Social Construction of Technologies: Tablet Computer

Abstract In the course of their development, tablet computers were supposed to become alternatives to notebooks and PCs. Their development was hindered by the deficiencies of software. The evolution of these technologies was revitalized in 2010 after several important changes in the design of these tools. At present, manufactures of...

Malcolm Gladwell’s Views on Adaptive Conscious

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” (2005) is a book written by Malcolm Gladwell, one of the most renowned figures in American letter writing. It gives a logical insight on psychology and behavioral economics, primarily concentrating on the mechanisms and processes that inspire our ability to automatically make rapid...

Big Data Usage in Supply Chain Management

Abstract This paper gives a summary of the research that was conducted to understand the unique issues surrounding the use of big data in the supply chain. The discussion identifies the major opportunities associated with the continued use of big data. The emerging obstacles affecting the use of big data...

Vegetarianism in South Asia: Religious Impact

Vegetarianism, in modern times, is often compared to the kind that is practiced in South Asian societies. Alsdorf (2010) argues that a vegetarian has a higher nutritional value in comparison to the rest. However, the societies in South Asia largely practice vegetarianism based on the religious teachings. In this essay,...

Family Structure, History, Health Assessment

Introduction Family health assessment is a useful tool applied by healthcare practitioners. Diverse health issues including acute or chronic diseases influence both the patient and his or her family. A healthcare practitioner needs professional skills and knowledge to provide health assessment evaluating health condition of family members and detecting possible...

Racism Against African Americans as a Social Construct

Abstract Racism in the US was explained in this paper using Mead’s theory of the generalized other and Simmel’s concept of the stranger. Mead’s theory indicated that marginalized communities often adopt the ideals of dominant groups in society to get acceptance. This makes the minority disenchanted since they have to...

W. E. B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey’ Works Comparison

Introduction It is imperative to mention that the works by Du Bois and Garvey are truly fascinating, and both leaders were extremely influential. “The Souls of Black Folk” and “Africa for the African” are the ones that are especially noteworthy. Both pieces are regarded masterpieces by many scholars, and they...

Gender Studies and Feminization in Education

Introduction Gender studies in education has become a topic of debate since the second half of the twentieth century due to the increasing importance of feminism. The growing role of women in the traditional educational system, which was previously focused on men, brought about many changes to educational practice. In...

Culture as a Progressive Way of Life

Introduction Culture is a progressive way of life that is largely dependent on the inevitable changes exhibited by human nature. The changes are guided by religion, morality, and the need for social fulfillment. The definition can be deduced by interpreting the arguments made in a book written by Matthew Arnold....

American Drug War and Its Ineffectiveness

Introduction Eradication of illegal drugs has been a prominent issue in America’s political and social discussions for many years. One of the major concerns involves the argument that the drug war is not waged against inanimate objects known as drugs but against specific social groups (Benavie 24). Fighting drugs has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Thai Students’ Issues in Learning English

Learning a foreign language can pose serious problems for learners. Thailand students are facing this challenge, especially when they go to study in foreign countries. Challenges like pronunciation make it difficult for them to speak and understand English words. With these challenges, English learners prefer a foreigner to teach them...

Pandora Internet Radio and Unprofitable Clients

The dotcom bubble grabbed headlines in the latter part of the 20th century. It became apparent to many people that not every start-up that bore the Silicon Valley label can be considered as a fail-proof business venture (Fox 39). But aside from the failed businesses associated with Internet start-ups, another...

Food Ads Ban for Childhood Obesity Prevention

Introduction Childhood obesity is a global epidemic and public health problem that has been proven through studies to have serious morbidity, economic, and mortality costs that need to be addressed. The number of obese children has increased significantly over the last twenty-five years, owing to various reasons that have been...

Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Nursing Care Plan

Target Group: CKD Patients and the Healthy People 2020 Objectives Patients with renal failure are the target population the needs of which will be addressed in the course of the study. Particularly, adult representatives of low-income Hispanic families will be considered during the analysis. The identified goal aligns with one...

“The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man” by Johnson

Introduction The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man is the work written by an African-American writer James Weldon Johnson in the early 20th century when racism was considered the norm in the New World. Despite the title, the author admitted that this novel was not autobiographical and mostly fictional. Nevertheless, the...

Natural Resources and Democracy in Political Economy

Introduction Natural resources, specifically petroleum, natural gas, and minerals, have been linked to high-levels of corruption and authoritarian leadership. Bolivia, Indonesia, Belarus, and Congo among others are considered resource cursed countries (Haber and Menaldo 6). Much of political economy literature presents both theoretical and empirical arguments to understand the issue....

Early Elective Delivery, Its Impact and Challenges

Early elective, medically unnecessary deliveries gained popularity in the 20th and 21st centuries with the emergence of new technologies in the field of medicine (Gillman, Gluckman, & Rosenfeld, 2013). For the first time in the history of mankind, it was now possible for one to determine the date (earlier than...

China and Africa’ Relations

Abstract The formal relations between China and Africa date back to the 1950s. While China depends on imports of products such as oil, steel, copper, and agricultural goods from Africa, Africa experiences tremendous economic growth as China offers a ready market for its commodities. Besides, China-Africa relations provide mutual political...

Falls Prevention in Patients With Dementia in Nursing Homes

Introduction Older adults with dementia especially those in the ages of 65 years and above have been identified as a vulnerable population to falling cases in nursing homes. Falls often lead to serious injuries causing the patient’s disability. According to Miake-Lye, Hempel, Ganz, & Shekelle (2013), “the reported rate of...

Yoga Practices in History and Today

Yoga has gone mainstream and it has become an important part of Western pop culture. Yoga’s global success is due in large part to the endorsements made by celebrities and influential people of the Western world. Yoga’s popularity surge was aided by testimonies of ordinary people extoling the curative power...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diversity Training Approaches in the United States

Abstract The majority of companies in the United States and abroad are diverse in terms of the workforce’s characteristics. On the one hand, this feature is often beneficial for companies because of opening new ways to decision making and problem-solving in the firm. On the other hand, a diverse workforce...

Family with a Chronically Ill Member: Health Assessment

Introduction The family usually provides an individual with emotional and social relationships in the most important moments of their life. It is a group of people bounded not only by their kinship but also by the other relations and bonds made to participate in the lives of each other. Still,...

Barriers to Understanding in Art

Introduction Although to indulge in an artistic experience, one may need to use not only vision but also other senses, possibly all five, how people see an art piece usually becomes the defining factor in their further evaluation and impression thereof. In his article “Ways of Seeing,” John Berger addresses...

Historical Philosophy: Information Concepts

History is the knowledge that humans collectively possess and can use to own advantage. Unfortunately, people seem to ignore the past and strive to reach the future in the fastest way, forgetting the learned lessons and attention to details. History is significant on several levels and the first is biology....

Joint Commission Standards Related to Staffing

Background: Staffing Standards and Their Significance Creating a team of experienced employees that are capable of meeting the company’s ethical and professional standards, engage in professional development, and deliver consistently positive results is a crucial step toward improving the overall performance of an organization and promoting further progress. Therefore, it...

Zara Company’s Business Model and Competition

Zara: Fast Fashion Case Study Founded in 1975 by Rosalia Mera and Amancio Ortega, Zara is the main brand the Spanish corporation Inditex Group, one of the largest retailers of clothing in the world. Described as “possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer” (Fraiman, Singh, Arrington, and Paris 270), the...

Richard Branson’s Leadership and Philosophy

Executive Summary Customers are the likely determinants of companies’ decisions to expand their product portfolios, re-engineer their existing products, and reinvent new product offers. The classical organizational theory holds that organizations should primarily deliver excellent product value to secure competitive advantage. However, this paper argues that Richard Branson places customers...

China-Africa Trade and Political Relations

Abstract China and Africa have been economic and political allies for many years. Trade and politics are examples of the defining aspects of their relations. In the 1990s, China’s rapid industrialization increased demand for African raw materials, while Africa’s developing economies increased demand for affordable products. Debates have emerged regarding...

Infiniti Company’s Marketing Communication Mix

The success of Infiniti’s marketing communication mix Marketing communication mixes that have been applied by Infiniti remains critical in attaining the required objectives. Moreover, the creative and innovative communication marketing mix is significant in attaining the desired outcomes particularly when the firm is operating in a highly competitive market (Burnett...

Richard Branson’s Rule-Breaking Leadership Style

Executive Summary This report provides a critical analysis of Richard Branson’s leadership style. Branson is a renowned international businessperson. Born and raised in the United Kingdom, Branson established the Virgin Group in the early 1970s. Through several decades of his leadership, he managed to overcome obstacles in the business environment...

Swarovski Company’s Marketing Approach

Introduction Companies that want to achieve their business potentials must be innovative and competitive. This approach will make it easier for firms to implement new strategies that can augment their competitive advantages (Rupini & Nandagopal 2015). Innovation supports the business objectives and goals of a company. Swarovski remains one of...

Ethics and Business in Finland

Introduction Business ethics refer to the principles that individuals are expected to follow when dealing with clients in a business environment. Business ethics is a new area of interest to many researchers and a number of them are interested in understanding the corporate social responsibilities of firms in the globalized...

Executive Coaching Approaches, Their Pros and Cons

The effectiveness of coaching sessions depends on the approaches or theoretical frameworks used by executive coaches in order to help individuals achieve their goals. From this perspective, it is almost impossible to state that some approach is less appropriate than another because various approaches can be used in different situations...

The Total MD Family Medicine & Urgent Care Management

Introduction Management implies the governance of the socio-economic performance of the company in the market economy. It is an area of knowledge and professional activity aimed at creating and ensuring organizational goals through the rational use of available resources. One of the main tasks of management is to manage human...

TerraCog Global Positioning Systems Company Challenges

Introduction TerraCog was an organization that successfully represented the private business sector of high-tech industry. It provided global positioning systems (GPS) and other similar products that were always of excellent quality, which attracted a wide range of customers. The organization had never had issues with the competitive advantage and remained...

Qatar Media Corporation Al-Jazeera: History and Problems

Introduction Al-Jazeera also abbreviated JSC (Jazeera Satellite Channel) is an autonomous broadcaster belonging to the state of Qatar, through Qatar Media Corporation, founded by Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, in 1996. The independence of the channel’s editorial policy originates from the fact that the channel generates its funding...

Weasel Words’ Definition and Usage

Introduction In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell used term doublespeak referring to a proclamation that contained two or more ideas with opposite meanings. The aim of doublespeak was to make people believe in something without any real evidence to the truthfulness of the information. Nowadays, companies and advertisers all...

Air Pollution Health Risks Information Campaign

Introduction Information campaigns are some of the more frequent methods of healthcare promotion used by hospitals, clinics, and other community healthcare organizations around the world. These campaigns are aimed at the elimination of ignorance, prejudices, and wrong assumptions about certain healthcare issues, diseases, and factors that may contribute to a...

Can Effective Business Leadership Be Learned?

Introduction The question of whether effective business leadership can be learned remains a contested debate. Many individuals believe that business leaders are born. While this might be somewhat true, it is imperative to understand that effective business leadership can be learned. Many people fail to lead due to the perception...

Syrian Children Refugees and Care in Canada

Introduction The imaginary case of Mohamed who has to sell six roses every day before he can go back to the camp to assist his mother is a precise depiction of the situation that Syrian children refugees are going through. The thirteen-year-old boy has been living in a congested refugee...

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Computer Network Design for Graphic Arts Company

This is a network proposal for DesignIT. DesignIT is an expanding graphic arts company. The company will use additional space to accommodate more employees. The recommended network design for DesignIT is Ethernet. The company requires a small network design that can be effectively met through Ethernet option. It is inexpensive...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Change and Negotiation Plan

Abstract This paper is a change and negotiation plan. It aims at determining central aspects of a change implementation design. The problem under consideration is the severity of complications and frequency of PICC line reinsertions in Kendall Regional Medical Center. Therefore, preventing complications and reinsertions is a proposed change that...

Technology in Nursing and Governmental Financing

Introduction The use of technology in healthcare has become very important. According to a report by Cowen and Moorhead (2014), many health experts currently rely on technology to manage various medical problems. Doctors and nurses alike currently rely on technology to enable them do their work in an efficient manner....

The Concept of Democracy in Political Theory

Introduction and Background The concept of democracy is familiar to most people. Developed first in ancient Greece, democracy came to flourish in the 20th century, when decolonization, economic circumstances, and the establishment of just political rules led to the popularity of democratic institutions. Today, the majority of western societies have...

Electronic Devices, Communication and Education

Abstract Electronic communication has increasingly become the preferred means of communication and networking. The main objective of this paper is to explore and explain how electronic devices have influenced people’s daily lives, particularly in communication and education. Understanding how electronic communication influences people’s lives gives the users insights to use...

Mental Status Examination of an Elderly Patient

Introduction This mental status examination (MSE) assesses important aspects of the Patient’s (Nathanial Ayers) psychological and mental functioning, general appearance, behavior as well as overall demeanor. The decision to undertake the examination has been reached after the patient developed a violent predisposition and exhibited rapid mood swings which pointed toward...

Ivan the Terrible’s Impact on Russian History

Introduction The legacies of Ivan IV Vasilyevich, who is also known as Ivan the Terrible, attract close attention of many historians because this monarch considerably shaped the history of Russia, especially the political development of this country, its social structure, as well as the size of its territory. This paper...

The Nutritive Value of Ruminant Feeds

Abstract In this paper, we experimented to assess the nutritive value of ruminant feeds. To do so, we analyzed the chemical compositions of dry matter, crude protein, acid detergent fibre, neutral detergent fibre, ash, and ether extract. Our findings revealed that ryegrass had the highest concentrations of dry matter (95.46),...

“High Lonesome” a Book by Joyce Carol Oates

Introduction In almost every environment, there exist mentally ill or physically impaired individuals. Cases of maltreatment to such people have continually been evident within societies but no one is watchful to such situations. On the other hand, people have always had wrong perceptions that riches are capable of making such...

Human Resource Planning in Successful Organization

Nowadays it has become common knowledge that people are the most precious asset of any organization. Every company should ensure efficient management of qualitative personnel and its most optimal use. Human resource management becomes an integral part of the overall success of the organization. It is not only a set...

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Obesity Interventions and Nursing Contributions

Abstract Detecting health problems that may affect children later in their adulthood is significantly worthwhile. Obesity is one such disease that begins during childhood and prevails all through to adulthood. This research paper reviews the literature on early childhood obesity interventions that can prevent the wide-spreading nature of the disease...

Accountability in Public Administration

Regarding: Accountability in Public Administration The primary goal of the public sector is to provide quality services that meet the demands of the citizens. Nonetheless, the realization of this objective mandates the prudent management of fiscal resources (Anwar, 2007). Accountability is one of the principal tenets that underpin public governance....

The Sustainable Supply Chains Concept

What is a Sustainable Supply Chain? Sustainability refers to the utilization of resources and the production of goods/services in a manner which takes into consideration not only the impact of a company on the environment but also its ability to ensure that the resources it utilizes are sourced in a...

Masculinity in James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway’ Stories

James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway are two well known authors of the early twentieth century modernist short stories that offer various points of view including philosophical, sociological and linguistic approaches. Such literary works had a big impact on the perception of culture, and an alteration of the correlation between writing...

Canada’s Commitment to Human Rights Principles

Human rights refer to those aspects that uphold the outmost virtues of humankind. Human rights have also been defined as the “highest moral rights because they regulate the fundamental structures and practices of political life, and in ordinary circumstances, they take priority over other moral, legal, and political claims” (Donnelly...

Employment and Wages in Indiana’s Automotive Industry

Introduction According to Matt (2012), Indiana is one of the states in the U.S., established in 1816. The state covers 94,321square kilometers. It borders Michigan to the north, Ohio to the east, and Illinois to the west. Indiana ranks position 15 of the most populated states in the United States....

Healthcare Facility: George Herman Assisted Living

Introduction The establishment described in this paper is George Herman Assisted Living facility that is a relatively large institution of the type. The facility is designed to station ten patients. In spite of the common stereotype that assisted living facilities serve to provide long-term care to the elderly individuals only,...

Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Issues

Abstract This paper indicates that the use of modern technologies in supply chain can result in preparedness against various risks. However, ICT supply chains are promote to cyber risks that can disorient the business model of the affected company. The discussion encourages companies to form Supply Chain Risk Councils (SCRCs)...

The Impact Paternal Absence on Females Relationships

Research Topic It has been acknowledged that attachments developed in childhood and adolescence (especially parent-child relationships) have a significant impact on individuals’ ability to develop relationships with other people (especially when it comes to partnerships) (DelPriore & Hill, 2013). Nonetheless, there are still various gaps in this area. This qualitative...

Cervical Cancer Prevention Among British Women

Introduction This project will establish the policies that have been developed in the UK to prevent cervical cancer among adult women and the measure taken to improve the health and well-being of women diagnosed with the disease. The research is informed by the need for extensive research to establish the...

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Cross-Border E-Commerce in China and Hong Kong

Abstract Hong Kong is increasingly becoming a major international business hub because of its strategic location in relation to China and its commerce laws and regulations. Improved technology is making it possible for e-commerce transactions to be conducted in this city. Massive amounts of goods leave China via Hong Kong...

The University of Utah Healthcare: Compensation’ Strategy

Introduction Compensation is the practice of providing monetary value to employees in return for their work. Compensation is an important element of human resources in an organization. It serves different purposes depending on the goals of the organization in question. For instance, besides assisting in recruitment, it may be used...

The Reading Activity Characteristics: Literacy Philosophy

Beliefs of Frank Smith The development of the reading theory is attributed to massive scholarly works of various educational researchers including Frank Smith. Frank Smith is a psychologist who is ardently recognized for his immense research work in the fields of linguistics coupled with cognitive psychology. He explores especially how...

Global War on Terrorism: Main Challenges

Introduction Terrorism has been a menace for the past decades. It has generated some impacts on many countries globally particularly the developed countries. In fact, developing countries have not been spared either. Apparently, it is critical for all governments to reassess the strategies that have been previously implemented in combating...

Auto Spare Parts Distribution Mechanism and Strategy

Introduction The current problem of spare parts throughout China, at its current position is due to inefficient practices. In order to shift the service levels to achieve an efficient frontier and enable the company to realize high returns on investment, a new distortion method has been proposed. Typically, the cost...

Character Portrayal: “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

Introduction In his captivating must-read chef-d’oeuvre ‘The Necklace’, Guy de Maupassant presents the story of Mathilde Loisel who happens to be a woman from a humble background who ends up doomed into a life of poverty by her dreams of wealth. Mathilde Loisel is the central character in the story...

US – Japan Economic Relations in WWII

Introduction Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean towards the Far East; it has a culture, an economy, and a history that disproves its tiny footprint. The United States (U.S.) and Japan are the two largest economic powers in the globe. Theodore (11) argues that when the Gross Domestic Products...

Reasons Why Computers Will Never Achieve Self Awareness?

Introduction Computers have dominated the human world today, with almost every task requiring a computer, in order to be accomplished. The Computers devices have developed through different generations, with each developing the product development process. Each generation is used to advance the generation before it. The command, speed and CPU...

Nursing: Retaining Inspiration Amidst Routine

Nursing: Science or Art? Balancing Between the Art and Science of Nursing Although nursing is typically viewed from an academic perspective, there are two sides to the phenomenon in question; particularly, it can be viewed as not only science but also art. Claiming that nursing can only be defined as...

“The Myth of the Age of Entitlement” by James Cairn

Introduction The given paper reviews the book The Myth of the Age of Entitlement: Millennials, Austerity, and Hope by James Cairn. It impresses a reader by a usual perspective on the modern youth, or millennials, their lifestyle, opportunities, responsibilities, and problems. Unlike other authors, Cairn does not blame young people...

The Future of Cloud Computing

The phenomenon of cloud computing Although the phenomenon of cloud computing is rather recent, it has become one of the most extensively discussed topics in the IT sphere. Despite a number of related challenges and vulnerabilities, cloud computing is now considered to be the most promising among next-generation technologies. A...

The Emancipation Proclamation in American History

Introduction A few events in the United States history had as much impact as the American Civil War, which took place between 1861 and 1865. The Civil War was, in part, fueled by the debate over the future of slavery between the South and the North. Slavery is an alien...

Williams Shakespeare Biographical Interpretation

Does the life of an author have a significant influence on his work? Do the author’s experience and surrounding wield influence on his writing? How much does an author’s life impact his work? The effect of an author’s life experiences on his writing is often unquestionable. The impact Shakespeare’s life...

Food: National Identity and Cultural Difference

Introduction There can be indeed on a few doubts that, by subjecting a particular food-item (considered ‘ethnic’) to an anthropological analysis, we can well obtain a number of insights, into how this food-item the national identity of the peoples, associated with it (Harris 1986). It could not be otherwise, because...

Role of Dreams in Psychology

Dreams are a sequence of emotions, thoughts or images passing through an individual’s mind when asleep. In the scientific world, the study of dreams is called Oneirology that regards the dreams as the ones referred to different things as argued by various authors. They argue that dreams reflect the past,...

“The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man” by James Weldon Johnson

James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man is a fictional autobiography of a man born from a mixed race family trying to find his racial identity but never fully committing to one. At first, he is unaware of his origins and believes that he is a white boy,...

Bereaved Military Children: Group Intervention

Introduction Bereavement is one of the most stressful events, and it is closely linked to anxiety, depression, fear, aggressiveness, and regression. The consequences of bereavement are more severe in children than in adults. Studies designed to explore the effects of the demise of a parent on children indicate that the...

The Novel Pudd’nhead Wilson by Mark Twain

Introduction Racial issues have always been a complicated problem to touch upon. People are intrinsically predisposed to having issues with accepting different views and concepts, as well as people who look or behave differently; hence the phenomenon of racism emerges. Numerous cases on racism provide a lot of food for...

The Veil of Ignorance Concept: Principles and Applicability

Introduction Certain principles and moral values dictate the forms and levels of interaction amongst individuals govern societies. These principles and morals form the bonds that bind one individual to another and everyone else to the society. The core aim of these values is to ensure that society does not fall...

Fun at Work, Organizational Culture and Climate

Research Methods This research was conducted using qualitative methods, which were conducted through semi-structure interviews, company documents and focus groups, which are self administered. A basic interview was conducted to collect data from employees, on their perception, attitudes and experiences. The research also seeks to establish how implementation of a...

Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model for Asthma Patient

Introduction: Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) Making the necessary adjustments to help patients get used to the changes in their life caused by the disease and the introduction of the appropriate treatment strategies is crucial for the further success of the intervention. Herein lies the significance of Callista Roy’s Adaptation...

Stress in the Military

Anand, Nagle, Misra, and Dangi (2013) argue that “military jobs rank extremely high among the most stressful occupations in the world” (p. 1). For instance, a study conducted by the in 2013 indicated that the military working environment was characterized by numerous stressors (Toscano & Roberts, 2014). The major...

Arteriovenous Fistulas Promotion in Adult Hemodialysis

The Problem and Significance Chronic kidney failure is a disease characterized by severe limitations in the working capabilities of a patient’s kidneys. This disease frequently occurs among elderly patients between ages 65 and 74, due to the natural aging of organs, and factors that contribute to damaging and interrupting the...

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

“The picture of Dorian Gray”, it turns out, is not about a picture at all. It is about a book. It is about the transmission of that book into the mind of the protagonist and the destruction that ensues. The picture of Dorian Gray is about the spiritual risks of...

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice

Introduction In recent decades, the term of “knowledge management” has become very popular, however, it should be noted that its categorical framework is rather vague. Knowledge management can be defined as the art of creating value from intangible assets of the organization as a purposeful process of conversion of the...

The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation

The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe book by Linz and Stepan explore the issue of democratic transitions defining the core issues and making adequate assumptions concerning the causes and conditions that lead to them. The post-authoritarian democracies, in particular, post-1989 Europe and...

John Kennedy’s Assassination: Theories and Facts

Introduction John F. Kennedy remains a major political icon in the American history. He was the 35th president of the country. He was assassinated on 22nd of November, 1963 ( 1). The leader was shot by a sniper at Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas. His death is regarded as one of...

Nurse Burnout in Evidence-Based Research

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) implies the rational application of current evidence related to clinical expertise and core patient needs to direct decisions in health care. To ensure the efficiency of EBP and its best outcomes, the implemented evidence should be recent, credible, and of high quality. It may not always...

African-American Family Heritage Analysis

The importance of analyzing one’s heritage lies in people’s need to understand their culture and compare it to the customs of other people. As individuals learn more about their families and behaviors that are unique or inherent in their communities, they can find that their personal values and habits were...

The Cultural Intelligence Concept in the Global Economy

Introduction There are four characteristics that are in demand within a technology oriented enterprise, namely: high market responsiveness, fast developments, low cost, and finally high levels of creativity, innovation and efficiency. What must be understood though is that such characteristics are dependent upon the type of technical teams that are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Much Ado About Nothing” a Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction One of the reasons why the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, continues to enjoy a lasting popularity with contemporaries, is that along with representing a high aesthetic value, it can also be considered utterly enlightening, in the discursive sense of this word. The reason for this...

The New Netherlands and the Indians in the Religion History

Introduction The Dutch settlers came to America with the sole objective of making money. They did migrate from their original land due to political or religious persecution. A majority of the settlers were single men who were out to make money. The Dutch West Indian company facilitated the movement of...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Students

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an immensely significant problem for the suffering children in the domain of education. This psychiatric disorder hurdles the learning of an adolescent by negatively impacting on the capacity to concentrate or focus during the process of learning. Children with ADHD find it difficult...

Liability Issues for Police Departments

Introduction Police departments are designed to guard ordinary citizens against crime and to punish those who commit it. However, the growing number of cases in which police officers committed crimes shows that unfortunately the authority given to them is being misused. Cases that incriminate the innocent, excessive use of force,...

Australian Rugby Union’s Marketing Campaign

The current paper examines the marketing situation of the Australian Wallabies rugby union team (which is a product of the Australian Rugby Union, the ARU), and provides reflection about its marketing situation on the basis of the research that was conducted earlier. The previously identified issues which are faced by...

The Theory of Family Intervention

The Uncomplicated Grief Counseling Theory The theory of family intervention that has been selected for this case is the uncomplicated grief counseling presumption. In this theory, the argument is that the grieving person experiences a normal sorrow in the event of a loss of a close person. The individual is...

Family Nursing Care Plan’s Development

Introduction For performing the family health assessment, the Yosleidy family residing in Miami, Florida, was selected. The assessment was conducted on the basis of the provided set of questions. The researcher has conducted interviews with each member of the family in order to gather the data needed for performing the...

Nursing Education and Nursing Practice

Introduction One’s education should be structured in a way that prepares a student for his or her future work. However, the educational process often lacks the necessary resources that could help students gain more practical knowledge. For instance, after graduating, nurses may feel that some of their skills are not...

Four Views on the Apostle Paul

Summary of the Book Apostle Paul was an outstanding follower of Jesus Christ. The book “Four Views on the Apostle Paul” is a religious masterpiece. The book describes the achievements of Apostle Paul. Many theologians strongly believe that apostle Paul was a major force in the development and establishment of...

Prevention of Falls for Elderly Patients

Fall prevention is an important healthcare issue in the United States. Fall prevention is a critical issue if one considers the aging population in this country. Effective fall prevention strategies are established after a scientific inquiry revealed current practices and the reason why the elderly are prone to fall from...

Algebra – an Islamic Contribution to the West

Introduction The contribution made by Muslim mathematicians towards Western civilization cannot be underestimated. Unlike other religions where dogmas are not linked to science, Islam and science are correlated (Ahmed 63). Muslims have contributed greatly to the development of modern science especially in the area of algebra. Muslim mathematicians are the...

Does the Gender Pay Gap Still Exist?

Although a lot of people believe that in the modern world, striving for equality and justice, the gender pay gap is closing fast, in fact, the real state of things is quite the opposite–the discrepancy is as wide as it has ever been. It has been estimated, that in the...

Teacher Contracts and Their Legal Aspects

Teacher Contracts General Matters Overview Teacher contracts are lawfully mandating arrangements among the school quarter and the educator. Teacher contracts characteristically identify an educator’s annual wage (Salifu, 2013). The contract can refer to other benefits such as duration of the vacation, payment, rewards, etc. In addition, contracts specify the responsibilities...

The Nursing Profession in Uganda

Introduction: Uganda The selected country for this exercise in Uganda. This African nation has been recording high mortality rates within the past seven decades. The nation has been selected because it is characterized by political unrest and inadequate human welfare policies (Hale, 2012). Around 20 percent of the population lives...

Family History Role in Primary Health Care

The Sampling Procedure This paper reviews a qualitative study by Daelemans, Vandevoorde, Vansintejan, Borgermans, and Devroey (2013) that examined the physicians’ utilization of family history data inpatient treatment. The study identifies its target population as the family physicians in a Belgian university called the Vrije Universiteit Brussel or VUB. The...

Globalization Impacts on Trade and Employment

Abstract Globalization refers to the integration of the world markets. It facilitates smooth movement of goods and people from one country to another. Globalization has numerous impacts on trade and employment. Establishment of commerce agreements enables multinational corporations to engage in foreign direct investment. The companies relocate the production processes...

Abasco Company: Operations Management

Background: Concepts and Techniques of Service Management at Abasco, Inc. Although Abasco, Inc. has been developing at a rather fast pace in the manufacturing department, it has been showing comparatively low performance rates since recently. Therefore, a reconsideration of some of its production process elements might be reasonable. The introduction...

Hypertension: Patient and Staff Education

Broad Instructional Goals Patient Education Hypertension or high blood pressure is a widespread disease that, without careful observation of the patient, can result in serious complications or even fatal outcomes. According to Wilkins et al. (2010), 22.6% of Canadian adults have hypertension, and 20% have prehypertension (p. 42). In order...

Perspectives in Psychiatric Care

Introduction When writing a research paper, researchers follow set guidelines and formats. Qualitative research is the process of collecting data from a targeted group and converting the data into a numerical form for statistical analysis (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). The researcher should have a problem that he or she wants...

Religious Experiences of Women in Colonial Latin America

Introduction Latin America covers “an area of around 19.2 square kilometers” (Socolow 5). The region has twenty sovereign nations covering the Caribbean and South America. Most of “the countries in Latin America are characterized by the use of different Romantic languages” (Socolow 9). The landing of the Europeans in Latin...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare: the Impact of Advance Care Planning

Critiquing the sampling procedure Detering et al. (2010) have brought forward the hypothesis that “coordinated advance care planning will improve end of life care, the perceptions of the quality of care, and levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in surviving relatives” (p. 2). The target population includes patients admitted to...

Nuclear Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Family Composition The assessment of a family is important in identifying family health care needs for appropriate nursing interventions. This family health assessment will focus on a nuclear family that comprises Jim Smith, his wife of 15 years, Kelly, and their three children. The couple’s children include Jake, aged thirteen,...

Stress Impacts on Psychological and Physiological Health

Introduction Different people have different levels to which they can effectively withstand stressing environmental conditions. Factors such as personality types, emotional stability attributes of different people, and more importantly, personal temperaments may determine this ability. Exposure to stressing environmental conditions has negative consequences to both psychological and physiological health of...

Biotechnology Industry’s Networks and Alliances

Introduction Over the past decades, the biotechnology industry has experienced enormous developments in terms of networking and strategic alliance formation. The increasing need for technological learning, innovation, and knowledge creation has triggered the necessity for inter-firm collaboration. According to Gottinger and Umali (2010), strategic collaboration involves “cooperative agreements for reciprocal...

Cosmological Argument as a Philosophical Concept

Introduction Numerous arguments have been advanced to validate the claim that science can explain the existence of everything in the physical and metaphysical world. However, given the limited scope covered by science, it becomes controversial to claim that humanity can have a theory on everything. Some physicists argue that it...

IBM’s Decade of Transformation

Introduction The following is a discussion concerning why main business companies do not have new business venture and why they do not have such ventures. Here, we shall explore why reputable business organizations are scared of having new ventures. The first part will deal with the reasons why big corporations...

PC Programs’ Impact on Health – Nursing Research

Ethical Approval This paper reviews a research by Gelfman, Meier, and Morrison (2008) that explored the impact of palliative care (PC) on the patient’s family. The study gained the Institutional Review Board’s (Mount Sinai School of Medicine) approval prior to commencement, which allowed the researchers to proceed with the research...

Nightingale Pledge: Medical Ethics Perspectives

Introduction The Nightingale pledge was developed as an oath students graduating from the Farrand Training School for Nurses (Veatch, 2000). The pledge was created in 1893 and revised in 1935 to improve its scope (Brown, 2003). Since then, it has undergone several modifications in order to fit the values and...

The Low Calorie-Frozen Microwavable Company’ Expansion

Introduction The low-calorie frozen microwavable food company has an oligopoly market structure. This company plans to expand. Thus, it has to formulate long-term budgeting decisions. However, it is facing increased costs of major ingredients. Therefore, this discussion has to outline a plan that managers can follow in anticipation of the...

Supply Chain Risk Management: Threats and Solutions

Introduction: Supply Chain Risk Management in the Global Economy Environment Despite the fact that the reinforcement of information security and the enhancement of the data management processes is reasonably viewed as the key priority by a number of organizations at present, the improvement of the existing supply chains w and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Events in the 1960’s in US

Introduc President August 2s can be defined as an era characterized by a number of hallmark activities, legendary personalities, and signs, particularly in the history of the United States, but with significant spillover effects to other regions across the world. The majority of these events had accumulated effects and concerns,...

Technology in Fukuyama’s “Policies for the Future”

Should countries give unlimited freedom to biomedical technology? The question ‘Should countries give unlimited freedom to biomedical technology?’ is very important because it guides the focus of the theme in the essay, which concerns technological advancement in the biomedical sector. Precisely, the essence of the question takes effect because, throughout...

Patient with Chest Pain: Head-To-Toe Assessment

Introduction Nursing assessment is regarded to be an important part of the nursing process. Incorrect assessment can result in an inappropriate diagnosis and selecting the wrong plan of care, interventions, and patient condition evaluation. The purpose of this paper is to perform a complete head-to-toe assessment of one of the...

CISCO Systems Inc Strategies and Management

Cisco Systems, Inc deals primarily with routers that are used in TCP/IP networks. This company was founded in 1984 by two computer scientists. Four years later John Morgridge was hired as the CEO of the company. The CEO was to usurp all managerial powers from the founders of the company...

High-Risk Nutritional Practices

Introduction Different cultures have distinct behaviors when it comes to nutrition. Due to the varieties in cultural beliefs, values, and norms, communities have continued to practice different nutritional habits throughout the course of history. It is not even clear to some members of a community why some of these risk...

Italian Art of XII-XVI Centuries

Introduction Due to the great changes in the Italian art in XII-XVI centuries, the world culture owes to the Italians much for their incredible contribution to all known spheres of art. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a world without the specimen of the Italian art of XII-XVI centuries. Though...

Uncertain Democracies Strategic Choices

Uncertain democracies present rather controversial issues becoming one of the most widespread regimes. In this regard, the paper will discuss, analyze, and compare uncertain democracies examined in two readings. In their book, O’Donnell and Schmitter discuss the three paramount issues regarding the functional instauration of authoritarian regimes towards democracy (3)....

Nypro Company’s Innovation Management

Functioning of the Internal Market for Innovation The internal market focuses its efforts on establishing standardized business activities aimed at promoting customer satisfaction through consistent quality experience with both the company and its products. In Nypro, innovation processes in the internal market help to streamline and shape customer interactions and...

LMNE Gaming Lounge’ Business Plan

Analysis of the Gaming Business Environment The gaming industry has become a lucrative business given the dynamic technological environment that has seen many new gaming devices being developed for gaming experiences. The introduction of the Wii games have changed the way games are being played as they provide the user...

Modern Imperialism and Economic Globalization

Introduction Imperialism can be defined as a form of governance where the maintenance and control of a country’s power and resource are done by the military. Imperialism is also regarded as the highest form of capitalism, and it is very exploitative in terms of the country’s resource and labor forces....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Issues: Understanding Opinions and Group Pressure by Solomon E. Asch

Central Argument Human beings are social creatures by nature. It is noted that most of their behavioral traits are attributed to their social disposition. For example, their actions are shaped and determined by the expectations of the groups to which they belong. Their acts are also informed by the social...

David Ricardo’s Contribution to Economics

David Ricardo was a modern orthodox economist whose main ideas centered on positive economics. He is notable for his contribution in economics during the classical period of economics. The period lasted about 100 years and his book “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” that was published in 1817...

Leininger’s Nursing Theory in Application

Introduction Nursing education and training institutions should ensure that future nurses are capable of delivering effective care depending on patients’ unique circumstances. Any care that is inconsistent with patients’ needs and circumstances may encompass an enormous risk that may hinder the achievement of positive health care outcomes. Patients in healthcare...

The Protagonist in “A Beautiful Mind”

Introduction John Nash, the protagonist in the chef-d’oeuvre film, A Beautiful Mind, stands out as a victim of paranoid schizophrenia. This fictitious character is based on a real person going by the same name. This paper entails a case study of John Nash, which creates a personal profile based on...

Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith-Based Nursing

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate community nursing collaboration with faith-based nursing. Faith-based nursing is delivered by various religious or faith-based organizations (FBOs). These organizations have a rich history of autonomously and collaboratively advancing health promotion programs in different areas, including health education, screening for illnesses, management...

Dell Computers Company Analysis

Michael Dell built a company from scratch. From his dorm room, he created a global business empire building upon a foundation that is unique in the computer world at that time: a build-to-order and sell-direct value chain. Most of the companies existing at t,hat time and even in the 21st...

Response to Intervention Approach and Its Integration

Synopsis of Denny’s article Deeney, T. A. (2010). One-Minute Fluency Measures: Mixed Messages in Assessment and Instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(6), 440–450. This article explores the issues of the response to intervention (RTI) and Learning Disabilities in quite a systematic manner. The author, Deeney, intended to examine the effectiveness of...

Harmful Outsourcing of United States Jobs

Introduction Companies are always looking for new tactics to help increase their efficiency and decrease production costs. Such strategies result in increased productivity, thereby promoting organizational growth. One strategy that has become popular among American firms over the past decades is outsourcing. Outsourcing is the results-oriented relationship of a company...

Social Science Perspectives on the Autism Spectrum

Abstract This report will discuss autism, its characteristics, causes, diagnosis, and management. Autism refers to developmental disorder that impedes a person’s ability to communicate and relate to other people. An individual with autism exhibits repetitive behaviors. The condition is noticed at an early age. However, it is difficult to diagnose...

Westward Expansion, Its Terms and Features

Introduction The westward expansion was a critical moment in the history of the United States that commenced in 1807 and ended in 1912, and that involved the exploration and colonization of territories in the West (Billington and Ridge 25). It began along the East Coast and progressed towards the Pacific...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant” Film Analysis

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant showcases an intellectual sensation where sexuality blossoms to propel Werner Fassbinder work. The stylish cinematographic narration offers the film a sense of illustrious activity based on creativity. Probably, Fassbinder’s filmmaking explores the very foundation for which style makes cinematography exceptional. The film is...

Kube Company: Course Project

Introduction My company is known as Kube. This organization deals with the production of electronic devices that are so popular nowadays. The main product that is launched right now is a new multimedia smartphone, the Kube K15. We entered a mature market recently but are able to compete with various...

Slasher and Gothic Horror Film Sub-Genres

The articles Slasher films and gore in the 1980s by James Kendrick and The Gothic revival (1957-1974) by Rick Worland discuss the evolution of two distinctive sub-genres in the genre ‘horror film’ throughout the mentioned historical periods – specifically, ‘slasher’ and ‘Gothic.’ Nevertheless, even though Kendrick and Worland addressed the...

Scientific Experiments on Animals from Ethical Perspectives

Abstract This paper discusses the controversial topic of using animals in cruel scientific experiments. Three ethical approaches are considered, namely the consequentialist perspective, the Kantian deontological view, and Donna Yarri’s Christian character-based perception. Strengths and weaknesses of each approach are discussed. The consequentialist perspective is used to show that the...

Brain-Computer Interfaces and Their Applications

Abstract Brain-Computer Interfaces allow for a more immersive connection with Digital Media. By using a BCI as a source of human input, we can further blur the line of X-reality by creating more immersive experiences with virtual reality. We’re also given the ability to explore a new form of communication,...

Xerox Company Profile and Overview

Company Profile Xerox Corporation is an American company founded in 1906 as Haloid Company. The company began as a manufacturer of photographic paper and equipment. Joseph Wilson inherited the “business from his father who was the founder of the company and propelled it to new heights” (Patnaik 47). Wilson signed...

Virtue Ethics as an Army Officer’s Moral Code

Aristotle suggests that Virtue ethics is the foundation of a person’s moral character. At the core of the theory is the ideal virtuous person. A person that is kind and generous because part of their moral fabric seeks nothing in return for helping others develop good character traits. The development...

Marriott Hotels’ Differentiation and Positioning

Introduction The hotel chain Marriott is well-known for its exquisite approach to guests’ reception. The management of the chain conducts the policy aimed at a wide range of potential customers, and even high-ranking guests, as a rule, can choose the hotel that corresponds to their price category and type. Customer...

Women Offenders’ Punishment and Treatment

Introduction The population of women offenders has been on the rise in the past decade and the criminal justice system has expressed fears regarding the trend. Women offenders require different approaches with regard to incarceration and correction because of variations in their offense patterns as well as social, physical, and...

Renaissance Artists: Palmer Hayden and Jacob Lawrence

Introduction The Harlem Renaissance, also known as New Negro Movement, was an important cultural movement that started in 1918 to 1925. Its effect was felt several years after as the African tried to express their culture differently. The African American writers, painters, and other artists were keen on rewriting their...