How the Spanish Influenza Was Connected to WWI

Years ago, another pandemic “swept the globe killing over 50 million people globally, greater than the deaths associated with World War I , which was happening in parallel.”1 Occurring in three separate waves between 1918 and 1919, the Spanish Flu is remembered as a historic and devastating epidemic killing more...

Nazis’ Persecution and Mistreatment of Jews

Introduction The Holocaust is a historic black spot that remains a memory of the dangers of dictatorship and racial ideology that tarnishes social cohesion and economic thrive. Adolf Hitler is the mastermind and infamous perpetrator of this heinous regime that stripped humanity from the Jews. With the position of Chancellor,...

How Do Terrorists Conduct Cyber Warfare?

Abstract Terrorism activities are a global concern since they can occur in any part of the world depending on the perpetrators’ target. The ever-increasing digitization of all aspects of modern life positions individuals, organizations, and governments as primary targets for cyber warfare by terrorist groups. Evaluating how terrorists conduct cyber...

The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism

The issue of nuclear terrorism has been discussed by many researchers and policy-makers. Some believe that the threat is unrealistic, because building nuclear weapons is extremely difficult even for developed countries, which reduces terrorists’ chances to do it. Acquiring them would also be challenging, as there has been significant progress...

Terrorism Prevention: Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo was carried out by the US military on May 1-2, 2011, in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. As a result of the actions of the special forces, the head of al-Qaeda was killed. The leader of the terrorists was identified by his appearance, and his identity was confirmed...

“America’s War for the Greater Middle East” Book by Bacevich

In America’s War for the Greater Middle East (2016), Bacevich claims that after the Cold War, the United States has launched a war for the Greater Middle East that is ongoing to the present day. He writes about several U.S. military actions that include the Beirut bombing of 1983, the...

The American War for Independence

The American War for Independence marks one of the most important points in the history of the modern world. In addition to originating the American independence from Britain, the war significantly impacted the revolutionary movement across different countries and positively influenced the country’s economic development. In order to summarize thoughts...

Al-Qa’ida as a Radical Group at the Global Level

World politics is always influenced by numerous groups which devise various plans to advance their agenda and achieve power. Over the past decades, terrorism and different types of extremism have become a noticeable issue which evidently impacts the global political landscape. Al-Qa’ida is one of the most vocal and successful...

The Influence of the U.S. Foreign Policy During the Late Cold War

As a crucial event in U.S. history, 9/11 has divided the history of attitudes towards Muslims into before and after, constructing the bias about Islam and its influence on people’s consciousness and, as a consequence, social processes. The Muslim concept has undergone many inversions of meaning and reverberations in the...

Effects of 9-11Terror on the United States

On September 11, 2001, the United States’ economic center in New York, its worldwide military headquarters at the Pentagon, and its public air transport network were targeted by synchronized terrorist strikes. America, its regional partners, and the United Nations Security Council moved with speed and creativity to safeguard the country....

The War in Donbass as the Legacy of the Cold War

Introduction Cold War was a significant event in the newest history that demonstrated the deep division between nations, differences in mentalities, and the difficulty in finding compromises to continue cooperation. It was also characterized by the struggle between superstates and their camps, resulting from the desire to control global intercourse...

World War II: The History of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Summar World War II was a global war that perpetrated the greatest struggle for mankind. Many people died, a lot of money was spent and the property was destroyed hence affecting the world’s economy. This brought tremendous changes in almost every country; Japan was among the countries most affected by...

The First World War as a Catalyst of Geopolitical Change

The First World War is the prologue to the most significant geopolitical change. As a result of it, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and the German Empire collapsed. The world political community was in crisis since the war was filled with dramatic events. The number of participating countries was...

Korean vs. Vietnam Wars Comparison

The Korean War lasted three years between 1950 and 1953, during which the communist portion of North Korea, reinforced by the support from the USSR and China, fought against the anti-communist population of South Korea. The war started when North Korea’s army invaded across the thirty-ninth parallel, which was the...

The Air Force Struggled To Maintain a Moral Stance

In his essay “The Air Force Struggled to Maintain a Moral Stance,” written in 1947, Lieutenant Colonel Conrad C. Crane discusses the role and influence of precision bombing doctrine on the bombing of Hiroshima in the Pacific theater. In this essay, the author presents a balanced and truthful position and...

The Problems Raised by the Spread of Nuclear Weapons

Introduction A nuclear weapon is a device that produces enormous explosive energy due to atomic fusion, atomic fission, or a combination of the two reactions. Nuclear bombs are also called fission weapons, while thermonuclear missiles are referred to as meld weapons or hydrogen bombs. The early atomic bombs were conveyed...

An Overview of Investigative Techniques as They Apply to Terrorism

The fifth chapter of Dyson’s (2015) book discusses the use of investigative techniques in the case of terrorism. The author focuses on the specifics of terrorists’ psychology and behavior, suggesting several recommendations that can help an investigator. Overall, the chapter is insightful and consistent as it demonstrates the way terrorists’...

Impact of Terrorism on Global Stability

Terrorism implies carefully planned actions aimed at causing fear and instability among nations. Terrorists use crude weapons to threaten and kill people for political and social gain. In most instances, terrorism targets civilians, and its consequences include loss of lives in addition to the destruction of property (Dudley, 2014). However,...

Account for Britain’s Failure to Prevent the Channel Dash (Op Cerberus)

The Channel Dash was one of the fiercest engagements that occurred during World War II. The operation was mainly conducted by the Germans, who successfully passed the blockade set by the British. It was composed of naval ships that had escorts from Germany, and the fleet originated from Brest in...

Conditions That Led to Emergence of Authoritarian State in 20th Century

An authoritarian state is a form of governance featured with the rejection of political plurality and application of executive power to maintain the political status. Mostly, authoritarianism is exercised with a strong reduction in the rule of law while separating the powers and denying democracy to prevail. The authoritarian state...

The History of Dadaists Group in the World War

The Dadaist group was an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the early 20th century in Zurich, Switzerland. Dada movement was founded by Hugo Ball, a German author, in 1916 and continued through 1924. Other leading artists associated with it were Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, and Kurt Schwitters. The...

Analysis of the World War 1 and Cold War

Causes of World War I The First World War is among the most significant wars that have occurred in history. The battles took place in two tufts involving the allies and the central powers. The partners included the British and Russian empires and France, while the major powers included Germany...

Methods of Mitigating Haqqani Network Threats by the USA

The paper explores the approaches that the U.S. can use to minimize the danger that the Haqqani Network poses to the state. However, to ultimately achieve the aims, the paper is structured into five parts. That is the introduction, literature review, analysis, recommendations, and conclusion parts. In the introductory part,...

Terrorism Current Events

Terrorist attacks have for a long time troubled world peace and culminated to loss of lives, property destruction, destabilized governments and resulted in economic paralysis. In Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorist groups have sizable control of regions from which they conduct their operations. In 2011, various terrorist attacks have...

Airpower Developments and Airlift Opportunities

Abstract The global use of airpower is the result of advanced technology in the industry, and the examples of military campaigns in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia, and other regions prove the relevance of high-precision weapons. The purpose of this work is to compare the views of Mitchell and his peers about...

War on Terrorism on USA After 9/11/2001

The way to treat costs incurred in the acquisition of a new plant When the decision and commitment was made to purchase the plant, the company acquired an asset whose the purchase cost will be equivalent to the amount that will be paid; the purchase price should be capitalized as...

Unconventional Warfare: U.S. Army Leaders’ Attitudes

Introduction There are many reasons why the United States of America stays a strong global leader, and the country’s military system is one of them. Today, the U.S. Armed Forces consist of six branches, namely the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard (U.S. Department of...

Extremism and Terrorism in the Society

The processes of globalization in the economic, political, and cultural spheres draw the population of countries into migration flows of different nature and level. To a certain extent, these factors stimulate tension in interethnic relations, accompanied by interracial conflicts. On this basis, various opposition groups begin to appear, trying to...

Terrorism: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Introduction In simple terms terrorism can be defined as the use of violence on people or property for political reasons. It’s the act of causing terror or fear upon the citizens of a particular nation. It’s a political tactic used by terrorist when they believe that there is no other...

What Is The Ticking Bomb Scenario

Introduction The ticking bomb scenario (“TBS”) is a concept used by those who favor the use of torture. TBS underscores the urgent need to extract information from a suspect or known terrorist. The urgency is based on the premise that a bomb is about to explode and that it is...

Terrorism Theories and Media Discourse

Terrorism is one of the most dangerous phenomena of our time, which is becoming increasingly more threatening. The scale of terrorism and its interstate nature made it absolutely necessary to establish an international system to counter it. There should be coordination of the efforts of various states on a long-term...

Terrorism in Northern Ireland and in Middle East

Introduction Nowadays, one of the most urgent issues of modern society is the problem of global terrorism. Every day new terroristic networks appear all over the world. Every day violent terroristic activity takes away the lives of innocent people. Unfortunately, today, this problem constitutes a serious menace to global security....

Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East

Introduction Terrorism and drug trafficking are the major wars that the world has been trying to fight for several centuries. However, winning the war has not been easy because of the nature of the organizations involved in the crime. Most of these organizations are very large and they operate as...

Handling of the Terrorist Suspects According to the English Legislations

Abstract The main aim of this study is to explore how terrorism suspects are handled in relation to English laws. English laws have been considerably restructured since time immemorial, but the pick of these legislations followed the September 11 attack of the US twin towers by the Al Qaeda affiliate...

Terror and Religious Belief System

Terror attacks such as the bombing of Oklahoma City, the Sarin Nerve Gas Attack on the Tokyo Subway system and the use of suicide bombers by both Islamic and Jewish Terrorist groups provide clear indications that contemporary fourth wave terrorists justify their use of violence through the theological and moral...

On the Reasons for the Terrorist Attack on September 11

Perhaps no other occurrence in recent times has generated as many explanations as to the September 11th attack eight years ago. It received condemnation worldwide, the attack being termed as the most disastrous the world has seen since the end of the Cold War. However, there appears a divergent line...

Possible Terrorist Attack

Introduction Dear citizens, the New York Police Department reminds you of the dangers posed by terrorists. Our fusion centers have received an alert that a possible terrorist attack may occur in West Palm Beach. The approximate date of the crime is the day of the Outdoor Fun-in-the-Sun Concert, which will...

Terrorism and the Media

Introduction Media is a powerful social tool that has a significant potential to sway the manner in which people think about societal ideologies. Media influence is very detrimental to some identified classes within the human society, especially groups that represent the minorities. The myth behind the alleged relationship between Islam...

Militant Groups: Impacts and Management of the Militant Groups

Militant groups are on the increase in the recent past. The word militant means devoting one’s life as a soldier. The term describes movements that use terrorism strategies to conquer their opponents. The various militia groups or extremists rarely share ordinary tactics. The groups usually employ violence either in defense...

Targeted Killing: Counter-Terrorism

Targeted killing represents a part of consequentialist philosophy in counter-terrorism since defining it as a suitable method to fight against the enemy depends mainly on the results of the operation. For example, removing an aggressive and known extremist leader who threatens to kill many civilians could potentially result in saving...

Counter Terrorism Methods and Their Effectiveness

Terrorist groups can operate for a long time only with the support of the population or some part of it. This allows them to recruit new fighters, get the necessary resources, successfully hide, and conduct reconnaissance. However, such assistance may be lost by them. This happens, for instance, if the...

The Mind of a Terrorist

Terrorism is an issue that has mainly been looked at basing on one side. After every terrorist attack, the focus is usually on the victims that succumbed to the injuries and cursing the people that were involved in the attack. There is generally nothing positive that is usually thought of...

Terrorism: Understanding the Key Issues

Introduction Terrorism remains a major challenge in many societies today. Terrorism is a necessary practice among many extremist groups in the Middle East. Many people in the West are against the practice because it creates fear and animosity. I had the opportunity to interview Sirajuddin Haqqani. Sirajuddin is one of...

Counterterrorism: Al Qaeda Training Manual

Introduction The events of September 11, 2001 undoubtedly forever changed the perception of terrorism among Americans. As a result of the retaliatory attacks launched by the US against Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization has changed its tactics significantly. Some of the new tactics adopted by Al Qaeda are articulate in...

The Rumsfeld’s Memo

Introduction It is almost eight years since the then US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld attempted to evaluate the progress of his country’s Department of Defense (DoD) on the Global War On Terror that followed the 9/11 attack. With a myriad of questions, Rumsfeld had wanted to know whether the...

Terrorist Response Organizations

Combating terrorism has become one of the major problems of humanity after the terrorist attack on the US World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. Since then, the number of anti-terrorist and terrorist response organizations has significantly increased and cross-national links among them have also improved (Linden,...

The US Response to the Terrorism Threats

“Where the tactics of the weak confound the tactics of the strong?” (Wilson and Kempfer, 2003). The statement “where the tactics of the weak confound the tactics of the strong” is used for the new non-technical tactics used by terrorists to make an attack. The devices used in the 9...

Results of World War I for Germany

Introduction Germany was one of the most prominent participants of World War I and the force that made the pre-war situation detonate. Germany and its allies lost in the conflict and were forced to submit to the conditions laid down by the winners, which included points, incompatible with self-determination and...

Religion and Middle Eastern Terrorism

The Middle Eastern region is occupied by Muslims, Christians and Jews. Their constant conflicts have been attributed to the rise in modern terrorism across the region because it is apparent that terrorists from these regions are driven by their radical religious beliefs. It is also clear that not all members...

About the Motives of the Terrorists

People turn into terrorism through diverse approaches, in divergent roles, and with different motives. Borum defines motive as a sentiment, aspiration, physiological need, or such an urge that provokes one to act (Borum, 2004: 24). The motives of terrorists are determined by various factors among them the psychology of the...

The Long Term Effects of Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism attacks have become very common in today’s world especially with the increasing conflicts of power and the increase in financial difficulties in the globe. Many terrorist groups have been formed whose main agenda is cause violence in order to achieve certain political or religious goals. Loss of lives...

Nuclear Disaster Prevention and Related Challenges

The article addresses the role of transparency in monitoring nuclear arsenals as well as the varied approaches for identifying challenges encountered in ensuring that terrorists have no access to these weapons (May et al., 2005). Although a nuclear attack is uncertain, it seems like an eventual terrorist disaster, which would...

Crisis Intervention. The Batman Movie Shooting Incident

The Batman Movie shooting incident was an indication that terrorism is still a world crisis. It was that night when people were gathered for the action movie that turned to be a nightmare as a gunman sprayed the audience with bullets. It was as if the events in the film...

The Emerging Terrorist Threat in Africa

Abstract This research paper looks into the emerging issues of terrorist threats in Africa and especially the Northern African region. The paper tries to answer whether the U.S. has the ability to counter the emerging terrorist threats in Africa through military co-operation missions with aligned countries. As a result, the...

Historical Responding to Terrorism

Introduction to Terrorism From the time of French revolution in 1793, terrorism has evolved to become one of the most dreaded issues across the whole world today. With the changing times and invent of sophisticated technology, terrorists have become techno perceptive, changing tactics every other day. Still fresh in the...

Bioterrorism: History, Types, and Detection

Introduction This is an intentional use of harmful biological substances that causes danger to human and animal health. At the same time, they affect the plant, and eventually, the diseases can cause death to the living organisms. It has a long-term effect on point of attack. The biological substances may...

Piracy in Somalia: Issue Analysis

Introduction In 1991, the Somali rebels overthrew the government of the then president Said Bare who for a long time was perceived as a dictator by both locals and the international community. This created a vacuum in the leadership of that country as each of the clans in Somalia want...

The Progressive Era and World War I

The Progressive Era in the United States has brought crucial changes to its society by altering peoples’ views and promoting ideas of democracy, social equality, freedom, etc. World War I had a great impact on the development of these social, political and economic concepts. The purpose of this paper is...

The Counterterrorism Tasks by the Military and Government

Terrorism has been a major threat to many countries in the world. In the United States the threat of terrorism was heightened during the September, 11, 2001 attacks in New York when about three thousand Americans lost their lives. Since then, the U.S government introduced a policy against terrorism. The...

Great War’s Impact on Human Thought

Introduction The 20th century can be considered the era of radical changes in the world. Two world wars, revolutions, emergence, and opposition of super states contributed to significant changes in people’s mentalities, the disappearance of past illusions, and the formation of a new world view that was reflected in numerous...

Should Certain Tactics Be Permitted in Preventing Future Attacks?

Introduction Terrorism is a contentious issue that is raising concern in the United States and other countries across the world. The United States has always been in the frontline to prevent terrorism activities although September 11 attack was a big blow to the country. The September 11 attack was a...

Terrorism a Critical Issue of the Modern World

There are different approaches to the definition and study of terrorism: a critical issue of the modern world. Indeed, it can manifest itself in various ways and occur at the state and international levels (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2016). In recent years, the government has made significant advances in the...

CRS Report for Congress by Jonathan Medalia

Introduction The research problem discussed in this report is the security threat posed by oil tankers. The author wants Congress to focus more on the oil tankers as he feels terrorists might plant nuclear or atomic bombs in oil tankers shipping oil to the US from oil exporting countries. There...

The Past and Present Effects of Terrorism on Society

Terrorism is one of the main challenges that the world has encountered for several decades. It can be defined as the use of violence against civilians, primarily for political gains. September 11, 2001 was a fateful day that changed the United States’ and the world’s response to terrorism. The terrorist...

Global Terrorism and Ways of Its Impact

In the 21st century, global terrorism has become a complex problem that all nations need to address from an informed perspective. For instance, attackers have changed with modern technologies since they are now able to engage in cyber-terrorism (Zimmerman 4). More terrorist groups have become more united, capable of communicating...

United States War on Terror

Introduction The September 11th terrorist act was the most disastrous and unforgettable event in the whole world. “Hijackers seized U.S. jets and crashed them into American symbols of the military and capitalism shaking the entire nation. As soon as it was evident the destruction was a terrorist’s act, everything changed”...

America’s War on Terrorism

America’s war on terror has a hint of revenge. Revenge has a place in terrorism prevention Terrorism is the organized use of terror or violent acts intended to create and make fear. These are unlawful acts of violence and war. War on terror is perceived as the political, military religious...

Divisions Between the Soviet Union and the USA at the End of the WWII

American interests after the Second World War became different from those of the Soviet Union, resulting in the cold war that contributed to the division between the United States and the Soviets. Communism was becoming a powerful force and a reason for war in various parts of the world as...

Terrorists’ Motives: The Psychology of the Individual

Society today is threatened with organized terrorism that is perpetrated by various groups. Terrorists’ motives are influenced by individual psychology as well as the sociological impact of the group. The psychological make up of a person is the natural tendency to act in certain ways. For instance, terrorists are thought...

Terrorism. Hezbollah: Ideology and Financing

The problems of combating terrorist crimes in the framework of the modern world are becoming increasingly important in view of the apparent increase in cruelty and more frequent cases of this group of crimes. Like any manifestation of terrorism, its financing is public in nature and aims to create a...

Turning Points of the Holocaust

Introduction There are several terrifying events in the history of the world that will never be forgotten because of the horrors they have brought to an extended number of people. One such tragedy was the Holocaust – the most famous and systematic genocide that started with hatred and ended being...

Three Cases of Terrorism: Ideological, Nationalist and Religious

Terrorism is as old as the world’s history. It has been used throughout history by various groups and countries. To some people it is a strategy, crime, holy duty or tactic depending on which side one looks at it from. Some say terrorism is necessary as a reaction to repression...

The Terrorism Threat in the Modern World

Introduction Terrorism in its form is broad, although becoming popular to many is a relatively recent activity. The fight for terrorism has gained a new strategy with the occurrence of the United States on September 11, 2001. The United States declared a fight against terrorism. The Bush administration launched military...

Camps for Displaced Persons After the End of World War II

In the years after the end of World War II, there were many camps for displaced persons. The reason for their occurrence is that the liberated people had nowhere to return, or it was challenging to do. At first, representatives of various nationalities lived there, but later, the Jews were...

Lone Wolf Terrorism: Theoretical Analysis and Implications for Public Policy

Definition of Lone Wolf Terrorism Terrorism does not have a universal legal definition. It varies from one organization to another as well as from country to country because the word remains a strong political pejorative associated with certain states, religions, and cultures. The UN identifies terrorism as “criminal acts intended...

Roger Cohen’s Op-Ed on Israeli-Palestinian Peace

An Op-Ed by Roger Cohen expresses the two opposing sides regarding the type of peace that can be recommended to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The author is in support of the two-state peace, an option that has received criticism and opposition from figures such as Beinart, the editor of Jewish Currents...

White Supremacy and the Terrorism Threats

The major terrorism threat in the US currently is the one emanating from the political divide, abundant weaponry, and radicalization. Moreover, other aspects have merged with the strength of online platforms and social networks to create an intricate and distinct terrorism threat that surpasses existing ideologies and is highly detached...

The Topic of Torture in Ticking Time-Bomb Cases

Introduction Nowadays the ticking time-bomb problem is the subject of endless debates in the ethics field. The ticking time-bomb scenario is a thought experiment, which aimed to clarify whether torture could be justified. The scenario implies a fanciful case when authorities manage to arrest a terrorist, having been provided with...

The Problem of Terrorism Prevention

Introduction In fact, terrorism is an everlasting problem; it has been practiced in the course of human history in different political ideologies. The importance of the phenomenon of terrorism may be explained by a great number of definitions, which exist, and the scientists’ inability to find a unanimously acclaimed definition....

Policy Memorandum: Terrorist Organizations

Background Nowadays, terrorist organizations are more geographically dispersed than it was before, and their tactics became more sophisticated and untypical. The Islamic State’s territories in Syria and Iraq continue to diminish, but the threat of the Salafi-jihadist movement’s adverse actions has not decreased. Many diffuse jihadist groups are able and...

America’s Entry Into World War I

The onset of World War I came with repercussions to the United States, which initially planned on avoiding any confrontations. The fighting in Europe led to an increased appetite for territory, while German power continuously went unchecked in the oceans, posing a grave danger to innocent civilians. America upheld a...

Belize’s Military Capability

Introduction Belize has the bare-bones self-defense force that can only act defensively. Historically, Belize relied on the United Kingdom for protection from a possible invasion by Guatemala. After recognizing the independence of Belize, British forces left the country, leaving only a training base. Currently, Belize’s military includes two infantry battalions...

Revolutionary Anxieties and the US Role

Pages 639 to 645 of chapter 20 address the issue of revolutionary anxieties, which was triggered by German radicals. The US President, Woodrow Wilson, believed that it was the best opportunity to facilitate peace and initiated the treaty discussion with France, Britain, and Italy, to caution the country against the...

Bush Administration’s Response to the 9/11 Attacks

The terrorist attacks on American territory on September 11, 2001, on the one hand, were a continuation of the previous practice of anti-American terrorism, and on the other, they had unprecedented consequences for the United States and its policy in the world. Despite the fact that the threat of terrorism...

African Americans During World War II

During World War II, African Americans served in every capacity while simultaneously struggling to advance their status in society and gain more civil rights. Segregation persisted into the military, and many African Americans wishing to be drafted were looked over in favor of their White counterparts (“African-American Troops Training”). If...

The Notion of Nation Rebuilding

The notion of nation rebuilding seeks to create a robust national identity that recognizes its diversity and historical countdown. Nation building aims at bringing people together to create political stability. During World War I, Germany fought among the Central Powers against the Allies. After the war, Germany was obliged to...

Operation Overlord and the Principles of War

War on terrorism is an essential topic in the modern world because there exist some forces that can threaten international peace and security. That is why peaceful nations should consider these threats and develop plans of how to mitigate them jointly. The previous and most complex war operations are a...

Emerging Terrorist Threat in Africa

Introduction If judging terrorism only by the media, its face is always changing. In that regard, it can be stated that its most recent face seems to be in Africa. The African terrorism threat is different and its difference is not a positive one. Judging such threat through the media,...

Activities of Al-Shabaab as a Threat to the World Peace

Terrorism has become one of the main problems of the world community. This fact results in huge interest for the study of terrorism as a major threat of the 21st century. Al-Shabaab is a jihadist terrorist group, designated by the US Government as Foreign Terrorist Organization on 18th of March,...

Sociological Failure of the War on Terrorism

The Global War on Terrorism, also known as the War on Terror, was a series of military operations initiated by the United States Government in response to the September 11 attack. The campaign targeted major organizations such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Islamic State, the Pakistani Taliban, and their derivatives....

Challenge Related to Jihadi Activity in the West

Introduction The United States, the United Kingdom, and other European nations are faced with a new challenge on how to deal with their citizens who joined Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and are now willing to come back home after years of fighting alongside the terrorists. According...

The Earth Liberation Front as the Domestic Terrorist Organization

Domestic terrorist organizations have been recognized as a threat for the past hundred years, yet, recently, a change in their strategies has been observed. Nowadays, members of such groups choose to act more clandestinely and often do not commit murder to prove their point, instead, they turn to arson, damaging...

Nazi Germany’s Resources and Demise in World War II

Introduction The Second World War (WWII) was a major global conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. This upheaval ended after the Allied powers, comprised of the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, managed to destroy Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Historians agree that this war...

Iraqi Civil War in 2014-2017

Introduction Modern armed conflicts in fragile and failed states have dangerous consequences not only for the internal order of these countries but also for security in the world due to a potential threat of a large-scale war. At the beginning of the 21st century, in many regions, local conflicts were...

Domestic and International Terrorism

Both positions of the authors have merit because there is a major issue of the arbitrary distinction between domestic and international terrorism. According to the first article, it is evident that there are several domestic terrorism incidents, which are not recognized as such, but instead, they are addressed as hate...

East Prussia Campaign of 1914: Staff Ride Project

Word War I was the first war waged by fully industrialized militaries. Many of its features, such as advances in firepower and communications, the importance of aerial reconnaissance, and the benefits of operational and strategic mobility, remain relevant today. The developmental goal of the staff ride to the battlefields of...

Terrorism: Threat and Ways of Combating

Why is terrorism a law enforcement concern? First, terrorism generates a high social vulnerability from the commission of generally dangerous actions or a threat to them. Second, terrorism is characterized by the public nature of its execution, while other crimes are usually committed without a publicity claim. Third, a distinctive...

Cuban Missile Crisis: History and Facts

The main reason that the United States and the Soviet Union were able to avoid war during the Cuban Missile crisis was the existence of nuclear weapons and the fear of nuclear war. The two superpowers certainly considered going to war with each other – throughout history, nations have gone...

The Darfur Genocide: The Causes and the Aspects

Introduction The Darfur genocide in Western Sudan is considered the first genocide of the 21st century. The conflict that resulted in so much death and “brutal, ethnically-targeted violence” (Reeves 1) started in 2003 and has not been resolved to this day. Many underlying causes are attributed to the beginning of...

ICC Russia and Georgia Memorandum Analysis

The Prosecutor states she has collected enough evidence that both sides committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict in South Ossetia (IntlCriminalCourt, 2015). The Russian Federation supported South Ossetia during that period (from 1 July to 10 October, 2008). Numerous alleged crimes were a part of...

The Phenomenon of Terrorism in the Modern World

The modern world continually faces threats in the form of terrorist attacks. Terrorism can be rightly considered a constant companion of humankind, which is among the most dangerous and difficult to predict phenomena. It is a significant challenge as it takes on more and more diverse forms and threats. The...

Unconventional Warfare on the Global War on Terror

The use of the term “unconventional” about warfare becomes so common that more and more of its main aspects become “conventional”, so to speak. Throughout history leading conventional warfare implied that two military forces of states engaged in an armed conflict, and accordingly they face each other on a battlefield...

“Artificial Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage for the US Army” Review

The document offers a substantial review of how the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) may become a crucial competitive advantage for the US military. After briefly describing the current state of things with regards to the military application of AI technologies, it proceeds to list and explain the most feasible...

United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism

Introduction The concepts of national security and human security emerge as interrelated in the context of the modern-day United States foreign policy. However, these conceptions differ in terms of the objectives they target. On the one hand, national security is an approach to state policy where the interests, territorial integrity,...

Fallouts of World War I

World War I was the conflict that resulted in unprecedented consequences taking more lives and including more countries than ever before. Moreover, it brought some considerable changes in society, culture, economy, and politics of the world structure. The broad scope of the fight and involvement of the mass destructive technologies...

The United States and East Asia Since World War II

Introduction World War II inevitably changed the world forever for the key players in the global political arena. While the United States and the Soviet Union fought together against the Nazi regime, the relationship between the two remained a tense and complicated one. Capitalistic America was concerned with the rising...

My Father’s Country by Wibke Bruhns: Historical Review

Introduction The book My Father’s Country by Wibke Bruhns is a historical novel about difficult times. The author’s story is filled with details and facts that reflect her attitude and the feelings of her family members facing many problems due to the politics of their country. Wibke Bruhns, in her...

Home Front of the United States during the Second World War

During the Second World War, the home front of the United States faced the number of challenges. Many poor people including Afro-Americans and Latino-Americans, as well as white people, could not bear the difficulties of war, and it caused the growth of aggression and racial tension among the population. While...

Terrorism Attack in United States

Introduction Any terrorism attack on agriculture can affect it negatively; For instance, there will be mass economic destabilization, leading to economic losses due to loss of livestock. There will also be other indirect effects due to compensating farmers for the losses they incur. Finally, America will incur international costs as...

Ku Klux Klan: Research Paper

One of the most infamous terrorist organizations in the world, Ku Klux Klan took its origin in the American South, gradually expanding its activity to other states. With violent and often dehumanizing methods, it attempted to oppose segregation and equal-right movement for black people. Close examination of Ku Klux Klan’s...

The Cost of Learning to Kill

In the book ‘On Killing: The Physiological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society’ Dave Grossman studies the physiological mechanisms regulating the ability of soldiers to kill the enemy. Published in 1996, this book acquired national attention only in 1999 after the shooting at Littleton’s Columbine High School....

Atomic Bomb Technology and World War II Outcomes

World War II witnessed advancements in military technology in an unprecedented fashion. The major alliances joined the warfare with highly sophisticated weapons due to the experience gained during World War I. This was not all; the war period experienced the development of even more advanced weapons. In fact, the end...

Terrorism as a Transnational Organized Crime

Terrorism and organized crime have always been considered to stand among the primary security threats in any society. The possibility of their integration raises much concern, as its negative consequences can hardly be underestimated. It is evident today that the cooperation of terrorists and criminal groups is likely to have...

Women in Combat: History Examples

Introduction Women are always considered as gentle and fragile creatures who call for protection and proper treat. On the other hand, it appears that some of them are able to handle fighting in combat. This essay will provide answers to several key questions. Should women be ever included in such...

The Fall of the Grand Alliance Against the Axis Powers Before the End of WWII

War is political. International politics have an influence on global wars. The Second War was a war of actions, words, and fierce battles between the UK, US, former Soviet Union and the Nazi rule. During this time of 1939-1945, the UK, United States and the Soviet Union competed against each...

The Rise of War on Iraq

Introduction The war on Iraq arise from the two major western nations namely America and Britain based on the suspicion that Iraq have nuclear and bioweapons of destruction. This could be a future threat to the security and peace of these two nations and at the same time a global...

Waging Modern War by Wesley K. Clark

Introduction The book Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat by General Wesley K. Clark is one of the most explicit documentation of the nature of war today, its blatant causes, its detrimental effects, and most importantly; how we can forge the way forward. Right from the...

Causes of World War I Overview

Although the immediate cause of World War I was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Bosnian man of Serbian nationality Gavrilo Princip, there were, in fact, many incidents that led to the Great War. Imperialism, militarism, and nationalism, Pan-Slavism, along with other factors having their roots...

Psychology of Terrorism: Leaders and Development

Introduction The war on terror has been a losing battle because the leaders in today’s democracies fail to understand the reasons for the terrorism activities, leading to misconceptions and prejudices about the terrorist and thus affecting their judgment and the policies they make. This has led to a need for...

The Partiality of the Western Media during the Gaza War

Background One of the often discussed issues in modern times is the Gaza War. The two ever-feuding regions, Israel and Palestine were involved in the war for a long time. The timeline for the war can be drawn from 27th December 2008 to 18th January 2009 and at that time...

The Modern Era History

According to historians, twentieth century was an important era in mankind’s development. Two international organizations were established to achieve peace and security for humans who lived in various nations with different socio-cultural traits. All important countries became the member nations of these organizations so that a world society could be...

Reasons of America and The Great War

World War I was one of the bloodiest military conflicts in contemporary history, second only to World War II. Over 16 million people died in that first war, soldiers and civilians alike. World War I was a great tragedy that changed the world forever and paved the way to an...

A Biological Terror Attack in Agriculture

Introduction Food production or the agricultural industry is vital to the US economy. It contributes approximately seventeen percent of the country’s Domestic product but most importantly, its commodities are essential raw materials in other industries. The world is slowly becoming susceptible to new forms of terror attacks as advancements in...

The Three Categories of Dissident Terrorism

Abstract Terrorism may be defined as the systemic use of terror to force upon or disband a certain social, religious or political ideology on an unwilling counterpart. As a norm, the terror is un-respectful of other people’s rights and freedoms and may involve tragic bombings, suicide attacks, or guerilla warfare....

The ‘Attacks’ by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel

The ‘Attacks’ by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel is a combat action of the L.T. Rommel’s platoon against the army war troops; in which the writer is the army leader who explains a detailed procession of an attack to the French army troops, during the time of the interwar era among...

America and the Great War, Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism

The rise of nationalism, militarism, imperialism, the conflicts between the allies played their part in the outbreak of the World War I. Although America tried to stay neutral during the years 1914-1917, later the country had to join the war. The Treaty of Versailles was opposed by the Senate, and...

WWII and Iraq War Comparative Analysis

Introduction Questions have arisen in the recent past whether Americans favor unilateral or multilateral foreign policy and if they really know what their country’s preference represents. This is particularly after the US invasion of Iraq that defied the United Nations stand. Several questions have emerged on whether the unilateralist policy...

Bioterrorism and Surrounding Issues

Introduction Bioterrorism is a terror activity where biological techniques (living agents) like biological toxins, viruses, or bacteria are adopted to intimidate governments or society for ideological or political reasons to cause deaths, fear, or widespread illnesses like smallpox and anthrax. Since Iraqi’s biological weapon program discovery, there has been a...

Impact of World War II on Balkan Nationalism, States and Societies

World-War II spanned the period of six years (from 1939 to 1945) and marked a major turn in human history through massive human slaughter, an unprecedented level of property destruction, power tussle, as well as a significant level of scientific and technological advancement which ushered in the nuclear age, and...

Workers and Immigrants During the World War I and II

The expectations of labor workers, arising out of propaganda from the first World War, were too high to be fulfilled. The revolution in the Soviet Union inspired American workers to strike, resulting in the steel strike in 1919 when thousands of workers (some of them immigrants) demanded higher wages and...

Torture Debate in America’s War on Terror

Introduction Torture is a process by which severe mental or physical pain is intentionally inflicted on an individual. Torture has mainly been used as a way to extract information from crime suspects for example who are intent on withholding it. as individual could confess of having committed or involved in...

The Center for Security Policy: Mission and Structure

Introduction In the post-911 era, America was made aware of the commitment of her enemies. But aside from that, the American people were made to dread the level of brutality they are willing to unleash upon their motherland. There is an agreement across every sector that this pain-filled event should...

The World of War in Human History

In world history, war has always been prevalent in all cultures. But the manner of fighting and the types of war has also been changing with times. The twentieth-century war differs from the colonial wars. In my essay, I will illustrate the difference in the manners of the two wars....

Unconventional Warfare of the USA

Introduction The 9/11 attack on the United States was followed by an immediate military response. A question that might be asked regarding such a response: was it successful. Considering that such a response lasts for almost nine years and two military campaigns, an unambiguous answer cannot be given in such...

International Consensus for Terrorism Mitigation

Introduction Terrorism does not just occur within US borders, consequently, it makes sense for some consensus to be sought. The world has not been spared from other attacks after the nine – eleventh attacks. Certain terrorist groups have an agenda against western democracies in general or may aim for soft...

Bioterrorist Attack Involving Botulism and Response

A hypothetical bioterrorist attack involving botulism or plague January 1, 2012: The country has just celebrated the coming of the new year. Sales of consumer product stores reached their peak on the eve, i. e. on December 31, 2011. People wanted to celebrate the New Year rather pompously and considered food...

Predictability and Transparency in the US-Soviet Confrontation

Predictability and transparency Russ Howard asserts that there was predictability in the US-Soviet confrontation because the weapons capabilities of both nations were common knowledge. The US understood the extent to which Russia had invested in nuclear technology and the same may be said of the Soviets concerning the United States....

Department’s Response to a Bomb Threat and Explosion

Terrorism (methodical use of terror particularly as a method of compulsion), is carried out differently using different weapons. Terrorists use different weapons to either have a particular desired impact, to achieve the biggest effect or to satisfy a terrorist’s specific motive. Among the weapons used by terrorists, incendiaries are most...

Bush’s War: Was It Really Worth It?

Bush’s war refers to the war that the United States of America decided to engage in as a way of combating terror. This was initiated by the administration of President Bush after the World Trade Center in New York City was attacked by terrorists. Several officials in the Bush administration...

“Homeland Security” of Rod Propst

Introduction The article to be analyzed is “How to Protect Ourselves From a Terrorist-Induced Nuclear Incident at a Commercial Site in the United States” by Rod Propst. It was published in May 2009 by the HIS homeland security journal. The latter author has tremendous experience in the field of defense...

Emergency: Responding to an Explosive Attack

Terrorism is a methodical use of terror particularly as a method of compulsion. No unanimously approved, lawfully binding, criminal laws of the explanation of terrorism exist at present. Terrorism is commonly defined according to the violent actions done with the intention of creating fear/terror. These are committed for religious reasons,...

Harry Truman’s Ethical Dilemma in Dropping the Second Atom Bomb on Japan

Introduction Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings had impacts on the Japanese nation because a lot of people lost their lives and property during the struggle to possess the emperor and to govern the country (Walker, 2005). However, nuclear bombing helped reduce more deaths since a lot of children; women, and men...

The Second Gulf War – The Iraq War of 2003

Introduction As Cashman (2007, p.10), stated, we do not live in the golden age of peace. There are Constant conflicts, frequently reported in magazines, newspapers, televisions and every possible media means. Statistics about wars are always threatening and the trends in war data convey both good and bad news. Many...

Was World War One the Main Cause of the Russian Revolution?

Introduction The First World War brought about many changes especially in Eastern Europe, with one of the fundamental changes being the collapse of the tsarist rule and its replacement by a Soviet state (Rauch, 1974). Basically, the war had a great impact in the region because it was a process...

Holocaust and the United States

How could it have happened? I think there is a good reason for people to ask how the holocaust could have happened. The tragedy seems unrealistic when one thinks about it, and others still think it never was. The latter are more of antisemitists. Considering that World War II was...

The Doctrine of Unconventional Warfare

The definition of unconventional war, although might not have changed during the last century, might present a concept which is more expanded than it was known before. In Janos (1963), an overview of the literature of the time outlined that there is uncertainty regarding an exact definition of the term....

Racial Profiling: Necessary Evil or Discrimination?

Introduction The historic American Civil War occurred between the years of 1861 and1865. The United States’ survival as one nation was in the balance and therefore the war outcome depended fully on the ability of the nation stakeholders’ to bring civic education to her citizen on the values of liberty,...

Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Facilities?

The news has been reporting more and more lately about the intentions of the US and/or Israel to attack Iran. Categorizing the reason for such attack, the issue can be seen two-fold. On the one hand, there are the nuclear program of Iran, which regardless of it its true purpose...