Technology-Assisted Reviews of Data in a Document Management System


The fast development of digital and information technologies has put humanity in front of the issue of processing and classifying vast amounts of data. For this, specialists have developed such software processes as technology-assisted review (TAR) and document management systems (DMS). It is necessary to establish what these programming terms mean for further discussion. According to Kitzer (2018), “…TAR uses computer algorithms to classify and sort documents” (p. 198).

AIIM states that DMS is “the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information…” (para. 1). The objective of this essay is to consider the TAR of data in a DMS.

Types of TAR in DMS and Its Primary Properties

The TAR that is used in DMS falls into two major categories. These are automatic TAR and semi-automatic TAR, where the last implies the intervention of a human reviewer. As recent studies show, automatic TAR is more effective in document selection (Grossman, Cormack, and Roegiest, 2017). Experts evaluate TAR according to two key parameters that are quality and reliability.

Quality means the accuracy with which the TAR achieves a given target (Cormack & Grossman, 2016). Experts interpret reliability as the degree of consistency with which the desired result is achieved (Cormack & Grossman, 2016). It is also important to note that another significant property of TAR is seed sets and their encoding.


This essay explores the meaning and purpose of TAR in DMS. Conventional abbreviations and the full meaning of the terms were presented at the beginning of the work. During this research, the author studied two primary types of TAPs used in DMS and also what criteria are used to evaluate their effectiveness. There were also mentioned the importance of the TAR encoding and its seed sets.


AIIM. (n.d.). What is document management (DMS)? AIIM. 

Cormack, G. V., & Grossman, M. R. (2016). Engineering quality and reliability in technology-assisted review. SIGIR. 

Grossman, M. R., Cormack, G. V., & Roegiest, A. (2017). Automatic and semi-automatic document selection for technology-assisted review. SIGIR. 

Kitzer, S. H. (2018). Garbage in, garbage out: Is seed set disclosure a necessary check on technology-assisted review and should courts require disclosure? U. Ill. JL Tech. & Pol’y, 197-220. 

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Technology-Assisted Reviews of Data in a Document Management System." June 14, 2022.

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