Financial Pyramids: Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme

In most cases, if it is about financial pyramids, unstable, and usually rather weak market economies are meant. At the same time, when financial relations were not yet typical for the population, and the majority of people started to master the capitalist principles of the market, the chances for fraudsters...

Freud’s and Inside-Out and Outside-In Theories

In life, human beings go through a process of development. Many theorists have come up with ways of explaining the development through stages or a continuous series. There is a need to examine the theories that explain the steps to understand this growth pattern. The inside-out and outside-in approaches also...

DC Motor Rotational Speed Characteristics

Introduction DC motors are machines that convert direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy or torque, whoch is also reffered to as the moment of a force. The operational mechanism of the motor is based on the forces that act on the magnetic field, which is caused by flow of...

Abortions and Rights of a Fetus in the US

The issue of the price of human life has always been topical. For years, people have been trying to determine what its price is and who has the right to manage it. Numerous philosophers devoted their works to this very issue. However, having solved this question, humanity, though, did not...

“Scarface” Movie: Genre’s Definition

Introduction Genre is a concept that helps to classify movies based on their characteristics. They usually include conventions that are similar for all pictures of a certain genre. It becomes useful for people who decide on what type of film they would like to watch. However, genre does not specifically...

Career in Developmental and Personality Psychology

Developmental Psychology The types of work Professionals who work in this area of psychology concentrate on the provision of required assistance to people with developmental issues. They often work with children who are retarded and try to improve their condition so that they can catch up with their peers. In...

Makey Company’s Case: Total Rewards

Introduction Makey uses various strategies to support its mission and vision. The use of employee compensation addressed most of the challenges affecting the firm’s performance. This essay begins by defining the term total rewards. The essay uses the case of Makey Company to analyze how total rewards can transform the...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for Nurses

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is an American health care reform act expected to affect millions of citizens. The act is expected to promote universal healthcare, improve the quality of medical services and reduce medical costs. The passage of the bill brings many reforms to the...

Virtual Reality in Healthcare and Education

Introduction Virtual reality is often perceived as a contemporary phenomenon and a result of the rapid technological development typical for the modern world. However, the beginnings of this phenomenon can be found throughout human history that dates hundreds of years back. Naturally, they are very different from the virtual reality...

Structural Violence and Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

Paul Farmer’s chapter “Suffering and Structural Violence” explains the concept of structural violence and applies it to Haiti. According to Farmer, structural violence occurs when the political, economic, or social structure of the country facilitates the suffering of certain categories of people. Vulnerable communities are characterized by various axes of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Utilization of Certified Electronic Health Records

Introduction The utilization of certified electronic health records (EHRs) to support coordinated care and secure patient health information (PHI) exchange is increasing. The Health Information for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) requires hospitals to adopt a multiyear ‘meaningful use’ program to receive incentive payments (Harrison & Lyerla, 2012). The...

General Motors Company: Operations Management Concepts

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an international motor vehicle company founded and currently based in the United States. Apart from designing and distributing vehicles, the company also owns a number of manufacturing facilities all over the world (GM, 2016). Due to the high competition in the automotive industry and the...

MSN Educators in Nursing

Choosing the MSN Educator Specialty Track Nursing School’s Need for Competent Teachers. A Shortage of Nursing Instructional Staff. A Variety of Career Opportunities. Satisfaction and Individual Goals Achievement. MSN Educators are in strong demand. While nursing schools need qualified instructors, a shortage of teachers has become a pressing problem. Students...

Advocacy Campaign: Childhood Obesity

Introduction Childhood obesity is a complex health problem that requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders to promote healthier lifestyles and achieve sustainable changes in individual behaviors. According to recent statistics, over twenty-five million U.S. children are obese (Schneider et al., 2013). These high rates indicate an urgent need for intervention...

A History of Disney Feature Animation

Introduction The part of Disney’s unique status in film and animation industry is its appeal to the audiences of different and preferences. Everyone familiar with Disney movies can always find something for themselves and interoperates it in a different manner. Moreover, many of the movies and animations live from generation...

Dukes Hospital Integrated Internal Business Process

Introduction The internal Business process is one such technique that its importance cannot be underplayed in any organization. It is through this management technique that various institutions have been able to rise above the Challenges that faces today’s organization. This management challenges come in the form of connection between professionalism...

Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Failure, Culture

Business size innovative potential The innovative potential of an entrepreneurial business depends on its size.Chesbrough (2006, P. 2) states that ‘there exists a direct relationship between the amount and type of innovation a company achieves to the way it approaches, fosters, selects, and funds innovation efforts’.Innovation potential is essential, but...

Conduct Disorder in Adolescence

Explain conduct disorder in adolescence to include symptomology, duration, and social factors Conduct disorder refers to a collection of antisocial behaviors exhibited by adolescents that infringe on the rights of other people and that defy societal norms (Reavy, Stein, Quina, & Paiva, 2014). These behaviors are repetitive and persistent in...

The Role of Computers in Education

Introduction The use of computers in the modern age has brought a lot of improvement in human lifestyle: accuracy, reliability, quality, and speed. It is not in contention that the world has gone digital and it is now almost impossible to execute tasks in any field without the assistance of...

Korean Wave Program Activity and Analysis

The aim of the Korean Wave is the popularization of the Korean culture, its expansion to the strategically important regions, and the establishment of the strengthened cultural relationships among the nations to have an indirect influence on the political decisions of the governments of these countries. Scenario The Korean Wave...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medical Advances in Consumer’s and Physician’s Views

Introduction In this article, the authors investigate one of the current health-related issues – the implementation of the newest technologies in the health care industry and their impact on providing medical care. They focus attention on such devices as smartphones used for self-monitoring the condition of an individual’s health, electronic...

The Problem of Global Warming and Its Effects

The Problem of Global Warming General Purpose To persuade. Specific Purpose By the end of my speech, the audience will believe that it is necessary for everyone to contribute to preventing global warming and to take action in the form of a series of easy steps to address the problem....

Betty Neuman and Her Systems Model

Introduction Betty Neuman is one of the prominent American nursing theorists. Neuman’s System Model (NSM) was first presented in 1972 (Alligood, 2014). It was created by Betty Neuman for education purposes, “to provide unity, or a focal point, for student learning” (as cited in Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 182)....

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Strategies and Challenges

There is a new definition to entrepreneurial leaderships in today’s dynamic markets. Dynamic markets are characterized by a high pace and direction of change that continually accelerates every now and then (Tarabishy, 2002, P. 14). This therefore calls for entrepreneurial leadership for success. In addition, Case, Kouzes and Drucker all...

Family Health Assessment and Diagnosis

Introduction This paper reports the results of a family health assessment done on an African American family of five living in a nucleus setup. The family is headed by a 49-year-old woman since the man, who is in his early fifties, is currently unemployed. Although their three children are over...

Preventing Medical Errors

Introduction Medication is an essential practice in every healthcare setting. Nurses and healthcare providers should administer the right drugs to their patients. However, this clinical practice is usually associated with numerous errors. Forni, Chu, and Fanikos (2010) argue that “medical errors are either systemic or individual” (p. 14). Healthcare institutions...

Higher Education for Single Mothers

Problem Statement The traditional picture of an ideal family for many people of the 20th century had to include a mother (a household keeper), a father (a breadwinner), and several children. Yet, this family structure is on the verge of becoming outdated since modern families tend to develop their own...

Stress Influence in Emergency Nursing

The Article Review Bragard, Dupuis, & Fleet (2015) conducted a qualitative review in which they analyzed the influence that stress has on nurses working in emergency departments (EDs) and methods to cope with it. Working in EDs is particularly stressful, as patients who are there need urgent medical assistance or...

Stress Level and Work in Team

Stress at the workplace is one of the most significant problems observed in management. It is necessary to focus on a variety of strategies, such as the promotion of teamwork to address the problem. To discuss differences in stress levels and effects of teamwork on performance, it is necessary to...

Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” Poem

Robert Frost is one of the most renowned poets in the twentieth century. Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken”, has remained an influential literary piece over the last few decades. Robert Frost uses a distinct mastery of the colloquial language as well as vivid depictions of rural life in most...

Neuman Systems Model and Evidence-Based Support

Introduction There are many theories in nursing that allow practitioners to develop versatile approaches to different problems and solve them creatively by means of targeting elements and aspects deemed the most important for the problems. The purpose of this paper is to overview one selected nursing theory and then to...

Chrome, Firefox, Opera Web Browsers’ Comparison

Introduction A web browser is a software application that is used to access information on the Internet. In the past decade, web browsers have evolved tremendously to give users tools that facilitate the efficient retrieval of information. The most commonly used browsers include Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and...

Trends in Human Resource Management

The main functional areas of HRM Collings (2009) opines that human resource management can be well understood by dividing it into five main areas. These include staffing, human resource development, employee compensation and benefits, employees and labor relations, and safety and health. Staffing is a critical function of human resource...

The Ritz-Carlton Company Human Resource Management

Abstract Patrick Mene changed the focus of the Ritz-Carlton Company when he joined the organization in 1990. He focused on enhancing the quality of services through investing in training and development for the employees. The organizational culture of the company is also a major element that has led to the...

Vacuum Assisted Closure Treatment: Assessment Plan

Developing an Evaluation Plan This paper is devoted to the creation of the evaluation plan and the disseminating evidence of the results of the project. In particular, the paper develops the assessment plan of Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) treatment that appears to be the most appropriate solution for treating diabetic foot...

Oncology Patients’ Hospital Readmission Prevention

Introduction The project is focused on finding pre-discharge and post-discharge techniques that can help reduce hospital readmissions of adult oncology patients. One of the best potential solutions belongs to Merkow et al. (2015), who suggest that the major evidence-based way to decrease the readmission rate is scheduling follow-up visits for...

The US Improved Economy: Fuel Prices and Gas-Guzzle Sales

Introduction The United States is the nation with the highest number of vehicle ownership per driver. The country with the second largest number of personal vehicles is China, which has 69 vehicles for every 1,000 citizens, compared to 820 registered vehicles for every 1,000 US residents (World Bank, 2014). One...

Prevention of HIV Prevalence Among Latinos

Introduction HIV is a severe issue that affects the world’s population regardless of numerous initiatives implemented in order to minimalize its prevalence. Within the diverse population of the USA, “gender and sexual minority Latinxs [Latino population] are at particularly high risk for infection” (Page at al., 2017, p. 390). Being...

Ultrasound in Acute Appendicitis Diagnosis

Main Issue of the Study Since the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is normally dependent on patient history and symptoms presented, which have low sensitivity and specificity, the study (Moghimi, Khaledifar, Taheri, Ganji, & Mobesheri, 2015) hypothesizes that the use of imaging techniques such as ultrasound is necessary for accurate and...

Nurse Education Comparison in Poland and Jordan

Introduction Poland and Jordan were selected for comparison. The primary motivation for choosing them was the desire to obtain new knowledge on the operation of the nurse education system because I had some background knowledge of the education systems of other countries. Moreover, I wanted to find whether my initial...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The United States Civil War: Soldiers’ Motivations

The United States Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865 (Keene, Cornell, and O’Do 2-4). It was a terrific war that ended up costing many lives. The key players were the Union soldiers fighting on behalf of the Northern States and the Confederate soldiers fighting on behalf of...

Workplace Stress Control Among Nurses

Introduction The issue of stress in the workplace can concern people of different professions, but nurses are prone to this problem very often since they are forced to work directly with patients, and their communication is not always smooth. Moreover, additional factors that affect stress and burnout can arise –...

How Much a Big Mac Costs in Different Market Types?

Big Mac Prices from All over the World: Minor Discrepancies Despite the fact that a lot of people view a clear connection between McDonald’s and the current economic state of the U.S., the assumption that the McDonald’s fast food affects the economy of the United States is wrong – instead,...

Culturally Competent Care and Hispanic Patients

Introduction Hispanics make one of the fastest-growing demographics in the United States. Most of the Hispanic population that is found in the United States comes from Mexico, but a significant portion also comes from other South and Central American countries. The presence of Hispanic clients has necessitated healthcare professionals to...

Wrong Time Medication Administration Errors Study

This paper is an in-depth critique of the study by Taufiq (2015) that focuses on wrong time medication administration errors (WTMAE). The selected research is conducted in accordance with the quantitative research approach and presents empirical data related to the prevalence and causes of medical errors. This critique integrates various...

Hospital-Acquired Infections and Change Plan

The issue of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) is rather important in the context of hospital nursing care as it affects quality of health care delivery and deteriorates patients’ outcomes. In this regard, this paper will propose potential evidence-based practice (EBP) plan to enhance the current situation. Focusing on nursing care, it...

Diversity in Organizations: Intergroup Contact Theory

Abstract Even though the racial and ethnic diversity is a typical feature of the modern working environments and a direct result of the developing globalization trends, there is an opinion that such diversity cannot lead to positive outcomes because of conflicting interracial relations. Organizations need to focus on managing the...

Nursing Care Models Effectiveness

Introduction In recent years, much scholarly debate has been focused on understanding the effectiveness of various models of nursing care on important care indicators, such as medication errors, patient falls, pain management, patient satisfaction, and staff job satisfaction (Fernandez, Johnson, Tran, & Miranda, 2012). The broad consensus existing among nursing...

Pathophysiology of Heart Failure

Introduction The case of a 79-year-old man with a history of hypertension and Stage B heart failure will be discussed. Hypertension, myocardial infarction, and heart failure are the three differential diagnoses given to the patient regarding his main complaints which are shortness of breath, swelling in his legs, and a...

First US Constitution vs. New Constitution of 1787

The Articles of Confederation and the New Constitution: Comparison and Contrast Prior to the ratification of the US Constitution that was created in 1787, the state-operated under another document known as the Articles of Confederation, which became effective in 1781 (“Comparing the Articles and the Constitution,” 2010). Even though the...

Teenage Pregnancy and Bioethical Decision-Making

Introduction Nurses have a variety of responsibilities when providing care for their patients. In particular, one such responsibility is advocating for the patient if a need to do so arises. In this paper, a hypothetical situation in which a patient is threatened will be identified; the bioethical decision-making model will...

Cars in Popular Culture and Mass Media

The entirety of ideas, fancy images, attitudes, and perspectives within the cultural mainstream define what is known as popular (or pop) culture (Liu, Lee, & Groves, 2016). These attitudes and ideas are usually influenced by a wide range of mass media platforms such as social networks and television channels. The...

The Role of Nurses in the Obesity Problem

Literature Review There is no doubt that the present situation with childhood obesity is a serious problem in our society. Due to that, there is an urgent need to study the discussed topic more thoroughly to be able to answer the most important questions and develop the necessary solutions. It...

Medina Azahara and Aljaferia Palace

Medina Azahara and the Aljaferia Palace are two outstanding architectural landmarks in the history of Islamic architecture. The later was constructed in Cordoba in Spain in 936 AD. It served as a de facto capital of the al Andalus (Muslim Spain) in mediaeval times. Medina Azahara was a palace-city comprising...

Persuasion in Health, Sports and Business Ads

Today, the power of persuasion is one of the most important aspects in many organizations. Some companies use persuasion to make people pay more attention to their products and services. Some organizations use this technique to motivate people and provide them with opportunities. Media is the field where persuasion messages...

What Is Inventory Management?

Background and Introduction Management problems involve decision making problems. Decisions are important tasks that all companies have to make. The premise that companies have to acquire, allocate, and control factors of production brings out the necessity for inventory management. Companies involve themselves in inventory management in order to hold inventories...

Early Cognitive Development: Learning Experience

The term knowledge is defined as the process through which people acquire knowledge and behavior. Skills, values, and characteristics that people exhibit are acquired through learning. The process of learning takes place slowly by slowly even though some experiences can be learned instantly. Education is one of the ways through...

Medical Errors and Effects on Hospitalized Children

Medical errors are one of the most pressing problems that health care workers have to solve at the present stage of development. The patient safety approach demands to provide high-quality services and treatment and reduce the number of errors that occur in the medical environment. There is no doubt that...

Causal Chains and Strategy in Management

Introduction Using the balanced scorecard, it is possible for management executives to create a continuous process of implementing strategy in their everyday operations in such a way that there is a perfect integration between the strategies and the operations (Silverthorne, 2008). This should involve regular strategy meetings for senior management,...

Children with Special Education Needs: Intervention

Introduction A literature review is a scholarly survey that combines previous and current ideas and opinions from defined collections for purposes of accessibility. According to Clements, Pawlowski, and Manouselis (2015), literature reviews should contain a central theme and a thesis statement. Although the literature review does not introduce new knowledge...

Ethical and Cultural Issues in Group Work

Group Scenario The targeted scenario for this analysis is a group composed of teenage students in a learning institution. The members of the group are from different social, cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds. Some of the individuals have been known to abuse certain drugs and engage in risky sexual behaviors....

The USA Patriot Act in Fight with Terrorism

Introduction The USA Patriot Act refers to an Act of Congress that was enacted into law in 2001 to fight terrorism and prevent terrorist attacks (“Highlights of the USA PATRIOT Act,” n.d). It was signed into law by President W. Bush following the September 11, 2001 attacks that devastated America....

Vanguard Healthcare Systems: Rehabilitation and Nursing

Introduction Vanguard Health was founded in 1997. It is one of the long-term care providers in the United States of America. Vanguard Health has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and nursing services to patients who are recovering from injuries, surgeries, and other illnesses. The current headquarters for the health system...

History of the U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S Supreme Court came into existence as per the requirement of the constitution. Article III, section I of the US constitution required that a supreme court is enacted to provide judicial power. The agenda to establish the court was deliberated by the first meeting that was held by the...

Nursing Education and Practice Gap

Introduction The sphere of nursing has altered dramatically over the last ten years. The significant changes in the structure of society, scientific progress, and the rapid development of technologies resulted in the reconsideration of the approach to several traditional activities. Nursing is not an exception as it is also impacted...

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Introduction Personal reflection is a day-to-day analysis that caters for assessment of personalities especially among closely related people. The daily rumination of peoples’ behaviours has a close focus upon individuals, but the development in the psychology studies indicates that the focus is general. Various theories are in use in the...

Chronic Kidney Disease Patients and Supporting Resources

Introduction The treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in America has become one of the key issues of public health care. This ailment causes a significant number of deaths, and it affects not only adults but also children. Today, patients can find a sufficient number of medical centers...

History: Communist Revolutions in East Asia

Introduction Communist movements occurred in a wide range of South-East and North-East Asian countries. Among them, there was Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaya. Although the successful Communist revolutions happened only in Vietnam, China, and the Northern part of Korea. Generally, communist ideology and movements were rather strong and influential...

Client-Oriented Approach in Dementia Diagnosis

The memory issues are common among the aging population. Many of those who experience problems with memory and thinking address the health and social care services for help. However, it is observed that often patients fail to receive the timely diagnosis for different reasons. The recent research has proved that...

American and Icelandic Healthcare Systems

Introduction Iceland was selected in this case because its healthcare system is viewed as one of the most efficient. It would be reasonable to compare the situation in these regions to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and it will be possible to identify the areas that...

Alzheimer’s in Geriatric Patients

Statistical Tools and Descriptive Data During the 3rd phase of the research, the researcher supposed that there is no need to implement any statistical software into the research process. On the contrary, it is needed to review the literature that is in line with the research question and objectives and...

Fitbit Company: the Business about Wrist

Introduction One of the most attention-grabbing and commercially successful products introduced in the last decade, following the popular second fitness boom, are wearable trackers, used to collect, store, and share data about a person’s daily activities (Millington, 2016). One of the leaders in the wearable devices market is Fitbit. As...

Care Services for Elderly People with Dementia in China

Introduction In China, the prevalence of health issues that relate to aging, as well as the longevity of the Chinese people, increases from time to time. According to research estimates, the proportion of the country’s population that comprises persons with 65 years or above is likely to increase by more...

The Child with Status Epilepticus: Diagnostic Assessment

Abstract The objective of this paper is to provide a critical review of the article Practice Parameter: Diagnostic assessment of the child with status epilepticus (an evidence-based review) by Riviello et al. The objective of the article is to evaluate current clinical evidence which concerns the value of different types...

Journalistic Ethics: The Guardian and Edward Snowden’s Case

Introduction The case study discussed in this research paper is that of Edward Snowden and the series of embarrassing allegations and leaks that were printed by the UK based newspaper, Guardian, against the mass surveillance system that the US government had established along with the National Security Agency (NSA) (Greenwald,...

Thomas Reid’s Ideas on Common Sense Realism

Thomas Reid strongly believed in the power of common sense. He argued that human beings should not waste their time trying to justify what they perceive because everything in nature is self-evident. He insisted that human beings should just consider the realities in the things they see and stop being...

Stylistic Devices in Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction Literature has always been an integral part of human society. It helped people to express their feelings and emotions and share thoughts that seem very important to them. That is why, since the beginning of the history of the mankind, authors tried to create some special and unique approach...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Organization’ Case

Introduction Andrew is a friendly employee at a local IT company. He is one of the few positive employees out there who believe that humanity is one of the most important motivators. Andrew came a long way from being a typical employee to being a first-class manager. The IT department...

The “Lions for Lambs” Film Analysis

Introduction When it comes to defining the discursive significance of a particular movie, it often becomes rather indispensable subjecting it to a textual analysis. In my paper, I will explore the validity of this suggestion at length, in regards to the 2007 film Lions for Lambs, directed by Robert Redford....

“The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat” by Oliver Sacks

In this paper, a base concept is a lecture describing perception, and the book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Sacks (1987) is a target concept. To understand the target concept, it is necessary to apply the terms and theories discussed in the course of the...

Post-Operative Education in the Lung Transplant Recipients

Introduction The issue to be addressed in the paper is how post-operative education provided by a pre-recorded DVD compares with the traditional teaching of lecture and book for survival rates in the first year in the adult lung transplant recipients. The problem is that the number of complications resulting from...

Idle Rock Hotel: Best Style of Management

Idle Rocks Case Study The conflict between Arnanda and Tony can be attributed to the restaurant manager’s inexperience. Initially, Arnanda was a receptionist. Consequently, her proficiency in management is in doubt among most workers. A good leader should have a wide scope of knowledge and the experience to handle emerging...

Nursing Definition, Competencies, Professionalism

Introduction It is important for nurses to develop their competencies and refer to the standards of nursing in order to provide high-quality care. The focus on core competencies and realization of nursing standards in daily practice is necessary to guarantee that nurses promote health and deliver the appropriate care to...

Jewelry of the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Background The research is aimed at studying the jewelry of the UAE. The study is a part of the research method course, and it comprises several stages. First and foremost, the general examination of the subject was performed on the basis of the available literature. Next, a detailed study...

Nurses Role Overload and Burnout in Intensive Care

Introduction Research studies should withstand scientific criticism and scrutiny. The criticism determines or identifies the objectivity of studies, their strengths, and weakness. In nursing, the research aims majorly at improving the quality of care delivered to patients by addressing factors affecting the profession, patients, or resources utilized in care delivery...

History: The Communist Revolution in East Asia and the Cold War

Introduction In 1945, Korea became liberated from Japan, in 1946 the Philippines was freed from the US, in 1949 the Indonesians gained independence from the Dutch, and Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam overcame the French in 1954. Approximately a quarter of the world inhabitants, which is not less than 45 countries,...

Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution of 1787

Introduction The mid-178-s became a great challenge to American democracy. The disputes around the structure of states became acuter than ever before. Despite the lack of agreement in the government upon a series of questions, the majority of parties realized the necessity for the implementation of a new constitution that...

Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”

Kate Chopin’s Story of an Hour is a tale about an unhappy marriage. It is an interesting piece to study, because the author combined certain elements of a mystery novel and a tragic love story into one. The author forces the reader to retrace his steps in order to understand...

Workforce in Third-World Countries and Marxist Theory

Introduction Nowadays, businesses owned by the representatives of the so-called First World often try to persuade the public in their benevolence, respect to human rights, sustainability, etc. However, when their foreign production facilities are examined, it often comes to light that these companies engage in the harsh exploitation of workers...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Change’s Elements

The chosen change plan is connected to Preventing Pressure Ulcer Occurrence in hospitalized patients at Intermediate Care Units. Achieving positive change regarding pressure ulcers is crucial since it is an injury that breaks down the integrity of the skin or any other underlying tissue. Pressure ulcers of pressure sores are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Children With Asthma: Risks Created by Smoking Parents

Introduction The available literature indicates that secondhand smoking (SHSE) from parents hurts children with asthma and other respiratory diseases causing various complications. The current practice of nursing has not been effective in enabling the parents to address the issue of SHSE. It is paramount to develop an effective approach that...

Gender Stereotypes’ Effects Career and Mental Health

There are various differences among the members of our society. A significant difference is the one that exists between men and women. This difference in biological in nature, and it is characterized by varying physical features in the two sexes. The society has traditionally used the biological differences to create...

Drug Addiction among Nurses

The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Some of the local hospitals such as Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins Hospital are ranked among the top hospitals globally (Hiremath, 2015). People fly from all over the world to get specialized medication in the...

Social Development from Infancy to Adulthood

Introduction Early childhood development remains a broadly debated topic and it covers voluminous work by different scholars. This paper will analyze the topic on social development from infancy to adulthood by giving a comprehensive summary of two articles. The first article is Social Development from Infancy to Adolescence: Longitudinal and...

Henry David Thoreau and Virginia Woolf’s Essay Comparison

Introduction Henry David Thoreau, an essay writer, social critic and editor, has been considered as the father of the American nature literature. In his book ‘Walden’, Thoreau, a naturalist, provides several short stories that relate to the natural aspects surrounding him. In particular, he uses natural things such as animals...

Lincoln’s, Churchill’s, King Jr.’s Leadership

Abstract Some of the greatest leaders that have been in the world in the past include Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This paper will examine their leadership characteristics and how the characteristics were different from those of other leaders. The writer will give a recommendation...

Psychological Health Problems and Their Threats

Introduction Psychological disorders are of great concern to medical workers who want to understand their origins and long-term implications. Furthermore, healthcare professionals attempt to develop treatment methods that help patients overcome such illnesses and avoid risks to their health. This question has been chosen because psychological disorders can affect a...

Future of Nursing Initiative Implementation

Introduction Nurses constitute the most numerous group of healthcare professionals. Taking into consideration the difficulties encountered by these specialists caused by insufficient education and participation in decision-making processes, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in association with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation committee initiative on the Future on Nursing prepared a...

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Nurse-Patient Ratio

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most common nosocomial infections associated with intensive care units (ICUs) (Blot et al., 2011). The incidence rates of VAP are correlated with the risk profile of patients and the duration of their exposure to mechanical ventilation. The systematic review conducted by Blot et...

Children and Adolescents With Obesity: Physical Examination

Introduction The article, Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity: An Evidence-Based Review, by Armstrong, S. et al. seeks to address the issue of physical examination of children who suffer from obesity, a harmful condition which affects a third of US children (Armstrong, et al., 2016, p. 1)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Childhood Obesity and Control Measures in the US

Thesis statement In as much as the medical sector has continued to emphasize healthy lifestyles to reduce obesity, the need for more research in this area has become more eminent. The Idea of Child Obesity The United States has been ranked atop as having issues with the obesity world over....

An Album “Lemonade” by Beyonce

Lemonade, an album by Beyonce, is arguably among her most multi-layered works. While primarily associated with black women empowerment, it also takes on the celebration of the black culture and the awe of femininity to the new level. The album is most strongly associated with the song “Formation” and an...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostics

Clinical disorders and medical conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention Diagnostic code: 309.81 (F.43.10) DSM-5 Name: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, with delayed expression Other condition(s) that may be a focus of clinical attention Condition code: 278.00 (E66.9) Name: Obesity V62.29 (Z56.9) Other Problem Related to Employment V15.41 (Z62.810)...

Negation in Conversational English Exchange

Introduction: The Research Background: The Power of Negation The history of English discourse development is rather complicated. Like any other issue that presupposes not only the tangible evidence like texts or any other form of keeping the track of the necessary data but also such ephemeral elements like oral speech,...

Starbucks’ Marketing and Chinese Coffee Consumption

Barriers facing Starbucks as it tries to teach Chinese people to change their consumption habits from tea and instant coffee Various barriers impede Starbucks’ expansion in China as it tries to change the population’s preference for tea and instant coffee. Some of these include the association of tea with medicinal...

World Religions: Origins, Core Beliefs and Practices

Judaism Origins and Development Judaism is a monotheistic religion that was founded by Abraham (who was the first to be commanded by God) and Moses (who was also guided by Him as he led the God’s Chosen People from Egypt) (Davis & Velaidium n.d.). As pointed out by Karkra (2012),...

Information Technology Sourcing and Cloud Strategy

The wave of globalization has made the world a small community. Many companies have embraced the power of outsourcing to streamline their operations and complete tasks that cannot be handled by its employees. Information technology (IT) sourcing is a process whereby various activities or computerized functions are performed by third...

Daniel Drezner’ Theories of International Politics

Daniel Drezner explores the concept of realism in his book, ‘Theories of International Politics and Zombies’. Realism has a diverse range of interpretations in the modern society. Some of the theoretical concepts in the field realism include artistic realism, legal realism and defensive realism are. Realism involves examination of the...

“The Construction of Homosexuality” a Book by David Greenberg

Introduction The book, The Construction of Homosexuality by David Greenberg presents the reflection of the author on historical timeline of the struggle by homosexuals to get their rights. The book reflects on theories, history of homosexuality, and construction of the modern homosexual belief system. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to...

Technology in English Language Institute Curriculum

Introduction English Language Institute Curriculum is a curriculum that impacts English knowledge to students who are between grade 6 and 9. The students are grouped into levels based on “their test scores and faculty evaluation”( Peachy, 2008). This curriculum is divided into four levels namely; beginning, elementary, pre-Intermediate and intermediate....

New Balance Company’s Situation Analysis

Product and Problem Statement New Balance is a US privately owned multi-national company that designs and produces athletic footwear, apparel, and accessories for fitness and multiple athletic activities such as team sports, running, training, tennis, light walking, as well as casual and lifestyle wear. Formed in 1906, the company has...

Social Influence and Personal Thinking

Introduction Human beings are social creatures and, therefore, their decisions and thinking are highly subjected to social influence. Social influence as a sociological phenomenon is the way human beings sway the beliefs, feeling, thinking, and behaviors of one another (Fabrigar & Norris, 2015). As such, personal thinking and behavior are...

Political Machines in the US Urban Politics

Introduction Most of the US cities were run by political machines in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century (Tuckel & Maisel 99). A political machine is an organization controlled by a powerful boss or group of people who enjoy the support of a section of the population (Tuckel...

Human Trafficking Problem in Society

Introduction Human trafficking is defined as the process through which human beings are recruited, transferred or received through forceful means with the intention of exploiting them. The pacific regions in Asia have been described as the most vulnerable to human trafficking due to factors such as high population, rapid urbanization...

McDonald’s Corporation Analysis: Functions of Management

The impact of globalization has continually influenced the manner in which organizations operate. Hence, several organizations continue to stumble upon new challenges in their struggle of attaining market stability. However, such organizations must consider implementing various organizing functions in all their business endeavors in order to succeed (Thomas & Gerhard,...

Models for Competitive Dynamics

Comparing and Contrasting DyB and GyB Business Strategies Sustainability of profits, retention of market share, and remaining relevant in the face of cutthroat competition has become problematic for many enterprises. In order to stand up to the challenge, businesses have developed various strategies used to ensure relevance and longevity in...

Green Energy and Carbon Capture

Introduction For a very long time, human beings relied mostly on natural sources of energy, including solar, wind, and water resources (Jeffs 1). Oil and coal were also used for the same purpose. As a result of population increase and the onset of the industrial revolution, energy demands by human...

Domestic Violence by an Intimate Partner

Summary This study was aimed at examining the trends in attitudes about violence between intimate partners. In setting the foundation of the study, the authors hypothesized that if people across the world are affected by the diffusion of global norms, then the number of persons who think that violence between...

Stoicism’ Major Tenets, History and Ideas

Introduction Stoicism is a school of thought introduced by Athenians in the third century and Zeno of Citium was the first to apply it in Hellenistic philosophy. According to the stoic philosophy, emotions are categorized into various forms and faulty judgments are believed to cause destructive emotions whereas individuals with...

Healthcare Conflict Resolution Case

The Conflict The current conflict involves two individuals, Kimberly and Jade. Kimberly is a nurse and Jade is a nurse manager. The conflict is based on individual matters and involves the problem of role assignment within the professional medical setting. The conflict originated two weeks ago and developed at a...

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The Passover Origin, Development, and Practice

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The American Labor Law: Employment at Will

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America and the Great War: Fundamental Drivers

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Hurricane Katrina: Government Ethical Dilemmas

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Nurses’ Experiences in Preventing Medication Error

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Obesity Prevention in Childhood

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The Human Beings’ Psychological Conception

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Current Status of “The American Dream” by B. King

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Jaguar and Tata Companies’ Strategic Planning

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Digital/Traditional Metrics of Online Advertising

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“Psycho” Movie Review by Spadoni and Tompkins

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Doctor of Nursing Practice and Its Essentials

Abstract The essentials of master’s education in nursing identify critical areas of knowledge that nurses are expected to acquire as graduate students. Upon their graduation, the set of skills are expected to guide them in their fields of practice to enhance quality delivery of nursing care services. As shown in...

Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing

Background of the Research that Led to the IOM Report The strategic partnership between the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) led to the launch of the “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” report. During the initial phases of the research, the two agencies...

Ace Star Change Model in Nursing Development

Description of the Ace Star Change Model the key device for developing skills; the model incorporates five crucial stages; stages 1- 2: discovery research, evidence summary; stages 3-4: translation to guidelines, practice integration; stage 5: evaluation of outcomes (Schaffer, Sandau, & Diedrick, 2013). The ACE Star Model is the major...

Maslow’s Rationale for Work Motivation – Psychology

Background information Motivation refers to various innate forces that create impetus for satisfaction and fulfilment of recurrent human needs. Such forces are vital in determining human drive and willingness to perform under diverse existential contexts. Devoid of motivation, human beings find it difficult to pursue undertakings that characterize existence in...

Griggs vs Duke Power Company: Discrimination Case

In Griggs v. Duke Power Company case, African American applicants proved that the company violates the Civil Rights Act while hiring in prestigious positions. In particular, the statistical data showed that the human resource management of the company required from candidates the obligatory presence of the Higher Education Diploma and...

Richard Branson’s Leadership Style

Introduction Sir Richard Branson is one of the world’s most fascinating, triumphant, and enduring entrepreneurial business leaders of twenty first century. In the wake of uncertainty, global turmoil, and institutional volatility, his business model remains unshaken and forward marching. Evidence shows that Branson is a leader who knows where to...

Foams Effectiveness in Fighting with Aircraft Crash Fires

There are many aircraft crashes, which occur in many parts of the world. The crashes often result in large fires which if not contained lead to massive loss of property and human life. Airport managers worldwide make sure that they put in place the most effective mechanisms of fire fighting...

Machavellian Ideologies in Europe in the 16-17th Centuries

Introduction Machiavelli advocated a government whose powers were centralized around one person, who allegedly represented the state. The main reason he stuck to this type of government was his long service as an aide to Cesar Borgia1. He took time to study the behavior of Borgia before coming up with...

Te Single-Parent Homes Problems

Introduction In the past decades, the numbers of single parents have significantly become common. As a result, we have all manner of single-parent families in the world. The head of the household maybe mothers, fathers, or in some cases, grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Past studies have shown that...

American Constitution’s Creation Controversy

Despite the enormous significance of the Constitution, its creation was associated with major controversy, which revolved primarily around the degree of centralization of the country’s governance. However, the final product can be considered a reasonable compromise between individual liberties and institutional responsibilities. The following paper provides a detailed analysis of...