The Nestlé Firm’s Market Share and Profitability

Executive Summary

Considering the company’s success in the market, Nestlé continues to encounter internal and external hurdles that it must conquer to achieve its objectives. However, market dynamism made Nestlé company accept change and develop products appropriate for its clients while sustaining the standards of its basic brand variety (Singh et al. 61). Nestlé’s earnings improved due to technological developments, company policies, marketing tools, processes, and personnel.

Nestlé passes through numerous problems, especially external ones, which accumulate daily. The company has a higher rate of consumer integrity due to its high standards of commodities, besides customer constancy and confidence (Singh et al. 65). Rivalry is beneficial since it pushes companies to contemplate and formulate tactics to stay above other companies. Companies that exist in a community with kindness in mind may initiate good associations that might help them promote their brands. Companies can enhance consumer retention make the environment safe through corporate social initiatives.


Nestlé is a fitness, nourishment, and wellbeing firm that make and delivers fast foods, cooking appliances, drugs, and ophthalmology commodities. Nestlé farm manufactures other dairy products, cereals, and children’s food. The firm is established in about six regions worldwide, including Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania. In 1866, Henry Nestlé established Nestlé, and the firms’ main offices were allocated in Switzerland (Singh et al. 67). The firm nowadays hires about 339,000 personnel worldwide, and the company has done a lot of implementations of various business initiatives and the launch of new product lines.


Demand hypothesis analyzes how change in the amount of a product or a service desired by customers influences its market price. The hypothesis implies that, all other things being constant, the higher the rate of a commodity, the demand reduces, implying a bearish trend.The demand variables that impact Nestlé’s market share and profitability include items’ cost, rivalry, consumer’s level of income, and customer interests and needs. When there is a substantial rivalry in the market, a rise in the cost of Nestlé’s commodities can reduce demand, hence lowering the company’s sales (Kee et al. 86). An increase in the consumer earning bracket typically results in the market’s rise for the firm’s brands simultaneously. Furthermore, a good fit between the excellence of a company’s commodities and the interests and desires of its customers frequently increases revenues.

The cost of production, technological improvements, and the current market pricing are supply factors that influence the firm’s sales and profitability. A high market rate stimulates a company to raise its output increase income. Low production costs boost earnings by generating higher earnings (Kee et al. 96). Similarly, technological developments allow the company to reduce its expenses and increase earnings. Due to careful budgetary control and sensible pricing, Nestlé was able to mitigate the effects of unusually high rising costs.

Sustaining Profitability

Nestlé food can uphold its lucrative market position by lowering its manufacturing costs. For instance, the company can apply cost-cutting techniques to manufacture and distribute its products. The firm sells at the current market rate, which will lead to the expansion of its gross margin due to lower manufacturing costs (Kee et al. 90). Furthermore, besides retaining low manufacturing costs, the company can cut its costs just below its average. Nestlé can also promote its commodities to generate demand. Consumers are more inclined to buy a product with enough knowledge about its features and cost.

Elasticity of Demand

Revenue resistance and cost resistance of demand impact Nestlé’s rating policy and performance. The resistance of demand computes how sensitive a commodity needs to rate changes. Since there are numerous comparable alternatives for Nestlé’s nutritional adjunct, consumption is likely to be stretchy. Consequently, supplement purchasers have minimal price sensitivity. As a result, they can quickly switch from one adjunct product to another if the price changes. The susceptibility of a commodity’s desire due to alteration in the rate of a specific item is measured through cross-price resistance of needs (Kee et al. 94). However, if the value of their replacements or another company’s brands rises, interest for Nestlé’s nutritional adjunct will rise, and conversely. The shift in the need for items that happen as the discretionary income of its users varies is referred to as income elasticity (Chung et al. 60). Because nutritional adjuncts are ordinary items, demand will rise as customers’ discretionary income rises.

Production and Costs

The main factors that influence Nestlé’s manufacturing include human resources, materials, farms, and finances. Some of Nestlé’s components of products comprises of cocoa, coffee grounds, and cereal, just to mention a few (Chung et al. 59). Nestlé possesses a private firm to cultivate the plants, establishing a firm supply of important components. Nestlé employs a huge number of people due to its international corporation. Moreover, Nestlé’s commodity is mostly dependent on equipment for massive manufacturing.

Components and workforce are two of Nestlé’s adjustable inputs. In case Nestlé intends to enhance production within no time, they will need extra components and a workforce. Nestlé employs around 339,000 individuals, yet extra operation hours are needed to enhance the high manufacturing of products in a short time (Chung et al. 63). As a result, components and workforce are likely to change in a short period, making them elastic efforts.

Farm and finance constitute Nestlé’s valuable inputs, and farm, in particular, is a constant source of components for their items. Nestlé cannot acquire a new farm to enhance outputs quickly since the farm will require a lot of time to cultivate the plants required. Aside from money, Nestlé possesses 418 plants in 86 nations, 200 operating firms, and the machinery and equipment needed for production, processing, and transportation (Chung et al. 66). Besides focusing on Nescafe alone, someone can estimate that if the cost of Nescafe rises by 10 percent, the amount purchased will decrease by more than 10 percent (Chung et al. 67). An individual can observe some premium products for Nescafe should they raise the cost, such as Super, Ah Huat, Kopiko, Essence, and many more. When someone can no longer acquire Nescafe, they will look for other less expensive items.

Nestlé has five major corporations in the United States of America, Nestlé experts, Nestlé United States of America, Nestlé Waters North America, and Nestlé Purina PetCare Corporation, and Nestlé nourishment. Those five enterprises hire over 44,000 individuals and function in over 120 sites throughout 47 states (Chung et al. 65). However, Nestlé cannot open a new manufacturing unit to enhance output in a brief time due to an increase in cost, and as a result, Nestlé’s fixed costs are farm and cash. The total amount purchased, demand elasticity, and a firm’s net income Nestlé’s primary emphasis is beverage manufacturing, which includes Nestlé bliss, Milo, and Nescafe.

Firm Organization

Nestlé is a large company with a history dating back around 150 years. The company operates together with international business and engages on an international market to maintain consistent business growth. Nestlé as well retails to third-world countries which require inexpensive, nutritious meals. The company significantly cut waste by 23% and boosted reuse or recovery of by-products by 36 percent since 2000 (Bradshaw 60). The firm has continued to excel in the market and has created other initiatives. Nestlé, for example, contributes to sustainable economic growth around the world through knowledge transfer, apprenticeship programs, and educating local personnel to international norms, as well as paying taxes that help finance local infrastructure improvements.

Authorized individuals from both Nestlé and vendors’ organizations validate the contracting processes and activities. The team writes a proper authorization, which contains permission levels, roles, and duties for all parties and provisions for market clearances as appropriate (Bradshaw 60). The accessibility of precise and accurate purchasing data aids in making more informed and timely decisions. The information also leads to greater effectiveness in purchasing programs and waste minimization in procurement procedures. Purchasing department gives timely and appropriate updates on expected pricing and supplier consumer preferences and viewpoints.

Market Structure

Nestlé health contends against various firms, distributors, and consumers in a highly competitive sector. Due to increased competition among businesses, manufacturers and customers are sensitive to price changes. In summary, prices of nutritional supplements are influenced by the dynamics of demand and supply rather than individual producers and customers. Additionally, the businesses produce things that are consistent in terms of nutritional content and advantages thus, and there are no differences between them (Van Dam et al. 5). On the other hand, buyers are lacking in comprehensive information on products and prices, and as a result, the demand is not evenly distributed.

Individuals in various areas and with diverse social classes have diverse demands, concerns, and desires. Nestlé, as a worldwide business, literally has a diverse customer market. It is valid in the context of grounded refreshments, as several individuals will have alternative tastes for ground refreshments. Regardless of such differences, market segments create similar clusters, which can assist in the consistency of marketing actions (Van Dam et al. 10). Milo’s diverse business tactic is the best option because its efficiency has already been demonstrated in the food production sector.

The high-status people and middle-status people are the main target consumers for the Milo product and the majority of items in the powder form refreshments group. Milo, for example, might use the prominence attached with their product to sell their brands at a higher price than the rivals (Van Dam et al. 12). Milo’s minor target market is the lower-status people expected to transition to higher-end products as discretionary income increases.

Milo has many options for expanding its market dominance in the world. Nestlé company can resolve to expand the market of Milo, assemble the brands, increase the efficiency distribution and emerge into new business developments. Whereas the top-quality approach may appear paradoxical, it is ideal for promoting Milo (Van Dam et al. 15). Nestlé needs to do a lot to promote the product as a high-quality brand and consider smaller packaging to boost sales. The brand can be more accessible to consumers who have limited discretionary cash now but will undoubtedly have more in the future, such as learners, new employees, young individuals with families, and families with young children. In a commoditized market, obtaining such clients increases the likelihood of cultivating brand loyalty.

Factors Affecting the Firm’s Performance

Nestlé’s PESTLE study focuses on the firm’s marketing strategy and explains how political, economic, sociological, and technical factors and environmental issues influence the corporation. A few of the corporation’s most essential responsibilities is to keep a record of the numerous regulatory changes affecting importation, exportation, customs, and environmental constraints, among other things (Vijayalakshmi et al. 11). Adjustments like these can be advantageous to a corporation, but they can also cause serious manufacturing issues in some regions.

Employment rules that limit or prohibit child slavery in cocoa regions are getting more stringent, which could negatively influence the company’s activities. Multinational firms like Nestlé run smoothly when the global climate is stable (Vijayalakshmi et al. 11). When dietary limits change, the corporation needs to do a lot of conceptualizations and experimenting with recreating the product in multiple ways while still fulfilling customer demands.

Nestlé’s performance relies on the capability to recognize consumer needs and deliver greater, affordable, appropriate, and innovative items. Nestlé has emphasized products that are lower in calories, sodium, and unhealthy lards for a company to remain abreast of nutrition developments. The Nestlé organization trusts internal and external adoption of technology innovations, operations, and processes. With escalating cyber-attacks damaging data accuracy, security, and confidentiality, Nestlé must design a contingency strategy to avoid serious missteps while attempting to enter the digital market (Vijayalakshmi et al. 11). The company activities would become more effective when water usage with actual statistics on its water usage.


Nestlé has been known for delivering exceptional commodities to clients for years. Nestlé must observe personnel health and safety regulations, item hygiene and safety rules, and employment laws enacted in various places. Apart from the rules governing industries, patent and intellectual constraints and environmental regulations must be closely observed. Over the years, preventing rivals from copying the image of the organization’s chocolate products has been a major worry. Nestlé obtained a patent for the KitKat form in countries including France, Canada, and Australia, although the logo is not recognized in Europe.

Works Cited

Bradshaw, Karen. “Stakeholder Dynamics in Land Development Projects.” The Journal of Legal Studies vol. 50, no. 2, 2021, pp. 53-70

Chung, Ern Yee, et al. “Improving Food Safety and Food Quality: The Case of Nestlé.” International Journal of Tourism and hospitality in Asia Pacific (IJTHAP) vol. 3, no.1, 2020, pp. 57-67.

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Singh, Padmini, et al. “A Study on Nestlé Promotion Strategy.” International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pacific (IJAFAP), vol, 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 60-70.

Van Dam, Iris, et al. “A detailed mapping of the food industry in the European single market: similarities and differences in market structure across countries and sectors.” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, vol. 18, no.1, 2021, pp. 1-15.

Vijayalakshmi, R., et al. “Brand loyalty of Nestlé brand in fast moving consumer goods.” Sustainability, Transformation, Development in Business and Management, 2020, 11.

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