The Qualities of a Real Leader


Leadership is a cornerstone of the army, fleet, and warfare in general. Although war is not a need, it has existed since the earliest days of humanity. Good military leaders, including officers, are one of the key factors in winning the war. A competent and well-qualified officer with a good understanding of his duties and the needs of his subordinates is a success of the operation.

My Understanding of Leadership

A real leader must be ready to bear responsibility for his decisions, have strict authority over his subordinates, be very cautious about their needs, and work to create a team spirit. A well-qualified officer is always ready to act and understands that he cannot hesitate in making the decision. Authority is another important trait of a good leader, and it is highly needed to maintain discipline and order among the subordinates, which is essential in every military structure. However, authority must be reached through being an example to your people, through the ability to inspire them. Like General Dwight Eisenhower, every commanding officer must understand that he is one of his people and shares the same burden with them. Soldiers must believe in their leader and rely on him because their belief in the leadership of the officer defines the success of the operation. A good leader represents a set of qualities essential for completing the task, maintaining his authority over the subordinates, and building a friendly team spirit.

My Leader Qualities

As a possible commanding officer, I understand my duties, and I constantly strive to fit the qualities mentioned above. Due to the fact that I understand the importance of friendly and brotherhood tenses between my people, I will put a serious effort into the development of these tensions between them. At the same time, I understand and highly value discipline and order, and I can maintain authority over my subordinates, serving as an example of a responsible soldier. There are three key styles of leadership that I must and will implement. First of all, I will use the directing style, which centers on the officer, who gives the detailed orders (Lokendra, 2020). However, I also understand the need for soldiers to be part of the team, hence why I value the participating approach (Lokendra, 2020). The need to rely on my future subordinates is essential, for example, during the plan development. Without any doubt, I will also practice the delegating approach because every soldier must be prepared to act on his own (Lokendra, 2020). Thus, the understanding of inspiring the subordinates and the need to work together with them while maintaining my authority is clear to me.

How Can I Change the Fifth Fleet?

The most important duty of a commanding officer of the Navy is to use his best qualities during the service, which, in my case, is my enthusiasm and positivity. As a highly qualified officer and an active and positive person, I am ready to bring friendship and team spirit to my subordinates. Moreover, I highly value socially active persons who are ready for any kind of activity. I can adequately perform and give orders, bringing my enthusiasm to serve the needs of the Navy. Therefore, the traits of greatest value that I can give to the Navy are my feelings of self-dedication to my service and my enthusiasm for commanding and fulfilling orders.


Every army always relied on its officers, preparing highly educated and well-trained individuals to complete different tasks with various difficulties. A good leader represents a set of qualities that allow him to effectively complete those tasks, using his subordinates and completing them on his own. That is why one of the main goals of the Navy is to pick a befitting commander. I believe I can qualify for the position of commanding officer because I fit the set criteria, understand my responsibilities, and apply different approaches to my subordinates. I am ready to bear the responsibility for my deeds and decisions.


Lokendra P.S. (2020). A thought on entrepreneurship and leadership. BFC Publications.

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