Personal Philosophy About Raising Children

People react differently when they learn they are expecting their first child. To establish a meaningful definition of parenting, one ought to understand its essence. The basic definition of parenting is the process of caring for a child. Parenting is the art of naturing a child’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development from infancy to adulthood. The role of parenting is a communal one and not meant for biological parents. Every person has a different perception of the best way of raising a child. There are various approaches used in parenting, and each has unique features. Parenthood plays a major role in shaping a child’s behavior and future. As they grow, their way of socializing with people will depend on how they were reared.

The philosophy that I prefer is the authoritative parenting approach. The method is based on an established relationship between the children and the parents. The engagement between the two parties is controlled by love, logic, and boundaries. As a parent, one should be responsive to their children’s needs and ensure they are supported adequately in all life aspects. This also included safety and allowing them to enjoy the nature of the world and their rights. However, as per the authoritative parenting style, it is of paramount salience that parent set firm limits. These decisions are vital in shaping the behavior of a child. However, as a parent, reason with the child before putting limitations, consider their views logically and develop a common understanding. Such a parenting experience is one of expressing expectations and warmth.

Parenting is a complex process of naturing a child’s emotions, spirituality, social, and intelligence from birth to adulthood. There are many philosophies for parenting, but I prefer the authoritative model. This approach uses love, reasoning, and limitations on raising a child to fit all spheres of life.

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