Representation of Nurses in the Media

A community newsletter was the most preferable media. From the beginning of the existence of human beings, they have always preferred to form and live in communities. While dwelling as a community, they can be able to learn collectively and accumulate their knowledge and new ideas, information, and rules into...

Enteral Feeding in Paediatric Intensive Care

Nutrition is important in childhood, as a child has a lower energy reserve and a higher demand for calories due to its growth. However, if a child protracts from an illness, this could result in an onset of malnutrition. Results of several studies have shown that acute and chronic malnutrition...

Work in Nursing Profession in Australia

Introduction Australia is a very big country. The population is very high in city areas, but the population is very spread out in rural Australia. There are many villages and towns which are many hundreds of miles away from bigger cities and towns. The population of these rural towns is...

Adult Asthma: Symptomps and Treatment

Introduction Asthma is a chronic airway disease that has a considerable impact on the population health of the US. According to Loftus and Wise (2016), 8.6% of people in the US have asthma in comparison with 4.3% worldwide. Moreover, the prevalence of the disease is increasing both in the US...

Nursing: Somali Community in Minnesota

The national and civil wars have a pervasive effect on the common life of Somali people, which tormented them to an extent. The majority of people are migrated to America, Middle East, and European countries. Civil war leads to their dreadful situation. Under the warlords, the Somali people lead a...

Communicable Disease Control. Medical Issues.

Introduction A disease is described as a condition/disorder that interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Communicable diseases are those diseases that are easily spread from person to person by way of contact, food, water, contaminated objects or even through the air. They are also referred to as infectious...

Planned Parenthood as a Healthcare Research Topic

Introduction The topic of planned parenthood is an important issue that affects not only social but also healthcare aspects and involves a large number of stakeholders. Although education efforts are ongoing regularly, early pregnancy issues exist, which, in turn, entails a high percentage of abortions. In order to address this...

The Disparity of Minorities and Women CEOs in Healthcare Administration

Abstract This research paper will discuss the disparities that currently exist in the management of the health care systems. As it will be seen women are trying very hard in making very effective strides in terms of achieving ranks that most people feel are reserved for men in the management...

Nursing Skills and Behaviors Assessment

Undoubtedly, nursing is one of the most essential, irreplaceable, stressful, and complicated professions in the modern world. Every day, nurses help save hundreds of lives, provide psychological support and care for patients and families, improve their skills, and train other employees. This work brings tangible satisfaction, but also requires tremendous...

Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services

The sixth edition of ethical and religious directives for Catholic healthcare services was created under the patronage of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and sought to guide Catholic doctors and nurses in their work. The document provides insights about social and spiritual responsibility, professional-patient relationships, issues in care...

Nightingale’s Environmental Nursing Theory

Introduction The study of nursing theory has always been a key aspect of nursing education. The evolution of theory over time-based on the available knowledge and technologies allows us to determine its practicality and usability in nursing practice. Nightingale’s environmental theory is a vital nursing theory that discusses the impact...

Psychiatric Interview for Mental Health Treatment

Introduction A mental component plays a significant role in the overall people’s health. If a person does not have any physical issues with their organism, any psychological problem makes it impossible for them to feel good. That is why medical professionals should assess the psychiatric health of appropriate individuals to...

Pressure Ulcers Elimination: Ethical Issues

Ethical Theories Evaluation The chosen topic area is the elimination of pressure ulcers among patients in the emergency department. A protocol should be developed to remove associated complications for patients and the medical staff. To complete this task properly, certain ethical theories must be evaluated. Ethical Theory Rank (1=most important,...

Effective Delegation in Nursing

Effective delegation is one of the most important components of the RN’s practice. Unfortunately, the delegation model is still neglected or employed improperly. There are various barriers to effective delegation but they can be removed, and the delegation model can be utilized. First, it is necessary to consider major elements...

Philosophy of Nursing: Emotional Intelligence Theory

Nursing and Its Components in my Philosophy of Nursing My nursing philosophy can be identified as culturally-sensitive and holistic. In my point of view, it is of great importance to view patients’ needs and expectations along with their background, family relationships, and self-identification. It seems to me that nursing is...

Comparing PhD and DNP Degrees

Both DNP and PhD degrees are considered the highest level of nursing education, which demonstrates that a nurse is a clinical expert in her or his field. However, there are crucial differences between the two rooted in the focus of studies. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing...

Pain Relief Methods in Evidence-Based Practice

What is the PICOT question? In a twenty-year-old patient (P), does the use of narcotics (I) compared to alternative methods of pain relief (C), lead to less addiction (O) over the course of one year? Define each element of the question below: P– (Patient, population, or problem): twenty-year-old patient I–...

Nursing Workforce Challenges in the United States

Quick development pace and globalization significantly alter human lives and industries, and there is almost no field that is left unchanged. In recent years, the nursing workforce has faced several challenges, among them being physician shortages and uneven distribution and an increasing rate of registered nurse retirements. The other significant...

Change Theories in Nursing

Change is a critical element of nursing that helps to reconsider a problematic situation and introduce an effective solution to achieve positive results. The importance of this process can be evidenced with the help of the following scenario. A specific health unit is characterized by an unacceptably high level of...

Analysis of Economic Theory in Nursing

Economic theory mainly studies how people make decisions in strict financial and resource-dependent circumstances. Because contemporary nursing involves not only providing health services but also caring within the constraints of budgetary conditions, knowledge of economic theory will significantly improve the decision-making capabilities of practicing nurses. It will also facilitate the...

“Preferences for Photographic Art Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer” the Article by Hanson, H., Schroeter, K., Hanson, A., Asmus, K., & Grossman, A.

Introduction Since recently, alternative and complementary therapies have been making their way into medical science. The present article reports on one of many research studies that aim to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding complementary therapy for patients with cancer. Specifically, the authors focused on photographic art therapy, its...

Nurse Misconduct and Drug Diversion as Legal Issue

The legal issue at hand in the current case scenario relates to the diversion of drugs, which is defined as “the unlawful channeling of regulated pharmaceuticals, including the misuse of prescription medications” (Tanga, 2011, p. 14). If a nursing professional is reported to be chemically impaired and is suspected to...

Time and Food: Chrononutrition & Night Eating

The formation of a well-conceived and balanced nutrition routine is essential to one’s knowledgeable approach to life and health awareness. Developed eating habits are different and unique, as they are adapted to the individual’s work schedule and timing. In today’s world, our lifestyle and diet have dramatically changed due to...

Approaches to Childhood Obesity Treatment

There is a multitude of approaches to childhood obesity treatment. According to Kumar and Kelly (2017), the first stage of standard childhood obesity treatment focuses on dietary recommendations and physical activity. These include eating more fruits and vegetables and limiting the use of the computer. The second stage involves a...

Family Health Values and Lifestyle Assessment

Values, Health Perception The interviewed family consists of a husband, wife (both in their 30s) and a boy of 12 years old. All members of the extended family live outside the state. Family members consider themselves to be healthy. They do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. When asked...

Northern Miami Community Windshield Survey

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR443 Community Health Nursing Criteria Your response Introduction of Community (20 points) Identify the city and state of your community and briefly describe the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work...

Technology Creates Health Promotion Opportunities

Introduction: The Target Audience The major purpose of this brief is to inform my colleagues about the potential of technology to create health promotion opportunities. Thus, nurses will be considered as the target audience. I will present the brief to them and invite them to discuss it with the aim...

APN Professional Development Plan

Introduction The term of the scope of practice is frequently associated with certified nurse practitioners. It refers to actions, procedures, and processes that are legally permitted for advanced practice registered nurses by their professional license. The scope of practice is regulated by the Nurse Practice Acts, and every state of...

Three Components of Evidence-Based-Practice

The adherence to patient preference is a cornerstone of a quality evidence-based healthcare system. The shift to a more patient-centered approach in the medical practice has received accolades in the literature and has become a mainstay in the articles on evidence-based practice. Medical practitioners are instructed to include the patients...

Infectious Disease Trends and Nursing Epidemiology

Introduction This paper studies infectious disease trends and nurses’ role in epidemiology. It defines the commonly used terms and discusses how caregivers can reduce contaminations. The report features three current diseases caused by hepatitis A, Vibrio, and Salmonella viruses, and analyzes how Healthy People 2020 initiative addresses them. Finally, it...

Pressure Ulcers Study: Literature Review

Pressure ulcers (also referred to as bedsores) denote the damage of skin due to friction or prolonged pressure (Lam et al., 2018). The condition mainly occurs among patients at the acute care unit since they are immobile. The possibility of developing pressure ulcers is reliant more on the condition of...

Leadership Styles and Theories in Nursing

Introduction The aim of the paper is the review the article “Leadership Styles and Theories” by Giltinane (2013). Firstly, the scholar’s main observations regarding leadership qualities and their possible effects on employee performance in clinical settings will be summarized. In addition, considering the evidence provided by Giltinane (2013), it will...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention: Literature Review

Introduction Nursing personnel faces many difficulties when working in intensive care units (ICUs). Despite the experience of employees, some of the challenges are hard to avoid, which forces the staff to resort to additional methods of providing care for those patients who cannot satisfy their daily needs independently. One of...

Nursing: Rosemarie Parse’s Human Becoming Theory

Introduction The work of Rosemarie Parse has affected the modern perception of patient-nurse relations and expanded the role that nurses play in the healthcare system. She developed the theory of human becoming – a depiction of an ideal dynamic that nurses were to upkeep with their patients. The chosen video...

Suicide as a Major Mental Health Challenge

Nurses should use their competencies and philosophies to provide evidence-based and timely medical services to their patients. Those working in the field of the mental field should be aware of the problem of suicide and address it effectively. The purpose statement for this discussion is that many practitioners have ignored...

Bacterial Pneumonia in Older People

Introduction Acute illnesses are especially dangerous for human health as they occur suddenly and have a substantial effect on the body. For this reason, patients who were hospitalized with this type of disease need a quick response, an accurate examination, and constant care. Bacterial pneumonia is an illness for which...

Fetal Moral Status in Case of Abnormalities

Introduction The case study presents the situation Jessica and her husband Marco encounter when they discover that their fetus has abnormalities, due to which it is unlikely to develop arms. In addition, it has a high chance of having Down syndrome. The couples’ aunt Maria is against abortion while their...

Big Data and Data Mining in Healthcare Education

Introduction Information technology (IT) has become an essential component of many spheres of people’s activities. In health care, IT plays a particularly significant role due to enabling nurses and physicians to operate sets of data in a faster and more efficient way. The present paper examines the concepts of big...

Robotic Technologies in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction Robotics, as a branch of engineering science that constructs and designs machines capable of performing certain actions, has the potential to add significant value to health care. Due to the proneness of humans to errors arising from internal and external factors, robots that are capable of relatively flawless and...

Effects of Nurse Staffing Levels on Patient Safety

Introduction Understaffing is widely considered a primary nursing issue globally, with many nursing leaders and scholars claiming it to be detrimental to patient outcomes. However, in this context, it is not considered that there are many other professional factors at play that lead to poor results in inpatient care. Low...

Death & Dying Ethics in Buddhism and Christianity

Introduction The concept of cultural competence empowers nurse practitioners (NPs) to develop personalized care delivery models. They should also take their patients’ needs, expectations, and religious backgrounds seriously. The selected case study reveals that George is suffering from a condition called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The paper presented below describes...

Reproductive Rights: “No Mas Bebes” Documentary

Introduction The documentary “No Mas Bebes” tells a frightening story of Latin American women being sterilized at Los Angeles County hospital without their consent after they gave birth to children. When the illegal actions of doctors were revealed, the mothers who were the victims together with a brave young Chicana...

Vulnerable Population Assessment in Miami, Florida

The community under analysis is Miami, Florida, mainly its northern districts. It is a big community that has been always attractive to tourists. The population is commonly friendly and communicative. The community is multi-national, but it is characterized by a low rate of conflicts. The population is mainly young and...

Bethel, Alaska: Community Health Assessment

Elimination (Environmental Health Concerns) Air pollution from oil and gas activities Transport is the major air pollutant Noise pollution from planes and motor transport No pesticides usage due to absence of agriculture Satisfactory hygiene practices including access to laundry services Safety control concentrated on transportation issues Although Bethel is not...

Nursing Leadership Experience in the Development of an Educational Program for Patients

Introduction This paper is dedicated to describing and analyzing the leadership experience of a nursing student which took the form of participating in the development of an educational program for patients with substance use and abuse problems. Key information about the activity, as well as the roles and processes associated...

Nurses’ Commitment to Respect Patient Dignity

Introduction The first selected tenet is that a nurse must practice with compassion with respect for human dignity and worth with each person. Under this aspect, the concepts of building a rapport with patients and colleagues, respecting their right to dignity and self-determination, understanding the nature of health are included....

Pediatric Asthma Readmission: Nursing Study

Despite the intentions to improve the quality of life and create the best control and treatment approaches, asthma remains a significant problem in the United States. Statistical data from various credible sources show that about 10% of American children (7 million) have asthma as a diagnosed chronic disease (Johnson et...

A Chief Nursing Officer’s Impact on Nurses

The job of a chief nursing officer (CNO) involves a variety of duties and responsibilities and requires a number of professional skills, such as leadership, communication, and knowledge. Although much of the CNOs’ work is done behind the scenes, the value of these professionals in healthcare organizations cannot be overestimated....

Medicare Health Policy Analysis

Health care is an essential element of the social sphere and has as its goal the preservation and strengthening of the health of the population through preventive, curative, and other types of activities of medical institutions. Medicare is a highly effective method to ensure that older adults can access sufficient...

Pressure Ulcers: Identifying a Clinical Question

A Clinical Question Related to the Area of Practice One of the most crucial clinical issues in the question of pressure ulcers since this type of injury is a prevalent burden in the healthcare system. Whereas major achievements have been gained in various spheres of care, no effective solution to...

Untreated Dental Caries: Health Education

Introductory Details of the Article The article reviewed in the scope of this paper is titled “Effect of school-based oral health education in preventing untreated dental caries and increasing knowledge, attitude, and practices among adolescents in Bangladesh.” It was written by Haque et al. and published in BMC Oral Health...

Productive Ward Program for Quality Improvement

Increased job stress is a characteristic feature of many care facilities, which is largely experienced by nurses in their daily practices. A lack of proper management of triggering factors as well as an imbalance between necessary care quality and staff training create an additional threat of burnout (Gulavani & Shinde,...

Family-Centered Health Assessment and Promotion

Introduction Family-centered care is a medical practice aimed at helping all the members of the same family, which is often the case when several problems manifest themselves. The spectrum of intervention may involve different procedures and imply engaging both adults and children in collaborative activities. In the family in question...

The Concept of Transitions of Care

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem A fragmented health care system requires an increase in continuity of care across health care levels. Care transition is considered as the extension of health care of the patient when one is transferred across different health care levels. As such, older people are seen as major...

Veteran Health Administration Policy Analysis

Introduction The United States has engaged in military conflict in many war zones throughout the last several decades. In addition to surviving the combat, a veteran must also deal with some unique health complications and hazards that exist in the armed forces. To that end, the Veterans Health Administration was...

Nursing Differential Diagnoses and Care

The rash with which the patient presented to the healthcare facility has not spread to any other part of the body apart from the face, thus, external exposure to some allergen or infection was likely the trigger for the condition’s appearance. Both teaching and nursing plans for each nursing diagnosis...

Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Interventions

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Clinical nursing practice problem: non-pharmacological interventions for pain management. Pain is defined as the perceived and hurtful response to actual or potential damage. Pain is a broad concept with many subcategories, including character (chronic, acute), severity (mild, moderate, severe), and location (body part). The term acute...

Conflict Management in the Healthcare Sector

Business leaders have been forced to investigate various change theories that can be incorporated into their companies to ensure smooth adoption of transformational strategies. This paper will address Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lippitt, and Everett Rodgers’ change theories that have been applied extensively in the healthcare industry. In addition, it is...

Miami-Dade County: Community Needs

Overview Description of the Community Miami-Dade County was established in 1836 based on the Territorial Act of the United States. It was named after Francis L. Dade, a major killed in the Second Seminole War. Currently, this is an urban community with 36 cities and several unincorporated areas. Physical Environmental...

Nurses’ Role in Change Implementation

The US healthcare system is continually evolving and, as an essential part of the system, nurses play a major role in the implementation of changes that currently take place. Nevertheless, it is valid to say that nurses are traditionally more engaged in the implementation of policies rather than their development....

Healthcare for Hindus: Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

Hinduism Healthcare professionals should be aware of the beliefs, norms, and values of their patients. This means that they should have adequate cultural competencies in order to offer exemplary and timely medical services to them. This paper provides a detailed literature review on healthcare providers and Hinduism from the Purnell...

American Nurses Association Code of Ethics

Out of the nine provisions explained in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics, the following two seem to be the most crucial: provision 1 and 2. Provision 1 states that nurses should practice “with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person”...

Health-Based and Non-Nursing Theories in Examples

Introduction The health of families and communities is one of the main priorities for nurses of different types. However, non-nursing theories may also have a significant effect on family and community behavior. This paper will show an example of a health-based theory and a non-nursing theory, their application to health...

Impacts of Long Working Hours on Nurses’ Lives

A proper healthcare system is crucial for every country and all its citizens as their health and well-being depend on the quality of hospitals and medical institutions. Unfortunately, while caring about the patients, it is usual to forget about the medical staff, and especially nurses. As there is a huge...

Nursing is in Transformation, and That’s Good for Nurses

Introduction Nursing is an essential part of the healthcare system that has significant human resources and the capacity to meet the needs of the population for affordable and acceptable health care. Nursing specialists play a crucial role in ensuring the availability and quality of medical services provided to society, strengthening...

Hand Hygiene Issues as a Nursing Practice Problem

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The identified topic is hand hygiene issues among practicing nurses at hospitals. Because hand hygiene is critical for preventing spreading infections within care environments, failure to comply may lead to adverse patient outcomes. Therefore,...

ICare Principles for Interdisciplinary Teams

Introduction In hospital settings, interdisciplinary teams (IPTs) are an alternative to single profession physician practices. Even though IPTs are associated with improved patient outcomes, satisfaction, and team collaborations, the present paper focuses on hospital settings are not introduced. The clinic can benefit from the introduction of an IPT concentrate on...

Falls Prevention in Sedated Psychiatric Patients

Abstract Patient falls are frequent in patients taking psychiatric medications, and such adverse events are associated with both physical injuries and extra treatment costs. The paper reviews current knowledge on fall reduction strategies in psychiatric populations. As the literature review suggests, strategies that are the most beneficial to psychiatric patients...

Pressure Ulcers Development and Nursing Care

Introduction The problem of pressure ulcers presents a significant challenge to health care delivery, and nurses dealing with it should have the most capacity to address it. Patients who are unable to move develop ulcers, which are areas of necrosis and ulceration that occur from the combination of pressure, moisture,...

The Epidemiology and Control of Clostridium Difficile in Hospitals

Introduction Nursing is currently in a paradoxical situation since there is an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation, but the core aspects of nursing practice are being scrutinized for utility by the economics of the health care market. Therefore, the reality of the devaluation of nursing creates a culture where physicians are...

Principles of Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is based on sharing information and fostering of actions. In terms of professional communication, the aim is to make the exchange as effective as possible. Interaction among health care specialists is vital for improving the health and wellbeing of patients. In a similar manner, nurse-patient communication can also...

Teaching Experience in Disaster Management Among Teenage Students

Summary of Teaching Plan The significance of the role that a nurse plays in disaster management (DM) is often overlooked yet is crucial to the safety and security of community members. Particularly, the promotion of safe behaviors needs to be mentioned as the primary goal of a community nurse in...

Transcultural Assessment Model by Giger and Davidhizar

Formal Paper A cultural approach to health care providers is one of the most important elements that ensure improved patient outcomes. There are various nursing theories that define culturally-competent qualities and strategies to assist patients with their needs. This paper focuses on the use of the model developed by Giger...

The Problem of Low Nurse Staffing in Hospital Settings

The focus of the capstone project will be on low staffing of nurses in hospital settings. Low nurse staffing is a critical practice issue that is prevalent in the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia. The problem is of great importance to nursing practice, as it affects...

The Concept of Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction Nursing theorists and their work have a significant impact on nurse education and clinical practice. They can be applied both in theoretical research and used practically in diverse interventions aimed at the improvement of patient care quality and patient outcomes. One of the theories most commonly employed in practice...

The Problem of Burnout in Nursing

Introduction Burnout is among the essential human resources issues in nursing. Nurses experience burnout due to high workload, poor working conditions, lack of support structures, and many other factors. However, research surrounding the issue shows that some leadership and human resources management strategies can be useful in reducing burnout. Researching...

How to Develop a Strategic Mindset: Article Summary

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a summary of the assigned article by Sherman and Cohn (2019). Additionally, the paper seeks to establish the impact of the article contents on my future practice. The systems thinking stage helps to single out the components of the issue and...

Teamwork and Conflict Management in Nursing

Uniting forces is of extreme importance in the medical field, where excessive self-reliance may lead to adverse patient outcomes. A nursing leader should accept that building team cohesion is not an easy task, and conflicts are a natural part of it. A good understanding of key factors influencing team familiarity...

Delegation in Practice of Nursing in Florida

Introduction The work of junior medical personnel requires professionalism and a responsible approach to the performance of immediate duties. At the same time, in order to differentiate the qualifications of nurses, there are specially licensed degrees that determine the range of rights and powers of employees. The activities of specialists...

Breathe: Stress Management for Nurses Program

Background Patient safety is typically viewed as the number one priority in nursing, aside from the focus on patients’ recovery. Therefore, addressing the factors that define the degree of threat to which patients are exposed in the clinical setting is especially important to discuss. Among the essential factors upon which...

Primary and Team Nursing Models in Practice

The model of nursing care The observed model of nursing practice is primary nursing that was used in the practice setting. The identification of this particular model was possible due to the observed patterns of practice the nurses utilized. Every patient was assigned a nurse practitioner who was entirely responsible...

Advanced Nursing Practice and Related Roles

Introduction With the healthcare system and governments facing many challenges such as the shortage of professionals, rising costs, and difficult access to care, it has never been more essential to have the right staff that is educated and competent to deliver quality care. Nurses in advanced practice are adequately positioned...

Pressure Ulcers as a Healthcare Project Topic

Problem The development of pressure ulcers (PU) among inpatients currently represents a major problem in the healthcare environment. Being a “soft-tissue injury caused by unrelieved pressure over a bony prominence,” PU leads to discomfort and the development of comorbid health issues in patients (Tran, McLaughlin, Li, & Phillips, 2016). Therefore,...

Analysis of A. Ahmed’s Pregnancy Counseling

Introduction Pregnant women receiving specialized advice during pregnancy may be crucial to increasing the quality of their well-being throughout the childbearing process. A study by Ahmed (2016) appraises this claim’s verity, conducting a research process aimed at evaluating “the effect of counseling intervention on women’s knowledge, practices and lifestyle of...

How Research Impacts Nursing Practice

The role of nurses continues to evolve to meet the arising patient needs and deliver quality and timely care. Consequently, nursing research is required for nurses to acquire best care practices, improve patient outcomes, and respond to changes in practice. Additionally, nurses should understand the basic principles of research because...

Family Health Assessment and Conversations

A family health assessment is an important step in the development of medical worker-patient relationships, which promotes the possibility to obtain enough information about health promotion and disease prevention. Communication is a good method to discover more about family values, personal feelings, and overall reflection (Persson & Benzein, 2014). In...

Conflict Resolution: The Nursing Context

In the healthcare setting, conflict resolution is necessary to consider as confrontational situations occur on a regular basis. Strategies necessary for addressing conflicts between nursing practitioners or professionals of any other specialization imply the application of different approaches to communication management. In this paper, the Twelve-Skill Summary will be applied...

The Future of Nursing

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report that set goals for changing the nursing workforce. The main focus of this document was on education that can serve as both a foundation for practice and its improvement tool (Pittman, Bass, Hargraves, Herrera, & Thompson, 2015). Currently, each nurse...

The Role of Professional Nursing Organizations

Professional nursing organizations play a pivotal role in maintaining the high quality of services that patients in various settings receive. Apart from protecting the interests of nurses, such associations provide them with numerous opportunities for further training and access to new knowledge peculiar to the field. Using the example of...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

The advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) consensus model is a model that presents regulations and recommendations for accreditation, licensure, education, and certification across America. Its purpose is to support Aprn’s ability to provide high-quality care to the full extent of their skills. This report reflects on the model, its applications,...

Paranormal Phenomena in Nursing

Introduction There are many attitudes towards healing and approaches to be applied in nursing practice. Martha Rogers is one of the theorists known for her futuristic views about nursing and the intention to conceptualize the interaction between a person and the environment (Smith, 2018). Her theory of Emergence of Paranormal...

Impact of Inadequate Nurse Staffing on Patients’ Health Risks

Patients’ Health Risks Poor patient outcomes can be a result of not only errors in diagnosis or the carelessness of doctors. In today’s rapidly-paced society, healthcare professionals are required to perform multiple tasks and manage several patients at the same time. This ultimately leads to burnouts and the turnover of...

The Turnover of Nurses

Introduction Retention of qualified nurses has become a vital issue in modern healthcare as more than one in five young professionals leave the profession. The turnover rate is having an impactful effect on the state of healthcare systems and quality of care for patients as it is both costly and...

The Concept of Conscious Sedation

Introduction Conscious sedation refers to the process of administering a sedative and anesthetic to a patient during a medical procedure in order to help them relax, relieve anxiety, and block pain (Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2015). During the process, the patient is conscious of the happenings, cannot speak, and maintains...

Nursing: Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being

Nurse practitioners (NPs) can identify different theories and apply them in their respective units to deliver high-quality care. This nursing critique paper analyses Martha Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being. It begins by presenting the theory’s meaning. The next parts examine the model’s origin, usefulness, and testability. The last...

Nursing Ratios and Nosomial Infections: Literature Review

Introduction The issue of nurse understaffing is a major problem in many healthcare facilities in the country and around the world. This problem is detrimental as it affects the quality of care that nurses can offer, especially when they are tired due to excess workload. A correlation has been established...

Team Nursing Care Delivery Model, Its Pros and Cons

Nursing Care Delivery Model One of the main tasks of nursing teams’ leaders is to provide consistently high-quality patient care. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to adhere to a specific work strategy so that the level of medical services delivery could be sufficiently high. As a...

Jean Watson as a Nursing Theorist

In the history of nursing theory, there have been many prominent persons whose ideas are still relevant today. Among the most famous approaches there are the ones created by Callista Roy, Florence Nightingale, Dorothea Orem, and others. The scholarly works of these professionals allowed many healthcare workers of the past...

Nurses’ Compliance with Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Oncology nurses often handle medications and devices that can be harmful to one’s health. Thus, they should adhere to specific guidelines in order to protect themselves. Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) analyze nurses’ compliance with the safe-handling practices outlined by the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)....

Nurse Practice Act Changes in Florida

Introduction Regarding the important changes in the Nurse Practice Act of the Florida state, it possible to mention that the most recent event is the change in the advanced practice licensure. The post with this news was published on the Florida Board of Nursing website on October 4, 2018. It...

Advanced Nursing Practice and Theoretical Frameworks

Role incongruity occurs when expectations are not aligned with the requirements of the learning curve to adapt to the new environment. This can be compared to the Nursing Process Theory developed by Ida Jean Orland. Although the theory is aimed towards patient interactions, its dimensions are applicable to the general...

Self-Care Deficit Theory and Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Developing personal nursing philosophy is an essential step towards understanding the goals, processes, and perceptions leading to proper patient care. The factors that affect the development of a personal nursing philosophy are intrinsic beliefs, experiences with patients, their families, and other medical professionals, and nursing education (MAS Medical Staffing,...

Master’s Education Essentials for Nursing in the US

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing created by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing represents a proposal for quality educational intervention. The essentials are the nine skills and knowledge basics that each student who completes the master’s program should possess. The implementation of such innovation should improve...

Self-Care Education for Myocardial Infarction Patients

Introduction Lesson Title: Self-care education for older adults with myocardial infarction. Identification and Description of the Learners The learners for this lesson project are older adults who experienced myocardial infarction and are prepared for discharge from the hospital. Older adults with conditions such as myocardial infarction make vulnerable populations because...

Congestive Heart Failure and Nursing Care

Introduction Heart failure, particularly congestive heart failure, is considered by numerous researchers to be one of the most prevalent problems in the current healthcare system (Black et al., 2014). One of the most prominent issues in this area of concern is that a considerably high level of readmission rates among...

Jean Watson’s Nursing Theory of Human Caring

There are many nursing theories, some of which are more popular than others. Such famous nursing theorists as Dorothea Orem, Callista Roy, Imogene King, Florence Nightingale, Betty Newman, Jean Watson, and others have made a considerable contribution to the development of the nursing profession. The works of these specialists help...

Motivational Interviewing in Obesity Reduction: Statistical Analysis

The main aim of the given research is to determine the effect the methods like motivational interviews and specific web tools will have on people suffering from different degrees of obesity and how these could be used to improve their quality of health. To attain the increased credibility of the...

Visual Loss: Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Visual loss is a challenging condition associated with numerous complications. In addition to evident sensory perception deterioration, it creates significant emotional and psychological effects. The following paper presents two nursing diagnoses for a patient with a sudden loss of vision accompanied by respective teaching and nursing care plans. First...

Advanced Practice Role in Nursing

This essay is aimed to consider the functions which nurses have in their advanced practice. The paper is going to touch on a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, a nurse informatics specialist, and a nurse administrator. Besides, the functions are going to be compared and contrasted. A nursing practitioner should...

“Nursing Malpractice” Article by E. Croke

Although much attention is given to educating nurses “on the law and their professional responsibilities”, nursing malpractice is still a burden of contemporary healthcare (Croke, 2006, p. 3). The major aspects that cause problems leading to cases of malpractice include duty, breach of duty, foreseeability, causation, injury, and damages. In...

Transcultural Nursing: Interview with a Russian Patient

The interviewee: profession or career, culture of origin The interviewee that agreed to participate in my course project is a migrant worker of Russian descent. For the sake of anonymity, I shall refer to the interviewee by his first and last name initials, which are A.D. He is a 36-year...

Malnutrition in Patients: Causes and Stakeholders

Nursing Issue Malnutrition in patients occurs when nurses ignore patient needs, or healthcare facilities face a financial burden. Even though this issue is not typical for all hospital settings, it has a crucial influence on people’s well-being. Many patients face the impeded recovery, the effectiveness of their treatment reduces, and...

Professional Nursing Education and Barriers to It

Contrary to classroom learning, clinical education in nursing happens in an elaborate medical learning setup that is swayed by numerous aspects. The setting offers a chance for many nursing learners to gain knowledge experimentally while changing theoretical facts to a range of psychological, psychomotor, and mental proficiencies that are crucial...

Hypertension: Evidence-Based Practice Change

Abstract This evidence-based project discusses the treatment of uncontrolled hypertension in African American who are about 18-35 years old because this population is believed to be the most vulnerable considering high blood pressure complications, such as cardiovascular disease and strokes. Two groups of patients will be gathered. The first one...

Pressure Ulcers as a Patient Safety Issue

Introduction Individuals with poor mobility are at high risk of having pressure ulcers (PUs) that are defined as “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in combination with shear” (Lyder, & Ayello, 2008). My proposal focuses on...

Introduction and Policy Involvement in Nursing

Involvement in policy creation can be crucial, as it can affect an individual’s work conditions and specific practices. My name is FirstName Last Name, and as an advanced practice nurse, I understand the importance of being involved in politics. More specifically, in my work, I try to analyze specific policies...

Nursing Informatics: The Use of Telehealth Technologies

The impact of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment denial on the provision of healthcare services can be discussed from two perspectives. On the one hand, the quality of care can be affected if the payment for required services is denied because they can belong to the...

Florence Nightingale and Her Role in the Enhancement of Nursing Services

Influence of Nightingale’s Legacy Florence Nightingale played a critical role in the enhancement of the nursing services. She helped to identify social and environmental health determinants that influence human health. Nightingale’s contribution to the nursing field led to the formation of a grassroots-to-global movement that aimed at creating public awareness...

Nursing Informatics and Its Influence on Leadership

This course has equipped me with valuable knowledge concerning leadership in the diverse society with a focus on the healthcare setting. I understand various peculiarities of and issues, as well as opportunities, associated with emotional intelligence, conflict management, time management. Importantly, I learned more about myself as I learned about...

Property Value and Human Health Outcomes Correlation

Background of the Research Topic Residential property values are assumed to be a reliable indicator of socioeconomic status because it is among the most prized and valuable assets for many people. According to Coffee et al. (2013), the property value is a reliable wealth indicator that could help researchers understand...

Nursing Philosophy and Conceptual Framework

Introduction A visual representation of the concepts that guide a nurse’s practice is important to understand a person’s conceptual framework. The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model developed with reference to the personal philosophy of nursing. The synopsis that explains the components of the model is...

Continuing Competence in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a sphere that requires both professional knowledge concerning the right way to conduct necessary medical manipulations and the knowledge of psychology that helps nursing professionals to understand the needs of their patients and address possible communication problems before they occur. Nowadays, there is a range of nursing theories...

Conflict Resolution for Nurses and Other Providers

Introduction This paper discusses an argument between a nurse and a physician that appeared because of the patient’s desire to be assessed by the caregiver. It suggests the possible way of its elimination according to the Twelve Skills of conflict resolution. The paper reflects on the actions the involved parties...

Nursing: Safety for a Heart Failure Patient

This case study about patient safety presents clinical indicators, team interactions, and safety concepts for a heart failure patient. A Background for a Clinical Care Scenario A 65-year-old man presents to the emergency department with difficulty in breathing due to heart failure. During the assessment phase, the nurse gathered both...

Health Information Exchange, Its Role and Importance for the Healthcare Sector

Identify the principle barriers to health information exchange. What impact do these barriers have on health information exchange? The use of technologies to facilitate health information exchange and improve results is considered the future of the healthcare sector. Unfortunately, several principle barriers might deteriorate the results of the process and...

Nursing Teaching Exemplar: Risk Assessment

Introduction In the treatment process, it is important not only to provide a correct diagnosis and to organize treatment. A significant step in the treatment process is to assess the possible risks that a patient can face. Risk assessment is one of the patient safety components together with reporting, safety...

The Evolving Role of Family Nurse Practitioners

The healthcare sector in the United States and other countries of the world is significantly affected by factors such as demographics, legislation, scientific advancement, and development goals. These changes affect the role of nurse practitioners, including Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP), causing shifts in the job market. For instance, various reports...

Referral Reasons for Dietary Nutrition Assessment

What Are Some Initial Areas for Concern? The primary things to worry about are the patient’s body weight and a request for pills. The problem with concentration is most likely associated with these issues. Medical considerations involve anemia, thyroid disease, vitamin deficiency, and substance abuse. It is necessary to calculate...

Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence and Deficit

Benner’s stages of clinical competence can be considered a fairly efficient tool for determining one’s current stage of development. Furthermore, the framework may serve as a means of encouraging one to engage in further professional growth. Out of the five stages, I believe that I am currently at the Proficient...

Nurse Practitioner Role’s Historical Development

Introduction The evolution of the nurse practitioner role can be traced back to the 1960s. Widespread specialization in the field of medicine resulted in a shortage of primary care physicians, which led to a crisis in the provision of primary care. As a result, physicians started hiring registered nurses to...

Implementation of Cycled Lighting in Intensive Care Units

The Strength of Presented Evidence The articles analyzed in the previous paper examined the influence of cycled lighting on the health outcomes of patients’ treatment in intensive care units (ICUs). Hospital conditions, especially in ICUs, could impact patients’ recovery due to experienced sleep disturbance and disrupted circadian rhythm. Changing lighting...

Ethics and Leadership’s Lacking in Health Care

Abstract The proposed leadership theory assists in making sure that followers gain leadership skills, and they become empowered. They can take on important leadership roles, which allow institutions to become supportive of leaders when they are making ethical decisions that have repercussions on health care stakeholders. The proposed solution comes...

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield: Balanced Scorecard Analysis

Executive Summary The initial strategy developed for Blue Shield contained the four primary objectives that required improvements. The feedback, provided by peers and colleagues highlighted some essential parts of the plan that need adjustments. Firstly, it was advised to define more accurately the scope of technological development that the company...

Continuous Quality Improvement Strategies in Healthcare

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in healthcare refers to a structured quality management process that necessitates the active involvement of personnel in both planning and execution of policies aimed at the improvement of experience and outcomes of care (Sollecito, & Johnson, 2011). The existence of the quality chasm in healthcare calls...

Hypertension: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Data Analysis Health History The patient presents with high blood pressure. He complains that current medication does not improve his condition. He wants a new medicine. He has no other health concerns. Client’s strengths The client is aware of the importance of healthy living. He exercises every day in...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Development

Introduction The development of a personal philosophy of nursing is important for each nurse to determine what values and attitudes provide the background for a nurse’s professional actions and choices (Masters, 2015). Those nurses who work in different healthcare facilities usually follow not only standard nursing principles but also their...

High-Reliability Healthcare Organization’s Traits

Introduction In general, a high reliability organization is that with all its systems working at maximum efficiency thereby achieving their goals and minimizing potentially fatal mistakes. However, in order to improve the reliability of an institution, it is necessary to follow certain techniques that focus on the development of organizational...

Healthcare Financing: Equipment Replace Proposal

Introduction The largest hospital in a provincial municipality requires a new CT scanner since the old one is outdated and continues to experience technical malfunctions. A competent proposal to the executive board for the new equipment has to take a multi-step approach of presenting benefits from the perspective of finances,...

Lexicomp Online: Medication Descriptions Website

In the epoch of the Internet, prescribers have access to multiple sources of information about medications that can assist them in making the safest and most effective decisions for patients’ needs. For the resource to be trustworthy and facilitate a problem-solving process, it needs to be comprehensive, concise, and up...

Leininger’s Theory in Undergraduate Nursing Studies

Introduction The nursing theory provides nurses with the necessary frameworks that allow them to provide high-quality healthcare services. These theories address various aspects of contemporary nursing (Alligood, 2014). For instance, they equip nursing professionals with approaches to the provision of health services associated with particular clinical procedures, psychological support, social...

Sleep Apnea and Nursing Management

Introduction The article discusses obstructive sleep apnea, a chronic disorder characterized by the obstruction of the upper airways resulting in sleep disruption that could lead to fatigue during the day and the required management. This paper will seek to review the article and evaluate its application to professional nursing practice....

Nursing Care Models

In different medical facilities, nurses’ work, cooperation, connections to other members of the medical staff and employees, and their role in providing care may be organized and understood differently. The system that incorporates various aspects of nurses’ work and various concepts about their role is called a nursing care model....

The Nurses Role in Strategic Management

From an interdisciplinary perspective, researchers have drawn contrasts between nursing and strategic planning (Carney, 2009). However, there is little evidence explaining the role of nurses in strategic management. Based on the failure to understand the interplay between nursing and strategic planning, this paper highlights the major areas of similarity and...

Nursing: Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration

Collaboration is an evidence-based practice that nurse practitioners (NP) can consider to provide high-quality services to their patients. This initiative guides professionals in the health sector to identify the unique needs of different individuals and offer personalized services. This paper presents ideas and insights that support the importance of interprofessional...

Headache Diagnostics and Treatment

Case Summary A 35-year old female patient reported to the nursing office, complaining about “bad headaches,” which have been present for the past two years, right after the birth of her first child. The headaches interrupt the patient’s sleeping patterns and cause enough pain to make the patient cease all...

Orem’s Nursing Model: Self-Care Deficit Theory

Introduction Nursing models involve special approaches to work that differ from one another by the target audience, the nature of the interventions, the technologies used and other aspects of the activity. As the concept for analysis, the Orem’s model of nursing will be considered. Its second name is The Self-Care...

Self-Care Health Promotion Plan

Health promotion is one of the key elements of nursing care that necessitates the identification of illness prevention opportunities during the course of care provision (Miller, 2013). The development health promotion programs by nurses can substantially improve the ability of patients to manage their conditions, thereby reducing the financial burden...

People With Disabilities: Health-Care Disparities

Introduction Individuals with developmental disabilities, including intellectual ones, usually experience more health-related issues than people without such disabilities. This phenomenon associated with being at risk of developing more medical problems in comparison to the general population is known as a health disparity (Krahn & Fox, 2014). However, the problem is...

Reactive Oxygen Species and Cancer Cells Relationship

Introduction The study research problem focuses on the relationship between reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by oxidative stress and cancer cells. Reviewing the premises of stress, Sosa et al. (2013) reflect on several ways of ROS resistance, involving the glycolytic pathway into the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) along with the...