The Concept of Skeletal System

Anatomical Location

The skeletal system is located in the whole body and may be divided into two parts: the appendicular skeleton and the axial skeleton. Researchers note that “the axial skeleton runs along the body’s midline axis and is made up of eighty bones,” including, for example, skull, ribs, hyoid, and sternum (Taylor, 2020, para. 3). The appendicular skeleton is comprised of and located in the upper limbs, lower limbs, pectoral girdle, and pelvic girdle (Taylor, 2020).

Key Anatomical Features

The skeletal system consists of all of the ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bones in the body, which are its four main organs. Bones are breathing and living organs that are made of cells and change and grow with the rest of the body. There is a hollow center filled with bone marrow in most bones. The solidity of the bones is created by a calcium matrix in the bone cells. Ligaments are small bands of elastic, fibrous, dense, and white tissue. They assist in holding organs in their places, connect the ends of bones, and form joints. Tendons are inelastic, flexible, and tough bands of fibrous connective tissue connecting bones to muscles. Joints are the tissue that connects the bones, supports movement, and holds the skeleton (Seladi-Schulman, 2018).

Key Physiological Functions

Among contributing to the body’s overall shape, there are some more functions of the skeletal system (Walker, 2020). These physiological functions include support and movement, blood-cell formation, triglyceride storage, protection, and mineral homeostasis. The skeletal framework, which is composed of the bones where ligaments and tendons are attached, produces support and movement (Walker, 2020). The muscles generate the forces needed for moving the bones that act as levers. According to Walker (2020), “blood cells are formed from haemopoietic stem cells present in red bone marrow” (para. 6). Yellow bone marrow stores energy for the body and mostly consists of adipose cells that reserve triglycerides. Bones are the unique boundaries that protect soft organs: for instance, the vertebral column surrounds the spinal cord, and the ribcage contains and protects the lungs and heart (Walker, 2020). In the body, bones are the critical reservoirs for minerals that are vital for maintaining the homeostasis of minerals in the blood.


The bones in the skeletal system have four main types of cells, including lining cells, osteoclasts, osteocytes, and osteoblasts. In the skeleton system, there are joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscles, and other connective tissue (Walker, 2020).

Interesting Facts

The skeleton system makes up approximately twenty percent of the weight of one’s body (Seladi-Schulman, 2018). The skeletons of children contain more bones than the adults’ ones since some bones fuse together as the bodies grow up (Seladi-Schulman, 2018). Typically, women’s skeleton systems have broader pelvises to accommodate for childbirth and pregnancy. Simultaneously, the male skeleton has a high bone mass and is longer (Seladi-Schulman, 2018).

Health Issues

A broken bone or a fracture can generally occur because of a trauma or injury. There is a significant number of various types of fractures, but they are typically categorized by the location and the nature of the break (Seladi-Schulman, 2018). Metabolic bone diseases are specific conditions that negatively influence the integrity and strength of the bones. The reasons causing such diseases include the use of certain medications, loss of bone mass, and vitamin D deficiency. Infection, autoimmune conditions, and the breakdown of joints cartilage can cause arthritis, which is an inflammation of the joints (Seladi-Schulman, 2018). Finally, cancer can occur in the cells produced by bones or in the bone tissues.


Seladi-Schulman, J. (2018). Skeletal system overview. Healthline. Web.

Taylor, T. (2020). Skeletal System. InnerBody Research. Web.

Walker, J. (2020). Skeletal system 1: The anatomy and physiology of bones. Nursing Times, 116(2), 38-42.

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