Google and Technology: Business Model Case Study

Google has, for a long time, utilized its technology and search engine to stay ahead of its competitors. Google has proved its prowess in the internet technology by owning more than 50 data centers around the world, which indicates the vast amount of information it can handle. In addition, it...

Women’s Health: Sexual Desire and Arousal Disorders

Introduction Today, there are many women with a significant history of sexual desire and arousal complaints. Therefore, women’s sexual health turns out to be a considerably growing area of research interest among the representatives of different countries (Youngkin, Davis, Schadewald, & Juve, 2013). In this paper, the topic of sexual...

Detailed Summary on the Latest Tendencies in Aviation

Introduction Modern society is constantly changing. The issues of present-day business and economics require immediate examining and exploration. There is the necessity to provide the objective outline and analysis of the most significant questions that reflect the main tendencies of the development of definite industries as branches of economics. Aviation...

Racial, Cultural and Educational Justice: Educator View

The race is defined as the poor assumption of ideas and actions emanating from the thoughts that one race is quite unique or superior to the other. It always results in mistreatment or discrimination of specific racial groups, while culture is the way different people carry on their daily activities...

“Taxi to the Darkside” and “No End in Site” Movies

Undermining the Essence of the Rule of Law In all the situations people tend to rely on the rule of law which they trust and respect above all. It is a common belief that the law is fair to those people it is applied to and every citizen of the...

The Growing Gap Between the Rich and Poor in USA

The distribution of income in the United States is to great extent skewed. In particular, according to the 2007 census, top 20% of the population own 93% of the total wealth, whereas the other 90% of Americans have to share 7% of wealth (Domhoff, 2010). A decade ago, in 1998,...

Compensation and Reward Programs Analysis

Introduction Compensation and reward programs are seen as an integral part of business success. Carefully crafted reward and compensation programs go a long way among other things to motivate employees. When an employee is assured that the company has his/her best interest at heart they encouraged to go the extra...

Communication in Patient-Centered Care

Introduction Top-quality nursing practice and patient-centered care rely heavily on competent communication on behalf of the nurses. Good communication competency requires the nurses to develop a broad range of skills during both undergraduate and graduate education, and in the workplace. Patient-centered care is the core of these skills, which also...

Love and Death in Poetry by Emily Dickinson

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is known as one of the most famous poets of the XIX century. One of the most important causes of her popularity is her manner of writing that was new for the period, during which she has been working, and the main themes of her literature. So,...

Media and Violence Connection

Introduction The issue of media and the increase of violent crimes has been a contentious issue over the years leading to a number of researches trying to identify the correlation between the two. This is especially the case with regard to electronic media due to its visual power over our...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hotel Industry Branding and Marketing Strategy

Eco-certification for the Hotel Industry within the United States is a vital venture for the future of eco-tourism business. Certification is a voluntary process of assessing certain standards of facilities and services, Honey & Rome (2001). As a result, many hotels have not taken the initiative to get certified. Bien...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Affecting Factors

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a brain condition that leads to irreversible deterioration of cognitive capabilities in human beings (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). This section evaluates the case of Catherine, who suffers from AD, by addressing various factors that are common to other affected people. Catherine’s cognitive abilities including memory, speech,...

Mitsubishi About the Implementation UNGC Principles

Executive Summary This paper is a submission by Mitsubishi to the Local Network. It contains recommendations about the implementation of two of the ten United Nations Global Compact principles. The eighth and ninth principles have been chosen. Risks, benefits, and lessons learned during implementation are also included. The Local Network...

Palm Inc.’s Organizational Behavior Diagnostics

Introduction The objective of these studies is focused on output diagnosis. It means using the diagnostic organizational level analysis. It includes an assessment of the organizational performance and a suggestion of the fundamental cause of problems. Diagnosis is an orderly approach to consider and relate the present state of the...

Is Debt Cancellation the Answer to World Poverty?

The bulk of the $1.21 trillion dollars that developing countries owed the rich countries by 1987 was largely accumulated unfairly through lopsided financial agreements. There are four major ways that have contributed directly to the significant debt that developing countries have accumulated over the years: high interest rates, tied aid,...

Mundurucu Women and the ‘Women of the Forest’

English literature is presented by numerous writers and poets, which present their pieces of work on different topics and of various styles. Those books, that describe certain periods in history are of greater interest among the readers, as they give complete imagination of the period that is known only from...

Alternative Transportation Use for Public Health

Topic HP2020 Topic: Environmental Health; HP2020 Objectives: EH-2 Increase the use of alternative modes of transportation for work. Transportation is an important determinant of public health. At the same time, the issue receives modest attention on the institutional level, which necessitates promotion at the community level (Litman, 2013). The project...

Human Resource Management: Functions, Activity, and Legal Framework

Human Resource Management is the exploration of the responsibilities that any organization has towards persons it has in its employment and the aforesaid persons’ (employees’) responsibilities to the organisation. Human Resource Management studies describe roles and tasks that human resource managers play and carry out in the organisation. Across different...

Consumer Behaviour to BRL Hardy Company

Introduction Consumer behavior refers to reactions by consumers to either purchasing or failing to buy a commodity. The reaction is subject to a number of factors such as time, place, need for the product and the process of purchasing the product. This paper seeks to discuss consumer behavior with respect...

Analysis of the Market Segmentation

Introduction Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into small parts which have different characteristics. Therefore this fully satisfies the individual and specific needs of customers. This is done especially in a situation where customers have very differing characteristics. Therefore a company finds it convenient to subdivide the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pressure Ulcers Educational Plan for Nurses

Introduction Pressure ulcers are a common condition for patients who require long hospitalization. The primary force of prevention for pressure ulcers is the nursing staff of the hospital. Pressure ulcers develop due to pressure being applied to an area of a person’s body over a long period of time. To...

Channels and Intermediaries in Marketing

The marketing plan of the company will involve direct contact between our official representatives and the clients since we provide a service. And this service is such that we collaborate with different suppliers to provide us with office use materials, equipment, and furniture which can be effectively designed for a...

Technology’s Influences in Our Lives

Introduction During the last two hundred years there has been an unprecedented acceleration in man’s knowledge of and power to control his material environment. This has been achieved with the help of technology such as, steam, then electricity and now atomic energy. With these discoveries and inventions, there has been...

Marketing Research of Children as a Buyer Group

Marketing is an important tool in product branding, packaging, distribution and primarily production of the actual product. It gives insight into what the consumers want and how they want it. This paper therefore looks into strategies employed in researching the children as a key consumer group and the issues that...

Economic Interdependence Theory and Future of Trade

Key Aspects of Economic Interdependence The modern world is a complex mechanism, as it consists of numerous actors engaged in the division of labor and resource exchange. Even the countries with high political and economic influence have always experienced a need to trade 1. This matter can be explained by...

Alzheimer’s Disease, Statistics and Disparities

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative malady that is one of the most common forms of dementia. Most often, this illness develops in the elderly population, although there are cases of diagnosis in earlier age periods. The reasons for the manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease have not been established yet, and...

Artaud and Brecht Comparison. Woyzeck by Buchner

Undoubtedly, theater is great art serving vital purposes; however, these purposes can vary. In order to explain them, it is necessary to resort to the recognized authorities in the field. The analysis of the concepts of theater by Artaud and Brecht promises nontrivial results due to their different philosophical grounds...

PSY Adult Development and Life Assessment

My concern with the problem of adult learning is well-grounded, and I am deeply involved in it. Due to some reasons, I did not have an opportunity to enter an educational institution promptly because there were certain financial difficulties endured by my family. The necessity to work deprived me of...

Samsung Liquid-Crystal-Display Televisions Marketing

Marketing is defined as “the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” (Kotler and Armstrong 166). Another definition proposed by American Marketing Association states that marketing is:...

Correlational Research Types, Examples & Methods

Correlational research Correlational research is a quantitative research method that tries to determine if there is a relationship or covariation between two or more quantitative variables which are collected from the same subjects or a group of subjects. The subjects must be from the same participants if any correlation is...

Diabetes: Causes and Effects of Disease

Diabetes is a common disease that is found in all parts of the world. Its defining feature is the accumulation of excessive sugar {glucose} in the bloodstream. There are 2 kinds of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. At present, approximately 23 million people suffer from diabetes in the United...

“American Psycho” Film and Lizardo’s “Fight Club” Article

Introduction The most obvious thing that can be traced in the Hollywood movies is the yearning for making money; as a rule, filmmakers do not always benefit from making unprofitable movies and vice versa, sometimes movies that were characterized as noncommercial gain success and popularity which brings them to the...

Hazardous Materials Incidents During Summer

First responders dealing with hazardous material incidents during summer experience a great deal of challenges, mainly because of the high temperatures and elevated humidity. In the article ‘Beyond the Rule of Thumb Survival Tip 53’, Lisi (2010), illuminates some of the inherent dangers presented by the summer weather to first...

Financial Market Regulation and Bank Activity Limitations

It can be argued that there are introductions of a broad variety of limitations on bank’s activities which are imposed to regulate inducements; and selection of portfolios of uncertain assets. Even though these limitations vary between countries, there are some similar processes like policies on bank’s capital, and the policies...

Principles of Finance Exemplified by First Solar, Inc.

Introduction First Solar, Inc. was established in 1999 by the First Solar Company. First Solar Inc. manufactures solar equipment and supplies solar energy. The company makes its solar modules using a thin-film semiconductor in a new CdTe technology. First Solar Inc. has its headquarters in Arizona Unite states; operates in...

Social Relations and State Control in “Penguin Island” Novel and “Brazil” Film

Since ancient times, social relations and state control have been an issue of discussion in the literature. The decay of modern society in both works participates in a widespread concern with social, moral, and even biological degeneration that swept through Western culture in the 20th century. Part of the failure...

The World Is Multi-Faced: The Difference of World Perception

When you are looking with your friend at the same photograph where both of you are captured, your friend is sure to find some drawbacks of lightning that wrongly reflect on his/her face or his/her somehow not ideal smile while you will try your best to see any shortcomings of...

Body Mass Index and Health Risks

Arguably, obesity has become one of the most debated issues concerning public health. The centrality of this health crisis within the public agenda can be evidenced in the increased coverage by the media and other forms of communication. According to the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (2), the question of...

Riordan Manufacturing Company’s Process Design

Introduction A process is a set of interrelated and interdependent activities at every stage that converts inputs into finished products. Process design is defined as the activities involved in the assessment and correct implementation of a process for the achievement of business goals. The Riordan manufacturing company is the plastic...

Stateless Nations: Catalonia and Scotland

Despite enormous technological and intellectual progress and the rapid pace of globalization, the 21st century still witnesses political, cultural, religious and territorial disputes, conflicts and even wars over unsettled issues of nationalism and ethnicity throughout the whole world. The struggle of stateless nations, i.e. “geographically concentrated populations sharing common identities...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Statistical Methods Used in the Analysis of Paleomagnetic Data

Introduction Palaeomagnetism is basically concerned with the analysis of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of rocks in bid to come up with a clear understanding of the crust’s magnetic field. Professor Blackett and Nagata have been credited for taking this study a notch higher since its establishment. Most of the discoveries...

PDA Sim Company’s Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

The company PDA Sim generates two products (PDA Phone and PDA phone with camera) and wishes to come up by way of a strategic decision on the subject of which product to be stopped from manufacture in the year 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. The lifecycle of the two products...

Symbols and Metaphors in the “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess’s full names are Theodor Seuss Geisel. The American writer as well as a cartoonist lived in the period between 1904 and the year 1991. Dr. Suess became famous for specializing in children’s books where he has published over sixty books. His writings are notably characterized by the use...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Impact

Abstract Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) has been in use for quite some time mainly in the treatment of mental illnesses. Earlier criticisms led to the development of MMPI-2 which remains to be in use up-to-date and is usually administered through 10 different scales, with each scale providing information about...

“Adventures of Huckleberry” by Mark Twain: Facts and Fiction

In Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, fact and fiction are two concepts well stated. The novel’s main theme is the racial relationship among people of a different race. Writing hilariously, Mark Twain is able to bring out the contrast of fiction from the fact in the real...

Mexican Drug Cartels: A Transnational Threat

Mexican drug cartels constitute a new breed of organized crime in North America and in the drug trade. Brought about by connections with the Columbian drug trade, Mexican drug cartels have grown into a network of efficient and compartmentalized gatekeepers that control the drug trade from Mexico to the United...

Browning’s “How Do I Love Thee” Poem Analysis

Introduction A poem is a piece of literature that is written to pass certain messages to people or express various emotions such as love, hate, or even anger (Glennis, 98). It is because of these reasons that poetry requires skillful selection of words and sentence structures so as to make...

Leadership and Organizational Behavior: U.S. and India

Moving into a new market is considered to be a difficult step because organizations have to experience newer trends and they have to incorporate issues like new communication channels, culture, and human resources. These factors must be kept in mind when organizations are opting for an entry strategy in a...

Terrorism Today: the Past, the Players, the Future

Defining Terrorism As Spindlove and Simonsen (2013) note, defining terrorism is quite challenging due to the many forms that it has taken throughout history. My own definition of terrorism would be that terrorism is a violent act that members of one population perform in order to scare the members of...

Population, Life Expectancy Rate of Different Countries

Introduction Population is a very important variable to study and understand as everything that we do is centered at people and therefore, to understand the needs, aspirations and also to fulfill the same it is very useful to have a very good understanding of head count. The world is divided...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lakota Hill: Strategy Analysis

The case shows the introduction of an entrepreneurship venture in the specialty food industry. The new venture hatched by Laura Ryan was to set up a venture to sell fry bread powder in a sack. She sold the age old recipe to the locally and then to the supermarkets to...

Welfare Economics and Health Economics

Introduction Health economists work in a mixture of areas. A great deal of work is of a descriptive nature investigating issues concerning the environment of health care systems as well as wellbeing more generally. Normative health economics is paying attention to the economic assessment of interventions, mostly medical or organizational,...

Diageo PLC: Industry Research

Company Background Diageo (a coined name combining the Latin for “day” and “earth”, respectively) is the undisputed global leader in what is styled the “premium spirits business” (Murray, 2009) in point of gallonage, net sales in pounds, and operating profit. Having originated with J & B blended Scotch in the...

Safe Track Service Device

Technological Feasibility The product design will involve embedding a tracking chip on the hardware of the electronic. The tracking chip will be used to track the location of the electronic device. Every device will have a security code that will only be revealed when the item is stolen. The security...

Snow in August by Pete Hamill

Marketing management is a management discipline that encompasses fields such as strategic planning as well as other processes involved in achieving the objectives of an organization through delivery of quality values to customers. The main focus is aimed satisfying the requirements of the customers. It begins with market research through...

Talking Rubbish. How to Manage or Dispose of It

Introduction Rubbish is universal yet many do not understand how to manage or dispose of it properly. In many parts of the world, it is practically impossible not to see rubbish littered. Rubbish is produced on a daily basis as people consume goods. Some dispose of their rubbish properly whereas...

Online Courses. Research Problem and Analysis

Problem statement and purpose of the study Upon introduction of online courses, instructors and analysts believed that there would be a revolution in the field of education (Kling & Hara, 2001). Institutions realized that they could save on seating and teaching resources; they could reach a wider student base and...

Art Perception and Ways of Seeing

Art Different people will describe this term in their own different ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding. What people see or describe to be art today may not be what it was sometime back. Many of the things that were done sometime back we describe to be art today e.g....

Religion as an Issue in “I, Rigoberta Menchu”

Introduction In her engrossing and perhaps controversial narrative, I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala, Menchu presents the unsuspecting readers with an insight into the unique perspective and importance that the Catholic Church and Christianity hold for the native Indians. For a Guatemalan, Bible is, “not something you memorize,...

Employees’ Motivation: A Manager’s Challenge

Introduction The issue of motivating employees could be regarded as a strategy that calls for planning on a long-term basis. In addition, its impact ought to be felt by the entire work environment, with its implementation being accomplished continuously. For a long time now, management researchers and managers alike have...

Porter Novelli Company’s Human Resource Management

Introduction This paper aims to discuss how talent management is vital for any company. It is always important for a company to hire and develop talented staff since they impact the profits and the growth of a company. Talented individuals also have an influence on the number of customers that...

Decriminalization of Marijuana Laws

Introduction Decriminalization of marijuana law is replacing “current criminal penalties for marijuana processions with civil penalty and fines” ( According to Jeffrey Miron, director of undergraduate studies at Harvard University’s economics department, “marijuana legalization would mean repeal of federal and state laws that ban production, distribution, and possession of marijuana”...

Micromanagement at Modrow Plant

Micromanagement refers to close observation and control of a subordinate’s work by a manager (Mathieu & Marynard, 2008). This explanation is mainly derived from the Greek word “micro” which refers to small (Podsakoff & Organ, 2006). Thus micromanagement entails the practice of managers overemphasizing the small details of employees’ work...

Legal Issues Analysis: Sexual Harassment

Introduction The issue of sexual harassment has of late become thorny in society. Recent newspaper articles have focused mainly on the subject and the corresponding effect it has on society at large. Workplaces have been dogged by claims of sexual harassment to female employees. The issue has become so common...

Ethnicity Studies: Hispanic American Diversity

Introduction In the United States population, one of every eight people is of the Spanish or Latino American ethnicity group and as a whole, they are known as Hispanics (Schaefer, 2006). Different ethnicities make up the Hispanic group but the major ones are Mexicans, South American (Colombian, Ecuadorian and Peruvian),...

Bartimaeus “An Oasis” by Jonathan Strowd

The meaning of the notion “blindness” may be interpreted literary, as a physical defect of a person, but its figurative meaning is more interesting as it finds its realization in Mark 10: 46-52. The pisode narrates about the healing of the blind beggar named Bartimaeus, who was sitting “by the...

“Leading Minds” Book by Howard Gardner

Introduction The book, “Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership”, has been authored by Howard Gardner, “Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education and one of the founders of Project Zero at the Harvard University” (Gardner, 1996). Published by Basic Books, the first edition of the book appeared on...

Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education

Summary The article under analysis is called Learning journals in higher and continuing education and is written by Arthur Langer (2002). The research is dedicated to the analysis of use of different periodicals as a means for fostering critical reflection among adult students who are involved in profession-oriented educational programs....

Chinese Calligraphy: Zha Shibiao and Mao Xiang

Introduction The works of Chinese calligraphers of the late 17th century are rather fascinating and well-shaped in their details. The main message is implied in the delivery of Chinese mature style that was particular to dynasties of Ming and Qing. In this respect the deepest desire of mine was to...

Themes and Messages in “Murderball” Documentary

Introduction Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro’s documentary “Murderball” looks into aspects beyond the parameters of physical disabilities and ventures into the identification of human will and spirit where the variable of physical disability becomes almost irrelevant. This is a narration of will power and making place in the...

Is the Digital Effect Making us Stupid?

Introduction Over roughly five or so decades ago, not even the most far-fetched of positive idealists could have foreseen how rapidly technology, and especially in the information sector, would grow. The epitome of this growth is perhaps the Internet, a vast field of boundless information that can be accessed by...

Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”

“Venus of Urbino” refers to an oil painting done by an Italian master known as Titian. It portrays a nude young female, recognized with Venus, the goddess lying down on a couch in the luxurious surrounding of the palace of Renaissance. The painting is found in Florence and the pose...

Basic Weight Training. Recommendations.

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to emphasize that the training program is generally suited individually, as there are no equally trained people. AS for the muscles of the back and the neck, it is widely known that these muscles are the most subjected to traumas during training, as...

Information Technology and Mexican Drug Cartels

Mexican drug cartels have begun forging a new way forward to gain supremacy over rival cartels and increase their drug dealing businesses. The biggest headlines coming out of Mexico recently have involved the increased drug-driven violence that has resulted in death tolls high enough to warrant U.S. intervention in the...

Historical Biography of Jedidiah Smith

Overview Jeddah Smith was born on January1799 in western New York State. His ancestors were Thomas Bascom, Massachusetts and French Basque ancestry. He was born at a time when his family was deeply rooted in the audacious spirit of western migration. He started working as a hunter at the age...

Early America Civil War Period Analysis

Background The United States of America Civil War began on April 12th, 1861, as a result of the unending deep-rooted sectional conflict that was reflected by economic and social-political disparities between the northern and the southern regions. In the election that was held in 1860, the Republican Party under the...

Intelligence Definition and Measurement

Abstract This paper is an assessment of the nature of intelligence. It is an exploration of what intelligence means in a psychological context. The measurements of intelligence will be related to the definitions to see how they contribute to these definitions. It will look at a selected few intelligence and...

Language Processing and Speech Mistakes

Introduction Language processing and word formation constitute the major dilemma for psycholinguistic and neuro-linguistic research. The word building deserves a special consideration in terms of different models of word organization. Hence, it is necessary to take into account morphological, lexicological, and psychological aspects. Processing mechanisms reveal the internal mechanism occurred...

Reevaluation of American Space Policy: Obama’s Decision

Introduction Reevaluation of American space policy is one of the essential parts of the Obama Administration program. President’s proposal to reorganize NASA and to cancel both Space Shuttle and Constellation programs was criticized by his opponents. Obama’s speech at Kennedy Space Center in April 2010 was aimed at providing strong...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Psychological Association Code of Ethics

America Psychological Association’s ethical code has four main which are the introduction, the preamble, the general principles, and the standards of ethics. The main issue that the author of this document addresses in this text is the ethical standards that psychologists are supposed to uphold. The introduction has a detailed...

“Othello” by William Shakespeare

Introduction William Shakespeare is a well known writer who has written various interesting play books. In Particular, he wrote a remarkable play called Othello. In the play, Shakespeare portrays a very jealous character. Lago is the jealous character who got disappointed with his friend Othello for denying him the chance...

“When Did Skivvies Get Rated NC-17?” by Guy Trebay

Introduction Modern world of advertising sees no limitations in attracting clients, which, of course, results in higher profits. Each company is aimed at getting more money for the products it manufactures and advertising is a powerful tool to achieve the desirable. Advertising is especially important for fashion industry which would...

High-Quality Instruction: Creating a Lesson Plan

High Quality Instruction Educational professionals have often mentioned that the current system of learning and teaching program requires High-Quality Instruction that ensures structured student learning, desirable academic performance, which provides benchmarks for students’ classroom performance. This paper attempts to create a lesson plan that describes various steps of a language...

The Native American Indians

Colonization is a process of settling the territories by people who cannot be considered the native population of these territories. The British colonizers were people who were eager to leave their native cities in Old Europe and move to the new continent which was supposed to give them a chance...

Brand Repositioning: Term Definition

This paper discusses the topic of brand repositioning in a car industry. The methods through which a brand can be repositioned have been discussed which will be decided according to the desires and preferences of the customer. Brand repositioning can be defined in two different ways. They are as under:...

Comparison of Jesus and Mohammed

Studies, without a doubt, point out that Christianity and Islam are the major religions in the world. Available literature shows that the two religions are the only, world over to have followers in every region and sphere of the earth. Numerical evidence points out that Christianity is the largest religion...

Gender Representation: Term Definition

Outline This paper will examine two films by John Ford of different time periods which proved to be very successful in influencing the world of films during their respective periods. It is interesting to examine the two films Stagecoach (1939) and The Searchers (1956) which are of different time periods...

Organic Foods Issue of “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan

Introduction Handling food requires a lot of hygiene and care to keep the resulting cuisine from contamination. With the development of organic foods derived from artificial plant and animals cells, placing strict measures to guide the production, presentation and consumption of such foods necessitated the creation of bodies such as...

The Second Gulf War – The Iraq War of 2003

Introduction As Cashman (2007, p.10), stated, we do not live in the golden age of peace. There are Constant conflicts, frequently reported in magazines, newspapers, televisions and every possible media means. Statistics about wars are always threatening and the trends in war data convey both good and bad news. Many...

“The Face of Tomorrow” by Scott London

Introduction The article that appeared in the September/October issue of the Hope Dance Magazine in 1998 was done by Scott London. The author drew inspiration from a Time magazine cover material that had an exotic girl with a mixture of features drawn from African, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Caucasian backgrounds....

Shakespeare’s “Othello”: Iago’s Honesty

Introduction In Shakespeare’s play Othello, the character Iago is the most well-known and multifaceted. To the characters in the play, he is a trustworthy and honest person who everyone in the community is willing to confide in. The audience on the other hand can note that he is the evilest,...

Why the HIH Insurance Collapsed?

HIH was the price of the Australian insurance corporate world until it came down like a castle of cards. It surprised much of the corporate world and local communities and society in Australia. The strange thing about the collapse of the HIH was that it came down at a moment...

Profession of US Drug Enforcement Agent

Introduction A drug enforcement agent is a person who works for the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in controlling and enforcing laws in relation to drugs, inside and outside the U.S borders. DEA is a federal agency established in 1973 by President Richard Nixon to implement laws and regulations on...

Planning Organization for the Travel Agency

Thesis statement The current paper is aimed to describe the organizational chart of a company that steadily expands its business activity. The charts will represent the structure of this company on the different stages of its development. All the essential differences and difficulties of each stage will be explained. Mission...

Visit to the Museum of Figurines on Wheels

A museum is a nonprofit making organization that is established in a certain locality and dedicated to serving society. It contains a collection of exhibits of animals and artwork. These exhibitions are used for various purposes such as education, enjoyment and research work. In addition, they help people to appreciate...

Subject-Informal Logic: Rhetoric & Stereotypes

Introduction The word “stereotype” means “a person or thing that conforms to an unjustifiably fixed or standardized picture” (Fiske, 2006, p. 299). A very common example can be taken from the movies. Adam Sandler is a very popular American actor, but due to a large number of comedy movies in...

American Government’s Lies in Wars

In life, a person is at times forced to lie. This greatly depends with the circumstances or even situations that coerce an individual into doing so. A lie can be defined as knowingly expressing truth as untruth to a person or persons, institution like schools, courts and even at the...

Whole Foods: Economic Recession

Introduction Following the global economic recession of 2008, most of the companies worldwide are facing financial difficulties operating given the effects of the aforementioned crisis and Whole Foods Company is no exception. It is worth acknowledging and recognizing strategies that Whole Food Company’s management has so far adopted to enhance...

Calibration of a Hugglands GPS Garmin

Definition of a handheld GPS unit A handheld GPS (Global Position System) unit can be defined as a portable apparatus/device which is meant to determine the exact location of a person, vehicle or anything else that is attached to it by the use of Global Positioning system technology (Huang, 1999)....

Freight Forwarder’s Total Quality Management Model

Introduction This topic focuses on total quality management. Most high performing organizations have secrets behind their performance; this could include employee involvement, total quality management, successful teams, customer focus and care, excellent leadership and many others. In this scenario, we take a critical look at certain factors that if Freight...

Bailey Jon and Burch Mary “How Dogs Learn”

There is much written on the issue of “how to train Dogs”; but there are questions and problems addressed better in this book than in any other book on the same. This review is an analysis of how useful this book is in the practice of Dog training. The book...

State Toleration of Religion: John Locke’s Opinion

Introduction The relations between government and religion are not always smooth. To solve this problem many philosophers, discuss the question of whether the state should tolerate religion or not. John Locke was one of the representatives of the philosophic world who cared greatly about the problem of the state, religion...

Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein: Comparing and Contrasting Artworks

Introduction This article will compare and contrast two pop arts by different artists. The first art is by Andy Warhol with his art soup cans which was produced in 1962. This artist was from New York and was also a filmmaker and print maker. The other is by Roy Lichtenstein...

Disney Company’s Strategic Research Project

The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923. Since then, the company and its associated companies have been committed to manufacturing incomparable entertainment occurrences based on the rich inheritance of superior creative content and brilliant storytelling. The company is the major entertainment company catering for family interests with a focus...

P’Konilo Company’s Internal & External Analyses

Introduction P’konilo was established in the year 2004, at the Dania Beach in Florida, by two fathers who had a passion to create great products in collaboration with other global designers, families as well as friends. Over the years the company has continued to create play products/ items that are...

Recycling: Syllogism and Argumentation

Syllogism Companies that do not recycle, increase contamination levels. Those who increase contamination levels should be involved in environmental protection activity. Companies that do not recycle should be involved in environmental protection activities. Introduction Recycling is generally regarded as an important and inevitable part of environmental protection, as well as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Developmental Psychology: Developmental Milestone

Introduction Human development is a step-by-step process that takes a person’s lifetime. On the contrary, the development of the brain is active in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood (Lemme, 2006, p. 56). In this essay, we consider the developmental milestone of a twelve-year-old male who moves to the UK and...

Crime Situation in Bankstown-Australia

Bankstown- The City Bankstown is a local government area that traces its beginnings back to the year 1797 when the then Governor Hunter decided to recognize the lofty character of the plant specialist and scientist Sir Joseph Banks. It is from this plant scientist that the town got its name....

Media Violence and Children

Abstract Studies, surveys, and common sense dictate the obvious, exposure to violent media forms by impressionable children beget violent behaviors. Television violence has evolved well beyond the Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon that many parents of today watched. Popular video games such as Mortal Kombat and Doom aren’t your father’s pong and space...

Solving the Problems Noticed With the Nevada Gold Dome

Letter of transmittal To: the Nevada Gamblers team owners and Dome management team From: the McDuff management team Subject: regarding the problems noticed with the Nevada Gold Dome Attached you will find the report regarding the ‘artificial turf, ramp cracks, roof leak and equipment damage of the Nevada Gold Dome’...

Research Design Differences – Qualitative and Quantitative

The following paper is an insight into researching which is crucial in the field of social sciences. It seeks to define the two main methods used: qualitative and quantitative and their key characteristics. Finally, it will give comparisons of these two methodologies and how each is important and applicable in...

Rasism in the USA: Personal Experience

Introduction Americans are busy languishing in their comfort zone assuming the realities of our way of life that make us unique all over the world. It is not something that we wish in our society it is just how it is. This is a country that was founded on slavery...

Judaism and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences

Abstract The term religion is used to refer to the approach that human beings give to their spirituality as provided by their beliefs, symbols, narratives, and practices on a supernatural figure. Human beings express religious inclination through several ways; some of which include prayers, rituals, and music. There are different...

“TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture”: General Idea and Sub-Points

Introduction The essay the TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture is written by Douglas Kellner, a famous sociologist. He is famous as a representative of the so-called “third-generation” critical theorists. During his career, the sociologist wrote many articles and essays which were devoted to the role of television in the...

The Civil War and Reconstruction

Introduction In this paper I will narrow down into gender and race issues and how they influence our life experiences. I will refer to the work of Giddens 2007;Walby (2000), Albercrombie (2003).This essay starts by defining the two important terms gender and race then examines the views of various theorists....

Learning Style and Reading Achievement

Introduction Learning styles are ways of learning which involve methods of educating that are specific to individuals thought to allow individuals to learn best. Through research, it has been identified that some people are favored by some methods of learning while others tend to favor some interactive modes of learning...

Jacob Lawrence and Principals of Design

Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000) is considered to be the most acclaimed African-American artist of the last century (“Jacob Lawrence Biography”). He grew up in Harlem, New York. Lawrence’s most popular collections are the Migration Series and War Series. With these works, he “brought 
to life” the African-American experience by using “blacks...

An Appropriate Penalty for Celebrity Offense

Introduction Celebrities are in a position of admiration and adoration from millions of local fans and many international ones. American society places people that simply act in modern plays for higher salaries than the majority of the population on pedestals, and while this in itself is a mockery of all...

Student Assessment and Testing Methods

Introduction According to Harp (1996), assessment is the act of putting together data on the level of achievement of a learner whereas evaluation is the interpretation of that data based on the identified strengths with an aim of coming up with appropriate learning goals (p73). Assessment continuous throughout the life...

Oil Spill Crisis as a Result of the British Petroleum

The oil spill leaking into the Mexico gulf is as a result of the British Petroleum drilling rig which exploded at a rate of five thousand barrels a day. It was reported that about eleven workers died in the explosion that took place on 20th of April (Jones, 2010). The...

“House Made of Dawn” by Richardson Morse

The movie “House Made of Dawn” (1972) is based on the novel by N. Scott Momaday. This movie vividly portrays the problems faced by many Native Americans and their national identity. The producers portray that many Native Americans are classless, so they are excluded from modes of collective action, have...

Yoruba and Consumerism Religion: William Young’s Phenomenological Approach

Introduction William Young defines religion as, “a human transformation in response to perceived ultimacy” (Young, 2). According to Young, there is no standard definition of religion. He therefore uses seven questions to build a framework around his definition. This framework is helpful in the study of various religions around the...

Chronic Fatigue: Literature Review and Hypotheses

Aggarwal et al (2005) highlight chronic as one of the health problems that are frequently unexplained for various reasons including a tendency to co-occur with other conditions. The etiology of chronic fatigue remains a quagmire with biological and environmental factors being mentioned as causal factors. Assessing the relationship between different...

Sea Shore Hospital’s Marketing Strategy

Name, Location and Nature The name of the newly commenced business is “Sea Shore” hospital. The product was selected on the basis of the increased trend and better serving opportunity in the market. The location of the company is in the urban areas and in the software area. As a...

The Hard Rock Rockfest: Baseline and Crash Schedule

The Critical Path On baseline durations, this project will take 31 weeks to complete. Taking November 8, 2010, as the start date and assuming the default of four weeks each month (instead of the reality that is 13 weeks per quarter), the baseline ending date would be the week of...

“Brokeback Mountain” by Ang Lee

There is a famous American western that revolutionized modern cinematography by rising important issues of gender and sexuality. The name of the movie is the Brokeback Mountain and by making sociological problems described in the movie so open for public, Ang Lee put them on the top of the most...

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