Technology in Healthcare: Perspectives of Both Employees and Organizations

In today’s digital age, using personal devices for professional communication has become increasingly common, particularly in healthcare settings where nurses and other healthcare professionals need to communicate with physicians, hospitals, and agencies. However, while personal devices offer convenience, there are significant disadvantages to using them for professional communication, particularly regarding security and privacy. One advantage of using personal devices for professional communication is convenience. (Gökçe & Dogerlioglu, 2019). Nurses may prefer to use their devices as they always have them with them and can access their email and text messages quickly and easily. Another advantage is Cost-effectiveness since using personal devices can be more cost-effective for the agency, as they do not have to invest in purchasing and maintaining company devices.

One main disadvantage of using personal devices for professional communication is security risks. This is because personal devices might lack the comparable level of protection as business devices, which can put clinical information and private information at risk of being exposed (Gökçe & Dogerlioglu, 2019). Privacy concerns are the other disadvantage of using personal devices for professional communication. Using personal devices for professional communication may blur the line between personal and professional life, potentially compromising the privacy of both the nurse and the patient.

I would choose company devices with a secure login if I were the agency. While personal devices offer convenience and cost savings, the disadvantages of using personal devices for professional communication, particularly in a healthcare setting, are too significant to ignore. The security and privacy of patient information should always be a top concern for a healthcare facility. Therefore, the right alternative is to give company devices a safeguarded login.

Hi Leonid, it was quite interesting to read your discussion. I agree that using personal devices for professional communication can lead to additional charges for the company, such as reimbursement for data usage and phone expenses. Moreover, privacy concerns are also a significant issue, as personal devices may have a different level of security than company devices. This can put sensitive information at risk of being compromised, which can harm the company’s reputation.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and the solutions you and your team have implemented to address technology’s interference with the patient relationship, Jessica. It’s important to acknowledge that while technology can be beneficial in many ways, it can also create barriers to building strong patient relationships, especially in healthcare.


Gökçe, K. G., & Dogerlioglu, O. (2019). “Bring your own device” policies: Perspectives of both employees and organizations, 11, 1–11. Web.

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