Terracotta Relief Depicting Achilles: Analysis and Interpretation

This fragment of a terracotta relief created ca. 600 BC and currently displayed in the Greek and Roman section of the Metropolitan Museum of Art depicts an armed warrior geared for combat. According to the plaque, the relief depicts Achilles, most likely identified by his name written in the relief’s...

Diego Rivera and Mexican Muralism

Introduction The Mexican muralist movement was a period in art when revolutionary art was accepted as part of a cultural hub. While muralism has a long history that can be traced back to early cave paintings, the most essential or pertinent works to modern culture were made during the Mexican...

Roman Republican Busts and Coins

One can depict or assume a lot about a past culture from their portraits, statues and other works of art. Throughout history, Romans have been known as a very powerful and warmongering nation. They respected older people and valued three virtues: pietas (respect for authority and tradition), fides (being true...

Tibetan Sand Mandala and Its Healing Features

The healing sand mandala is a part of a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony held to bring healing energy to the world. The mandala itself represents a cosmic diagram of a deity’s dwelling. Thus, as the mandala represents the structure of a deity’s mansion, the Tibetan mandalas include different adornments to...

Statue of Liberty and Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Statue of Liberty and, to a lesser degree, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial count among the most famous American monuments. From a purely visual standpoint, the majestic, towering statue of bronze and the modest and reserved memorial with names carved into slabs of black stones may look like a study...

Ruth Asawa’s Oral History Interview

Ruth Aiko Asawa, born in 1926, was a sculptor primarily working with wire to create abstract forms. During her earlier years, Asawa and her family faced hostility and adverse reactions often due to their Japanese heritage and the discrimination that the second World War cultivated in America at the time....

Aspects of the Renaissance Time

I think that your assessment is quite right – the Renaissance was indeed a time during which people managed not only to recover from war and plague but also to build a new cultural legacy. During these times, not only intellectual and scientific but also new social life thrived (Hunt...

The Beauty of the World Art Piece

The art piece expresses the beauty and picturesqueness of the world around people. It is full of bright colors, and a central element is a large number of pink flowers. Behind them, one can see a mountain landscape that evokes admiration. Initially, people can think of this picture as some...

Writing and Photography Overview

The understanding of the process of creating literary works of any kind can be enhanced through its comparison with other types of art. For example, the consideration of this initiative contrasted with photography with details inherent in these activities might help grasp the meaning of aspects affecting the resulting products....

A Philadelphia Museum of Art Experience

Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the most sophisticated museums in the US. It is also one of the most visited museums in the nation and is reported to offer satisfactory experiences. The museum, offering both historical and contemporary artworks covers the visitors with various types of experience. My...

The Crazy Horse Memorial: Original Intent and Interpretation

In the Black Hills Forest in South Dakota in the northwestern United States, on lands considered sacred to the Oglala Lakota Indian tribes, the world’s largest memorial carved from Thunderhead Mountain was created in 1948. According to the project, the finished statue, which has been in the works for almost...

How Do Different Artists Confront the Modern Age?

Modernity, especially modernity in art, is a subject that is not necessarily about encompassing the present. Instead, it can be interpreted as looking at a phenomenon from the perspective of a person living in the present. Modernity, while often associated with nonconformism and nuanced approaches to stagnant processes, is also...

Takashi Murakami and His Superflat Paintings

Introduction Throughout the past two decades, Japanese art has become increasingly dependent on unique self-expression opportunities and the mindful exploitation of Japanese cultural themes. Takashi Murakami is one of the best examples in this regard because of his skillful use of Japanese cultural symbols that he makes accessible to the...

McClinton and Valencia at Anya Tish Gallery

Dave McClinton delves into the gravity of American history by depicting the life cycle of a black’s inner life. The meaning of McClinton’s work is the depiction of the strength and hardships of the African American community, which contributes to the study of collective identity. Dave McClinton channeled his life...

Visual Analysis of Roden’s “The Thinker” Sculpture

A rather canonic and historically important art sculpture is placed in the Roden’s Museum in Paris. The statue that will be discussed is The Thinker by August Roden in the genre of Realism, created in 1881. The composition represents a man in a deep and intense process of thinking, encompassing...

“Out of Paradise” by Adam Straus

The Museum of Art – DeLand, Florida, is a vital community visual arts museum committed to hosting several rotating master artist workshops, educational programming, reception, gallery talks, exhibits, and special events. The Museum is devoted to the fine arts collection, exhibition, and preservation (moartdeland.org, 2022). The Museum has two separate...

The Development of the Gothic Style

For four hundred years, the Gothic style, which originated in the wealthy monasteries of the Paris area, dominated European art and architecture. Essentially, from the reign of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine until 1485, the Plantagenet monarchs controlled England, and many of them were renowned supporters of the arts...

The Canvas “The Red Studio” by Henri Matisse

The standard way of thinking about representing the three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface is that the one-point linear perspective is the most common tool. It was discovered in 1420 in Florence by Filippo Brunelleschi to create the illusion of reality. However, the early 20th century artists seemed to dismantle...

Impact of Art for Liberating of People

It is important to note that art liberates people during times of hardship by providing freedom and space to escape the chaos surrounding them. For example, it is stated that while the buildings were burning and neighborhoods were sinking in poverty, outdoor dance parties were held in the streets with...

Pottery and Sculpture in Ancient Greece

Pottery The evolution of pottery in Ancient Greece was accompanied by changes in the decorations of items. In the beginning, the Corinthian black-figure was the main method adopted by the manufacturers of the sixth century BCE, and it was one of the techniques which did not change for an extended...

Artist Katsushika Hokusai’s Life and Artworks

The artist’s life Hokusai was born to an artisan household in the Katsushika district of Edo, Japan, on the 23rd day of the ninth month of the 10th year of the Hreki era (October or November 1760). Katsushika Hokusai was a brilliant Ukiyo-e artist who is estimated to have created...

Noah Charney on the Fame of Mona Lisa

A TED Talk by Noah Charney, delivered in January 2022, discusses a question of art history – namely, why the Mona Lisa became and remains arguably the most famous painting in the world. As the author points out, the theme may be fairly controversial between art historians, as the obvious...

Artist Teju Cole Biography’s Analysis

Introduction Photographers, art historians, and authors have dominated the literature world by writing exemplary works. Teju Cole is one of the most famous African artists who have mastered the art of writing and have expressed their thoughts through literary works. Born of Nigerian immigrants in Michigan, Teju Cole has written...

The “Wood” Exhibition at the Jefferson Museum

Introduction I went to the Wood exhibition at the Jefferson Museum of Art and History located in Port Townsend. The presentation illustrated the history of woodcraft in our region, showing the portraits of many people who contributed to building the town more than a hundred years ago. The featuring craftspeople...

Freedom of Expression in Artworks

Art has always been seen as the platform for uninhibited self-expression that is raw in its creativity. Furthermore, it is expected of artworks to push the envelope of the socially accepted, introducing viewers to the complexity of certain moral arguments. However, in some instances, art might appear to be undeniably...

The Painting “Yarrow Mamout” by Charles Willson Peale

A man laughed straight at us in this wonderfully drawn image. He is dressed in a blue jacket with gleaming gold buttons, a hefty coat, and a beanie as if he is just stepped in from the weather. His face is drawn to us by a bright red scarf peeking...

Color in “Superman for All Seasons” Book by Loeb

Superman for All Seasons is a renowned comic piece around the world. The story surrounds the life and personal experiences of Clark Kent: an abnormal fellow who enters planet Earth from a foreign one, Krypton. The young boy lands in a meteor-like spaceship that falls close to Smallville, Kansas, on...

Iconography, Cuneiform Writing, and Spiritual Beliefs

The Conventions of Relief Sculpture and the “Stories in Stone”; Iconography in Relation to the Development of Cuneiform Writing Various scenes, carved in flat reliefs and painted, covered the walls of temples in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian artists reduced any volumetric three-dimensional body to two-dimensionality, refusing an illusory-perspective image. All specific...

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s and Martine Franck’s Photography

Berger John. 1972. Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books. The book by Berger (1972) is a monograph on the interpretation of visual arts from a viewer’s perspective. The book is targeted at a diverse population, including the general public as its primary audience, which is validated by its appeal to...

Benin Bronzes Returning Back to Nigeria

The Benin Bronzes are a contentious issue because they form a significant appreciation in the general culture of the African culture both to the Nigerians and the African continent as a whole. According to Dan (37), another controversy results from who is dignified to retain ownership after they are deaccessioned...

Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring by Giuseppe Castiglione

Introduction Immortal blossoms in an everlasting spring were sixteen bird and flower paintings by Giuseppe Castiglione. Castiglione was an Italian artist and a Jesuit missionary based in China during the Qing dynasty, where he was known as Lang Shining. The particular piece of art is associated with eternity and the...

Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square

My public art project is a painting on the ground in Times Square, imaging the planet Earth, around which representatives of various cultures are depicted holding hands. This art project has an inspiring function. Multiculturalism, which implies a plurality of mutual influences while maintaining national integrity as the basis of...

Discussion of Fictional Works of Art

Fictional works of art are of particular value to both culture and society. They are some indicators of the intellectual achievements of mankind, which can be used to track its progress. When considering contemporary works of art that could become classics in the future and remain relevant for a long...

Depiction of Judith by Cranach, Gentileschi, and Klimt

There is no doubt that every individual has a unique view of the same event and same person, and when it comes to art, there is an even more twisted perspective. Every artist has a distinctive way of capturing moments similar to one’s signature and handwriting that cannot be recreated....

The Culture of Civilizations: A Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Art

Introduction Today it is difficult to answer unequivocally the question of why man needs art. Some argue that art exists to beautify life: these people aim to discover beauty as an eternal law of being. Others believe that art should educate; they search for works for the good, the benefit,...

Between World Wars: Dada and Surrealism Movements

I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organization’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically, but I...

Late Antiquity and Classical Art

Late Antiquity may be characterized by a remarkable stylistic shift from realism that was typical for the art of the Roman Empire to the abstract style of Early Christians. Classical art focused on the depiction on the world’s beauty through naturalism and worldly themes. In turn, Early Christian artists did...

Material Object’s Visual Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation

Visual Analysis As a product in question, an object made by using the technique of wood carving is considered. It is made in the form of a human figure in which the proportions are partially different from real ones. Its form contains both anthropometric elements and abstract parts that perform...

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt Van Rijn

The painting above is an artwork by renowned artist Rembrandt Van Rijn of the Baroque art group. The painting captures an emotional bitter-sweet reunion characterized by drama and grandeur. The two individuals in the picture display the most emotions considering their posture. The son, who is on his knees, head...

The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting by Rembrandt

The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful oil paints by Rembrandt Van Rijn. The piece is considered one of the veteran painter’s last artistic paintings before his demise in 1669. The portrait was created during the Dutch golden period, which marked the beginning of industrialization...

Art and Culture in the 21st Century

Born in Britain with Nigerian roots and raised between London and Lagos, Yinka Shonibare manifests a mixed heritage through artwork. In addition, his artistry prowess signifies a person living in two worlds with a global perception of issues such as nationalism, politics, and belonging. His work not only draws one’s...

Art and its Impact on Religion

Artists inspired to formulate religious arts have proven their crafts to be essential as they increase knowledge of historical and biblical occurrences. The artist uses various textures, colors, and styles to bring history to life, expanding one’s visualization of past circumstances. One of the popular arts in religious paintings is...

Haitian Arts and Their Impact on the World

The Republic of Haiti is a small country in the Caribbean Sea and lies next to Jamaica and Cuba. Despite its comparably small size, many significant artists were born here. A large number of names known in the world of painting originates from Haiti; however, not many people know this...

The Individual’s Aesthetic and Artistic Culture

Aesthetics has a direct impact on people since the individual’s aesthetic and artistic gradual development becomes a lever for changing the society where people live. Social progress does not stop; it makes a vast number of demands on people, requiring creative activity, creative thinking, straining spiritual forces, testing spiritual boundaries....

Jacob Lawrence’s Paintings “The Great Migration”

They Were Very Poor The painting depicts a meal by a married black couple; men and women’s sad and tired faces stand out, with furrowed brows and lips compressed in a thin line. In front of them, there is a vast empty table, plates, and the dishes that look tiny...

Between World Wars: Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali

Marcel Duchamp was a French artist who combined talent and everyday objects to produce meaningful art and paintings. Duchamp broke down the difference between everyday objects and art. His father was a notary, and his older brother, Jacques Villon, was a painter. Fauvism and Matisse greatly influenced Duchamp’s earlier paintings,...

Colour Contribution to the Mood of the Painting of Burial at Ornans

In terms of color, the artwork has minimal unconventional features. A robust white underlay and vivid amber yellow, vermilion, and olive green provide a welcome contrast to the dark tones that prevail in the crowd-focused horizontal strip. The colors used are given a wide range of intonations, with vibrant pops...

Researching of the Age of the Renaissance

The word “Renaissance” is the most sonorous and cheerful, but if you think about it, it is also the most incomprehensible in the history of art. At first glance, the Renaissance means something definite, unlike either the Middle Ages or the 17th-19th centuries. But the closer you look, the less...

“The Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue” Painting by Georgia O’Keeffe

Identifying Creator of Cultural Works Georgia O’Keeffe is one of the notable American painters who revolutionized art in the 20th Century. Born on November 15, 1887, O’Keeffe attended various Chicago and New York art schools before becoming a commercial instructor. As a fan of oriental art, she started her career...

Edgar Degas as a Famous Impressionist

The desire to draw began to manifest itself in Degas as a child, although his father prophesied him a career as a lawyer. Degas was from a wealthy family and did not need money badly, so he could afford not to sell his works and work on them repeatedly, striving...

Alexandre Farto’s Marielle Franco Mural Analysis

Introduction Art as a way of people’s expression in a public manner has been an ongoing practice throughout the existence of humanity. However, unlike conventional or classic art approaches, graffiti and street art accomplish the goal of public display effectively by exposing the general public to the themes portrayed by...

Impressionism as a Revolution in Art

The landscapes or scenes of impressionism were different from previous traditional paintings. Impressionists usually depicted “the scenes of modern life, especially of bourgeois recreations” (Turner 151). For example, Edgar Degas and Gustave Caillebotte were choosing wealthy and privileged places for painting. Also, some impressionists, such as Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro,...

Antony Gormley Answers: What Is Art?

The story of Antony Gormley, a British sculptor, contributes to my understanding of art and its importance in the modern world. When he was a child, he took a half-hour rest after his lunch, which helped him think about the phenomenon of the human body as a space or a...

What Makes “Prismatic Visions” by Bart Ross Meditative and Addictive

“Mandalas,” or “Prismatic Visions,” are a series of works created by Bart Ross. The works were exhibited on September 11, 2021, in La Mancha Gallery (La Mancha Gallery, n.d.). The mandala project was started in 2009 and aimed to change the paradigm of photographing reality. In his childhood, Bart Ross...

Gerhhard Ritcher: Artist Biography

Early Years Gerhard Richter was born in Dresden in 1932, where he lived until 1961. From 1951 to 1956, he attended the Kunst Akademie Dresden, and then the Kunst Akademie Düsseldorf between 1961 until 1963. Richter is regarded as one of the essential contemporary artists. Over the previous five decades,...

Impact of Enlightenment on the Society

It is accepted to divide the epochs of the development of humanity and its spheres of activity into different periods. Therefore, this work aims to examine how the Enlightenment influenced the society of the eighteenth century and still finds echoes in the modern world. The figures who supported this movement...

“Dürer, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” by Dr. Hickson

Being a well-known element of the Biblical mythology, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse often appear in media in different iterations. In Dr. Sally Hickson’s (2019) article, the media used for the article, particularly, Dürer’s pictures, are expected to represent the sheer Biblical terror of the Apocalypse and convey the...

Virtual Art Museums: Paintings of Louvre

Agar secourue par l’ange dans le desert. Lanfranco, Giovanni (first half of XVII century). Religious nature. Louvre. Web. When you first see the painting, you realize the size and breadth of the field portrayed by the author. The angel is softly touching Hagar’s shoulder and calling her to the water....

Native North American Art and the Indigenous Cultures

The indigenous cultures of North America engaged in varied activities whose analysis provides significant insights on the beliefs they held and their perceptions of the environments around them. Art pieces linked to the Southwest region of Pueblo reveals essential information regarding the social, religious and spiritual activities of the communities...

Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egyptian Culture

Rosetta Stone is famous because of its role in enabling experts to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Aside from the hieroglyphs, the stone has demotic and Greek types of writing. The writers inscribed the same message on the stone using these writing styles. Therefore, experts who could read either demotic or Greek...

Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks

Xavier Yarto is a bright talent from Mexico, creating his unique works in a post-modernism manner. Yarto’s series of paintings, “Ninas Bonitas”, is dedicated to women intended to fight with beauty stereotypes existing in modern society. Xavier Yarto shares his visions on his personal website, “I started painting women as...

Antique Art from the Time of Alexander the Great

The period of antiquity is characterized by the dominance of empires ruled by a single person. An emperor, or a monarch, concentrated the whole power in his hands and made decisions impacting the nation. At the same time, this concept rested on the idea of the unique nature of this...

Salvador (Dimension) Dali in History of Art

Salvador (Dimension) Dali is one of the most famous artists of Spain of the twentieth century, who became an integral part of world pop culture. This master is best known for his surrealist paintings, although he worked in different styles, forms, and genres – starting with Impressionism, and Cubism and...

Discussion of Virtual Museum of Arts

I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organisation’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically but I...

Religious Artists’ Work and Their Meaning

Introduction Artists have been employing artwork since the past and have generated better works, encouraged by different aspects with nature as the best motivation for various artists. Countless Italian artists like Masaccio, Filipino Lippy, and Del Castagno developed images with an inner religious meaning. Renaissance artists considered nature’s artificial as...

Role of Kehinde Wiley in the Promotion of Diversity in the Art World

For several decades, African American artists have worked on the familiar tropes of Western art to explore its poor diversity. This method has generally centered on undermining figurative art, or portraiture, which has historically provided exposure to white Europeans, from Kara Walker’s paper cut-out silhouettes to Kerry James Marshall’s portraits...

Frida Kahlo (de Rivera) in History of Art

Frida Kahlo (de Rivera) is one of the most striking figures in the art of the twentieth century from Mexico, famous, by and large, for her well-known self-portraits and surreal paintings. For the most part, in the works, the master “talks about herself,” her experiences, feelings, and physical and mental...

Abstract Painting: The Use of Software

Today, painters can use computer software to create pieces of art, such as the one demonstrated above. Using the computer does not require knowledge about complicated techniques, such as fresco secco, encaustic painting, or buon fresco. The knowledge about the solvency of substances and mixing paint, wax, or resin is...

Black Is Beautiful: The Story Behind the Exhibition

The world we live in has come very far in terms of reaching equality on different levels as compared to even fifty years ago. However, the age of minorities not being given a voice has resulted in the absence of their perspectives in many social spheres – art is no...

Tanya Aguiñiga and Other Artists From the US

Proposal The proposal delves into the analysis of society’s influence on art and how Tanya Aguiñiga can use her artistic abilities to effect positive change in her environment. I have been inclined to learn of other artists who share the same activity line, such as Kelly Akashi and Edward Ruscha....

The History of Renaissance Epoch

Introduction The rebirth of art and culture occurred in the 14th century in Italy when the medieval was shifted by the Renaissance, which gave its roots to the modern era. The epoch has significantly influenced the course of history and changed the direction of art and culture. From its prime...

Researching of Greek Mythological Painting

The ancient Greek myths are stories about the adventures of superhumans, heroes, and gods. These myths were painted in ceramic vases to depict the culture and the past of the nation. Such paintings are valuable information sources for researchers as they provide insights into ancient people’s beliefs and traditions. Analyzing...

Jackson Pollock in History of Art

Jackson Pollock is a world-famous conceptual artist from the US. Jackson created abstract expressionism, a trend in the last century’s art, which shifted the world’s attention from European classics to American innovation. He spread the canvas on the floor and moved around it, pouring and spraying paint with brushes and...

Importance of Artwork Visual Aspects

The visual aspects of the artwork are intertwined between each other, creating a foundation of any art piece. Line, shape, tone, color, pattern, texture, and form must be evaluated when examining a drawing, painting, or sculpture to discover how they interact to produce the overall impact of the piece of...

Chapter 4 of Art of Islam by Burckhardt et al.

In the fourth chapter, the key points Burkhardt et al. are trying to make the Arab art Islam art. Arab art and Islamic art are intertwined in the language and history of Islam. Arabic calligraphy is the art of writing among Muslim artists. The Arabesque entails strict geometrical interlacing work...

What Is Art?: Kehinde Wiley’s Works

People have always tried to display somehow and pass on to their descendants all the most beautiful things. To do this, they used various forms of art. However, to this day, there is no clear definition of this unique notion. Different people can have their unique concept of art. For...

“David” by Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Representing an attempt to interpret objective reality through the prism of one’s senses, perception, culture, and philosophy, art has always been a crucial emotional outlet for people across the globe. While the subjects of artistic endeavors have been quite numerous, the attempts at depicting the human body as a means...

Online Museum Tour: “The Son of Man” by René Magritte

Introduction I chose “The Son of Man” by René Magritte, which is a 1964 painting. Magritte is most famous for his “The Treachery of Images” or “This is not a pipe” (Ceci n’est pas une pipe) work, as well as many others. Below is the image of the painting I...

The Photography Atelier 21 Exhibition

Nowadays, it is not recommended to visit public places, and many people prefer to stay home and find other ways to enjoy their free time. However, many persons may notice that engaging with various art forms heals and helps relieve anxiety and depression. Therefore, in this century of technology, it...

Frida Kahlo: A Current Dialogue on the Artist

Frida is the most significant Mexican artist whose art captivates various viewers. This essay describes more about Frida, including her The Broken Column, The Wounded Table, Thinking About Death, and My Birth paintings. She was a painter who used her art to express the physical and mental trauma she had...

Composition of “Dominos-Havana” by John Goodman

In a 2000 photograph of Dominos/Havana, John Goodman depicts a game of dominoes by capturing two pairs of moving hands over dominoes on gelatin silver. The effect of hand movement conveys to the viewer the message that the players are shuffling dominoes at the moment captured in the frame. A...

Andy Goldsworthy in History of Art

Andy Goldsworthy is a modern sculptor and photographer, the defender of the environment and natural resources, originally from Cheshire. However, at the moment, he works and lives in Scotland. He is the author of sensational installations of genuine art and sculptures in land art. Andy experiments with an infinite variety...

Changing Claude Monet’s “The Truth of Nature”

I have chosen Claude Monet’s painting as it illustrates a very vibrant floral setting, demonstrating the pure beauty of nature. Considering my intentions of presenting a contrast between earlier depictions of nature and the modern environmental predicament, the brilliant green colors of the painting would facilitate the contrasting process. To...

Understanding Frida Kahlo’s Artworks

To understand Frida Kahlo, one has to approach her work through the lens of personal perception, adding intimacy to the viewing, just like Kahlo immersed herself in each artwork. There is an inevitable consequence of such close viewing – endowing Kahlo’s work with many interpretations, and appropriately so. The integrative,...

“Atlanta, Police Car Window” Review

The photograph “Atlanta, police car window” was taken in 1963 by a famous American New Journalism photographer, writer, and filmmaker, Danny Lyon, and was exhibited at the Chrysler Museum of Art. The medium that was used is Gelatin Silver print, and the dimensions are 13 in x 8 3/4 in;...

The Renaissance Collection at the British Museum

A brief description of the location I decided to take a virtual tour of the Renaissance collection at the British Museum for this project. The British Museum focuses on London’s human history, art, and culture. It is located in the Bloomsbury neighborhood and is open to the public. There are...

The Chauvet Cave and the Lion Panel Painting

Some people may think that almost nothing in this world remains a secret to humans. Indeed, there were numerous discoveries and expeditions throughout history, and if there were anything hidden, scientists would have already found it. However, an accidental discovery made twenty-seven years ago, when many persons also believed that...

Social Impacts of the Hong Kong Arts Festival

Introduction Art festivals have always been places where people could externalize their desire to watch new trends in art, assess different artists, and form a community based on personal overviews. Moreover, such events play important roles in the social, cultural, and economic life of cities where festivals take place. Hong...

Tracing Raphael’s Career Development

Introduction Raphael was a prolific Italian artist who made a mark in art and architecture. He was born in 1493 and was privileged to work under the mentorship of his father, who was himself a court painter. Raphael’s hometown, Urbino, was a cultural center contributing immensely to his early career....

Theater: An Opportunity to Appreciate the Transience of Time

Theater provides an opportunity to appreciate the transience of time by revealing the eternity of art as part of cultural heritage. “Prologue in the Theater” discusses the purpose of art between a theater director, a poet, and an actor. The theater director sees art as income, the poet romanticizes theater,...

Alberto Giacometti in History of Art

Alberto Giacometti is a Swiss artist interested in sculpture, graphics, and painting, giving more preference to creating memorable and unique figures. Alberto, as a rule, was addicted to philosophical, existential, and phenomenological aspects, which he successfully “transformed” into a creative channel. Uncertainty is the main feature of his personality, becoming...

The Dinner Party Installation by Judy Chicago

What is the purpose of your artwork? The Dinner Party is an installation piece created by Judy Chicago over five years (1974-1979); it is considered the first epic feminist artwork. The primary purpose behind this complex artistic work was to end the recurrent cycle of omission, wherein women were written...

Art Exhibitions: Museum Research Assignment

The study of the works of previous figures is of particular interest. Considering how artists worked, what they used for their drawings, and what topics they wrote can give a large amount of information for understanding earlier eras. Two works were selected for analysis in this scientific work- The Last...

The Northern Renaissance and the Reformation Bible

The Reformation has ultimately changed Christianity and people’s knowledge of the history of the Bible. The concept of the Northern Renaissance includes a period of cultural and social transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. As the Renaissance movement emerged in Italy, its ideas of humanism developed in Northern European...

Analysis of Kristan Hodge Presentation

The presentation is devoted to analyzing the psychological peculiarities of the data visualization design. The video provides many valuable insights about the color and essential visual functioning of the human brain, which I did not learn from the previous assignments. For example, Kristan Hodge discusses vision deviation and people’s inability...

Religious Interpretive Art Project on God’s Omnipresence

Christ has no body now on earth, but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion looks out at the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours are the hands with which...

Cultural Artifacts and Their Theme

Cultural Artifacts The first selected cultural artifact is the poem “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forché. It was written in El Salvador in 1978 in the middle of a civil war between the US-backed military and government on the one side and the Foarabundo Martí National Liberation Front on the other...

Giotto di Bondone: Biography and Artworks

Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) is a renowned Italian artist who is believed to have been born in 1267 near Florence. He is thought to have grown up as a young shepherd in the countryside. While herding, Giotto would draw pictures of sheep on the ground until one day, his drawings...

The Pre-Raphaelite Movement Representatives

It should be noted that Loreena McKennitt’s music, as well as her personality, embodies a sense of mysticism when it comes to her artistic expression. One of the core elements of her presented values and themes is nature, where the latter acts as a form of unique spirituality. In other...

“Study for the Head of Julius Caesar” by Andrea Del Salto

The drawing Study for the Head of Julius Caesar by Andrea del Salto is a red chalk portrait of Julius Caesar. His face presents a profile but does not appear as angular and rigid as profile images of political figures of the ancient era usually do. The image is based...

History of Ecology Topic in Art

The paper discusses ecological art by researching its history and its development throughout the years. The research recognizes that the art form began during the Neolithic period; however, eco arts prominent promoters emerged in the 1950s and 1960. The main purpose of eco arts is to inform people about the...

Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son” Painting

The work of art titled The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful and significant oil paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn. This masterpiece depicts the final episode of one of the Bible narratives: a reunion of a long-wandering son with his father accompanied by forgiveness and...

Spirit Spouse Sculpture at Restorative Healing Exhibition

About the Selected Work of Art Restorative Healing Exhibition Spirit Spouse Baule people, Ivory Coast (no date period indicated) Wood According to the background information, this is an H 12” Spirit figure, possibly Spirit Spouse. One of the beliefs of the Baule of the Ivory Coast is that there is...

Frida Kahlo: Master Drawing in Art History

Frida Kahlo was a stunning woman who expressed her tragedies in the form of paintings. She was a Mexican native-born on 16th July in 1907. Her father was from Germany, while her mother was a descent of Spanish and India. Moreover, she had three siblings named Adriana, Christine, and Matilde....

Art Creation & Reflection: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The history of art is the history of intellectual appropriation and reinterpretation. No work exists in a vacuum and can be truly original; a quote commonly attributed to Picasso states that “good artists borrow, great artists steal”. In this assignment, we take one of the most famous paintings of all...

“Girlhood (It’s Complicated)”: The Exhibition Analysis

The exhibition “Girlhood (It’s Complicated)” displayed at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History unveils various facets of women’s contribution to the development of American society. Political, social, economic empowerment of females is traced by looking into girl’s everyday life, their struggle for their rights, health, relationships, and even fashion....

Christianity Through Art in the 3rd Century

Dura-Europos was a border city adjacent to Salihiyah village in present-day Syria. It was established around 300 B.C. by the Seleucid Empire of the Hellenistic period. It was initially known as “Europos” but was later referred to as “Dura” by the locals. The city is significant as an early site...

Hybridity in Colonial Art: African Nations or Former European Colonies

Former colonies of different nations, especially those where the colonizing country never established a strong presence of its natives, tend to demonstrate a blending of cultures. Their original residents retain their art and traditions, though they may decline with time, and the colonizers bring their practices with them. By the...

The Birth of Adam: Analysis of Fresco

The Birth of Adam is a fresco located in Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. It is work completed in the style of Renaissance, with dimensions being 280 x 570 cm. This fresco takes part in the set of nine paintings by Michelangelo Buonarroti that were intended to adorn the cupola of...

African American Culture and Identity in Visual Arts

Introduction Different looks towards something gives a theory and history of ideas regarding identity with consideration of visual arts and practices in the African American culture. With the early modern belief that art is an expression of a person, the painted picture expressing a coherent viewing point has led to...

Oil Painting: Creating the Most Authentic Images

It is worth starting with the fact that the author notes the importance of the matter that oil painting is not just a technique, but in a broader sense – an art form. This must be understood in order to indicate the unique role that such paintings played for people....

Georges Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte”

Humanities present a wide range of opportunities for those who explore the disciplines of art, literatus, music, or drama. The works of art can combine esthetically pleasing imagery with philosophical messages communicated by their authors. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte is an oil painting created...

Appreciating Ancient Art from Museum Experience

Introduction Museums serve as important points where treasures are kept for public viewing especially for ancient sculptures, decorative arts, paintings among other collections. Many museums in the modern world today have included industrial arts of the 19th century especially the collection on quality industrial designs. In the museum, there is...

Beauford Delaney’s Artistic Journey

Introduction Beauford Delaney is one of the common artists in the United States. He was born on December 30th, 1901, in Knoxville, Tennessee. His mother was called Delia, and his father Samuel was the eighth among the ten children. The mother made a living by cleaning for the rich, while...

Virtual Tour to Sistine Chapel

I visited several of the 26 Vatican museums in the Vatican City. Some of the museums include Pinacoteca, Pio-Clementino museum, Sistine Chapel, and Raphael’s Rooms. The museums display a rich religious heritage, and in particular, the history of the Roman Catholic Church and Papacy. Some of the collections in these...

The Black Square by Malevich: History and Context

Suprematism is the genre with the main idea to supersede the modernist genres such as Cubo-Futurism. Its paintings are geometric and seem to be primitive. The Black Square is a typical example of a suprematist painting. It is unusual and dissimilar to typical art: it shows no familiar forms, only...

Renaissance Culture Art: The Meditation on Passion by Vittore Carpaccio

Renaissance means rebirth in French; it has a few historical concepts that resonate with the cultural development of the time. Renaissance is used to describe the rediscovery of Roman culture in the late thirteen centuries. This artistic concept inspired art, architecture, science, music, and philosophy. Renaissance began in the late...

“Public Monuments”: Article Analysis

The article, “Public monuments should represent history and reconciliation, not celebrate Canada’s colonization,” was posted on September 01, 2020, by Kerry Benjoe. The author argues that important figures and statutes should be a reflection of the city and its residents. Benjoe (2020) explains that the First Nation’s history was erased...

Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument

Introduction The Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument was installed in Central Park in New York a year ago, being the first public artwork dedicated to women. Moreover, the composition is also the first monument added since 1965 (Warsh). There are 23 monuments in the park to honor men who have contributed...

Bazin’s Ontology and Approach of Daniel Morgan

Morgan looked at Andre Bazin’s key work, which has been misinterpreted and mainly dismissed due to his brilliance and skill in grappling with tough difficulties of style and ontology. A more nuanced reading of Bazin reveals components of the classical theory that are crucial for thinking about images, regardless of...

The School of Athens by Raphael Da Urbino

Raphael Santi (Da Urbino) is an artist, graphic artist, and architect of the Renaissance. He is considered one of the outstanding representatives of the Umbrian school. His career was rapid, but very short since this greatest creator died at the age of 37 (Graham). The great Raphael Santi painted his...

Sculptural Perspectives: Kritios Boy and the Dying Gaul

The Kritios Boy and the Dying Gaul are remarkable monuments of ancient sculptures. Although the significance of both statues is excellent, they are very different works of art. The purpose of this essay is to compare the two sculptures and analyze their similarities and differences. First of all, it is...

Changing of Art When Life Is Getting Faster

In the developing world, everything is changing rapidly: new technologies are coming, people’s views on many things are changing, and art is also changing to some extent. Perhaps this is due to the change in time, people’s tastes, their interests, and their development. Artists, musicians, and other creators adapt their...

Erin Benay’s “Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe”

The essay “Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe” by Erin Benay describes the artistic contribution and style of a famous artist, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, and explores the problem of originality. Numerous attempts of imitating his works led to the emergence of the term Caravaggisti which identified his stylistic followers....

Uffizi Gallery: Art Museum Installation Styles Evolvement

The concepts of museums and museum installations have changed significantly over the past several hundred years. The first well-known museums and galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, were predominantly collections of rare and precious objects intended for pure admiration (Paul, 2012). An example of a later context for...

The Romantics: Initiators of Progress

The Romantics of the 19th century are not exactly what is typically associated with the term today – and to understand their history and cultural significance, one would need to travel back in time. The Romanticism was a movement that spanned across different forms of art – from music and...

Italian Futurism of 1909-1944 and Its Influences

Introduction Futurism refers to a social and artistic movement that Marinetti established in Italy in 1909 and which lasted to 1944. The movement championed machine age advancements and urban environment significance, propelling people in a progressive mindset. It advocated for science and technology with its mantra seeking to provide answers...

Tattoos Should Be Considered Fine Art

Tattooing has existed as a form of visual art for centuries, reflecting unique human stories on their bodies. Indeed, ancient skeletons painted with ochre suggest that it was one of the first forms of art (Jones). Tattoos are created by placing ink to the deeper skin layers using needles to...

Diviners, Priests, and Elders and Their Role in Art

Appreciation for special, esoteric knowledge has existed in every community, leading to the ubiquitous presence of a caste that supposedly has the ability to serve as the mediator between the divine and the ordinary. As a result, the functions of diviners, priests, and elders in society have been mostly homogenous...

The Paintings of Van Gogh and George Seurat: Comparative Analysis

Discussion of contrasts evident in artworks from various ages and art movements is an essential part of art investigations. Understanding the differences between works created and analyzing the historical context of the era in question can significantly improve the historians’ knowledge regarding specific artistic approaches (Roslak, 2017). In this work,...

Liz Kotz’s Statement About Artists` Personalities

In most cases, all the artworks can be effectively perceived with reference to the context in which they were created. In this case, much attention should be paid to the artist’s personality as well as social, cultural, and political environments. When discussing the specifics of Simone Forti’s Dance Constructions (1960-1961),...

The Small Morning Painting by Runge

Introduction The small morning art piece was created by Phillip Otto Runge in 1808, using the Romanticism style. In the 19th Century German mystical Jacob Boehme, Runge believed that flowers might symbolize diverse human states. He described that their cycle from budding to death, and response to light, expresses God’s...

Observer of Contemporary Art in Abu Dhabi

Introduction Every year photography as art becomes more and more widespread. As the old English proverb says, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Images can be used in various contexts, for example, to convey complex ideas more easily. A wide range of means of creative expressiveness, for example, the...

Black People in Art Overview

The position of the Black people in art was widely discussed at the end of the 19th century, including advocates who represented the African American community. Some of them, such as Booker T. Washington, insisted on equality in the distribution of equal and systematical schooling and the production of creative...

History and Meaning of Appropriation in Western Art

In art, appropriation refers to using pre-existing objects or images that have undergone little to no transformation. In the history of the arts, appropriation has played a significant role in developing art and its continuation. Over the past few years, some museums and art galleries have accepted art appropriation practices....

Works of Artists in the Style of Impressionism

The artists who utilized the impressionist style intended to make their work a captivating sketch of real life. In the Claude Monet painting in his Studio Boat by Édouard Manet, one of the impressionist features is the use of different shades of lighting. The painting is colorful and adopts brush...

Banksy’s Biography and Artworks Analysis

Banksy’s Biography Banksy is a graffiti artist popularly recognized for his anti-authoritarian art. The artist’s identity remains unknown, but he was born in Bristol, England, around 1974 (Street Art Bio, 2021). Although the artist remains anonymous, many speculations linger that his real name was Robin Gunningham. He later moved to...

Leonardo da Vinci’s Artistic Work

Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian polyhistor of the great renaissance age, is generally regarded as one of the most gifted painters of his time. He was born on 14/15 April 1452 in Florence, Italy, and died in 1519 in France. In his early life, da Vinci was enlightened in the...

Chinese Culture: The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

Introduction The mausoleum of the First Qin emperor is found in Lintong District, Xi’an, a province in China called Shaanxi. It is located beneath a tall tomb that is a reduced pyramid built over 38 years ago. It started after Emperor Qin took the throne while he was still aged...

François Boucher and Madame de Pompadour

One of the most remarkable artists of the Rococo period was François Boucher, and his works represent the paining style typical for the artists of that time. However, his belonging to the most known Rococo painters is conditional not only upon his talent but also upon the outside assistance. The...

Modern Art History Based on Picasso and Cezanne

Barr, Alfred H. 1941. “Modern Art Makes History, Too.” College Art Journal 1 (1): 3-6. The reasoning on the relevance of art regarding its role during individual periods and the impact on the overall context of art history is the basis of the article by Barr (1941). The author assesses...

Byzantine Mosaic Work and Architecture in Examples

The Beginnings of Byzantium Art is an important element of understanding ancient history, such as past the Roman culture. The Byzantine Empire existed for more than a millennium between the 4th century and the 14th century and covered a large geographical region (Brooks par. 1). It extended to the southernmost...

Pablo Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon and Art of the Early 20th Century

The Demoiselles d’Avignon, an oil painting by Pablo Picasso, is considered a masterpiece work of art, from which Cubism began. At the same time, the faces of the nude female prostitutes that are depicted on the canvas have an undeniable resemblance to masks, which was typical of the African period...

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram and Claus Oldenburg’s The Store Comparison

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram is a combination of painting and sculpture. The central element of Rauschenberg’s combination is a taxidermied Angora goat with paint on its face placed in the rubber tire. A black ping pong ball is placed behind the goat, meaning that the animal is defecated on the paintings...

“Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture” by Cartwright

Painting, as well as other forms of art, serves to convey the author’s vision of the world. The choice of the plot is never accidental because painters want to share with their viewers the stories that agitate and captivate them. However, production is not the final step of the work....

Introduction to Modern Art: Stylistics

What is Stylistic Evidence? To examine a masterpiece, historians may use specific methodologies on particular art’s features basis. Stylistic evidence is one of the approaches to recognize the age of an example of art. It applies to a distinctive way of artifact production that may be common to a certain...

Issues Involved and Arising in the Brancusi and Veronese Art Trials

Introduction The link between art and its legal interpretation is quite complex. This is mainly because it encompasses issues relating to hybrid criminals as well as civil laws. It ranges from regulation of artistic expression to art market. These include intellectual property, art protection as property and morality offenses like...