The Importance of a Solid Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is an essential part of writing that requires planning and perfect execution. It serves as a signpost for any piece of writing being “a critical component to the success” and has to meet a set of requirements (Kornuta & Germaine, 2019, p. 23). Therefore, the author should be especially careful about thinking out a proper thesis statement to succeed in their writing.

One of the pitfalls, when writing a thesis statement, is making it too broad. Failure to meet a specificity requirement can prevent the author from focusing readers’ attention on a particular problem that they tackle in the paper. Moreover, it can also signify the author’s inability to address a specific issue and be critical in their writing.

Another risk is making a thesis statement out of an obvious fact. A solid thesis statement must always contain a point of view to be proved by listing specific arguments. A weak thesis statement points out at the author’s inability to provide their point of view and stand for it.

However, the thesis statement is required not only in academic writings. Professional emails can also be organized with the help of this feature. For instance, one might ask for a pay raise using a solid thesis statement. To do this, an employee should include a thesis statement in the first paragraph saying that an adequate incentive would be a good idea in light of the employee’s successes. In the following body paragraphs, this idea needs to be developed: the author would give specific facts to demonstrate tangible results of their work and convince the boss to agree.

As for my own student experience, the guidelines would help me in working on the Final Assessment. I would be focused on formulating the central idea and coming up with a precise and forceful thesis statement. I will try to incorporate all the elements of a strong statement in my writing.


Kornuta, H., & Germaine, R.W. (2019). A concise guide to writing a thesis or dissertation. Routledge.

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