Ancient Art History: From Paleolithic to Ancient Rome

Introduction The artistic history of ancient cultures can be divided into five periods. In particular, one should speak about the Paleolithic period, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Aegean civilization, and Ancient Rome. This paper is aimed at discussing various works that represent these civilizations. Moreover, it is necessary to show how these artifacts...

”A Visit From the Old Mistress” by Winslow Homer

The painting by Winslow Homer called A Visit from the Old Mistress was created about ten years later after the end of the American Civil War. The painting is one of the most famous works of art in the United States and the world in general. It depicted a scene...

Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible”

Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” is set in Salem, the 17th-century American society, characterized by religious austerity. Due to the strictness of religious laws, adherence to Puritanism enables one to maintain reputable moral and social standing. Major characters such as, Reverend Parris and Elizabeth, are too keen on maintaining a...

The Play “Don Juan of Seville” by Tirso de Molina

Don Juan is considered to be the most famous and even legendary libertine, the affairs of whom have been described by many authors during different periods of time. This personality was a real genius, who was able to seduce any woman any time. He got unbelievable pleasure while fighting with...

World Expo: Global Exposition Benefits

The World Expo has, over the years emerged as one of the largest worldwide noncommercial events in terms of cultural and economic impact. This is a global exposition which entails an exhibition of art, science, and agricultural products as presented by participants from across the world. World Expos are normally...

Painting “Louise Nursing Her Baby” by Mary Cassatt

The happy, well-nourished mother in the Mary Cassatt painting entitled Louise Nursing her Baby is a New York-born socialite who became a suffragette, and, with her husband, an art patron.1 As a wealthy mother in the 1880s2, her apparently joyful choice to nurse her own glowing toddler reflects serious-mindedness3. Doubtless,...

Jane Martin’s “Beauty” Drama

Introduction Beauty is an important aspect in many societies. Many people are conscious of how they look. The reality is evident even in medieval communities, where people used to put marks on their bodies to enhance their physical appearances. In contemporary society, obsession with beauty and physical appearance is manifested...

“The Piano Lesson” by August Wilson

The Piano Lesson is a play by August Wilson, an African American playwright, who was popular for writing plays about the African-American experience in the twentieth century. The play has strong sentiments on the role of history in the shaping of future lives. The play title was encouraged by a...

Henry Darger’s Art Brut and Outsider Art: The Paradox of Innocence and Darkness

Introduction Henry Darger’s Personality and Art Henry Darger, an anonymous recluse, rose to prominence as one of the most well-known figures in outsider art after his death. Darger’s life was complex; he was born in Chicago in 1892. He had a difficult upbringing in hospitals and orphanages after losing his...

Jean-Leon Gerome’s “Bathsheba” as a Representation of Orientalism in Art

Use of Domestic Subject Matter Reflecting European Attitudes Toward Oriental Cultures The most successful work describing Orientalism is “Bathsheba” by Jean-Leon Gerome, created in 1899. Unlike other works of art, Jean-Leon Gerome used a commonplace domestic subject that reflects European attitudes toward Oriental cultures. Firstly, the ordinariness can be appreciated...

“A Trick of the Light” by Gibson: A Thrilling Play of Suspense and Unexpected Twists

Introduction Thriller is a genre that draws viewers in with its suspenseful plot, dramatic tension, and unexpected turns of events. In the play A Trick of the Light, author Scott Gibson utilized these elements to create an exciting and unpredictable thriller. Gibson masterfully weaves together a complex web of intrigue...

The Repatriation Debate of the Parthenon Marbles: Ownership and Cultural Heritage Issues

Introduction Art is a significant part of each country’s history and is regarded as a cultural heritage, which is extremely important for their development. That is why saving historical legacy for each state to recollect in memory of each country’s great past is crucial. However, many incidents happened during the...

Idea of “Is Art History Global?” Article by Elkins

Introduction Art is a complex aspect of human life, the study of which is followed by many questions. It is especially urgent in regard to the history of art, its development and evolution, and the influence of the surrounding world. The history of art is problematic to study as it...

The Queen Mother Pendant Mask: Sculptural Portrait

Edo is a self-taught artist from south Chicago who produces a wide range of organized eclectic artworks to narrate the history of Edo’s journey in life. The Queen Mother Pendant Mask was made in the early sixteenth century. The artistic work was done for an Oba king, Esigie, to honor...

On Ugliness and Beauty Following Umberto Eco

St. Michael by Raphael (1504-1505) In Raphael’s artwork, St. Michael, the archangel is depicted as a young man defeating a monster. The painting provides a striking contrast between the handsome, powerful, youthful archangel and his hideous adversary. Michael’s body is adorned with a halo and wings, encircled by Hell’s gloomy...

Surrealism vs. Neoplasticism: Features and Differences

Art styles portray different profound philosophies and manners of different times. Understanding the art styles helps people to analyze the artist’s vision, beauty, and feelings expressed through the various colors and subjects of the painting. Although Surrealism and Neoplasticism evolved at the beginning of the 20th century, they have many...

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Innovative Perspective on Painting

Introduction When considering the key contributors to the evolution of the 20th-century art, one cannot overlook Georgia O’Keeffe with her incredible innovative perspe4ctive on painting and art, in general. In her article, Lissa A. Pounders discusses the symbolic significance of O’Keeffe’s paintings (18). Though the writer limits herself to the...

Photographic Essay: The Key Advantages

Introduction It is important to note that using written or oral means of communication are highly useful when trying to deliver information, but they are rather weak when it comes to sharing an experience. Photos that tell a story are vital because they contain more depth on visual aspects of...

“Girl With a Balloon” by Bansky

The name of Bansky art is “Girl with a Balloon” was seen stenciled on a wall at London’s West Bank in 2002. The period was characterized by the largest anti-war protest after the bombing of Iraq implying that there was high need for hope despite turbulent times. Bansky image, 27.5...

Homai Vyarawalla’s Photography Career

Introduction Homai Hathiram was born to a Parsi family in Navsari, a city located in the modern-day Indian state of Gujarat, on December 9th, 1913. At the age of 14, she met a young freelancer photographer Maneckshaw Vyarawalla at the railway station and instantly fell in love (Jha). Homai’s love...

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex Production by Max Stapleton

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a tragedy that explores the story of King Oedipus. In Greek mythology, King Oedipus was the King of Thebes, one of the largest cities in Ancient Central Greece. Of all Sophocles’ Theban plays he wrote, three survived, which directly or indirectly touched King Oedipus. This essay...

Noah Charney on the Fame of Mona Lisa

A TED Talk by Noah Charney, delivered in January 2022, discusses a question of art history – namely, why the Mona Lisa became and remains arguably the most famous painting in the world. As the author points out, the theme may be fairly controversial between art historians, as the obvious...

Color in “Superman for All Seasons” Book by Loeb

Superman for All Seasons is a renowned comic piece around the world. The story surrounds the life and personal experiences of Clark Kent: an abnormal fellow who enters planet Earth from a foreign one, Krypton. The young boy lands in a meteor-like spaceship that falls close to Smallville, Kansas, on...

The Exhibition Christian Sorrow: Panorama of the Crucifixion of Jesus

Title: The Raising of the Cross. Author: Peter Paul Rubens; Medium: Oil Paint; Size: 15’2″ × 11’2″; Date: 1610-1611; (Getlein 393). (Rubens). Title: Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, and Donors. Author: Masaccio Fresco. Size: 21’9″ × 9’4″. Date: 1425. (Getlein 368). (Masaccio). Title: Isenheim Altarpiece. Author: Matthias...

Between World Wars: Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali

Marcel Duchamp was a French artist who combined talent and everyday objects to produce meaningful art and paintings. Duchamp broke down the difference between everyday objects and art. His father was a notary, and his older brother, Jacques Villon, was a painter. Fauvism and Matisse greatly influenced Duchamp’s earlier paintings,...

Colour Contribution to the Mood of the Painting of Burial at Ornans

In terms of color, the artwork has minimal unconventional features. A robust white underlay and vivid amber yellow, vermilion, and olive green provide a welcome contrast to the dark tones that prevail in the crowd-focused horizontal strip. The colors used are given a wide range of intonations, with vibrant pops...

“The Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue” Painting by Georgia O’Keeffe

Identifying Creator of Cultural Works Georgia O’Keeffe is one of the notable American painters who revolutionized art in the 20th Century. Born on November 15, 1887, O’Keeffe attended various Chicago and New York art schools before becoming a commercial instructor. As a fan of oriental art, she started her career...

Beethoven’s Influence on Later Artists

Introduction Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the greatest German composers of the 19th century. Polyphony, which J.S.Bach and his contemporaries represented, was replaced by a bias towards homophony, mainly represented by Haydn and Mozart’s greatest symphonists. They created a new form that combines elements of harmony and counterpoint. Beethoven...

Nudity and Nakedness Compared in Art

The Ways of seeing chapter begins by explaining the difference between a man and a woman in terms of their presence. It says a man’s presence depends on power embodiments like moral, physical, temperamental, economic, social, and sexual. When this power is strong, the man is striking and when it...

Buonarroti’s Moses from the Tomb of Pope Julius II

Context The statue of Moses was created by Michelangelo Buonarotti approximately in 1513-1515. Michelangelo’s previous work, David, quickly gained recognition among the public (Zirpolo 160). Following these events, in 1505, Pope Julius II commissioned the artist to come to Rome to build a tomb (Fenichel 153). Moses was planned to...

Online Museum Tour: “The Son of Man” by René Magritte

Introduction I chose “The Son of Man” by René Magritte, which is a 1964 painting. Magritte is most famous for his “The Treachery of Images” or “This is not a pipe” (Ceci n’est pas une pipe) work, as well as many others. Below is the image of the painting I...

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

Introduction The picture pasted above is a well-known oil painting by the genius artist of the late 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci. The author of the picture worked on this masterpiece from 1495 to 1498. It was rather a long and complicated process of creating this artwork because just at...

“Vesperbild”: The Scale, Composition, Perspective-Pictorial, Space, and Pattern

People of lower classes in society majorly observed Christianity in the past, and therefore religious art did not receive substantial funding. People also adhered to the forbiddance of crafted images, apart from having a smaller number of Christians. They obtained most items from pagan artists and molded them to include...

Giotto di Bondone: Biography and Artworks

Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) is a renowned Italian artist who is believed to have been born in 1267 near Florence. He is thought to have grown up as a young shepherd in the countryside. While herding, Giotto would draw pictures of sheep on the ground until one day, his drawings...

Self-Portrait With Bandaged Ear

The selected painting is the work of Vincent Van Gogh, called Self-portrait with bandaged ear, painted in 2-D and belonging to the social category as it reflects the artist’s inner state. Van Gogh always strove to paint himself and everything surrounding him without embellishment, conveying life as he saw and...

Religion in Akhenaten’s Hymn to the Sun

Introduction ‘Hymn to the Sun’ is not only an outstanding poetic creation but also a glimpse at the history and times of ancient civilizations. It shows how people viewed their lives and God, honoring it and explaining a representation of all that lives. The cultism of the Sun was a...

Female Figures in Art from Ancient to Medieval Times

Art from Roman Empire Title: Medici Venus; Date: Late 2nd century B. C. – Early 1st century B. C. Medium: Parian marble, lychnite variant; Current Location: Tribuna; Culture: Greek; Size: 153 cm (height). Art defines every political, social, cultural, and economic state of a society or a community at a...

Ancient Egypt and the 21st Century

Have you ever thought of the Egyptians who lived thousands of years ago? It might seem that people of the 21st century are absolutely different and can have nothing in common with them but in fact, our lives are influenced by ancient craftsmen. The culture and art of Ancient Egypt...

Formal Analysis of Admiration by William Adolph

Introduction Scale and Proportion William Adolphe’s Admiration artwork is a 147 ×200 centimeters painting of oil on canvas. The painting is located at the San Antonio museum in the United States. It depicts six figures who are most likely siblings placed in a foreground of a tree shrub. The figures...

Drawing Inspired by Michelangelo: Reflection and Comparison

Summary Art is a powerful tool for passing across information and sharing ideas. This paper begins by presenting and describing the background of Buonarroti’s The Creation of Adam. This inspiration piece forms the basis for the presented personal piece. The paintings revolve around the connection between the heavens and earth....

Symbols in Ancient Sculptures of Zeus

Ancient Greek gods and goddesses often had particular traits or symbols that were typically associated with them. In this paper, I will discuss the symbols representing this deity and that people may see on almost every Zeus’ sculpture. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the god of lightning, thunder, and the...

Interrelationships Reflection in Art

Description In ancient times, art was even used as mental therapy; it was believed that under its influence, a person’s character, feelings are formed, psychological problems are healed. People get the opportunity to improve, develop spiritually, and find spiritual balance, harmony due to art. Some artists are inspired by the...

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Art Creation and Reflection Since ancient times, people have created art and marveled over it. The variety of art mediums allows every person to find his or her own favorite genre and explore the works of different artists proficient in it. As for me, painting is the most graceful kind...

What Is Art For? Art for Life’s Sake by Dissanayake

Understanding the essence of art and the perspectives of its evaluation by people is not always easy. In comparison to other educators of art, the approaches demonstrated by Dissanayake are the most truthful and the most interesting. One of the first claims was the idea that art could encompass all...

“The Awakening Conscience” by William Holman Hunt

Art Creation and Reflection There are many types of art, and each person perceives them differently. Personally, I prefer portraits and still lives to other kinds of painting since these genres best represent the true shades of images and objects portrayed by artists. In this respect, the works of William...

The Works of Photographer Steve McCurry: Consequences of the War

Introduction The launch of Steve McCurry’s career occurred when he disguised as a native person and entered Afghanistan through Pakistan right before the Soviet Invasion was to happen. He saved photographic documentation of the event, and these images were published worldwide showing the conflict. Steve McCurry kept covering armed battles,...

Daphne Odjig Paintings: Art and Style

Introduction The problems of indigenous people in the context of the ethnic revival process activation, the spread of the ideas of multiculturalism as an integral characteristic of a modern legal state are gaining increasing political importance. In this regard, the experience of a country such as Canada, due to some...

Man Ray Artist and His “The Gift”

Man Ray, an American of Jewish descent, is one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century and a true revolutionary. He successfully practiced painting, sculpture, writing, and eventually started experimenting with camerawork (Cohen). He constantly tried new techniques and invented rayographs, which helped create bizarre and refracted images...

Pablo Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” and the Concept of Life Journey

Every person is faced with a creative or professional crisis at some stage in their life. The nature of these events is diverse, as well as their further influence on individual development. The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso has influenced my personal life and career, as it symbolizes the movement...

“Meditating Female Shaman Effigy”: Formal Analysis

One of the characteristics of Native Americans is the intention to live in harmony with nature. As a result, many artworks of the Ancient Americans before the 1500s were devoted to the theme of spiritual connection between humans and nature, and the role of shamans was underlined. In this paper,...

“A Woman in Blue” by Thomas Gainsborough

The artwork under consideration is a picture of A Woman in Blue (1777-1779) by Thomas Gainsborough. The size of the original is 30 x 25 1/4 in (76 x 64 cm). The picture belongs to the Hermitage collection. The portrait A Woman in Blue by Thomas Gainsborough is the single...

“Three Women” by Joan Miro

Joan Miro is a well-known surrealistic artist earning his international acclaim for a series of self-portraits written during varied periods of his mastership. The collection of the National Gallery of Art is furnished with his numerous works. One of them is Three Women. It was completed by Joan Miro in...

“Eugene Onegin” Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin is an adaptation of Alexander Pushkin’s novel of the same name. The book consists of eight chapters, each of which is composed of stanzas written in verse (Doran 7). Pushkin’s book has been praised for vivid storytelling and innovative approach to structure (Doran 10). The...

The African American Art Expression

Introduction It is well-known that contemporary literature and art contain works of authors of different skin colors and origins. However, in 1926 the issue of diversity of art creators was put a little rough due to the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance. We’ve only been living in these ghettos for...

Peter Weiss’ “Marat – Sade”

First published and performed in Germany in 1963 by Peter Weiss, Marat/Sade, which full title is The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat As Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of The Marquis de Sade, was highly acclaimed by the critics. In 1964, the...

Art Perception and Ways of Seeing

Art Different people will describe this term in their own different ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding. What people see or describe to be art today may not be what it was sometime back. Many of the things that were done sometime back we describe to be art today e.g....

Whether Artists Reject Society, or Are Rejected by Society?

To begin with, a person of an artist in all times was the theme of intensive discussions in terms of high points about morality and culture. The artists usually contributed to the society’s distinct values of character and traditions. This approach also contemplates that artists differ from other people. Their...

Art and Design, Salvador Dali

The cultural legacy of Salvador Dali continues to be discussed from a variety of different perspectives even today. However, there can be absolutely no doubt as to the highest objective value of his artistic works, which explains why Dali’s paintings are being sold at the auctions for millions of dollars...

Analysis of Aesthetics Applied to the Theme of Love

Art is one of the unique forms which reflect the personal, social, and cultural values of society. Art, in different forms and genres, can be seen as a philosophy of life reflecting the values, traditions, and feelings of people. The philosophy of art can be seen as individual opinion buttressed...

Graffiti: Whether It Is a Good or Bad Side of Society

Graffiti is one of the most exciting and thrilling type of modern art. Different people consider art in different ways. Some understand it as the expression of people’s souls and ideas about society and life in general, the others are afraid of it and express their mistrust to people who...

Rococo, Interior Decorative Art

Such cultural and artistic phenomenon as rococo takes its origin in the eighteenth century France. The very word “rococo” is the blending of two words rocaille (which can be translated into English as “shell”) and Baroque (Kalnein, 44). Overall, this style can be characterized by elaborate ornamentation and asymmetry. Rococo...

Motifs in the Incestuous Roman Art

Romans were not shy about sexual exploits and their artists did not hesitate to create artworks depicting the same attitude. Some of the artworks were censored as pornographic due to the explicit sexual nature of the underlying information, specifically to avoid a clash of cultures as the empire continued to...

Roman Art: Excellence and Innovations in Ancient Artistic Practices

Introduction During the vast Roman Empire, which lasted for hundreds of years, artists created widespread forms of outstanding artworks that have continued to be popular even in modern times. Roman art excelled in different ways due to its diversity, availability to the masses, and embracing of trends from all over...

“The Voyage of Life: Manhood” Painting by T. Cole

Introduction The Voyage of Life: Manhood – is the third in a series of paintings by the American landscape artist Thomas Cole created in 1842 and presented in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. It is performed with oil on canvas with the overall size 134.3 x 202.6 cm...

Visual Art Creation and Reflection

Introduction The inspiration that comes from observing works of art is the driving force that stimulates creativity and allows one to better understand the nature of the human thought. In order to express an idea, people often resort to visual images that can awaken different emotions and feelings. The aim...

Cubism and Futurism: Art and Politics

Introduction When focusing on such avant-garde art movements of the 20th century as Cubism and Futurism, it is possible to notice that they both were based on abstract tendencies. As a result, the viewers of Futurist and Cubist artworks can pay attention to certain similarities in the approach to representing...

Edouard Manet’s Olympia Painting

Review of Edouard Manet’s Olympia Edouard Manet’s Olympia seems to intentionally provoke the debates regarding the quality and purpose of this painting. Is it possible to perceive Olympia seriously and positively when, in this work, Manet tries to represent a vulgar and nude young woman whose glance is indifferent, but...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Art in Feministic Context

Introduction The world of art of the 16th or 17th century differed from the contemporary one and was characterized by absolute male domination. Only a few female artists managed to succeed and gain fame in art until the 19th century. Nevertheless, there is a woman whose outstanding artistic performance brought...

Ancient Greek Architecture’s Influences on Modern Design

Introduction Among numerous forms of arts and crafts that existed in Ancient Greece, it is possible to mention architecture as one of the most recognizable and influential aspects of this culture due to the combination of beauty and utility. The purpose of this assignment is to choose one example of...

Artistic and Architectural Achievements of Ancient Near Eastern and Aegean Cultures

Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia) Battle of the Gods The theme of the impression is clearly militant in nature. The attackers in the group to the left hold their victim by hands and by the headdress. This can be considered a basic depiction of military tactics. The gods encircle their enemy...

Pop Art and Modern Technology in Artworks

Introduction Postmodernism of pop art refers to the historical events in the early 1960s that resulted in the advent of the new era of artwork. According to Osterworld (2003), pop art combines high and low art. Andy Warhol was a pop art revolutionist through the presentation of his artwork by...

Theatre Play: “The Addams Family”

The Addams Family is an action-packed musical comedy based on a book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice with the characters taken from the eponymous cartoon. It is another adaptation of the well-known story of the weird, macabre family, making clumsy attempts to live among normal people, who find them...

Heroic Rape in Historic Art Exhibition

The Theme of the Exhibition: Heroic Rape The theme chosen for the exhibition is Rape imagery depicted in art. Rape imagery in medieval art did not always depict rape as it is conceived today: non-consensual, forcible penetration not necessarily of a woman by a man (Wolfthal 286). Rape in art...

Jean-Michel Basquiat: A Study of His Artistic Innovations and Impact

Jean-Michel Basquiat was an American artist whose claim to fame was based on his incredible contribution to Neo-Expressionism. The fact that impresses me the most about the artist is that he was often referred to as “the black Picasso of American Art” (Kukje Gallery, 2013, p. 2). By the age...

Realist and Impressionist Paintings in 1850-88

Introduction This essay discusses the changing representations of work between 1850 and 1888. Five pieces of art have been used to illustrate these periods while placing each work firmly within its social and historical context. The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet (1850) In the painting depicting two laborers, one youthful...

Arnold Newman: Iconic American Photographer’s Journey

Biography The late Arnold Abner Newman was born in the year 1918 in Manhattan. Arnold died in the year 2006 as one of the most successful American photographers. As a young boy, Arnold was raised in the city of Atlanta in New Jersey and Florida. At the age of 16...

Female Artists: War Paintings

Curatorial Statement This exhibition is aimed at showing how female artists depict war, its catastrophic effects, and its futility. It is the main theme that the chosen painters explore. While selecting the images, I focused on the artists who represented different countries and historical periods. Overall, the chosen paintings may...

Greek Pottery and Ancient Art Periods

Introduction Greek art has evolved for more than 2,000 years with most of its traces found in pottery. However, a large part of the history related to Greek pottery began emerging after the dark period. Some of the major periods, which are visible from the Greek art during the time,...

Nudity and Nakedness in Paintings

In his article, Danto suggests two opinions about nudity and nakedness. The first one is concerned with embarrassment – refinement opposition, and the second one focuses on the vulnerability and disgrace of nakedness as opposed to nudity’s serenity and beauty. Danto explains his first viewpoint on the divergence between the...

Yellow Jellies by Ciemon Frank Caballes: Underwater Photo of Snorkeler

Objective Description Yellow Jellies by Ciemon Frank Caballes is an underwater photo of a snorkeler surrounded by jellyfish. The photo was taken in Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk. The photographer took the shot near the surface of the water during the day in the natural light. The snorkeler, a woman,...

The Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery: Objects and Influence

Description of the Exhibit While visiting the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery which is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I selected a piece of art that expressed the main features of Ancient Greek Culture. The chosen exhibit is two bronze helmets (see Picture 1,2). The helmets belong to the...

“The Madwoman of Chaillot” Play by Giraudoux

Introduction “The Madwoman of Chaillot” is a satirical play by Jean Giraudoux. It was written in 1943 and tells the tale of an eccentric Parisian woman and her friends who foil a plan to drill for oil in Paris. The play was adapted by Maurice Valency and directed by Stephanie...

Museum Space of the British Museum

Introduction This paper is aimed at the comparative analysis of two approaches concerning museum spaces by Duncan and Hillier and Tzortzi in relation to the visit to the British Museum. Key Ideas and Approach to Museum Space by Duncan The first article is written by art historian Carol Duncan. He...

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Linda Nochlin a well-known art history scholar has written many essays on this subject, however, the essay that made the greatest impact on the field of history was “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” (NOCHLIN, par. I). From this idea and the profound question put up by Linda...

Theater Performance: Mrs.Warren’s Profession

The World of the Play The play takes place in Victorian England where a young woman, who spent most of her life in various boarding schools, is preparing to meet her mother whom she has not seen for a very long time and knows almost nothing about. The woman’s name...

Modern Art by Pam Meecham and Julie Sheldon

The book Modern Art: A Critical Introduction by Pam Meecham and Julie Sheldon is aimed at discussing various aspects of the contemporary art and the factors that influence its evolution. In the first chapter of the book What, When, and Where was Modernism, the authors discuss the origins of this...

Avant-Garde Art, Urban Capitalism and Modernization

Introduction The avant-garde artists are significant to the modern society because they provided experimental and innovative arts, which transformed social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of the society. Essentially, the avant-garde artists formed the basis of modernism and post-modernism as their works focused on capitalism, modernization, and industrialization. Through their...

Existentialism in 1940-50s: Alienation & Society’s Influence

Introduction When existentialism appeared in the 1940-50s as a philosophic and literary movement, it primarily concerned the idea of alienation of the artist from the world and the deteriorating influence the society exerts on human nature (Modern art movements, n.d.). Existentialists reacted against the systematic approach of rationalist philosophy that...

Artworks Depicting Trade: Insights from Ancient Egypt to the Silk Road

Art is an indispensable part of the culture. Art is not always fine art; it might depict rather common scenes from life, showing phenomena that were important for the everyday life of the society which created it. This is why pieces of art can often be important historical artifacts telling...

Satire in Francisco de Goya’s and Banksy Works

Examples of artists using the tools of visual media to comment on the current state of affairs in their communities can be found both today and in past centuries. To demonstrate the use of satire in the visual arts through time, I chose The Family of Charles IV, painted by...

Pedro de La Blanca Calderon’s Drama “Life Are a Dream”

Staging plays to reinvent the ideas offered by various authors in their plays is one of the trickiest issues imaginable – not because these ideas are so hard to convey with the help of a certain visual medium, but mostly because setting a staged play based on a certain work...

The Medieval and Renaissance Periods

The Middle Ages was a period that lasted from the fifth to the fifteenth century and was marked by a strong religious influence and a feudal system of administration. On the other side, the Renaissance, which lasted from the 14th through the 17th century, was a time of tremendous cultural...

Love in Paintings and Photographs

Works depicting love can show a range of emotions and settings, presenting the different moments of romantic relationships to the audience. With some works showing great passion and sexuality, others focus on capturing small moments of tenderness and daily routine among people in love. As a result, each painting and...

Contemporary Artists: Andrea Zittel, Cindy Sherman, Krzysztof Wodiczko

Introduction Zittel is one of the Contemporary artists who will end up being published in history books 100 years from now. First, what I like about the artist’s art is the unique messages they depict to humanity. For instance, when looking at Wagon Station Encampment located in Joshua Tree National...

On Pech Merle Cave Drawings and The Starry Night by van Gogh

The prehistoric paintings of the Pech Merle Cave in France and The Starry Night by renowned painter Vincent van Gogh are among the most famous artworks worldwide. Both works portray the elements of the real world available to the artists at the time, yet the realness is distorted through the...

How Art Represents Reality in Plato’s View

Plato & Aristotle’s View of Art According to Plato, art is an imitation of things in the real world. However, these things for the philosopher were only shadows of their ideal images. Therefore, art turns out to be even further from the truth than the surrounding world, which it imitates....

Chris Ofili and His Holy Virgin Mary Artwork

Introduction Chris Ofili is a Nigerian born in Manchester in 1968 and now living in Trinidad and Tobago, a graduate of the Royal College of Art in London, a member of the Young British Artists group, and the winner of the Turner Prize for 1998. His works are already in...

Photography as a Contemporary Art Form

Modern art has no precise definition: it remains an elastic term that can have a variety of meanings. Nevertheless, it is customary to say that the term refers to works created around the period 1870-1970. In this era, photography, in addition to establishing itself as an art form, preserving and...

The “Guernica” Painting by Pablo Picasso

Introduction Guernica is a famous painting by the great Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The canvas was painted in 1937, and the picture has a deep symbolic meaning associated with the Spanish Civil War. The main themes of the picture are the bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica, the horrors...

Analysis of Paintings by Manet, Degas, and Gauguin

“Claude Monet Painting in His Studio Boat,” by Edouard Manet (1874) Manet, the French modernist painter, depicted one of the famous Impressionists. His technique with petite and thin brush strokes and emphasis on the depiction of light made him stand out among other artists (Kleiner, 2020). Manet’s art series with...

Graffiti as a Monumental Form of Art

Introduction For a long time, graffiti has been a complicated subject for discussion. It is often called street art, and appears all around the globe. Often framed as an act of damaging public property, it is at the same time an important cultural and artistic statement in and of itself....

The Representational Aspect of Art

Introduction Representational art encompasses all drawings that symbolize something that already exists in real life. The displays portray things with significant visual similarities to the actual world; they depict real-life subjects or objects, even though some forms can be moving towards abstraction. Representational art was embodied by the initial artworks...

Shinto Religion and History of Japanese Art

Introduction Shinto is the native Japanese religion, very popular in modern Japan, which aims to worship specific gods and spirits, called kami, and follow the life philosophy connected with this religion. It is a pantheistic belief: while there is a sun goddess Amaterasu, a primary deity, there are many kami...

Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling

Introduction The Pope commissioned Michelangelo 1475-1564 CE, a famed Florentine painter and sculptor, to paint pictures on the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel ceiling in 1508. Some of the finest Renaissance artists had already adorned the chapel’s walls. Michelangelo, on the other hand, would outperform them all for four years with his...

Malevich’s Black Square Analysis

Until 1913, the world of art was limited to objectivity and realistic representations. Some critics say that art reached the deepest point of its downfall during this year. However, in 1913, a new art movement, Suprematism, laid a foundation for the liberation of art, leading to the development of modern...

Francis Bacon in History of Art

Francis Bacon is one of the most famous English self-taught painters who mainly worked in expressionism and figurative painting. As a rule, the artist created frightening, disturbing, wild, and exciting images in his works. His favorite themes were screaming, suffering, agony, loss, defeat, death, and doom, which were often framed...

Islamic Architecture in Its Historical Context

Islamic architecture represents a mixture of secular and religious styles dating to the origin of Islam to the contemporary world. The architecture works reveal various factors that contributed to the uniqueness of this art, including cultural interaction and religious affiliations. While these architectural components remain one of Islam’s identities, the...

Violence in Joseph Rodriguez’s Photographs

Introduction Joseph Rodriguez’s photography is considered a meditation on the different types of violence in poor communities in East Los Angeles. Being a former drug user, Rodriguez took pictures of the gang life to escape his addiction and show how hatred and cruelty can destroy families and children’s lives (Martinique)....

Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque: Mosaics of Byzantine Art

Introduction The given formal analysis will primarily focus on Byzantine Art, where the emphasis is put on more abstract elements rather than a naturalistic one. The image is a mosaic, where it brings distinctive features to the imagery, such as depth. The depiction, as a part of Byzantine Art, consists...

Virtual Visit to Louvre During Covid-19 Pandemic

Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world, with millions of visitors each year. For those who cannot visit the site and see the marvels of the world culture, the museum has a virtual tour, which is a treat in the period of COVID-related restrictions. Of course,...

Pandemic in Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte”

Since the coronavirus pandemic started, it has become clear for the previous way in which society has socialized will most likely never be the same. Children across the globe have been pulled from daycare and schools, college and university students have transferred to online learning, while the majority of companies...

Comparison of the Style and Works of Yves Klein and Lothar Wolleh

Introduction Art as a complex process involving a variety of manifestations of a creative thought provides an abundance of interpretations and meanings that the audience is persuaded to experience under the influence of an artist. Regardless of the intentions and narratives encoded in a given work of art and the...

Cimabue’s “Enthroned Madonna and Child” and Giotto’s “Ognissanti Madonna”

The 1285 Cimabue’s Enthroned Madonna and Child and the 1305 Giotto’s Ognissanti Madonna have several subtle dissimilarities portraying the change in a rhetorical and stylistic sense at the beginning of the early Renaissance. These two pieces of art are also similar in many ways, and the artists depict great symbolism...

Art and Humanities as Part of Human Experience

The process of making creative works, participating in them, or examining them enriches the lives of people, impacting an individual’s perception of self and the world around them. The videos and the article discussed as a part of this assignment are all used to highlight the role arts play in...

Aesthetics in African and African American Art

Introduction African American culture has greatly been influenced by African artistic traditions, which mainly manifest in visual art. The visual art that has become the definition of African American culture reflects its origin in native Africans, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Visual arts that transcend African culture include paintings, sculptures, textiles,...

Comparison of the Katsuhiro Otomo’s “Stanley Kubrick Portrait” and “Akira”

Introduction Although Katsuhiro Otomo primarily is famous for his first large-scale creation Akira, in forms of both manga and anime, this work is not the only possibility to become acquainted with his manner. He actually devoted most of his life to illustrating and produced several thousands of pieces, among which...

Broadway Boogie Woogi Abstract Painting by Mondrian

Peter Cornelis Mondrian was born in 1872 in Amersfoort (Netherlands). Mondrian began as a teacher of art in elementary school. His early works were made in the manner of old Dutch masters, although the influence of Impressionism became more prominent. In 1911 Mondrian took part in an exhibition of contemporary...

“The Sacred and Profane Love” by Titian

Introduction “The Sacred and Profane Love” is an oil painting found in Galleria Borghese, Rome. The artwork was designed by Titian and has been analyzed by different people to reveal its meaning. The art was created in 1514 and consists of two women and a little winged boy. Therefore, one...

Mona Lisa and Its Impact on Humanity

The modern world cannot be imagined without the cultural aspect in all its forms and manifestations, as it provides people with the ability to think in paradigms that contravene the conventional patterns of outlook and perception of life. Hence, art, being an extremely extensive concept that encompasses various forms such...

Deconstructing Kaphar’s “Another Fight For Remembrance”: A Racial Outcry

Over a century after the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, American society is still rife with racial injustice in flagrant defiance of the nation’s founding ideals. The Great Migration, Civil Rights Movement, and a large body of antiracism literature are some forms of activism pushing for aggressive...

Mondrian’s “Composition With Yellow, Blue and Red”

For the purposes of this assignment, I have chosen Piet Mondrian’s “Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red.” The artist painted the picture between 1937 and 1942, and, according to Composition with yellow, blue and red (n.d.), it reflected the progression in his search for “the abstract quality of the line.”...

The Painting “Toy Pieta” by Scott Avett

Introduction The painting Toy Pieta by Scott Avett was one of the first ones I saw after entering the website of the North Carolina Museum of Art. It grabbed my attention from the first second, and even though I spend a considerable amount of time exploring other available works, I...

Cultural Identity and Theater Aesthetics

Theater in the twenty-first century is characterized by the examination of various topics related to diverse aspects of human life. Cultural identity is one of the areas explored with the help of theatrical aesthetics. It is noteworthy that the issues related to identity have been recurrent throughout the history of...

Derain’s “Large Bathers” and Matisse’s “Pink Nude”

The given comparative analysis of art works will focus on Andre Derain’s Large Bathers and Henri Matisse’s Pink Nude. The painting Large Bathers presents and depicts a less sexualized form of nudity. In order to conduct a thorough analysis, one needs to take into account a number of parameters of...

Basilica Julia and Temple of Divus Augustus

Basilica Julia and the Temple of Divus Augustus were two monumental structures situated near one another in the valley of the Roman Forum. At present, the remains of Basilica Julia contain some fragments of the floors and a column from its initial construction; Temple of Divus Augustus’ remains are unavailable....

“Swan Lake” Ballet by Matthew Bourne

Matthew Bourne, a British director, is known for his ballet, in which all swans are men. After watching this ballet online, it seems that this change was not done for shocking the viewers. This version of “Swan Lake” is a humanistic and light performance with completely original choreography (Scicluna). The...

The Bust of Queen Nefertiti

The statue of Queen Nefertiti is one of the most famous examples of ancient art, depicting the image of one of the most beautiful women of antiquity. It was created in Egypt, circa 1345 BC, by the sculptor Thutmose, who was the official court sculptor of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, and...

Damien Hirst: Biography

The attempts to capture life and death were ascribed to various artists throughout history. However, these subjects still attract the attention of contemporary creators who present their views on it. One of them is Damien Hirst, and his peculiarity is in not only in the emphasis of his installations on...

Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?

Photography has become a true art like cinema, theatre, sculpture, and others. However, it has its own particularities: for example, it is possible to immortalize no more than a second, and there is no way to make any changes in the shot. What is more, it is necessary to mention...

Proposal on Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

I chose the painting Christina’s World because of the strong emotional appeal I think it has. It impressed me very much when I saw it for the first time. The painting was printed in an art book that I was reading, and the moment I opened to the page where...

The Drag Queens and Drag Kings

Introduction Drag is an art that involves entertaining people by crossing sexes to have the characters perform roles of the opposite sex. Drag shows contain performances of music, dances, skits, and monologues, with either one performer at a time or a group of performers to entertain the audience. Most such...

The Theme of Jealousy in Relationships Reflected in Art

Jealousy is one of the strongest emotions which is often portrayed in the arts. It often causes people to experience a wide range of feelings, from insecurity to fear of rejection and anxiety. Jealousy is a destructive emotion that has the power to ruin relationships and threaten the trust between...

Monoblock Chair in Social Documentary

Social documentary photography has its special functions that are relevant to the photographer and viewer. Its purpose is to convey socially important issues through the emotional perception that the objects in the picture convey. A monoblock chair is an example of a democratic design and a context-free object. However, the...

Museums in United States and Overseas

Introduction While researching museums in the U.S and other countries overseas, I came across quite a number. Museums are of great significance in people’s lives as they act as both recreational and educational centers. In this paper, I am going to discuss two museums that one can visit in the...

King Mycerinus and His Queen: Proposal

The sculpture King Mycerinus and His Queen is one of the oldest artworks of Egyptian culture, which dates back to around 2490-2472 B.C., about the same age as Giza’s pyramids. This artwork depicts two figures of King Mycerinus and his Queen, who froze in the move. I chose the sculpture...

The Hidden Symbolism in Picasso’s Guernica

Pablo Picasso’s Guernica is one of his most famous paintings. It was finished in 1937 and is painted with oil on a canvas. It is, in fact, accepted by most critics as one of his most compelling and moving paintings. The painting is conveying an anti-war message showing gruesome nature...

How Is the Meaning Constructed in Images?

Introduction In all displays and dimensions, people are surrounded by different images, paintings, billboards, advertisements, illustrations, posters, and photographs. They are depicted and conveyed in different ways and all of those methods imply the use of unique techniques and material. All this encapsulates and presents the visual culture of the...

The Renaissance of the 12th Century: History & Culture

Introduction Renaissance is a name given to a period in history where many changes were witnessed in an otherwise stagnant society. It is a French word which can be construed to mean a new start or a rebirth (Klaus 4). Renaissance means many and diverse changes that happen at a...

Tattoos: From Social Taboo to Social Acceptance

Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to summary and comment upon the changes in perception with regards to tattoos by the society over the years. While the unanimous acceptance of tattoos in the society has not yet occurred, tattoos have moved from being a taboo subject to gaining...

Non-Western Art Definition and Distinctive Features

From music, dance and paintings to abstract art our perception of life are exposed through the most varied ways in which we see and interpret it. This perception is often shown in very different ways and can be identified by numerous characteristics. One of such characteristics is the notion of...

Art in Renaissance Period

The age of new awakenings in Europe is called the Renaissance, and everything was changing in this period. This was one of the greatest periods of human history and it contributed many great minds to the society. The Renaissance Art was sometimes termed as the rebirth of the Classical traditions....

Setting Description Within a Dramatic Plot

The delicious restaurant is situated on a very busy street in the town center. On its left-hand side is a mosque and on the right an entertainment club which makes no apologies for the loud noise it makes every evening. It is relatively large compared to the restaurants within its...

Jackson Pollock: Number 1, 1949

Defining art of Pollock can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider and so many different methods of artistic thoughts. Some say that art is an expression, but not everyone agrees that an expression is...

Alexander Rodchenko: Russian Constructivist

Introduction Photography is the world that is absolutely different form painting, sculpture and architecture. It may seem that photography combines the features of all above mentioned trends in art and integrates them all while creating the pictures of different object. There are many of artists who shifted from different types...

Art History Research: Comparing the Cubist and Futurist

Cubist is a different type of art work which shows the two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object. Natural resources are mainly used for this painting and variety of colors is applied in this painting. Cubist “paintings are characterized by geometric, fractured forms, muted, depthless colors, and unspecified edges....

Portraits of Paganini, Napoleon, Marie-Antoinette and Countess Tournon

‘Paganini’ by Delacroix and ‘Napoleon in his Study’ by Jacques-Louis David In comparing the portraits Paganini by Delacroix and Napoleon in his Study by Jacques-Louis David are full-figure portraits, but the resemblance ends there. While the propaganda portrait of Napoleon is brighter and has more detail, the portrait of Paganini...