Kandinsky’s and Matisse’s in Different Aspects of Art

Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the art of painting has evolved from photographic-like depictions of objects and people to complex representation of a more abstract nature. Explaining the new art forms, many painters set down their artistic concepts and principles in treatises and essays, among the most...

The German Architectural History

The Controversy in the Deutsche Werkbund The Werkbund Exhibition staged in Cologne, Germany, in 1914 presented the primary architectural differences during those times. The debate was based on industrial methods and standardization against craft and fine artistry. Hermann Muthesius, a German nationalist, led the standardization supporters while Henry de Velde,...

Banksy’s Biography and Artworks Analysis

Banksy’s Biography Banksy is a graffiti artist popularly recognized for his anti-authoritarian art. The artist’s identity remains unknown, but he was born in Bristol, England, around 1974 (Street Art Bio, 2021). Although the artist remains anonymous, many speculations linger that his real name was Robin Gunningham. He later moved to...

The Film “Citizen Kane”: Scenes Analysis

The film “Citizen Kane” opens with somber chords, and, on a misty hill, we see the jagged silhouette of a castle. The scene is reminiscent of a gothic film, in which such a castle belonged to a mysterious creature. The next scene transports the viewer into the castle when a...

Analysis of “The Corporation” Movie

The movie The Corporation focused on the rise of the notion of a corporation as a legal entity and its equivalence to a person in regards to its rights and capabilities in society. The main message of the film can be found in the fact that corporate entities do not...

Impact of James Brown on Modern Dances

To be a good dancer, one needs an innate sense of rhythm and style. Dance is not just the art of performing body movements; it is about revealing one’s soul and interpretation of one’s ideas. Being a physical and cognitive activity, it united many people worldwide who dedicated their lives...

“Eleanor Rigby” by The Beatles

Introduction Eleanor Rigby is a song written by Paul McCartney and released on The Beatles 1966 album “Revolver” and as a single with “Yellow Submarine.” The song was usually performed by The Beatles band and later by McCartney with guest musicians (The Beatles 2016). The style of the song is...

The Urban Space Depiction in the Cinema

Introduction The city and cinema have been inextricably connected to each other since the emergence of films. Gradually, the urban space begins to influence the movies so much that it is impossible to imagine one without the other. “The street in the extended sense of the word is not only...

The Butler by Lee Daniels: Movie Review

The Butler is a historical drama by Lee Daniels about racial discrimination, based on the life of Eugene Allen. The protagonist Cecil Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker, spent most of his childhood on a cotton plantation. After the rape of his mother and his father’s death, the plantation caretaker, Annabeth,...

Cultural Significance of Woody Allen’s “Annie Hall”

Annie Hall is a romantic comedy directed by Woody Allen in 1977. The movie tells a story of Alvy Singer, who is reflecting upon the reason why his relationship with Annie Hall ended. The film uses retrospection to return to unconscious decisions made in the past to understand the present,...

“The Awakening Conscience” by William Holman Hunt

Art Creation and Reflection There are many types of art, and each person perceives them differently. Personally, I prefer portraits and still lives to other kinds of painting since these genres best represent the true shades of images and objects portrayed by artists. In this respect, the works of William...

“Spring” by Vivaldi

Listening to the recording of “Spring”, first movement, by Vivaldi is an extreme pleasure for many individuals, and I am one of them. The chosen instruments perfectly imitate natural sounds, provoking the required emotions and causing the necessary effects. For example, violins are used to imitate a delightful birdsong and...

“Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo

Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam is a renaissance era work depicting the Judeo-Christion God creating the first human. It is a part of a larger composition of paintings on the same ceiling. Unlike many conventional oil paintings on canvas, the Creation of Adam was developed directly on the plaster ceiling of...

Live Musical Performances and Concerts’ Analysis

Introduction Music can awaken a wide range of emotions of both the amateur and the sophisticated listener. Live musical performance expands a person’s emotional range and may even go beyond that reaching those unknown types of feelings that people have not yet given a name. That is why I watched...

Madonna as a Controversial Artist of the 20th Century

One of the prominent controversial artworks of the 20th century related to sexual revolution and women empowerment is a song called Like a Virgin performed by Madonna in 1984. The name of the song alone led to the establishment of versatile conversations and arguments in the conservative American society of...

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” by Verbinski

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” represents a unique piece of work with an outstanding actor play, immaculate special effects and tricks, breathtaking scenes, and numerous aspects to consider. The movie is one of my favorites since it is an excellent combination of different genres and, in addition to...

Man Ray Artist and His “The Gift”

Man Ray, an American of Jewish descent, is one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century and a true revolutionary. He successfully practiced painting, sculpture, writing, and eventually started experimenting with camerawork (Cohen). He constantly tried new techniques and invented rayographs, which helped create bizarre and refracted images...

Monoblock Chair in Social Documentary

Social documentary photography has its special functions that are relevant to the photographer and viewer. Its purpose is to convey socially important issues through the emotional perception that the objects in the picture convey. A monoblock chair is an example of a democratic design and a context-free object. However, the...

Difference Between Hearing and Listening to Music

Music has a unique way of conveying feelings, emotions, and even stories, regardless of the country and language of a person who listens to it. Various techniques and methods allow a composer to transfer mood and feeling so that the listener can perceive and understand it. However, most people hear...

Amadeus: Play and Movie Review

The film released by Milos Foreman in 1984 is based on the play written by Peter Shaffer, an English playwright. The plot of the play is typically based on the lives of music maestro’s namely Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. Music composed by Mozart and Salieri and other composers...

Japanese Filmmaker, Hayao Miyazaki, and His Influence on Me

Introduction Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most famous filmmakers in Asian cinema. He is specialized in animated films. Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5th, 1941 in Tokyo, Japan. He started his career in 1965 when he worked as an artist in the film, “Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon”....

Maurice by E.M. Forster Novel and Film Adaptation Comparative Analysis

It is not a secret, though the truth is rather sad, that the works of imaginative literature are not so popular today if compared with the demand for movies. There is no doubt that watching a film is less time-consuming in comparison with the reading of a book that can...

“Fast and the Furious 4” by Justin Lin

Introduction The recent movie named ‘Fast and Furious 4: New model Old parts’ has been a blockbuster among the teenage enthusiasts of racing in local colleges. The movie is directed by Justin Lin and written by Chris Morgan. It was released on the 10th of April this year and since...

Analysis of Aesthetics Applied to the Theme of Love

Art is one of the unique forms which reflect the personal, social, and cultural values of society. Art, in different forms and genres, can be seen as a philosophy of life reflecting the values, traditions, and feelings of people. The philosophy of art can be seen as individual opinion buttressed...

Jazz Music: Comparison to Music in Previous Eras

Introduction Music as a form of art has been heard by different people and cultures all over the world in different genres and languages. Jazz is a musical art of American origin that dates back to the twentieth century from an influence of European and American music traditions. It uses...

“The Shawshank Redemption” and “Bladerunner”: Comparison

The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption, released in 1994, is an adaptation based upon a story by Steven King and directed masterfully by Frank Darabont. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman play the leads and this director “shows” us things about them. We are not told much at all. A young...

The Importance of Being Earnest: Play Movie (2002)

The movie The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) is based on a well-known play by Oscar Wilde. Thus, the director of the movie Oliver Parker proposes viewers an original approach to the plot and a modern vision of the problem of human morality, identity and fair personal relationships. The movie...

Steve McCurry’s Photography “Afghanistan Girl”

Looking at Steve McCurry’s picture of a twelve–year–old girl, who fled her native country, Afghanistan, in 1983 for a Pakistan’s refugee camp, the viewer becomes amazed and deeply touched by the girl’s haunting eyes, her tattered and ragged clothes that tell the viewer about her plight position and disparity. In...

French Popular Music, Barbara (French Singer)

Barbara becomes an icon of French culture, music, and the movie industry. In her lyrics and performance, she speaks about social and cultural problems, love and passion, etc. It is possible to say that the qualities of Barbara’s styles are not typically feminine because she speaks about social and personal...

“The Crucible” Film and Its Historical Value

Introduction While there are various opinions and attitudes towards the Salem witch trials, these hearings that took many lives and occurred between 1692 and 1693 should not be neglected. Nowadays, it is easy to read books or articles to improve one’s understanding of the trials or even watch movies to...

Frida Kahlo’s Self-Portrait: A Profound Tribute to Dr. Eloesser

Introduction Frida Kahlo is among the most well-known self-portrait artists. As it is clear from the most prominent of her works, she uses her own image to express moods and various stages of life in a masterly fashion. Self-portrait dedicated to Dr. Eloesser that appeared in 1940 is an important...

Photography: Hobby of Millions Unique for Everyone

Numerous breakthroughs in technology have allowed people to live better, travel faster, and experience more genuinely. The art of photography has become a hobby and a profession for millions of people all over the world, allowing them to capture unique moments, share their images, and inspire others. With a smartphone...

Music Listening: “Firestone” Song by Kygo

The composition “Firestone” is performed by Kygo, who is its composer, featuring Conrad Sewell released in December 2014 (“Kygo – Firestone ft. Conrad Sewell (Official Video)”). The song belongs to the genre of tropical house, which has been perceived as a sub-genre of deep house. The reason for listening to...

Vincent Van Gogh: Art and the Mental Illness

Abstract Vincent Van Gogh made a significant influence on the art of the 20th century. This researcher has also been influenced by Vincent Van Gogh and wanted to learn more about him. A historical study began to explore Vincent Van Gogh’s depression and his artistic production throughout his close relationship...

Music in the Movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

Introduction: The Essential Details Movie title: The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Composer: Jon Brioni Music styles: Pop, soft rock (“Everybody’s Got to Learn Sometime”), psychedelic pop (“Light&Day”), art rock (“Mr. Blue Sky”), filmi songs (background music), trip-hop, electronic, indie (“A Dream upon Waking”). When the Music Is an...

The Exhibition of the Contemporary Craft

Introduction The aim of the submitting this proposal is to demonstrate the significance of the exhibition subject matter, in particular, the ‘concept’ of the contemporary craft. In my opinion, the contemporary craft theme is of great importance nowadays as it reflects the socio-cultural concerns of the modern society and makes...

Photography and Paintings: Depicting the Truth

It is a common saying, “Believing is seeing”. We believe in what we see. Photographs are the same as what we see. Before photography being invented, people used to make paintings of incidents. Photography has given the world a new insight. Alfred Stieglitz is considered to be the “Father” of...

The Portrayal of Death in Lullabies

Lullabies and Death Lullabies constitute a significant part of such cultural phenomenon as nursery rhymes. Therefore, people rarely consider them to have any serious and substitutional sense or any sense at all. However, it should be stated that nursery rhymes, and lullabies as well, can have very disturbing underlying meanings....

The Film “Damaged Care” Analysis

Introduction The film Damaged Care shot in 2002 portrays a disappointing reality of the profit-centered USA health care system. The main character of the motion picture, Dr. Linda Peeno, played by Laura Dern, starts her job on a position of a medical reviewer at the organization called Humana Health Care...

“Sleepers” a Film by Barry Levinson

Introduction In every society, there are certain values and conditions that are usually established, and it is expected that they are naturally followed by every member of the society and passed through generations without active questioning or suggestions of radical changes. In assessing Immanuel Kant’s theory on morality, we shall...

“Farewell My Concubine” by Chen Kaige

Introduction The 1993 film Farewell My Concubine (directed by Chen Kaige) is now referred to as one of the Chinese cinematography’s finest works. There are several reasons for it, but the most important one has to do with the film’s high educational value. After all, even though Farewell My Concubine...

Barriers to Understanding in Art

Introduction Although to indulge in an artistic experience, one may need to use not only vision but also other senses, possibly all five, how people see an art piece usually becomes the defining factor in their further evaluation and impression thereof. In his article “Ways of Seeing,” John Berger addresses...

“The Constant Gardener” a Film by Fernando Meirelles

Introduction The film The Constant Gardener is a political thriller (“The Constant Gardener,” 2005); the story is about a married couple who witness dramatically unethical human experimentation in Africa and face a series of difficult ethical decisions. The main character, Justin Quayle, is a British diplomat sent to Kenya to...

Magic of “A Peaceful Retreat” by Thomas Kinkade

Introduction A Peaceful Retreat is the name of an incredible painting by a notable artist, Thomas Kinkade. This man called himself a painter of light because every work of this man accents on the eminent light sources that are usually depicted as houses or heaven’s luminaries. A Peaceful Retreat is...

The Morality of the Movie “Gone Baby Gone”

The Gone Baby Gone movie represents one of those pieces of art which leave the audience with contradictory opinions about the ending. While the whole film is full of dramatic moments, its final part is the most powerful as it brings about the crucial question: should the character’s decision be...

The Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

The artifact that was selected for this reflection is the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis which can be found at the following link. It is originated from the Hellenistic period (300 B.C.). It is an iconic example of the Ionic order column which graced the Ancient...

The Clarinet History, Manufacturers and Composers

The average person has no idea that the clarinet is not an example of a musical instrument that traces its origins from ancient times. They will be surprised to know that the clarinet was invented in the beginning of the 18th century. Nevertheless, less than a century after its invention...

Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter’ Film Analysis

Introduction Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are two of the most popular fantasy movies produced over the last few decades. These movies have a number of common themes that include good vs. evil, bravery and friendship. The similarity in themes and genre has caused comparisons to be made...

Historical Literary Survey on Modern Theatre and Drama

Introduction Historical literary surveys about modern theatre and drama are mainly based on the arguments relating to author, the masterpiece, or the period in consideration. Studies on literary surveys about modern theatre are aimed at offering concise explanation and critical consideration of important aspects of literary discussion terms such as...

Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog Documentary

Introduction Werner Herzog’s movie Grizzly Man (2005) was one of the best films during its period. In fact, it got much acclamation in the way it presented the life and subsequent death of Timothy Treadwell. As clearly demonstrated in the film, he was assumed to have lived among Grizzlies before...

The Play “Don Juan of Seville” by Tirso de Molina

Don Juan is considered to be the most famous and even legendary libertine, the affairs of whom have been described by many authors during different periods of time. This personality was a real genius, who was able to seduce any woman any time. He got unbelievable pleasure while fighting with...

Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm and Growth Analysis

Jan C. LaRue’s “Guidelines for Style Analysis” is a comprehensive tool for listening to music in a systematic and comparative way. The SHMRG categories (Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, and Growth) provide a framework for breaking down and analyzing various aspects of a piece of music. Sound encompasses the overall sound...

Friendship Between Forrest Gump and Bubba in “Forrest Gump” by Zemeckis

Forrest Gump is a classic of American and world cinema, a film that captured several decades of American history through the eyes of a simple man from Alabama. While the narrative’s mood is mostly comedic due to the main character’s naivety, kindness, and unshakeable optimism, certain themes in Forrest Gump...

Costume Design in the Soylent Green Film

Introduction One of the most outstanding examples of an American ecological dystopia is the 1973 film Soylent Green, produced, directed, and edited by Richard Fleischer, Walter Seltzer, and Russell Thacher. It is based on the plot of a 1996 book by Harry Harrison. To craft this exciting tale, the director,...

The Paintings “Le Grande Odalisque” by Ingres and “Olympia” by Manet

A naked woman reclining is a work of art featured in several art movements throughout history. Two works in this history are Ingres’ “Le Grande Odalisque” (French neoclassicism) and Manet’s “Olympia” (French Realism). When Ingres’ work in “Le Grande Odalisque” is examined, one can notice classical influence playing a crucial...

Music Evolution and Historical Roots

Introduction It is important to note that music as a form of art was constantly changing throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Baroque periods. The given comparative analysis will focus on melody, harmony, form, and rhythm as areas of interest and how each of these musical elements was...

Aspects of the Mobile Photography

Introduction Photography is a form of art that allows us to capture a memory and pass it on to future generations. The art of photography includes many elements, for example, lighting, composition, and the idea behind it. A photo is rich in the exactness of perspective and detail (Martin, 2018);...

Musicians: Nicki Minaj Discussion

Introduction For a musician, being influential means demonstrating the unique features of his or her style, being innovative, empowering others to introduce new techniques, and changing the industry. In the 21st century, there are multiple influential artists and one of them is Nicki Minaj. She was born in 1982 in...

“The Tale of the Princess Kaguya” Film Adaptation

Many folktales, particularly the account of “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,” contain one of the only surviving elements of Jase folklore. In 2013, producer Yoshiaki Nishimura adapted the story into “The Tale of The Princess Kaguya,” retelling the myth of a princess who was banished by the moon to...

Alcatraz Prison and Its History With Criminals

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, famously referred to as “The Rock”, served as a maximum prison from 1934-1963. It was located at Alcatraz Island on the San Francisco coast and could hold about 260 prisoners at any time. Alcatraz prison used to hold hardcore criminals from other federal penitentiaries, including Al Capone...

The Chilean Political Process in “Machuca” Directed by Andres Wood

Set in Santiago, the film follows the military coup that overthrew Chile’s popularly elected democratic socialist president, Salvador Allende, and installed Augusto Pinochet’s long-term, far-right dictatorship. As the story progresses, visual and narrative motifs reinforce the ideology. The painted letters on the stone wall go from “no civil war” to...

Surrealism vs. Neoplasticism: Features and Differences

Art styles portray different profound philosophies and manners of different times. Understanding the art styles helps people to analyze the artist’s vision, beauty, and feelings expressed through the various colors and subjects of the painting. Although Surrealism and Neoplasticism evolved at the beginning of the 20th century, they have many...

How the Story “My Life in Art” Influenced My Artistic Work

The narrative “My Journey to America” by Sassone, Marco Massimo, and Peter Clothier illustrates how the environment influences and directs the lives of individuals. How we define our careers and how we live our lives are influenced by our peers. After spending time with Silvo Reffredo, who encouraged him to...

“The Karate Kid” Film by John Avildsen

In the history of world cinema, the 1980s were the heyday of mass culture, not just in the United States but all over the Western world. Movie theaters made record profits, and the movie business market became a real Klondike for many dreamers and glory-seekers. Martial arts films were very...

Baroque: Vivaldi’s Spring and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto

The Baroque period is known for greatly influencing European history and culture. In the following essay, the influence of the era on music will be reviewed. Two musical pieces will be used for that specific goal: Vivaldi’s Spring Concerto and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto. After listening to the two works, I...

Conflicts in the Film “A Clockwork Orange”

Introduction A Clockwork Orange is a controversial film brought to the screen by Stanley Kubrick in 1971, based on Anthony Burgess’s eponymous novel. One of the apparent movie conflicts that can be observed is between the values of individual choice and society’s need for control, or, in simpler words, between...

Avengers Endgame vs. Justice League by Russo Brothers and Zack Snyder

Marvel Universe and DC must be given the credit they deserve as a result of their superhero films frequently dominating the box office. They have consistently produced superhero movies and attracted viewers to the theaters by building a cinematic world. Avengers: Endgame, Marvel’s most excellent superhero film to date, was...

“Fences”: Wilson’s Play and Washington’s Movie

Introduction For this creative, analytical essay, I decided to take the work of Fences, which proved itself worthy in many iterations. As for comparison, I chose to use the movie by Denzel Washington and the original play from the film, the play by August Wilson. Both works are fascinating, and...

Snowpiercer, Directed by Bong Joon-ho Review

Environmental problems concern society, and this issue is reflected in various ideas, such as science fiction books or films. The movie Snowpiercer, directed by Bong Joon-ho, represents the world of the future, where, in an attempt to stop global warming, humanity has frozen the planet. The last people were forced...

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina is a composition with an underlying message of unfulfilled love and conflict. The smooth melody and soothing vocals from Turina’s composition resonate with a sentimental style different from the Spanish style. The composition style is typical of the traditional Spanish style reminiscent of the traditional technique...

“Metropolis”: Analysis of Issues Raised in the Film

Metropolis is a German silent film directed by Fritz Lang and released in 1927. It tells the story of the main character Freder living in a world divided into two classes: the elite and the workers. While the elite lives a wealthy and carefree life, the workers struggle for a...

Concert Review: George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”

Background Information The selected concert was performed at the New York Philharmonic in 1976. It became one of the most famous renditions of the already iconic composition Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. Leonard Bernstein, a legendary American conductor, who conducted in New York Philharmonic for forty seasons (Alsop), played...

The Film “Good Will Hunting” by Gus Van Sant

My definition of a soulmate identifies a soulmate as a person who understands you, supports you both physically and emotionally, and is willing to share life with you for as long as you are alive. The triad concept in Good Will Hunting is applied in the form of defense mechanisms,...

The Film “Fruitvale Station” by Ryan Coogler

Fruitvale Station is a 2013 film made by debut director Ryan Coogler, starring Michael B. Jordan. The movie is based on the real story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old African-American who the BART officer shot on a crowded platform of the Fruitvale station. The story was not Hollywoodized, and...

Pulp Fiction as Iconic Gangster Cinema

Introduction Several movies throughout history have tremendously impacted the film industry, forming examples for specific genres. Understanding such works’ properties and analyzing the unique qualities that shape their overall appeal is essential for film studies investigations. An instance of such iconic creation is Pulp Fiction, a remarkably famous motion picture...

Traditional Dance in Immigrants’ Lives

Introduction Different traditional cultures are forms of the primary self-organization of the human community. With confidence in inextricable unity with the community, a person gains a sense of security and belonging in traditional culture. As a vital part of the culture, dance promotes unity with society and the appearance of...

Features of “The Marriage of Figaro” by Mozart

Music can be defined as a composition of sounds created by diverse musical instruments or people’s voices, computers, or a combination of these tools. It is a multinational phenomenon; therefore, sometimes, it helps break language barriers and stereotypes and unite people from various nations or cultural environments. The power of...

Review of “Mon Oncle” Movie: A Portrayal of France

The movie Mon Oncle by Jacques Tati attempted to draw parallels between traditional France and its modernized counterpart, showing that the latest domestic gadgets might not always be considered a positive invention. The movie director’s ambition was to critique the idea of owning objects and being obsessed with various technologies...

Martin Scorsese’s Impact on Cinema

Cinema is represented by various films and numerous people involved in the process of filmmaking. Some of those people stand out in the eyes of the public more since they have a great influence on the industry. An example of such a person is Martin Scorsese, known for movies like...

The Patronage System During the Baroque Period

The Patronage System The Baroque period, which gifted the world with composers such as Beethoven and Bach and lasted from the 16th until the late 17th hundreds, saw the patronage system as the most common system of employment. According to this system, the composers and musicians were hired by wealthy...

Dunkirk: Analysis of Film by Nolan

In the Dunkirk film, Christopher presents several facts about WWII that claimed the lives of several American soldiers on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The film presents substantive ideas about the occurrence of the Second World War that was very devastating, as it claimed several lives of soldiers. Although...

Discusison of Why We Should Keep Vocal Fry

The method of singing and talking called a “vocal fry” (creaking, approx. “Fried voice”) is a relatively new phenomenon. It is also often called “strowbass” (“Stroh” – straw) and “edge sound”. The reception is based on a particular type of voice formation, with the laryngeal cartilage connecting, preventing the passage...

The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Directed by Ken Loach

War in various forms is a terrifying event that takes many people’s lives. The Wind That Shakes the Barley film represents one side of the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Irish Civil War. The plot focuses on the O’Donovan brothers, who initially fight together in the Irish Republican...

Poulenc’s Gloria vs. Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony

Gustav Mahler’s second symphony, also known as the Resurrection Symphony, was created with grand ambitions. The art starts with a pretty mood, dominated by grumpy lower strings. The composer’s captivating creativity lies in how he changes character on every page (Mahler, 2011). The song scored high with significant emotional and...

Dance Education and Its Influence on Future Career

The article by Katherine Boland is an interview with ballet dancer Carolynn Rowland. Its main topics are the influence of dance or art education in general on people’s future careers that may be not related to the dance sphere. Carolynn stresses the importance of education as it helps expand the...

Memory by René Magritte Review

The artwork that was chosen to be explored is Memory (1942) by René Magritte. Originally titled La Mémoire, it was created in 1942 with oil on canvas and its size is 30 x 22 in. or 75,4 x 55,4 cm. This work is stated to having been exhibited in the...

Argento’s Horror Film “Inferno” and Surrealism

Inferno or Underworld is a 1980 Italian horror film directed by Dario Argento. This film is a sequel to the 1977 film Suspiria as part of a trilogy of the story of three mothers. Argento pushes the boundaries of his witchy universe and clearly outlines it. In this film, his...

The Ballet Dancing History and Special Features

Introduction During the dance masterclass, I ended up learning the basics of ballet, namely warm-up, arm, and leg positions. In ballet, these aspects are essential. The entire masterclass was conducted by choreographer Brittany Cavaco, who seemed to me to be quite an attention to detail, which makes it possible to...

The Importance of Music and Its Impact on Mind

Certain music can enhance the mind, increase memory, relieve stress, accelerate learning, help concentrate, focus, and unleash inner abilities. When I try to sing jingle commercials or TV soundtracks, I am better at reciting the old jingle songs. This is, I believe, because they are on repeat everywhere once a...

Giotto di Bondone: Biography and Artworks

Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) is a renowned Italian artist who is believed to have been born in 1267 near Florence. He is thought to have grown up as a young shepherd in the countryside. While herding, Giotto would draw pictures of sheep on the ground until one day, his drawings...

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist: Special Features of the Painting

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist is an oil painting done by an Italian painter Caravaggio to depict the execution of John the Baptist. The painting, which measures 3.7 m by 5.2 m is located at St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Malta. Caravaggio...

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo as Inspiration

Rethinking the past is beneficial for idea generation, so turning to the universally recognized masterpieces for inspiration is a common practice. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, one of the key tourist attractions of the Vatican, is among such thought-provoking pieces. This paper presents a drawing inspired by Michelangelo’s painting...

History in Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchel

Margaret Mitchel’s celebrated film “Gone with the Wind” intertwines a magnificent love story that occurred during the eve of the Civil War. The love story involves Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara whose passionate love affair and impressive lines form an important part of the film. The romance story in the...

Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son” Painting

The work of art titled The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful and significant oil paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn. This masterpiece depicts the final episode of one of the Bible narratives: a reunion of a long-wandering son with his father accompanied by forgiveness and...

Hotel Rwanda and the Misrepresentation of African Culture

Introduction The portrayal of Africa and African peoples in western culture has always been influenced by the concept of “Heart of Darkness.” Ever since the first colonizers came to Africa to establish the dominance of the West, the view of the local nations has always been that of underdeveloped, barbaric,...

Rebel Without a Cause: Clothing as a Character Development Tool

Rebel Without a Cause has been praised for capturing the complexity of emotions of an entire teenage generation. The movie has encouraged a wave of teenager dramas, and after the premier, it helped to solidify a completely new market in Hollywood, unique to the otherwise overlooked teenage demographic. Throughout the...

Self-Portrait With Bandaged Ear

The selected painting is the work of Vincent Van Gogh, called Self-portrait with bandaged ear, painted in 2-D and belonging to the social category as it reflects the artist’s inner state. Van Gogh always strove to paint himself and everything surrounding him without embellishment, conveying life as he saw and...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Song “Permanent” by David Cook

Songs, as one of the forms of human expression, can be interpreted differently. According to a person’s experiences, feelings, current problems, he gets the sense of the song through a lens of personal intussusceptions. The latter cannot be perceived as either good or bad because music, poems, and other creative...

Aspects of World War I in Harvey Dunn’s “On the Wire”

Although the United States was the last major power to enter World War I, its soldiers experienced their fair share of fighting. American art noted the prominent importance of this contribution and commemorated it in books, songs, and painting. One of such paintings is “On the Wire,” created in 1918...

Symbolism of Canopic Jars in Ancient Egypt

Introduction A canopic jar is a ritual vessel, usually a jug with a lid in the shape of a human or animal head. The ancient Egyptians stored organs extracted from the bodies of the dead during mummification. After extraction, the organs were washed and then immersed in vessels with balm...

Film “Ex Machina”: An Artificial Intelligence

As described in the movie Ex Machina, the Turing test examines an artificially intelligent computer by use of human interaction. It is based on the human being’s capability to discover that they are interacting with a computer. If the human being does not discern this, then the test is passed....

The Blues Trio Band’s Live Concert

Introduction This paper will discuss the elements of the live blues concert by the Blues Trio. The concert took place on August 1st, 2019, in Santa Fe, Argentina (“BLUES TRIO – LIVE AT TRIBUS BAR (Full Concert)”). This concert is an excellent representation of the traditions of blues music and...

The Movie”Smurfs”: The Problem of Gender Roles

The gender ratio in the Smurfs is one to ninety-nine, with just one main female character. The male Smurfs have diverse professions: an architect, chef, painter, poet, etc. Smurfette is the only main recurring female in the storyline. She is a feminine character: caring, curious, girly, and often helpless in...

Lady Sennuwy Statue of Ancient Egyptian Culture

This is a statue of Sennuwy, which was found in a tomb at Kerma. It was buried with a Nubian King three hundred years after Sennuwy died. The meaning of the Sennuwy statute is that it represents the new dynasty and the old Egyptian Kingdom. This statue is carved very...

Romero vs. Voces Innocentes: Films Comparison

Introduction Romero was filmed in commemoration of Oscar Romero, former leader of Salvadoran who organized several peaceful protests against violent military regime. Oscar Romero organized and led the protests at the expense of his life. The core ideas of the film are expressed through fictional characters and true events. On...

Ancient Egypt and the 21st Century

Have you ever thought of the Egyptians who lived thousands of years ago? It might seem that people of the 21st century are absolutely different and can have nothing in common with them but in fact, our lives are influenced by ancient craftsmen. The culture and art of Ancient Egypt...

“Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni” and “Mona Lisa” Paintings

Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, created in 1488, was not drawn from real life. According to the existing versions, the starting material for the painting was a medal with a young woman’s profile, made especially for the marriage of Giovanna Della Albizzi to Lorenzo Tornabuoni. The author of the canvas is...

Decolonization Through Fiction: Indigenous Horror in Canada

For a long time, North American cinema was largely synonymous with Hollywood-made films. However, in the past few decades, independent filmmakers and festivals, such as Sundance and Toronto, have received a significant amount of public attention. Canadian Indigenous films represent a new distinctive branch of independent North American cinema. While...

Cave Drawings of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc and Lascaux

Cave paintings are the oldest and most interesting source of knowledge about the cultural development of the past millennia. Each new image uncovered is an encouragement to a better understanding of the ancient world. The two remarkable finds, the murals in the Lascaux and Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc caves, are both the greatest...

Analysis of the First Movement of the “Fifth Symphony”

In Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, a motto-resembling four-note rhythm starts the first movement. It creates a rhythm for tapping rather than a music melody, and its unsolved form gives the impression of an unanswered question. The sentiment conveyed by the C minor key within this motto in the first movement often...

Romantic Era: Repertoire of the 19th and 20th Century

Introduction The romantic period refers to the period between 1820 and 1900, the period during which musical compositions included “the use of large ensembles, extreme emotions, and wild orchestration” (Romantic Period – Music from 1820 to 1900, n.d). The word Ballet is of French origin. Though historical studies show that...

Basilica Julia and Temple of Divus Augustus

Basilica Julia and the Temple of Divus Augustus were two monumental structures situated near one another in the valley of the Roman Forum. At present, the remains of Basilica Julia contain some fragments of the floors and a column from its initial construction; Temple of Divus Augustus’ remains are unavailable....

The Influence of Henri Cartier-Bresson on Street Photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson once described photography in the following way: “For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously.”1 True to his words, Cartier-Bresson came out as a unique photographer who used his camera...

Martha Rogers’s Theory and the Movie “The Sixth Sense” by Shyamalan

The theory of unitary human beings formulated by Martha Rodgers has played a very significant role in the discipline of nursing as well as many other disciplines. The introduction of the theory has transformed the field of nursing and the initial perception of healthcare. In today’s world, nursing is not...

“Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)” by Marcel Duchamp

The work under consideration in the following paper named “Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)” is completed by Marcel Duchamp in 1916 (“Nude Descending a Staircase” par. 1). It is accomplished in pen, black paint, black ink, graphite, blue wash, and colored crayon on gelatin silver photograph with dimensions of...

“Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog” by Friedrich

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is an oil painting by a German artist, Caspar David Friedrich, created in 1818. It depicts a young man standing back to the viewer at the precipice, observing mountain ranges that extend in front of him (Friedrich, 1818). He is wearing a long overcoat...

Averting Evil, Confirming Power: Babylonian Panel With Striding Lion

The Ancient Middle East had produced many great civilizations, each with its own contributions to the region’s history and culture. Mesopotamia was one of the earliest centers of civilization in the Near East and the world in general, and its cities were among the most developed ones in terms of...

“Singin’ in the Rain” by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen

Singin’ in the Rain is a 1952 musical comedy directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen. This film is significant as it was shot in the epoch of transition from silent films to sound ones. As I watched Singin’ in the Rain, I noticed that MGM Studios used the shift...

The LEGO Movie Promotion Video in Accordance With the AIDA Model

The LEGO Movie promotion video features a computer-animated Lego figure who assembles a home cinema, finds a disk with The LEGO Movie, and invites other Lego characters to watch it with him. The video ends with the shots from the movie and a packshot with the information that the film...

Scandinavian Mythology: The Life of the God of Thunder Thor

In Scandinavian mythology, Thor is the god of thunder, rain, storms, and fertility. Thor always stood out among others, and on his eighth birthday, Odin gave Mjolnir, a hammer enchanted with extraordinary magic. However, he could get it when he proved that he was a worthy warrior. The way of...

Steen’s The Dissolute Household and Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus Paintings

The variety of themes, forms, and techniques used by artists throughout history is wide, and it can be argued that no two paintings by different artists are the same. Comparing and contrasting works of art that are thematically or visually similar reveals their true differences, which usually reflect variations in...

The Classical Concerto Analysis

Mozart’s Concerto no. 23 starts with strings beginning the movement and introducing the theme. While the concerto is focused on the piano, these instruments play an important role later. In the second half of the double exposition, the strings introduce the third theme that has not been heard in the...

“District 9” Movie Critical Review

District 9 in the sci-fi thriller genre tells about the arrival of a UFO shortly on the territory of modern Johannesburg, a South African troubled metropolis. Contrary to expectations of a hostile invasion, the aliens are refugees from their planet and appear before the viewer dying of hunger and huddled...

Disney Films: Projector of Our Society’s Values

Disney Company is the most significant entertainment empire in the world, thanks to the creator Walt Disney and his brother. Since the inception of Disney, the society has experienced a change of influence in both gender roles and characters. Disney movies have shaped the skills, attitudes, behaviors, and morals of...

Art History. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

Title: The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) Artist: Leonardo da Vinci Date: c. 1503–1506, probably continuing until c. 1517 Culture: European Art, Italian Renaissance Scale: 77 cm × 53 cm (30 in × 21 in) Subject Mona Lisa depicts a young woman sitting in an upright position in a piece of...

Ognissanti Madonna Painting by Giotto di Bondone

Introduction For this paper, I have chosen the Ognissanti (or Enthroned) Madonna by Giotto di Bondone, which he created for the All Saints’ Church in Florence. It is a beautiful piece of art, one that operates on a grand scale and serves as a critical milestone in history. The author...

The Magical World of Sherlock Jr.

Between the years 1920 and 1923 Buster Keaton managed to create 19 short films. His short films are characterized with comic situations that are interconnected with movement and imagery, without putting any weight on the dramatic effect. The comedy and the metaphoric background lie in the imagery, not in the...

Pablo Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” and the Concept of Life Journey

Every person is faced with a creative or professional crisis at some stage in their life. The nature of these events is diverse, as well as their further influence on individual development. The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso has influenced my personal life and career, as it symbolizes the movement...

“District 9” by Neill Blomkamp – Movie Review

District 9 is a science fiction film directed by Neill Blomkamp and written by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell. Three countries collaborated on directing and shooting the film: New Zealand, the United States, and South Africa. Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and David James are starring as main characters. The film’s...

Character Analysis in the Mean Girls Movie

Character Analysis The movie Mean Girls explains how gifted students act. One of the myths and stereotypes of a gifted person states the person can solve the average class problem faster than the normal student. Some myths and stereotypes of gifted persons are correct. Mean Girls Summary The Mean Girls...

Latin American Film: “Macario” by Roberto Gavaldón

Botz describes the period between 1950 and 1960 as rife with major worker’s struggles and labor unions. This was the era before the 1960 revolution, a volatile time in Mexican politics. It is against this backdrop that Roberto Gavaldón directed Macario. Macario is a Mexican story intertwined with magical realism...

An Inconvenient Truth by Davis Guggenheim

It is a documentary film aimed at creating awareness about global warming. It was released in 2006. One of the most interesting things about the film was the involvement of Al Gore the former US vice president who was responsible for the idea of the film. It became an instant...

“Stealing the Scream” by Munch

The Scream by Edvard Munch has inspired an American poet Monica Youn to depict her impression of the painting and the story of its stealing in her poem Stealing the Scream (Youn). The poet has chosen the genre of ekphrastic poetry to express her idea. This genre implies describing another...

Tracey Emin as a Post-modernist Feminist Artist

Introduction Tracey Emin is a well know feminist artist of the late 20th century and she is ambidextrous in the field of art. Her versatile genius covers a wide range of artistic mediums like Films, Installations, and Found objects, Fabric, Neon, Photography, Painting, sculpture and Monoprints. She is also a...

Michelangelo, David and Donatello David: Comparing and Contrasting Works of Art

Introduction Artists have the talent of presenting their ideas through drawings or sculptures. From a sculpture, one can be able to understand the idea that the person who developed it wanted to put across. Different artists may come up with the same artwork but each has a different meaning. Based...

Protagonist in the “Run Lola Run” Film

Introduction Run Lola Run was a 1998 film directed by Tom Tykwer (Smith 94). The film stars Franka Potente (Lola) and Moritz Bleibtreu (Manni) as the main characters. The film basically represents a life-threatening scenario that has three sets of endings. The main elements evident in the film are turning...

Setting Description Within a Dramatic Plot

The delicious restaurant is situated on a very busy street in the town center. On its left-hand side is a mosque and on the right an entertainment club which makes no apologies for the loud noise it makes every evening. It is relatively large compared to the restaurants within its...

Development of Harpsichord and Piano

Harpsichords are keyboard instruments with strings played by plucking mechanisms whereas pianos are keyboard instruments whose sounds are produced when struck by hummers controlled by the keyboard. Over the years, the refinement of the instruments has involved many technologies for instance; the making of strings, hammers, plucking mechanisms, action wires,...

“Vagabond” Film Directed by Agnes Varda

Introduction The film” Vagabond” or its French title is “Sans Toit ni Loi” begins with the discovery of a woman’s body which is found covered in frost. This character is seen as the central character of the film as her journey as a vagabond is traced throughout the film. An...

Jackson Pollock’s Painting “Convergence”

The creative activity of Jackson Pollock raised much criticism and doubts concerning its significance in the world of art and the level of professionalism and artistic talent included in it even at the time of Pollock’s life. The reason for such prejudice can be seen in the unique, individual style...

Ballroom Dance: History and Characteristics

Ballroom dances are performed in pairs in social gatherings as well as on competitive stages. Different types of dances are included in this ballroom dance and they are fox-trot, waltz, polka, tango, Charleston, jitterbug, and merengue (Ballroom dance, 2009) and their styles are also different. It was usually performed for...

What Are ‘Concept Musicals’ and Its Specifics?

Introduction Stephen Sondheim has been unique and instrumental in the development of the ‘concept musical’. It is important when analyzing Mr. Sondheim’s works to not confuse this idea with the more well-known use of the word as it relates to the ‘director’s concept’ of a play. (Banfield 4) The analysis...

Function of Drama in the Ancient World

Dramatic art has been subjected to various changes during its process of development. It has been identified that dramatic art has thousands of year’s history that takes birth in Athens. Some of the studies elucidate, “Between 600 and 200 BC, the ancient Athenians created a theatre culture whose form, technique...

Music and Poetry Perception Ideas

Introduction From all art forms, music possesses the greatest force of influence on the person, directly addressing to his soul, to the world of own experiences, and moods. It can be called the language of feelings, and the model of human emotions. Music plays a huge role in the course...

The Pursuit of Happyness by Gabriele Muccino Review

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino. It is a classic rags-to-riches story that is based on the true life story of Christopher Gardner, a self-made millionaire who rose from poverty and homelessness to achieve great success in life. Gardner catapulted himself from...

Music Industry and Information Technology

Introduction For starters, the word ‘music’ can be defined as an art form involving organized sounds and silence, expressed in terms of pitch, quality, and rhythm. Since time immemorial, music has been used as the medium of choice by many to “calm the soul of the wounded beast’, as it...

Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola Review

The movie Marie Antoinette was screened and directed by Sofia Coppola. The uniqueness of the movie is that it depicts the early years of Marie Antoinette and her relations with her husband, Louis XVI. The movie portrays that it was a chance that bound Louis, whilst still only half a...

Albrecht Durer’s “The Four Horsemen οf the Apocalypse”

Introduction In some respects, it is difficult to claim Durer as a Reformation painter. On the one hand, οf the three leading figures οf German Protestant art, Durer, Cranach, and Holbein, it was Durer who left the clearest evidence οf personal commitment to the new faith; a conversion experience as...

Dance Movement Therapy Review

Introduction Dance Movement therapy belongs to the category of Creative Arts therapy among alternative therapies. The term ‘dance movement therapy’ refers to the use of movement in improving the mental and physical health of a person. Dance therapy centres around the notion that the body and mind are interconnected, and...