Role of Hospitals in the American Healthcare System

Hospitals in the American health care system have diverse significant roles which they play. In America, the total number of the estimated hospitals exceeds 5700 which creates a diverse hodgepodge of services in the health care structure. Hospitals are considered as the focal point of the entire health system in America. They are meant to receive all those that are injured, infected by different types of diseases, bleeding, broken, at the same time them that seem terrified directly or indirectly as a result of these events. However, many of the hospitals in America have continued for the preparation of the disaster (Ciottone, 2006). The following discussion is inclusive of the role played by hospitals in the health care system of America, the historical role of hospitals, legislation affecting hospitals, types of hospitals, physicians’ relationships, and the expected hospitals’ future role.

Before Civil War, hospitals held diminutive importance in the health care system of America. In 1873, there were only a total number of 178 hospitals that existed. In the 1800s there were shadowy medical practices were provided. Through the advanced scientific innovations, the effectiveness of the hospitals was improved. Out of technological development, hospitals became sophisticated in the 20th century. Hospitals in America have therefore continued in offering aid to those that are chronically ill as well as being a source of hope to those that suffer from acute trauma be it be a therapeutic or psychiatric urgent situation. In the American health care system, there is some key legislation that has been affecting hospitals such as Medicare and Medicaid, and mandatory staffing legislation on staffing rates.

In the American health care system, there are different categories of hospitals. These hospitals range from the general category, specialty type, some are teaching hospitals, rural types, profit or non-profit, and independent facilities or multi-facility systems’ hospitals. However, these different types of hospitals are becoming one constituent of more complex incorporated delivery organization networks which are inclusive of nursing homes (Sultz & Young, 2010). Hospitals’ role in their relationship with physicians has changed over time. Before World War 1 had occurred, hospitals offered little to their patients such that the physicians did not have much to do. After the Second World War 11, physicians improved their capability in the provision of constructive measures to the patient in the technological advancement of the hospitals and the scientific innovations.

There are major legislations that affect the hospitals and the type of care that the patients receive from the same. For instance, the social security act which became law in the year 1965 was very significant in the health care system because through it, Medicare which is a health and insurance program meant to take care of all persons above the age of sixty-five years was established. As the years progressed, Medicare continued to develop and in the year 1983, a new payment method known as the diagnosis-related group (DRG) was established. Although there may be some shortcomings of the same, studies illustrate that the DRG is more effective since, through it, the administrators in hospitals and medical staff are able to interact in a more meaningful manner. To reduce fraud and other forms of violation in organizations like Medicare and Medicaid, Stark Act was established. The legislation was meant to prevent self-referral especially by physicians because the same can me used to conduct fraud and obtain funds illegally (Sultz & Young, 2010).

In conclusion, the future role of hospitals in America seems to take a new shape. Currently, most procedures and operations are done based on the outpatient setting. Post-hospital care is now also provided at home. For a long time, hospitals in America have represented scientific values as well as carrying significant cultural weight. Many values have now changed as many hospitals are represented as businesses. The future role in these hospitals is likely to be based on a collection of specific workshops. The hospital notion is also likely to extend further than the institution wall to the application in technological care which is composed of a wide multiplicity of service sceneries as the hospitals become essentially the health structures in their services. Importantly, health care costs may continue to rise and as a result, many people in the country may not be in a position to access health care services. The care which should be provided in these hospitals should however be grounded on unbroken healing relationships. These health care systems should at all times meet the common needs as well as be responsive to personal choices and favorites. The role played by hospitals in the U.S however, cannot be overlooked.


Ciottone, G. R. (2006). Disaster medicine. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Sultz, H. A., & Young, K. M. (2010). Health Care USA: Understanding Its Organization and Delivery. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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