Reducing Toxic Emissions at the Plant

Transmittal Correspondence

The context that will be presented below includes the outline and introduction of the project aimed at developing a strategy initiated by the E227 Global Solutions Company to reduce the rate of pollution it generates annually. Hence, this paper will present all the necessary points and sections that will be covered in the project later. Such an approach will increase the organization of the entire campaign. In turn, the introduction will present the background of the problem mentioned above. Moreover, such elements as the statement of purpose, sources, methods, and report organization will be provided in the first part of the project that is supposed to be realized after its plan is accurately developed.


Background of the Problem

This proposal is being written due to the decision of the E227 Global Solutions Company management to reduce the rate of its factory’s toxic outbursts into the atmosphere by twenty-five percent within the next year. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate strategy that will be referred to at every stage of the campaign discussed above. The issue of air pollution is important for the E227 Global Solutions Company as it has to meet the international requirements of the “green” business. Almost every corporation in the world tries to reduce the enormous concentration of dangerous chemicals in water bodies, air, soil, and other parts of our planet. It would be proper to state that Earth is in critical condition at the present moment because of new technologies and transnational trading operations.

There is a plethora of devices or activities that might be used to lower the number of toxic evaporations generated by various factories. For instance, solar batteries and windmills can replace traditional sources of electricity required by different manufacturers to maintain their businesses profitable. Modern corporations are obliged to consider such decisions. Otherwise, their products might be disregarded by consumers due to people’s ideology as to the pollution of the environment.

Statement of Purpose

Management at E227 Global Solutions is now challenging the entire company to adopt “green” strategies and reduce the company’s carbon footprint by twenty-five percent in the next year. It is necessary to develop and implement various projects aimed at saving the world regarding its tremendous issue of pollution.

Sources and Methods

To provide credible information that will be able to support the background problem mentioned above, it would be proper to use some journal articles of scholars who specialize in the given issue and make appropriate research to approve or refute their hypotheses. Also, it is necessary to use books written by people who conduct appropriate studies and consider various ideas in the sphere of Earth pollution. Moreover, there are many trustworthy video materials online that describe the issue from different perspectives and recommend particular methods to improve the ecological situation on Earth. All the selected sources will be referred to in the project proposal in case of some factual statements. Also, the information provided in the chosen scholarly articles, books, and films will help employees of the E227 Global Solutions Company to develop beneficial ideas as to the request of their managers.

It would be proper to mention that are many people involved in different research aimed at identifying and solving various environmental problems of the modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to find useful data. Unfortunately, many resources cover only general problems, whereas the E227 Global Solutions organization needs to examine only objective, possible, and realistic means of reducing the number of toxic gases and other elements that cause harm to the environment. In turn, it would be advantageous to find the results of other factories’ experience in such a question. As “green” activities performed by global manufacturers are essential for every inhabitant of this planet, there is no competition in this sphere. Hence, some companies will gladly share all the useful information they have regarding this issue. It is always better to engage reliable techniques, instead of pioneering some methods that are not supported financially by other stakeholders.

Report Organization

In the introduction section, readers can overview the general information of this report. This part includes the goal and purpose of the entire project initiated by the E227 Global Solutions Company. Also, this paper’s introduction contains the explanation of the problem that the considered campaign is supposed to eliminate, statement of purpose, and the description of sources and methods that will be implemented during the mission realization.

Another section of the given paper is the project discussion. It includes various solutions aimed at resolving the environmental issue described above and benefits that these actions ensure to employees of the E227 Global Solutions Company. Also, it will cover all the financial means and other resources necessary for the successful accomplishment of the discussed project. At the end of the work, it will be possible to see conclusions of considered hypotheses and recommendations for the further implementation of the task. If the reader wants to access all the materials used in the discussion, one might use the page of references to see the names and authors of all the books and journal articles mentioned in the report. Perhaps, it would be advantageous to find some data from primary resources and analyze it appropriately.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 8). Reducing Toxic Emissions at the Plant.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Reducing Toxic Emissions at the Plant." December 8, 2020.

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