The Importance of Good Health


Health refers to the well being of the body with regard to the physical, mental and social aspects; based on which an individual undergoes normal body metabolism. It should also be noted that health does not mean the absence of disorders or diseases within the body, but a situation where the body can manage to suppress any disequilibrium facing its normal body metabolism. On this basis therefore, the maintenance of good health in the body is a crucial practice among all people; as when healthy they will be able to perform their normal daily duties effectively (Rymm, 2005).

In the contemporary society where technology and civilization have advanced to a great extent, the issue of health among the people is of a great significance in ensuring a good healthy society. On this basis therefore, the current society should indulge in pursuing health practices that would enhance a healthy society both in the present and the future; so as to foster development across all other aspects of life (Rymm, 2005).

As it has been observed over time, the current advancement of technology in industrial production and other technological appliances has been a major contributing factor to the increased health problems within the contemporary society. Based on this fact, the development of various policies and strategies to curb and prevent the diversity of health problems within the society need to be reviewed; so as to come up with the most effective ways of sustaining health conditions among people (Rymm, 2005).

Health practices to curb obesity

Obesity is the state of health where the body has excess fats and carbohydrate reserves, which lead to an abnormal increase in body weight with varying growth rates across various parts of the body. Further, it has been revealed that obesity is mainly caused by the excessive intake of fats and carbohydrates; while the individual is involved in a minimal level of physical exercise. With the excess fat and carbohydrate reserves within the body, the stimulation of tissue growth within the body is accelerated but at different rates across the different parts of the body. With this respect therefore, various measures and practices are crucial in ensuring a healthy society both presently and in the future (Smith, 1999).

In the first place obesity being a nutritional disease; it should be curbed through the review of nutrition among people and the level of exercise they engage in. Basing on the fact that obesity is caused by excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrate foods while taking little or no exercise among individuals; a balanced diet and a regular exercise schedule among individuals should be considered. The consideration of a well balanced diet among individuals is a very important practice, as it will ensure the regulation of fat and carbohydrate levels within the body leading to lower chances of the problem among the different age groups (Smith, 1999).

More so, the practice of engaging in physical exercise among different groups should also be considered in reducing the chances of excessive accumulation of fats and carbohydrate reserves within the body. As it is in the current society; the increased technology and civilization has played a great role in influencing the dietary patterns among people within the society. Under this consideration the adults should ensure that the foods they provide to their families have all the nutritional requirements needed, but ensure they cut down on the fat and carbohydrates levels (Smith, 1999).

In pursuing the correct dietary trends among the members of society, future generations will be safe from the risk of contracting obesity; as the culture of eating balanced meals among the members of society would be further passed on to the future generations. Based on this therefore, it is very important that the adults advocate for the adoption of well balanced meals and the taking of regular physical body exercise, which would will be important in reversing the current increasing instances of obesity especially among the Americans (Smith, 1999).

More so, the victims diagnosed as being obese should be given or administered to the right corrective measures; so as to reduce the chances of the conditions being passed on to the younger generations especially through the pregnant women to their unborn children. On this basis, the adults should ensure that their children are vaccinated against the condition, so as to prevent the chances of future occurrences of the disease among the members of society. Moreover, by so doing the society would be assured of ending the instance of this condition among individuals both in the present and the future (Smith, 1999).

Health practices to curb diabetes

Diabetes refers to the condition where the body is not able to regulate the levels of blood sugar effectively, resulting to a disturbance in the normal body metabolism function. More specifically, diabetes is a condition of the body where the osmotic pressure of the blood is at disequilibrium with regard to the normal body metabolism; which is adversely affected leading to a state of unhealthiness within the body. There are various causes of this imbalance with regard to the blood’s osmotic pressure, where there are the conditions leading to either a high or a low osmotic pressure level of the blood (Paula, 2004).

Further, it has been revealed that there are two types of diabetes depending on the level of osmotic pressure within the blood; where there is diabetes mellitus and diabetes inspidus. Diabetes mellitus is caused by the excessive loss of blood sugar through urine leading to a very low blood osmotic pressure, which adversely affects the normal cellular metabolism process of the body. On the other hand diabetes inspidus is caused by the failure of the body to produce enough insulin, which is responsible for the conversion of excess sugar within the body; to form glycogen which is the storable form of glucose within the body. In this perspective therefore, the blood sugar level remains very high leading to a high blood osmotic pressure which affects the normal body cellular metabolism (Paula, 2004).

Diabetic problems within the society can be curbed through various practices; which would lead to the development of healthy conditions within the current society and also in the future. There are various ways through which diabetes can be controlled among individuals, so as to ensure a healthy current and future generation leading to the reduction of the cases of inabilities in carrying out day to day activities within society building (Paula, 2004).

To start with, diabetes being directly linked to the diet that individuals adopt; a correct strategy regarding administration of meals among the people should be adhered to. On this basis therefore, the meals that people take should be balanced so as to avoid the consumption of excessive foods which leads to the development of high glucose levels within the body. More specifically, the society should devise eating habits which do not lead to the accumulation of high glucose levels within the body; so as to reduce the risks of inappropriate glucose levels within the body. In addition, the adults within the current society where the levels of technology and civilization are changing everyday; should pursue ways of ensuring a correct intake of foods. This is the case because this will help provide for equilibrium glucose levels within the body; where the levels of osmotic pressure are better managed avoiding the condition (Paula, 2004).

Perhaps, the adults within the current society should ensure that the foods incorporated into diets should provide for the correct amounts of glucose within the body; as well as ensuring regular physical body exercises which helps in reducing the high levels of glucose which may accumulate within the body. More specifically, people should be involved in various activities useful in ensuring the adequate utilization of glucose within the body, which would regulate the level of glucose reducing the instances of diabetes (Paula, 2004).

In addition, the various special medicinal drugs meant to regulate the blood sugar should be administered to help in controlling the instances of diabetes. The administration of the special medicines necessary for regulating the levels of blood glucose is very important in the sense that even with the failure of the body organs responsible for producing the necessary regulatory hormones; the blood sugar levels within the body can be maintained at equilibrium. However, the medicines to be administered to various individuals are specially made; so as to sustain the glucose levels to the required levels reducing the chances of diabetic conditions. This is the case because in the long run this will lead to a general reduction of the blood sugar disequilibrium, enhancing the realization of a healthy society (Paula, 2004).

Generally, the incorporation of an adequate diet, regular physical exercise and the use of medicines will play a crucial role towards the regulation of blood sugar level; thus reducing the development of diabetic conditions among the individuals in the society. Based on the discussion it thus can be recommended that the adults in the current society should pursue ensuring correct diets, regular physical exercises and the use of special medicines necessary for correcting the blood sugar levels imbalances. As a result this will be helpful in ensuring a healthy society both n the present and the future, where there will be few or no instances of diabetes within the society (Paula, 2004).

Health practices that to curb the Hypertension condition

Hypertension is a condition of high blood pressure within the body, which leads to the over-working of the heart consequently to an improper functioning of the body in general. More specifically, hypertension is usually characterized by abnormal heart beat rates at which the heart pumps blood at a higher rate than normal leading to the destruction of the heart muscles, blood vessel walls and the kidney (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

High blood pressure among individuals is caused by various factors which contribute to the increase in the rate of blood flow within the blood vessels, which consequently lead to the damage of the vital body organs that are in contact with the blood moving at such a high pressure. Additionally, Hypertension has been revealed to cause many sudden deaths among individuals. Based on this it is thus recommended that, people’s blood pressure should be regularly checked, so as to offer the corrective measures that can be taken in advance before the condition becomes uncontrollable (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

Hypertension has further been revealed to have a link with other body problems, from which the high pressure of blood is believed to be caused by the imbalance of these factors within the body. Examples of such factors that lead to the development of hypertension include stress, depression, diabetes and being overweight among others. Based on how the development of the high blood pressure conditions takes lace, there are various types of hypertension (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

To start with, essential hypertension is a condition of high blood pressure which is caused by unknown sources. However from a more specific consideration essential hypertension is believed to be caused by the body conditions which are capable of destabilizing the normal blood pressure rates resulting in to the hypertension condition. Secondary hypertension on the other hand is brought about by known body conditions or abnormalities, which contribute to the increased blood pressure within the body. Lastly, systolic hypertension is caused by the malfunctioning of the systolic system of the body contributing to the development of the high blood pressure condition. Additionally, there are various ways in which hypertension can be curbed within the society, leading to the reduction of the deaths which have been observed to result from hypertension (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

The lifestyles among people within the society should be considered so that, those practices which seem to contribute to the development of hypertension can be avoided or controlled. In this case, the adults within the current contemporary society should play a significant role in incorporating useful practices within the society, so as to help in curbing the rates of hypertension among the society members (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

The loss of excess weight among people within the society is one of the crucial practices that help in the prevention of hypertension. As it has been revealed, overweight individuals are more prone to hypertension than the individuals of medium weight. Based on this, it is thus important to ensure that the various measures meant to reduce weight among overweight individuals should be encouraged; so as to reduce the instances of hypertension development among individuals (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

Another factor to be considered is that the adults within the society should ensure a correct amount of salt intake among their families, which would help reduce the chances of hypertension development among individuals. This is the case because it has been observed that the intake of high amounts of sodium chloride among people, often leads to the development of high blood pressure within the body. On this basis therefore, practices meant to regulate the levels of sodium chloride intake among individuals should be properly monitored, so as reduce the chances of hypertension condition development within the body (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

Further, proper diets among individuals should be considered, which would influence the blood pressure levels within the body in various ways. In this respect therefore, the adult people should administer well balanced diets to their families; which will in turn ensure the reduced chances of hypertension development within the society. As observed earlier, proper diets will be helpful in ensuring the chances of the development of other body illnesses, which in a way would contribute to the development of the hypertension condition (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

Lastly, the involvement of people in various physical body exercises would help in the regulation of the blood pressure within the body; thus reducing the chances of hypertension development among individuals. Based on this argument, the regular physical body exercise would help to curb the various body factors that would contribute to the development of the hypertensive condition. Examples of the factors that lead to the development of hypertension, and which can be curbed through physical body exercise are stress, depression and diabetes among others (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

Generally, the incorporation of the above factors within the society by the older people would help reduce the chances of the development of hypertension within the society. Additionally, these practices would be very important in helping curb the problem even in the long run because the cultural trends of people engaging in such practices would be transmitted even to the newer generations, which would in turn help in curbing the problem more permanently in the future (Moore & Jernkins, 1995).

Practices to curb lung cancer within the society

Lung cancer refer to the uncontrolled growth of some lung cells; leading to a malfunction of the lungs which consequently leads to death from the anomalous growth of the lung’s alveoli cells. Additionally, once the cells within the lungs start developing abnormally; they become cancerous which means that they undergo an abnormal growth affecting the entire lung organs function, leading to an improper functioning of these organs. Lung cancer has been characterized by various signs among the affected individuals, where the appearance of such symptoms in an individual is supposed to be reported to a medical assist the soonest possible after the diagnosis (Eidem, 2009).

Lung cancer as a complication is characterized by chest pains, frequent painful coughing, shortness of breath and a swollen portion of the chest around the ribs. There are various causes of lungs cancer among the different patients depending on their environments or the undertaking of different activities. In this respect therefore, the causes of lung cancer depend on the various environments to which individuals are subjected to; and the effects of the various chemicals or radioactive materials that contribute to the development of cancerous cells development within the lungs. In this sense therefore, the individuals within the society should ensure a careful interaction with the various environments or chemical, which are considered to stimulate the development of cancer among people so as to reduce the spread of cancer among individuals within the society (Eidem, 2009).

Additionally, it has been observed that the cancer complication can develop as a result of tobacco smoking, as the damage of alveolus cells stimulates the development of cancerous cells. In this perspective therefore, the avoidance of tobacco smoking among individuals is a very crucial measure in preventing the spread of cancer among the people within the society. Under this regard, the adult people within the society should ensure that tobacco smoking is controlled especially among the young generation, so as ensure the curbing of the lung cancer disease spread among the young generation. More precisely, the authorities should ensure a tobacco smoking free society; so as to ensure that the development of lung cancer among the people is stopped or controlled (Eidem, 2009).

Further, lung cancer has been revealed to be caused by x-rays radiations which interfere with the normal cellular formation within the lungs, leading to their uncontrolled growth which results to the development of lung cancer. In this perspective therefore, the society should pursue the elimination of x-rays radiations as a form of testing lung diseases, which will lead to lower chances of the development of cancerous cells within the lungs. As a result by so doing, the chances of the disease affecting individuals within the society would be minimal as a threat even to the future generations (Eidem, 2009).

Lastly, the society should ensure a dustless environment which would reduce the chances of the inhaling of dust particles, which cause the development of lung cancer. Additionally, environmental consciousness should be an important factor that individuals should pursue so as to ensure they reduce the chances of lung cancer development among the people. Generally, people should ensure a very clean environment with very few solid particles; which would generally reduce the chances of contracting lung cancer (Eidem, 2009).


Within the contemporary society characteristic with a high technology and civilization level; health problems are on the increase day by day. On this regard therefore, society members should pursue the adoption of the lifestyles that the development of healthy conditions among the people. More specifically, the society should develop practices that should be incorporate into the daily life of individuals; so as to reduce the chances of contacting the various diseases discussed. In this respect therefore, the incorporation of such health measures would ensure the development of a healthy society capable of developing the various aspects of life expected to foster general satisfaction in life.

Reference list

  1. Eidem, W. (2009). The Doctor who Cures Cancer. London: Rout ledge Publishers.
  2. Moore, T. & Jernkins, M. (1995). The DASH Diet for Hypertension. London: Pocket Publishers.
  3. Paula, M. & blumer, I. (2004). The Everything Diabetes Book. New York: F+W Media Inc.
  4. Rymm, S. (2005). Rescuing the Emotional Lives of Overweight Children. New York: Rodale Books.
  5. Smith, Clinton. (1999). Understanding Childhood Obesity: Understanding Health And Sickness Series. Mississippi: Mississippi University Press.

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