Project Team: Introduction of New Members

The additional resources for any prospective project are an opportunity that cannot be missed. This outside help expressed in the readiness to contribute may significantly increase the chances of completing a project successfully in a shorter time. In the discussed scenario, the new partner does not have sufficient time to understand the project’s essentials, so the former members should establish a clear procedure for getting acquainted with it.

To complete education about the project, project teams should elaborate on principles that will quickly determine the role played by newcomers. Lessambo (2022) emphasizes that the same values and the existence of complementary skills are very important for starting cooperation. Therefore, they should have some techniques for finding new members’ strengths to direct these strengths to the unaddressed task. In such settings, partners will know their role in the team from the very beginning. In addition, there should be regular meetings with each other. To make these conferences more convenient, they can use online resources like Zoom or MS Teams.

Answer to the Post

This suggestion covers almost all essential measures that should be fulfilled for a smooth introduction of new members to a project team. The part on the importance of conflict resolution is the most exciting because it is rarely mentioned by speakers on new project members’ transition. However, it was not clear how to ensure the acquaintance of new members with the content of the project in a limited amount of time. In the assignment, it was highlighted that newcomers do not have sufficient time to realize all the major aspects of the project. Therefore, there should be some concrete steps that can be made to bring new partners in the current state of affairs.


Lessambo, F. I. (2022). International project finance. Palgrave Macmillan.

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