Apologetics as a Theological Discipline

Introduction Apologetics is a discipline of theology that involves the defense of ones’ religious position by systematically reasoning out disputed issues. This has been there since the time of early Christian writers such as Paul, the apostle. Apologists try to explain that their preferred religion is rational, and it promotes...

Avant-Garde Art, Urban Capitalism and Modernization

Introduction The avant-garde artists are significant to the modern society because they provided experimental and innovative arts, which transformed social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of the society. Essentially, the avant-garde artists formed the basis of modernism and post-modernism as their works focused on capitalism, modernization, and industrialization. Through their...

“The Girl in the Glass” by Jeffrey Ford

Introduction Crime has been a social challenge in the societies since time in sundry. The consequences of criminal activities threaten the social fabric. In the Novel, “The Girl in the Glass,” Thomas Schell is very deceptive and cunning. He is ready to hide in spiritually to evade the authority and...

CompleteCare Department Customer Service

Background/Problem Statement In a contemporary society that is marked by rapidly emerging and growing business, the customers’ opinions have become a center-stage in determining the quality of services a business provides. Globalization does not make things easy, and as business firms aim to outperform each other, the effectiveness of the...

Delta Airline’s Change Program and Resistance

Introduction Change is a common feature in organizations. The capacity to handle such changes is the core competence of success in organizations (Weick & Quinn, 1999, p. 362). Over the last two decades, the main drivers of organizational changes have been technological advancements, stiff competition, and fluctuations in the global...

Bonobos and Common Chimps Comparison

Introduction To a large extent, common chimps as well as bonobos tend to display characteristics that are similar to those witnessed in human beings. Despite the fact that the two primates are very much alike, it is assumed that there more similarities between bonobos and human beings. Arguably, bonobos and...

Nursing in Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Era

Introduction Nowadays, the nursing profession is not simple since it not only enhances patient’s medical condition but also requires treating them with respect. To ensure a high-quality patient-centered care, the nurses have to understanding the importance of law and ethics when resolving the conflicts. Nonetheless, nurses and customers have to...

Obama’s New Immigration Law

Introduction Immigration laws are the policies that governments across the world establish to regulate who enters a certain country and the period that such s person is supposed to stay in the host country. The United States of America is allegedly a nation of immigrants as it is characterized mainly...

“Lone Survivor” by Peter Berg Film Analysis

Introduction One of the reasons why people enjoy watching movies, in the first place, is that, while exposed to the on-screen action, they are able to gain a number of insights into the essence of the surrounding social reality. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that...

The Impact of Social Media on Super Bowl Ads

Introduction This paper will delve into the changes that the social media landscape has brought upon Super Bowl ads and how this has translated into the present day brand awareness strategy that various companies have been utilizing. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched events in the U.S....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Big Data Future Influence on Global Supply Chain

Abstract The main focus of the report was to determine the influence of big data on the global supply chain in the future. The report examined literature and undertook a SWOT analysis on the use of big data in the global supply chain. Essentially, the findings indicate that the strengths...

History of the Industrial Revolution in Europe

Introduction The European industrial revolution occurred between the eighteenth century and nineteenth centuries. During this time, the European and American pastoral populations that appeared to be mainly agricultural turned into urbanized and industrialized populations. However, in the late 1700s, British communities were the first to experience the Industrial Revolution, but...

Religious Studies: the Muslims Questions

Introduction Generally, Muslims in several parts of the world continue to experience cold relations with other members of the society with each side having negating stereotypes of the other. Much of the French and Malaysian communities view the Islamic followers as either fanatical in some way or violent in nature,...

Religion: Jain Belief and Practice in South Asia

Introduction Jainism is a religion in South Asia, India in particular, which is founded on the doctrine of non-violence to all creatures. Despite the faith sharing some concepts with Buddhism and Hinduism, it is imperative to note that Jainism is an independent religion. It is an essential component of South...

Women’ Role in United Arabs Emirates in the Past 20 Years

Introduction There has been a continuous change in the role of women in the United Arabs Emirates (UAE) in the past 20 years. In essence, the UAE has developed its women to the point of becoming the leading nation in women empowerment across the Arab countries. Although the UAE was...

Technology in Information Mining

Introduction Information mining is the concept which is also known as data mining, and it can be defined as the process of seeking for the necessary information or data to analyze it and transform according to the definite purposes or set standards (Sumathi & Sivanandam 2006). The focus on the...

French Intervention in the American Revolution

Introduction The American Revolution happened between the years 1775 and 1783. The Revolution involved the United States, France, Great Britain, Spain, and the Netherlands. However, the countries that played a major role in the Revolution were France, Great Britain, and the United States. Initially, the insurgency involved the Americans who...

Mecca and Meccan Society Before Islam

Introduction Mecca has been a significant social, economic, and political hub in the Middle East since the ancient period. Before the rise of Islam, Mecca mainly served as a commercial and religious center in the Middle East. Mecca was strategically located along major trade routes that linked the Middles East,...

US Federal Budget Making Process and Procedures

The Process through which the Federal Government makes its Budget The US federal budget is designed to accommodate the majority of Americans regarding their values and socioeconomic status. To ensure that the budget conforms to America’s democratic values, it passes through a lengthy and complicated process. For instance, the Congress...

Social Responsibility of Management

Key characteristics of for-profit firms which create possible tensions between important stakeholder groups As stated by Milton Friedman, businesses are primarily profit driven and, as such, seek to maximize profits and reduce costs in any way that they can. Barriers to doing so come in the form of laws that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Development Project. Avahan: India AIDS Initiative

Introduction The subject of this study is Avahan: India AIDS Initiative which is directly related to the 6th of the 8 millennium development goals: combating diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and others; improving the development in the third world countries; striving for international partnership, and some others (Haines & Cassels, 2004)....

Breaking Barriers Program: Analytical Framework

Abstract The problem of discrimination can be discussed as the controversial question in the field of public administration. That is why, the public administrators’ task is to focus on the effective implementation of anti-discrimination policies and programs in the United States in order to cope with the social problem of...

History of Nazi Propaganda Movies

Introduction If ever a man was master of propaganda and political rhetoric, it was Adolf Hitler of Nazi German. Adolf Hitler was able to prove to the entire world that power is wielded by propaganda when utilized as an instrument of political force. The role that the Germany nation played...

Unions in the Modern Society: Role and Operations

Summary of Labor Relations Principles Workers’ unions refer to groups of employees who are united by a common purpose of negotiating for better working conditions with employers. Unions emerged in the 1800s, with the primary objective of fighting oppression in the workplace (Compa, 2014). In the recent past, such unions...

Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse of Children

The “Child Abuse” is the term given to the violent actions of adults in or out of a family against children. In such abuse, children may also participate unwillingly or willingly under coercion, force, threat or any other reason to let this act of abuse happen. This sexual abuse can...

Using of the Electronic Health Record

Introduction Currently, the Electronic health record is being used by around 13% of practicing physicians and about 12% of hospitals around the world. Evidently, the use of EHRs is in its infancy stage and increased use is expected within the next ten years. The health industry and governments have been...

Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

Identifying the stages of development, which an individual passes, is essential for the further analysis of one’s progress and the location of the possible issues that may impede the further evolution, including intellectual, emotional and spiritual ones. Although it is traditionally presumed that the adoption of one of the theories...

The Aviator’ by Martin Scorsese Film Analysis

Howard Hughes was an eccentric man. He made astonishing decisions in business usually driven by an insatiable appetite for perfection. He was aggressive in all his activities. This made him very difficult to work with because his goals and interests surpassed all other considerations in life. This aspect of his...

Abortion: Women’s Health as Their Integral Right

Introduction The discussion about abortion is one of the most intensive and debatable topics in the modern world. The supporters of the right to abortion adhering to a pro-choicer approach claim that a woman should have the right to independently make decisions concerning her body and the artificial termination of...

The Social Justice Concept Definition

Introduction Social justice entails the capability of individuals to achieve their dreams and aspirations in society without hindrance from the government. Justice has been used traditionally to refer to the responsibility of individuals to fulfill their duties and roles, as well as receive protection of the state. When used in...

Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Limited Mobility

Review of Literature Pressure ulcers refer to those issues that are often faced by patients with limited mobility. They affect millions of people in the USA and often entail critical healthcare outcomes, which proves that they are to be thoroughly investigated and the most effective tools for their prevention are...

Whether Death Penalty Can Be Applied Fairly?

The death penalty is also known as corporal punishment and is a mode of punishment for convicts who have committed capital offenses. It is documented that 58 countries still practice it, including China, India, Indonesia, and the United States. Ninety-five countries in the world are doing away with the law,...

Laptops in Learning Process in the Classroom

Abstract This study focuses on investigating the effects of personal computers on students’ learning process and academic study during class. It examines how laptops impact on the learning process, and if the effects are adverse or favorable. The study utilized experimental method of data collection in which two experiments were...

Impact of Globalization on Norms and Experiences around Gender

Introduction Inequality is one of the most prolonged global debates that have refused to go away despite the great strides made through globalization (Alexander 29). The contemporary world is characterized by economic, social, cultural, and political integration of both men and women across all spheres. This has resulted in increased...

Touchstone and Jaques in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”

Jaques, a character from the play As You Like It by William Shakespeare, creates an unexpected contrast to the entire premise of the Arden Forest. In broad terms, he aligns poorly with the setting of optimism and change for the better conveyed by the rest of the characters. However, upon...

Solar System Geology, Climate, and Composition

Introduction Luckily, the naturally occurring processes of geology concentrate on the minerals and metals that become valuable in daily human activities and convert them into forms that are useful to us. These processes enable people to take these minerals and metals out of the ground using fewer efforts, and this...

Genetic Engineering: Dangers and Opportunities

Introduction As of today, the practice of genetic engineering continues to remain highly controversial. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that there are a number of the clearly defined ethical undertones to the very idea of inducing ‘beneficial’ genetic mutations to a living organism. After all,...

Gender Equality in Britain in the 20th Century

Introduction At the base of gender, analysis is the difference that exists between sex and the biological sex of a person. Gender is something that is socially created in the environment, whereas sex is a thing of the genetic feature of an organism. Human beings over the decades have had...

The P-TECH Educational Model Adoption in the USA

The reinvention of New York State education has lately started from the introduction of the new technology learning model. According to the current reports, 16 school districts of the state launched a new educational program that replicates the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P TECH) (The Business Council,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell

Introduction In the second chapter of his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell discusses the prerequisites, which are important for reaching success in various professional areas. To some degree, the author’s discussion is based on the study of various violinists. In particular, this research carried out by other...

Leprosy, Its Signs, Causes, and History

Leprosy is a chronic infection that mainly affects peripheral nerves, skin, eyes, and the upper respiratory tract. It is caused by a slow multiplying bacillus, which determines its lengthy incubation period: five years on average, although symptoms may appear after as much as 20 years after the bacillus is contacted...

The Poetry by Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is one of the most famous and loved poets in American literature. The author’s word choice and use of punctuation make her works outstanding, as they combine both sound and pause, resembling the wind. Dickinson avoids conformity, as Emerson would say, and she creates her own poetry rules....

Foreign Direct Investment: Trends and Determinants

Introduction Foreign direct investment is guided by various theoretical approaches. Theories of FDI provide a guideline, motivation, and direction of FDI application. These theories can either be macro or micro. As the paper reveals, macro-level theories of FDI explain various macroeconomic factors that are responsible for FDI uptake. Macroeconomic theories...

Expectancy Effect in Experimental Psychology

The study under analysis provides an extensive examination of the experimental psychology. In particular, the scholars have introduced their view on the impact of experimenters’ bias on the outcomes of the experiment, as well as have provided precautious measures to avoid subjective evaluation. During the study, the scholars invited 12...

Cross-Cultural Management and Work Abroad

In the present-day business world striving for globalisation, organisations do their best to benefit from cost-saving technical expertise in other countries (Thomas 2008). This creates a specific kind of business environment necessitating ongoing cross-cultural interaction. Managers have to deal with teams that are scattered across the globe and consist of...

Emergency Contraception Debates and Alternatives

Medication History Emergency contraception was in early 1960’s used by physicians as a treatment method for victims of sexual assault. It was used to prevent unintended pregnancy after the incidence and to help the affected individuals to forget the memories of the inhumane experience by preventing unwanted pregnancies. Medical practitioners...

Middle Eastern Musical Culture

It is said that music is an indication of the earnest feeling of its composer. The entire composer is fraction of a chronological realism that aids to form and color his piece of music. Consequently, so as to know any kind of music, it is important not just to inspect...

Transcultural Nursing and Hispanic Patient’s Outcomes

Introduction Background The essential aspect of developing and delivering healthcare to the patients is to improve the outcomes in terms of efficiency of the process, enhancing the rate of recovery, and improving the quality of life for the patient. Cultural competence is an important aspect of the patients within a...

Auto Spare Parts Distributor Network Optimization

Introduction The ASP spare parts distribution strategy has inventory and customer service level problems that James Bond wants to solve using two alternative sets of methods, which include centralized and decentralized distribution strategies. There is need to do an inventory planning to achieve the economies of scale in response to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contrastive Discourse Markers in Conversation

Introduction In order to define the pragmatic function of contrastive discourse markers during conversational exchange, several themes should be revisited. To begin with, it is necessary to define the discourse markers, as well as outline the main classification and characteristics of those. Second, the analysis of theoretical frameworks related to...

The Book “Man, the State, and War” by Kenneth Waltz

Even though the book Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Approach by Kenneth Waltz was written as far back as in 1959, it nevertheless contains a number of in-depth insights into what can be considered the main preconditions for wars to occur on a periodical basis. Given the fact...

Windows Server 2012 Implementation and Configuration

Abstract The use of up-to-date technology is vital for all businesses operating in today’s corporate world. To this end, companies should carry out thorough research and evaluation before acquiring a technological product. The aim of this is to determine the software that will work best for the company. The management...

Gary C. Kelly’s Leadership at Southwest Airlines

Introduction Effective leadership is one of the crucial elements that ensure organizational success. Organizations are multifaceted entities that require commitment and truthfulness with regard to management, leadership, and other related undertakings (Bonnici, 2011). Southwest Airlines ranks among organizations that have demonstrated strict adherence to globally accepted elements of effective leadership....

CA Technologies: Cloud Computing and Its Benefits

At a time when globalization has dominated the center stage in dictating consumer interests and lifestyle patterns, cloud computing is acting as the best platform for linking producers, traders, and consumers with greater efficiency. Following the massive force of information technology in the last decades of the 20th century, Iansiti...

Market Segmentation, Orientation, and Positioning

Market segmentation Market segmentation is critical for the success of the organization. As such, firms have to be tactical while deciding on the market segment to be targeted by a particular product or service. The reason is that consumer demands are varied depending on several factors including age and income....

Qatar Family-Owned Businesses’ Governance

Abstract Academics and professionals have recognized the importance of family-controlled firms in global economies. Some findings illustrate that such businesses make major contributions to owners and shareholders. However, family-owned firms have presented corporate governance and sustainability challenges, as well as opportunities not witnessed in other companies in which ownership tends...

The COMTA Teaching Model for Adult Learners

The COMTA Teaching Model The COMTA teaching model focuses on the following objectives when it comes to teaching adult learners: To increase the level of perceived interaction between students and teachers to create a more interactive learning environment to increase student motivation in learning To develop an effective method of...

Cornell Junior School Classroom Observation

Introduction In a teaching career, academicians suggest that experience is the best teacher. Therefore, all candidates aim at gaining primary and secondary experience. Primary experience is gained when the teachers participate in teaching. On the other hand, teachers gain secondary experience through observing other experienced teacher in during lessons. This...

School Choice: Educational Sector Thriving

Competition among different players in any given sector within a nation’s economy is essential in enhancing the effectiveness of the sector in question. This calls for the government to set up policies that pave the way for healthy competition within the parties in any given sector. Over the last two...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Parenting Styles by Diana Baumrind

According to Encarta (2007), “parenting is the experiences, skills, qualities, and responsibilities involved in being a parent, teaching and taking care of a child up to adulthood.” Parenting involves using skills, experiences, and qualities that are necessary for bringing up children. Therefore, parents are leaders in the family which require...

Chevron Company Ethical Analysis

Introduction Business ethics is an aspect for consideration when determining the level of business success. Businesses implement codes of ethics in order to promote honesty, integrity, and organizational success (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). Despite the existence of codes of ethics, many businesses fail due to unethical business practices that violate...

Girl Education in India

Draft of the briefing paper The paper seeks to elaborate the issue of girl education in India. It starts with a statement of the issue of concern. This is an in-depth analysis of the country’s state of girl child education. It explains why the country needs to focus more on...

Apple Corporation Ethical and Social Responsibility

Abstract The report aims at finding out whether practicing strong business ethics and good corporate social responsibility has an impact on the operations of Apple. In essence, these two concepts provide a coherent framework that is used to explore the relationships within the business and communities in which they are...

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” a Novel by George Orwell

Introduction Written by Orwell (1), Nineteen Eighty-Four is a celebrated literary work of the 20th century. The author sets the novel in a 1949 totalitarian world, where an elitist group in Airstrip One (formerly Great Britain) used politically manipulative techniques to keep their power by silencing “independent minds.” They controlled...

The Christian and Buddhist Perspectives in Healthcare

Introduction The aspects of health and disease create a significant portion of the shared understandings of human existence meaning that it influences the diverse elements of religion practiced in various societies. Historical documentations demonstrate that health has all along been an essential aspect that ensures sustainability of the well-being of...

Bill Clinton and His Administration

Bill Clinton was the 42nd Unites States President served for two consecutive terms. During his presidency from 1993 to 2001, he was publicly recognized for both controversies and improving the economy of the United States of America. Additionally, the rating of this former president varied a lot throughout the period...

Intercultural Business Communication in China

Executive Summary This report delves into the extensive differences between the U.S. and China and attempts to explain the inherent difficulties most Americans would experience in attempting to setup a new business in China. Through this report, readers will be able to develop a better understanding of the strangeness of...

Family Health Assessment Importance in Nursing Process

In order to administer any type of care to an individual or an entire family, the health assessment is crucial. In this paper, the time was taken to assess and analyze the health of Nelson family that lives in Miami, Florida. The mother is a registered psychiatrist, and the father...

Wheatgrass Company’s Business Plan

Introduction: Implementing a Socially Responsible Marketing Plan A wheatgrass business represents a profitable venture that includes a variety of farming activities. The industry of wheatgrass cultivation, however, produces a wide range of environmental concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to developing a socially responsible marketing plan for the wheatgrass production launching....

Washington and a Services Firm: Contract Analysis

Introduction A contract is an obligatory accord between two or more people or parties. Once the parties sign a contract, a binding arbitration or a court of law can enforce it. For it is hard to sign legal contracts under pressure, the contract acts as the representation of a binding...

Early Christianity in Asia

A critical review of early Christianity reveals that it has its roots in the Middle East. The historical fact is undeniable in spite of the fact that the region is currently dominated by the Islamic faith. From Palestine, where it originated, Christianity spread into the Roman Empire, from where most...

Customer Service Representative Job

There are two major ways to approach a job: task- and worker-oriented. The first method implies the focus on tasks completed and tools used, whereas the second method concentrates on features a worker has to have to complete the job effectively. It is important to employ a combination of these...

Communication in Negotiation: Process and Barriers

Communication is an integral part of everyday life. Even more, communication and ability to think is a phenomenon that makes the humankind unique. Persuasive and efficient communication guarantees a success in all types of negotiations. The capacity of making other people behave and act in a particular way is a...

Garcia’s Family in the Film “Real Women Have Curves”

In order for us to be able to choose in favor of the methodologically sound intervention-strategy, in regards to the family of Garcias (as seen in the 2002 film Real women have curves), we will need to identify the qualitative aspects of the relationship between the members of this family....

Privacy and Security in Health Informatics

Introduction Health informatics is the nursing discipline with the growing popularity nowadays. This discipline targets the information management issues such as the information processing effectiveness and elimination of the information leakage risks. This discipline has the direct link to the federal and state legislation regulating the patient personal data safety...

Nursing Informatics: Electronic Health Records

Introduction Over the past few decades, great strides have been made in health care technology. Nurses have been in the forefront in the development and implementation of health care technologies in hospitals. One important development in the field of nursing is the electronic health record (EHR). The technology supports integrated...

Nightingale Pledge Benefits and Limitations – Nursing

Introduction Similar to other professions, the nursing vocation has an ethical rubric used as a guideline in the profession. This template of character is codified in the Nightingale pledge in honour of one of the most outstanding personalities who have had a positive impact in the nursing profession, Florence Nightingale...

Nutritional Health as an Important Aspect of Geriatric Care

Introduction This paper highlights nutritional health as an important aspect of geriatric care. Geriatric care involves managing health issues among elderly people. Mainly, it encompasses prevention and treatment programs when managing health care needs. Nutritional health is at the center of such programs. For example, the proper management of a...

Change Management and Management of Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organizational changes and behavioral patterns are important aspects of management. Though crucial, change management is an important aspect of business administration that does not always require the implementation of stringent management policies. Change and desirable organizational behavior do not always manifest themselves in people’s behavioral changes. Instead, the ability...

Panera Bread Company: Resources and Capabilities

Synopsis Panera Bread Company derived from a business that is known as the predecessor of fast casual restaurants and a pioneer of the industry called Au Bon Pain. This business began by a French oven manufacturer in 1976 as a bakery business. Soon, this business was purchased by Louis Kane...

Health Effects of Environmental Change

Abstract Environmental, societal and life-style factors have a huge impact on human health. Several factors in the environment contribute to ill health in humans. The issue of global warming has hugely contributed to ill health both directly and indirectly. Food supply in the modern environment has also had an impact...

Healthcare Industry’s Technologies and Devices

The world we live in today is filled with all kinds of technologies that are designed specially to help make our lives better, easier, and more comfortable. The technological progress that has been rapidly developing ever since the era of industrialization has affected people’s lives immensely. Several decades ago, people...

Multinational Companies’ Keys to Success

Introduction Globalization has dramatically changed the way multinational companies view incentive as a means of increasing competitiveness in different industries. Multinational companies have now chosen to implement best practices in order to gain competitive advantage over their main competitors in the industry. A comprehensive best practice must take into account...

Human Resource Management: Issues and Solutions

Being an HR manager means being a people person. Such a task might seem quite easy; however, a human resource manager has to face several challenges daily. To handle the enormous responsibilities of being a human resource manager entail, an HR specialist must be able to think both globally and...

Technologies: Security Involved Online Payment

Abstract Security in online payment is an issue that has gained massive attention in the recent past due to the increasing cases where online fraudsters gain access and steal from online shoppers. This is happening despite the effort made by banks and retail outlets to protect their customers. This paper...

Thomas Jefferson’ Biography

Thomas Jefferson was one of the representatives in the United States General Congress who authored the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was from Virginia. The declaration represented the wishes, the will, and the hope of the people. This was a unanimous declaration by thirteen states. Jefferson is considered one of the...

The Supply Chain Risks

Background information The stiffening competition among firms in the various industries has necessitated the need to manage the supply chain. Supply chain management refers to the management of the entire process of acquisition of the required resources. It involves the effective management of the labor and material supplies to achieve...

The Role of Nursing on the Patient Health Improvement

The need to improve the health status of patients through the alteration of their health behavior calls for patient education. Healthcare providers and other health professionals have a responsibility of ensuring that patients are equipped with the necessary information that can help them in improving their health status (Bastable 67)....

Paul Whitaker’ Views on Chocolate and the Heart

Paul Whitaker is a scientist who has dedicated most of his life’s work towards the understanding of the human heart. Paul is thirty-eight years old and he works at Sacred Heart Hospital’s Cardiology Department. As the lead scientist in his department, Paul takes a lot of pride in his work....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dannon Company’ Corporate Responsibility and Marketing

Introduction The Dannon Company, which is a well known organization in food industry, has been providing outstanding products and services for quite a while. Moreover, the organization has been famous for its rigid set of ethical principles, as well as its compliance with the above-mentioned rules. However, in the wake...

Depression in Older Persons – Psychology

Introduction This paper reviews the article titled, “Effectiveness of integrative and instrumental reminiscence therapies on depression symptoms reduction in institutionalized older adults: An empirical study” by Karimi et al. (2010) and published in the journal of ‘Aging and Mental Health 14(7), 881-887’. This article presents the research findings of a...

“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote

Truman Capote in his book In cold blood has created allocated the main character varied strengths and intolerance. This is the main character and he is known as Perry Smith. In general Perry Smith has been described as having a disproportionate body with a heavy muscular torso and broad shoulders...

Epistemological and Metaphysical Theories

Evaluate Rene Descartes’ argument for knowledge, including the role of skepticism, the evil demon, and God in resolving his doubts Rene Descartes believed that the best way to acquire knowledge is through the use of the “doubting methodology” (Moore & Bruder 110). Descartes claimed that skepticism is the key to...

William Shakespearean Comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (henceforth referred to as MND) is one of the most popular Shakespearean comedies, most frequently performed on stage. The play has undergone numerous changes since 1595 when William Shakespeare penned it. The play has been performed on stage as a musical, or ballet, and off course...

The Story of an Hour and Hills Like White Elephants Literature Comparison

Various literary works can be closely examined with the help of feminist interpretation, which lays stress on gender and sexuality. This framework is particularly useful if it is necessary to explore the way in which males and females are portrayed by different authors. This paper is aimed at discussing two...

“Jane Eyre” and “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” Novels Comparison

The comparison and contrast opinion of the two novels (Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy) is made possible by the fact that both authors wrote these books during the same time period. The aspects of the two books can therefore be attributed as...

Transcendence Issues in American Literature

Touching upon various ethical and religious issues, contemporary authors define the concepts of physical versus spiritual life and transcendence. It is important to consider all the symbols and the context of the previous works of the writer or poet and his/her life experience for decoding all the messages of the...

Global Environmental Change Concepts

Introduction The increase in human population and economic activities has directly or indirectly affected the environment. Global environmental change refers to the transformation in the physical and biochemical features of the environment such as soil, water and biodiversity. The change may have occurred naturally, or, in many cases, influenced by...

Oppression as a Social Problem

The uniqueness of every human being, which is evident when he/she compares himself/herself with other people, makes him/her stand an excellent chance to understand the various things that make him or her different from others. Such exclusivity also exists between identical twins (Considine, 2010, p. 286). Despite the differences, biological,...

Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician assisted suicide is a term used to refer to the assistance given to a terminally ill patient by a professional medical practitioner who gives a prescription of a lethal dose that will terminate the life of the patient without suffering, but with request from the patient (Kopelman & De...

How Technology Has Changed Communication?

Introduction Social networks have made communication simpler, faster and better by enhancing accessibility in both social and business fields. Millions of people use social network sites to carry out financial transactions surf the net as well as carry out financial banking. Unlike use of hi-tech computer programs, social networks require...

Servus Credit Union Ltd

Introduction There are both market and nonmarket forces that interplay in a business environment and largely influence the activities of any business organization that is in operation. Under normal circumstances, the success or failure of any corporate organization depends on its ability to adjust accordingly when changes occur in both...

Hydrologic Cycle

The masses of water over the globe are in a constant motion. Thus, water can be presented in three states which are liquid, gas, and solid. They change during the hydrologic cycle as a result of such processes as evaporation, transpiration, sublimation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. In spite of the...

Groupon Company Analysis: Daily Deal or Lasting Success?

Synopsis The case under analysis introduces a company that has become a symbol of success, hope, achievement, and benefits out of nothing. It is the story of Groupon, one of the most popular discount services around the whole globe, its success, and the reasons why some challenges may still bother...

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and Baroque Style

Nowadays, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) is being commonly referred to as the founder of Baroque style in visual art (Charles and Klaus 43). Such a point of view is fully justified – something that can be easily illustrated, in regards to the essence of what can be identified as...

Early New Orleans Jazz Piano Styles

Basic Overview of New Orleans Jazz New Orleans is considered the birthplace of traditional jazz music. It dates back to the 20s of the past century, right after the end of the World War I. This popular music style is usually performed by small group of 5-8 people that is...

Windows and OS X Comparison

Microsoft and Apple Corporations have always been leaders in the market of modern technologies. In fact, these two corporations have divided all people into two broad groups: those who prefer Microsoft products and those who like Apple more. Windows and OS X are the most popular operational systems nowadays. Numerous...

Nurses Stress Reduction Strategies

Introduction This is an implementation plan to eliminate or lessen nurse stress and burnout. The proposed solution entails stress reduction strategies. The solution is intended to overcome stress and burnout experienced by nurses. It also recognizes other key contributors who will provide the necessary approval and support to ensure effective...

Hilton Company’ Investments to the Italian Tourism Sector

Investing into a foreign country is always fraught with a range of risks, which the project concerning the analysis of the Italian business sector is a prime example of. A detailed study of the environment, which the Italian private sector has to offer for a foreign investor has shown that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Problems of Philosophy” by Bertrand Russell

The arguments of the author in ‘Problems of Philosophy’ were neither for direct realism nor against indirect realism. As a result, the author described the existence of reality and appearance using the Cartesian technique (Russell 6). To approach the argument on appearance and reality, he suggested that we must avoid...

Is Belief in God Rational?

One of the main epistemological dilemmas, which continues to be faced by philosophers/theologians, is whether one’s belief in God can be considered rationally justified. As of today, the discursive validity of such a belief has been assessed from a variety of different gnoseological perspectives, among which the most ‘proposition-friendly’ appears...

Modern Imperialism and Former Colonies

When colonization of most African and Asian countries ended, the ruling regimes or mother countries did not fully exit; thus, giving rise to neocolonialism. However, while imperialism existed during the colonization era, the current society has coined the word into modern imperialism to fit the current strong economic, social and...

Brazil Economy and Policy System

GDP Brazil’s economy ranks eighth amongst the major economies of the world with a GDP approximated at $1.57 trillion. In the year 2010, the country’s GDP experienced a growth rate of 7.5%. This was the country’s highest level of growth in approximately 25 years. This was due to the rise...

Music: Salu International ‘Pedersen’ Band

Salu International ‘Pedersen’ Band, a musical group based in Kisumu (Kenya), started as a church-based musical group in 2014 at St. Stephen Cathedral Church. However, given that the band obtained its members from church, it became difficult for the group to continue offering church services as it plays both gospel...

Hamlet’s Costume Design

Scenic design is a vital element in every play. The design portrays the style and the mood of the production used in the play. It also enables the audience to draw a clear distinction between a nonrealistic and a realistic theater. One important element of scene design is design of...

Religious Syncretism: Islam and Hinduism

Introduction The principle of Religious Syncretism entails the integration of two religious beliefs into an entirely new system comprising elements of both religions. One such combination is between Islam religion and Hinduism religion which has sprung up to a single religion that has come to be known as Sikhism. This...

The Founding of the Caliphate

The foundation of the Caliphate, one of the most important features of Islam religious and political powers, remains an important topic of debate in the history of religion. Over the years, scholars have attempted to develop a number of theories to explain the actual foundation of the Caliphate. One of...

Ysujiro Ozu’s Biography: Japanese Director Life and Career

Background Yasuhiro Ozu was born on 12 December 1903 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo where his parents were residing. His father provided for the family by selling fertilizer, and he was forced to send his children to his rural home in Matsusaka because the urban life was very expensive....

Concepts of How Science and Technology has Shaped the Modern World

Introduction Since time memorial, human beings have always struggled to improve their general lifestyle; hence, the nature of metamorphosis that the world has undergone today. The general lifestyle of human beings has evolved from the simple ways that the ancient caveman used to live to a very sophisticated life that...

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Law: Digital Rights Management

Introduction We live in a time when exponential progress in the field of IT technologies results in traditional legal notions, concerned with copyright protection, being deprived of any sense, whatsoever. Unfortunately, people who actively strive to slow down the pace of technological progress, in order to be able to continue...

Terrorism: Definition, History, Countermeasures

Introduction Terrorism has been of social life since the early history of humankind. Nevertheless, the concept of terrorism gained new meaning after the mass-destruction attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack was carefully planned and resulted in thousands of deaths of civilian people. Terrorism is...

Theories of Effective Leadership

Insights Gained into Organisational Dynamics Organisations should implement powerful models and behaviours depending on the targeted goals. The term “organisational dynamics” is widely used to examine how human capital in a company can be managed to improve the level of business performance (Mastrangelo, Eddy, & Lorenzet, 2014). In order to...

Owning a Private Car: Expense Analysis

Abstract Owning a car is one of the most prestigious things that people enjoy. The comfort and the conveniences of using private means of transport are enormous so that people can forget the associated expenses. Firstly, private transport eliminates the worries of getting late for work and meetings as one...

Future Trends in Healthcare

Introduction Progressively, individuals the world over are finding themselves depending on the internet as a source of health-related information. For example, in the United States alone, over 52 million adults are believed to have accessed the internet as a source for medical and health information (CMAJ, 2008). Consequently, there has...

Human Trafficking from Perspectives of Deontology, Utilitarianism and Egoism

Introduction Human trafficking is a modern practice of oppression characterised by heinous acts such as recruiting, transferring, and harbouring a person using coercion, kidnapping, and trickery, among other intimidating means. This practice has grown into an international problem. About two centuries ago, slavery was an everyday business in many countries,...

Immunology: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Juvenile

Introduction Studies on juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have intensified in recent times. Moreover, new discoveries have surfaced on the disease. Studies have also shown that SLE is more aggressive in children than in adults. It is important to note that few studies have been done on the utility of...

Lack of Communication in the Change Processes

Summary The report entitled “Lack of communication in the change processes,” describes the various problems that arise if the changes in the organization are not communicated to the employees. The employees must realize that they are given preference within the organization, and any changes that are introduced in the organization...

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Theory and Risks

Introduction Plastic surgery is a medical practice that mainly consists of reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. It is normally done so as to either correct or restore the functions or features of the various body parts. It is important to note that the word plastic is derived from a Greek’...

Psychology: Mothers’ Learning and Its Impact on Children

The impact of the mother’s education and academic success on the progress that the child is going to make at the earliest stages of education has been doubted for quite long; hence a major research on the factors shaping the child’s education process, including the academic progress of the mother...

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Biography of Charles Augustus Lindbergh

Charles Augustus Lindbergh is an American pilot, has made the first non-single transatlantic flight. He was born on Feb. 4, 1902, in Detroit. He received primary education in the Little Falls (Minnesota pieces), in 1920-1922 he studied at the University of Wisconsin, where the passion for aviation. In 1924 the...

The French Revolution and the Rights of Men

Introduction Before the French revolution, there were only two nations that acknowledged the concept of human right, which are the Great Britain and the USA, its former colony. Despite the interpretative differences in the national history of the French revolution, the country embraced only civil and political rights. However, the...

The Architectonics of Memory: On Built Form and Built Thought

Architecture has generally been considered as the art of design and construction using unique techniques that are appealing to the eyes. However, some architects have been arguing that architecture is more than this. They consider it as an art and science of trying to make the world a better place...

Homelessness to Mass Incarceration

Introduction Homelessness and incarceration are two experiences with a two-fold correlation. Not only the conditions of homelessness make people vulnerable to the different societal factors that may lead to imprisonment, but also the experience of the incarceration creates a high possibility that the former inmates of the penitentiary institutions will...

Sexual Identity: Attributions and Meaning-making

Identity forms an integral part of the very human existence. The term is often used in social sciences to refer to an individual’s understanding of himself or herself in relation to other people, ideas and nature. Of late, the sexual identity of an individual has become an increasingly important concept...

The Endangered Species Act: to Strengthen or Not to Strengthen

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a subject of ongoing debate among both ecologists and economists. The supporters of this law claim that it is extremely beneficial for preserving animals which are on the verge of extinction. Furthermore, in their opinion, this act should be strengthened otherwise America may run...

Religious Values of Peace and War in Islam and Christianity

If there are any values in this world that appear to have a purely relativistic essence, it would be the religious ones. This is because religion as a culturally-existential phenomenon does not have innate qualities, despite the fact “representatives of God on Earth” are trying to convince us otherwise. In...

Financial Regulation by the IMF and the World Bank

Abstract The report provides a connection between the IMF and the World Bank in controlling global finance. The IMF and the World bank use several instruments to regulate the balance of payments problems and other financial crisis that countries might have faced. The report reviews several works of literature related...

“The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed” by Anthony M. DeStefano

“The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed” by Anthony M. DeStefano is about one of the modern-day plagues of our society; human trafficking. The author recognizes that talking about human trafficking phenomena is a broad and complicated topic. So DeStefano starts his analysis at a certain historical point. It...

Cyber Security: Policy, Processes and Practices

Introduction to the Global Threat Landscape The global society faces several security threats. Technological development has compromised the state of global security. With globalization, most states have become insecure. A perfect example is the United States. An analysis of the global threat landscape depicts a pattern of evolution. Particularly, this...

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Climate Change: Concept and Theories

Climate change has become a concern of scientists rather recently. There are numerous theories as to the reasons for this process, but there are still no particular answers. Some researchers believe that this is a natural process, and there can be done anything while others stress that people’s activities harm...