of higher algebra. His short biography is well known because it is romantic and interesting to young people. Galois was a fiery...

Malawi Health and Education System Analysis

Introduction The social sectors of developing countries are often not high enough due to various criteria, for instance, economic, political, and other factors that hamper progress in specific areas. In Malawi, the state in which agriculture prevails over other fields, the topical issues of education and medicine are raised periodically...

A Dead Brain Gets a New Life

It is possible to conceive of the human brain as a computer. However, this analogy is not exact since it is not yet possible to reboot or turn on human consciousness on a whim. The brain is a biological computer, so it adheres to the law of nature, including the...

History of Textile Designing Craft Before the Industrial Revolution

Post nineteenth century ushered in an enormous transformation in the production and consumption of textiles primarily due to the industrial revolution. However, before the advent of the industrial revolution, textile designing was done in a completely different way professionally done through manually driven looms or other means. In this paper,...

The Case of Natalee Holloway Analysis

The cases of disappeared celebrities always astonish and horrify the world community with the help of mass media traditionally prettifying and dramatizing the reality. However, the stories of the ordinary people becoming famous after their disappearance contain even more mysteries. The relatives find themselves in a center of paparazzis attention...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Early Literacy in Children

Early literacy Early literacy includes all the phases of learning processes which children go through as they grow. This normally begins with children of about 5-8 years although others begin earlier depending on individual parenting. The goal in early literacy is to help kids to be fluent and instill in...

Baroque, Neoclassicism, and Romanticism

The baroque style appeals to the public through the use of theatrical, dramatic images and forms. Baroque artists are mostly known for their realistic, meticulous portrayals of biblical and mythical scenes. The style emerged in the 17th century when the Catholic church commissioned famous artists to create artworks, which would...

“Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” by Piper

Summary of the concepts of the book Christians need to understand the issues of biblical manhood and womanhood as the two issues if well understood will help Christians to co-exist peacefully especially in the context of marriage. The book, “Recovering biblical manhood and womanhood,” as edited by John Piper and...

Waiters I Would Never Tip

These days every action is a sale. Although in the past nobody defined communication as a market and put objective prices for such non-material goods, society now has a tendency to evaluate them. Even two new terms have been coined for this selling and buying process – providing and using...

John F. Kennedy as the First Modern President

Introduction John F. Kennedy is perceived by many as the first modern president in the history of United States of America and the whole world. Most renowned authors unanimously agree that his natural charisma and leadership qualities were overwhelming. His brave and courageous outlook made him to be admired by...

Competing Interests in a Health Care Policy

Introduction This essay provides a discussion of issues of competing interests. It also provides a discourse on public policies, democratic governance, and policy networks. It finally concludes by stating the insights about the relationship between democratic governance and policy networks. Issues of Health Care Everyone wants good health conditions. This...

Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Myths

One of the severe mental disorders included in the DSM is schizophrenia. This disorder requires a serious treatment as the illness influences a person’s perception of reality, affecting one’s feelings, emotions, and thoughts and disabling one’s functioning. People with this disorder may have unusual behavior, hallucinations, and delusions. This paper...

Margaret Fuller’s and Frederick Douglass’ Rhetorical Styles

Margaret Fuller Margaret fuller was born in 1810 in England. She was a brilliant woman who started transcendentalism and championed the fight for women to be given equal rights as the men. Due to her brilliance she stood out, unfortunately she was unappreciated in the patriarchal society. She was an...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Critique Paper

Introduction Flannery O’ Connor’s works were paradoxical in the sense that element of religion, humor and horror appear at the same time. She has become famous especially as a short story writer and had an impressive collection in her short life of just 39 years. She died in 1964 from...

E-Commerce: The Using of Credit Cards

Trade has always been one of the main spheres of human activity acquiring new forms as it developed through time. Nowadays one of the widespread forms of trade is electronic commerce, or Ecommerce, which consists in selling and buying goods and services over the Internet. With the growth and popularization...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethnic Diversity in Poems by Pat Mora, Chrystos and Naomi Shihab Nye

Ethnic Diversity The issue of exile and the search for true identity is a significant topic in American culture. People with diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds live in one country and have to defend their traditions and worldview (Schilb et al. 78). For the authors such as Pat Mora, Chrystos,...

Medical Ethics. A Finding of Nonpaternity

Introduction Jennifer C is a 19 months-old baby who has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that is autosomal recessive. The characteristic pattern of the disease is that a child inherits its gene from both parents, with each of them being a carrier (Rosaler, 2006). Jennifer’s parents have...

Hall Pass: Analysis of Advertisements

The US Grant –Exquisite Weddings Autumn-Winter 2009 The advertisement that appeared in the Exquisite Weddings Magazine promoted a chain of luxury hotels. The ad only contained a picture of a hall in the hotel along with the name of the chain and contact information. The main creativity element of the...

The Anthropology of Messages and Communication

Introduction Language and ideas have a symbiotic relationship where one is dependent on the other. A language is used to convey ideas while the language relays messages. Examining the anthropogenic of ideas and language can impact the message sent out and how it is perceived and interpreted. It must be...

A Question of Ethics in Exceptions to the Writing Requirement

Contracts play an essential role in managing business activities helping to determine and protect the rights of the parties involved. In general, the Statute of Frauds, in which the main goal is to prevent harm to innocent parties, denies enforceability to the contracts that do not meet its writing requirement...

Guide to a Research Report

Introduction Research papers and reports published in peer-reviewed journals are the main sources of information in modern science. They focus on data, experiments, and results of the performed studies. Understanding them requires basic background knowledge of the subject and being familiar with a scholarly article’s structure. This paper presents the...

Organic Garment Market in the United Kingdom

Executive Summary Oriental Organic Garments is the name of the proposed retail unit that will deal in T-Shirts for men and women made out of 100% organically grown cotton. The company has an excellent supplier from Hong Kong and is confident that the products can be competitively marketed in a...

Malignant Melanoma: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Mr. J is a 42-year-old construction worker who has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma skin cancer. The first symptoms of the condition noticed by the patient included the changes in the size, color, and surface of the mole on the man’s face. In addition, the man reported having the...

Leader Role in the Organizational Culture and Change

Introduction Corporate culture is defined as the collective behavior of individuals, who are part of a corporate organization, and the interpretations that the individuals attached to their behavior and actions (Alvesson, 2012). Organizational culture provides a platform on which employers and employees share mental assumptions and determine the right conduct...

Recycled Magazine Greeting Cards’ Marketing Communication Strategy

Introduction Corporate social responsibility, as well as environment-consciousness, have been buzzwords for many business organizations and for consumers for a long time now. As issues on the well-being of all parties involved in the product cycle, from manufacturing, delivery to consumption, and even post-consumption, become an integrated part of the...