Background of the Problem
This proposal is being written due to the decision of the E227 Global Solutions Company management to reduce the rate of its factory’s toxic outbursts into the atmosphere by twenty-five percent within the next year. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate strategy that will be referred to at every stage of the campaign discussed above. The issue of air pollution is important for the E227 Global Solutions Company as it has to meet the international requirements of “green” business. Almost every corporation in the world tries to reduce the enormous concentration of dangerous chemicals in water bodies, air, soil, and other parts of our planet. It would be proper to state that Earth is in critical condition at the present moment because of new technologies and transnational trading operations.
There is a plethora of devices or activities that might be used to lower the number of toxic evaporations generated by various factories. For instance, solar batteries and windmills can replace traditional sources of electricity required by different manufacturers to maintain their businesses profitable. Modern corporations are obliged to consider such decisions. Otherwise, their products might be disregarded by consumers due to people’s ideology as to the pollution of the environment.
Statement of Purpose
Management at E227 Global Solutions is now challenging the entire company to adopt “green” strategies and reduce the company’s carbon footprint by twenty-five percent in the next year. It is necessary to develop and implement various projects aimed at saving the world regarding its tremendous issue of pollution.
Sources and Methods
To provide credible information that will be able to support the background problem mentioned above, it would be proper to use some journal articles of scholars who specialize in the given issue and make appropriate research to approve or refute their hypotheses. Also, it is necessary to use books written by people who conduct appropriate studies and consider various ideas in the sphere of Earth pollution.
Moreover, there are many trustworthy video materials online that describe the issue from different perspectives and recommend particular methods to improve the ecological situation on Earth. All the selected sources will be referred to in the project proposal in case of some factual statements. Also, the information provided in the chosen scholarly articles, books, and films will help employees of the E227 Global Solutions Company to develop beneficial ideas as to the request of their managers.
It would be proper to mention that are many people involved in different research aimed at identifying and solving various environmental problems of the modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to find useful data. Unfortunately, many resources cover only general problems, whereas the E227 Global Solutions organization needs to examine only objective, possible, and realistic means of reducing the number of toxic gases and other elements that cause harm to the environment.
In turn, it would be advantageous to find the results of other factories’ experience in such a question. As “green” activities performed by global manufacturers are essential for every inhabitant of this planet, there is no competition in this sphere. Hence, some companies will gladly share all the useful information they have regarding this issue. It is always better to engage reliable techniques, instead of pioneering some methods that are not supported financially by other stakeholders.
Report Organization
In the introduction section, readers can overview the general information of this report. This part includes the goal and purpose of the entire project initiated by the E227 Global Solutions Company. Also, this paper’s introduction contains the explanation of the problem that the considered campaign is supposed to eliminate, a statement of purpose, and the description of sources and methods that will be implemented during the mission realization.
Another section of the given paper is the project discussion. It includes various solutions aimed at resolving the environmental issue described above and benefits that these actions ensure to employees of the E227 Global Solutions Company.
Also, it will cover all the financial means and other resources necessary for the successful accomplishment of the discussed project. At the end of the work, it will be possible to see conclusions of considered hypotheses and recommendations for the further implementation of the task. If the reader wants to access all the materials used in the discussion, one might use the page of references to see the names and authors of all the books and journal articles mentioned in the report. Perhaps, it would be advantageous to find some data from primary resources and analyze it appropriately.
Solution and Benefits
A shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is a demand of time. It is crucial to preserve natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, and develop solutions and strategies to provide sustainability to the environment. One of the beneficial solutions that are both environmentally friendly and contributing to economics is the use of solar panels to get solar energy. It is a popular step in the direction of environmental protection on the whole and reduction of carbon emissions in particular.
In choosing a proper strategy for the E227 Global Solutions Company, it can be useful to address foreign experience. Thus, China has achieved certain stabilization of energy and plays a significant role in reducing carbon emissions (Toke, 2017). Toke (2017) states that China implements both, wind power and solar. Although the use of wind power has been more popular, solar energy has been also actively implemented. However, this experiment is also proof of the fact that the choice of more than one alternative energy source can be beneficial in case one cannot be effective.
It should also be mentioned that preference for low-carbon strategies is an investment into the economic future of the country and its environmental sustainability. Wolf (2013) speaks of the countries’ perspectives of low-carbon growth that should be a concern of the government. The issue of carbon emissions is directly related to the problem of climate change and thus has to be resolved as soon as possible.
The necessity of a technology that would change the source of energy is necessary because of the carbon footprint left by humanity. For example, the study by Onat, Kucukvar, and Tatari (2014) proves that 44% of the carbon footprint of residential buildings and 52% of commercial buildings are the factors that should be managed. Consequently, measures should be taken to reduce this footprint and solar power is one of the solutions. Hernandez et al. (2014) also support the idea of renewable energy as a perspective alternative to energy based on fossil fuel.
There are many examples of successful and effective implementation of solar energy technology. Both companies and individuals decide to install solar panels. For example, CALSTART, a leading consortium that popularizes clean transportation technologies in North America’s, already in 2012 installed a powerful solar array at its headquarters (“CALSTART, U.S. leader in clean transportation,” 2012).
This installation is an efficient combination of solar panels and charging stations for electric vehicles. This project demonstrates “the marriage of solar power and electric-vehicle charging for CALSTART’s member organizations” (“CALSTART, U.S. leader in clean transportation,” 2012, para. 1). It is a good example to follow for other manufacturers, suppliers, and other groups that can use solar energy both because of economic and ecological concerns.

Solar panels but smaller in size are actively implemented by private individuals. For example, da Vinci shares his experience of solar panel installation and evaluates its effectiveness (2017). The author of the video has had these panels for about five years and concludes that they are a good investment since they both help saving money and are environmentally friendly. Thus, the decision to choose solar panels as a solution for the E227 Global Solutions Company can bring good results.
Usually, the cost of the problem is significant. Solar panels are still rather expensive, so the party installing them should be aware of exploitation rules and do not expect a profit or any significant savings within some years after installation. The costs necessary for the implementation of the project ate presented in the table.
Table 1. Solar panels project costs.
It is important to plan the project that implies its preparation and cost distribution. It is advisable to involve professionals to install and maintain the equipment, at least during the first year of implementation. Moreover, current staff responsible for the management of solar panel projects should get some training about the peculiarities of this alternative source of energy.
Conclusion and Recommendation
Generally speaking, this proposal was prompted by the decision of the E227 Global Solutions Company management to minimize the rate of toxic outbursts into the atmosphere its factory is providing by twenty-five percent within the next year. Consequently, there appeared necessary to develop a suitable solution or a strategy that will be referred to at every stage of the campaign discussed above. The aspect of air pollution is significant for the E227 Global Solutions Company because it is going to meet the international requirements of environmentally safe “green” business. Reduction of the great concentration of hazardous chemicals in water, air, soil, and other parts of the Earth is a popular strategy applied by many world companies.
It is a part of the company’s image and, at the same time, investment into the future. At present, management at the E227 Global Solutions is challenging the whole company to adopt “green” strategies and reduce the company’s carbon footprint by twenty-five percent in the next year. Since it is one of the primary goals, it has to be careful. It is necessary to develop and implement various projects aimed at saving the world regarding its tremendous issue of pollution.
Thus, the recommendation concerning energy saving for the E227 Global Solutions is to implement solar panels as the source of ecologically friendly energy. It is a good solution because it allows regulating the size of panels depending on the purpose of the company. Moreover, high-quality panels will provide the company with a sustainable source of energy that can not only be profitable but will positively contribute to the condition of the environment.
Generally speaking, projects dedicated to renewable sources of energy are not just fashion but a demand of time. Human activity and carbon footprint from industries, transport, buildings and constructions, and people’s life are significant. Moreover, energy is one of the major sources of the carbonic footprint. Consequently, while there is no strong governmental support for this problem, it should be solved by companies and enterprises each of which can take care of its waste, implement new energy-saving lights, and introduce new emerging technologies dealing with renewable sources of energy.
Finally, apart from the evident positive impact on the environment, the companies implementing these strategies are likely to improve their overall image and receive more profit due to saving and rational use of natural resources that cannot be renewed.
CALSTART, U.S. leader in clean transportation, unveils SolarWorld solar panels at head office. (2012). Web.
Hernandez, R., Easter, S., Murphy-Mariscal, M., Maestre, F., Tavassoli, M., Allen, E. … Allen, M.F. (2014). Environmental impacts of utility-scale solar energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29, 766-779. Web.
Onat, N., Kucukvar, M., & Tatari, O. (2014). Scope-based carbon footprint analysis of U.S. residential and commercial buildings: An input–output hybrid life cycle assessment approach. Building and Environment, 72, 53-62. Web.
Toke, D. (2017). China’s role in reducing carbon emissions: The stabilisation of energy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
da Vinci, B. (2017). Is solar worth it? 5 years after installing solar panels, I share what I learned on my journey. Web.
Wolf, S. (2013). Climate politics as investment. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS.