Art and History. Bull Headed Lyre of Ur

Introduction Interpreting different pieces of art throughout the history of humankind’s development allows connoisseurs to transfer back in time and feel what artists felt when making their pieces. By using the example of the bull-headed harp with an inlaid sound box from Pu-abi tomb (“King’s Grave”) the present exploration will...

Settings in Bollywood Cinema: “Bobby” Movie

There are many reasons for people to love and hate Bollywood. Annually, Bollywood introduces about one thousand feature movies and hundreds of short films.1 On the one hand, the quality, motives, and the development of the events seem to be predictable, not interesting, or even boring. On the other hand,...

Ansel Adams’s Photos’ Aesthetic and Philosophical Influences

Influential Photography Ansel Adams (1902-1984) was one of the most well-known landscape photographers and environmentalists whose works continue to charm art lovers nowadays. An ardent advocate of conservationism, Adams received his first camera in 1916, at the age of fourteen. At the time, photography had not even reached its first...

Misrepresentations of Arab Women in Hollywood

Misrepresentation of various ethnic and religious backgrounds in Hollywood movies is not a new phenomenon: indeed, the only culture that Hollywood filmmakers can represent without bias or mistreatment is the modern American culture. Characters of other national, ethnic or religious backgrounds, such as Latino, Muslims, and even Europeans, are often...

“Dragon Ball Z” by Andrew Kincaid

Reading Response The article written by Andrew Kincaid analyzes the role of Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) in the development of anime culture. Kincaid believes that the series has established an attractive anime format that has since been adopted by other anime makers. The author supports his thesis by examining the...

The Book “A History of Narrative Film”

The book, A history of narrative film, by David Cook offers a comprehensive and modern content that is analytical in nature because it highlights important issues related to film and the process of film making. The book is essential in cinematology because it analyses the old process of film making,...

“The Constant Gardener” a Film by Fernando Meirelles

Introduction The film The Constant Gardener is a political thriller (“The Constant Gardener,” 2005); the story is about a married couple who witness dramatically unethical human experimentation in Africa and face a series of difficult ethical decisions. The main character, Justin Quayle, is a British diplomat sent to Kenya to...

Moral Behaviours in the Movie “Inside Job”

Moral Reasons behind Salary Differences The essay centers on the movie “Inside Job” directed by Charles Ferguson whose key message is the portrayal of moral behaviours, as presented by the director, in relation to the real-life job scenario. The movie exposes the economic flaws that the US government had perpetrated...

Greek and Roman Interiors: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction The Greek and Roman interior styles are commonly referred to as classical architecture. The Roman architecture was profoundly influenced by classical Greek style according to Greek history. However, they advanced their architecture so that they looked different from those of Greek. In fact, they created new architectural style. This...

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring Film Analysis

The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is an adventure, adaptation, action or a fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in the year two thousand and one. It is an epic adventure in prehistoric times that contrasts the moral vs. malicious forces and role of...

The Chinese Dragon Dance and Lion Dance

Introduction: Into the Primitive People cannot live without rituals, which must be why dancing makes such a huge chunk of literally any culture. There is something entrancing in performing ritual motions. The Chinese Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are the exact representation of the above-mentioned; moreover, because their long Evo...

“The Harvesters” Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

The Harvesters by Pieter Bruegel The first work to be discussed is The Harvesters by the Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder written in 1565. This painting is part of a series of six works illustrating the seasons and it “shows a hot, hazy midsummer day, perhaps near Lake Geneva”...

Analysis of Piano Trio No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich

Introduction In this work, it is required to characterize the performed musical work. The analyzed performance of Piano Trio No. 2, written by the Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich was held at Mountain Bay College as part of the chamber music festival. This concert took place in 2020, while Shostakovich’s suite...

Impact of Kendrick Lamar Music on Racism

Introduction Popular music, and rap music in particular, has always played a major role in addressing social and economic issues of the mankind. Many rap songs were written with the idea of reflecting topical problems and making people think over the ways to resolve them. Kendrick Lamar’s music has stood...

Vivaldi’s “Winter” as an Example of Baroque Music

Precisely the Baroque era is the period of the introduction of instrumental music characterized by extravagant and bizarre textures and harmonies and depicting an extra-musical place, character, or idea. Music of the Baroque era has evident contrast between soft and loud and long flowing melodies. It is more unpredictable and...

Little Women Drama by Greta Gerwig

Introduction Little Women by Greta Gerwig is a heartwarming movie with some memorable characters. Director Greta Gerwig unveiled the latest version of “Little women”, a classic novel by Louisa May Alcott, into the theatre (Zborowski 4). Gerwig’s movie presents some unadulterated changes to the original story’s structure and style. Watching...

Defining Art in the Past and Present

Mimesis The ancient Greeks approached art as a form of mimesis. They were convinced that the major objective of creativity is to imitate or copy reality. Such a definition may prompt artists to develop their skills in order to convey shadows, light, and other peculiarities precisely. However, it can be...

Surrealism and Dadaism: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Surrealism and Dadaism are highly recognizable art movements predominant in the early 20th century. Supposedly surrealism that became common in the 1920s could have emerged from dadaism, which developed earlier in 1916 to 1920 and may have outgrown it. Both movements have distinctive cultural connotations and periods despite the...

Portrayal of Worldviews in “Les Misérables”

During their lives, people find themselves in a kaleidoscope of encounters, make various decisions and cope with the outcome. Such a way of things inevitably leads to the accumulation of experience, which, in turn, is used to build a personal perception of everything that happened, is happening, or will happen...

The Movie “Alien” Overview and Analysis

The movie Alien, a science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’Bannon, revolves around the concept of putting humanity first and views everything from a human viewpoint, which is, in retrospect, a wrong mindset. However, the issue of alien life should be reviewed from a...

Cultural Analysis and Inferences from the Movie 42

Introduction Culture is a central aspect in anthropology that gives insight into a people’s history, values, and perceptions. Over the years, visual arts, particularly films, have been used not only to inform but also to indicate people’s cultural artifacts. Every film author wants to communicate a particular theme and influence...

“Requiem for a Dream” by Aronofsky

Is the Mental Disorder Appropriately Portrayed? The targeted movie for this exercise is “Requiem for a Dream”. The film is directed by Darren Aronofsky. This movie narrates the story of Sara Goldfarb and the people around her life. The health issue outlined in this film is addiction. According to the...

Analysis of The Great Gatsby (2013)

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a full-feature adaptation of a book by the same name written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The novel has received a number of adaptations throughout the years, with 2013 one being the most recent. Its production has been quite expensive, and the end product...

“Martha of the North” and the Meaning of North for Canada

The North signifies the Canadian strength and magnitude. Moreover, the significance of the North for the national identity is represented by the words of the country’s anthem “the true north strong and free.” Almost half of the Canadian territory is determined as north including Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, and northern...

Jackson Pollock’s Painting “Convergence”

The creative activity of Jackson Pollock raised much criticism and doubts concerning its significance in the world of art and the level of professionalism and artistic talent included in it even at the time of Pollock’s life. The reason for such prejudice can be seen in the unique, individual style...

The History of Hip-Hop Culture

Executive Summary Hip-Hop culture emerged in the Bronx, in New York City some 30 years ago. It is the subculture that has been involved with four elements, rap, graffiti, break dancing, and disk jockey. Most of the historical studies prove the fact that Hip-Hop was the contribution of the low...

Film Production: Camera, Lighting and Sound

There is no universally accepted definition of mise-en-scene. People engaged in film production do not agree on different concepts the term might hold. In the most general sense, it denotes the design aspects of film production. The term was first used by Les Cahiers du Cinéma, an influential French film...

“Death in Venice”: Mann’s Novel v. Visconti’s Film

Introduction The origins of inspiration haunted the imagination of endless writers, composers, and artists of all kinds. When the book inspires a director, he or she usually has a choice: change a story and a name or let it remain the same, thus, opening a film to the comparison. In...

Cole’s Painting “The Oxbow and Gogh’s “Olive Trees With Yellow Sky and Sun”

Introduction Many painters from different movements have managed to produce admirable works that glorify God’s creation and guide people to address most of the social, economic, political, and psychological issues they face in their lives. Some of the famous painters of the 1800s whose artworks continue to attract the attention...

The Impact of Korean Pop on the Global Culture

Introduction Music has been an important part of culture throughout the centuries. Korean pop or K-pop is a term used to describe popular music performed by Korean bands or solo artists. It has become a global phenomenon, gaining widespread popularity outside Korea and affecting the global culture. Currently, K-pop is...

Gender Expectations in the Disney Film “The Little Mermaid”

Introduction This essay conveys messages about gender expectations in the Disney film, “The Little Mermaid”, and the article “Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminism Disney Princes.” “The Little Mermaid” is one of the Disney’s animation movies, which create fully developed women characters whose thoughts are unique and they...

Ancient Greek Sculpture: Periods and Characteristics

The art of ancient Greece is typically characterized by several periods through which the historians view its development. Three of the most prominent periods are archaic, classical, and Hellenistic. Each of these periods has particular distinctive features that reflect the transformation of views and values within the Greek society and...

“Life is Beautiful”

The absurdities and atrocities of the Nazi and Fascist regimes that dominated Europe in the late 30s and 40s, and the world-engulfing conflict they spawned provide rich fodder for movie makers and other artists. Following a tradition of laughing because it is less painful than weeping, Life is Beautiful (1998)...

Katniss Everdeen Archetype in “Hunger Games”

Introduction: What Archetype is Katniss Everdeen? Katniss Everdeen, portrayed by Jenifer Lawrence in Hunger Games, plays a complex, and a rather unusual role, especially in the backdrop of Hollywood’s reputation for stereotyping and objectifying female characters. Archetypically, women are relegated to the roles of damsels in distress, as films habitually...

Classical Arab Music

Introduction Diverse factors define a person, community, or groups conforming to different ideals. Cultural practices are the most noticeable attributes, which distinguish groups from each other. An example of a cultural factor, used to characterize communities, is music. The classical Arab music is a one of the most distinct features...

Charity Lomax’s Contributions and Achievements

Self-introduction As a student of Full Sail University, I was selected to introduce one of this year’s Hall of Fame inductees, mainly because I have been interested in her career path for a while. I cannot tell you how much this means to me and how honored I am to...

Analysis of a Scene in the Film “Vertigo”

Released in 1958, the film Vertigo by director Alfred Hitchcock never fails to captivate its audience with its haunting motives and intriguing, tragic story of the main protagonist. It tells the story of the former detective John Ferguson, nicknamed Scottie, who retires from his duty due to his struggles with...

The Movie “Liar Liar” by Tom Shadyac: Moral Issues Analysis

The philosophy behind morality helps to train mind in the disciplines of logical and critical thinking to distinguish between good and evil and what merely appears to be both of these things. As normative ethics became widespread, more theories and addendum were proposed by scholars and philosophers. Over the years,...

Hozier’s “Take Me to Church” Song Analysis

The song “Take Me to Church,” to which the singer owes his success, poignantly narrates about deep and devoted love. Its songwriter, Hozier, constructed the song by solely using metaphors and comparisons to talk about two different but parallel notions. For instance, the unambiguous meaning of the composition lies in...

“Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali: Painting’s Description

The chosen artwork is Persistence of Memory (24.1 x 33 cm) by Salvador Dali. It was written in 1931 and is located in the Museum of Modern Art in New York (Ling, 2017). The prominent elements in the composition are watches, mountains, the fluffy object located in the center, and...

What Is Art? From Antiquity to Today Study by Popova

Art plays a vital role in modern life, touching upon emotional, psychological, social, and financial aspects. It is also a good opportunity to share interests and develop creativity in humans and address the issues that bother communities in their unique way. Today, it is easy to find a number of...

Plot, Genre and Main Idea of “The Blind Side” Film

Introduction “The Blind Side,” which John Lee Hancock filmed in 2009, is based on the true story of a football player that Michael Lewis had told in his cognominal book three years earlier. Notwithstanding the seeming commonness of the plot, it raises several problems, such as social isolation and solitariness...

Citizen Kane: Mise-en-Scene and Aspects

According to the French translation, the arrangement of stage and scenery characteristics or components in a drama is known as mise-en-scene. Although the word mise-en-scene may be translated to “stage setup,” in cinema analysis, it focuses on everything that occurs or is performed in front of the camera, including the...

“The Salt of the Earth”: Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies

Introduction Salt of the Earth is a 1954 film directed by Herbert Biberman. The movie was created by Hollywood’s blacklisted filmmakers, with the participation of a large number of non-professional artists. This acutely social film did not have the right opportunity to gain public recognition for a long time due...

Sound Differences in Renaissance and Middle Ages Music

Music from different periods has a distinct sound and character due to several factors taking place at that time. The political situation and overall state of society, technical abilities, different kinds of musical instruments, concerns, and motives of people from that time all contribute to the sound of period music....

Unhappy Marriages in the Movie ”Passing”

Racially ambiguous black women had a precariously liminal status in the first half of the 20th century. They lived in a predominately racist society with patriarchal values, so their choices were limited. However, due to being able to pass, such women could attempt to assimilate with white people or follow...

Kandinsky’s and Matisse’s in Different Aspects of Art

Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the art of painting has evolved from photographic-like depictions of objects and people to complex representation of a more abstract nature. Explaining the new art forms, many painters set down their artistic concepts and principles in treatises and essays, among the most...

“Flaming June” by Frederic Leighton Analysis

Art has always been used as an instrument to create awareness, express emotions, and entertain the audience. Consequently, to appreciate an artwork accordingly, it is necessary to conduct full analysis on the artwork and its creator. Flaming June is a magnificent work of art created by Frederic Leighton, a British...

The Art of Ancient Rome: Eclectic Tendencies

Abstract The paper examines various art types of Ancient Rome from the historical perspective of the emergence, development, and decline of the state. Tracing intercultural influences in art, including theater, religious and philosophical systems that formed the basis for representations in art, architecture, visual arts, and other forms of symbolization,...

Max Max: Fury Road. Scene Analysis

The scene that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current paper is the “I am the scales of justice” that starts approximately around 01:09:15. The scene is mostly focused on background music and plenty of footsteps and gunshots that vary in order to create a more...

“Freedom From Want” by Rockwell

Any famous painting is a combination of both artistic talent and deep connotations invoked in it. Therefore, looking at an artwork merely as a picture without going deeply into the origins and subtle meanings of various scenes, and characters leaves many details unrevealed. A perfect example of a painting requiring...

“Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear” by Neill

The movie Sherlock Holmes and The House of Fear was directed by the famous director of the 20th century Roy William Neill. Despite the fact that he did not have finances to create high-budget works, Neill was one of the most influential producers of the 1910-1940s. Throughout those years, he...

Kolkata in Mahanagar and Kahaani: Representation of the City

Introduction The representation of cities occupies a special place in cinematography. Film directors can show a reflection of the city life in their works either in an absolutely realistic or a surrealistic way. Architecture, transport, sights, and ordinary people’s everyday life: all of these aspects can be learned from the...

The Butler by Lee Daniels: Movie Review

The Butler is a historical drama by Lee Daniels about racial discrimination, based on the life of Eugene Allen. The protagonist Cecil Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker, spent most of his childhood on a cotton plantation. After the rape of his mother and his father’s death, the plantation caretaker, Annabeth,...

“Spring” by Vivaldi

Listening to the recording of “Spring”, first movement, by Vivaldi is an extreme pleasure for many individuals, and I am one of them. The chosen instruments perfectly imitate natural sounds, provoking the required emotions and causing the necessary effects. For example, violins are used to imitate a delightful birdsong and...

Renaissance Music: “Ave Maria” by Josquin Des Prez

“Ave Maria” by Josquin des Prez is a prime example of Renaissance art. Due to the presence of the parties of several voices, this work becomes full and voluminous. This gives the listener the impression of something large-scale and majestic. Four voices can be noted in the work: superius, altus,...

The Museum of Western Heritage: Visit Experience

Visiting museums may be very beneficial for enlivening a lot of important things related to historical matters in one’s mind. From time to time, when I have a chance to visit this or that museum, I find it very interesting and even inspiring. It helps me to put together the...

Career of Sound Engineer

Introduction People’s professions are usually viewed from the most known sides. Those, who treat people, are thought to be doctors, miners are considered to extract coal, and sound engineers deal with music instruments. The important part is that most people do not even guess that all professions deal with lots...

Riverdance: The History of the Dance, Features

Riverdance is a dance performance with steps from traditional Irish step dancing. The main feature of this performance is that there will be only quick movements in the legs of the performers but they keep their arms and bodies remain fixed. “At its most basic level, Riverdance is an exciting...

Romantic Comedy in American Film Industry

Introduction Culture refers to people’s way of life and includes things such as beliefs, art, norms, values, and attitudes that are held dearly by people. Art is very important in every culture because it is a source of entertainment. Moreover, art is one of the many ways that the society...

Criticism of the Painting by Pawel Kuczynski

The work is a painting depicting a boy or young man, with his head pressed against an open book lying on a desk with a vise. Other books are stacked on the desk; no labels are visible, and text in the two open books is illegible. The proportions are realistic,...

Laura Pausini: Live Music Event Critique

In this paper, I will present my analysis and reaction to the live concert of Laura Pausini, which took place in Miami on July 26, 2018. The event started at 8:00 PM at James L. Knight Center and lasted for a couple of hours. It was dedicated to Laura’s new...

“Catch Me If You Can” by Steven Spielberg

Introduction Catch Me If You Can is a biographical drama film that depicts the personal and criminal life of Frank Abagnale, who engaged in a series of financial, forging, and fraudulent crimes at a young age. The plot is inherently interesting as it portrays the origin of Abagnale’s skills, intentions,...

The Art of the Ancient Mesopotamia and Aegean

Example 1 Title: Ivory plaque of a lioness devouring a boy Date: 9th-8th century BC Place of origin: the palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Nimrud, northern Iraq Detailed Description: The carving depicts the scene of a lioness attacking an African boy wearing jeweled bracelets and armlets (“Ivory plaque of a lioness,”...

Van Gogh’s Art Psychological and Esthetic Analysis

Vincent Van Gogh was a prolific artist in the 19th century. His impressionist forms were influenced by his close collaborations with artists such as Mantic, Gauguin, Lautrec and Cezanne. Van Gogh had a difficult childhood this was attributed to his lack of proper socialization in early childhood. Van Gogh tried...

2012′ by Roland Emmerich Film Analysis

One of the reasons why, along with representing an aesthetic value, some movies can also be considered as such that represent an unmistakably philosophical one, is that it is in the cinematography’s very nature to reflect what happened to be the essence of the affiliated socio-cultural discourse. That is, while...

“The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant” Film Analysis

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant showcases an intellectual sensation where sexuality blossoms to propel Werner Fassbinder work. The stylish cinematographic narration offers the film a sense of illustrious activity based on creativity. Probably, Fassbinder’s filmmaking explores the very foundation for which style makes cinematography exceptional. The film is...

How Art Represents Reality in Plato’s View

Plato & Aristotle’s View of Art According to Plato, art is an imitation of things in the real world. However, these things for the philosopher were only shadows of their ideal images. Therefore, art turns out to be even further from the truth than the surrounding world, which it imitates....

The “Hidden Figures” Film Analysis

The film Hidden Figures is the story of overcoming gendered and racial stereotypes and prejudice on the way to success. However, it can be regarded as a demonstration of various aspects of leadership that is neglected on the business arena. It is possible to focus on such terms as emotional...

The Interpretation of Raphael’s School of Athens

The School of Athens is a masterpiece created by Raphael that is viewed as an outstanding achievement of the high renaissance and an impeccable artwork. This pierce of art shows a lively and exciting atmosphere due to the renaissance environment (Bishop 63). The painting could be considered fascinating because of...

Humanities and Humanism in Frida Kahlo’s Art

Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo used to be a mixed-race painter from Mexico who lived for 47 years before she died in 1954. She was born in 1907 and died in 1954 after being infected with polio. Frida wedded renowned Rivera, later divorced, but again re-united and converted to a radical...

Cinematic Techniques in The Silence of the Lambs Movie

The current paper is devoted to analyzing the cinematic techniques applied in the classic horror movie called The Silence of the Lambs, directed by Jonathan Demme. The film was chosen from the AFI top 100 of 100 years. The movie Silence of the Lambs is a classic horror that has...

The Royal Holland Pewter Coffee Pot

Provenance I remember seeing a weird steel coffee pot on the windowsill in my ninety-year-old grandmother’s kitchen and asking her where it was from. Proudly, the grandmother replied that it was the Royal Holland Pewter Coffee Pot, but nothing ringed a bell for me. I asked about it more, and...

Gentrification in the Meatpacking District of New York City

New York City has changed drastically over the course of the past 30 years. Its current residents would barely recognize the streets of the place where they live were they offered an opportunity to take a walk there in the 1980s. Abandoned industrial zones have been turned into industrial centers,...

The Seventh Seal Film Analysis

Introduction The Seventh Seal is a 1957 AB Svensk Filmindustri feature film by Ingmar Bergman starring Gunnar Bjornstrand, Bengt Ekerot and the late Max von Sydow. The knight and his squire return from a crusade and meet Death, whom the knight challenges for a game of chess, bidding their lives....

“Walking on Eggshells” Photo by Sandy Skoglund

Understanding of the Image Walking on eggshells is a photograph by Sandy Skoglund, which depicts two women in a room with snakes, eggs, and rabbits on the floor. The two women are close together and one has her arm stretched towards the other, who is holding a towel. They both...

The Movie “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” by Lasse Hallström

Introduction Mental diseases and psychological disorders often serve as factors impacting the development of the plot in movies. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, 1993, is not an exclusion as it portrays the life of a family affected by a disease. Gilbert Grape has to care for Arnie, his younger brother with...

Value of Film in Explaining History

Introduction Cinematograph has become a powerful medium at storytelling in modern times. Film is a way that allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the context of the setting and story. Since the inception of film as a popular medium, it has used the stories of the past as the...

Surrealism in the Meshes of the Afternoon Film

Maya Deren’s film Meshes of the Afternoon belongs to the artistic direction of surrealism. It concentrates on the subconscious aspects of mental activity and paints a dreamlike, paradoxical, in its way threatening picture of the world. The image of noon in the title emphasizes the dual nature of reality in...

Theological Vision of “Pleasantville” by Gary Ross

The rapid development of Western civilization and the ongoing secularization of society cannot be doubted or reversed, with the societal rebuilding serving as a step toward new approaches to religious discipleship. Pleasantville (1998) is a movie that brilliantly shows how worldviews are transforming, causing rapid social change. In its essence,...

“C Jam Blues” by Duke Ellington

Duke Ellington, C Jam Blues is based on a 12-bar Blues pattern which uses a succession of various tone colours and hence leads to the different variety of this piece done by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. At the start, the music starts with a repetitive melody and is mixed...

Classification of Dance: Dancing Styles and Their Characteristics

Dancing is one of the most ancient hobbies and means of entertainment, which has been evolving and expanding throughout history. It is defined as a rhythmic movement of the body to the sound of music within a given space (Mackrell, 2019). Professional dancing is a complex structure that branches out...

The “Freaky Friday” by Mark Waters

Relationships with parents, their attachment, care and love significantly affect the child’s entire life. This paper analyzes the relationship between fictional parent and child from the Freaky Friday film directed by Mark Waters (2003). The movie’s plot centered around the relationship between their mother, Tess Coleman, played by Jamie Lee...

Jackson Pollock’s Lavender Mist and Mark Rothko’s Rust and Blue Comparison

Number 1 (Lavender Mist) is a masterpiece created by an abstract expressionist artist Jackson Pollock in 1950. Number 61 (Rust and Blue) was created by the artist Mark Rothko who also belonged to the abstract expressionism art movement. The most apparent common feature of these two pictures is that both...

“Through a Glass Darkly” Movie Analysis

Through a Glass Darkly is a Swedish drama directed by Ernst Ingmar Bergman in 1961. The film presents the story of Karin, diagnosed with schizophrenia, who spends vacations with her husband, Martin, younger brother, Minus, and father, David. The author of the present paper agrees with the given response on...

Rhetorical Analysis of a Film “Us”

Introduction The Film Theorists is a YouTube channel that, as the name suggests, discusses various theories about movies. In this case, the video essay is concerned with the 2019 horror film “Us” directed by Jordan Peele. The video argues that the central theme throughout the film is that of the...

Aspects of the Narrative Construction in “Gladiator” Movie

Introduction Addressing the topic of historical events is a common technique used by screenwriters and directors in films. The romanticization of wars, interpersonal conflicts, or psychological disagreements between protagonists and antagonists is often revealed in the context of historical films. At the same time, in high-quality movies with a sufficient...

Local Color Realism: Twain vs. Jewett

Local color realism is a writing style that is derived from the presentation of the characteristics and features inherent to a specific place and its inhabitants. Both Mark Twain and Sarah Orne Jewett created regionalist works. The role of the narrator is particularly relevant in such a context because they...

Cultural Identity and Theater Aesthetics

Theater in the twenty-first century is characterized by the examination of various topics related to diverse aspects of human life. Cultural identity is one of the areas explored with the help of theatrical aesthetics. It is noteworthy that the issues related to identity have been recurrent throughout the history of...

The Use of Costume as a Style in the Movie ”The Matrix”

The Matrix is a premier American science fiction action film directed by Wachowski sisters and later released on March 31st, 1999. Since its onset, the movie has won four Oscar awards. One of the main reasons why the film has managed to achieve a high standard is due to the...

The Problem of Poverty in Art of Different Periods

Artists have always been at the forefront of addressing social issues, by depicting them in their works, they attempt to draw the attention of the public to the topics which are often avoided by politicians. The problem of poverty affects many societies worldwide, and to this date has not been...

“Follow the Leader” by Eric B. & Rakim

Introduction “Follow the Leader” is a hip-hop song by an American rap duo Eric B. & Rakim, the stage names of Eric Barrier and William Griffin. Released in 1988, the song was critically acclaimed and is still considered among the most prominent and influential compositions produced by the rap duo....

Textual Analysis of the Song “Police” by Suprême Ntm

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the song “Police” written and performed by a French hip-hop band Suprême NTM. It is dedicated to the problem of police brutality, racism, and the imbalance of justice based on the contrast between authoritative personalities and ordinary citizens. The performance of the...

Split Personality in the Frankie and Alice Film

The film Frankie and Alice follow the life of a dancer (Frankie) who suffers from an identity disorder. The story reveals that she had experienced several traumas that led to a split personality. Her mind harbored three personalities: Frankie, the real her, Alice, a racist white woman, and Genius, who...

Mise-En-Scène in Sofia Coppola’s Films

Sofia Coppola is a director known for her feminine movies and a signature style. She extensively uses camera movement, composition, color, and lighting to create a striking, intimate atmosphere and communicate the emotional energy of every scene (Vernallis et al., 2015). Focused on female characters and the alluring images of...

“Amélie” Film by Jean-Pierre Jeunet Review

After watching a good film, it is sometimes hard for the viewers to explain what it is about because they are too impressed with it. However, it should be added that these people must necessarily have shining eyes, a smile from ear to ear, and some “inner glow”. After watching...

Oedipus Greek Theatre Period and Its Influence

Ancient Greek Theater and Sophocles’ Oedipus Many distinctive Western cultural institutions trace their roots to ancient Greece, and theater is no exception. The word theater itself comes from the Ancient Greek word theatron, which means “a place for viewing.” The Greeks were the first to define genres like comedy and...

“Get Out” Horror Film by Jordan Peele

Get Out is a satirical horror directed by Jordan Peele in 2017. Get Out premiered on January 23, 2017, and was described as “a movie that plunges into white insecurities about black sexuality and the lingering toxicity of slavery on the national psyche” (Johnston 2). The film was a success...

Opinion About Classical Music

Nowadays, classical music loses its popularity among the wide public, which is explained by the fact that it becomes obsolete in the conditions of the modern-day world. Today, people tend to be guided by different cadences, tempos, and they have a different pace. The calm and hasteless nature of classical...

Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol. Picture Analysis

The purpose of art is to inspire, as well as to be thought-provoking, but sometimes an artist opts to be just provocative instead. Andy Warhol ranks among the most eminent figures of the 20th-century art. Extravagant on the verge of audacity, he defied traditional perception of the matter and promoted...

Kathakali Dance Theater Overview

Theatre plays a significant role in the history of humankind. It is a creative method to learn about a specific culture and the history of its people. It can grab one’s attention and bring entertainment, joy, or even sorrow. For example, India has numerous unique representations of this art, one...

Monoblock Chair in Social Documentary

Social documentary photography has its special functions that are relevant to the photographer and viewer. Its purpose is to convey socially important issues through the emotional perception that the objects in the picture convey. A monoblock chair is an example of a democratic design and a context-free object. However, the...

“A Woman in Blue” by Thomas Gainsborough

The artwork under consideration is a picture of A Woman in Blue (1777-1779) by Thomas Gainsborough. The size of the original is 30 x 25 1/4 in (76 x 64 cm). The picture belongs to the Hermitage collection. The portrait A Woman in Blue by Thomas Gainsborough is the single...

The Renaissance of the 12th Century: History & Culture

Introduction Renaissance is a name given to a period in history where many changes were witnessed in an otherwise stagnant society. It is a French word which can be construed to mean a new start or a rebirth (Klaus 4). Renaissance means many and diverse changes that happen at a...

The History and Concepts of Art Nouveau

Introduction Art Nouveau is a common name for a decorative style that was flourishing during roughly 1890-1910. Not only did it exist in graphics and architecture, but it was also used for the decoration or designing furniture, utensils, fabrics, ceramics, jewelry, door frames, subway entrances, and many other things. The...

The Movie “Titanic”: A Survey of Semiotics

Abstract This paper will give a semiotic survey of the film ‘Titanic’ directed by James Cameron. Media Semiotics will be the approach in studying features of communication. Although it has been one of the most profound movies of the century with big expenditure, it has also caught eyes of many...

Cultural and Individual Expression Through Music

Introduction For a long time, music has been used by various cultures globally as a tool for the expression of the individual and communal tenets of such cultures. For example, in Asia, there is compelling evidence in the literature to suggest that individuals and different cultures have used music as...

Josquin Des Prez’s Musical Career and Works

Introduction Though famous as contemporary musician details about his life and his compositions are not well documented. He was considered to be one of the most important composers of music during the renaissance period. He has been confused with many other contemporary musicians. Josquin des Prez was born in the...

Stereoscopic Movie Editing: 3D Signal Editing Techniques and Editing Software

Stereoscopic movie editing is more difficult in comparison with 2-D movies, as the editor should work with two video rows and mind that the edges of the cuts coincided perfectly to avoid non-coincidence of the scenes, as well as violations of the human perception rules. The latter is based on...

Whether Artists Reject Society, or Are Rejected by Society?

To begin with, a person of an artist in all times was the theme of intensive discussions in terms of high points about morality and culture. The artists usually contributed to the society’s distinct values of character and traditions. This approach also contemplates that artists differ from other people. Their...

Manha De Carnival Analysis

To begin with, it is necessary to state that the piece to be analyzed in this paper is a bright example of the Brazilian music style called Bossa Nova. The piece of music under consideration was created by Luiz Bonfa and Carl Sigman. The original version of the song has...

“Sling Blade” by Billy Bob Thornton

The main character of the movie “Sling Blade”, Karl Childers suffers from a psychological disorder that led him to the killing of his mother and her lover. The clinician dysfunctions must start with an understanding of the types of problems with which clients present. A detailed description of the psychological...

Edith Piaf: Biography Review

Introduction Edith Piaf was born on 19th December 1915 and died at the age of 47 in 1963. He was regarded as France most famous musician of all time. Though she was a female artist, her music attracted attention from all genders and generation. She specialized in playing ballad music...

Art and Design, Salvador Dali

The cultural legacy of Salvador Dali continues to be discussed from a variety of different perspectives even today. However, there can be absolutely no doubt as to the highest objective value of his artistic works, which explains why Dali’s paintings are being sold at the auctions for millions of dollars...

Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci Impact

Vitruvian Man is a very famous and captivating drawing around the world. Its existence was enabled by Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1487 (Vallentin p. 3). The drawing has some accompanying inscription notes founded on Vitruvius Pollio’s work. It portrays a male image in two overlaying arrangements with his...

The Roots of Turkish Music: The Sound of Ney and Sufism

Abstract Music has always played an essential role for humanity. Since the early times, people tried to derive sounds of anything possible, and create music, that had sacred meaning, helped to relax, accompanied people during their work etc. Sufi music, and the sounds of Ney in the Islamic cultures were...

Music Listening: “Firestone” Song by Kygo

The composition “Firestone” is performed by Kygo, who is its composer, featuring Conrad Sewell released in December 2014 (“Kygo – Firestone ft. Conrad Sewell (Official Video)”). The song belongs to the genre of tropical house, which has been perceived as a sub-genre of deep house. The reason for listening to...

Episode Analysis: “The Entire History of You”

Introduction The Entire History of You is an episode of series Black Mirror. The creators incorporated various symbols in this show. One of the most significant moments is a scene where the advertisement of a new device is shown. This innovative technology allows watching any moment that a person has...

Pop Music of Japan, Korea and China

Pop or popular music is one of the most widely spread music genres these days. Even though it seems to be one general genre, it is very inhomogeneous. First of all, pop music varies in styles developed by various performers, it contains several sub-genres. Secondly, pop music differs a lot...

The Film “Story of a Puppet”

Introduction Soviet films and animation always had a particular style unique to the Russian school of cinematography. Due to the political nature of filmmaking, the history of the country, and peculiarities of the Russian mentality, some of the greatest works of cinematography to emerge out of the USSR revolved around...

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Linda Nochlin a well-known art history scholar has written many essays on this subject, however, the essay that made the greatest impact on the field of history was “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” (NOCHLIN, par. I). From this idea and the profound question put up by Linda...

Beethoven’s vs. Mozart’s Life and Music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven rate among the most outstanding composers in the history of classical music. They both died over 150 years ago but their works continue to be studied, performed, and admired all over the world. Although both composers are equally popular, their music still differs...

The Painting White Center by Mark Rothko

Introduction Mark Rothko (1903-1970) is a prominent representative of the New York School of modern art, who created paintings in many styles throughout over forty years of work. White Center (Yellow, Pink, and Lavender on Rose), 1950, is one of his signature paintings incorporating the motif of “soft, rectangular forms...

3D Animation in “Ice Age: The Meltdown” Film

The animation movie selected for this analysis is Ice Age: The Meltdown, which was released in the year 2002 (Fretts par. 2). The movie centers on three main characters as they try to make their way away from the melting of the ice that was causing a continental drift. The...

Investing in the Film “Escape from Rio Japuni”

Project Proposal 1: My Life with Dalai Lama When it comes to identifying the viability of the movie, one must mention the fact that it is bound to have rather low production values as it will focus mostly on the life story of the main character, which, though admittedly having...

“The Great Debaters”

Good communicators are successful leaders and businessmen. In the movie entitled The Great Debaters, one of the characters is Samantha Booke. She had to go up against great odds in order to secure her inclusion into the debate team. Her mentor told her that a female debater was unheard of...

Hotel Rwanda Film Review

Hotel Rwanda is an interesting and well-told story that compels people to watch it. It is set in Rwanda’s capital city Kigali, during a time when the infamous Rwanda genocide took place. The film revolves around the unbelievable Paul Rusesabagina’s real story, an assistant manager at Milles Collines Hotel. Using...

Jane Martin’s “Beauty” Drama

Introduction Beauty is an important aspect in many societies. Many people are conscious of how they look. The reality is evident even in medieval communities, where people used to put marks on their bodies to enhance their physical appearances. In contemporary society, obsession with beauty and physical appearance is manifested...

The “Lovely” Song by Billy Eilish and Khalid

The title of the piece to be analyzed is “Lovely” by Billy Eilish and Khalid. Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell, and Khalid Robinson are the writers of the songs, and Finneas O’Connell is the producer. The song was released on April 19, 2018, as a part of the album called “dont...

Acculturation and Assimilation in the Mi Familia Movie

The movie Mi Familia tells the story of a Mexican family, the Sanchez, who immigrated to the United States. The plot revolves around three generations and how each character assimilates into American society. The film depicts the cultural differences between the Latino population and other residents of Los Angeles. Therefore,...

The American Gangster Film Analysis

The Film The film ‘American Gangster’ focuses on the criminal lifestyle of a gang leader, Frank Lucas. The film starts when Frank’s boss, Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson, dies of a heart attack (Collins 12). Frank becomes the mob boss and specializes in smuggling heroin from Thailand directly from producers and selling...

The Role of Semiotics in Shaping the Feminist Discourse in Palestinian Cinema

Film studies became an essential way of rethinking feminist theory in the late 1960s. Earlier film studies developed within the framework of cultural studies. The latter made its intellectual debut in the early 1960s with the founding of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham. Feminism is the most...

Analysis of “The A Team” Song by Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran’s song “The A Team” includes two themes of deviant acts and crimes at once. In the center of the lyrics, there is a young woman who is engaged in prostitution in the role of a “call girl” (Ed Sheeran, 2011) and uses heroin as a way to escape...

Romantic Era: Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1

The video represents the virtuoso performance of Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra in e-minor. The concert involves the play of a piano, multiple violins, and contrabasses, which assemble the performance more complete due to the balanced combination of strings and keyboard musical instruments. The concert hall...

Punk Rock: Origins and Impact on Society

Introduction Punk rock is one of those sub-genres that arose during the 1970s and entails rock ‘n’ roll music art. String heavy pop and progressive rock had ruled most charts during this period as most people loved their performance. Punk musicians developed a reputation for eschewing mainstream pop music’s trappings....

Think Different: A Rhetorical Analysis of an Image

Summary Introduction This graphic depicts the Apple tagline and logo; the campaign employed reasoned rhetorical appeal to arouse viewers’ common sense, beliefs, and values by praising revolutionary leaders and explaining that creative thought causes good change. Apple is based on the pre-existing fundamental reality that a group of historically prominent...

Researching the Concept of the Film Genre

A genre is defined as a form of communication in movies, music, or writing, including novels. It is considered a foundation of a story that helps the reader understand the story better. Genre helps influence the audience’s expectations in a movie or novel, and there are different types of genres,...

Gender Biases in “If These Walls Could Talk 2” Film

Discrimination and bias against LGBTQ + people are common in today’s world. However, while implicit bias is still a common problem, more and more states eliminate institutional discrimination by enacting laws and promoting tolerance. Nevertheless, just a couple of decades ago, such an attitude was rare even in democratic countries...

Lighting in The Godfather Directed by Francis Ford Coppola

Nowadays, approximately over 300 movies are released every year. Most slip into oblivion, but every once in a while comes a movie that defines a decade. These types of films defy the passage of time and are devotedly devoured by each new generation of viewers. The Godfather is arguably the...

A Beautiful Mind: Analysis of Film

The film A Beautiful Mind can be called a cult film, forever included in the world cinema fund and not going to leave it. The film tells about a mathematician who suffers from schizophrenia and tries to get along with this disease. There are many opinions and disputes about the...

Silver Linings Playbook Film Studies

The movie Silver Linings Playbook (2012) is about a man who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Following the movie “The Fighter,” about the grueling journey of a boxer and his drug-addicted sibling, David O. Russell took up the adaptation of Matthew Quick’s tragicomic novel. The subject of the book is...

Poulenc’s Gloria vs. Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony

Gustav Mahler’s second symphony, also known as the Resurrection Symphony, was created with grand ambitions. The art starts with a pretty mood, dominated by grumpy lower strings. The composer’s captivating creativity lies in how he changes character on every page (Mahler, 2011). The song scored high with significant emotional and...

Electric Guitar in African Music

Introduction On a global scale, music today is difficult to imagine without a guitar, which has become a cornerstone of a variety of styles and genres of music. In particular, the electric guitar has been integrated into almost all contemporary musical styles, allowing artists to adjust their technical features to...

Theme of Hope in “The Shawshank Redemption” Film

Hope is a significant subject in Frank Darabont’s movie The Shawshank Redemption. The film emphasizes the value of hope and the implications of both possessing and losing hope. It is critical that Darabont’s film addresses the issue of hope as it is critical in our everyday lives since having or...

“Parasite”: Symbols Represented in the Film

Letter to My Readers First, I would like to thank you for your attention to my paper. I have chosen Marxist Literary Theory for the analysis of Parasite, a South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho. The theory’s choice is determined by the main theme of the film – social...

Traditional and Contemporary Music in Africa

Traditional West African music displays intricate rhythmic and metric patterns through singing, dance, and instrumental music. Classical West African music neither separates music as a distinct art form of sound, nor rhythms as a distinct art form of time, as is common in the West and the Caribean. Conversely, the...

“Mona Lisa” and “Starry Night” as Manifests of Sickness

The first artifact that I chose is “Mona Lisa” by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Many believe that this masterpiece has been painted between 1503 and 1506 in the Italian Renaissance period. Now, this artifact is part of the permanent collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The second painting...

Cinematography and Visuals in the Tenet Film

Introduction Visual perception is one of the essential sources of information for the human brain. This idea has been effectively utilized in the filmmaking industry, allowing directors to transmit profound ideas subtly. Christopher Nolan is a renowned expert in cinematography, which makes his works worth examining from this point of...

Whether Music Distracts Students or Helps Them

My thoughts about the term paper began with The Invisible Gorilla reading by Chabris and Simon (2010) assigned this week. The authors in the article report various other researchers’ studies and their experimental findings on attention, perception, intuition, memory, etc. (Chabris & Simons, 2010). The author focuses on how sometimes...

“Clair de Lune” Piano Piece by Debussy

Classical music always remains the gold standard of art, capable of bringing something new to people’s lives even decades after writing. Unlike most modern pop songs, classical pieces are full of meaning and have a sophisticated, refined structure. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the work of Claude...