The Military Leadership: Key Points

This study has only general relevance to the specific topic of military leadership research. However, its importance is hard to deny due to the multifaceted and structured approach. The general theory of essential leadership qualities and competencies in a global format applies to any sphere without specificity. On this basis, one can distinguish three main points in understanding leadership: inspirational motivation, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation.

In addition to the three main ones, one can likewise determine an idealized influence, which interacts with the above and is in some way cause and effect. It represents the example a leader is to subordinates and competitors and can be achieved at the expense of success and high leadership qualities of a person (Arnold & Loughlin, 2013). Inspirational motivation, in turn, contributes to understanding the concept of leadership in the format of creating an environment in which high expectations of the leader are maintained and fulfilled (Arnold & Loughlin, 2013). Seeing the situation by a person with this quality helps him maintain his renown and realize his ability to set goals for his subordinates.

Intellectual stimulation in a conceptual format is a must-have attribute of a competent leader. Depending on the situation, the breadth of thinking and the provision of innovative or optimal solutions help significantly in such managers’ effectiveness (Arnold & Loughlin, 2013). This issue is given special attention by the authors because of its particular importance and frequent underestimation among transformational leadership practitioners. Individual consideration as a competence implies point work with subordinates (Arnold & Loughlin, 2013). Each team member must be evaluated by the leader, have their place in the work group, and possess the necessary skill set.

The understanding of leadership is based on these qualities and abilities because it combines all their common attributes. Moreover, each factor is part of all the others and perfectly complements them. Effective management in a military environment correspondingly depends on these behavioral components. Without specifying activities, any leader can achieve maximum effectiveness by realizing the importance of these issues and developing in each subdivision.


Arnold, K. A., & Loughlin, C. (2013). Integrating transformational and participative versus directive leadership theories: Examining intellectual stimulation in male and female leaders across three contexts. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34(1), 67–84. Web.

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