COVID-19 Effects: Closure of National Parks

Introduction Social distancing has led to the closure of three national parks. Such a measure is intended to minimize the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Public health authorities have been implementing diverse measures. Such aspects of nature are capable of delivering numerous health benefits. In the article “3 of...

New Product Launch: The Case of Apple Watch

Numerous factors have all the power to influence the decision-making process of customers. While millions of people believe that the choices they make regarding different services or goods are rational, the reality is that individuals are driven by emotions determined by environmental factors. The first vital aspect relevant for the...

Epidemiology Simulation Paper

Introduction Epidemiology is the science that allows human beings to forecast the spreading of this or that illness over a certain territory and at a certain period. Pearce (1996) defines epidemiology as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application...

Living in a Fish Tank and COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 outbreak is gradually shaping every aspect of people’s lives before they even know. Very fast and steadily, the conventional view on things proves to be inapplicable in the current situation, and people have to adjust their mindset and behavior to the new circumstances. There is no doubt that many...

The Distribution of Employment Size

The distribution of employment size (number of employees) for different categories of businesses varies depending upon the need of the business. In this report, the distribution of employment size for Retail and Hotel & Catering business division in London for the year 2007 will be compared. Table 1 shows the...

“A Rose for Emily” by Faulkner and “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

Introduction Moral corruption is one of the central themes of Southern Gothic. This literary genre frequently features characters that are not merely flawed but thoroughly debased to the point of being grotesque. In their pursuit of intensely personal obsessions and vices, they persistently violate both social norms and conventional human...

Effective Problem-Solving Using Digital Media

Introduction Using digital media is common in marketing. Strategies for problem-solving may be created. Advanced data collection and audience search. Competitive advantage and target content. Recruitment, adaptive environment, and assessment. Digital Media in Problem-Solving Convenient and in-demand digital platforms A variety of procedures to perform (Figure 1). Free access to...

Baha’i Faith as a Global Religion

Introduction Although the Baha’i faith is one of the youngest world religions, it involves millions of followers in the exceptional geographically diverse community. Originating in the middle of the 19th century in Persia, now Iran, it spread to different continents, and now it is present in many countries. The unique...

“The Fred Factor” by Mark Sanborn

Introduction The Fred Factor is the best-selling book and is written by Mark Sanborn, who is well known internationally as an author and speaker on team building and leadership. The book, in narrating the real story of Fred Shea, a postman, underlines the significance of being fervent about one’s life...

Mississippi Black Code

The Reconstruction period in the United States of America is known for the establishment of novel legislation and laws. Mississippi Black Codes became the first regulatory document designed for African Americans that, even though it formed certain rules for the population, mostly prohibited various constitutional rights. The Codes were primarily...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Writing Goals Technique: Dental Hygiene Specialist

Writing goals is a popular technique used in psychology, human resource management, and career planning. Its efficiency has been proved by examples of successful specialists in different fields. Simple as it may seem, writing goals though has certain peculiarities and requires appropriate skills. If to represent goals as destinations, and...

Should Assisted Suicide be Legalized?

Due to the consistently improving quality of life in developed countries, the average life expectancy has increased over the past decades. The growing aging population means that the rate of disease occurrence later on in life has also augmented. For the incurable and terminal conditions, medical care usually focuses on...

DNA Retention: Advantages and Disadvantages for DNA Collection

During the last decade, DNA samples have become a popular tool of criminologists to find and prove the criminal behavior of an individual. The FBI collected DNA in its agency since 1990 (Siegal et al 2000). The FBI professionals suppose that DNA analysis allows finding a partially individual and there...

Apple Watch Product’s Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing Communications The Big Idea The Apple Watch features activity tracking capabilities introduced by other wearable technologies such as the Fitbit, Jawbone Up, Nike + Fuel band, and so forth. However, the Apple Watch will be compatible with the iPhone. With this seamless integration, the watch can receive phone...

Adolescence Substance Abuse: Over The Counter Inhalants And Cough Syrup

Introduction Over the counter drugs commonly known as OTC refers to the prescription of drugs that are not meant for medical use. It is therefore common to find the drugs being used for purposes not initially meant for the drugs or otherwise on the box label. Research has shown that,...

Social Responsibility and Ethics

Social responsibility is “the obligation of a business towards the society” (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 6). The economic responsibility contributes to the economic development of the society by producing goods and essential products. Legal responsibility includes the laws that they have to follow. Ethical standards, the ones expected by the society...

The Air Safety and Security

Air transportation represents a vast field of operations that require precise control within different departments and possible issues. The airline industry has to consider numerous aspects of transportation, including proper design of the routes, weather, registration procedures, employees’ expertise, and others. Air safety and security is the essential area of...

Revenue Management of Catheter-Related Issues

The main task of any healthcare organization is the fulfillment of patient needs through the provision of high-quality service at minimum cost. Revenue management practices, including financial regulations and billing requirements, help hospitals to stimulate social-economic development. Since revenues serve as the primary stimulus for the organizational growth and sustainability,...

Momenta Pentop Computer’s Design and Technology

Introduction Momenta Corporation was known as the first company that developed the design of a tablet computer. Known as a pen top – a touch-sensitive tablet computer operated by means of a pen – it was a revolutionary and innovative technology at the beginning of the 1990s. Nevertheless, regardless of...

Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Despite the fact that there is no one universal definition of a conflict, Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) defined it as a “process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party” (p. 373). In a professional setting, conflicts can arise from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Mortality Rate

A Quality Collaborative or HCAHPS Kendall Regional Medical Center is a 417-bed facility in Miami-Dade County, Florida. A CMS survey revealed that Kendall has below average scores in nine HCAHPS measures, including hospital recommendation (62%). It is suggested that the hospital focuses on patient satisfaction and safety to reduce mortality...

Florida Advance Health Care Directive

I obtained the advance directive (AD) for the state of Florida by printing it from the official website of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (2017) and its program for end of life care, CaringInfo. ADs give people an opportunity to have some level of autonomy over their health...

Public Opinion in the American Political System

Question 1: Discuss the role of public opinion in the American political system. The role of public opinion in the American political system ranges from a secondary monitoring tool to the primary policy-making factor depending on the party, which defines it. One of the radical views of public opinion is...

Mexican Uprisings in “The Underdogs” by M. Azuela

“If a man has a rifle in his hands and a beltful of cartridges, surely he should use them. That means fighting. Against whom? For whom? That is scarcely a matter of importance.” (Azuela 87). The uprisings in Mexico chronicled in The Underdogs reveal themselves as less than romantic and...

Telephone-Based and Online Care Implementation Phase

Introduction In the paper, the implementation phase of a randomized controlled trial will be described. The randomized controlled trial aims to research whether telephone-based and online care are more effective compared to standard nursing home visits in patients who are 36 years old or older and who undergo post-acute care....

Impacts of Slavery on the Antebellum USA

Few institutions could claim such importance in early American history as slavery. Although present in the British colonies in North America since the 17th century, slavery only rose to the forefront of national attention after the revolution. While there were political issues with it early on, as when drafting the...

Professional Roles and Values: Nursing Regulations and Ethics

California State Regulations regarding Nurses After the case study scenario is considered, it is obvious that the major issues that the nurse faces during the case of Mr. E include professional ethics matters, as well as legal regulations for nursing practice. First, the nurse is to participate in deciding on...

Electronic Document Management System

Introduction: Current Situation Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS) is one of the software instruments allowing organizations to monitor and control the operations of all of their departments and be a modernized institution. The current state of the US health care system, as stressed by scholars and even President Obama, leaves...

Role of Religion in Functionalism and Conflict Perspectives

Introduction Religion is a basic social institution that affects an individual’s life from childhood to adulthood. Religion can be defined as a set of beliefs and practices which govern society, religion varies in different societies and also differs in the degree to which it is integrated into the society. It...

Leadership Philosophy: Understanding, Theories, and a Leadership Role Model

Introduction A leadership philosophy is a range of principles, beliefs, convictions, and mindsets, according to which a person decides what actions should be taken and what reactions and attitudes are appropriate in a particular situation. Leadership philosophy regards the existence of issues, mannerisms, goals, behavior in daily pursuits, and the...

Opposing Ideas in Play Antigone by Sophocles

Antigone by Sophocles describes the aftermath of a war in which two brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles, murder each other. The author centers the main conflict on individual conscience and the obligations to the state. The play depicts the clash between human and divine law in which Antigone and Creon deny...

Affect in the Modern World

Introduction Generally speaking all spheres of human life in all kinds of societies big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor have witnessed significant changes especially during the twentieth century. These changes have been attributed by many to the phenomenal technological advancements of an industrialized world made by human...

Dementia – Health Issues and Caregiver Burden

Definition of Dementia and Personal Experience Dementia is not, despite widespread belief otherwise, a specific illness. Instead, Dementia is a term used to collectively describe a wide range of conditions that lead to cognitive decline, memory impairment, and other brain disorders [1]. The most prevalent form of Dementia is Alzheimer’s...

Cultural Intelligence Development in International Business

The world has become an open village. Such globalization has made it possible to sojourn to different parts of the world, meeting different types of people who have very different practices, which of course seem strange. Despite these differences people need not only to enhance communication between them, but also...

Needs of a Hospice Patient

Hospice is not merely a specialized hospital for the dying people, the philosophical aspect of patients’ treatment plays one of the crucial roles there. The initial hospice philosophy is very simple – a dying person needs a special care while passing through the boundaries of life and death. The palliative...

Ayurvedic Medicine in T. R. Reid’s Documentary

Introduction Ayurvedic treatment grew in India and is well-thought-out to be the world’s firstborn healthcare organization. It is labeled for the Sanskrit term Ayurveda, which may be interpreted as the “knowledge of life.” It is a comprehensive classification. Ayurvedic medicine is completely all-inclusive. Its supporters attempt to produce synchronization between...

Criminality Development in the Documentary A Life of Crime

Introduction The paper introduces the conception of getting involved in criminal activities as well as estimates the social influences on criminology development, in America. The analysis refers to the first part of the documentary A Life of Crime, which embraces the description of criminal stories of three men. The action...

Persuasion and Relationships in Negotiating and Disputes

Introduction: Power of Persuasion and its Role in Negotiation A success of negotiation is fully dependent upon the persuasion skills of the communicants. Persuasion helps people to address multiple issues and challenges, to attract attention as well as to arrive at mutually consistent and correct decisions. It is crucial to...

External Auditing Process and Its Stages

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that money has always been the main remedy which guaranteed existence of society and relations between different manufacturers. Being taken as the criterion according to which the value of a certain product can be determined, it helped people to from their system...

Ferruccio Lamborghini Company Information

Short Biography Ferruccio Elio Arturo Lamborghini was born in April 1916 in a small village Cento in Italy in the family of grape growers. From his early years, he had exposed a great predisposition towards industrialism and machine building. When Ferruccio Lamborghini was a little over thirty years old, his...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mary Wollstonecraft’s and Virginia Woolf’s Works Review

The process of gaining basic rights, including the right to be seen as equal to men and the right to be entitled to the same range of freedoms and opportunities that men have has been excruciatingly difficult for women. Although the presence of gender stereotypes and the resulting discrimination against...

Cocaine and Its Effects on Society and Individuals

Drug abuse is one of the most critical modern social issues. Recreational drugs are used worldwide, and while some of them are free to use, for example, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, several major ones, such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin, are banned. The severity of effects from illicit drugs is...

The Literature of African American Diaspora

In the second half and at the end of the 20th century, African American literature revisited some topics that are classic in the African American literary tradition, and also discovered new issues related to the changed status of African Americans in US society at the end of the century. In...

Transportation: Connecting Communities

Transportation is considered to be among the major industries around the globe. It is one of the most expensive and burdensome areas not only for citizens but for the government as well. Nevertheless, it is well known that dependable transportation allows people to travel throughout the country and to live...

Semiotics in “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino

Invisible Cities is a novel that invites the reader to active cooperation and provides erroneous interpretations. It seems that the development of an adaptive metanarrative for this text should not be too difficult since the emblematic nature of its constituent elements presupposes its presence. However, the complexity of perception is...

Attitudes Toward Death: Thomas vs. Whitman

Introduction As well as the theme of love, the theme of life and death is frequently preferred by many poets for their great works. The main challenge is the impossibility to avoid death or prolong life, and authors try to find out additional ways to calm down, motivate, and support...

Analysis of Health Laws Related to Care Decisions

I obtained my Advance Directive at an acute care hospital in the state of California. In this state, Advance Health Care Directives are legal documents detailing the desires of a person regarding their health, should they become unable to make such decisions. California does not recognize the term living will,...

The Old and the New Economy Characteristics

Introduction The old and the new economies have different meanings to different people. The old economy can be defined as the form of economy aimed at mass production of products and consumption of the same by people. It was represented by big and well-established companies. The new economy on the...

Contingency Theory in Management Accounting

Contingency theory in management accounting: “The contingency theory of management accounting is not really a theory at all. It is neither a logical set of propositions nor is it well-founded. Indeed, after many of management accounting contingency research, all we have developed is a theory that says, “It all depends...

Mindful Decision Making and Driving Results

Decision making is the function of a manager at any level. Employees of organizations, as well as specialists of consulting companies, usually take part in its preparation. Managers implement their managerial activities through decisions; therefore, they are leaders’ primary “creations”. The product of the direct actions of the leader is...

Cryonics and Its Ethical Side

In the contemporary world, the new scientific discoveries and innovations often look promising and can lead to serious benefits in future. However, in is not rare that such innovations face the strong resistance of the public due to the ambiguity of their possible social outcomes, as well as their ethical...

Approaches to Cancer Care

Cancer is one of the most significant health problems of the modern society. Annually, various types of cancer threaten or take the lives of thousands of people. As cancer is an extremely complex disease, the modern medical professionals attempt to provide a multidimensional care of cancer that is based on...

Prisoners’ Rights and Prison System Reform

An Agreement with Piper Kerman and her view of incarceration laws Today, few Americans have challenged the claim that the criminal justice system is broken and requires reform. Individuals who have first-hand accounts or relevant information on experiences of prisoners have called for massive reforms in the prison system. This...

St. Peter’s Basilica and In Praise of Folly

Introduction There is a lot that seems unknown about the similarities and differences of European culture in terms of literature, music, and visual arts. The European culture has broad elements that allowed different artists to delve into development of different kinds of cultural arts, music, or literature. The aim of...

Waste Management Inc.: Accounting Principles

Nowadays, all organizations have to use unified accounting concepts to ensure sufficient reporting of their financial transactions.[1] Waste Management Inc. was one of the organizations that violated these standards while being accused of financial manipulations and fraud. In this instance, reviewing its accounting principles can help understand the actual financial...

Theme and Fiction in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado

Introduction It is no secret that Edgar Allan Poe is an iconic representative of the Gothic literature genre. His works are important and exciting not only for researchers in the field of literary criticism but also for amateur readers. It is necessary to understand why his work has earned popularity...

International Response: The US Role in Darfur

Summary of US role in Darfur The Janjaweed, a group of government backed Arab militia has been setting villages ablaze and carrying out massacres in the Darfur region of Sudan. Three years later and there seems that no lasting solution is forthcoming. The Sudanese government and the rebel forces seem...

Radio One: Case Study

The benefits and risks to acquire other radio stations for Radio One From the onset, Radio One has been aggressive in growing its business by attracting the African-American population. The merger of Clear Channel with AMFM Inc provides several opportunities to stay in line with that strategy. Radio One is...

Courting in Fisher’s “Anatomy of Love” and Dickerson’s “Never Die Alone”

Introduction Courting is generally regarded as the necessary ritual between representatives of two sexes that is needed for making the proper choice. Because this ritual is attributed not only to humans but to animals also, the significance of courting is biological. Its duration and significance strongly depend on the development...

Organizational Culture and Diversity: Zappos and Amazon

Introduction Today’s business environment forces organizations to seek new ways to achieve competitive advantage. However, innovations in technology or products do not provide the opportunity for long-term advantage, as they can be copied by competitors. At the same time, organizational culture makes it possible to achieve increased efficiency and competitiveness...

Commercial Sex Problem Discussion

Statement of Position Commercial sex presents an ethical and economic dilemma, which inspires a hot debate in Australia and across the globe. Concerning the proposal to adopt commercial sex in Victoria, I would support criminalizing the policy. The legislation’s potential adverse outcomes to women, girls, boys, and the entire society...

Art and Society: The Medieval Art

At all historical stages of development, art performed a number of ideological and educational functions. Society forms a “social order” in relation to art, which expresses the tastes and interests of various social segments. Art makes an undeniable contribution to the development and formation of the social system. Its influence...

Lupus: One of the Serious Autoimmune Disorders

Disorders that affect host body may have various etiologies such as environmental, genetical and immunological. Understanding the immunological basis of a disease is gaining widespread importance due to the complexity involved. One such condition is autoimmunity where host body’s self defence machinery itself attacks ultimately leading to a deleterious condition.The...

Finance: Teaching and Evaluation Plan

Introduction The considered adult education scenario will include a three-session program on the professional development of financial managers and the assessment of career growth prospects for the position of financial director (CFO). Each of the sessions will consist of two-hour classes with mentors and contain both theoretical and practical tasks...

The ESPN Television Channel and Its Coverage

The element of ESPN’s coverage that seems to stand out is its sensationalist approach. Many of the articles, discussing either recent sporting occurrences, future games, or overviewing analytical articles – all seem to have the approach of making the news a sensation. While understandably ‘clickbait’ headliners are commonplace in news...

The Presidents of the United States in History

George Washington (1789-1797) contributed to the adoption of the new Constitution, the Constitutional Convention. He was spreading the spirit of forswearing parties and urged people to abdicate geographical distinction (The White House). John Adams (1797-1801) was an excellent political philosopher who became the first vice president and then the second...

Access and Relevance of Data Sources CDC to the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Center for disease control and prevention (CDC) The centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) is a government-run agency that aims at promoting public health and awareness. Though this agency may at first glance have no allusion associated with the criminal justice system, deeper scrutiny suggests that it is...

“Shooting an Elephant” and “All Animals are Equal”

Introduction People have been raising issues concerning human rights and equality. These rights and equality are mostly based on race, ethnicity and gender. There have been arguments that all human beings are equal, each and every human being has equal rights as the other and he or she is entitled...

Collaborative Nursing: Care by the Mental Health Professionals

Outline Working together in multidisciplinary as well as multi-agency is an issue that has been discussed and debated extensively over the last four decades, especially in healthcare management. This is largely an effort to address the issue of service failures, lack of clinical effectiveness and efficiency, and the growing economic... Innovation Strategy

Executive Summary is a US-based multinational company specializing in technological fields, including online retailing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. The vast majority of’s projects involve inventions, research, and development, which rely on the innovation strategy inherent in the firm’s business model. The history of the company demonstrates the...

Christian Dior: the Analysis of the Company

Executive Summary This is a report on Christian Dior, a multinational company based in France which engages in the production and distribution of several consumer goods. In the distribution of its products, Christian Dior has given some distributors licenses in France and the whole of Europe, Middle East, Asia and...

Community Action vs. Domestic Violence Against Australian Women

We are going to focus on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in this paper. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is a document which was adopted on 17-21 November, 1986 in Ottawa, Canada. One of the main decisions of the conference was to help people all over the world...

Comparison: “A Pair of Tickets” by A. Tan and “Everyday Use” by A. Walke

Introduction The two stories created by Amy Tan and Alice Walker depict the similar paths of girls that explore their heritage. Both characters have their concerns regarding the history of their families that are initiated from different parts of the world. Girls go through the process of evaluation of their...

Readmission in the Congestive Heart Failures

Hear failures (HF) that are often referred to as congestive heart failures (CHF) are one of the most persistent causes of readmissions. As stated by Feltner et al. (2014), readmissions within thirty days occur for almost 25% of patients that were hospitalized with heart failure. Currently, medical science and the...

Women’s Rights: Suffrage Movement

The struggle for women’s rights and abolition were intricately linked movements of the 19th century. Professor Kelton, in fact, has argued that the former was, in many ways, an unintended consequence of the latter. It is of major importance to analyze numerous concepts that shaped attitudes to women and people...

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Introduction Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus addresses conventional romantic themes like isolation and beauty of the nature and one can find that the novel discusses the ultimate pain of lose. It is often considered as a humanistic critique of technological development or new scientific inventions. Personal...

Judicial Error and the Death Penalty

The death penalty phenomenon remains a matter of public concern and has promoted many disputes and debates. At present, its relevance is related to the fact that many states are seeking to relax legislation by imposing moratoriums or even authorizing the abolition of the death penalty as an instrument of...

The Concept of Intelligence: Main Aspects

Intelligence is one of the most discussed subjects in psychology and other cognitive disciplines. It has been studied and conceptualized since ancient times. However, there is neither a standard definition of this notion nor a consensus on its types. This essay aims to consider the concept of intelligence and dwell...

Information Technology Project Portfolio Management

Introduction Project portfolio management (PPM) is beneficial to IT professionals in several ways apart from an overall increase in efficiency of monitoring and evaluation of ongoing projects. There is normally a grey zone in the functions of PPM and the project management office (PMO). The controversy raised is normally that...

Macro Environment and Impact on Business Activities in China Market

Introduction Business leaders need to be aware of the factors that might affect organisational performance. A macro environment will encompass the major factors defining a given economy. Some of the key attributes investors need to consider include employment, social factors, fiscal policies and inflation. The purpose of this presentation is...

School and Transition Into Adulthood

Introduction The poem “A Rose that Grew from Concrete” by the rapper and poet Tupac Shakur, while short, contains a multitude of themes for interpretation. In it, Shakur describes rose that disregarded nature’s harsh laws and grew from a crack in the concrete, learning to survive put of the sheer...

The Influence of Social Media

The influence of social media on the adolescent population’s psychological health is a topic thoroughly discussed in contemporary literature. On the one hand, the impact can be positive because social media enables the communication between peers, which may be associated with the emergence of coping mechanisms against stress and anxiety....

Juxtaposing Fences and Girl

In his famous play Fences, August Wilson reveals one of the central themes that were of great importance for African American citizens in the 1950s, and during the whole history of the country as well – the theme of racial discrimination. The short story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid also touches...

Should COVID-19 Vaccines Be Mandatory?

The beginning of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 outbreak changed the lives of people around the world. The role of healthcare as a field became more significant since the solution to this global problem was deemed to be connected to the initiatives intended to reduce the rate of infection...

Race and Identity in Milton Murayama’s “Plantation Boy”

The novel Plantation Boy Literature is often a reflection of society as seen through the writer’s eyes. In his works, the author usually tries to convey an idea, his understanding of a particular problem, or the entire worldview. Sometimes, the path of fiction leads the author far back reassessing all...

Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Introduction Literature education is an essential part of the school curriculum that is intended to teach students to read and analyze literary works. However, in the modern world, which is centered around information gathering and information processing, worker productivity, and economic success, it seems to be a redundant discipline that...

“When the Levees Broke” by Spike Lee

Introduction YouTube global network is t hone that makes people addicted and willing to keep up to this participatory culture. Undoubtedly, people are getting more and more dependent on this culture since it gained recognition among the larger part of the planet for its diversity, information awareness, and the new...

Analysis of “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Octavia Butler’s 1993 publication is a science fiction novel, with the main character, a young black girl, Lauren Oya Olamina, predicting the dire environmental consequences which would befall the world due to climate change. Through her journal entries, Lauren envisions a world full of global warming effects, 13 years before...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“We Need New Names” by Bulawayo

The main character of We Need New Names is called Darling. The first half of the book follows her in a post-colonial Zimbabwe. Even though the country is officially independent, it is going through dramatic changes and is economically unstable. Later, Darling moves to her aunt living in the U....

Pain Relief: Non Opioid Alternatives

Introduction Pain relief is an excellent attribute of modern history that humanity is lucky to enjoy. In the United States, almost one in five adults suffers from chronic pain that interferes with day-to-day life (Wong, 2016). However, pain reduction can be controversial: for example, opioids – frequently used as painkillers...

Alternative Medicine vs. Modern Medicine

In recent years, there have been a considerable number of discussions around the topic of alternative medicine. Millions of people claim that humanity should get back to traditional treatment methods as they are a more effective way of fighting illnesses. However, other individuals are sure that nothing can be compared...

Christianity: Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Nature of Spirituality and Ethics: A Christian Perspective Spirituality and ethics are crucial in healthcare since they provide the basis for cultivating values that allow nurses to remain empathetic and attentive to patients and their needs. Examining spirituality from the Christian perspective will show that the subject matter implies using...

Parsing the Becoming an Adult Process

Introduction The term adult can be variously defined. From a biological perspective, an adult is that person who has matured and reached the age of reproduction. As such, teenagers, since they can reproduce, are referred to as young adults. In law, adulthood is regarded as attainment of a certain age...

Studying Migraine From a Qualitative Perspective

Introduction Among diseases causing chronic pain, migraine is known quite well among general audiences, yet the awareness about its identification and treatment remains quite low. Nonetheless, the phenomenon has been studied meticulously by multiple researchers exploring different ways of reducing the painful experiences and alleviating them (Voicu et al., 2019)....

Financing in American Healthcare System

Abstract One problem with the US healthcare system is poor financing. The solution to this problem is full participation of all individuals over fifty in a national long term health care insurance program. As a proposal, it will be seen how US citizens can benefit from such a scheme. Problem...

Healthcare Provision to Homeless People in the US

Homeless people in America are disproportionately vulnerable to disease compared to other population groups in society. With the exception of cancer, obesity and stroke, the homeless are more likely to suffer from all the other diseases compared to the rest of the population [NCH, 2007]. Homeless people have a mortality...

Sifers-Grayson Company: Cybersecurity Incident

Contact Information for the Incident Reporter and Handler Name: Role: After Action Reporting Assistant Organizational unit (e.g., agency, department, division, team) and affiliation: Sifers-Grayson, Engineering department, After Action Reporting division, Blue Team Email address: [email protected] Phone number: (555)-121-12-48 Location (e.g., mailing address, office room number): Engineering department, Room E-12. Incident...

The Symbolism of the Cage in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Film and Novel

Symbolism is one of the most important parts of artwork, as it allows the reader or viewer to come to their conclusions through the imagery. Symbols can have different meanings depending on the context in which they are placed, and even the smallest details change their essence. An example of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Exercise Physiology and Human Performance in Terms of Quality of Life

Human physiology is a science through which the mechanical, biochemical, and physical functions are taken care of. The organs and systems of the human body are the prime sources of study in the field. The collection of interacting systems of a human body such as the nervous system, the musculoskeletal...

Using International Relations Theories to Predict the Future Communications With Aliens

Introduction Astronomers would describe outer space as infinite, varied, and astonishingly complex. However, when it comes to international relations (IR), the immense world of extra-solar planets and gigantic galaxies is rather irrelevant to theorists. Although the Space Age (the mid-20th century) has raised several important questions for foreign policy scholars,...

The Autobiography of Catalina de Erauso

The autobiography of Catalina de Erauso presents significant encounters that describe experiences of conquistadors learned in class. Lieutenant Nun is an excerpt that depicts a changing society in terms of gender. As will be noted, the stereotype image of a Spanish conquistador gets contradicted by the nun who ends up...

Human Behavior and Social Work Theoretical Analysis: Adolescent Aggression

Introduction This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical approaches to the problem of violence and deviant behavior overall among young people. As will be demonstrated later, this problem appears to be widespread not only in the United States but all over the world, especially in developing...

The Value of PLC Process

Introduction The significance of professional learning community (PLC) to school culture has been proved many times. In the following paper, the two articles “Development of a model for building professional learning communities in schools: teachers’ perspectives in Thai educational context” by Narongrith Intanam, Suwimon Wongwanich, and Nuttaporn Lawthong, and “Collaborative...

Holiday Inn Express (IHG) vs. Ibis Hotel

Executive Summary The current paper dwells on the social media marketing initiatives established by Holiday Inn Express located in Adelaide, Australia. The given micro-analysis shows that the organization does a great job converting its follower interaction into an increased number of visitors. Nevertheless, there are channels that require more attention...

Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency

Delinquency can be defined as a crime committed by a minor; in the recent few years, cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise, and this explains why the issue has given birth to controversy among psychologists, criminologists as well as sociologists. The issue has ignited a debatable topic...

Comparison of Two Articles About Issues of Leadership and Management

The First Article Purpose and Scope The research in question was explorative in nature, so the authors instead of arguing produced several hypotheses and tested them in order to uncover new information about the topic. Their purpose was to investigate the leadership preferences in representatives of different nationalities in contrast...

The Development of the U-2 Spy Plane

Introduction The U-2 also known as Dragon lady is a single-engine aircraft that was previously being flown by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and was later adopted by the United States air force. The plane is used for surveillance, electronic sensor research, and also for satellite data verification. The development...

Concept of Urbilateria in Deuterostomes Development

Bilateral is a hypothetical organism, Urbilateria, and was the last common ancestor of Deuterostomia (echinoderms and the various chordate phyla) and Protostomia also referred to us higher animals. Classically, these two groups, the Deuterostomia, and Protostomia differed in a number of respects. Some of these characteristics have been challenged recently,...

Social Stratification in the Media

The patterns of human relationships have now become one of the major subjects for scholarly discussion due to the researchers’ ambition to establish a theoretical basis for this communication. In order to achieve this, sociologists examine all the precedents to human behavior in certain settings and divide them into various...

Advanced Professional Nurse’s Development Goals

Introduction A professional development plan is an important planning tool that plays a central role in the setting and achieving of specified career goals. As an Advanced Professional Nurse (APN), a development plan is a contract with oneself detailing personal career direction together with goals and objectives that should be...

Suffering: Its Meaning and Ministry

Suffering is non-committal: it happens from our volition; we instigate and allow it to stalk us; hence, it becomes instrumental in our lives and ministry. The chapter begins with how people respond to suffering. The response can be discussed in terms of different approaches like revolution. This approach was founded...

Family Self-Care and Disaster Management Plan

Nursing Diagnosis The assessment results demonstrate that the primary nursing diagnoses and problems that can be found in the selected aggregate include the risk for development and progression of various chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The factors that may contribute to the deterioration of health in...

Digital Marketing, Its Forms, Pros and Cons

Introduction Digital marketing refers to a marketing strategy that involves the promotion of products or services online. Numerous online venues are available for online advertising including the social media, email marketing, short messages (SMS), and videos as illustrated in the following image. The invention of the Internet has enabled people...

Snapple Juices Company’s Marketing

Ethics in marketing Ethical concerns arising in the process of marketing Snapple Juices include deceptive advertising. In this case, the focus is the promotion of, consumer culture re which leads to consumers buying more of the product owing to impaired thinking. This kind of advertising is of benefit to the...

Simple and Quality Lifestyles

Introduction Changing and unpredictable economic trends due to globalization have forced many people across the world to question the real meaning of life. Constantly changing economic crises have overwhelming effects on various economic activities which have stimulated social, political and economic reforms aimed at alleviating economic forces of globalization that...

Technological Progress as the Cause of Obesity

Introduction The sight of an obese person has become a common phenomenon to a point where people are a no-longer concern because they perceive it as a normal scenario. Obesity is on the increase among both children and adults. When visiting the cities, one cannot help to notice that the...

Social Issues: The Drinking Age Limit

Persuasive essay In the majority of countries, the minimum age limit required for one to consume alcohol is 18 years (International Center for Alcohol Policies 2). Only a few countries have set the drinking age limits of 16 years and 21 years (International Center for Alcohol Policies 2). In recent...

The Phenomenon of the ADHD Disorder

Introduction Concerning this issue, the paper analyzes the facts represented for whether or not attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is real. The disorder has been analyzed according to the views of two articles. One of the articles argues that the condition is a real disorder while the other does not express this perception...

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“A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

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Nissan Motor Company Organizational Management

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Inuit: Mythologies From Distant Places

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Balanced Scorecard and Analysis

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Race and Ethnicity in Latin America and the Caribbean

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British Imperialism in India: Literature Review

India, one of the fastest developing countries in the world was under British rule during the period of colonialism. The impact of British imperialism on India has been studied by many scholars from many angles. Each angle gives a different perspective. Some studies show that the contribution of the British...

Determining Enthalpy of Combustion of a High-Energy Candy

Summary Calorimetry makes it possible to determine the enthalpies of combustion for substances whose heat of formation cannot be found directly. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the enthalpy of combustion of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in kilojoules using a bomb calorimeter. Benzoic acid was used as the calorimetric...

Americanos: Latin America’s Struggle for Independence

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The Link Between Corporate Culture and Ethical Leadership

The early 21st century is the time of deep-rooted concern about the unethical behavior of business leaders and business enterprises, in general. Admittedly, the lack of trust toward business in terms of ethical conduct was always an issue. Making money is the primary goal of any business enterprise stands in...

Comparison of Three Codes of Ethics

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The Americas in the Age of Revolution 1750-1850

Introduction The present-day literature has much research available on all issues connected with the emergence of the USA, the development of the country, the fight for independence in the period of colonization, etc. In general, every country has a history of which it is proud and which has to be...

Grand Theory v. Middle Range Theory

Background of the Theories Dorothea Orem’s grand theory and Nola Pender’s middle-range theory are some of the most popular theories in the field of nursing. These concepts are often used to define the approach that nurses should take when caring for their patients. Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory is one of...

St. Lucia’s Homeless Shelter

Introduction This paper analyzes an institution that also serves as a homeless shelter. The suggested shelter provides basic needs and other necessities for people who cannot afford to maintain a household. It begins by exploring the organizational mission, vision, core values, staff, and volunteers contributing to its goals. The paper...

Evolving Practice of Nursing

Introduction As society develops, the needs of people become more elaborate. Similarly, technology pushes forward almost every sphere of human activity. Healthcare is one of such areas where change always persists. Innovations touch mostly upon the equipment that makes the work of nurses, doctors, and patients easier. However, the organization...

Concepts of Human Interaction

Abstract Human interaction is subject to several variables that directly or indirectly affect the quality of human relations. However, such variables don’t uniformly affect all individuals in the same setting. Family relationships have been identified to be the primary influence of human interaction. Most individuals act out the quality of...

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Play and Movie

When movie directors adopt a story in a film, they normally make significant changes to suit the needs of the audience. In addition, movie making has become a professional career supported by companies that are concerned about profitability, and thus films have to be popular and resonate with the audience....

Depiction of Slavery in Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”

Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (2012) represents a vivid reconsideration of the American slavery experience. The director employs a range of unexpected steps to describe the U.S. past. In particular, Django Unchained follows Tarantino’s traditional narrative style, which strongly relies on the audacious interplay with genres and interactive dialogue with the...

“Behold the Dreamers” by Imbolo Mbue

Behold the Dreamers is the novel by novice author Imbolo Mbue. The story revolves around Jonga and Edwards families that are both affected by the 2008 economic crisis. Jende and Neni Jonga are immigrants from Cameroon who desperately try to get American citizenship and stay in the country. Employed by...

Canada: The First Victim of Global Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is a worldwide phenomenon, which directly affects all nations. However, the effect is more explicit among countries closest to the poles, such as Canada. Such an occurrence negatively affects the nation’s economy, urban infrastructure, and politics due to ice caps melting. The economy and the financial sector...

Patient Relations Department Redesign

In view of the existing structural congestions in the hospital, this proposal would be timely in expanding our patient relations department. The proposal would redistribute our existing space to accommodate some few adjustments, which are stated below. The main objective of this proposal is to maximize the level of staff...