TechFite Firm’s Emerging Technology Solutions

TechFite is a company that specializes in manufacturing medical devices used in space programs. TechFite currently experiences concern about the company’s security system, as due to its connections with a governmental agency, security should be the company’s top priority. The issue is that the company currently experiences financial difficulties because of the reduced number of space programs and is searching for more affordable security system options. The search is complicated by the high requirements and lack of appropriate resources needed for the search. This proposal will define the new emerging technology option that suits the requirements proposed by FISMA and compare it to other possible solutions. Evaluating the positive and negative sides of potential solutions will help estimate the impact of the technology on the organization if the company decides to move forward with the proposal.

The following proposal presents a result of a thorough examination of the existing body of knowledge on the subject of emerging technologies in the area of security systems. According to Stevens et al. (2020), by May of 2020, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorized nearly 190 programs for use. One of the widespread enterprise systems that offer security controls and frameworks used by governmental agencies worldwide to share information and build software is GitHub. GitHub currently offers a Tailored Authorization Enterprise Cloud constructed under FedRAMP requirements to ensure secure collaboration between governmental agencies (Pemmerl, 2018). GitHub’s FedRAMP Tailored authorization complies with FISMA standards, proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the 2002 Homeland Security Act (Srinivas et al., 2018). As Tailored Authorization Enterprise Cloud implies the use of cloud computing technology that emerged recently and revolutionized the approach to the flexibility of IT infrastructures, the proposal acknowledges this solution as emerging or embryonic technology.

As GitHub’s solution is developed for agencies and organizations with a significant scale, the implementation process allows a faster and easier switch. The software uses familiar tools and frameworks and utilizes a single authorization to fasten the process and ensure the effective adoption of services (GitHub, n.d.). Therefore, the solution could be recommended to TechFite as it follows a fast single-step adoption process, ideal for TechFite’s relatively small IT department. As GitHub does not require additional equipment, it presents a more affordable option fitted for TechFite’s budgeting that currently experiences troubles. However, as TechFite is willing to collaborate with governmental agencies from other countries, in perspective, GitHub as a permanent solution could be unfitting to requirements from other countries. Addressing this negative aspect in the future may require switching to a more secure system in the next three to five years or advancing collaborations in countries with similar requirements.

On the other hand, AWS GovCloud, developed by Amazon web services specifically as a government community cloud, could be viewed as an alternative for GitHub Enterprise Cloud. AWS GovCloud is used in many governmental agencies, including Federal Trade Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and National Science Foundation (FedRAMP Marketplace, 2021). However, upon close inspection, it was determined that the implementation of Amazon’s AWS GovCloud requires using additional equipment, which could be troublesome in the case of TechFite’s budgeting situation. According to Stevens et al. (2020), even FedRAMP-authorized products could be hacked, as it happened with Zoom. In addition, besides additional costs, the AWS GovCloud itself could be too expensive for TechFite, especially considering that it is not a governmental agency but works in close contact with NASA.

Therefore, this proposal defines GitHub Tailored Authorization Enterprise Cloud as a solution that addresses TechFite’s current needs as its adoption is faster and more affordable. On the other hand, alternative options such as AWS GovCloud could be considered by TechFite in the next three to five years, when the company’s budgeting will be in a better condition. Even though AWS GovCloud is more expensive, it also offers more functions that might be helpful for TechFite’s future work in collaboration with other counties.


FedRAMP. FedRAMP Marketplace. Web.

GitHub (n.d.). FedRAMP and GitHub. Web.

Pemmerl, E. (2018). GitHub is FedRAMP authorized. Web.

Srinivas, J., Kumar Das, A., Kumar, N. (2019). Government regulations in cyber security: Framework, standards and recommendations. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 178-188.

Stevens, R., Dykstra, J., Knox Everette, W., & Mazurek, M. (2020). It lurks within: A look at the unexpected security implications of compliance programs. IEEE Security & Privacy, 18(6), 51-58.

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