Computers R Us Company: Customer Satisfaction and Strategies

Executive Summary As a manufacturer and retailer of desktops, laptops, notebooks, and tablets, CRU experiences the challenge of satisfying its customers. To improve customer satisfaction, CRU undertook a study to determine factors that influence customer satisfaction so that it can leverage them. Therefore, this report analyses the current degree of...

Applied Numeracy for Higher Education

Numeracy is an individual ability that is applied to basic numerical concepts. The fundamental numeracy skills include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing (Steen 2001). Numeracy is a practice that involves numerical and graphical information (McIntosh 2004). Data collection commands keenness because inaccurate data collection may lead to invalid results (Purcell,...

The 95 Theses

The 95 Theses by Martin Luther was the work of art based on the Catholic practices referring to baptism and absolutism. The theses raised in The Ninety-Five Theses were against the idea of indulgence as the church had the power to sell salvation to a sinner. Luther was a famous...

Unfavorable Working Conditions and Industrial Strikes

Introduction Unfavorable work conditions give rise to labor movements to push employers for improved pay. One of the strategies unions use to ensure their demands are met is by striking. The primary goal of labor strikes is to gain better pay or conditions through a production go-slow or stoppage (CIT)....

British Airways Company’s Branding Strategy

Introduction This report is aimed at discussing the branding strategy of British Airways. This organization was founded in 1972, and since that time, it has become one of the largest airlines in the world (Woodley 2006, p. 156). This company serves the destinations that are located in six continents. Overall,...

People’s Religious Beliefs and Their Behavior

Introduction The impact of people’s religious beliefs on their behavior can be listed among the factors that often cause ethical dilemmas in healthcare. The target of the given paper is to present and analyze the ethical dilemma related to the discussed factor. The paper describes the case of a teenager...

Wristop Technologies Company’s Innovations

Introduction In this paper, Wristop Technologies will be analyzed. The Finland-based company produces wrist computers for customers in the medical device manufacturing industry. The first part of the analysis will focus on the company’s innovation and its source. The benefits of the innovation to the customers will also be analyzed....

Medication Errors’ Sources and Prevention

Introduction Healthcare institutions monitor the experiences of their clients to identify new methods that can improve the quality of care available to them. Nurses cooperate with patients whenever providing care to them. Patient experiences are greatly impacted by the skills and obligations of nurses. Various environmental factors in every healthcare...

Tanglewood Company Recruitment Process

Recruiting guide Qualifications and skills required to obtain the job: experience of working in retail and skills of providing customer service. A chance of quick promotion to managerial positions for college graduates and the candidates with work experience in retail. Relevant labor market: Candidates from Oregon and Washington Activities to...

Domino’s Pizza Ethical Dilemma Case

Introduction Work ethics involve values instilled in the workplace based on diligence and hard work of both the employees and the management (Brown, 2005). They include the beliefs in moral obligations with regard to procedures and outcomes. Attributes of work ethics include factors that define reliability at the workplace, pursuing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Elementary School: Picture Communication at the Lesson

Planning and Instructions Learning process functions in a dynamic and systematic process that is greatly influenced by the main objective, sub-objective, and the environment in which learners are interact in the process of knowledge acquisition. In the case of the elementary grade 1 class at Sloane Public School in New...

Is There Such Thing as a Victimless Crime?

The problem of a victimless crime has been labeled as controversial due to the different opinions surrounding this issue. In this paper, the definition of the victimless crime, as well as my position on the crime, will be presented and discussed. Victimless Crime: Definition and Limitations A crime can be...

Transatlantic Slave Trade: Development and Effects

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...

Transcendentalism and the Feminist Movement

Introduction Transcendentalism was a concept that led to a movement that had the same name in the 1920s and 1930s. This interest group has roots in various parts of the world, including the United States. The assembly arose from the desire of the general population to protest the existing conditions...

Paintings: “Third-Class Carriage” and “The Gleaners”

Art is one of the major sources of information about cultural, historical and social development of society. In the late 19th century, the movement of romanticism was changed by realism which was focused on the truthfulness of the contemporary life. The leading theme of the realistic art was life of...

Psychotherapy Effect on Phobic Patients

Introduction Psychotherapy is a technique used to treat mental disorder. This study was conducted to establish effect of psychotherapy on phobic patients. Additionally, the study was conducted to follow up on phobic patients after psychotherapy. The study focused on exploring systematic desensitization on phobic patients. Moreover, the study focused on...

Medication Errors Prevention by Information Technology Systems

Introduction The use of prescription medicine is widespread, complex, and increasingly risky in the modern world. Advancement in medical research and technology means that clinicians currently have access to more than 10,000 prescription medications. Further, almost 33% of mature people in America consume five or more drugs. Although the advancement...

The Assimilation Policy as a Form of Aboriginal Control

Introduction The Aboriginal people were the indigenous inhabitants of the Australian Continent. Before contact with the Europeans in the 18th century, these people occupied various regions throughout Australia and they had diverse culture and languages. Contact with Europeans had a devastating effect on the lives of the aboriginal people. The...

Shooting in Schools: Trends and Definition

Introduction Shooting in schools is a major concern to parents, students, the government, and teachers. In the last three years, over 40 shooting cases were reported in high schools in the US (CDC). The shootings resulted into loss of several lives and unnecessary injuries. The government and school administrators have...

Family Health Assessment and Care Plan

Family Composition The targeted family for the assessment is nuclear. The nuclear family consists of a father, a mother, and a child. The child is a small girl aged two. The father is 34 and the wife 29 years old. The individuals belong to the African American community. More often...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Haiti Integration with the Global Economy

Introduction A primary goal of the global community is to promote an economic system that will foster widespread growth and development for all nations. To help achieve this, economists have advocated for trade liberalization and a deeper integration through world trade. However, the prosperity promised by global interaction has not...

Police Violence and Subterfuge Cases

Introduction Police violence and subterfuge are the phenomena that unite the cases of Joy Gardner, who died in custody in 1993 and those of young Mike Brown or middle-aged Eric Garner who both died in 2014 (Erfani-Ghettani 102; Miah 2-3). Both Gardner and Garner died of suffocation because of the...

Agonies of the Immigrants in Kiran Desai’s Novel

Written by Shah Jadhav and Phil Nirmal, the article, Agonies of the Immigrants in Kiran Desai’s ‘The Inheritance of Loss’, highlights the suffering and pain that people went through whilst being in foreign countries during the post-colonial period. The authors indicate that during this period, the majority of the postcolonial...

Cancer Diagnosis, Complications and Treatment

Introduction Cancers are diseases that result from abnormal cell growth. Diagnosis involves the use of blood tests, CT scans, endoscopy and x-rays. Cancer may be categorised into different stages and this is important during the planning of treatment and management of the disease. These stages are described depending on the...

European Invasion and Agriculture in the Caribbean

Introduction The Caribbean is considered as one of the first regions to lose the aspect of indigeneity due to the massive immigration of people from Europe, North America, Africa, and the Far East since the early 1600s1. The erosion of the indigenous Caribbean culture emerged from the intrusion of the...

Gun Ownership as the Right to Self-Defense

Institution affiliation In fact, the deprivation of the right carry guns legally is the deprivation of the person of the right to self-defense. An ordinary person is unlikely to be able to confront a group of criminals or at least one, but well-armed criminal. For physically weak people, the elderly,...

History of Slavery and Its Impacts

Introduction and Thesis The concept of slavery in the contemporary society has undergone a gradual transformation. Though previously thought to have been abolished in the early nineteenth century, slavery has found its routes and continues in the modern society affecting the majority population worldwide. Modern forms of slavery include forced...

Religion and Beliefs Regarding Illness

Introduction The world has a diversity of religions with each having its own beliefs regarding illness. Healthcare professionals are obliged to consider religious beliefs when taking care of patients coming from different backgrounds. Religion plays a major role in healthcare and nurses ought to consider the patients’ religious backgrounds before...

The Parent-Child Relationships Theories

Duties that a child has to his or her parents are unique. When it comes to parents, an individual is expected to do things that he or she will not do (or at least does not have to do) for other people. As the proof, if a rich person has...

Parents’ Education in Childhood Obesity Prevention

There is no doubt that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States and other countries can be regarded as one of the most important factors influencing the health of the entire nation. Considering the current obesity rates in the United States, the situation is quite different for various...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evidence-Based Practice Effects on Global Health

Abstract The use of research evidence to support clinical decisions is a growing trend in the healthcare field. Evidence-based practice (EBP) describes the systematic search, appraisal, and utilization of current research findings to guide clinical decisions. It has been fuelled by the advancement in technology that has improved the practitioners’...

High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV)

Background Artificial ventilation has served many patients who were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Normally, artificial ventilation is achieved through positive pressure ventilation, which results in gas delivery and expansion of the alveoli and gas exchange. However, artificial ventilation was non-physiological and presented several challenges. Moreover, it was...

Sanitation Issues, Public Unawareness, and Health

Abstract Environmental changes that have led to a rise in sea levels, increase in temperature, destruction of numerous habitats, and extinction of hundreds of species have affected the public health greatly. Because of the identified changes, the well-being of people all over the world is jeopardized. However, the lack of...

Tort Law Case: Clements v. Clements

Introduction to Tort Law In Canada, there are ten provinces and three territories that follow the regulations of common law and the regime based on tort law (Baudouin and Linden 21). The inhabitants know how to discern right from wrong and behave in regards to the social expectations. Still, people...

Gamification: Learning and Motivational Theories

Abstract Gamification is used in the learning and training environments in order to make the process of obtaining the new knowledge and developing new skills more interesting and attractive for learners. The reference to gamification in the training process is supported by learning and motivational theories that can be used...

Project Funding and Sources Management

Abstract The main sources of funding available for a project are bank overdraft/loan, share capital and retained earnings. These sources have different risks and benefits such as high-interest rate, repayment period, and availability. The benefits of joint-venture are shared risks and larger capital contribution. The risks are reduced returns and...

What Makes People Join Hate Groups?

Key Issues in the Article The key issue in this news article by Jayson (2017) is to investigate factors that drive people to hate groups and other extremists’ organizations. The United States is the leading economy in the world, and it scores favorable on various life indicators. However, racial discrimination...

Communication: People-to-People vs. People-to-Devices

Introduction This paper summarizes our study of the correlation between face-to-face communication and communication via social media. After describing our research activities, we provide some comments concerning the ethical challenges that we encountered in our study. Finally, we identify the main themes that emerged in the process of researching and...

Behavior: Face-to-face and Online Communication Differences

Introduction Social psychology is the field of study that focuses on relationships and behavior within the human society. It can have various implications. For instance, organizations have long relied on research and methods used in social psychology when developing their business strategies. Technology has enabled them to develop new efficient...

Inguinal Hernia: Medical History

Patient’s Information Age: 50 years. Sex: Male. Subjective Chief Complaint “Pain in the left groin radiating to testicles after moving a refrigerator 6 hours ago. The pain is severe, constant, and feels like something is tearing inside.” History of the Present Illness Mr. Baldwin experienced a sudden severe pain in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Telenursing: Pros & Cons for Patients and Nurses

Abstract Telenursing is a contemporary method of providing care services to patients in remote locations using information and communication technologies (ICT). The main advantage of telenursing is that it reduces the cost of accessing nursing services by reducing hospitalization rates. It also improves health outcomes by equipping patients with the...

Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia: Medical History

Patient’s Information Age: 43 years Sex: Female. Subjective Chief Complaint “Coming to learn the information about test results.” History of the Present Illness The patient has come to learn about her test results. The patient states that her symptoms of a seasonal allergy have improved, as well as her symptoms...

Nursing Evolving Practice and Patient Care Delivery Models

Introduction The entire nursing profession is expected to experience developmental, critical, and drastic changes in the future. These changes will emerge because the government intends to restructure the healthcare system (Neill, 2013). In this regard, the government seeks to reorganize and improve the system in a manner that will involve...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

Abstract For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate...

Obesity Problem among the Adult Population

Obesity in adults (particularly parents) is not only likely to have an impact on them but also sways the possibility of obesity in their children due to common genes or environmental aspects (Simmonds, Llewellyn, Owen, & Woolacott, 2016). The perception that obesity runs in the family has been backed by...

African American Family Assessment and Diagnosis

Family Composition and Roles John is an African American who is 40 years old and lives in the city of Miami. John has a wife Leah and three children: Frank who is 16 years, Donald 10 years, and Michelle 6 years. The family has two pets: Regge, the dog, and...

Discourse Markers in Saudi English Learners

Discourse markers Discourse markers are elements that are applied in communication to enable conversations to become more articulate. However, the particles augment insignificant meanings in rephrasing the expressions (PovolnĂĄ, 2012). For instance, elements including oh, well, now as well as you know are some of the syntactically autonomous words. In...

The Feminist Movement Role in the Society

Introduction The Feminist Movement is one of the powerful social movements that have continued to shape diverse discourses in the modern society, which have improved social, economic, and political stances of women. In the ancient centuries, men have been dominant figures in the society, while women have been invisible in...

Drug Abuse among Teenagers Causes and Effects

Introduction Drug and substance abuse amongst teenagers is a global menace. Millions of youths are seriously engaging in drug and substance abuse posing a threat to the future generation. Youths across the world have now tested all kinds of drugs including cigarettes and alcohol to hard drugs like cocaine, cannabis,...

Leadership: Power, Authority, and Influence Selections

Improving Ethical Behaviours Many people do not embrace the best principles whenever making their decisions. This situation occurs when such individuals have to deal with their ethical dilemmas. According to Bazerman and Tenbrusel (2011, p. 154), “human beings overestimate their capabilities to do things properly”. However, such individuals will act...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Slow Food Movement in USA

Introduction The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by Carlo Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits. Founded in Italy, the Slow Food Movement spread rather quickly to Greece and then all over the...

Illicit Drug Use Among American Youths

Introduction Authored by Newcomb, Birkett, Corrliss, and Mustanski, the article ‘Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Racial Differences in Illicit Drug Use in a Sample of the US High School Students’ is a study on the prevalence levels of illicit drug use and addiction among American youths. The main research objective is...

The Impact of Video Games on Those Who Play Them

Introduction Video gaming has become a very popular pastime in the contemporary world (Granic et al. 66). Therefore, it is pivotal to investigate the possible influences of video gaming on players. This paper provides a review of scholarly articles pertaining to the outlined topic. The main terms, ideas and theories...

Gender Dysphoria: Classification, Causes and Treatment

Sex is what you are assigned to at birth while gender identity is something that develops during your life based on your self-perception and personal subjective understanding of who you are. In most cases, these two categories are the same, but when they do not coincide, the person can experience...

Isaac Newton’s Mechanistic Universe

Introduction Isaac Newton was an ancient scientist and a great mathematician who is credited for the invention of several scientific theories. Newton is credited for coming up with theories that explain the nature of the universe ranging from the theory on the force of gravity to the theory of inertia....

Miami Family Health Assessment and Nursing Care

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to assess the health of the chosen family, the Fs, which lives in Miami. It is a nuclear family that consists of three white persons. The mother is 41, the father is 40, and their son is 15. It is possible to say...

Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand

Introduction Adam Smith was a pioneering economist who used the metaphor of ‘the invisible hand’ to describe how unrelated human actions can benefit the overall social and economic welfare. The invisible hand, as defined by Adam Smith, is a guiding principle that has an immense impact on the concept of...

Dyslexia and Inability to Process Information

There is no doubt that complicated systems cannot exist without numerous problems that occur when some of their tiny parts are unable to perform their functions properly. Speaking about the most complex systems that exist in our world, it is necessary to pay focused attention to the human body that...

Multinational Corporations in the International Market

Introduction This paper entails a critical analysis of some issues encountered in international business. The issues are based on some questions are illustrated herein. Questions Why are governments in today’s world liberalizing cross-border movement of goods, services, and resources? Governments have a responsibility to ensure that the diverse macroeconomic goals...

Domestic Violence Intervention in Health Care

Type of Legislation Domestic violence is a concept that can be described as emotional, verbal, sexual or any other existing kind of abuse that may scare the victim or lead to a situation where one of the participating parties will be keen on retaining supremacy over another. This issue has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anti-Abortion Advocacy of Pro-Life Movement

Introduction The topic of abortions has been deemed controversial for many years. It is a discussion about legal, ethical, moral, and other complications. The researchers usually define two central claims that directly contradict each other. The first argument, which is discussed in this paper, supports the idea of abortions being...

Diarrhea due to Antibiotics: Medical History

Patient’s Information Age: 36. Sex: Female. Subjective Chief Complaint “Diarrhea for the last three days.” It increases if the patient eats milk. It decreases with fasting. No mucus or blood. No fever, cough, vomiting, nausea, adnominal pain, and tenesmus. History of the Present Illness Diarrheas began three days ago. It...

Nationhood, Its Benefits and Pitfalls

Nationhood may someday acquire the same reputation as race has taken on since scientific DNA studies demonstrated humanity’s overwhelming kinship. In the meantime, until history can demonstrate that nationhood is as much a fabrication as race, nation states rank up there with another human fabrication – religious denomination – as...

Compassion Fatigue and Caregiver Burnout – Psychology

Introduction The psychotherapists are the ones who deal with patients experiencing terminal illnesses. They develop close relationships with these patients while they take care of them. However, the relationships can cause psychological problems to the caregivers. The caregivers suffer from different forms of stresses. The common one is burnout. Burnout...

Compass Vacation Company: Social Media Strategies

In order to successfully promote the product and ensure that the connection between the brand and the customers was established, the use of social media is inevitable. If the company aims to function in social media efficiently, it has to define its SMART goals and communications mission statement. Background and...

Bangladesh and the US: Working Conditions Comparison

Introduction Every country has well-defined working conditions. The implementation and adherence of the set labor rules determine the nature of economic growth and development. Labor is a very important factor of production, hence the great need for governments to regulate working terms by introducing policies and rules that employers must...

Ergonomics and Work Safety in the Foundry Industry

The aspects of ergonomics play the key role in discussing the workplace safety and the process excellence in relation to the foundry industry. Failures in following the ergonomics criteria lead to the problems with the workload, environmental safety, and to the workers’ stress. Ergonomic characteristics are developed to avoid the...

Sleep and Exercise Effectiveness

Introduction The assignment focuses on sleep and exercise. Regular physical activities are good for the body and well-being of people. One may not be sure of engaging in physical activities for fear of getting hurt. The good news is that physical activities are however safe when done well. Sleep has...

Factors that Make Illegal Immigration Undesirable

Introduction According to a report by Alba and Foner, about 11.4 million people are living in the United States illegally (61). The illegal immigrants make up about 5.1% of the total workforce in the United States. This clearly shows that the problem is serious and needs to be addressed in...

American Foreign Policy Since World War II

Structure of the Book and a Summary of its Contents This paper is a book review of American Foreign Policy since World War II, by Hook and Spanier (1). An acclaimed literary work, researchers have used the book in educational and political fields. It has only two parts. The first...

“El Señor Presidente” by Miguel Angel Asturias

Introduction El Señor Presidente (Mister President) is a landmark text in Latin American literature authored by Guatemalan diplomat and writer Miguel Angel Asturias (1899 – 1974) as it details the nature of political dictatorship and its impacts on the society. The award winning work, originally written in Spanish, tells the...

Death of Monopolies – Economics

Introduction At one point in the history and evolution of companies and markets, monopolies were common across the world. During those times, competition was low for various reasons. Firstly, start-ups were few, and thus the monopolistic companies did not have emerging competitors. Secondly, the emerging competitors were highly disadvantaged due...

Success or Failure: Which Is More Destructive?

There are several major concerns that condition the functioning of our society and impact its further development. These are the thirst for development, self-realization, power, etc. These phenomena are integral aspects of human nature that could determine the functioning of various people and contribute to the formation of a certain...

Oxfam International: Stakeholder Role and Strategic Goals

Introduction Oxfam is an international charity firm that comprises of the most recognizable entities providing solutions to the increasing poverty in the globe. The organization operates in roughly ninety-four countries worldwide. According to Berry and Gabay (2009), it constitutes several other smaller organizations that provide donations to support specific projects....

Osteoarthritis, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Osteoarthritis is a “common disorder of the human joints that is characterized by degeneration of the entire joint or the articular cartilage”.2(1445) The affected parts of the joint include the ligaments, the synovium, and the articular cartilage, and the subchondral bone.2 This discussion gives a detailed analysis of the...

Differentiated Instruction in Curriculum

Curriculum refers to the content of what is learned and is being taught, resources used in teaching-learning processes and how assessment is done. It happens that teachers in their classrooms use curriculum designed by authorities. But major question is: do these curriculums ensure that all students get to learn effectively?...

Identities of the American Muslim Women

Abstract Muslim women in the US face a number of social problems when attempting to fit in the American multicultural societies. As the number of Muslims increase in the US, the cultural diversity of the Islamic societies tends to expand with time, increasing the need for studies that focus on...

Kegedi Hospital’s X-Ray Machine Capital Project

Organizations thrive on the critical assets they invest in for the production of goods and services. The health institutions usually need high capital intensity to stock equipment. Kegedi Hospital has to get additional equipment to cater to x-ray patients. Since the purchase of five X-ray machines, service has improved, and...

Combating Compassion Fatigue – Nursing

Introduction: The Phenomenon of Compassion Fatigue Responsiveness and empathy are, perhaps, among the most important qualities of a professional nurse. However, because of stressful environment and the necessity to empathize with every single patient, whose needs the nurse is supposed to tend to, healthcare specialist often find themselves in a...

Enron Company Organizational Culture

Introduction As the global economy strengthens and economic borders are being broken, governments are increasingly pushing for accountability and ethical practices in business dealings. Accountability and ethics within an organization are functions of the culture within the organization. Organizational culture describes the particular set of values and norms that individuals...

Transitional Care Model for Older Adults

Review of Literature Callahan et al. (2012) argue that transitional care model is best for preventing the prehospitalization of critically ill patients. There are a lot of things that have to be considered when looking at transitional care for any patient. An all-inclusive discharge plan should be drafted and communicated...

The Twenty Statements Test – Social Psychology

In order to determine self-concept, researchers Rhee, Uleman, Lee and Roman developed the Twenty Statements Test or TST. The process required the participants to answer the question “Who are you?” They were provided a questionnaire that contained this question followed by 20 blank lines that began with “I am.” The...

Nurse Shift Models, Their and Patient Satisfaction

The problem of burnout and a high turnout is a frequent issue in the nursing profession. One of the major drivers for such situation is the work time division. While the accepted shift duration for the nurses has always been 8 hours, some modern approaches suggest changing it to a...

Technological Education Programs and Obesity Prevention

Abstract This executive brief instructions paper aims at investigating the challenge of obesity and finding the ways to overcome it employing the newest technologies and technological education programs. The paper will focus on increased popularity of cellphones, tablets, and social media and the opportunity to use them as the tools...

Corporate Governance in Canada

Introduction Corporate Governance can be defined as the manner in which power is shared in the corporation. Furthermore, it can be defined as the way in which corporations meet the legal requirements in the process of making money. Public dimensions of corporate governance involve making rules at the organizational level...

File-Sharing Television in Newman’s Article

Television is a rather powerful resource that has been having a massive influence on its viewers ever since it first emerged as a social phenomenon. The impact of television in the process of shaping public opinions and moods has been researched for many decades. Today, scholars realize that this media...

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders – Psychology

Historical perspective Since time immemorial, it has been relatively difficult to get the appropriate definition of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Various researchers involved with the subject under review have declared some of the definitions of this type of disability as critically flawed. The federal definition of EBD is part...

UNIK AutoCare Services Ltd.’s Business Feasibility

Description of the Business Concept The proposed UNIK AutoCare Services Limited is an auto repair business that aims at offering quality and unique auto repair services at competitive pricing for customers within the city of Riyadh. The business will specialize is Engine and body repair for all types of automobile....

Mencius, Confucianism and Asian Philosophy

This paper summarizes the main points of the Mencius, as translated by David Hinton. The paper begins with a brief introduction of the Asian philosopher Confucius, whose teachings formed the basis of the Mencius, followed by a brief introduction of Mencius the philosopher. The essay then separates the main points...

“Nine Years Under” by Sheri Booker

This book critique presented below depicts the essence of the ‘Nine Years Under’ by Sheri Booker, how the protagonist of the story was influenced by events that occurred to her for nine years, and what is the modern value of the book. The author of ‘Nine Years Under’ Sheri Booker...

The Nightingale Pledge History and Arguments

Introduction Nursing, as a modern profession, can trace its foundation to Florence Nightingale. This revolutionary figure started the first nurses’ training school at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London in the late nineteenth century. Due to her efforts, people who were interested in nursing could, for the first time in history,...

Virgin Atlantic Airways in the United Kingdom

Virgin Atlantic Airways was established after an American entrepreneur proposed the idea of an intercontinental airline that would only aim at the business class flights. Richard Branson vetoed this exact approach but loved the idea. To begin with, he reduced the risk by renting the whole thing, and he was...

Medication Mistakes and Mediation Reconciliation Issues

Introduction The problems of medication error and issues about drug reconciliation play a highly adverse role in the contemporary medical care setting. It is stated that adverse drug events take place in the percentage of cases that fall within the range from 5% to 40% for hospitalized patients, and within...

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Models

Introduction Effective leadership is integral for the successful completion of activities carried out by a number of people. By definition, leadership is the process by which a person makes use of the support of others to accomplish set objectives. The role of effective leadership cannot be overstated in modern society...

Contrast in Analyzing of Three Articles

In his article, Stephen Marche discusses important social problems that profoundly influence the United States. In particular, the author pays much attention to the growing inequalities in the country (Marche 255). This trend can take various forms. In many cases, the social status of individuals is not determined by their...

Government Budgeting and Financial Management

The public budgeting leaders have the responsibility of fulfilling various roles including planning, reforming, and budgeting. Public budgeting involves three areas that are mostly dominated by the fields of economics, planning, and data sciences. Planning is used to determine goals and setting up the necessary programs to achieve them. Programming...

Women’s Stereotypes of Gender Roles Distribution

Advancing the Scientific Knowledgebase Your study should advance the scientific knowledge base in your field by meeting one or more of these four criteria: The study should address something that is not known or has not been studied before. The study should be new or different from other studies in...

Dubai Pulse Program: Promoting a Healthier Lifestyle

Executive Summary In the contemporary world, things move very fast such that people have little time to think of their lifestyles. An urbanized family, for example, has no time to prepare some nutritious breakfast. Therefore, the family is forced to buy some muffins, fries, or other snacks for breakfast. School...

Combating Compassion Fatigue

Introduction Studies have established that the health care industry ranks among the top fields where professionals have high demanding jobs. Providing care for patients is quite a tiresome job that requires one to be physically, mentally and emotionally strong. Experts argue that all health care workers should adapt a healthier...

Creativity and Innovation in Business

Critical Discussion of the Importance of Creativity and Innovation Creativity is a powerful thinking process whereby an individual focuses on new imaginations, intuitions, imaginations, ingenuities, and ideas (Byron 2006). Creative people find it easier to address the issues affecting them and others. Creativity is also associated with new risks. However,...

Kabaddi: an Outdoor Game with Indian Origin

Other than watching TV shows or engaging in video games, humans can engage in outdoor games and events to have a good time with their family, friends, or associates. Dyck believes, “Outdoor games are usually preferred than other sources of entertainment because they involve physical and mental activities necessary for...

The Thorntons Company: Development and Leadership

Introduction Leaders have characteristics that are expressed in their behaviour and their motivation when working. Just like managers, leaders take the role of dealing with daily activities at work, but they focus more of their efforts on managing the visions and missions of their firms. Thus, a leader focuses on...

“So Long a Letter”, “Kindred” and “Trumpet”

One of the reasons why the novels So Long a Letter (by Mariama Ba), Kindred (by Octavia Butler) and Trumpet by (Jackie Kay) are being commonly regarded to account for a high literary value by critics, is that they contain a number of clues, as to what are the qualitative...

The HighLEARN Project Management Analysis

Introduction Managing a project is one of the most complicated tasks in terms of the number of tasks to handle, the range of responsibilities to manage and the amount of possible conflicts to address being truly huge. However, by splitting the process of project implementation into several phases, one will...

Childhood Obesity and Health Promotion

Today, childhood obesity is one of the critical health concerns. Being an important factor impacting the future of the nation, childrens health should be cultivated. However, obesity in this group has reached epidemic levels and continues to grow especially in developed countries (Sahoo et al., 2015). That is why the...

Cloning in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Cloning is a medical process whereby organisms that are identical are produced through the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer (Griffin 650). It is a very complicated process, but the bottom line is that an independent human being can be created by cloning. Cloning has brought about a lot of...

Mass Media in “Encoding/Decoding” by Stuart Hall

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays mass media could be taken as one of the most powerful remedies that has a great influence on people. Coherent society could easily be called the era of digital technologies and various means of media as these phenomena have a great...

Influenza and Community Health Nurse’s Role

Introduction Influenza is a viral infection that is caused by the influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system and causes complications such as bacterial pneumonia and dehydration. There are three types of influenza viruses. They include Type A, Type B, and Type C. Types A and B are very common...

Public Administration and Concepts of Procedural Fairness

Introduction Government decisions have a direct impact on the lives of its citizens. Hence, citizens are allowed to seek legal action whenever they feel that the decision-making process is not fair and democratic. Democracy refers to active participation of citizens in the decision-making process, while fairness is about how fair...

Hands-Free Devices Use During Driving: Pros and Cons

Abstract Driving and texting is one of the leading causes of road accidents in the United States. Hand-held devices were blamed for the rise of road accidents in the country. The emergence of hands free devices were believed to be the real solution to this problem. However, this study shows...

The Russian Foreign Policy

Introduction The Russian foreign policy that facilitated its annexation of Crimea has raised controversy in the global society (Weiss 4). The scholar also notes that the decision of this government to intervene in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis has also earned it criticism. While some people feel that Russia acted contrary...

International Business Machines Corporation Analysis

Introduction The International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation is a multinational corporation with branches in the US, Europe, and Africa. In 1911, Thomas Watson and Charles Ranlett Flint established the corporation in Endicott, New York, as a public company. Since then, several changes have taken place in the company’s organizational structure,...

Philosophy Prospectus: Why Should We Be Moral?

The chosen painting is called ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring.’ It is one of the most famous paintings of Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter. Vermeer painted this painting in the year 1665. He used oil as the medium and canvas as the base for the painting. The size of the...

Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Culture

In the contemporary society, gender and sexuality forms the basis for recognition. In effect, social construction defines that males and females are different creatures. Human classification in both contemporary and traditional society was synonymous with biological and physical characteristics hence the identification as males and females. To begin with, sex...

Nursing Practice and Patient Care Delivery Models

How Nursing Practice Will Change and Grow Nurses and caregivers form the greatest percentage of healthcare workers in the United States. As the United States continues to identify new strategies to restructure its healthcare delivery system, the field of nursing will have a critical role in this new transformation. The...

Food and Drink Industry’s Innovation and Barriers

Executive Summary The paper presents a study of the innovation in food and drink industry, specifically fast food sector. The fast food sector has innovated itself to meet the changing consumer need and therefore have invested in biotechnology, food technology and robotic sciences. They have invested in development of skilled...

The Supreme Court of the United States: Analysis

The power of the Judicial Review plays a very important part in preserving the Constitution Developing it according to the changing circumstances America has a federal Constitution, which has divided into powers between centers and the component State. It has declared that the constitution is supreme law which cannot be...

Safety in the Mining Industry

The mining industry The mining industry is one of the biggest employers across the world. Millions of people work in the industry as miners, geologists, process engineers, health care workers, and Geotechnical engineers among other roles (Humphreys, 2015). Studies have established that mining is one of the main economic pillars...

“Technics and Civilization” by Lewis Mumford

Tombstone Title of the book: Technics and Civilization. Author: Lewis Mumford. Publisher, date of publication: Routledge & Keagan Paul Ltd., 1934. How the book was obtained: The book was obtained using an internet search. It was found in the form of a PDF. Author’s Background Lewis Mumford was a world-renowned...

Health Care Ethics Instructional Design Plan

Abstract The development and adaptation of simulation and games in corporate training and learning is a modern tendency that is based on the fact that such tools are effective to make learners develop their skills and apply knowledge to real-life situations. Today, simulations and games are also actively used in...

Great Wall of America and Mexican Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Widespread immigration is one of the defining characteristics of the modern world. While immigrants have a variety of destination countries, the US has been the choice destination for millions of people from all over the world. Due to the restrictions imposed by the Federal government to curb the number...

Delta Airlines’ Change Management and Resistance

Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization Delta Airlines is one of the oldest operating airlines in America. The company plans to introduce new changes in its organizations to remain competitive in the industry (Dess & Lumpkin, 2014). Notably, it is very hard for the airlines to evade...

The Status of Capitalism in Communist China

Introduction Capitalism is defined variously by different scholars. Many view it as an economic arrangement in which the means of production are exclusively held by private investors. In addition, the businesses are operated with the sole purpose of making profits. The main characteristics of capitalism include competition and capital accumulation...

New Consumerism in American Society

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of consumerism. It explores the topic by looking at the problems of new consumerism and how they may be addressed. It is argued that new consumerism is exacerbated by the conventional view that the consumer knows it all. The paper is based...

Standards of Quality Prose Fiction

High quality prose fiction is characterized by several unique features. These features include a properly chosen point of view, precise themes, appropriate stylistic devices, a relevant setting and realistic characters (Beers 27). Features such as themes, stylistic devices, setting and characters may be shared among many genres of literature but...

Technology as a Tool for Governments

Introduction Based on1984, it is apparent that the government is stimulated by allegiance (Orwell 3). In the book, the government mandates the public to support its ambition to oversee the greater Oceania. According to the book, being loyal to the party requires the citizens to accept the government’s directions without...

Marketing of the M.U.S.A Magic Pen Product

Executive Summary Successful introduction of a new product in the market requires research and critical analysis of the product, its competitiveness, relevance and acceptability among the targeted clients. Specifically, the successful introduction of the M.U.S.A Magic Pen product requires a balanced mix between marketing and strategic positioning in the expansive...

Huron County Health Department’s Strategic Planning

Organization Profile Huron County Health Department (HCHD) is a non-profit small organization located in Huron with a mission to promote and protect people’s health by providing a variety of quality health, environmental and human services to the residents of Huron County. The organization seeks to collaborate with the Board of...

The Color Wheel Move Critique

Introduction Directed by Alex Ross Perry in 2011, the movie The Color Wheel fits well within the confines of the French New Wave films. The movie chronicles sibling war between a sister and brother on their way to Boston from Pennsylvania. The French New Wave aspects portrayed in this film...

Simulation and Social Media in Healthcare

Abstract The important stage in using the simulation and social media in training is the determination of the facilitation activities and logistics. While using the simulation and social media in the field of healthcare administration and healthcare ethics training, it is important to provide a detailed discussion of the facilitation...

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