Time Management for Nursing Leaders to Consider

Among the variety of principles inhere to the sphere of nursing management, time management plays one of the most important roles. To succeed in time management, it is necessary to consider the following aspects and make sure these aspects are properly identified: Definition of time management is crucial to understand...

Organizational Development Activities

Introduction Organizational development (OD) is a significant, science-based, and practice-oriented process that helps an organization build its capacity to change and attain heightened effectiveness levels. It can be made through the development, improvement, and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes. Orpen (1997), Clifford, and Thorpe (2007) stated that organizations...

Aspects Related to Business Ethics

Introduction Ethics can be defined as a philosophical treatment of a moral order or the values that relate to human conduct with respect to the rightness and wrongness of a specific action. There are various codes of ethics established to govern different practices for example nursing, teaching and business codes...

The Airline Industry: Leading Companies

Introduction In the United States, the airline industry provides transportation services for freights or passengers. To deliver these services, an airline company leases or owns an aircraft, and sometimes they can combine their services with another airline for mutual benefits. Airlines are identified or recognised by the government after they...

Customer Relationship Marketing in Business Marketing

Introduction The marketplace has become dynamic due to pressures of scientific advancement, demographic, economical upheavals, social evolution, and global politics. Business organizations are also experiencing changes and thus the marketing role in these organizations is also transforming. Due to these changes organizations are moving from marketing mix focus to relationship...

Financial Strategy: Risk Consciousness and Strategy of the Firm

Introduction It is generally argued that a company’s risk consciousness governs the underlying strategies that are employed by the enterprise. On the one hand, this is true, as risk management is the basic strategy that defines the frameworks of other business strategies. On the other hand, risk management depends on...

“The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership” by Newman

Organizations currently operate in a highly competitive environment, making creativity a critical tool to enable employees to generate innovative ideas, engage in critical thinking, and develop new business opportunities. In the article “The effects of employees’ creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior: The role of entrepreneurial leadership,” Newman et al. (2018)...

Six Leadership Traits: Overview and Definition

There are six fundamental leadership traits: vision, honesty, empathy, determination, competence, and motivation. Every successful leader needs to have these traits to be successful. One of the greatest examples of a worthy leader is King David. First, he had a clear vision of what should be achieved and how it...

Influence and Persuasion

Influence is a powerful currency in the business environment that gives a lot of leverage to those who master this skill. It is not surprising that there is an extensive body of literature on the art of persuasion and its application in real life. Such is the book by Bob...

Dell Inc.: Analysis of the Business Model

Background Dell, Inc. is one of the largest companies that specialize in the production of computers. The company was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell. The company was developing at high speed, and 17 years after the foundation, it became the global leader in the provision of computer systems. In...

Starbucks: Merger and Acquisition Financing

The largest four companies and their brands in the coffee industry include “Procter & Gamble” (with Folgers as a brand name), “Philip Morris” (with its Maxwell House brand name), “Sara Lee” (with its Hills Brothers brand name) and “Nestle” (with a brand name of Taster’s Choice) (Starbucks Coffee Company, n.d.)....

The Resources Dependency Theory (RDT): Clothing Manufacturing Organizations

Introduction All modern organizations depend on other links of their supply chains. Maintaining stable and sufficient supplies has become a matter of survival for modern companies, and the resources dependency theory (RDT) examines this particular issue. It focuses on such aspects as limited amounts of materials and the manner of...

Toyota Company: Car Brand Analysis

Toyota has strategically made its way to become the world’s biggest car company. Toyota’s grip especially firm grip of the US and world car market came through capitalizing on rival’s weaknesses e.g. GM and expansion programs in China and other emerging markets around the world (Maynard and Tabuchi, 2010, p.1)....

Five Stages of Team Development

As a rule, a group goes through five stages of development before becoming a team, each of which implies its functions and goals. The dynamics of the group’s behavior and development changes as it moves from one stage to another, and it requires different actions for greater efficiency. The team...

British Airways Group: Financial Management

Introduction The skill of interpreting financial statements is just as important as preparing them. Accounting is a language used to describe the economic activity of a business unit. Many questions have been asked as to whether or not the best way of describing economic performance is to use figures in...

Strategic Management Accounting. Costing

Introduction Many multinationals have been seeking better ways to expand their businesses further so as to increase profitability. For those companies that have different businesses within the same group, individual managers have been put in charge to oversee these operations. As a matter of fact the management has used different...

Business Process Management

Introduction In the present day, Nike may be regarded as one of the most well-recognized international companies all over the world. Originally called Blue Ribbon Sports, it was found by a track athlete Phil Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman in 1964 (Ahmed, et al., 2016). Over the past decades,...

Companies Outsourcing in Developing Countries

Product delocalization, also known as outsourcing, is an essential business tool and concept that has been existent for the past 75 years. Most multinational companies (MNCs) prefer outsourcing on a small to large scale level due to a variety of reasons. However, the most common ones include the availability of...

Case: Managing Organizational Change

Introduction Change is necessary in the evolving business world, but only effective management leads to success. In my view, the likely root cause of Acme corporation’s organizational issues (increased turnover and decreased profitability) is ineffective change management by the HR function. The disagreements and strategy deficit at the senior leadership...

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

The book called “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey is one of the best selling motivational books for businesses. The book discusses seven basic behavioral paradigms that are ought to help companies to grow. The author proposes that the right attitude towards life is the key...

Justification for an Internal Control System

Introduction Internal control is a process that is put in place by the organization’s authority and structure which is supposed to be flowed to help the organization accomplish the set goals. Internal control helps improve or manage the organization’s risk and capital requirement. This results in better management skills and...

Social Entrepreneurship Analysis

Introduction Social entrepreneurship is an activity that is aimed at solving or smoothing out social problems. During the course, we learned that social entrepreneurs are businessmen who work at the intersection of charity and traditional business, addressing social issues, promoting charity and philanthropy, and giving the company a human face....

The Methods of Risk Management in Business

Introduction Environmental factors that cause risk The success of any business is highly dependent on the strategies it employs as well as the environmental conditions in which it runs. The business environment of today is being changed frequently. Changes in technology, market, and political environments increase the uncertainties of managers...

Relations Between Organizational Structures and Behavior

Researching organizational behavior helps employers obtain an insight into covert patterns of their employees’ performance at work. As organizations are in continual exploration of new methods to enhance efficiency, competitiveness, and increase in revenue, the issue focuses attention from researchers in the domain. Organizational structure and communication are the aspects...

A Valid Contract: The Case Study of Rita

A contract is defined as an institution which guides the behavior and conduct of those who enter into it. It usually occurs when two or more people, organizations or even companies make an agreement that can be enforced through a court of law and penalties may follow if the guidelines...

The Aim of Promotional Techniques

Is Procter & Gamble Right in Resorting to Price Cuts to Revive Its Flagging Sales? Promotional techniques are the primary instruments aimed at increasing sales. When the volume of sales drops significantly, manufacturers often decrease the price of their products to stimulate interest. Spurring customer motivation to buy the company’s...

United Kingdom Grocery Industry

Introduction There are various forms of market structures which exist in various marketplaces. This essay explores the market configuration which exists in the UK supermarket industry. As such, markets are influenced by several economic factors such as income level, inflation rate, forex exchange ratio, and taxation. While discussion the investment...

The Slime Business

Introduction From rainbow color to sparkle-filled, the demand for slime has increased in the last couple of years, which is the primary reason for choosing this business. Despite the appealing advantages of starting the slime business, there are some obstacles to overcome, requiring dedication and commitment like any other enterprise....

Situational Analysis of Apple Inc. Corporation

Description of the Company Apple Inc. is a telecommunications firm that manufacturers sleekly designed communication gadgets such as iPhones, iPads, PCs, iMacs, and other software offerings that work together with telecommunication devices. Apple Inc is headquartered in Cupertino, California with over 350 retail stores globally (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012)....

Sales and Business Development

Creating adequate conditions for promoting innovative goods and services depends on numerous factors, including the geographic location of the region for sales, the indicators of consumer demand, brand value and other significant criteria. Today, even start-up companies can offer relevant propositions if the direction of activity is chosen correctly and...

Omnichannel Strategies of Amazon

Active use of digital technologies and social services creates a fundamentally new environment in which comfort and the speed of interaction between the seller and the buyer are very important. The number of customers who use online tools to make purchases is increasing, and businesses have to use all available...

Developing a Purchasing Process

Introduction For a restaurant business to be successful, its management should establish a strong purchasing process that includes both selection and procurement. The process should be well organized in order to control costs and deliver the best possible product for the company’s target customers. Chick-fil-A, a major fast food chain,...

Wegmans Food Markets: Management Analysis

Introduction Wegmans is a large family-owned company that sells groceries in 6 states (Ebert and Griffin 305). The total number of stores run under the supermarket chain accounts for 80 (Ebert and Griffin 305). The company has a long history; it was founded in 1915 and since that, has been...

Working in a Sphere of Retail

Summary Working in a sphere of retail has always been a questionable endeavor in terms of employee engagement in the work process and inner motivation. Thus, there is a common tendency today to assume that working in retail is mostly encouraged by financial rewards and the necessity to find a...

The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory

There are different approaches to defining a leadership style, depending on the defining characteristics. The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory examines the context, competence, and motivation of followers that are critical for a leader to adapt and adjust his management style (Fuller, 2019). In this paper, I will analyze my example...

Economies of Scale: Basic Concepts and Empirical Evidence

Introduction Economies of scale widely imply the cost-related benefits a firm realizes from an increased level of output. The benefits usually occur from the inverse relationship between unit fixed cost and total output. The rationale is that as more units are produced, the fixed value attributable to each segment diminishes...

Waiters I Would Never Tip

These days every action is a sale. Although in the past nobody defined communication as a market and put objective prices for such non-material goods, society now has a tendency to evaluate them. Even two new terms have been coined for this selling and buying process – providing and using...

The British Petroleum Company: Target Markets

BP plc (formerly known as The British Petroleum Company plc) is a UK-based gas and oil company. It has been around for 100 years and is still expanding into new markets (“#24 BP”, 2019). BP plc operates in every part of its home country, the United Kingdom. It sells fuel...

Price Policy of Hillside Veterinary Clinic

Hillside Clinic is a veterinary facility that prides itself on the quality of its services and individualized approach to its customers. One of the provided services is the emergency treatment of pets at night and on weekends. However, the price of delivering care on these hours is twice the normal...

Operational Improvements for the Coca-Cola Company

Coca-Cola is the world’s most known beverage industry that specializes in producing all sorts of drinks. The company works in more than 200 countries and distributes over 500 brands (The Coca-Cola Company, 2020). The chosen company has a significant influence on the global market and does not have many competitors...

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan The functional organizational structure is rigid by definition. It has some drawbacks that affect not only Airlines, but the airlines that use this structure. First, strong centralized control over operations reduces the flexibility of individual departments, including local managers and...

Analysis of Ron Powell’s Career and Performance

Management style plays a crucial role in today’s business activities. There have been many theories regarding management and employee motivation strategies. However, such theories might end up not working as planned, when put into practice. Furthermore, a strategy that has proved to be useful once may not be the option...

Company’s Problems Through a Servqual Analysis

Gap Analysis Service Quality Dimensions for Expectations Dimensions Items Tangibles 1-4 Reliability 5-9 Responsiveness 10-13 Assurance 14-17 Empathy 18-22 A comparison of Perception and Expectation scores Item Number Perception Rating Average Expectation 1 6 5.2 2 5 4.2 3 7 5 4 5 4.4 5 4 3.2 6 4 4.2...

General Motors Operations Analysis

Introduction General Motors (GM) is a symbol of the American automotive industry and culture. It is known for an exceptional quality of manufactured automobiles as well as a high level of competitiveness and significant impact on both national and global vehicle markets. GM was founded in 1908. Since then, it...

Business Accounts: Closing Entries

Introduction Business activities are complex undertakings due to the procedures involved in their operations. Even though, people may argue that it requires common knowledge to operate a business; some guidelines must be observed to manage business investments (Todman 2012). There is the need to establish a record-keeping system that will...

Comcast Firm’s Forward and Backward Integration Strategies

Comcast Corporation is a giant American entertainment, information, and telecommunications company based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The firm focuses on creating incredible communication technology that connects millions of people worldwide while generating the most exciting and treasurable experiences. Comcast Corporation is known for using backward integration to gain a competitive advantage...

Evolution of Organizational Performance Metrics

Historical Performance Measures Profit The metric of profit has likely not changed much throughout the 20th century. It remains one of the most important measures of success to businesses because it often determines whether it can continue operating in the long term. How it is measured, such as gross, operating,...

The Four I’s of McDonald’s

McDonald’s operates in the fast-food industry that is greatly affected by the four I’s of non-market environment. With regards to issues, the organization experiences a myriad of issues that emanate from private and public politics. Health issues have dominated the list of factors that need the proper attention of the...

Business Practices and Sustainability

In our ever-changing world, innovation is one of the most important processes to exist. Nowadays, people seek changes that would bring the largest amount of value to individuals, organizations, and the environment. It is crucial for one to take into consideration the business practices of today’s companies. In his paper...

Sales and Operations Planning

Obtaining profits is the principal goal of every business, and it is a complicated process. It is possible to use various strategies and tools to achieve this result, and sales and operations planning is one of them. This term stands for the effort that firms take to keep supply and...

Boeing and General Motors: Management

Business, irrespective of its sizes and forms, is always an aggressive environment, where, in most cases, only the best survives and prospers. In other words, to compete with various market players, a company has to continuously develop and integrate new relevant decisions, technologies, and strategies that are in line with...

Coaching Efficacy and Coaching Effectiveness

The study by Kavussanu Maria, Boardley Ian, Jutkiewicz, Natalia, Vincent Samantha and Ring Christopher addressed coaching efficiency and usefulness, and also examined the predictors and a comparison between the information on the trainers and the athletes. In the report, they addressed the concern on the increased research on the conceptual...

Different Strategies of Celebrating Success

Introduction Currently, the business environment is characterized by a high level of dynamism. To succeed in the long term, it is paramount for organizations to have strong human capital. According to Homer and Griffin (2006, p.4), the importance of human resource management as a component of strategic management has increasingly...

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction Nowadays, companies and individuals are becoming more concerned about occupational safety and employees’ rights in the workplace. Unfortunately, there are still many cases when workers are subject to sexual harassment, discrimination, or any other form of violence. It is hard to deny that such hazards may negatively influence the...

Marketing and Management Tools for Netflix

Marketing is a procedure that is used for identifying and looking forward to satisfaction of customer needs. It is a process that works within the set target, anticipated output and goals to be met. Competitor’s strategies are also analyzed and exceeded. It deals with provision of changing requirements and needs...

Classroom Career: Occupational Interest Self-Assessment

Abstract Personality assessments like Holland Code Career Assessment and Type Coach Verifier are useful tools that can help a person to distinguish some important personality traits relevant to career choice. The scores shown in the test give useful insights and are similar to the personal opinion of the personality characteristics....

Evaluation and Control Procedures

Planning is a mental process that requires the use of intellectual faculties, foresight, and sound judgment. Strategic planning entails putting forward ideas that form a comprehensive and integrated plan that gives an advantage to the company against environmental challenges. The process of planning consists of various procedures. The first step...

SWOT Analysis: Company’s Internal and External Factors

SWOT Analysis This is a technique in strategy planning used as a measure of the company’s internal and external factors that may impact on its performance and sustainability. The strengths are the factors that are found internally while the opportunities and its weaknesses are seen to be external to the...

Anheuser-Busch InBev: International Marketing for Success

Introduction According to Anderson (2010, p. 28), “internationalization is one of the most important and pervasive forces that reshape the competitiveness of business environments”. It has largely shifted the basis of competitiveness in companies and makes it necessary to understand global regions as one vast market (Forsgren, 1999). Internalization has...

Wells Fargo Management Style

Wells Fargo management style is particularly a leadership system that is known to recognize self-drive, team play as well as great execution. Teamwork is very important in creating an environment of business success since it allows diversity of ideas. Wells Fargo believes in teamwork and self-motivation by all employees as...

Stock Market: Fundamental and Technical Analysis

Introduction The economic recession of 2007 affected the operations of many companies and the interests of the public regarding investing in the stock market. The Federal Reserve of the United States adopted immediate measures to intervene and stop insolvency. However, the bond-buying program did swell not only the central bank’s...

An Organization’s Corporate Strategy

Introduction Comparative advantage is achieved when an organization has an edge over its competitors when attracting buyers. In business world, strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, where an organization can differentiate itself for the targeted customer and add value by an asset of activities different than...

Compensation and Benefits for Contingent Workers

The paper discusses the compensation and benefits issues associated with: Part-time workers For many years, there have been numerous benefit and compensation grievances that have been presented by part-time workers. Despite this group of workers being used by most of the employers, it has been identified that benefits given to...

Strategic Financial Management: Diageo plc and SAB Miller plc

Introduction Strategic financial management involves making complex decisions by the high management to bring success to an organization. Financial management interacts with strategic management and comes up with financial criteria that the management uses to make decisions affecting the finances in an organization. Organizations with competitive advantage over others that...

Pepsi Co’s Diversification Strategy in 2008

Introduction Strategic management is considered to be one of the basic elements that allow a business company to achieve success in its operations in both domestic and international markets (Thompson, 2001, p. 24; Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2009, p. 37). However, even such giants of the global business as Pepsi Co....

Preliminary Investigation on a Workplace Problem

Introduction Employers are constantly faced with the challenge of investigating employees. An increasing number of employers are appreciating the central role of employee investigation in discovering workplace problems and thus initiating measures and control in preventing their occurrences. Each type of workplace problem demands a specific approach of investigation. “The...

Human Resources Management: Job Analysis and Job Descriptions

Introduction The significance of job design is to develop jobs that fit effectively into the organizational workflow. The narrower focus of job analysis focuses on utilizing a formal system to collect data concerning what people do in their jobs and then use the collected data to generate job specifications as...

Institutionalizing Knowledge Management Initiatives

Introduction Knowledge management (KM) simply refers to an area of study that promotes an integrated move towards identifying, examining, obtaining, and distributing an organization’s precise and tactic knowledge resources to meet its mission targets. It involves leveraging knowledge to optimize managerial efficacy and competence. On the other hand, knowledge management...

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Graduates

The rate of employment has been reported to increase with time according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For example, the rate increased to 4.7% as of July 2009 as compared to the rate of 2.8% for the same time in 2008. Attainment of job after the completion of degree...

Expatriate Pay and Compensation in Other Countries

Introduction In practice, there are basically three international pay systems: the home country-based pay, headquarters-based pay, and host country-based pay. These systems are determined on the basis of standard of living, and the tax scheme used in the host country of a company. For this assignment I will consider theoretical...

Collaboration Between C-Commerce and Corporate Portal

In this week we discussed two different topics. The first one is a discussion regarding the relationship between C-commerce and Corporate Portal. I, being the managing director of the Thai-Lay Garment Manufacturing Company in Hong Kong, am really benefited from the discussion. I realized the modifications that are to be...

Diageo PLC: Industry Research

Company Background Diageo (a coined name combining the Latin for “day” and “earth”, respectively) is the undisputed global leader in what is styled the “premium spirits business” (Murray, 2009) in point of gallonage, net sales in pounds, and operating profit. Having originated with J & B blended Scotch in the...

Business Communication: Values and Ethics

Introduction Values are personality or particular behaviors that are taken as sensible; they commonly represent the person’s uppermost priorities. Values include our thoughts, opinions and also beliefs. Whether the individual is aware or unaware, the person operates according to the coordination of the values. All the things that you do,...

Sephora: Liberating Beauty Products

Summary Sephora is international cosmetic products retail store that has its roots in France that was started as a perfume store in 1993. Sephora has experienced rapid growth in the past decade in terms of the number of retail outlets it has on the back of innovative marketing practices that...

A Process Improvement Plan in a Firm

Introduction Process improvement plan is generally required for any process, which takes too much time, overfilled with numerous insufficient details. As for the process of e-mail checking, receiving and responding, it should be emphasized that the entire process should be reconsidered and recalculated from the perspectives of time investments. Thus,...

Alternative Energy Industry’s Profit Pools

Introduction A profit pool is the total profits earned within an industry by all players and it extends to all players in the value chain (Gadiesh and Gilbert, 1998). Therefore, for a company to have competitive edge in the alternative industry, they should use their capabilities to employ and manage...

Strategic Human Resource Management and Performance

Employees are the organizational members of staff who are directly in touch with the targeted clients and this makes them the most critical feature of the organization1. For a successful operational fiscal year, the Human resource managers have to ensure that they do recruit employees with potential and possess qualifications...

Employment at Will and Due Process

The relationship that employers have with the employees is a delicate one that calls for attention because ethical issues emerge very often. In Employment at will and Due Process, these issues are inevitable because employers dismiss employees without reason. The motives of the employers are not known and hence the...

Haier Group: Company Case

Introduction Most Americans pronounce it as “hair”, while others make it sound like “higher”. The latter is more like it, for Haier Global occupies a higher place in the world’s electronic and home appliances goods and products. This Chinese company with a global presence has a long history, from a...

IPod: Justifying and Evaluation

The unique and innovative product selected for analysis is Apple iPod. This product marked a new era in technology and entertainment industry. This product appeared on the market in 2001, and since that time became one of the most popular media players competing with Microsoft’s MP3. Before the iPod, Apple...

Managerial Decision Making Process

Would firms increase their revenue if they were to lower hearing aid prices? Evaluate the situation by doing a critical analysis? When the price of a product increases tremendously the demand for that particular product tremendously decreases. The given situation is that the firm wants to maximize its profit by...

The Humanistic View of Business

In recent socio-economical context, the management theories are facing some never-seen-before challenges from different corners. Many factors are posing threats to the businesses, and the decision makers are forced to rethink about the business strategies for sustainability. Generally it is seen that the human mind is materialistic and they basically...

Global Business: Current Business Environment

Introduction The current business environment has become globally competitive forcing all the businesses that seek to survive an obligation to be strategic in management of their corporate affairs. Making huge sales and maximizing profits remains a high target for all companies regardless of whether they are operating domestically or globally....

Business Ethics of Concealing Facts in Report

The presented ethical issue revolves around Shari Lewis’s decision to edit a student’s report. This move has been made to conceal Laurentian Mining Limited’s capabilities and operations. The current situation indicates that the company has an ore body that is yet to be made public. Shari Lewis has removed the...

Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing

Wendy’s in an international fast food restaurant chain and claims to be much better than other fast food places. The commercial shows that even in the height of recession, Wendy’s provide 3 varieties of economical burgers at less than a $1 apiece. The commercial was created by Wendy’s for selected...

Communication in Agilent Technologies While Layoffs

The way in which managers communicate change is very crucial to the success of a changed program in any organization. The communication style which the company decides to use should ensure that their staffs appropriately understand what will happen and why it should happen. They should also be in a...

Competition in the Australian Food Industry: Case Analysis

Industry Background The food industry in Australia is divided into several sectors among which the sphere of healthy food is the dominant one. The leaders of this market area are the international companies Weight Watchers and Paradise Food Industries (Weight Watchers Company, 2009; Paradise Food Industries, 2009). The products of...

Marketing a Whitewater Center

Today, everyone is busy with their day-to-day life. People always lookout for a change from their mechanical life. The importance of leisure and recreation comes here. People treat recreation as a part of their busy life. Depending on the income level, people decide the types of recreation they should go...

Yumi Company’s Fashion Marketing

Introduction The fashion market is regarded to be one of the most changing markets in the world, as the tendencies and trends change every season. On the one hand it provides the essential dynamics for the development of this business sector, thus, only companies with high competitive capacity may survive...

Avon: Quality Assurance, Motivation and Attitudes Change

Avon Products is a leading cosmetics company based in the USA. The company operates in a highly competitive industry and requires high standards of products and environmentally friendly policies. Quality assurance programs will help Avon Products to improve its production and satisfy customers’ needs and expectations. The two major issues,...

E-Business: Why It Matters for Modern Organizations

Introduction Many companies in the world are using internet-based systems that are cheap and simplify the information management process by removing the complexity, which makes the organisation more responsive and as result organisation generates more profit through revenue and saving. In addition, companies are trading together in electronic marketplaces and...

Internationalization of a Bicycle Company: India & the US

Factors Affecting Internationalization of Bicycle Company The need for internationalization of companies began when firms saw the necessity to increase their export efforts due to the declining domestic consumptions (Andersen, 1993, p.209; Athukorala, 1995, p.2). However, their continued experience on the international markets exposed several challenges that impacted on their...

Coca-Cola Slash Prices and Financial Outcome

Introduction Coca-Cola Inc. is one of the most respected firms who have celebrated more than a century of sustained business excellence, the company was incorporated in September of 1919. The 53 billion beverages consumed worldwide that bear the company’s trademark in which Coke owns or licenses accounts for approximately 1.5...

High-End Retail Strategy Mix for a Shoe Store

Introduction Strategy mix is essential for developing a company. Without accurate retail strategy no organization can work. Location, operating procedures, goods and services offered, pricing tactics and various promotional methods are very essential factors for development of a company. This is the age of survival of the fittest. In a...

Steps in Problem-Solving Strategy

Introduction In professional and education and indeed in general everyday life, we encounter a myriad of problems that requires us to solve. A problem, therefore, can be described as a gap that separates the present state from the desired state (Davidson & Sterberg, 2003). This state produces on one hand...

Porter’s Generic Strategies Analysis

Choosing what position to take in the market in which a business function is an extremely important part of a company’s strategy. Michael Porter identified three basic strategies which cover the range of positions that a business can take to compete in the market. These three strategies are Cost Leadership...

Petroleum Exporting Countries Organization

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to regard the history of OPEC as the organization of petroleum suppliers, represent this alliance as the political power and provide the models of its further development from the context of its necessity and usefulness for the development of the world economy. To...

Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company and Its Market Relations

Introduction International Marketing is a very complicated net of relations, and the processes, which occur there, are not so easy to understand. Local markets have a less complicated systems. It is easier to enter local markets and to remain there. In spite of the lots of differences, international and local...

Project or Program Failure and Organization Reputation

Abstract Organizations undertake project or programs development in order to meet certain needs of their businesses. These projects do not always become a success as they fail to meet the expected outcomes and in the expected quality. Projects and program failures have negative impacts on the reputation of an organization....

Pricing and Marketing Strategies for Windows and Office That Microsoft Should Follow

Introduction For a long time, the Microsoft Company has had huge profit margins through employing the monopoly power it has to hold constant the prices of the company’s software at all times regardless of the business situation. However, in these times of horrible downturn and ever-increasing competition, the CEO of...

Organizational Design Key Concepts

Key Concepts of Organizational Design Organizational design has a profound effect on the way work flows in an organization, it can hamper or improve decision making, communication and hence motivation. The paper shall look at various elements of organizational design and how these reflect upon a company. Importance of Organizational...

International Marketing – Impact of Globalization

Abstract Due to the invention of highly developed technology the current world has more and more become an integrated community and as a consequence global business is the present form of trade in this 21st century. Also due to globalization concept there has been immense disregard to countrywide boundaries, the...

McDonalds’ Veggie Burger’s Marketing

The new product, Veggie Burger, is a special proposition to all consumers who value healthy life style and follow dietary patterns. Rational for a product development is a new approach to cooking and new vision of customer’s needs and demands. In general, the proposed marketing strategy will deal with pricing,...

Cause-Related Marketing: Definition and Benefits

Introduction Cause-related marketing involves marketing efforts that have social and charitable causes and which are not based on donations as do corporate philanthropy. The strategy, which builds on the blend of the hybrid between public relations and product advertising, can be used to achieve positive impacts on customers’ buying behavior,...

McDonalds’ Corporation’s System of Inquiry

Introduction Organizational decision-making is always a difficult task since the decisions made will affect to some extent the stakeholders, including the members of staff and the customers. There are some instances where the requirements of the customer may disagree with the organizational goals and mission. This implies that decisions need...

Environmental Factors Affecting Global and Domestic Marketing Decisions

Introduction The article American Express Releases Annual Global Business Forecast presents the forecast for the global business travel industry (Americal Express, 2008). The article demonstrates that external factors like the global economic slowdown will adversely affect the business. The article discusses the effect of expected external environmental factor’s status in...

Marketing Research: Japan Market Environment

Introduction This study refers to the market environment in foreign countries to promote teambuilding activities in order to implement a white water center in Montreat. Under this study, the market environment of a foreign country (Japan) is considered to analyze the potential market opportunities and threats. The following is detailed...

The Gap Company: Purpose and Mission

Company Profile The Gap, Inc. started after its incorporation in 1969 and it has become a global retailer of clothing, accessories and personal care products under the apparel store industry. Its products are uniquely designed and made for men, women, children, and babies and are being marketed under the familiar...

The Impact of the Culture and Communication in International Business

The impact of the culture For ICCTC, an international consulting company, it is important to recognize that international and national culture requires careful considerations and deep knowledge of values and traditions of people. The countries selected for expansion are Iran and Malaysia (Keegan and Green 1996). One widespread understanding, though,...

Business Communication: Message Analysis

Introduction An organization has to communicate a lot of messages to a variety of people in its day-to-day business operations. The message may be either business-related or non-business-related. For this, a proper communication process should be used to convey the message. By analyzing the feedback or checking the result, one...

HRM Strategies and Psychological Atmosphere of the Team

Background of the Study The background of the selected topic is the necessity of keeping the morale level high, otherwise, the productivity of the team will be low. It is often stated that the required measure is within the authorities of the Human Resource Management team. Originally, the HRM rules...

Marketing Definition and Importance in Business

Introduction The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process, institutions and activities that create, communicate, exchange offerings and deliver value to clients, partners, consumers or society in general. Additionally, the latter group believes that at the center of marketing is the need to satisfy individual or organizational goals. This...

Mattel’s Strategy: Training Managers to Become Leaders

Leadership is one of the key factors that contribute favorably to the success of any organization. In organizations where leadership is lacking, there is always confusion since there are no well-structured organizational goals. Leadership can be described as the ability of an individual to use emotional and personality skills to...

Apple Inc. as an Innovative Firm

Since the beginning of the 20th century, innovation determines business opportunities, brand uniqueness, and company image. Innovation is nothing more than the act of introducing newness into a process or product. It involves an idea, its implementation, the actual production of the innovation, and its acceptance by the market. Essentially,...

The Automobile Industry and Its Impact on Michigan

Introduction Automobile industry is an industry that plans, designs manufactures and markets automobile models. Automobile industry is one of major lucrative industries contributing much on growth of economies around the world. In everyday life we travel to our workplace, homes or from one country to other using automobiles. The industry...

Supranational Model in Human Resource in Asian and Middle Eastern Countries

Summary To trading within nations of one country to another is really complicated for different cultural aspects, economic positions, language and many more. For this reason, it is quite difficult to build IHRM in international concepts. Managers and human resource professionals have to have the knowledge and ability to build...

Formulation and Implementation of Organizational Strategy

Introduction Strategy is a long-term plan whose aim is to ensure that the organization achieves its objectives. The major objectives of a business are to offer high-quality services and goods to the customers, make profit and grow. (Peter and meshalam 2006) Strategic plan tries to relate the business with environmental...

Organizational Behaviour Analysis and Evaluation

Organisational behaviour study is a discipline that is gaining more and more important because organisations are becoming larger and more complex now than ever before. Even though human behaviour inside organisations have been studied since the early days of the industrial revolution, most of these have focused solely on improving...

The Importance of Gender in Marketing

Introduction The importance of researches on the motivation and behavior of consumers is known all over the world. For the last decades, within the frames of marketing, an interdisciplinary area of researches has arisen– the behavior of consumers. The main purpose of both businessmen and experts in marketing consists in...

Wal-Mart: Strategic Management Analysis

Introduction The global economy is facing a downturn due to looming oil prices. The US economy is in recession and it has hit the corporate America. Even in such a scenario, Wal-Mart Inc.’s, United States’ sales and profit surged in the first quarter of 2008. even then the giant discount...

Fujitsu Siemens Computers: Joint Ventures and Strategies

Abstract Research reveals that contemporary businesses are increasingly faced with dilemmas in making business decisions; such decisions can take the form of a decision to attract new clients as well as maintaining old customers. It is for this reason that two or more business units join forces in terms of...

Project Management Office Analysis

Executive Summary The Heavy-dependence of ICT around the world is forcing organisations to improve their management processes. The most popular method of smoothening then management process is Project Management Office; it helps in reducing delivery time for projects, increase efficiency in organisations and improve industrial relations when companies keep in...

29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch

The concept of visionary leadership Principle 1: Utilize organizational change to maximize operational effectiveness. Principle 2: Make sure that your chosen leadership style corresponds to objective reality. Principle 3: Never think of process of management as such has to value in itself. Principle 4: Never embark on designing leadership methods,...

Nintendo: Market Analysis

The Environmental analysis The improvement of technology has been the cornerstone of the video game industry. The market forces demanded an innovative approach to enable an organization to remain on top of the pack. An advance in the technological advantage of any company led to the death of all other...

Ethics in Target Marketing

Introduction Target marketing is a practice that is resorted to by many organizations in the world today. This is the case with privately owned corporations as well as government and not for profit organizations (for example education). The immigration laws of many advanced economies have resulted in large scale presence...

What Is the Role of Marketing in the Company and to What Extent?

Introduction Before attempts to discuss the role of marketing in the company and to what extent the marketing strategy of the company is effective, it is essential to consider about marketing and marketing process. Satisfying the target customers, behavior facilitating exchange, selling and advertising are the important role of marketing....

Organizational Design: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The supply chain is used in every type of business. And the supply chain is followed in all spears of a business. The term “supply chain management” has two parts – “supply chain” and “management”. Supply chain is the circle where the work of passing the raw material, work...

Accounting. Current and Non-Current Assets

Introduction Current assets are assets which are most liquid in the organization the assets which can be used up or be sold in the business cycle. Current assets are those assets which cannot be held in the organization for more than one year and they form the basis of working...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Marketing Plan Assignment

Executive Summary Thai-Lay Fashion Company is an existing garment manufacturing company in the UK having the business mission of achieving market leadership in the garment industry on a global basis with its well-designed and qualified garment products. The company’s objective is to get market acceptability through the production and marketing...

Marketing Strategies for Launching a New Brand

Introduction Brand positioning, product differentiation and understanding competitors are three distinctive marketing strategies for launching a new brand in the market dominated by one brand. Through these strategies, organizations aim at make continuous improvement in their product marketing strategies for sustaining in the industry, with a sizeable market share. By...

Intelligent System for Management

The world is in the midst of an all-purpose technological revolution based on management systems related to the economy and events. The macroeconomic benefits of the event management based revolution are already apparent in some economies, especially the United States and the United Kingdom. However, it should be mentioned that...

Supply Chain Management in General Electric

In organizations, it is important for management to understand the stage that followed when purchasing their raw materials so that the right products are delivered and produced at the appropriate time. General Electric Company is a multinational organization that is located in America. This company conglomerates services and technology that...

Housing Industry Affected by the Economy

Introduction Due to the increase in population all over the world, there is high demand for shelter and the housing industry is one of the most significant and growing sectors nearly in all the economies of the world. However, changes in the different economies have impacted both positively and negatively...

Causes and Consequences of the Enron Scandal

Among the many financial scandals that rocked the world before 2001, the worst was the Enron Disaster. U.S Company Enron, which began as a small Midwestern gas pipeline company in 1985, spiraled into the world’s biggest energy trader by May 2001. Its dramatic collapse began in July 2001 and ended...

KPMG Company Annual Report Critical Analysis

Introduction KPMG is one of the most renowned and largest organizations in the world which provides professional services to its client companies and shareholders (Gostick and Elton 14). The relationship chain of KPMG exceeds over 145 countries. Its name has been set according to the four names of the partners...

Social Responsibility in Toyota

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility, also known as corporate citizenship, results from business organizations considering societys interest and taking responsibility for all the impacts, whether negative or positive, of their activities on their employees, customers, communities, shareholders, suppliers and the environment. The responsibility in this case extends the legal obligations aimed...

Exxon Mobil Corporation – Financial Analysis

Introduction This paper seeks to evaluate the performance measurements of Exxon Mobil Corporation using its financial statements for the years 2005, 2006, and 2007. Financial analysis will be conducted to extract relevant ratios from the company’s financial statements for purposes of making this paper. Analysis and Discussion The extracted ratios...

Playboy Models: Unnatural Beauty

Introduction In the present day, beauty has become an object of commerce and production, as the modern canons and requirements cannot be met by an average woman without physical interventions into her body. In the last centuries, beauty was amongst the major virtues of woman as well as the major...

Nine West Company Competitors Overview

Introduction The main competitors of Nine West are Etienne Aigner, Inc. Brown Shoe Company, Inc.; Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.; Candies, Inc.; Maxwell Shoe Company Inc. Thus, the paper will be centered only on three of them which have an impact on the company’s sales and market position. Brown Shoe Company...

Real Estate Company’s Information Management

Introduction This letter addresses one of the crucial concerns that real estate organizations face in the global market. As a developing company, this firm needs to consider the issue of data management in the real estate setting to develop a competitive advantage. Because of the challenges that the processing of...

Human Resourses Practices and Employee Retention in UAE

Current research deals with analysis of HR practices and procedures that are the most appropriate for the retention of labor force. Changing market relations which can be described as a result of globalization process and flexible labor regulation and market impose new challenges to HR specialists which are to elaborate...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism Sector

Introduction Ethics is not something novel for people in business. Nevertheless, until recently, accountability for setting standards for the manner of business and certifying that economic wealth was impartially shared was assumed by governments acting individually or collectively through international institutions. This distribution of responsibilities, however, is speedily changing under...

Risk Management: International Financial Risks

Introduction A company going international will face or encounter risks that are different from those faced in the home country. The risks in International transactions include foreign exchange risks and political risks. Foreign exchange involves things like currency shortages, depreciation, and increase of public debt or exchange rate fluctuations. Proper...

Michael Eisner and His Reign at Disney

Introduction After nearly two decades as CEO and chairman of the board, Michael Eisner faced an internal corporate challenge. This work is aimed at researching organizational governance conflicts, disagreements in the highest echelons of power of Walt Disney, and leadership qualities. Also, the history of the conflict is closely connected...

Social Enterprises as a New Form of Business

Constant focus on exploring new opportunities and bringing something new to different levels of society are the core characteristics of every entrepreneurship. Today, numerous businesses exist in various industries around the globe, and the presence of social enterprises plays a significant role in multiple fields. According to Thomson and Doherty,...

Virtual Team Management: Skills and Practices

The development of information technology has prompted significant changes in the way people live in work. In particular, the Internet provided opportunities for people to communicate and collaborate across borders, thus forming the basis of virtual teams. The use of virtual teams offers many benefits to businesses since it allows...

Connection Between Management and Leadership

Introduction Management and leadership is an essential topic for discussion in the context of business because they have a direct and significant impact on the operation and require specific competencies, especially in the modern world were globalisation is changing the competitive advantages of firms. To fully understand the concepts that...

Analysis of McDonald’s Corporate Culture

Introduction Any reliable organization is characterized by its unique corporate culture that may be regarded as a combination of particular elements, such as the organization’s values and symbols. Corporate values and beliefs are the core of the organizational culture that forms the fundamental standards of the company’s goals achievement (Gagliardi,...

Adaptive Leadership Theory Analysis

Adaptive leadership is a leadership concept that implies effectively responding to change that impacts the industry that a leader works in to ensure sustainability and development. The adaptation in regards to the requirements of the environment implies anticipating the changes and preparing the followers to ensure that they can respond...

Hopworks Urban Brewery: Case Study Analysis

Executive Summary The case study focuses on Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB), a small craft brewing company producing and selling organic beer in Oregon. The company currently has a good position in the local market and considers future development opportunities to increase market share and profit. The paper provides a thorough...