The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl

It is rather difficult to imagine any other nice and educative way to spend one’s free time for a learner of art as visiting some wonderful exhibition. So, I decided to visit one of the very interesting exhibitions called “The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl” in the Miami Art Museum. I went to visit this nice event of our local cultural life on April, 19. Generally, my impressions could be described as an excitement and joy of learning a lot of interesting things concerning the history of music and its development during the twenties century.

Speaking about the main peculiarities of this excellent exhibition, it should be mentioned that it gathered vinyl records from all over the world. Studying the exhibition’s rich collection one may learn about the greatest musicians who began a movement which later became the basis for the origin of such genre as the DJ’s music.

As a final point, the exhibition “The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl” in the Miami Art Museum can be evaluated as an nice event of the local cultural life offering a lot of interesting and useful information concerning the history of music and its development in the twentieth century. Speaking about my impression, I would say that the organizers of this exhibition put a lot of work into finding these valuable pieces for the display and organizing them in such a nice way. The way the information is presented makes it very easy to learn more interesting details about the development of music art, and to spend one’s free time in an interesting and rewarding way.

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