Smoking Patients. Practice Recommendations

There are several ways to handle smoking patients. 1.1 work recommendation relating to integrating tobacco management into daily practice suggests “brief interventions to screen all clients for all forms of tobacco use and initiate treatment as appropriate” (RNAO, 2017). This nursing necessity fits in Mr. Philobosan’s case because he has just realized that his cigarette use has led him to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Mr Philobosan wishes he could stop smoking, and the health care provider has to assess to understand whether Mr. Philobosan wants to change or is scared of the present situation.

The second strategy, as per 2.1 working manual notes, is to “develop a person-centered tobacco intervention plan with the client” (RNAO, 2017). This medical requirement is applicable in Mr. Philobosan’s case because he has used tobacco for the better part of his life. For a nurse to get any good results with this client, treatment has to focus on unique features to Mr. Philobosan concerning smoking.

Thirdly, section 3.1 recommendation says that it is necessary to “provide clients with, refer them to, intensive interventions and counseling on the use of pharmacotherapy, and express an interest in reducing or quitting tobacco use” (RNAO, 2017). This section is relevant to the client because he has smoked for more than half of his life. The aforementioned means that tobacco is part of Mr. Philobosan’s living, and quitting will not be an easy task as it will require serious treatment, and medical and psychological intervention.

Evidence for Practice Recommendations

Evidence to support practice recommendation 1.1 argues that brief treatment can raise the probability of an effective quit trial. The initial intercession further increases the time a patient remains free from tobacco after starting their medication. The short-term therapy has the possibility of leading to long-term healing goals (RNAO, 2017). Moreover, the evidence shows that smoking termination therapy offered by clinicians who have the first conduct with the patient are efficient in helping individuals quit smoking.

Working sanction 2.1 indicates that each client is unique and comes with special needs and characteristics which should be looked at for effective service delivery. The personal aspects might be physical, emotional, psychological, cultural or socio-economical, influencing individual lifestyles (RNAO, 2017). Additionally, the therapist should be aware of their biases which can hinder the client’s healing process and focus mainly on what benefits the patient. The medics and their customers should collaborate to pinpoint obstacles to stopping client-specific tobacco use.

Information to validate nursing guideline 3.1 suggests that intensive interventions are a phase to evaluate the inspiration behind the need for the client to stop using tobacco. This practice also incorporates categorization of risky circumstances, triggers to smoke, and discussion of problem-solving tactics to control the hazardous environments. Exhaustive therapy contains behavioral management and counseling, nicotine replacement therapy and prescription medicine (RNAO, 2017). It is recommended that if the clinician is not able to offer thorough treatment, he or she should refer the patient to where they can get the resources.

Application of Practice Recommendation

In the case scenario, Mr. Philobosan has developed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is suspected of having a lung infection from smoking tobacco. Using nursing guideline 1.1 as a nurse taking care of him, I will do a thorough screening on his tobacco use history. I will then proceed with brief interventions and inform Mr. Philobosan how tobacco has damaged his lungs leading to infection and his current condition of inability to breathe normally. Further, I will request him not to use tobacco while admitted to the hospital. I will be concurrently medicating for the withdrawal symptoms if Mr. Philobosan exhibits any.

The 2.1 clinical guidelines in integrating tobacco interventions in daily practice will help me explore with the client and develop a unique rehabilitation plan for Mr. Philobosan. First, I would assess how and why he began using nicotine. Secondly, I could investigate what has encouraged his behavior for so many years. Thirdly, I might ask to what extent he thinks he can quit his fifty-year lifestyle. Lastly, I can enquire to understand how he thinks he can end smoking. With the above information, I will develop a client-centered model which considers client characteristics which can impact healing and those which can trigger a relapse.

After developing the client-centered approach plan, 3.1 clinical sanctions will guide me in begging intensive interventions for Mr. Philobosam. In this stage, I can engage both counseling and medication. I will take the client through the first therapeutic session and explain the exact condition he is in currently. The following sessions will deal with factors that have influenced the client’s behavior in the past and aspects that could hinder the healing process. The psychological treatment will be done together with relevant medication. This will commence if my client is ready and willing to change.

Reflection on the Three Practice Recommendations

From the three best practice guidelines used in this case study, I have learned that most patients do not fully realize the magnitude of their illnesses or conditions until it is elaborated by a professional. As a medic, I have understood that it is our duty to support these clients and guide them systematically through the healing process. One important thing I have learned is that every person whom we serve is unique, and treatment should be client-centered. I have captured that it is essential to work together with the patient to achieve maximum recovery.


RNAO. (2017). Integrating Tobacco interventions into daily practice. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.

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